Activated Click Items.... and there are lots of them!
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Only thing that needs to be to just click it, click it real good! -- Bonzz
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The Outer Brood expansion introduced the 'Activated Items' Key Ring.
Activated items are more commonly known as 'Click' Items or 'Clickies,' because you click them to activate them.
This page is to outline the items that you can place on your Activated Items Key Ring. In fact, this list may give you ideas of click items you may want to pursue and acquire! Or, you may even have some activated click items that you haven't been using and might change your mind and start using them!
There are a literally a boatload of 'Activated Items' and this key ring can clear up a lot of inventory space for you!
Even better, 'Activated Items' can be placed on the Key Ring as is... no need to remove any Augmentations or Ornaments!
The Key Ring can hold a maximum of 500 Activated Items. In order to get to the maximum 500 Slots on your Activated Key Ring, you will need to buy slots in the Marketplace.
Activated Items Listings Miscellaneous Notes Passive AA Items What CAN Go On The Activated Items Key Ring Item
What Can NOT Go On The Activated Items Key Ring Item Prioritizing Key Ring Items
Since there are literally so many items will go on the Activated Items Key Ring, I suggest a level prioritizing what items you add to the Key Ring, or not... to help put the most 'useful' items on the Key Ring while freeing up inventory space.
Here are some considerations / suggestions to keep in mind:
The 'click' items that CAN go on the Activated Key Ring, may or may not include...
'Click' Items that can NOT go on your Activated Key Ring, may or may not include...
Certain gear slot items very often have an 'Activated' effect that is also a Passive AA (Alternative Advancement).
While not all 'Item' AA Passive buffs get upgraded as a 'standard' of practice, most generally follow the same activated / click line with each progressive upgrade (Group /Raid Tiers, every 5-Levels and / or every Expansion). However, following that same activated / click line is not always 100% the case... particularly with older gear, gear that has class variations (like a waist. ear and ring items) and / or gear for which you can equip two (2) of (i.e. Rings and Earrings).
When 'Passive' or 'Item' AA's are mentioned, it means the progressive click on the item awards and / or or upgrades a related line of AA's that make the buff permanent. Clicking the item will place a 'Shadow' buff Icon on your buff bar. The 'Shadow' buff can be clicked off, as the 'Shadow' buff, itself, provides no benefit whatsoever (the benefit is from the AA). However, as a side note, Shadow Buffs can be beneficial when going up against dispelling MoB's.
In short, click the item once to add or update the AA... and you are done. No need to click it again.
The name of the Passive / Item AA's can have variant names at lower levels vs. higher levels. At higher levels they normally adopt a more consistent and progressive naming / numbered system. As a result, the name of same Passive / Item AA lines can and do vary from one Level to the next level.
These AA lines include (listed by the top level name of the AA):
ACTIVATED CLICK EFFECT TYPES: Activated Click Effects can provide a wide variety of benefits and services (minor to considerable, short term or longer lasting), to include:
ACTIVATED CLICK EFFECT VARIANCES: Sometimes it is hard to tell how one activated click effect is actually different from another, especially if they share the same name. Sometimes they may be completely different effects that simply have the same name reference. They and also be the 'same' effect but are a progressive variant of the same effect. If you look more closely, the subtle variance can lie in percentages, damage, duration, level restrictions, cast times, re-cast times and similar. Such progressive effects are noted below as a 'Variant.'
BASE LEVEL INFORMATION: Any numbers listed below (such as for Direct Damage, Heal Amounts, Duration, Cast Times and so forth) are for the base amounts of the activated click effect. The amount can be increased or decreased via AA's, Curses, Focus Effects and so forth.
BETTER WITH LEVELS / VARIANT GEAR: There are activated click effects that grant better buffs / effects as you Level Up and / or from higher level / variant Gear. If I mention 'Up To,' then this is potentially one of those items
CLASS LIMITATIONS: Some items are limited to certain classes. Normally, this means the item can only be used by the noted class (exceptions may exist).
CONVERTIBLE ITEMS: Items with a 'Convert' button in the item window, are NOT clickies. These are items that simply transform from one item into another variant item (or result in a Claim window). While there are 'convertible' items that have actual click effects... and can also be converted into a variant item with that also has a click effect (i.e. Aureate Dragon Ring / Empowered Aureate Dragon Ring), they can normally be placed on another variant Key Ring. They just will NOT go on the Activated items Key Ring.
EFFECT VS. SPELL: Some effects are actual Player Class Spells. However, as click effect, Players from other Classes are able to utilize the same spell. If you are of a class that is all ready able to cast the actual spell, all the better! It saves you from needing or using a spell gem!
EPICS: Most Epics have an activated click effect, but not all of them. Epics are class restrictive and are all listed below.
FABLED VS. NON-FABLED: When it comes to Fabled and Non-Fabled items, the Fabled items can only drop from Fabled MoB's. However, the non-Fabled items have been known to also drop from the Fabled MoB's in addition to the regular non-Fabled MoB's. In most every case, the activated / click effect is normally the same on either item.
FOCUS VS. ACTIVATED: Focus Effects are effects that only apply if you have the item equipped. It is not an effect that can be clicked to activate. However, this does not mean the same item can not have an Activated Click Effect!
ITEM 'PASSIVE' AA VS. PERMANENT BUFF: An Activated Click 'Passive Item AA' is one that will award... or update... a line of Permanent AA's (see above). These items only need to be clicked once and you forever have the benefit they provide. The 'Shadow Buff' that appears on your Buff Bar has no benefit whatsoever (you can safely click it off). There are also Activated Click Items that provide 'Permanent' buffs. These buffs remain active so long as the Buff Icon appears on your Buff Bar and is not dispelled, overwritten, clicked off on purpose or otherwise removed somehow (such as from death).
ITEM SOURCES -- LINKS, NOT SPECIFICS: Activated Click Items can be acquired via quests; as loot drops; crafted; the Marketplace; from specialty vendors; and so forth. I do not list the 'source' details for the items listed below. There are just way too many to do that... plus it would clutter this page up even more than it is all ready! However, I have made an effort to add links to items that will take you to a one of my other pages that... at a minimum... will give you good idea of where / how to acquire the linked item.
ITEMS WITH THE SAME CLICK EFFECT: Items that have the exact same click effect are grouped (listed) together. For this reason, you may want to use CONTRL-F to search this page for specific items, rather than for click effects... or just visually browse / scroll through the listings.
LEVEL LIMITATIONS: Some activated click effects have a maximum and / or minimum Character Level limitations. In either case, the activated click effect will not work (take hold / land) at lower Character Levels... or have a progressively diminishing effect after a certain Higher Character Levels. I do NOT indicate such Low / High Character Level Limitations below. Just be aware that this is often the case when it comes to Spell restrictions.
LEVEL REQUIREMENTS: Level Requirements are noted below are based on the Required and / or Recommended Levels of the Item, the related task / quest / mission and other data... rather than the spell, itself.
LIVE SERVERS ONLY: Items on this list, as best as I could tell, do NOT include items that drop on non-Live servers (TLP, etc.). Only items that you can (or once could) acquire on Live Servers are included.
NIMBUS ITEMS: Nimbus Items are NOT included below. They are listed and outlined on a separate page (here). However, they WILL go on your Activated Key Ring!
NO NEED TO EQUIP: Activated Items can be used without equipping them or taking them out of the Activated Items Key Ring. This can be accomplished by way of making an on-screen Hot Button... or via the /useitem command.
PROC VS. ACTIVATED: With some items, particularly weapons, it is a little tricky to tell if the effect is a Proc (process) that happens on it's own when in combat, or if it is an activated effect (you have to activate or click it, it is not an automatic random effect).
SAME NAME - NOT THE SAME EFFECT OR ITEM: There are some activated click effects that have the same name as other activated click effects. However, the actual effect is not the same. There are also items that have identical names. These items can sometimes have the same activated click effect... and sometimes not. If they have the same click effect, I list them only once... under the related activated click effect. If they have different activated click effects, then I list them under them under both related activated click effects.
SELF VS. GROUP VS. TARGET: Most activated click effects are 'self' effects (they automatically land your Character, not others). However, some will land on your entire Group or on your Target (NPC or PC). With the latter, I have made effort to mention if the are group related or target related.
SINGULAR PURPOSE ITEMS (QUEST, TASK & MISSION ITEMS): While there are some singular purpose Quest / Task / Mission related items that may potentially go on your Activated Items Key Ring, I have made an effort to NOT include such items below (they have no purpose outside their singular purpose). Example, the 'Repaired Keys' for the Tides of Time missions are clicked to acquire the 'Oasis' missions. However, they are also (later) turned in, via a task, to a clockwork artificer and they are not returned (you get flagged to simply talk to a clockwork artificer and chose which mission you want to do).
SHARED TIMERS: Be aware that many items can be on the same timer as other items. This means that using any one (1) such item will cause all of the other items to also 'time-out' until the re-use timer has run it's course. End result, you can only use one (1) of them at a time and then you will have to wait on the timer before you can use any one (1) of them again.
SPELL CAST INFO: Cast Time, Re-Use Timers and similar... are as best as I could determine... for the base info (before modifiers from gear, AA's, etc.). The times listed are derived form the shortest timer across the items that the activated click effect can be found on (some items can vary significantly for the same click effect).
TRIGGERED EFFECTS: There are some effects that are 'triggered' in some way, by other effects... such as on a timer (one effect runs it course and the next 'companion' effect then gets triggered). Or, clicking an item can 'trigger' any one of a number of other 'random' activated click effects. For the most part triggered effects are NOT listed below, but what the trigger does is included in the 'activated effect' information. So, in short, the secondary activated click effects are not listed as a stand alone activated click effect, but are noted, in some way (even if not named). So, if I mention random, progressive, timed or triggered... it is likely the activated click effect can or does trigger other effects.
VACANT / SKIPPED OVER ACTIVATED CLICK EFFECTS: There are some sequential Activated Click Effects (to include the Passive AA's) that seem to clearly exist within the game, however, the Activated Click Effect is not attached to any item in the game. Thus, if you see some sequential Activated Click Effects that seem to be missing a step / progression.,.. this is why.
VARIANT ACTIVATED CLICK EFFECTS: There are activated click effects that go by the same name and are, in fact, part of the same line. These 'variant' activated click effects are listed separately with a notation as to their 'variant' level (i.e. 'Variant 3'). The difference is based on what item the activated click effect is on (by Tier, Group vs. Raid or by Expansion the item is from).
The below list is by no means all-inclusive... but... I will add more effects (and /or items) as I come across them or when I am advised of them.
>>> JUMP LINKS <<<
Terminology: 1HB = One Hand Blunt; 1HS = One Hand Slash; 2HB = Two Hand Blunt; 2HP = Two Hand Pierce; 2HS = 2-Hand Slash; AA = Alternate Advancement; AoE = Area of Effect; BER = Berserker; BST = Beastlord; CLR - Cleric; DD = Direct Damage; DoT = Damage Over Time; DRU = Druid; DS = Damage Shield; ENC = Enchanter; HoT = Heal Over Time; HP = Hot Points; MAG = Magician; MEZ or MEZZES = Mesmerize; MNK = Monk; NEC = Necromancer; PAL = Paladin; Proc = Process; REGEN - Regeneration; RNG = Ranger; ROG = Rogue; SK or SHD = Shadow Knight; SHM = Shaman; STR = Strength; WAR = Warrior; WIZ = Wizard.
!!! LET ME KNOW !!!: Not all of the below listed items are verified as going on the Activated Items Key Ring (as I don't have all of them to test it). However, based on the 'rules' of what will go on this Key Ring, all the below items 'should' go on your Activated Items Key Ring. If you discover different, please let me know!
ITEM(S) (Not all can be used by all Classes) |
MISC. NOTES (Info) |
Abolishing Mist (Dispel) (MNK) |
Mist-Blessed Leather Tunic | Dispels your target of a beneficial magical spell (buff). |
Re-Cast: 30-Seconds. Range: 250. Lowest Level Required: 71. |
Absorbing Agent (Curse) (ROG) |
+1% Spell Damage to your Target for up to 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 60-Seconds. AoE Range: 50. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Abundant Food (Summon) (CLR) |
Conjurers up temporary 'Summoned: Black Bread' (food item). |
Cast: 10-Seconds. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: N / A. |
(Summon) |
(With use of Persona's, you can utilize these items with Classes other than a Magician). |
It can randomly summon any one of the following non-Temporary (and mostly tradable) items:
(Variations lie in the percentage chances to summon any of the above.) |
Cast: 10-Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 111. |
Academic's Intellect (Spell Haste) (WIZ) |
Academic's Robe of the Arcanists | Reduces Spell Cast time by 25% for up to 42-Seconds, for spells that have 3+ Second cast times. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Acolyte's Docility (Hate Reduction) (CLR) |
Up to -50% Hate from Spells & Bash, for your next 2-Spell casts and / or Bash attacks, within 42-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Activate Expediator (Variant 1) (In-Zone Relocation) |
Guardian Expediator Mark I | When inside the Mechamatic Guardian zone, this will transport you to the 2nd Level. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Required Level: 75. |
Activate Expediator (Variant 2) (In-Zone Relocation) |
Guardian Expediator Mark II | When inside the Mechamatic Guardian zone, this will transport you to the 3rd Level. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Required Level: 75. |
Activate Expediator (Variant 3) (In-Zone Relocation) |
Guardian Expediator Mark III | When inside the Mechamatic Guardian zone, this will transport you to the 4th Level. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Required Level: 75. |
Activate Expediator (Variant 4) (In-Zone Relocation) |
Guardian Expediator Mark IV | When inside the Mechamatic Guardian zone, this will transport you to the 5th Level. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Required Level: 75. |
Activate the Device (Variant 1) (Alter NPC) |
Convoluted Assistant Appearance Augmentater | This item allows Players to change the 'appearance' of Guild Hall NPC's. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 12-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: N / A. |
(Variant 2) (Random Prize) |
Pizmip's Prize Purveyor | It can randomly award varying amounts of coin (reportedly as much as 1,352 Platinum). |
Cast: 1.3 Seconds. Re-Cast: 2-Hours & 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: N / A. |
Activating Machine (Random) |
Ethernere Machine |
Has a chance to do any one of the following:
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 16-Minutes 7 40-Seconds. Range: 10. Level Required: N / A. |
Acumen (Buff) |
Sigil Earring of Veracity | See Invisible, Ultravision (night vision) and increased Stamina Regeneration for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Level Required: N / A. |
Aegis of Abstraction (Rune & Aggro Reduction) (ENC) |
Staff of Eternal Eloquence | 1,800 Rune with -900 Hate. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 3-Minutess. Level Required: 70. |
Aeolian Arpeggio (Variant 1) (Root & Group Buff) (BRD) |
Root with group buff for up to +446 Spell Damage & +68 Damage Bonus. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Required Level: 85. |
Aeolian Arpeggio (Variant 2) (Root & Group Buff) (BRD) |
Root with group buff for up to +446 Spell Damage & +68 Damage Bonus. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Required Level: 80. |
Aeolian Arpeggio (Variant 3) (Root & Group Buff) (BRD) |
Suppressed Etheric Loremaster Breastplate | Root with group buff for up to +2,755 Spell Damage & +490 Damage Bonus. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Required Level: 100. |
Aeolian Arpeggio (Variant 4) (Root & Group Buff) (BRD) |
Deepfathom Loremaster Breastplate | Root with group buff for up to+3,673 Spell Damage & +653 Damage Bonus. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Required Level: 100. |
Alliance (Faction) |
Increases your Faction by +100 with your NPC target (does not work with NPC's that are non-aggro). |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 30. |
Ancestral Memories I (Passive AA Buff) |
+12% Overhaste & +12 Hit Point Regeneration. Level 5 of 'Item: Ancient Flames' permanent Passive AA (see below). |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Level Required: 75. |
Ancestral Memories II (Passive AA Buff) |
+14% Overhaste & +14 Hit Point Regeneration. Level 6 of 'Item: Ancient Flames' permanent Passive AA (see below). |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Level Required: 80. |
Ancestral Memories III (Passive AA Buff) |
Level 7 of 'Item: Ancient Flames' permanent Passive AA (see below). |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Required Level: 85. |
Ancient Faycite Resonance Barrier (Buff) |
Ancient Faycite Bone Circum | Up to +50 Resists; +400 Mana / Endurance; +700 HP; +15% Spell Damage Mitigation (3K max); +7% Melee Damage mitigation (3K Max); +500 Spell Damage Shield; & +120 Damage Shield. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Level Required: N / A. |
(Passive AA Buff) |
+17% Overhaste & +18 Hit Point Regeneration. Level 8 of the 'Item: Ancient Flames' permanent Passive AA. Any 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Level Required: 90. |
(Passive AA Buff) |
+10% Overhaste & +10 Hit Point Regeneration. Level 4 of 'Item: Ancient Flames' permanent Passive AA. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Level Required: 70. |
Anger (DD & Hate) (WAR) |
Bladed Fang Mantle | Stun, 100 DD & +650 Hate. |
Cast: 1-Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Range: 200. Level Required: 70. |
Annul Magic (Dispel) |
Dispells two (2) magical enchantments from your target. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Seconds. Level Required: N / A. |
Armor of Magma (DS & Resist) |
Red Dragonscale Armor | +24 Damage Shield & +45 Fire Resist for up to 15-Minutes. |
Cast: 2.6 Seconds. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Level Required: 85. |
Arpeggio Empowerment (Group Buff) (BRD) |
Rhodium Mythkeeper Breastplate | Root with group buff for up to +316 Spell Damage & +49 Damage Bonus. |
Cast: instant. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Assassin's Blood (DD) (ROG) |
Dragonshade Mask | 150 Direct Damage; -150 Hate; & -60 Dexterity. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 2-Minutes. Range: 200. Level Required: 70. |
Assassin's Feint (Buff) (ROG) |
Can mesmerize your target for up to 6-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 2.5 Minutes. Range: 40. Level Required: 65. |
Assassin's Taint (Buff) (ROG) |
Fatestealer |
Triple Backstab & Assassin's Taint Proc (+7% Damage to Target for 18-Seconds) for up to 1-Minute. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 6-Minutes. Range: 100. Level Required: 65. |
Attuned Channeling (Buff) (ENC) |
Thought-Attuned Silk Robe | -1% Spell Resist Rate for Spells, for up to 42-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 71. |
Aura of Battle (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +2HP per tic (max 2) and +10 Attack. Adds 'Item: Aura of Battle' permanent Passive AA. |
Cast: Instant. Level Required: N / A. |
Aura of Eternity (Passive AA Buff) |
+5 Mana & HP (max 5) Regen. Level 2 of 'Item: Soothing Breath' permanent Passive AA. |
Cast: 3.5 Seconds. Level Required: 65. |
Aura of Pure Arcanum (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +50 All Resists, except Corruption. Adds to or Updates the 'Form of Protection' permanent Passive AA. The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: Instant. Level Required: N / A. |
Aura of Rage (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +25 Attack. It will add or update the 'Passive' AA, 'Item: Aura of Rage,' when clicked. Adds to or Updates the 'Item: Aura of Rage' permanent Passive AA. The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 3-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 30. |
Aura of Taelosia (Passive AA Buff) |
+7 Mana & HP (max 7) Regen. Level 3 of 'Item: Soothing Breath' permanent Passive AA. |
Cast: 2.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 65. |
Axiom Aphesis (Mana Reduction) (WIZ) |
Decreases Spell Mana Cost by 100% for up to two (2) Spells Level 75 to Level 85 that are cast within 1-Minute. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Axiom Negation (Mana Reduction) (WIZ) |
Decreases Spell Mana Cost by 100% for up to two (2) Level 70 to Level 80 Spells that are cast within 1-Minute. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Axiom Nullification (Mana Reduction) (WIZ) |
Decreases Spell Mana Cost by 100% for up to two (2) Spells Level 75 to Level 85 that are cast within 1-Minute. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Axiom Omission (Mana Reduction) (WIZ) |
Prismatic Robe of the Burning Wind | Decreases Spell Mana Cost by 100% for up to two (2) Spells Level 70 to Level 80 that are cast within 1-Minute. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
ITEM(S) (Not all can be used by all Classes) |
MISC. NOTES (Info) |
(Variant 1) (Proc) (SK) |
1,800 DD Proc for up to 2-Minutes or 10 Strikes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Baleful Rapacity (Variant 2) (Proc) (SK) |
2,925 DD Proc for up to 2-Minutes or 10 Strikes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 90. |
Baleful Rapacity (Variant 3) (Proc) (SK) |
2,925 DD Proc for up to 2-Minutes or 15-Strikes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 98. |
Baleful Rapacity (Variant 4) (Lich Proc) (SK) |
3,900 DD Proc for up to 2-Minutes or 15 Strikes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Baleful Rapacity (Variant 5) (Lich Proc) (SK) |
Latent Etheric Breastplate of the Revenant | 5,400 DD Proc with 60% returned as a Heal for up to 2-Minutes or 15 Strikes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Baleful Rapacity (Variant 6) (Lich Proc) (SK) |
Suppressed Etheric Soulrender Breastplate | 7,200 DD Proc with 60% returned as a Heal for up to 2-Minutes or 15 Strikes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Bane of Muram (Buff) (NEC) |
Deathcaller's Robe | +40% Chance for DoT's to land for critical damage. for up to 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 60. |
Bark Skin (Buff) (DRU) |
Bark-Inlaid Leather Tunic | +980 Spell Damage Shield & +580 Damage Shield for up to 30-Seconds, to your Target. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Barkguard (Variant 1) (Group Buff) (DRU) |
-50% Spell & up to 2,250 Melee Damage Bonus within 42-Seconds, with a 15% Spell Haste for up to 24-Seconds (Group, within range). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 15-Minutes. AoE Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Barkguard (Variant 2) (Group Buff) (DRU) |
-50% Spell & Melee Damage (up to 3,063 Damage) within 42-Seconds, with a 15% Spell Haste for up to 24-Seconds (Group, within range). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Barkskin (Variant 1) (Group Buff) (DRU) |
-50% Spell & up to 1,500 Melee Damage Bonus within 42-Seconds, with a 15% Spell Haste for up to 24-Seconds (Group, within range). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Barkskin (Variant 2) (Group Buff) (DRU) |
-50% Spell & up to 2,450 Melee Damage Bonus within 42-Seconds, with a 15% Spell Haste for up to 24-Seconds (Group, within range). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Barrier of Force (Rune) (WIZ) |
Staff of the Four | 797 Rune with +3 mana Regen for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 15-Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 50. |
Barrier of Mana (Variant 1) (Rune & Mana Restoration) (WIZ) |
2,700 HP Rune with a 3,000 Mana Restoration for up to 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Barrier of Mana (Variant 2) (Rune & Mana Restoration) (WIZ) |
3,600 HP Rune with a 4,200 Mana Restoration for up to 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Bastion of Mana (Variant 1) (Rune & Mana Restoration) (WIZ) |
4,500 HP Rune with a 5,000 Mana Restoration for up to 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 87. |
Bastion of Mana (Variant 2) (Rune & Mana Restoration) (WIZ) |
6,000 HP Rune with a 7,000 Mana Restoration for up to 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Bazu Bellow (Hate) (WAR) |
+200 Hate per Tic for up to 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 3.5 Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 68. |
Bedazzling Aura (Buff) (ENC) |
Mindreaver's Vest of Coercion | -1% Spell Resist Rate for Spells, for up to 42-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Bellow (Hate) |
Mithril Breastplate | Up to +348 Hate and +52 Hate. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 60-Seconds. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Beloth's Intrusion (Curse / Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
+1 Poison Counter, -10 Magic Resist & +Chromatic Damage with +1,400 Mana return for your group, up to 5-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Bestial Attunement (Pet Buff) (BST) |
750 HP Regen & 262 DD Proc for your pet for up to 1-Minute. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Bestial Coordination (Pet Buff) (BST) |
1,000 HP Regen & 588 DD Proc for your pet for up to 1-Minute. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Bestial Growl (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
Up to +115 AC, +20% Overhaste, +28 STR, +385 Attack, +11% Chance to Hit & +60% Damage Modifier, for your Pet, for up to 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Bestial Harmony (Pet Buff) (BST) |
1,250 HP Regen & 784 DD Proc for your pet for up to 1-Minute. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Bestial Synchronization (Pet Buff) (BST) |
Rhodium Feralcall Tunic | 1,500 HP Regen & 980 DD Proc for your pet for up to 1-Minute. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Bifold Focus (Buff) |
Bifold Focus of the Evil Eye | Provides a 100% chance to Twincast for 30-Seconds. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Bind Sight (Utility) |
Clairvoyant Orb | Allows you to see through your targets eyes (point of view) for up to 14 minutes. |
Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Seconds. Range: 10,000. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Binding Leaf (HoT) |
5,000 HP Heal over Time for 18-Seconds. |
Cast: 5-Seconds. Re-Cast: 2-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 105. |
Bite of Fancy Feast (Heal) |
Fancy Feast | Heal you for up to 12K Hit points. |
Cast: 0.3 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Bixie Snare (Snare) |
Honeycomb Blaster | Up to 95% snare on Bixies-only, for up to 36-Seconds. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Re-Cast: 3-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 35. |
Black Shroud (Proc) (SK) |
Breastplate of Emblazoned Souls | 90 HP DD for up to 1-Hour. |
Cast: 3-Seconds. Re-Cast: 3-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 50. |
Black Steel (DD) |
Enameled Black Chestplate | 1,475 Direct Damage. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 2.5 Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Blade Strike (DD) (MAG) |
2,029 DD to your Target. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 3.5 Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 68. |
Bladestorm (Variant 1) (Buff) (ROG) |
Rhodium Umbrastalker Coat | Piercing Attack for 250 with +10,000 Accuracy; +200 Damage Bonus with 1HS, Backstab, Piercing & 1HB; +324 Damage Bonus with 2HP; for up to 100 successful attacks. |
Cast: 0.2 Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 50. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Bladestorm (Variant 2) (Buff) (ROG) |
Piercing Attack for 494 with +10,000 Accuracy; +480 Damage Bonus with 1HS, Backstab, Piercing & 2HP; for up to 100 successful attacks. |
Cast: 0.2 Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 50. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Bladestorm (Variant 3) (Buff) (ROG) |
Piercing Attack for 293 with +10,000 Accuracy; +320 Damage Bonus with 1HS, Backstab & Piercing; +525 Damage Bonus with 2HP; for up to 100 successful attacks. |
Cast: 0.2 Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 50. Lowest Level Required: 87. |
Bladestorm (Variant 4) (Buff) (ROG) |
Dreadweave Shadowscale Coat | Piercing Attack 494 with +10,000 Accuracy; +600 Damage Bonus with 1HS, Backstab & Piercing; +1,080 Damage Bonus with 2HP; for up to 100 successful attacks. |
Cast: 0.2 Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 50. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Bladestorm (Variant 5) (Buff) (ROG) |
Frightweave Coat of the Assassin | Piercing Attack 494 with +10,000 Accuracy; +800 Damage Bonus with 1HS, Backstab & Piercing; +1,440 Damage Bonus with 2HP; for up to 100 successful attacks. |
Cast: 0.2 Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 50. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Blessed Healing Aura (Buff) (CLR) |
Faithbringer's Breastplate of Conviction | Up to +50% Heals greater than 100 HP, for up to 42-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 60. |
Blessed Healing Touch (Buff) (CLR) |
Sanctified Chestguard | Up to +50% Heals greater than 100 HP, for up to 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 50. |
Blessed Shield (Reverse DS) (PAL) |
Dawnseeker's Chestpiece of the Defender | Up to +10,000 HP Heal (3% Max), when struck, for up 24-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Blessing of Replenishment (Group HoT) (DRU) |
Wanderer's Sylvan Tunic | +58 HP Heal Over Time for your Group, for up to 20-Minutes & 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 12-Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. AoE Range: 60 Lowest Level Required: 60. |
Blessing of Reverence (Buff) (CLR) |
Breastplate of Vengeful Fury | Up to +10% Spell Haste for up to 40-Minutes. |
Cast: 6-Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 50. |
Blessing of Swiftness (Buff) |
Worn Totem | +30% Movement Speed for up to 5-Minutes. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Required Level: N / A. |
Blessing of the Harvest (Summon) |
Conjurers up temporary Summoned: Black Bread (food item). |
Cast: 10-Seconds. Re-Cast: Instant. Lowest Level Required: 60. |
Blessing of Unity (Group Buff) |
Miniature Horn of Unity |
Group Buff (if in Range) that gives +200 Mana & Endurance Regen; +2,000 Spell Damage Shield; +600 Damage Shield; +200 Hit Point Regen) that lasts up to 30-Seconds. The Unified Phoenix Feather is an upgrade to this item. They do not stack. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 300. Level Required: N / A. |
Blood Fury (Buff) (BER) |
Ragebound Chain Chestguard | +40% Chance to hit for 12-seconds. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 60. |
Bloodfire (Heal) (WAR) |
Battle-Marred Plate Breastplate | 2,000 HP Heal. |
Cast: 1-Seconds. Re-Cast: 15-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 71. |
Bloodfire of Atathus (Heal) (WAR) |
Atathus` Warfire Breastplate | 3,000 HP Heal. |
Cast: 1-Seconds. Re-Cast: 15-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Bloodguard's Esurience (Illusion, Spell Damage & Reduced Cast Timer) (SK) |
+300 Spell Damage & Bloodguard Loyalist Illusion with 12-Second decrease timer for Lifetap Spells. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Bone Poison (Proc) (ROG) |
Bone-Bladed Chain Coat | 125 DD Proc for up to 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 15-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Bottoms Up (Drunk) |
Barrel-Aged Ale of Brell | Spin Stun and instant Drunk with 35% Snare (18-Seconds). |
Cast: 3-Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: N / A |
Boundless Frenzy (Variant 1) (Buff) (BER) |
+1,667 Damage bonus for up to 48-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 60. |
Boundless Frenzy (Variant 2) (Buff) (BER) |
+1,778 Damage bonus for up to 48-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Boundless Frenzy (Variant 3) (Buff) (BER) |
+2,000 Damage bonus for up to 48-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Boundless Frenzy (Variant 4) (Buff) (BER) |
+6,750 Damage bonus for up to 48-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 98. |
Boundless Frenzy (Variant 5) (Buff) (BER) |
+9,000 Damage bonus for up to 48-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
(Summon) |
(With use of Persona's, you can utilize these items with Classes other than a Magician). |
It can randomly summon any one of the following non-Temporary (and mostly tradable) items:
(Variations lie in the percentage chances to summon any of the above, as well as the number of charges they have.) |
Cast: 10-Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 91. |
Bramblecoat (DS & Buff) |
+35 AC & +3 Damage Shield for up to 3-Hours & 15-minutes. |
Cast: 8-Seconds. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Required Level: 45. |
Brath's Onslaught (Proc) (MNK) |
Rhodium Chestwraps of the Enlightened Anima | 900 DD Proc for up to 25 Strikes within 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Required Level: 85. |
Breath of Atathus (Passive AA Buff) |
+30 Hit Point Regen; +6 Endurance Regen; & +6 Mana Regen. Level 3 of 'Item: Breath of Venesh' permanent Passive AA. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Required Level: 75. |
Breath of Rikkukin (Passive AA Buff) |
+8 Mana Regen & +8 Hit Point Regen (max 8). Level 4 of 'Item: Soothing Breath' permanent Passive AA. |
Cast: 2.5 Seconds. Required Level: 75. |
Breath of Selay (Passive AA Buff) |
+9 Mana Regen & +9 Hit Point Regen (max 9). Level 5 of 'Item: Soothing Breath' permanent Passive AA. |
Cast: Instant. Required Level: 75. |
Breath of the Council (AoE DD & DoT) |
Hero's Sigil of the Council | A directional AoE attack that can do 3,683 Direct Damage; 1,848 3-tic Damage Over Time; and lower all resists by 25 ('Haze of the Council') for up to 60-Seconds. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Required Level: 85. |
Breath of Venesh (Passive AA Buff) |
+22 Mana Regen; +22 Endurance Regen; & +110 Hit Point Regen (max 9). Final Level of 'Item: Breath of Venesh' permanent Passive AA. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Required Level: 85. |
Briarcoat (AC & DS) |
Brown Chitin Protector | +49 AC & +8 DS for up to 3-Hours & 15-Minutes. |
Cast: 2.6 Seconds. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Lowest Required Level: 85. |
Brutal Axes (Variant 1) (Buff) (BER) |
+7,500 Throwing Damage ('Brutal Axe Strike) for 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Required Level: 75. |
Brutal Axes (Variant 2) (Buff) (BER) |
Deepfathom Warmonger Coat | +10,000 Throwing Damage ('Brutal Axe Strike) for 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Required Level: 100. |
Bulwark of Mana (Variant 1) (Rune & Mana Restoration) (WIZ) |
3,600 HP Rune with a 4,000 Mana restoration for up to 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Required Level: 80. |
Bulwark of Mana (Variant 2) (Rune & Mana Restoration) (WIZ) |
4,800 HP Rune with a 5,600 Mana restoration for up to 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Required Level: 85. |
Burnout III (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
Up to +50 STR, +75% Attack Speed and 22 AC for your Pet, for up to 1-Hour. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Required Level: N / A. |
Burnout V (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
Up to +80 STR, +85% Attack Speed, 40 Attack and 13 AC for your Pet, for up to 1-Hour. |
Cast: 4-Seconds. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Range: 100. Lowest Required Level: 55. |
ITEM(S) (Not all can be used by all Classes) |
MISC. NOTES (Info) |
(Buff) (RNG) |
Up to +4 Damage Shield & +34 AC, for up to 1-Hour. |
Cast: 10-Seconds. Re-Cast: 6-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: N / A. |
Calming Strike II (Hate Reduction) |
Green Silken Drape | -560 Hate. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 1-Minute. Range: 300. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Cancel Magic (Dispel) |
Dispels a a magical enchantment for your Target. |
Cast: 7-Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Seconds. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 45. |
Captain Nalot's Quickening (Buff) |
Casts 'Captain Nalot's Quickening,' which is a self-only Haste ('Attack Speed') of up to 40%. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: Instant. Level Required: N / A. |
Capture Wisp (Utility & DD) |
Lantern O' Wisps |
The 'empty' Lantern O' Wisps will capture a Wisp, that is below 10% Health. The 'full' Lantern of Wisps can be clicked to do a 10K DD. |
Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 15-Minutes. Range: 10. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Caress of Darkness (Self Lich) |
Chandrok's Robe of Darkness | Consumes up to 10,500 of your HP and returns up to 3,500 Mana. |
Cast: 3-Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Cast the Stones (Random) |
Stones of Fortune |
This can have one (1) of eleven (11) a random effects, that land on you:
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Required Level: N / A. |
Cauldron's Endless Summoning (Summon) |
Cauldron of Endless Goods (With use of Persona's, you can utilize this items with Classes other than a Magician). |
It can randomly summon any one of the following non-Temporary (and mostly tradable) items:
Cast: 10-Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 81. |
Cauldron Summoning (Summon) |
Cauldron of Many Things (With use of Persona's, you can utilize this items with Classes other than a Magician). |
It can randomly summon any one of the following non-Temporary (and mostly tradable) items:
Cast: 10-Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 76. |
Celestial Blessing (Variant 1) (Buff) (CLR) |
Up to +1,560 Heal Amount for 1.5 Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowes Level Required: 85. |
Celestial Blessing (Variant 2) (Buff) (CLR) |
Up to +1,800 Heal Amount for 1.5 Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowes Level Required: 75. |
Celestial Blessing (Variant 3) (Buff) (CLR) |
Boreal Breastplate of the Light | Up to +2,400 Heal Amount for 1.5 Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowes Level Required: 92. |
Celestial Blessing (Variant 4) (Buff) (CLR) |
Gelid Illuminator Breastplate | Up to +2,400 Heal Amount for 2.5 Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowes Level Required: 95. |
Celestial Host (Swarm Pet) (CLR) |
Calls up 2-Swarm Pets to attack your target for up to 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Celestial Tranquility (Buff) (MNK) |
Celestial Fists | +40 Attack, +40% Melee Haste & +12 AC. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: Instant. Lowest Level Required: 50. |
Cerebral Acumen (Variant 1) (Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
+1,380 Mana Regen for your group, for up to 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Cerebral Acumen (Variant 2) (Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
Highwater Robe of Compulsion | +1,380 Mana Regen for your group, for up to 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 104. |
Cerebral Acumen (Variant 3) (Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
+1,840 Mana Regen for your group, for up to 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Cerebral Assault (Variant 1) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-10 Magic Resist & +30,000 Damage from Chromatic Spells to your Target for up to 5-minutes, with a 2,333 Group Mana Regen Over Time. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 105. |
Cerebral Assault (Variant 2) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-10 Magic Resist & +37,500 Damage from Chromatic Spells to your Target for up to 5-minutes, with a 2,916 Group Mana Regen Over Time. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 110. |
Cerebral Assault (Variant 3) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-10 Magic Resist & +37,500 Damage from Chromatic Spells to your Target for up to 5-minutes, with a 3,000 Group Mana Regen Over Time. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 106. |
Cerebral Assault (Variant 4) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-10 Magic Resist & +46,875 Damage from Chromatic Spells to your Target for up to 5-minutes, with a 3,750 Group Mana Regen Over Time. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 110. |
Cerebral Assault (Variant 5) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-10 Magic Resist & +66,964 Damage from Chromatic Spells to your Target for up to 5-minutes, with a 3,750 Group Mana Regen Over Time. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 115. |
Cerebral Assault (Variant 6) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-10 Magic Resist & +89,964 Damage from Chromatic Spells to your Target for up to 5-minutes, with a 6,964 Group Mana Regen Over Time. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 120. |
Cerebral Assault (Variant 7) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-10 Magic Resist & +91,964 Damage from Chromatic Spells to your Target for up to 5-minutes, with a 8,571 Group Mana Regen Over Time. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 120. |
Cerebral Assault (Variant 8) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-10 Magic Resist & +94,008 Damage from Chromatic Spells for 5-minutes, with a 10,548 Group Heal Over Time ('Cerebral Relief'), for 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.3 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 125. |
Cerebral Assault (Variant 9) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-10 Magic Resist & +95,888 Damage from Chromatic Spells for 5-minutes, with a 12,974 Group Heal Over Time ('Cerebral Relief'), for 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.3 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 125. |
Cerebral Breach (Variant 1) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
+120 Chromatic Spell Damage, +1 Poison Counter & -10 Magic Resist to your target, for up to 5-Minutes, with a +720 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Cerebral Breach (Variant 2) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
+144 Chromatic Spell Damage, +1 Poison Counter & -10 Magic Resist to your target, for up to 5-Minutes, with a +864 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Cerebral Breach (Variant 3) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
Boreal Robe of Compulsion | +1,200 Chromatic Spell Damage, +1 Poison Counter & -10 Magic Resist to your target, for up to 5-Minutes, with a +1,200 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Cerebral Breach (Variant 4) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
Gelid Mindlock Robe | +1,600 Chromatic Spell Damage, +1 Poison Counter & -10 Magic Resist to your target, for up to 5-Minutes, with a +1,600 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Cerebral Infiltration (Variant 1) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
+120 Chromatic Spell Damage, +1 Poison Counter & -10 Magic Resist to your target, for up to 5-Minutes, with a +720 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Cerebral Infiltration (Variant 2) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
+144 Chromatic Spell Damage, +1 Poison Counter & -10 Magic Resist to your target, for up to 5-Minutes, with a +864 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Cerebral Infiltration (Variant 3) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
Boreal Robe of Compulsion | +1,200 Chromatic Spell Damage, +1 Poison Counter & -10 Magic Resist to your target, for up to 5-Minutes, with a +1,200 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Cerebral Infiltration (Variant 4) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) |
Gelid Mindlock Robe | +1,600 Chromatic Spell Damage, +1 Poison Counter & -10 Magic Resist to your target, for up to 5-Minutes, with a +1,600 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Cerebral Insight (Variant 1) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
+1,104 Mana Regen for your group for up to 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 102. |
Cerebral Insight (Variant 2) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
Deepfathom Mindlock Robe | +1,472 Mana Regen for your group for up to 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Cerebral Interjection (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-12 Magic Resist & +1 Poison Counter for up to 5-Minutes, with a +667 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Cerebral Intrusion (Variant 1) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-14 Magic Resist & +1 Poison Counter for up to 5-Minutes, with a +833 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Cerebral Intrusion (Variant 2) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-10 Magic Resist, +160 Chromatic Spell Damage & +1 Poison Counter for up to 5-Minutes, with a +960 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Cerebral Intrusion (Variant 3) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-10 Magic Resist, +192 Chromatic Spell Damage & +1 Poison Counter for up to 5-Minutes, with a +1,152 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Cerebral Intrusion (Variant 4) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
-10 Magic Resist, +1,875 Chromatic Spell Damage & +1 Poison Counter for up to 5-Minutes, with a +1,750 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Cerebral Intrusion (Variant 5) (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
Flowing Etheric Mindlock Robe |
-10 Magic Resist, +2,500 Chromatic Spell Damage & +1 Poison Counter for up to 5-Minutes, with a +2,333 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Chaotic Frenzy (Variant 1) (Buff) (BER) |
+833 Damage Bonus for up to 40-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Chaotic Frenzy (Variant 2) (Buff) (BER) |
+1,333 Damage Bonus for up to 40-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Chaotic Frenzy (Variant 3) (Buff) (BER) |
+1,500 Damage Bonus for up to 40-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Chaotic Frenzy (Variant 4) (Buff) (BER) |
Boreal Coat of Carnage | +6,000 Damage Bonus for up to 40-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Chaotic Frenzy (Variant 5) (Buff) (BER) |
Gelid Warmonger Coat | +8,000 Damage Bonus for up to 40-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
(Passive AA Buff) |
+10 Mana Regen & +6 Hit Point Regen (max 6). Level 5 of the 'Item: Knowledge of the Past' Passive AA. |
Cast: 1-Second. Lowest required Level: 70. |
(Passive AA Buff) |
+20 All Resists (except Corruption) & +67 Armor Class. Level 4 of the 'Item: Prismatic Ward' Passive AA. |
Cast: 3-Seconds. Lowest required Level: 70. |
Chloroplast (HoT) |
Up to +19 Heal Over Time to your Target for up to 20-Minutes & 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 12-Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 45. |
Chlorotrope (Heal) (DRU) |
Heals up to 2,810 Hit points. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 3.5 Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Circle of Mana I (Area of Effect Buff) |
4% Mana Reduction Costs for anyone in range. Does not stack with other Circle effects. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. AoE Range: 240. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Circle of Mana II (Area of Effect Buff) |
Symbol of Expressivo |
8% Mana Reduction Costs for anyone in range. Does not stack with other Circle effects. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. AoE Range: 240. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Circle of Mana III (Area of Effect Buff) |
12% Mana Reduction Costs for anyone in range. Does not stack with other Circle effects. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. AoE Range: 240. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Circle of Mana IV (Area of Effect Buff) |
Mantle of Inasch |
15% Mana Reduction Costs for anyone in range. Does not stack with other Circle effects. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. AoE Range: 240. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Circle of Life I (Area of Effect Buff) |
Adds up to 4% to healing boost, for those in range. Does not stack with other Circle effects. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. AoE Range: 240. Lowest Level Required: 64. |
Circle of Life II (Area of Effect Buff) |
Symbol of Double Forte |
Adds up to 8% to healing boost, for those in range. Does not stack with other Circle effects. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. AoE Range: 240. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Circle of Life III (Area of Effect Buff) |
Adds up to 12% to healing boost, for those in range. Does not stack with other Circle effects. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. AoE Range: 240. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Circle of Life IV (Area of Effect Buff) |
Signet of Gannar |
Adds up to 15% to healing boost, for those in range. Does not stack with other Circle effects. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. AoE Range: 240. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Circle of Power I (Area of Effect Buff) |
+1% Chance to do Critical Spell Damage & +40% chance to do Melee Critical Hits, for those in range. Does not stack with other Circle effects. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. AoE Range: 240. Lowest Level Required: 68. |
Circle of Power II (Area of Effect Buff) |
Symbol of Vivace |
+2% Chance to do Critical Spell Damage & +80% chance to do Melee Critical Hits, for those in range. Does not stack with other Circle effects. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. AoE Range: 240. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Circle of Power III (Area of Effect Buff) |
+3% Chance to do Critical Spell Damage & +120% chance to do Melee Critical Hits, for those in range. Does not stack with other Circle effects. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. AoE Range: 240. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Circle of Power IV (Area of Effect Buff) |
Rage of Rolfron |
+4% Chance to do Critical Spell Damage & +130% chance to do Melee Critical Hits, for those in range. Does not stack with other Circle effects. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. AoE Range: 240. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Circle of the Arcane (Area of Effect Buff) |
Lucky Charm Totem | +5% Spell Damage for Players in range. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 43-Minutes & 20-Seconds. Range: 180. Lowest Level Required: 63. |
Claw of Frost (DD) |
1,000 Direct Damage. |
Cast; 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 2.5 Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Required Level: 85. |
Click me! (Novelty / Illusion) |
Madness of Stomples |
Summons a number of small bunnies that will temporarily run about. More rarely, it can also Illusion you as a Rabbit. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 30-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: N / A. |
Cloud Channeling (DD Proc) (RNG) |
A 491 DD Proc for up to 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Cognizant Discharge (Group Mana Lich) (ENC) |
-60 Mana Over Time to your Target for up to 24-Seconds, that returns 100 Mana to your Group. |
Cast; 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Required Level: 85. |
Cognizant Dispersion (Group Mana Lich) (ENC) |
Prismatic Spellbinder's Robe | -60 Mana Over Time to your Target for up to 24-Seconds, that returns 100 Mana to your Group. |
Cast; 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Required Level: 80. |
Cognizant Dissemination (Group Mana Lich) (ENC) |
-60 Mana Over Time to your Target for up to 12-Seconds, that returns 100 Mana to your Group. |
Cast; 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Required Level: 80. |
Cognizant Liberation (Group Mana Lich) (ENC) |
-60 Mana Over Time to your Target for up to 12-Seconds, that returns 200 Mana to your Group. |
Cast; 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Required Level: 85. |
Coin Flip (Novelty) |
Lucky Copper | Flips an virtual coin that will come up Heads or Tails. Useful for deciding matters between two Players, rather than using /random. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: N / A. |
Combat Spellbook (Random) |
Combat Spellbook |
Random chance to do one of the following:
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 16-Minutes & 40-Seconds. Range: 100. Level Required: N / A. |
Communing with Cazic-Thule (Novelty) |
Lingering Essence of Cazic-Thule | 1K Heal; 1-Second Stun; & an emote (chat box comment) from Cazic-Thule. |
Cast: 3-Seconds. Re-Cast: 1-Hour & 40-Minutes. Level Required: N / A. |
Complete Heal (Heal) (CLR) |
Donal's Chestplate of Mourning | Heals your target for up to 7,500 HP. |
Cast: 30-Seconds. Re-Cast: N / A. Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 45. |
Conflagration (DD) (WIZ) |
Up to 635 Hp DD. |
Cast: 15-Seconds. Re-Cast: N / A. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 4o. |
Conjure Corpse (Summon) (NEC) |
Summons your Player Target's corpse (for Characters up to Level 70) to your current location. Requires a vendor sold Tiny Jade Inlaid Coffin as a spell cast component. |
Cast: 18-Seconds. Re-Cast: 12-Seconds. Range: 10,000. Lowest Level Required: N / A. |
Concordia Discors (Group Buff) (BRD) |
Prismatic Skaldsong Breastplate | +232 Spell Damage for your next four (4) spell casts. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. AoE Range: 70. Level Required: 80. |
Conjure Knives (Summon) |
Knifemaster's Vest | Summons one-hundred (100) tradable Vest Throwing Knife (79 Damage, 18 Delay). |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: Instant. Level Required: 100. |
Consecrated Healing Aura (Buff) (CLR) |
Mana-Fused Plate Breastplate | Up to +50% Heals greater than 100 HP, for up to 42-Seconds. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 71. |
Consuming Magic (Variant 1) (Lich) (NEC) |
+159,960 for your next 10-Destrimenatl Spells and returning 50% of the damage as a Heal (within 3-Minutes). |
Cast: 0.3 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 125. |
Consuming Magic (Variant 2) (Lich) (NEC) |
+188,352 for your next 10-Destrimenatl Spells and returning 50% of the damage as a Heal (within 3-Minutes). |
Cast: 0.3 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 125. |
Consuming Power (Buff) (NEC) |
Up to +47% Spell Damage to 24-Second+ 100+ Damage Duration DoTs. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Contraction (Shrink) |
Shrinks you by 34%. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: Instant. Lowest Level Required: 50. |
Corrupted Flesh (DD Buff) (SK) |
Tainted Energeiac Plate Breastplate | 400 HP DD to your attacker, when they strike you, for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 13-Minutes & 20-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Corrupting Power (Variant 1) (Buff) (NEC) |
2,400 HP DoT for up to 1-Minute. |
Cast: 0.3 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Corrupting Power (Variant 2) (Buff) (NEC) |
+24,000 Damage to Blazing Shadow DoT (for up to 2-Minutes). |
Cast: 0.3 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Corrupting Power (Variant 3) (Buff) (NEC) |
Boreal Robe of the Exhumer | +40,000 Damage to Coruscating Shadow DoT (for up to 2-Minutes). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Corrupting Power (Variant 4) (Buff) (NEC) |
Gelid Soulslaver Robe | +53,333 Damage to Coruscating Shadow DoT (for up to 2-Minutes). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Corona Flare (DD) (WIZ) |
Chain of the Kindred Scale | 3,770 Direct Damage. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 3.5 Minutes. AoE Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Corrupted Will (DoT) (BER) |
Brutal Energeiac Chain Coat | -42 AC to your target for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 13-Minutes & 20-Seconds. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Corruption's Face (Buff) |
Mask of Time's Corruption | +10 Corruption & +15 AC for 18-Seconds. |
Cast: 1.0 Seconds. Re-Cast: 4-Minutres & 10-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Crusader's Touch (Cure) (PAL) |
Jaylia's Valiant Chestplate | Cures 20 Disease, Poison & Curse Counters. |
Cast: 6-Seconds. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 50. |
Curse of Muram (Buff) (NEC) |
Blightbringer's Tunic of the Grave | +40% Damage to DoT's for up to 36-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Curse of the Spirits (DoT) (SHM) |
Spear of Fate | DoT that increases in Damage as time progresses (up to about 1,413 Damage). |
Cast: 9-Seconds. Re-Cast: Instant. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 50. |
Cyclical Attunement (Buff) (RNG) |
+68 Melee Damage Bonus & +469 Spell Damage. for up to 36-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
ITEM(S) (Not all can be used by all Classes) |
MISC. NOTES (Info) |
(Variant 1) (Buff) (ROG) |
Boreal Coat of the Assassin | +459 Piercing Attack with 10,000% Accuracy; +480 Damage Bonus to 1HS, Backstab, Piercing & 1HB; & +864 2HP, for your next 100 successful attacks. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Dancing Blade (Variant 1) (Buff) (ROG) |
Gelid Shadowscale Coat | +459 Piercing Attack with 10,000% Accuracy; +640 Damage Bonus to 1HS, Backstab, Piercing & 1HB; & +1,152 2HP, for your next 100 successful attacks. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
(Swarm Pet) |
Each one summons a swarm pet that can attack your target for up to 5-seconds. They are on the same timer. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 20 Hours. Range: 150. Level Required: N / A. |
Daring (Buff) (PAL) |
Deepwater Helm | Up to +14 AC, +200 Max HP and +200 HP Heal to your Target for up to 36-Minutes. |
Cast: 10-Seconds. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Range: 100. Level Required: 45. |
Darkened Invigorate (Heal) |
+8,000 Heal. |
Cast: 0.6 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Level Required: 105. |
Darkened Shield of the Dauntless | Darkened Blood Ember Breastplate | +3.254 HP, +245 AC & + 126 Magic Resist for up to 30-Minutes. |
Cast: 1-Minute. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Level Required: 105. |
Darkened Spikethistle Coat (DS & AC) |
+245 AC & +64 DS for up to 15-minutes. |
Cast: 1-Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Level Required: 105. |
Dazzling Blades (Variant 1) (Rune) (ROG) |
Mitigate 25% Melee Damage for up to 150,000 Max, within 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Level Required: 75. |
Dazzling Blades (Variant 2) (Rune) (ROG) |
Highwater Coat of the Assassin | Mitigate 25% Melee Damage for up to 150,000 Max, within 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Level Required: 104. |
Dazzling Blades (Variant 3) (Rune) (ROG) |
Darkwater Shadowscale Coat | Mitigate 25% Melee Damage for up to 200,000 Max, within 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Level Required: 100. |
Dazzling Blades (Variant 4) (Rune) (ROG) |
Mitigate 25% Melee Damage for up to 225,000 Max, within 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Level Required: 100. |
Dead Man Floating (Buff) (NEC) |
Water Breathing, See invisible, Levitation & up to +90 Poison Resist, for up to 1-Hour & 12-Minutes. |
Cast: 12-Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Level Required: 50. |
Deadeye (Buff) |
See Invisible with Infravison (night vision). |
Cast: instant. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Required Level: N / A. |
Deadly Intent (DD / DoT) (ROG) |
Prismatic Blackguard's Coat | 272 DD and 82 HP DoT for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Level Required: 80. |
Deadly Toxin (DD / DoT) (ROG) |
136 DD and 41 HP DoT for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Level Required: 80. |
Decaying Rat (Swarm Pet) (NEC) |
Summons a Swarm pet that will attack your target for up to 7-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Level Required: 80. |
Deceiver's Blight (Buff) (ROG) |
Nightshade, Blade of Entropy | Triple Backstab & Deceiver's Blight Strike Proc (+10% Damage for 18-Seconds) for up to 1-Minute. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 3-Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Defiling Power (Variant 1) (Buff) (NEC) |
4,000 HP DoT, for up to 1-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 87. |
Defiling Power (Variant 2) (Buff) (NEC) |
+40,000 Damage to Blazing Shadow DoT, for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Defiling Power (Variant 3) (Buff) (NEC) |
Frightweave Robe of the Exhumer | +40,000 Damage to Coruscating Shadow DoT, for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Defiling Power (Variant 4) (Buff) (NEC) |
Dreadweave Soulslaver Robe | +66,667 Damage to Coruscating Shadow DoT, for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Derisive Demeanor (Hate) (WAR) |
+400 Hate every time you are struck by an attacker, for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Desecrating Power (Variant 1) (Buff) (NEC) |
3,200 HP DoT, for up to 1-Minute. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Desecrating Power (Variant 2) (Buff) (NEC) |
+32,000 Damage to Blazing Shadow DoT, for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Desecrating Power (Variant 3) (Buff) (NEC) |
+45,000 Damage to Coruscating Shadow DoT, for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 98. |
Desecrating Power (Variant 4) (Buff) (NEC) |
+60,000 Damage to Coruscating Shadow DoT, for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Destroyer's Volley (Buff) (BER) |
Initiates four (4) Throwing attacks (49 Damage each). |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Range: 175. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Devotee's Docility (Buff) (CLR) |
Up to -50% Hate from Spells & Bash, for your next 2-Spell casts and / or Bash attacks, within 42-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Devouring Power (Buff) (NEC) |
+68% 24-Second+ / 100 HP+ DoT Damage, for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 1-Minute. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Diplomatic Immunity (Rune) |
Diplomatic Papers | Absorbs up to 25% of an incoming damage, maximum 50,000 Total Damage, within 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Discordant Harmony (Group Buff) (BRD) |
+232 Spell Damage for your group, for the next four (4) spells cast (within 1-Minute). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Dispense Frightening Flatbread (Summon) |
Frightening Food Flask | Summons Frightening Flatbread (food). |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: N / A. |
Dissonant Harmony (Group Buff) (BRD) |
+232 Spell Damage for your group, for the next two (2) spells cast (within 1-Minute). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Disturbing Scream (AoE DoT) (BER) |
-30 AC to MoB's in range, for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 50. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Divine Balance (Group Heal) (CLR) |
Aegis of Superior Divinity | Will balance the Health of all party members up to 2,300 HP (heals some, takes HP from others), with a 95% chance to cure / dispel detrimental effects. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 3-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Doom's Intrusion (Curse & Group Mana Regen) (ENC) |
Frightweave Robe of Compulsion | -10 Magic Resist, +1,500 Chromatic Spell Damage & +1 Poison Counter for up to 5-Minutes, with a +1,500 Mana Regen for your Group. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Dorian Arpeggio (Variant 1) (Group Buff) (BRD) |
Root with a group buff for up to +304 Spell Damage & +47 Damage Bonus. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Required Level: 80. |
Dorian Arpeggio (Variant 2) (Group Buff) (BRD) |
Root with a group buff for up to +334 Spell Damage & +52 Damage Bonus. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Required Level: 85. |
Dorian Arpeggio (Variant 3) (Group Buff) (BRD) |
Latent Etheric Breastplate of the Performer | Root with a group buff for up to +2,078 Spell Damage & +370 Damage Bonus. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Required Level: 102. |
Dorian Arpeggio (Variant 4) (Group Buff) (BRD) |
Tideworn Breastplate of the Performer | Root with a group buff for up to +2,770 Spell Damage & +493 Damage Bonus. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Required Level: 100. |
Dorian Arpeggio (Variant 5) (Group Buff) (BRD) |
Imbrued Platemail Breastplate | Root with a group buff for up to +2,453 Spell Damage & +435 Damage Bonus. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 100. Required Level: 75. |
Dragon Fang (DD & Buff) (MNK) |
Cloak of Scale Spines | 1,200 DD & +10,000 Hand to Hand Accuracy. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Range: 50. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Dreams of Drusella (Hate Reduction) |
Green Silken Drape | Chance for -250 Hate for up to 15-Minutes with your Melee strikes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 1-Minute. Range: 85. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
ITEM(S) (Not all can be used by all Classes) |
MISC. NOTES (Info) |
(Variant 1) (Proc) (MNK) |
1,400 DD Proc for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 85. Lowest Level Required: 87. |
Eight Leaves Fist Technique (Variant 2) (Proc) (MNK) |
2,100 DD Proc for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Eight Leaves Fist Technique (Variant 3) (Proc) (MNK) |
Frightweave Chestwraps of the Unwavering | 2,625 DD Proc for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Eight Leaves Fist Technique (Variant 4) (Proc) (MNK) |
Dreadweave Soulforge Chestwraps | 3,500 DD Proc for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Eight Leaves Fist Technique (Variant 5) (Proc) (MNK) |
3,938 DD Proc for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Eight Leaves Fist Technique (Variant 6) (Proc) (MNK) |
Flowing Etheric Soulforge Chestwraps | 5,250 DD Proc for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Eight Leaves Heel Technique (Variant 1) (Proc) (MNK) |
3,750 DD to Flying Kick for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Eight Leaves Heel Technique (Variant 2) (Proc) (MNK) |
Highwater Chestwraps of the Unwavering |
5,000 DD to Flying Kick for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Eight Leaves Heel Technique (Variant 3) (Proc) (MNK) |
Darkwater Soulforge Chestwraps |
3,750 DD to Flying Kick for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 104. |
Eight Leaves Heel Technique (Variant 4) (Proc) (MNK) |
5,500 DD to Flying Kick for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Elemental Conjunction (Buff) (MAG) |
Staff of Elemental Essence | +800 HP; +10 Mana Regen; +20 HP Regen; 'Elemental Conjunction Strike (150 DD); & 2-Second Stun. for up to 20-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 6-Minutes. Range: 150. Level Required: 65. |
Elemental Docility I (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
Boreal Robe of the Conjuror | 3,000 DD Proc for your Pet for as long as 2.5 Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Level Required: 92. |
Elemental Docility II (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
3,375 DD Proc for your Pet for as long as 2.5 Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Level Required: 98. |
Elemental Docility III (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
Frightweave Robe of the Conjuror | 3,750 DD Proc for your Pet for as long as 2.5 Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Level Required: 100. |
Elemental Docility IV (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
Latent Etheric Robe of the Conjuror | 4,500 DD Proc for your Pet for as long as 2.5 Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Level Required: 100. |
Elemental Docility V (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
5,625 DD Proc for your Pet for as long as 2.5 Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 100. Level Required: 100. |
Elemental Docility VI (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
Apothic Robe | 7,500 DD Proc for your Pet for as long as 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 150. Level Required: 75. |
Elemental Docility VII (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
Tideworn Robe of the Conjuror | 7,500 DD Proc for your Pet for as long as 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 150. Level Required: 102. |
Elemental Docility VIII (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
Highwater Robe of the Conjuror | 9,375 DD Proc for your Pet for as long as 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 150. Level Required: 104. |
Elemental Docility IX (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
11,725 DD Proc for your Pet for as long as 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 150. Level Required: 75. |
Elemental Docility X (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
75,000 DD Proc for your Pet for as long as 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 150. Level Required: 105. |
Elemental Docility X (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
93,750 DD Proc for your Pet for as long as 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 150. Level Required: 110. |
Elementalkin Earth (Swarm Pet) |
Stones of Fortune | Summons an Earth Swarm Pet that will attack your target. | See Also: Cast the Stones. | ||
(Passive AA Buff) |
+550 Mana. Level 11 of 'Item: Expanding Mind' permanent Passive AA. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Level Required: 75. |
Empyreal Legion (Swarm Pets) (CLR) |
Rhodium Mercytouched Breastplate | Calls up 3-Swarm Pets to attack your target for up to 50-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Empyreal Salvation (Variant 1) (Heal Over Time) (CLR) |
Highwater Breastplate of the Light | Up to +3,750 Heal for up to 54-Seconds, for group members in range. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 104. |
Empyreal Salvation (Variant 2) (Heal Over Time) (CLR) |
Darkwater Illuminator Breastplate | Up to +5,000 Heal for up to 54-Seconds, for group members in range. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Empyreal Salvation (Variant 3) (Heal Over Time) (CLR) |
Up to +6,500 Heal for up to 54-Seconds, for group members in range. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Empyreal Salvation (Variant 4) (Heal Over Time) (CLR) |
Up to +7,500 Heal for up to 54-Seconds, for group members in range. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Empyrean Blessing (Variant 1) (Buff) (CLR) |
Up to +2,600 to Heals for up to 90-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Empyrean Blessing (Variant 2) (Buff) (CLR) |
Up to +3,000 to Heals for up to 90-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 87. |
Empyrean Blessing (Variant 3) (Buff) (CLR) |
Frightweave Breastplate of the Light | Up to +3,000 to Heals for up to 2.5 Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Empyrean Blessing (Variant 4) (Buff) (CLR) |
Dreadweave Illuminator Breastplate | Up to +4,000 to Heals for up to 2.5 Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Endure Magic (Buff) |
+11 Magic Resist to your Target for up to 27-Minutes. |
Cast: 5-Seconds. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 45. |
Enduring Breath (Water Breathing) (BRD) |
Drums of the Beast | Ability to Breath in airless environments (such as underwater) for up to 27-Minutes. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: Instant. Lowest Level Required: N / A. |
Energeiac Channeling (Debuff) (ENC) |
Refined Energeiac Silk Robe | -1$ Spell Resist Rate (for spells that last 24+ Seconds), for up 42-Seconds. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Re-Cast: 4.5 Minutes. Range: 100. Lowest Required Level: 75. |
Ensnare (Snare) |
Tanglewood Shield | Up to 96% Snare of your target. |
Cast: 4-Seconds. Re-Cast: 4-Seconds. Range: 200. Lowest Required Level: 35. |
Enticement of Flame |
350 HP DD to your target. |
Cast: 24-Seconds. Re-Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Range: 200. Lowest Required Level: N / A. |
Eradicate Poison (Cure) |
Venenium | Cures your target of 60 Poison counters. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 30-Seconds. Range: 150. Level Required: 100. |
Erollisi Starburst Firework (Novelty) |
Erollisi Starburst Firework Caster | Sets off an Erollisi Starburst Firework display. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 1-Minute. Lowest Level Required: N / A. |
Essence of Corruption (Variant 1) (Swarm Pet) (NEC) |
Blighted Robe | Summons a Swarm Pet, that will do 7,500 Damage for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Essence of Corruption (Variant 2) (Swam Pet) (NEC) |
Tideworn Robe of the Exhumer | Summons a Swarm Pet, that will do 7,500 Damage for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 102. |
Essence of Defilement (Variant 1) (Swam Pet) (NEC) |
Summons a Swarm Pet, that will do 9,375 Damage for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Essence of Defilement (Variant 2) (Swam Pet) (NEC) |
Highwater Robe of the Exhumer | Summons a Swarm Pet, that will do 9,375 Damage for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 104. |
Essence of Defilement (Variant 3) (Swam Pet) (NEC) |
Darkwater Soulslaver Robe | Summons a Swarm Pet, that will do 12,500 Damage for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Essence of Defilement (Variant 3) (Swam Pet) (NEC) |
Summons a Swarm Pet, that will do 12,500 Damage for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
(Passive AA Buff) |
+15 Resists (except Corruption) & +15 AC. Level 3 of the 'Item: Prismatic Ward' permanent Passive AA. |
Cast: 3.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 65. |
Etherbolt (DD & Knockback) |
Etherbolt Ring | Does up to 5K Damage and knocks back / tosses up your target. |
Cast: 2.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 4-Mintes & 10-Seconds. Range: 250. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Ethereal Rune (Rune) (ENC) |
1,950 HP Rune, for up to 36-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 3.5 Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 68. |
Ethereal Soothing (Variant 1) (Group Rune & Heal) (SHM) |
50% Spell Damage Mitigation (max 2,250 within 1-Minute); 50% Melee Damage Mitigation (max 2,250 within 1-Minute); +250 Poison Spell Damage (within 30-Seconds); and a 1,375 HP Heal Over Time (12-Seconds). |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Ethereal Soothing (Variant 2) (Group Rune & Heal) (SHM) |
50% Spell Damage Mitigation (max 3,063 within 1-Minute); 50% Melee Damage Mitigation (max 3,063 within 1-Minute); +225 Chromatic Spell Damage (within 24-Seconds); and a 5,688 HP Heal. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Ethereal Soothing (Variant 3) (Group Rune & Heal) (SHM) |
50% Spell Damage Mitigation (max 4,500 within 30-Seconds); 50% Melee Damage Mitigation (max 4,500 within 30-Seconds); +225 Chromatic Spell Damage (within 30-Seconds); and a 8,000 HP Heal. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 90. |
Ethermist (Mana Restoration) |
Ethermist Robes | Restores up to 664 Mana. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: N / A. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Expanding Mind I (Passive AA Buff) |
+600 Mana. Adds the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 4-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Expanding Mind II (Passive AA Buff) |
+650 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 3.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Expanding Mind III (Passive AA Buff) |
+700 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 3-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Expanding Mind IV (Passive AA Buff) |
+750 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Expanding Mind V (Passive AA Buff) |
+800 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Expanding Mind VI (Passive AA Buff) |
+850 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Expanding Mind VII (Passive AA Buff) |
+900 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 90. |
Expanding Mind VIII (Passive AA Buff) |
+950 Raw Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Expanding Mind IX (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,000 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Expanding Mind X (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,050 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Expanding Mind XI (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,100 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Expanding Mind XII (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,150 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Expanding Mind XIII (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,200 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Expanding Mind XIV (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,300 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Expanding Mind XV (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,400 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Expanding Mind XVI (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,500 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Expanding Mind XVII (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,600 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 105. |
Expanding Mind XVIII (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,700 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Expanding Mind XIX (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,800 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Expanding Mind XX (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,900 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: Instant. Lowest Level Required: 105. |
Expanding Mind XXI (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,000 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 106. |
Expanding Mind XXII (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,200 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 110. |
Expanding Mind XXIII (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,400 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 115. |
Expanding Mind XXIV (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,600 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 115. |
Expanding Mind XXV (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,800 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 120. |
Expanding Mind XXVI (Passive AA Buff) |
+3,000 Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 120. |
Expanding Mind XXVII (Passive AA Buff) |
+3,200 Raw Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 120. |
Expanding Mind XXVIII (Passive AA Buff) |
+3,400 Raw Mana. Adds or updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Expanding Mind.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 125. |
Extract Poison (Summon) |
Chalandria's Fang | Summons variant levels of Chalandria's Bite or Concentrated Chalandria's Bite (based on your Character Class and / or Level.. from Level I to Level XVIII... which can be clicked for a poison based Proc buff). |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: 20-Hours. Lowest Level Required: 15. |
Eye of Zomm (Utility) |
Summons an 'Eye of Zomm,' that you can control to safely explore with, for up to 30-Seconds. |
Cast: 4-Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: N / A. |
ITEM(S) (Not all can be used by all Classes) |
MISC. NOTES (Info) |
(Buff) (RNG) |
Aurora, the Heartwood Blade | +170% Critical Chance & +170% Accuracy for up to 1-Minute. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 3-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Fang of Death (Lich) (NEC) |
-370 HP DoT with a return of 1,068 HP Heal. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 3-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Fateseer's Boon (Group Buff) (SHM) |
Crafted Talisman of Fates | +50 Critical Chance & +400 Heal Over Time for your group for up to 1-Minute. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 3.5 Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 68. |
Favor of the Ancestor's (Group HP & Heal Over Time) (SHM) |
Up to +626 HP Heal & 209 HP Heal Over Time for 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 75. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Favor of the Numen (Group HP & Heal Over Time) (SHM) |
Up to +313 HP Heal & 104 HP Heal Over Time for 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 75. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Favor of the Spirits (Group HP & Heal Over Time) (SHM) |
Up to +313 HP Heal & 104 HP Heal Over Time for 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 75. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Favor of Tjudawos (Group HP & Heal Over Time) (SHM) |
Prismatic High Seer's Coat | Up to +209 HP Heal & 626 HP Heal Over Time for 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 75. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Favor of Tregnok (Group HP & Heal Over Time) (SHM) |
Up to +1,252 HP Heal & 417 HP Heal Over Time for 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 75. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Fennin Fireburst Firework (Novelty) |
Fennin Fire-burst Firework Caster | Sets off a Fennin Fireburst Firework display. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 1-Minute. Lowest Level Required: N / A. |
Fervor (Aggro) (PAL) |
-1 HP to your Target; +76 HP; & -1 Poison, Diseased & Curse Counters, for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Festering Malady (DoT) |
Spirit Totem Etched Tunic | 148 Damage DoT to your Target for as long as 1.2 Minutes. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 2.5 Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Festering Painskin |
410 HP DD Proc, for up to 12 Strikes within 1-Minute. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Festering Rat (Swarm Pet) (NEC) |
Summons a Swarm pet that will attack your Target for up to 12-Seconds. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Fierce Provocation (Variant 1) (Hate) (WAR) |
+600 Hate Proc for for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Fierce Provocation (Variant 2) (Hate) (WAR) |
+630 Hate Proc for for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Fierce Provocation (Variant 3) (Hate Proc) (WAR) |
+680 Hate Proc for for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Fiery Might (Variant 1) (DS & Regen) |
+5 Damage Shield & 5 HP Regen for up to 5-Days. |
Cast: Instant. Re-Cast: Instant. Lowest Level Required: N / A. |
Fiery Might (Variant 2) (DS & Regen) |
Chestplate of Fiery Might | +90 Damage Shield & 8 HP Regen for up to 5-Days. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: Instant. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Find a Collection Item (Utility) |
Spirit of the Lost | Casts 'Find A Collection Item,' which will locate an existing ground spawn collect item in the zone... and provide a smokey-path to it (or put an 'X" on your map). |
Cast: 2.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 1-Minute. Level Required: N / A. |
Firefist (Passive AA Buff) |
1st Level of the 'Item: Aura of Rage' permanent Passive AA. |
Cast: Instant. Lowest Level Required: 120. |
Fireshard Blast (Area of Effect Attack) |
Fireshard Ring | 7.5K Damage and knockback (and up) MoB's that are in range. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Re-Cast: 4-Minutes & 2-Seconds. AoE Range: 25. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Firestorm (Area of Effect Attack) |
Firestorm Torch | Targeted AoE DoT that will do three (3) waves of up to 41 Damage on up to four (4) MoB's in range. |
Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 3-Minutes. Range: 150. AoE Range: 25. Lowest Level Required: 15. |
Firework of Celebration (Novelty) |
Celebratory Fireworks Caster | Casts a Firework, up in the sky, of one (1) varied types sixteen (16) varied types, based on the 'Focus' item you have in inventory (the 'Focus' item can be 'rotated' through a sixteen-deity sequence via a button in in the item window). |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: 1-Minute. Lowest Required Level: N / A. |
Five Rings Fist Technique (Variant 1) (Proc) (MNK) |
1,400 DD Proc to your attacks for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Five Rings Fist Technique (Variant 2) (Proc) (MNK) |
2,100 DD Proc to your attacks for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 90. |
Five Rings Fist Technique (Variant 3) (Proc) (MNK) |
Boreal Chestwraps of the Unwavering | 2,100 DD Proc to your attacks for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Five Rings Fist Technique (Variant 4) (Proc) (MNK) |
Gelid Soulforge Chestwraps | 2,800 DD Proc to your attacks for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Five Rings Fist Technique (Variant 5) (Proc) (MNK) |
Latent Etheric Chestwraps of the Unwavering | 3,150 DD Proc to your attacks for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Five Rings Fist Technique (Variant 6) (Proc) (MNK) |
Suppressed Etheric Soulforge Chestwraps | 4,200 DD Proc to your attacks for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Five Rings Heel Technique (Variant 1) (Proc) (MNK) |
Tideworn Chestwraps of the Unwavering | 3,000 DD Proc to your attacks for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 102. |
Five Rings Heel Technique (Variant 2) (Proc) (MNK) |
Shiverback-Hide Jerkin | Up to 3,750 DD Proc to your attacks for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Five Rings Heel Technique (Variant 3) (Proc) (MNK) |
Deepfathom Soulforge Chestwraps | 4,000 DD Proc to your attacks for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Flames of Redemption (Buff) (PAL) |
Redemption | +25% Heals & 'Flames of Redemption' Proc (200 DD & Stun). |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 65. |
Flames of the Valiant (Buff) (PAL) |
Nightbane, Sword of the Valiant | +40% Heals & 'Flames of the Valiant' Proc (240 DD & Stun). |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Flashing Blades (Variant 1) (Rune) (ROG) |
Woven Shadow Chestplate | Mitigates 25% Damage for up to 120,000 max. within 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Flashing Blades (Variant 2) (Rune) (ROG) |
Tideworn Coat of the Assassin | Mitigates 25% Damage for up to 120,000 max. within 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 102. |
Flashing Blades (Variant 3) (Rune) (ROG) |
Deepfathom Shadowscale Coat | Mitigates 25% Damage for up to 160,000 max. within 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Form of Defense I (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +8 AC (varies by Class). Adds the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 3.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Form of Defense II (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +16 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 4-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 65. |
Form of Defense III (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +24 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 3.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Form of Defense IV (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +32 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Form of Defense V (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +39 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Form of Defense VI (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +47 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Form of Defense VII (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +55 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Form of Defense VIII (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +63 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Form of Defense IX (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +71 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Form of Defense X (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +79 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Form of Defense XI (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +87 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Form of Defense XII (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +95 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 90. |
Form of Defense XIII (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +102 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Form of Defense XIV (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +110 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 90. |
Form of Defense XV (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +118 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Form of Defense XVI (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +126 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Form of Defense XVII (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +131 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Form of Defense XVIII (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +137 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Form of Defense XIX (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +142 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Form of Defense XX (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +147 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 105. |
Form of Defense XXI (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +152 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Form of Defense XXII (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +158 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 110. |
Form of Defense XXIII (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +163 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 110. |
Form of Defense XXIV (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +168 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Form of Defense XXV (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +173 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Form of Defense XXVI (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +179 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit.. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 105. |
Form of Defense XXVII (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +184 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 106. |
Form of Defense XXVIII (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +194 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 110. |
Form of Defense XXIX (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +205 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 110. |
Form of Defense XXX (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +215 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 115. |
Form of Defense XXXI (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +224 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 120. |
Form of Defense XXXII (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +235 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit.. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 120. |
Form of Defense XXXIII (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +243 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 120. |
Form of Defense XXXIV (Passive AA Buff) |
Up to +251 AC (varies by Class). Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 125. |
(Passive AA Buff) |
+90 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 60. |
Form of Endurance II (Passive AA Buff) |
+180 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 65. |
Form of Endurance III (Passive AA Buff) |
+270 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 1-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Form of Endurance IV (Passive AA Buff) |
+360 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit.. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Form of Endurance V (Passive AA Buff) |
+450 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Form of Endurance VI (Passive AA Buff) |
+540 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 1-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Form of Endurance VII (Passive AA Buff) |
+630 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Form of Endurance VIII (Passive AA Buff) |
+720 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Form of Endurance IX (Passive AA Buff) |
+810 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: Instant. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Form of Endurance X (Passive AA Buff) |
+900 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Form of Endurance XI (Passive AA Buff) |
+990 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Form of Endurance XII (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,080 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 90. |
Form of Endurance XIII (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,170 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Form of Endurance XIV (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,260 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Form of Endurance XV (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,350 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Form of Endurance XVI (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,440 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Form of Endurance XVII (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,500 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Form of Endurance XVIII (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,600 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Form of Endurance XIX (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,700 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Form of Endurance XX (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,800 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 105. |
Form of Endurance XXI (Passive AA Buff) |
+1,900 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Form of Endurance XXII (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,000 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit.. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Form of Endurance XXIII (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,100 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Form of Endurance XXIV (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,200 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 115. |
Form of Endurance XXV (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,300 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 105. |
Form of Endurance XXVI (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,400 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 106. |
Form of Endurance XXVII (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,500 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 110. |
Form of Endurance XXVIII (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,600 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit.. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 115. |
Form of Endurance XXIX (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,700 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 115. |
Form of Endurance XXX (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,800 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 105. |
Form of Endurance XXXI (Passive AA Buff) |
+2,900 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 120. |
Form of Endurance XXXII (Passive AA Buff) |
+3,000 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 120. |
Form of Endurance XXXIII (Passive AA Buff) |
+3,100 Hit Points. Adds or Updates the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Defense.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 0.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 125. |
Form of Protection I (Passive AA Buff) |
Adds the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Protection.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 3.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 65. |
Form of Protection II (Passive AA Buff) |
+20 to all Resists. Adds to or Upgrades the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Protection.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 65. |
Form of Protection III (Passive AA Buff) |
+30 to all Resists. Adds to or Upgrades the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Protection.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 2.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Form of Protection IV (Passive AA Buff) |
+40 to all Resists. Adds to or Upgrades the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Protection.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 2-Seconds.. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Form of Protection V (Passive AA Buff) |
+55 to all Resists. Adds to or Upgrades the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Protection.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Form of Protection VI (Passive AA Buff) |
+60 to all Resists. Adds to or Upgrades the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Protection.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Form of Rejuvenation I (Passive AA Buff) |
Adds the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Rejuvenation.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 55. |
Form of Rejuvenation II (Passive AA Buff) |
+8 Hit Point Regeneration. Adds to or upgrades the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Rejuvenation.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 4-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 63. |
Form of Rejuvenation III (Passive AA Buff) |
+12 Hit Point Regeneration. Adds to or upgrades the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Rejuvenation.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Form of Rejuvenation IV (Passive AA Buff) |
+16 Hit Point Regeneration. Adds to or upgrades the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Rejuvenation.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Form of Rejuvenation V (Passive AA Buff) |
+20 Hit Point Regeneration. Adds to or upgrades the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Rejuvenation.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 1-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Form of Rejuvenation VI (Passive AA Buff) |
+24 Hit Point Regeneration. Adds to or upgrades the permanent Passive AA 'Item: Form of Rejuvenation.' The 'Shadow' buff provides no benefit. |
Cast: 1-Seconds. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Fractured Will (Debuff) (BER) |
Atathus' Battlelancer Coat | -36 AC to your target for up to 3-Minutes. |
Cast: 1-Seconds. Re-Cast: 15-Minutes. Range: 200. Level Required: 75. |
Fracturing Scream (AoE DoT) (BER) |
Prismatic Enrager's Coat | -60 AC to MoB's in range for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 50. Level Required: 80. |
Frenzied Burnout XI (Pet Buff) (MAG) |
Deepfathom Flameweaver Robe | Up to +180 AC; +25% Overhaste; +35 STR; +25% Chance to Rampage; +6% Chance to Flurry; +580 Attack; +16% Chance to Hit; & +176% Damage Modifier; with a 92,000 Proc, for your Pet, for up to 10-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 200. Level Required: 100. |
Frenzy of Terror (Buff) (BER) |
Dreadweave Warmonger Coat | +10,000 Damage Bonus for up to 48-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Level Required: 100. |
Frenzy of the First (Buff) (BER) |
Rhodium Furyblind Coat | +2,083 Damage Bonus for up to 48-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Level Required: 85. |
Frenzy of Thule (Variant 1) (Buff) (BER) |
+2,222 Damage Bonus for up to 48-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Level Required: 87. |
Frenzy of Thule (Variant 2) (Buff) (BER) |
+2,500 Damage Bonus for up to 48-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Level Required: 92. |
Frightful Aura (Proc) |
575 DD Proc, with a 1-Second Stun, for up to 30-Minutes. |
Cast: 1.5 Seconds. Re-Cast: Instant. Lowest Level Required: 90. |
Frigid Weave of Destruction (Variant 1) (Plus Spell Damage) (WIZ) |
Boreal Robe of the Frozen Flame | +6,000 Damage to Ethereal Hoarfrost Spells. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Frigid Weave of Destruction (Variant 2) (Plus Spell Damage) (WIZ) |
Gelid Frostfire Robe | +8,000 Damage to Ethereal Hoarfrost Spells. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 95. |
Frost Guard (Buff) |
Pauldron of Dark Auspices | +24 Damage Shield. |
Cast: 2-Seconds. Re-Cast: Instant. Level Required: 65. |
Frost Wind (DD) (RNG) |
956 Direct Damage. |
Cast: 1-Second. Re-Cast: 3.5 Minutes. Range: 200. Level Required: 70. |
Frozen Anger (Variant 1) (Proc) (BST) |
2,000 DD Proc ('Glacial Shock') for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 80. |
Frozen Anger (Variant 2) (Proc) (BST) |
3,000 DD Proc ('Glacial Shock') for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Frozen Fury (Variant 1) (Proc) (BST) |
2,000 DD Proc ('Glacial Shock') for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 87. |
Frozen Fury (Variant 2) (Proc) (BST) |
3,000 DD Proc ('Glacial Shock') for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 92. |
Frozen Fury (Variant 3) (Proc) (BST) |
Frightweave Tunic of the Fang | 3,750 DD Proc ('Glacial Shock') for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Frozen Fury (Variant 4) (Proc) (BST) |
Dreadweave Dragonbrood Tunic | 5,000 DD Proc ('Glacial Shock') for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Full Weakening (Curse) (ROG) |
Whispering Tunic of Shadows | +20% Damage to your target for up to 24-Seconds. |
Cast: 0.8 Seconds. Re-Cast: 5-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 70. |
Furious Might (Passive AA Buff) |
+40 Attack. Level 2 of 'Item: Might of Stone' Passive AA. |
Cast: 2.5 Second. Level Required: 70. |
Furious Provocation (Variant 1) (Hate Proc) (WAR) |
+600 Hate Proc for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Furious Provocation (Variant 2) (Hate Proc) (WAR) |
+660 Hate Proc for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 85. |
Furious Provocation (Variant 3) (Hate Proc) (WAR) |
+710 Hate Proc for up to 2-Minutes. |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Lowest Level Required: 90. |
Fury of the Beast (Variant 1) (Pet Buff) (BST) |
Highwater Tunic of the Fang | +9,375 Damage (up to 16-Strikes within 3-Minutes) for your Pet ('Unleashed Fury'). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 104. |
Fury of the Beast (Variant 2) (Pet Buff) (BST) |
+11,725 Damage (up to 16-Strikes within 3-Minutes) for your Pet ('Unleashed Fury'). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 75. |
Fury of the Beast (Variant 3) (Pet Buff) (BST) |
Darkwater Dragonbrood Tunic | +12,500 Damage (up to 16-Strikes within 3-Minutes) for your Pet ('Unleashed Fury'). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Fury of the Beast (Variant 4) (Pet Buff) (BST) |
+15,000 Damage (up to 16-Strikes within 3-Minutes) for your Pet ('Unleashed Fury'). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 100. |
Fury of the Beast (Variant 5) (Pet Buff) (BST) |
+37,500 Damage (up to 8-Strikes within 3-Minutes) for your Pet ('Unleashed Fury'). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 105. |
Fury of the Beast (Variant 6) (Pet Buff) (BST) |
+46,875 Damage (up to 8-Strikes within 3-Minutes) for your Pet ('Unleashed Fury'). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 106. |
Fury of the Beast (Variant 7) (Pet Buff) (BST) |
+46,875 Damage (up to 8-Strikes within 3-Minutes) for your Pet ('Unleashed Fury'). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 110. |
Fury of the Beast (Variant 8) (Pet Buff) (BST) |
+58,594 Damage (up to 8-Strikes within 3-Minutes) for your Pet ('Unleashed Fury'). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 110. |
Fury of the Beast (Variant 9) (Pet Buff) (BST) |
+83,706 Damage (up to 8-Strikes within 3-Minutes) for your Pet ('Unleashed Fury'). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 115. |
Fury of the Beast (Variant 10) (Pet Buff) (BST) |
+105,000 Damage (up to 8-Strikes within 3-Minutes) for your Pet ('Unleashed Fury'). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 120. |
Fury of the Beast (Variant 11) (Pet Buff) (BST) |
+126,294 Damage (up to 8-Strikes within 3-Minutes) for your Pet ('Unleashed Fury'). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 120. |
Fury of the Beast (Variant 12) (Pet Buff) (BST) |
+151,552 Damage (up to 8-Strikes within 3-Minutes) for your Pet ('Unleashed Fury'). |
Cast: 0.2 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. AoE Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 125. |
Fury of the Beast (Variant 13) (Pet Buff) (BST) |
+181,862 Damage (up to 8-Round Kicks within 3-Minutes) for your Pet ('Unleashed Fury'). |
Cast: 0.3 Seconds. Re-Cast: 10-Minutes. Range: 150. Lowest Level Required: 125. |
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated January 2, 2025.
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.