There may be shadows in the night.. but don't let that give you a fright! -- Bonzz
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Night of Shadows was the 29th expansion, released December 2022 and added the Tradeskill Depot to the game.
The Tradeskill Depot feature is a type of shared Bank, or shared Dragon's Hoard, for Tradeskill items only. It is shared by every Character on the same account and same server. Thus, there is no more need to use parcels or the actual shared bank to move tradeskill items around to different Characters on the same account. The Tradeskill Depot can be accessed from any Banker (deposits and withdrawals), as well as any Tradeskill device (to use with making items from any known recipes... no depositing or withdrawing).
This expansion also added two (2) to three (3) Levels to every Mercenary Alternate Advancement Category (except for 'Essence of the Dragon').
The expansion was sold in four (4) versions: Friends & Family; Premium; Collector's; and Standard Editions.
PRE-ORDER: If you Pre-Ordered (any version) you got a three (3) Petroglyph Weapon Ornament (with 34 variants to chose from) and immediate access to Beta testing, as a Bonus.
STANDARD ($34.99): This version included 250 Tradeskill Depot Slots (for tradeskill items only, shared by all characters on the same account and server).
COLLECTOR'S ($69.99): This version included Contract of the Fungal Fiend (a Merc type); two (2) Goblet of Adventure III (4-hours of 50% XP Potion); Night of Shadows (placeable Painting); a Satchel of Perpetual Twilight (a 42-slot bag); a Sonic Wolf Saddle (a stat Mount); a Metamorph Wand - Shrieker (a Familiar and / or Pet illusion); an additional 120 Slots (370 total) for the Tradeskill Depot; a Shadow Haven Teleport Pad (a placeable Teleport to Shadow Haven); a Lost Turnip Sign (a click Teleport to Shadow Haven).
PREMIUM ($139.99): This version additionally included another Satchel of Perpetual Twilight (a 42-slot bag); an additional 120 Slots (490 total) for the Tradeskill Depot; twenty (20) Perfected Augmentation Distillers; two (2) Shared Goblet of Adventure (4-hours of 50% XP for your whole group); a Shik'Nar Saddle (a stat Mount); a Metamorph Wand - Underbulk (a Familiar and / or Pet illusion); and a Visage of the Grimling (an Illusion).
FRIENDS & FAMILY ($249.99): This version additionally included a Tradable Night of Shadows Expansion; another Satchel of Perpetual Twilight (a 42-slot bag); two (2) more Shared Goblet of Adventure (4-hours of 50% XP for your whole group); a Tradable Night of Shadows (placeable Painting); a Tradable Level 100 Heroic Character; a Tradeable Sonic Wolf Saddle (a stat Mount); three (3) Ogre Heritage Crates; a pack of thirty (30) Overseer Agents, with three (3) bonus Uncommon Agents; and six (6) Tradable Tradeskill Depot Slots (20 Slots each).
BETA: Players who participated in Beta, and earned enough 'Beta Tokens,' were awarded a Metamorph Wand - Deepshade Understudy (a familiar / pet illusion).
Great Bear Spirit Familiar (Video) (This item can be converted into the Great Bear Spirit Familiar or the Great Wolf Spirit Familiar by way of a claim button in the item window.) |
Great Tiger Spirit Familiar (Video) (This item can be converted into the Great Tiger Spirit Familiar or the Great Wolf Spirit Familiar by way of a claim button in the item window.) |
Great Wolf Spirit Familiar (Video) (This item can be converted into the Great Tiger Spirit Familiar or the Great Bear Spirit Familiar by way of a claim button in the item window.) |
General | 10 | 480 |
Exploration | 7 | 70 |
Quests | 17 | 170 |
Missions | 20 | 240 |
Raids | 44 | 540 |
Hunter | 10 | 140 |
Collections | 38 | 410 |
Special | 1 | 20 |
TOTALS | 147 | 2,070 |
There was no new Mercenary gear this time out, but Mercenary AA's were increased.
There were new recipes for every skill, except Poison Making.
The recipe books, along with certain new and old tradeskill items, are sold by Chialle in Shar Vahl, Divided.
There was no new Chase loot this time out, but the same chase loot as from Terror of Luclin did continue to drop.
Other than the mismatched / variant gear that can drop from MoB's, 'visible' Armor sets involve a Level of Crafting. Depending on which gear set you are making, they can require one, or more, other items that are either dropped, crafted or sold by vendors. These items are combined inside a combine container (dropped or crafted) to make the actual armor. As a note, weapons and non-visible items can also be crafted in similar fashion, as noted below.
The armor sets are, and the materials needed are:
Acrylian ornaments can drop in group (missions) content. Swirling Spirits ornaments can drop in raid content (See Above).
The Player crafted Stat Food & Stat Drink for this expansion was the Delightful Luclin Smoothie and Qwalla's Casserole Delight.
'Lucent Cloak of the Selenelion' is a progressive item that can drop from the chest in the 'One Door Closes' group mission.
Wear the Lucent Cloak of the Selenelion in Night of Shadows (and subsequent expansions... it will not work in previous expansions) zones to experience it to 100%, at which point it becomes an 'Aged' version (no stat increase, just a name change). It will not gain experience in raids.
Once you have the 'Aged' version (no stat change) and the required Achievement, you can then remove any augs and convert it (via a button in the item window) to the next version / level (improved stats). While the cloak will progress with a slightly different name (based on your class), the version names and Achievement requirements are as follows:
This Achievement section is for the achievements related to the Night of Shadows expansion.
Achievements listed in the below sections are not necessarily listed in alphabetical order. They are generally listed in the order seen in the game (at the time they were added to the lists below). Use Control-F to "Find" a specific achievement you may be looking for.
All of the the below achievements should apply to all classes (they are not class specific).
NOTE: Any rewards highlighted in YELLOW might be worth pursuing, due the fun factor, benefit or usefulness of the reward (you decide).
NOTE: Some miscellaneous “hints” may also be included in PURPLE. These hints are intended to enhance / clarify the "how to" for accomplishing the achievement.
NOTE: Anything in RED text is either an informational comment, or data / details that is not fully verified. If you can verify or provide correct information, please do (see end of page)!
NOTE: Items noted as a "REWARD" are items granted from the achievement, itself. Items listed as "ACQUIRED" are unique item's that can be / are / should be acquired along the way, towards completing the related achievement, but are not actually a reward granted from the achievement itself. In fact, the achievement may even be for acquiring said item. Additionally, only the more "unique" Achievement awards are noted below... "common" or "generic" Achievement Rewards like Alternate Advancement points, Character Experience & Coin, are not noted in the Reward options below.
Master of Night of Shadows 020723 |
100 | Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. | N / A |
Night's Avenger 122022 |
60 | Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. | |
Nightslayer 020723 |
60 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Nightslayer's Chest (48-Slot 100% bag) Unlocks the ability to progress the 'Selenelion Cloak' from the 'Aged Obscured' version to the 'Eclipsed' version. |
Explorer of Night of Shadows 121222 |
20 | Complete the seven (7) listed Achievements. | If you don't have one all ready, you should get a Journeyman's Compass. Click the Journeyman's Compass to gain another Level of the Journeyman's Speed Alternative Advancement (if it isn't all ready maxed out). |
Champion of Night of Shadows 121622 |
30 |
Complete the fourteen (14) listed Achievements. NOTE: The three (3) Darklight Cavern faction achievements were removed as part this Achievement with the April 2023 Patch. |
Unlocks the ability to progress the 'Selenelion Cloak' from the 'Aged Lucent' version to the 'Vivid' version. |
Paragon of Night of Shadows 122022 |
40 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Unlocks the ability to progress the 'Selenelion Cloak' from the 'Aged Vivid' version to the 'Dulled' version. Shadewrought Coin of the Eclipse (click to upgrade your progressive Ecliptic spell / disc). |
Challenger of Night of Shadows 021523 |
50 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Unlocks the ability to progress the 'Selenelion Cloak' from the 'Aged Dulled' version to the 'Obscured' version. Unlocks the ability to upgrade the Phantasmal Gem of Striking, Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Devastation, Indehiscent Fruit & the Stone Chitin Mandible (all of which are weapon augs). NOTE: Said augs are acquired via tradeskills and / or as loot drops. |
Conqueror of Night of Shadows 052223 |
40 | Complete the eight (8) listed Achievements. | Unlocks the ability to progress the 'Selenelion Cloak' from the 'Aged Eclipsed' version to the 'Nebulous' version. |
Vanquisher of Night of Shadows 112623 |
50 | Complete the nine (9) listed Achievements. |
Divine Medallion (+150 to Overcaps Aug) Unlocks the ability to progress the 'Selenelion Cloak' from the 'Aged Nebulous' version to the final 'Benighted' version. |
Night Seeker 011523 |
30 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Night Seeker's Backpack (44-Slot 100% Bag) Subterranean Lily Bloom (House Trophy) |
Firefall Pass Traveler 120622 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Shadeweaver's Tangle Traveler 120622 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Shar Vahl, Divided Traveler 120622 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Paludal Depths Traveler 120622 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Ruins of Shadow Haven Traveler 120622 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Deepshade Traveler 121122 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Darklight Caverns Traveler 121222 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Mercenary of Firefall Pass 120622 |
10 | Complete the three (3) tasks. | N / A |
Partisan of Firefall Pass 120622 |
10 | Complete the three (3) tasks. | Shadewrought Coin of the Eclipse (click to upgrade your progressive Ecliptic spell / disc). |
Mercenary of Shadeweaver's Tangle 120722 |
10 | Complete the three (3) tasks. | N / A |
Partisan of Shadeweaver's Tangle 120722 |
10 | Complete the three (3) tasks. | N / A |
Mercenary of Shar Vahl, Divided 120822 |
10 | Complete the three (3) tasks. | N / A |
Partisan of Shar Vahl, Divided 120822 |
10 | Complete the three (3) tasks. | N / A |
Mercenary of Paludal Depths 121022 |
10 | Complete the three (3) tasks. | N / A |
Partisan of Paludal Depths 121022 |
10 | Complete the three (3) tasks. | N / A |
Mercenary of Ruins of Shadow Haven 121022 |
10 | Complete the four (4) tasks. | N / A |
Partisan of Ruins of Shadow Haven 121122 |
10 | Complete the three (3) tasks. | Shadewrought Coin of the Eclipse (click to upgrade your progressive Ecliptic spell / disc). |
Mercenary of Deepshade 121122 |
10 | Complete the three (3) tasks. | N / A |
Partisan of Deepshade 121222 |
10 | Complete the three (3) tasks. | N / A |
Mercenary of Darklight Caverns 121322 |
10 | Complete the three (3) tasks. | N / A |
Partisan of Darklight Caverns 121322 |
10 | Complete the three (3) tasks. | N / A |
The Bravery of the Bear: Bearer of Bravery 121622 |
10 | This awarded upon reaching Ally faction (1,125) with The Primal Spirits. This is accomplished by repeatedly doing any of the quests offered by Shae, the Great Wolf Spirit, Valia, the Great Bear Spirit and Yasil, the Great Tiger Spirit in Darklight Caverns. | Valia's Unyielding Bravery (100% Rune for 8 blows) |
The Strength of a Wolf: Leader of the Pack 121522 |
10 | This awarded upon reaching Warmly faction (775) with The Primal Spirits. This is accomplished by repeatedly doing any of the quests offered by Shae, the Great Wolf Spirit, Valia, the Great Bear Spirit and Yasil, the Great Tiger Spirit in Darklight Caverns. | Spirit Drinker's Coating (4% Lifetap, for three-minutes) |
The Cunning of a Tiger: Cunning Copycat 121422 |
10 | This awarded upon reaching Kindly (525) faction with The Primal Spirits. This is accomplished by repeatedly doing the quests offered by Shae, the Great Wolf Spirit, Valia, the Great Bear Spirit and Yasil, the Great Tiger Spirit in Darklight Caverns. |
Great Tiger Spirit Familiar (See Above) (This item can be converted into the Great Bear Spirit Familiar or the Great Wolf Spirit Familiar by way of a claim button in the item window.) |
All of the Mission Achievements, that do not credit until the Chest is opened, can be acquired via a Task Add.
Task Added Players will get credit when the mission chest is opened. They will get credit no matter where they are. They do not have to be in zone.
Hero of Shar Vahl: Mean Streets 121122 |
10 | Defeat the listed Mission. | |
Savior of Shar Vahl: Mean Streets 021523 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. | |
Mean Streets: Waste No Effort 121122 |
10 |
Defeat all illusions, before doing any harm to Jakarashev. During this mission, there are four (4) versions of Jakarashev up. The 'illusionary' versions can be differentiated from the real one, via a 'Glimmering Illusion' buff they have on them. Before talking to the NPC to start the mission, you can run to the four spots and pre-determine which three (3) are the fakes, so you target them first. |
N / A |
Mean Streets: Cut Off The Head 021523
10 |
Do not kill any Thugs. During this mission, each the four (4) versions of Jakarashev will have two (2) 'Thug' adds with them. This one is hard to do. The best way, in my opinion, other than hardcore off tanking and healing, is...
N / A |
Mean Streets: No You Don't 121122 |
10 |
Do not let Jakarashev shift to any of his scatter illusions. During this mission, fake versions of Jakarashev spawn from the get go. These are not the 'scatter illusions.' You can ignore 'a flickering image' adds that appear (off thank them, and they will poof in short time). However, there will be three (3) 'an illusion' to deal with and these are the ones that matter. Jakarashev, he can teleport to any 'an illusion' and regen to 100% by absorbing the illusion.
N / A |
Hero of Shadow Haven: When One Door Closes 121122 |
10 | Defeat the listed Mission. | |
Savior of Shadow Haven: When One Door Closes 122422 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. | |
When One Door Closes: Brutal Efficiency 121122 |
10 |
Do not allow the Mutable Monstrosity to change forms on it's own. During this mission, the Mutable Monstrosity will literally change from one form to another, every 30 seconds. The key to this achievement is to do enough DPS to force the Mutable Monstrosity to change forms before a 30-second timer would do so otherwise. |
N / A |
When One Door Closes: Hiding in Plain Sight 122222 |
10 |
Destroy illusionary creatures using magic, before defeating the Mutable Monstrosity. Towards the end of the battle, a 'swirling dust' will spawn. If it does not spawn, slow down DPS until it does. Then use a Corruption Cure to kill (banish) it. If your DPS is too slow, you can gat more than one. If so, all of them need to be banished. |
N / A |
When One Door Closes: No Pole 122422 |
10 |
Do not allow anyone to be hit with Burrowing Spikes. DPS is not the way to go for this one. Instead, slow & steady is the way to go. Set up camp at the edge of the room near the Task NPC and fight the Boss there. When the Cockatrice form shows up, everyone (except the tank) should turn their back and slow down DPS as not to be stunned when the form changes again (so you are able to run). When the Underbulk form shows up, be ready to run ASAP (a red aura will appear in the area, watch for an emote about "The floor shakes as things move underground near <Player Name>). The tank needs to drag the MoB to the 'gate' on the opposite side of the room, immediately, and everyone else needs to follow (to get out of the aura). Next round (same process), run back to the original tank spot. Keep doing this back and forth, until the win! |
N / A |
Hero of Darklight Caverns: The Spirit Fades 121222 |
10 | Defeat the listed Mission. | |
Savior of Darklight Caverns: The Spirit Fades 121322 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. | |
The Spirit Fades: Conscientious Liberation 121222 |
10 |
Remove the bonds from Grakaw in the least destructive order. The sequence to get this one is to heal Grakaw, kill the MoB(s); then cast a cure on Grakaw, kill the MoB(s); then cast a stat buff on Grakaw and , kill the final MoB(s). |
N / A |
The Spirit Fades: Unscrupulous Liberation 013123 |
10 |
Remove the bonds from Grakaw in the most destructive order. The sequence to get this one is to cast a stat buff on Grakaw, kill the MoB(s); then heal Grakaw, kill the MoB(s); then cast a cure on Grakaw and kill the final MoB(s). |
N / A |
The Spirit Fades: Thick Skin 021323 |
10 |
Don't be hit with the Slicing Energy spell while under the effects of Thinning Skin. (This is an individual achievement.) When the emote is for you, immediately move out of any of the green auras, to avoid any and all damage. Run out of the room if need be (but not too far, there are zone trash MoB's in the zone). |
N / A |
Hero of Shar Vahl: Under Siege 122022 |
10 | Defeat the listed Mission. | |
Savior of Shar Vahl: Under Siege 122522 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. | |
Under Siege: No Dark Heart 122522 |
10 |
Always cure Dimming Heart. This is an individual (solo) achievement. During this mission, pull Vius Vex to the opposite side of the bridge (near the Vah Shir NPC's), as she can cast a curse (Dimming Heart) on random Players (watch for the emote "The darkness inside you begins to grow."). When it does, before Vius Vex dies and / or the curse expires, those affected need to look in the back row of NPC's (the Vah Shir), hail and follow along with one of the Spiritist in the back row (closest to the building); or just say, 'Help,' to get cured (Player cures do not work for this). |
N / A |
Under Siege: Don't Blink 122022 |
10 |
Do not allow anyone to be hit with Blinking Shadows. This is a DoT (400K DOT, 600 Mana DoT, 50% slow) cast by the shades you see flying about. Defeat the event fast enough and this should not be an issue, as they rarely seem to cast it on anyone. |
N / A |
Under Siege: Stop the Advance 122022 |
10 |
Do not allow any of the Shar Vahl to be killed by Zun Vyl Dyn. To get this Achievement win on the first go with all of the Vah Shir surviving the battle. The golem (Zun Vyl Dyn) can do ranged attacks on them, but if you beat the mission fast enough, the Vah Shir should all survive, especially if you control the movement of the golems (they move in the direction that four or more of your group is located). |
N / A |
Basic non-achievement raid info is outlined in another section, below.
Conqueror of Paludal Depths: Shiknar Queen 011123 |
10 | Defeat the listed Raid Event. | N / A |
Vanquisher of Shiknar Queen 011123 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Raid Achievements | N / A |
Shiknar Queen: Unfulfilled Curse 030123 |
10 |
Do not allow Hashiss' Curse to mature. Starting in the second stage of this raid (after Queen Hashiss attacks), Queen Hashiss will debuff two (2) Players at a time, with the 'Curse of Hashiss' (3.5K Mana DoT). Always cure these Players (curse cure), to avoid an AoE (400K DD, -5K Mana, 10-second Stun, 1K Range) that can hit the entire raid. However, it also means the Player who cures them will be hit with 'Hashiss' Revenge' (-450K, -6K Mana, 2-second stun), which is better than the entire raid being hit. |
N / A |
Shiknar Queen: Undevoured 011123 |
10 |
Do not allow Hashiss to devour anyone. In the final stage (after 50%), Queen Hashiss will emote ("Hashiss will soon devour <tank name>") and kill ('Devour') the main tank twenty (20) seconds later. To avoid this, immediately swap tanks. |
N / A |
Shiknar Queen: Undelivered Spores 020623 |
10 |
Do not allow any of the expanding spores to burst. During the entirety of this event, 'an expanding spore' will periodically spawn, and have a green aura around them. Kill each and every one of them before they explode (they do not fight back), by redirecting DPS toward this effort. |
N / A |
Conqueror of Shar Vahl: Pit Fight 011623 |
10 | Defeat the listed Raid Event. | N / A |
Vanquisher of Shar Vahl: Pit Fight 100423 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Raid Achievements | N / A |
Pit Fight: Unshattered 100423 |
10 |
Do not allow anyone to be hit by a Shattering Dart. In the final stage (when all three bosses aggro), Giplik Unseen will cast an emote "Giplik Unseen aims multiple arrows." which will be directed at about three (3) random Players. Aura's will appear on the ground and everyone near them needs to move away from those locations before the arrows hit (they are a 600K AoE). A large yellow aura appears, so you can see where the effect is. This will happen periodically until Giplik is dead. To avoid the arrows landing in multiple locations as much as possible, have all but a good tank and a good healer on the other 2 bosses, while everyone else literally stacks up on the tank for Giplik Unseen. The tank for Giplik Unseen will then run north-ish is and south-ish as each emote happens (see map Spot #1 on Map in raid section below). Everyone must immediately follow the tank and get out of the yellow aura. Meanwhile, all adds get pulled to the main raid and killed as a secondary priority. First priority is moving back and forth. Killing Giplik Unseen is third priority. |
N / A |
Pit Fight: Run Runner 020123 |
10 |
Don't let any runners escape. During this event, there will be ('grimling runner') that spawn at Hargil Bloodpoint. Snare, Root & kill them ASAP. Do not let any of them get to the cave (or you get more adds)! Watch for the emote, "Hargil Bloodpoint kicks a runner in the backside and it runs towards the cave." This will happen about every eleven (11) tics, but will stop once Hargil is dead. |
N / A |
Pit Fight: Stay Close 082023 |
10 |
Keep all of the grimlings near their leader at all times. This means no Grimling add can ever leave the aura around the boss that they spawn at... AT ALL (skirmisher = Giplik; warblood = Hargil & defender = Kyklim). This one will take a patient and diligent raid force. (1) Raid force must stay bunched up on related raid bosses at ALL times, as noted below. (2) At start, entire raid run to the boss to the southwest (towards the caves) and get in the aura near boss and keep all the grimling adds in that aura as you kill them. (3) When last one dies, entire raid needs to immediately run back to northwest to the next spot (not far from the Quest NPC, close to the wall) and repeat same. (3) When that last add dies, and after the adds are killed that spawn in assorted locations, all Players need to immediately move to the spots in which their assigned bosses will be tanked and then stay bunched up on their tank at all times. Tanks will move each boss back and forth to avoid the arrow emotes (but still within the aura of said boss). Only DPS one (1) boss at a time (adds spawn every 5%) and keep DPS slow and steady. When an add(s) appears, turn DPS on the add(s), kill it / them and repeat until each boss is dead. Players at other boss locations are there to support their tank (heal, step in if the tank dies, etc.), but not to do any DPS, at all. You do not want any adds spawning at the other boss locations. When Boss #1 is dead, repeat at Boss #2 and then Boss #3 (suggested boss kill order: Kyklim, Giplik and then Hargil). |
N / A |
Conqueror of Shar Vahl: Mean Streets 010923 |
10 |
Defeat the listed Raid Event. |
Shadewrought Coin of the Eclipse (click to upgrade your progressive Ecliptic spell / disc). |
Vanquisher of Shar Vahl: Mean Streets 110523 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Raid Achievements | N / A |
Mean Streets: Waste No Effort 082823 |
10 |
Defeat all illusions you find in the city, before harming the real Jakarashev. At the start, there will be four (4) versions of Jakarashev up. Group of Players need to be assigned to each location. Three (3) of the Jakarashev are fakes, which can be determined in advance by the 'Glimmering Illusion' buff they have on them. Attack and defeat the three (3) fakes before the real Jakarashev is actively damaged. In doing so, remove all types of Damage Shields; Proc Spells; Pets on hold; Do not DoT or Damage the real Jakarashev in any way, but feel free to DPS the fakes. Be ready when the real Jakarashev swaps spots with one of the fakes, as the roles at each spot can change from 'DPS the fake' to 'Don't Damage the Real One.' As a mote, there does appear to be a grace buffer of about 3% damage on the real Jakarashev. So, if damage to the real Jakarashev reached 2% from riposte and similar, tether it back to 100%. |
N / A |
Mean Streets: Cut off the Head 110523 |
10 |
Do not kill any of the thugs. Do not kill any of the 'Thug' adds... at all. This will take a patient and attentive raid! The idea is for the two 'thugs' (the third will poof to slow, which is OK), at each of the four (4) raid locations, to survive the entire raid. This means getting them aggroed and doing zero direct damage to them (they will take some incidental damage, so don't freak out too much about that). To do this, a durable and competent tank needs to be grouped with two (2) Clerics and a Shaman. This tank is to hold aggro on the thugs and Jakarashev (or any other adds that show up like the Illusions and Tigers). Assign two (2) viable groups at each of the four (4) raid spots. They will stay there the entire raid. The 9th group should be a roaming DPS group. As a pre-requisite, drop all Damage Shields (this includes certain Illusion & Familiar buffs), do not use reverse Damage Shields and put pets on hold and and turn off pet taunt. Use the Empowered Banner / Fires and Tribute. When ready, start the event. Kill the three (3) fakes first (they have the 'Flickering illusion buff on them), one (1) at a time (send the DPS Group 9 spot to spot). Do not damage the 'real' Jakarashev, as if you do, the Tigers will spawn. Always, always move back and forth as with the tank to get out of the fires, but don't move too far as the real and fake Jakarashevs can tether and go back to 100%. Once all of the fakes are dead, start on the real Jakarashev. Do not burn him down, as this will make it easier for the tanks (and healers) to hold aggro on the thugs and pick up adds as they spawn. When Tigers spawn, kill them. When the Flickering Images appear, just get and hold aggro, as DPS is a waste on them. They will poof after a short time. When the Illusions appears, same deal. Hold aggro, they will poof as well after a minute or so (this will heal Jakarashev, but that's OK). Maintain this slow, determined process. The last set of adds are at 9%. At that time, stop DPS on Jakarashev until they poof. Once that happens, maintain aggro and no damage on the thugs and slowly take down Jakarashev for the win! |
N / A |
Mean Streets: No You Don't 010923 |
10 |
Don't let Jakarashev shift to any of his scatter illusions ("Flickering illusion"). Once Jakarashev is engaged (second phase), the real Jakarashev can 'swap' places with one of the three (3) fakes ("an illusion"). Don't let him do this by having at least two (2) or more groups at all four (4) battle locations, to engage and kill them before a swap happens. |
N / A |
Conqueror of Shadow Haven: When One Door Closes 020623 |
10 | Defeat the listed Raid Event. | N / A |
Vanquisher of Shadow Haven: When One Door Closes 020623 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Raid Achievements | N / A |
When One Door Closes: Brutal Efficiency 050123 |
10 |
Do not allow the Mutable Monstrosity to ever (at all) change forms on it's own, for the entire raid. This is accomplished by doing enough DPS to the boss, for the entire raid, to force a form change before a timer would do so, otherwise. |
N / A |
When One Door Closes: Hiding In Plain Sight 022323 |
10 |
Find and destroy illusionary creatures with magic before defeating the Mutable Monstrosity. These are the 'swirly' adds that spawn six (6) at a time and then head towards the raid. Three (3) of them can be banished with cures. Make them a priority target (kill them ASAP) and be sure the last wave is finished off before killing the boss. |
N / A |
When One Door Closes: Arachnophobia 021623 |
10 |
Do not allow any spiderling to burst from anyone's corpse. This is accomplished by using, ASAP, actual rezzes and NO calls. Corpses that lie about too long can spawn spider adds. Avoid having any spider adds to get this achievement. |
N / A |
Conqueror of Deepshade 042323 |
20 | Defeat the two (2) listed Raid Events. | N / A |
Vanquisher of Myconid Mutiny 091423 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Raid Achievements | N / A |
Myconid Mutiny: Crystal Crusher 091423 |
10 |
Destroy all Crystalkin using the vibrations of the crystal pillar. During this event, 'vibrating' adds will spawn. The adds spawn right away, about two (2) at a time and continue to spawn for the entire raid. They spawn near the positions where the four (4) mini-bosses are at the start of the raid. Dragging them into the center crystal tower will kill them (they explode... 'Sonic Shards' is a 200 Range 400K DD / Toss Back). It's tricky, but this achievement requires killing all of the 'vibrating' adds in this manner... start to finish! Position the raid 225 range from the center crystal tower, and assign skilled Knights, particularly Shadowknights (they can snare), to kite the adds away from the raid, with a healer or two tossing quick heals on them when they are in range. No one but the kiters should ever attack any of the adds! Kiters need to run around the center crystal tower so that the adds chasing them will run up to and around the crystal tower. In doing so, the adds will take damage and explode. Killing The Choreographer first seems to help for this Achievement. When The Star (main boss) activates, it gets more difficult and controlled DPS becomes 100% essential (no pet taunts, pet hold...). Five (5) adds will spawn every 11% starting at 99%. So, hold back DPS until those adds are dealt with each time. Be aware that the last set of adds spawn at 1%! So after the 11% adds, DoT's should be stopped. At 2% to 3% call off pets, stop major nukes... and once the adds appear at 1%, stop all forms of DPS. The adds MUST be dead before The Star dies. Once the adds are dealt with, finish off The Starr. |
N / A |
Myconid Mutiny: Delivery in Full 060423 |
10 |
Let all the workers deliver their crystals to their supervisors. As the event starts, Sporali ('a crew member') will spawn, about four (4) at a time, at each Mini-Boss. They will then walk to the center Crystal and chip off two shards ('Clear Crystal') before turning around and heading back toward their Mini-Boss to deliver them. Let them! Don't kill any of them! NOTE: The Clear Crystals can drop from other MoB's later, but more than likely this does mean most of the raid may suffer the effects for not using crystals to protect them from later curses. |
N / A |
Myconid Mutany: All That Glitters 022723 |
10 |
This is an individual achievement. Prevent the effect of the death of each MINI by use of the proper crystal. As the event starts, a series Sporali will spawn at each Mini-Boss, four (4) at a time. They will walk (non-aggro) to the center Crystal get two (2) shards before heading back (they equip them so you can see they have them). Kill them after they start going back. They each drop two (2) Clear Crystal. To get this achievement, you need to individually loot four (4) Clear Crystal, then run up each one of the Mini-Boss areas (into the Blue, Green, Red or Yellow Mushroom patches), to morph one (1) Clear Crystal into a corresponding Crystal colors (Blue Crystal, Green Crystal, Red Crystal or Yellow Crystal). Clicking these Crystals will put a 2.5 minute buff on you, which will protect you from the AoE DoT that happens when each Mini-Boss dies. So, be sure to click it around 5% - 10% of the appropriate Mini-Bosses health (Blue = Production Manager; Green = Head of Wardrobe; Red = Choreographer; & Yellow = Stage Manager). |
N / A |
Vanquisher of of Dance of the Demiurge 112623 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Raid Achievements | N / A |
Dance of the Demiurge: De-Illusion 042323 |
10 |
Destroy every fake actor with counter magic. Every add has a weakness in the form of a spell that can used against them, based on their color. This can be seen by a color denoted under their names (see image to right). The 'fake' adds can be banished / weakened with the bane spells as follows: Blue = Mesmerize; Green = Remove Curse; Yellow = Run Speed Buff; Purple = Direct Heal; and Red = Strength Buff. To get this one, have Players that can cast such spells make a point of casting them on the MoB's of the associated color, for the entire raid. If all 'fakes' get banished / weakened, the achievement is awarded. |
N / A
Dance of the Demiurge: Multitudes 112623 |
10 |
Allow the gods to create at least sixteen creatures. During this event, after 50%, off tank one (1) of the blobs that spawn (don't kill it) until changes into one of the 'Deity' MoB's (Bertoxless, Bobcat Knife or Morel Tool). If you think your raid can handle it, you can allow both blobs to change, to speed this process up... but it does mean you will be dealing with as many as six (6) MoB's at a time. Anyway, off tank the deity MoB(s) (do NOT kill them) and soon two (2) adds will spawn. Kill the spawned adds. Repeat this until sixteen (16) spawned adds have been killed. Once done, finish the event (you can kill the deity MoB(s) now). |
N / A |
Dance of the Demiurge: Altered Gods 101623 |
10 |
Force every god that appears to change color. During this event, so-called 'gods' will appear (around 80-85%), named 'Bertoxless,' 'Bobcat Knife' and 'Morel Tool.' Force them to change color (there is a color under their name) by way of using the color related banes after they hit 50% health. They can also spawn towards the end of the event as a 'penalty' add (below 20% area) if the event is defeated in a certain amount of time. If any do spawn at that time, immediately divert to the 'god' add, DPS it to 50%, bane it and then go back to the boss. |
N / A |
Conqueror of Darklight Caverns: The Spirit Fades 030523 |
10 | Defeat the listed Raid Event. | Shadewrought Coin of the Eclipse (click to upgrade your progressive Ecliptic spell / disc). |
Vanquisher of Darklight Caverns: The Spirit Fades 032923 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Raid Achievements | N / A |
The Spirit Fades: Conscientious Liberation 030523 |
10 |
Remove the bonds from Grakaw in the least destructive order. The sequence to get this one is to direct heal Grakaw, kill the MoB(s); then cast a cure on Grakaw, kill the MoB(s); then cast a stat (Strength) buff on Grakaw and kill the final MoB(s). |
N / A |
The Spirit Fades: Unscrupulous Liberation 032923 |
10 |
Remove the bonds from Grakaw in the most destructive order. The sequence to get this one is to cast a stat (strength) buff on Grakaw, kill the MoB(s); then direct heal Grakaw, kill the MoB(s); then cast a cure on Grakaw and kill the final MoB(s). |
N / A |
The Spirit Fades: Thick Skin 030523 |
10 |
Don't be hit with the Slicing Energy spell while under the effects of Thinning Skin. (This is an individual achievement.) This is an individual achievement. When the emote is specifically for you, immediately move out of any of the green auras, to avoid any and all damage. Run out of the room if need be (but not too far, there are zone trash MoB's in the zone). |
N / A |
Conqueror of Firefall Pass: The Shadows Move 031923 |
10 | Defeat the listed Raid Event. | N / A |
Vanquisher of Firefall Pass: The Shadows Move 091723 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Raid Achievements | N / A |
The Shadows Move: Stave off the Shadows 031923 |
10 |
Do not allow any shadow bearers to expand the looming Shadows. During the raid there will be an emote ("Shadows coalesce.") signifying the Shadows ('a shadow bearer') have spawned. Have pre-assigned ranged DPS immediately take them out, for the entire raid. |
N / A |
The Shadows Move: Unending Midnight 031923 |
10 |
Do not allow Midnight to return to Dusk and Dawn. After Dusk & Dawn both turn into 'Midnight,' while taking out the golems ('a massive construct), don't let them regen past 50%. |
N / A |
The Shadows Move: Within the Shadows 091723 |
10 |
Never take Dusk, Dawn or their Midnight (name change at 50%) out of the Looming Shadow. There are purple auras just in front of Dusk & Dawn, that you can see before the raid is activated. After about 2.5 minutes, Dusk and Dawn will activate. Tanks need to immediately aggro them, inside the auras, and keep them there for the entire raid. Tanks can position them so that Dusk and Dawn are in the aura, but the tanks themselves are just outside the aura. Placing Campfires to mark the tank spot is a good idea. |
N / A |
Conqueror of Shar Vahl: Under Siege 052223 |
10 | Defeat the listed Raid Event. | N / A |
Vanquisher of Shar Vahl: Under Siege 052223 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Raid Achievements | N / A |
Under Siege: No Shade 052223 |
10 |
Do not allow any of the Zakra Tetoracu to summon flickering shadows. During the raid, there will be shade MoB's ('Zakra Tetoracu') flying around over the bridge. At the very start, have Ranger's continually root them until they come down to ground level and then immediately kill them (the emote when they can be killed is, 'One of the Zakra Tetoracu becomes enraged at all of the restrictions.'). Do this until they are all dead. |
N / A |
Under Siege: Won't-o-Wisp 071023 |
10 |
Do not allow any wisps to transform. Progress the event until only Vius Vex and two golems ('Zun Vyl Dyn') are left. At this point, about three (3) (Wisps) will spawn at regular intervals for the rest of the raid. Assign a rotation of about five (5) groups to address the (Wisps) when they spawn (example Group 3 on the first set, Group 4 on the second set and so on, then repeat). When the (Wisps) spawn, the current group needs to run into the tunnel (near the Shadeweaver zone line) and wait on the (Wisps). When the Wisps arrive, The Players need to run near / around the (Wisps) to cause them to disappear and nullify the adds they would otherwise have spawned. It can help if pre-assigned range DPS keep the 'Night Fire' auras down (the aura stuns Players, preventing them from getting to the tunnel in expedient fashion). All Classes have some sort of 'Leap' AA, that can toss them a good ways, if not all the way, to the tunnel. Be alert for the time tegi adds (they die to mezz), as they spawn at the tunnel entrance. |
N / A |
Under Siege: Full Darkness 082723 |
10 |
Do not destroy any Night Fires. Progress the event until only Vius Vex and two golems ('Zun Vyl Dyn') are left. At this point, other than the adds, 'Night Fire' aura MoB's will also appear about the bridge. Don't kill any of them, even though their auras are really annoying (they stun; mana drain; hinder Player efforts to get the the tunnel for the 'wisp' adds; and hinder Players getting to the 'Spiritists' for cures). Tank the boss near her spawn spot, only moving to one side of the tunnel or another to help avoid any 'Night Fire' that may spawn. Have a rotation for about five (5) groups that leave early (due stun delays) and wait on the wisps at the far tunnel, deal with the 'wisp' adds (run under / around them to get them to despawn instead of spawning adds). Be alert for the timed Tegi adds ('a centi dator,' they die to mezz), as they spawn at the tunnel entrance where the raid is. Mezzers need to mez them immediately when they activate and they should never be attacked or dotted, otherwise. When the boss ports away (this will happen about about 60%, about every 5% to 10%), focus on the add Golem ('Zov Vyl Dyn'), Vius Vex will come back on her own. As for cures, Players need to immediate action (starting moving right away); take advantage of the golems ('Zun Vyl Dyn') tossing them to other side of the bridge; use 'Leap' type AA's & Click items; find gaps to go around the aura's and so forth. The important thing is to get across the bridge for a cure ASAP. Getting back is less of a concern. Diligence by the entire raid is key here, really. |
N / A |
Hunter Achievements do not require you to be in zone. Just be in the group / raid and you will get credit for the Hunter kill, no matter where you are.
Novice Hunter of Night of Shadows 010123 |
20 | Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. | Nightslayer's Satchel (40-Slot 100% Bag) |
Hunter of Firefall Pass 123022 |
10 | Defeat the six (6) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Shadeweavers Temple 010123 |
10 | Defeat the seven (7) listed targets. | N / A |
Adept Hunter of Night of Shadows 020723 |
20 | Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. | Nightslayer's Rucksack (42-Slot 100% Bag) |
Hunter of Shar Vahl, Divided 123122 |
10 | Defeat the seven (7) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Paludal Depths 020723 |
10 | Defeat the six (6) listed targets. | N / A |
Veteran Hunter of Night of Shadows 020723 |
30 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. | Nightslayer's Backpack (44-Slot 100% bag) |
Hunter of Ruins of Shadow Haven 122122 |
10 | Defeat the seven (7) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Deepshade 020723 |
10 | Defeat the seven (7) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Darklight Caverns 121422 |
10 | Defeat the seven (7) listed targets. | N / A |
Remnants of the Lost 123122 |
20 | Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. |
Firefall Pass Scavenger 122622 |
10 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Onokiwan Toys 120722 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Firefall Pass. The are ground spawns in the rat caves. |
Journal of an Original 120622 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Firefall Pass. The are ground spawns in the open areas of the zone. |
Firefall Artifacts 122622 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Firefall Pass. These drop primarily Underbulks in the tunnels. |
Hawks' Pilfered Trinkets 122222 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Firefall Pass. These drop from Hawk MoB's. |
Shadeweaver's Tangle Scavenger 123122 |
10 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Gor Taku Masonry Tools 121722 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Shadeweaver's Thicket. These drop from the Tegi MoB's. |
Nepeta Petals 120722 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Shadeweaver's Thicket. These are ground spawns on the east side of the zone. |
Loda Kai Poacher Tools 123122 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Shadeweaver's Thicket. These drop from the Loda Kai (bandit poachers). |
Pigmented Lava Glass 120622 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Shadeweaver's Thicket. These are ground spawns on the west side of the zone. |
Remnants of the Hidden 011523 |
20 | Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. |
Shar Vahl, Divided Scavenger 011523 |
10 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
This Used to Be My Training Ground 120922 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Shar Vahl. These drop from MoB's in the pit. |
Shar Vahl Guild Signets 121022 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Shar Vahl. These are ground spawns primarily in and around the castle area (inside the city). The Spirit of the Lost clicky is a huge help here. |
Articles of Brokenness 121422 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Shar Vahl. These are ground spawns outside the castle area, inside the city and on rare occasion, in the Pit and Grimling caves. The Spirit of the Lost clicky is a huge help here. |
Dreams of the Whisperlings 011523 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Shar Vahl. These drop in the Mean Streets mission, down in the pit. |
Paludal Depths Scavenger 010423 |
10 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Zombugs 120722 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Paludal Caverns. These are ground spawns (mostly around the water areas). |
Stinking Badges 122722 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Paludal Caverns.. These drop from the Shiknar, Underbulks and Reishi, particularly in the far north east where 'The Neverending Reishicyben' is located and in the mid-east behind the rock door. |
Recondite Sashes 010423 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Paludal Caverns. These drop from the Recondite Bandits and Fungal Fiends. |
Forsaken Affairs 121022 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Paludal Caverns. These are ground spawns in the middle-east part of the zone, particularly behind the rock door. |
Remnants of the Night 011523 |
20 | Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. |
Ruins of Shadow Haven Scavenger 011523 |
10 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Empty Nester 122022 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Shadow Haven. These drop from trash MoB's such as the Shik'Nar on the western side of the zone. |
Vestiges of Rampage 011523 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Shadow Haven. These drop from trash MoB's such as the Spirit-Touched and Golems, on the eastern side of the zone. |
The Axe Forgets, But the Tree Remembers 121122 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Shadow Haven. These are ground spawns on the west side of the zone. |
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Teachings 121022 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Shadow Haven. These are ground spawns on the east side of the zone (be sure to look on top of walls). |
Deepshade Scavenger 010123 |
10 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Prop Hunt 122522 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Deepshade. These drop from the elementals (actors). |
A Bunch of Wild and Fungis 010123 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Deepshade. These drop from the Fungus Men. |
Color Theory 121322 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Deepshade. These are grounds on the main level of the zone. |
Places, People! Places! 121322 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Deepshade. These are ground spawns on the lower level of the zone. |
Darklight Caverns Scavenger 121922 |
10 | Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. |
Spirit Imbued Flora 121722 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Darklight Caverns. These can drop from the plant MoB's. |
Fragments of Kezhda's Memories 121922 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Darklight Caverns. These can drop from the 'Spirit' MoB's. |
Darklight Critters 121222 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Darklight Caverns. These are ground spawns. |
Musings of Kejaan Kerrath 121222 |
10 |
Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items from Darklight Caverns. These are ground spawns. |
Respect the Death Blades 121122 |
20 |
Max your faction with the 'Way of the Feline.' This is accomplished by petting (/pat) 'Rajyk' and / or 'Palav,' who are the tigers at the entrance to the castle in Shar Vahl, the Divided. It will take about 500 successful pats (Kindly faction) to do this! Be visible and don't spam it (wait about 2 tics between pats... if they grow weary of you, you don't get the faction hits). It also appears that if other Player(s) are also petting the tigers, that you will be in competition with those other Player(s) for the faction hits. |
Darklight Caverns Firefall Pass |
Paludal Caverns Ruins of Shadow Haven Shadeweaver's Tangle |
Shar Vahl, Divided The Deepshade |
The generic strats / info below are from Dev Beta notes, successful raids that I was part of, from what I recall and / or from research. The below info does not include details on how to complete raid-related achievements. Those are noted elsewhere on this page, if any. The below info should be adapted, as seen fit, by your Raid Leader. Raid make-up (classes, levels, Player skill levels, etc.) can and do make a difference on raid strategy options and winning or losing. In any situation, Key emotes may also be noted below. Players fulfilling their roles, using assist, and following emotes is always essential. There is all most always more than one variant strategy that can successfully defeat a raid. As Levels increase, defeating old raids can prove much easier and more forgiving (potentially even as a group or solo / molo, depending on how old the raid event is). However, sometimes, certain mechanics still have to be honored. It has been known that in some events, due to such raid mechanics (i.e. too much DPS; killing MoB X before MOB Y; and similar) can bug the raid and cause it to fail. Some of these targets may require 'zerging' into the zone get to them (kill stuff along the way). They may also have 'adds' which are normally more like 'trash' MoB's. The original / older targets / encounters were pre-raid window events. Raids were more of a collective effort, or better, an extremely challenging group event. Any effects noted below can sometimes 'scale to level,' so the effects can be lesser or greater than stated, depending on raid force character levels. On Progression servers, targets can use 'Mitigation of the Mighty' (mitigates Spell, Melee & DoT Damage), at least until such time as certain later expansions unlock, which is typically at least seven-plus expansions after the expansion of the related target. While older targets are static open-world (non-instance) events, there are now an Agent of Change in various locations that will offer an instanced version of those same events (noted below, if any).
If I missed anything or got something wrong, let me know!
Mean Streets (Tier 1) |
Shar Vahl, Divided NPC = Sergeant Hujiid |
This raid is in three phases. Phase 1: Split the raid up with tanks / healers at all four spots, as you will have to fight at all four locations. The real Jakarashev will swap places with one of the 'fakes' at intervals (emote = 'Two of the Jakarashevs glimmer for a second and swap places.'). The real Jakarashev will health-lock at 2%. Kill the fakes and Jakarashev will respawn / regen to 100% and start Phase 2. Phase 2: Now fight the real Jakarashev down, with everyone in the same place. As you do, two 'a flickering image' will spawn at intervals. They will despawn in short order, but tanks need to keep them from killing non-tanks while they are up (don't waste DPS on them). Around 45%, groups need to get back to their original position before Phase 3 starts, at about 35%. Phase 3: At this point, 'an illusion' will spawn at the other three (3) locations that need to be aggroed and tanked. They can be killed, but they will 'poof' (get eaten by Jakarashev) before the next wave of the same adds at about 20% and then again at about 10%. After that, Jakarashev's health will no longer lock at 2% and he can be killed for the win.
Pit Fight (Tier 1) |
Shar Vahl, Divided NPC = Sergeant Hujiid |
There are three 'boss' MoB's in this raid: Kyklim Bonebinder (1); Giplik Unseen (2); & Hargil Bloodpoint (3). Phase 1: Adds will spawn around Hargil Bloodpoint (to the southwest, towards the caves). Pull them to the raid (Spot 4) and kill them. Adds will then also spawn around Giplik Unseen (area of Spot 2). Pull them to the raid and kill them. At this point single MoB's will spawn around the area. Have stun classes keep 'a blacksoul' stunned and held in place and prevent skeleton adds, while everyone aggro and kill the other adds ('a blacksoul scout'), then kill the stunned adds. Phase 2: At this point, all three (3) bosses should be in the noted positions and tanked. Each boss has an effect and specific adds. Pull the adds (except the runners, see notes to right) to the main raid force and kill them. Move back and forth at Spots 2 & 4 when needed for the 'Dart' attack (see to right). Kill adds as a priority, avoid the 'Dart attack, kill Giplik Unseen, then kill Kyklim Bonebinder and then kill Hargil Bloodpoint for the win. |
Insatiable An Appetite (Tier 1) |
Paludal Caverns NPC = Sharvyn Oresinger |
You are here to kill the Shiknar Queen, Hashiss. Phase 1: At the start, you need to kill a number of (waves) of Shiknar, with 'a cliknar nymph' being mezzable and 'an immature shiknar' being charmable, so focus efforts on the other adds ('a shiknar') first. Phase 2: Hashiss is located at the dead end of a tunnel (Spot #1 on the map, below). Once she is active, pull her Spot #2, in the little corner between rocks and tank her there. Three (3) adds will spawn at Hashiss (about every 12%) for the entire raid. Kill 'a shiknar' then 'an immature shiknar' (see note to right about these) and then kill 'a shiknar aberration.' While 'a shiknar aberration.' is alive, Hashiss is hit point locked, so don't waste Mana... divert DPS to the adds while it is up. And don't kill it first so adds don't build up on you, kill the other two (2) first. Be attentive of cures, charms and the little mushrooms that spawn (see to right) and slow and steady will win the day.
When One Door Closes (Tier 2) |
Shadow Haven NPC = Animist Khalan |
When the raid starts, pull Mutable Monstrosity to Spot #1 on the below map. As each aura / emote happens, drag Mutable Monstrosity to Spot 2... rotating around the room (Spots 1 to 4) to avoid the auras. These auras are not good to be inside of (they can stun, root, increase the amount of damage you take, mana drain, and so on). Have the raid move as a whole (close together), follow emotes, kill adds when they spawn and avoid certain sides of the Bosses form changes when they happen... for the win. See notes to right.
Myconid Mutiny (Part 1 - The Deepshade) (Tier 2) |
The Deepshade Shadow Haven NPC = Animist Soren |
This is the first event, of two (2), that are in the same raid instance. Phase 1: When the event starts, a series of waves of four 'non-aggro 'mushroom men' MoB's will come in from each mini-boss's mushroom grove (see notes to right). Don't kill them until that start back where they come from, as all Players need one (1) or more 'Clear Crystal' that they drop (see notes to right). Phase 2: The Mini-Bosses will walk near the Crystal where The Star (boss) has moved to. They will aggro once they are there. Have groups assigned to off tank each mini-boss. Drag the Choreographer away from the rest of the raid (west side of center crystal, in open area, Spot #2 on the map, below) and hold it there, due the effect it has. Kill adds as they come in, ASAP. Have the raid stay bunched up (Spot #1 on the map below) as AoE / Group heals and cures can save the day. Meanwhile The Star (boss) will devour crystals it takes from the four (4) mini-bosses, powering up for the final battle. Kill Production Manager, then Head of Wardrobe (it is now safe to bring The Choreographer to the main raid location), then Stage Manager and then the Choreographer. Phase 3: Once the mini-bosses are dead, The Star (boss), will aggro. The Star spawns five (5) 'vibrating' adds every 11% (starting at 99%) and periodically, causes the center crystal to ring (adds, roots raid, HP DoT on raid). If adds get to The Starr, he gains 1% Health & 1% base damage. Continue as before, staying bunched up, AoE heals / cures, kill adds and DPS the boss for the win.
Dance of the Demiurge (Part 2 - The Deepshade) (Tier 2)
The Deepshade Shadow Haven NPC = Animist Soren |
Tank Malthshisku in the area where he spawns (#1 on the map below). Set-up the main raid force in to the north (area of Spot 2 on the map below). Phase 1: Five (5) adds spawn all of which have an aura effect: Lethargic Mass (Red - roots and prevents heals / attacks via Invulnerability); Impairing Mass (Green - reduces stats); Wearying Mass (Purple - reduces Mana & Hit Points); Serene Mass (Yellow - can Mezz Players); & Energetic Mass (Blue - adds Attack and Move Speed to the other Masses, tank it away from other adds). There will also be emotes to follow, for most of the entire raid, or the raid can be wiped. See notes to right. Phase 2: Malthshisku becomes active. Four (4) adds will spawn at intervals... 'an enthusiastic understudy' (face away from raid); 'a season performer' (put it's back to a wall, away from main raid if possible); and 'a thespian'. The one that has two (2) versions spawn, one (1) of them is a 'fake' and can be banished via their Bane Weakness (see notes to right). Phase 3: 'Gods' Spawn, to include 'Bertoxless;' 'Bobcat Knife;' & 'Morel Tool.' They can change to a different color before they die. Phase 4: Malthshisku goes inactive at 50% and three (3) waves of multiple adds (aka 'multitudes'). They can include 'a flogrok' (face away from raid); 'a fly girl; 'a shill skin;' and 'an elder elf.' Phase 5: Malthshisku reactivates after the adds, above, are dead. The 'Gods' spawn again. Phase 6: After 30% Lethargic Mass starts to respawn every 90-seconds and can turn into one of the 'Gods' at random. Other of the same previous adds can also spawn every 2 minutes. Malthshisku, when below 10%, will 'eat' a random add and regen back to 12%. Malthshisku will health lock at 2% if an add is still alive. Kill the adds and then Malthshisku for the win. |
The Spirit Fades (Tier 3) |
Darklight Caverns The Deepshade NPC = a spirit messenger |
You are here to 'cure' (or rescue) Grakaw, which involves killing three (3) Mini-Bosses that basically possess him. You bring them out one (1) at a time, using a certain type spell on Grakaw (noted below). While you can bring them out in any order, the 'easiest' order is noted below (any other order can make the event harder). Defeating the third mini-boss (no matter the order), wins the event. SET UP: Have everyone shrink and position and bunch up the entire raid south corner behind and and east-ish of Grakaw. The entire raid, except as noted below, will stay here for the entire event. Phase 1: The Demonstrated Depletion (a leech) is released by casting most any single target heal on Grakaw. Have the main tank pull him to the east / north side of the room (Spot A on the map below). ONLY the Main tank will move. Everyone else will use ranged attacks while healers use Direct Heals. About every 70 Seconds a 'Seething Energy,' aura spawns. The Main tank will simply move back and forth from Spot A to Spot B to avoid the Seething Aura. DPS until it's dead. Phase 2: Weakness Evinced (a devourer) is released by casting most 'Remove Greater Curse' on Grakaw. Fight him at Grakaw. Only the Players who are called out for Thinning Skin, when the aura is at Grakaw, need to move (see notes to right). Phase 3: Manifest Lethargy (a gumdrop blob) is released by casting most any strength buff on Grakaw. Tank it right there at Grakaw. As you fight, three (3) 'lesser' gumdrop adds will spawn about every 10%. Divert DPS to kill them ASAP when they appear (see notes to right). At (40%) Manifest Lethargy will split into two (Manifest Apathy & Manifest Drowsiness). Only one add will spawn (from each Boss) every 10% now. Kills adds first, but otherwise focus on killing Manifest Apathy and then Manifest Drowsiness. See notes to right. |
Under Siege (Tier 3) |
Shar Vahl, Divided NPC = Sergeant Hujiid |
Phase 1: At the start, the Vius Vex and her minions are on the south side of the bridge (area of Spot A on the map below). On the north side of the bridge are your allies, the Vah Shir (area of Spot B on the map below). Some shades are also flying about overhead.
Phase 2: As the second set of Akhevans are dying, if DPS is good enough, you can have them all dead before Vius Vex becomes active, but don't be surprised if this happens while a couple of them are still alive.
Shadows Move (Tier 3) |
Firefall Pass Shar Vahl, Divided NPC = Sergeant Hujiid |
Phase 1: The event starts by a few waves of Centi adds spawn and run at the raid. They can be mezzed, so mezz and focus DPS on them one (1) at a time for faster kills. The Centi will continue to spawn most of the raid. Deal with them as noted. Emote: 'Small creatures rush forward out of the tunnel.' Phase 2: After a few Centi waves, Dusk (starts at low health) & Dawn (starts at full health) will activate (Emote: 'Dusk and Dawn awaken and begin to move.'). Tank Dawn at Spot B (on the map below). Have a couple of good groups take Dusk to Spot C (on the map below) and tank it there. There are emotes Players must obey or threaten to wipe the raid (see notes to right). There will be some non-aggro 'shadow bearer' (shades) that spawn about every 90-seconds (see notes to right). Meanwhile, the idea is to fight Dawn down to 50% while casting (Charm? Mez?) on Dusk, until it temporarily goes off aggro. While it is off aggro, healers need to cast heals on it. Phase 3: Once both Dawn & Dusk get to 50% health, they will both morph into Midnight (see notes to right). At this point, they must both be DPS'ed, but they must be kept within 3% health of each other. Meanwhile, adds and emotes are still in play, to include the four 'a massive construct' that will activate individually. Try to kill each 'a massive construct' ASAP, at Dawn, before the next one becomes active. Phase 4: At about 20%, Aura's will begin spawn around Dusk & Dawn (aka Midnight, Emote: 'Midnight starts to form looming shadows.'). When it happens, the tanks need to move their bosses back and forth out of the auras (see arrows at Spot B & C on the map below). Once they are both dead, you win!
Lore is from / based on Daybreak, Expansion release information and / or Dev / Beta Forum Info.
Night of Shadows With a sudden rumble and roar, Norrath and Luclin are on the verge of absolute, explosive chaos. Rumors of an imprisoned Great Spirit have begun to spread. Meanwhile, as other factions reclaim their territories further enraging their counterparts, one particular clan is on the verge of outright panic. With Shadow Haven in ruins, Shar Vahl in complete turmoil, and the recent earthquake that opened a pass in Firefall, things are looking dire and bleak. Everything is putting the entire world at risk, and the call for heroes and heroines to step up is imminent. According to shadowy voices, the key to surviving the unfolding events will be you. But how will any meddling in the affairs of the Great Spirits prevent all-out war? What happened to all the animal spirits that were sent to Luclin and how does that affect what is about to go down? |
Firefall Pass The anguished roar of a mighty beast has caused a ground-shattering earth(moon?)quake on Luclin, leaving destruction in its wake. Firefall Pass was once a precarious, mountainous climb through Luclin, but the earthquake was tremendous enough to shatter one of its great mountains completely in two. Though Firefall Pass remains incredibly dangerous, the new path has made it easier for skilled adventurers to trudge across the area. With their habitat in disarray, the inhabitants of Firefall Pass are hyperaggressive. Saureks, underground insects, and very angry birds once living on top of the mountain, now fight for territory. The quake has also attracted a band of Akheva investigating the wreckage. |
Shar Vahl, Divided Since the time Shar Vahl was rediscovered by adventurers, it has grown and prospered with the re-established connection to Norrath. The city has built upwards, and all has seemed well. However, recently that hasn't been the case. Once a society that communed with all the spirits, under the Feral One, the people have splintered. The trade lines with Shadow Haven have become interrupted. Some division has been by spiritual paths, others by social constructs, and other citizens have simply become inhospitable in general. The prosperous Vah Shir city has become a shadow of its former self. |
Shadow Haven What is behind the locked door has finally been revealed, but with the revelation came disaster. An enormous spirit creature resembling a giant owlbear rampaged through Shadow Haven, leaving destroyed buildings and many dead in its wake. Enough time has passed for the residents to clean up, move residences, and put in temporary repairs. To the residents additional detriment Fungal creatures have invaded from Paludal caverns. |
Shadeweaver's Tangle The power from the Akheva continues to grow, expanding into the rest of the surface of Luclin. The Akheva-corrupted Shak Dratha have largely won the tribal war against the Gor Taku, and have taken over the cavern system lying beneath the Thicket. They have sacrificed or run out the remaining poachers in the cave, and taken over. With the Gor Taku out of the picture, the Loda Kai have begun to scramble, and the Firefall denizens have been more active and traveling out into the Shadeweaver's Thicket to rile things up. |
Paludal Depths The recondite bandits who used to call this cave their home have not left the caves and found a new way to make money. Bellweather, the newest leader of the bandits, has started using more aggressive means, but that hasn't all been well received amongst the bandits. She will have to work extra hard to prove herself. Meanwhile, the miners who have been digging in this cave have had a change in their plans. They were blessed by Brell with the discovery of another cave system, but it has come at a huge cost to them. Finally, the Reichicyben has grown to a terrifying degree. Can its infestation be stopped? Can it even be hurt? |
The Deepshade The owlbear spirit burst free from its prison where it has been tormented for aeons by an unseen force. Has madness and sorrow overtaken the Deepshade? What other creatures will you find inside the caves? What is that strange chanting? The fungus people of the Deepshade do not welcome strangers, but that doesn't mean some are not curious about the new adventurers that have graced their presence. Why is everything painted like that? And why does it feel like you're being watched? |
Darklight Caverns Deep below Luclin's surface, deeper even than the Deepshade, lies a never-before-seen domain: Darklight Caverns. Once a simple series of tunnels and caves, the caverns have been greatly influenced by the concentration of mystical animal spirits who have been hiding there since the kerrans were first sent to Luclin. In order to escape a terrible fate at the hands of the Akheva, the goddess Sahteb Mahlni ushered the animal spirits into Darklight Caverns and placed a protective illusion in front of its entrance to keep out those who would enter with dubious intentions. Though they once thought they'd eventually be freed from their confines, they've come to believe, many decades later, they are resigned to their fates in the caverns. |
Recognitions and credits for all involved with developing and creating EverQuest, for the current and past expansions, can be seen by clicking the 'Credits' button at the bottom of the Server Select Screen and then viewing the 'Current Expansion' or the 'Previous Expansions' tab.
They can also be found in your EverQuest Directory (credits_current.txt & credits_previous.txt).
A huge thank you to all involved!
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated January 13, 2025
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.