This is also known as the task called "The Depths of Darkhollow."

The steps within the Depths of Darkhollow task  (quest) is actually a series of tasks. This is sort of a "master" task where the steps within it are actually other tasks/quests. The steps can be done in any order.

This is a very nice mask in it's own right. While it is a progressive item (3 levels), the effect stacks with most other buffs and the one buff adds 50 to all resists!

UPDATE: This item, when first used, will now give you a permanent AA called "Item: Form of Protection." It will also put a "shadow" buff Icon on your buff bar, but you can click it off (the AA is permanent and the buff icon is not needed).


THE SKULL OF DEN LORD RAKBAN: Lore, No Trade, AC 40, STR 18, DEX 18, STA 18, CHA 18, WIS 18, INT 18, AGI 18, HP 250, MANA 250, FIRE 15, DIS 15, COLD 15, MAGIC 15, POISON 15, Attack 25, Regeneration 3, Mana Regeneration 3, Damage Shield +3, Stun Resist +5%, Weight 0.1, , All/All, Effect: Aura of Arcanum (+50 to all Resists).


Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.












1) UNDERSHORE: You need to find An Old Shiliskin Fortune Teller (Level 60).

He located in the far corner of the zone in a little niche -- in the area of p1330, n700. This is to the far right as you zone in from Corathus Creep.

Hail him (her?) and follow along, or just try saying, "I will master the dangers."

Accept the task called "The Depths of Darkhollow."




1) CORATHUS CREEP: This series of missions is the Level 68 Spell/Disc arc.

Click here for details on these missions.


2) UNDERSHORE: Once you have completed all the missions of the Level 68 Spell Arc -- go back to An Old Shiliskin Fortune Teller.

Hail him to complete the step called, "Rescue the Ecologist of Expedition 328 from The Hive."

You will receive the Fractured Werewolf Jawbone (Lore, Magic, No Trade, Weight 0.1).

This item can be clicked for a buff called, "Aura of Burning Arcanum" -- a plus 50 Fire Resist.




(Level 70 Spell Arc)






Preemptive Strike

1) UNDERSHORE: This is part of the series of tasks is the Level 70 Spell/Disc arc.

Have your group formed and find Jarzarrad the Prophet (Level 70).

I strongly encourage that you have a good tank (12K plus), a good healer, a good puller and a good slower/crowd control.

Jarzarrad is located inside a tent in the southwest section of the zone (area of n968, p646).

To get the first task in this series, simply hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "I am ready."

Choose the normal or hard setting, if offered, for the mission called "Preemptive Strike."


2) THE NARGILOR PITS: Head for the instanced zone.

The entrance is located in the Ruins of Illsalin.

To get there, make sure you are invisible and levitated. After you zone into Illsalin -- head straight out over the water and follow the bend to the left.

Just before the dead end, there are two bridges overhead. Go just past the first bridge and inch up the wall to the left. You can then levitate over to the second bridge, cross the bridge and zone in.

Be wary of see invisible MOB's and stay together! Corpse recoveries cause LONG delays!


3) First up is finding An Ornate Chest (Level 50).

It will be located in one of three places.

It will be either in the pit directly below you at the bottom of the ramp, in the water down to the right through the second doorway, or in the water down to the left through the first doorway.

It would be helpful if someone could explore with an eye so that time is not wasted pulling to the wrong place.

MOB's here do not respawn. A lot of the MOB's here are undead and most of them hit over 1K.

There is a pit trap at the bottom of the ramp where you zone in. To avoid the pit, pull MOB's over to the left side and then up the ramp from that side.

The pit is located to the center and right at the bottom of ramp THAT you zone in at.

Pulling MOB's from the right will cause them to fall in and you will find yourself trained by the MOB's from the pit.

Once you find the Chest, /open it and loot the Carved Nargil Triangle (Lore, No Trade, Weight 0.1). This is a key that you will need later on, to open a door.


4) Once you have the key, clear out the center area down to where Guardian of the Pit (Level 71-plus) is located.

He is located directly ahead at the bottom of the hill, guarding a doorway.

Clear all MOB's in the center area (don't worry about the MOB's in the side rooms -- except for the wanderers).

This is where a good puller comes into play -- as there are some MOB's down there with him the Guardian that are hard to get solo.

Once he is alone -- pull him up to the zone and fight him there (this allows an easy escape by zoning out if things go bad -- making for an easier recovery and second try).

The Guardian has a gravi-flux type AoE so make sure you are levitated. He can also summon -- so pull him him without doing damage. He rampages and can hit as hard at 3K -- so a good healer and tank are essential.

This is the hard part of the event.


5) Now you can use the key to open the door at the bottom of the hill.

It is a good idea to set up camp outside of the door and pull MOB's from inside the other room.

You need to pull and kill "Shilgrave" type MOB's (Level 70) from that room. A good puller is needed as they are in close proximity and there are a lot of them.

Some of the MOB's -- after you attack them (and sometimes before you do) -- will change into A Shilgrave Shade (Level 71 to 72). It is these MOB's you are after. You need to kill 10 (ten) of these.


6)  Once done, head back up to the zone line where you should find An Ornate Chest (Level 50).

Inside will be a random reward the group can roll on.


7) UNDERSHORE: Head back to Jarzarrad.

WARNING! Make sure no one is zoning in any way (to include dying) -- as this will cause that player to miss out on the final reward and credit for the mission.

Also -- make sure no one hails any NPC's -- as this can actually cause the mission to reset and you are back at step one!

Before doing this last step -- you can remove people from the task and "gimp" in (add) others to the task who may need the mission/reward. These people do not have to be in the group or in the zone.

When ready -- have one person simply hail Jarzarrad (and Jarzarrad only).

Paladin's will automatically receive:



Praetorian Guard

1) UNDERSHORE: This is part of the series of tasks is the Level 70 Spell/Disc arc.

Have your group formed and find Jarzarrad the Prophet (Level 70).

I strongly encourage that you have a good tank (12K plus), a good healer, a good puller and a good slower/crowd control.

Jarzarrad is located inside a tent in the southwest section of the zone (area of n968, p646).

To get this mission, simply hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "I am ready."

Choose the normal or hard setting, if offered, for the mission called, "Praetorian Guard."


2) TEMPLE OF KORLACH: Head for the instanced zone.

The entrance is located in the Ruins of Illsalin.

You get there the same as before, except this time the zone in is across that first bridge, rather than the second one.

You will need a good puller to split these mobs, as you most definitely want one at a time if you can help it.

Most MOB's here are undead and some can hit up to 2K. MOB's here do not respawn, thankfully.

Pulling in a  counter-clockwise fashion is a good idea, as the MOB's path that way (pulling them the other way can result in a train as they path by other MOB's).


3) You are after six (6) A Praetorian Guard (Level 71 plus).

You will have to pull to them. You want to pull a nd clear to the right and then move in and set up camp there, along the outer wall.

Each Guard will drop a Skull of a Shiliskin Praetorian (No Trade, Weight 0.1) that you need to loot. You need six (6) of these.

There are about four Guards located in and around the center area ahead of the camp spot.

The last two are located underwater (found in the center of the area just noted) through the underwater caves there.

A good puller can pull all the Guards to the camp, otherwise, the whole group will have to fight their way down into the water.


4) Once you have killed six Guards and looted six Skulls -- A Chest (Level 1) should appear nearby. Open it for a random loot item for the group to roll on.


5) UNDERSHORE: Head back to Jarzarrad.

WARNING! Make sure no one is zoning in any way (to include dying) -- as this will cause that player to miss out on the final reward and credit for the mission.

Before doing this last step -- you can remove people from the task and "gimp" in (add) others to the task who may need the mission/reward.

When ready -- give the six Skulls to Jarzarrad.

Paladin's will automatically receive:



The Fall of Illsalin

1) UNDERSHORE: This is part of the series of tasks is the Level 70 Spell/Disc arc.

Have your group formed and find Jarzarrad the Prophet (Level 70).

Jarzarrad is located inside a tent in the southwest section of the zone (area of n968, p646).

To get this mission, simply hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "I am ready."

Choose the normal or hard setting, if offered, for the mission called "The Fall of Illsalin."

The make-up of your group does not matter, as this is a Monster Mission. I suggest you have members of your group play as two Clerics, a Warrior, an Enchanter and two Rogues. This gives you good healing, crowd control, a tank and DPS. The Warrior can pull this mission.


2) IMPERIAL BAZAAR (aka ILLSALIN MARKET): Find Brother Stillpool (Level 70), who is just outside the tent.

Then each group member will need to hail Stillpool in order to be transported into the instanced zone.

Once inside -- allow time for everyone to spend their AA and set-up hot keys.


3) Once everyone is ready -- head all the way across to the other side of the zone, where you will see Emperor Draygun (Level 75).

It is here where the camp will be, by the Emperor. If anyone dies, they will reappear in the room right behind him. Deaths in this mission do not loose XP. In fact -- if casters run out of mana, they may opt to run out and "suicide" so they can reappear with about 40% mana (it is faster than medding up).

When ready -- hail Emperor Draygun. This will cause some emotes and a host of Drachnids will swarm into the zone and take up positions all over the place. You are safe at the camp spot.

Wait until all the Drachnids (Level 70 plus) are in place and have killed the few Shiliskin MOB's before you start pulling.

The Warrior can pull if he is careful, and never get more than 2 MOB's. Pull the MOB's all the way back to the Emperor.

After a while a second wave of Drachnids will swarm in. I am not sure if it is a timed event or the based on number of MOB's you kill. It does seem that either way, it happens in the time it takes you to kill about 12 MOB's or thereabouts.

When the second wave appears -- go back to the camp and wait for them get into position again.


4) Once the second wave has positioned -- you might be able to spot Commander Oboroth (Level 72 plus) at the far end of the zone.

He is the target you are after.

There is a trick to getting to him without having to kill everything in between.

Have the Warrior pull the MOB's in he lower area just below the camp. Then try to keep pulls from the left side only -- from up the next ramp.

After as few as seven or eight pulls -- the Warrior can actually jump up to the far side, on the right side. If the timing is right -- normal MOB's are pathed away and the Commander will be in pull range.

Pull him and kill him. 


5) Do NOT hail the Emperor yet. If you do -- XP and loot can and will be lost!

There will be a random loot item (to roll on) and six (6) Shard of Wisdom (Lore, No Trade, Weight X.X) on his corpse.

Each group member needs to loot a Shard of Wisdom.

The Shard of Wisdom is what will give each group member XP for the mission. If they don't loot one, they will not get XP!


6) After loot is handled -- hail the Emperor and everyone will be booted from the zone in under 30 seconds.


7) UNDERSHORE: Head back to Jarzarrad.

WARNING! Make sure no one is zoning in any way (to include dying) -- as this will cause that player to miss out on the final reward and credit for the mission.

Before doing this last step -- you can remove people from the task and "gimp" in (add) others to the task who may need the mission/reward.

When ready --  simply hail Jarzarrad.

REWARD NOTE: There is no automatic reward for this mission.



The Seeker

1) UNDERSHORE: This is part of the series of tasks is the Level 70 Spell/Disc arc.

Have your group formed and find Jarzarrad the Prophet (Level 70).

I strongly encourage that you have a good tank (12K plus), a good healer, a good slower and crowd control.

Jarzarrad is located inside a tent in the southwest section of the zone (area of n968, p646).

To get the first task in this series, simply hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "I am ready."

Choose the normal or hard setting, if offered, for the mission called, "The Seeker."

This entire event takes place just outside the tent.

The best way to beat this mission -- and I strongly suggest that you do so -- is to have outside help.

People can help you from outside of the group via DPS, heals and even by killing the adds.

However -- make sure those helpers are NOT grouped with anyone (as to avoid any chances of them kill-stealing or out-damaging you). Also have them back off at at about 5% -- so they don't strike the killing blow. If the outside helpers manage to KS you and / or get the kill -- you loose the event (you fail to get credit).

If you plan to gimp people in, the time now, before you activate the event.


2) When ready -- the the group leader can run out of the tent and towards the south. Within a short distance the from the tent, the sequence will be activated and The Seeker (Level 71-plus) will appear from the far south.


3) Kill The Seeker.

At about 15% he will heal up and spawn a Swirling Stone (Level 60). The outside helpers can kill it or it can simply be mezzed.

When you get The Seeker back to 15% health again -- he will once more heal up and spawn another Swirling Stone. One again -- stay focused on The Seeker and mezz or have the outside help kill the add.

The third time you get The Seeker to 15% -- he will change/respawn into The Shattered Seeker (Level 70-plus).

You will have to re-target him and re-attack him. This time you can finish him off.

This is essentially a straight melee battle, but The Seeker does summon, rampages (The Shattered Seeker version Flurries) and can hit as hard as 2K.


4) Once he is dead, the random loot item will be on his corpse -- that your group and side-helpers can roll on.

Unfortunately, if anyone dies at the last minute, or zones, they will miss out on the final reward and mission credit.

Paladin's will automatically receive:



Into the Shadows

1) UNDERSHORE: This is part of the series of tasks is the Level 70 Spell/Disc arc.

Have your group formed and find Jarzarrad the Prophet (Level 70).

I strongly encourage that you have a good tank (12K plus), a good healer and a good slower/crowd control.

Jarzarrad is located inside a tent in the southwest section of the zone (area of n968, p646).

To get this mission, simply hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "I am ready."

Choose the normal or hard setting, if offered. for the mission called. "Into the Shadows."


2) SHADOWSPINE: Hail Brother Stillpool (Level 70), who is just outside the tent, to get into this instanced zone.


3) You will find yourself in a room that has a globe-like object (Orb) in the center.

When ready, have the tank click the globe and three (3) A Lingering Shadow (Level 71) will spawn and attack.

They move very, very slow like they are snared, but they can and do warp in a heartbeat. They can hit for over 1K so good DPS is a factor. They are undead.


4) There are doors to the left and right side of this room, from where you zoned in. You want to go right first.

Open the door but be careful of nearby aggro. Pull your way down the bridge to the next building.

It appears you cannot fall off the bridge, so no worries about that.

Once in the next building/room -- there will be another globe and a number of A Shadowspine Librarian (Level 71). Leave them alone, as they are non-aggro.

When ready -- click the globe and a The Harvester of Souls will appear (Level 70-plus). Kill him. He is a bit tougher than the other MOB's so far, but not too hard.


5) Now go back to the first room and poll your way out of the other door to the other building/room on that side.

Once again, there will be another globe and a number of A Shadowspine Librarian (Level 71). Leave them alone, as they are non-aggro.

Click the orb and Vampiric Blades (Level 71-plus) will spawn and attack. This MOB is a bit tough, but he can be beat.


6) From this room, pull your way out the other door to the building/room across the bridge there.

In this room, you will see a dragon called Fragment of Vishimtar (Level 71-plus).

Clear the room around him before you engage him.

He is enrages and can dispell, grim aura and cast manaskin. He was not too bad.

If you are going to do any gimp ins, you need to do so before the final step. Just be warned that doing so will short your group for the final battle (next step).


7) Once he is dead, you will note the ramp going up in the same room.

Up top you will find Emperor Draygun`s Shadow (Level 71-plus).

He is probably by himself, but if he isn't, clear the way to him.

Surprisingly, he wasn't all that hard to kill.

After he is dead, the random loot item for the group to roll on will be on his corpse. Decide loot quickly, as his death begins a timer that will port the group out of the zone (2 minutes or less).

Paladin's will automatically receive:


8) UNDERSHORE: This completes the 70 Spell/Disc arc. However, Paladins do not get a Level 70 Spell/Disc.

If you are a class that does get a spell, simply go hail Brother Stillpool (Level 70).

Once you have completed all the missions of the Level 68 Spell Arc -- go back to An Old Shiliskin Fortune Teller.

Hail him to complete this step of the task and receive the Fractured Bone Ridges (Lore, Magic, No Trade, Weight 0.1).

This will complete the step called, "Fulfill Jarzarrad's Prophecy in The Ruins of Illsalin."

This item can be clicked for a buff called, "Aura of Venomous Arcanum" -- a plus 50 Poison Resist.









Freeing an Elder

1) STONEROOT FALLS: You need to find Shadowalker Dustspirit (Level 70).

He is a werewolf located in the northern circle of the zone, on the south wall -- in the area of n685 p850.

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "I will aid you."

Choose the normal or hard mission, if offered.

This mission is known as "Freeing an Elder."

Upon accepting the mission you will get Dustspirit's Note (Lore, Weight 0.0).


2) THE HIVE (Instanced): The zone in is located in the southern section of the zone, in front of the Drachnid Fort area. Looking at the fort entrance, the zone in is to your right.

This zone does not seem to respawn. 


3) You need to find Elder Ritualist Longshadow (Level 70).

She is located in the second building/tower to the left, up on the second floor.

Pull and fight your way to her and give her the Dustspirit's Note.


4) This will spawn Taskmaster Shadowspine (Level 72) at the campfire a short distance outside of the building.

You need to kill him.

You will get about three An Enslaved Corpse (Level 70) will spawn during the fight.

They cannot be mezzed or snared, but can be off-tanked or kited.


5) After they are dead, a random loot item will be on the corpse of Taskmaster Shadowspine, for the group to roll on.

He will also have a Drachnid Shackle Key (Lore, No Trade, Weight 0.0) that you need to loot for the task.


6) STONEROOT FALLS: Head back to Shadowalker Dustspirit.

WARNING! Make sure no one is zoning in any way (to include dying) -- as this will cause that player to miss out on the final reward and credit for the mission.

Also -- make sure no one hails any NPC's -- as this can possibly bug the mission and you are back at step one!

Before doing this last step -- you can remove people from the task and "gimp" in (add) others to the task who may need the mission/reward. These people do not have to be in the group or in the zone.

When ready, give him the Drachnid Shackle Key to finish the task.

Paladin's will automatically receive:



Orb of Subversion

1) STONEROOT FALLS: You need to find Shadowalker Dustspirit (Level 70).

He is a werewolf located in the northern circle of the zone, on the south wall -- in the area of n685 p850.

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "What visions?"

Choose the normal or hard mission, if offered.

This mission is known as "Orb of Subversion."


2) THE HIVE (Instanced): The zone in is located in the southern section of the zone, in front of the Drachnid Fort area. Looking at the fort entrance, the zone in is to your right.

You are after the Drachnid Poisonmaster (Level 72).

He is located on the most western "cocoon" off the bridges area. He is on the top floor (at the Dreadspire zone in).


3) It would be a very good idea to clear the cocoon from the bottom up before you go to the top level and engage the Drachnid Poisonmaster.

This is because as you fight him, he will teleport down one level every 20% to 25% of health, and this way -- you can avoid the adds.

Once clear, go ahead and kill him. He will teleport done one level, then down the next level and then out onto the Bridge area, where you can finish him off.

He sets "traps" that can blind, has a 1.5K DD with an 800 HP per click DoT and 1K DD as well. He can hit for up to 1.5K as I recall.


4) Once he is dead, a random loot item for the group to roll on will be on his corpse.

.0He will also drop an Orb of Subversion (Lore, No Trade, Weight 0.0) -- that you will need to loot for the task.


5) STONEROOT FALLS: Head back to Shadowalker Dustspirit.

WARNING! Make sure no one is zoning in any way (to include dying) -- as this will cause that player to miss out on the final reward and credit for the mission.

Also -- make sure no one hails any NPC's -- as this can possibly bug the mission and you are back at step one!

Before doing this last step -- you can remove people from the task and "gimp" in (add) others to the task who may need the mission/reward. These people do not have to be in the group or in the zone.

When ready, give him the Orb of Subversion to finish the task.

Paladin's will automatically receive:



A Plea for Help

1) STONEROOT FALLS: You need to find Shadowalker Dustspirit (Level 70).

He is a werewolf located in the northern circle of the zone, on the south wall -- in the area of n685 p850.

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "What move?"

Choose the normal or hard mission, if offered.

This mission is known as "A Plea for Help."


2) You need to find Spiritualist Ryianna (Level 70), who is nearby to where you are.

Have the leader hail her to receive an Enshrouded Orb of Subversion (No Trade, Weight 0.0).


3) SNARLSTONE DENS: The zone in to this instanced zone is in the Undershore, in the northwest corner of the zone.

Your first goal is to kill 20 (twenty) of the "Ragepaw" type werewolves.

Pull towards the northwest room when doing this.

Along the way, you might encounter Rage Biter (Level 73-plus) and/or Stonepaw (Level 73-plus).

They are tough MOB's, so avoid them if you can.


4) Then you need to find Bloodeye (Level 80) and give him the Enshrouded Orb of Subversion.

He is located at the throne room area of the zone (northwest room).

Make sure his room is cleared before you do this (he does not aggro).


5) After you turn in the Enshrouded Orb of Subversion, A Chest (Level 1) will spawn in the room.

Inside is a random loot item for your group to roll on.


6) STONEROOT FALLS: Go back to Spiritualist Ryianna.

WARNING! Make sure no one is zoning in any way (to include dying) -- as this will cause that player to miss out on the final reward and credit for the mission.

Also -- make sure no one hails any NPC's -- as this can possibly bug the mission and you are back at step one!

Before doing this last step -- you can remove people from the task and "gimp" in (add) others to the task who may need the mission/reward. These people do not have to be in the group or in the zone.

When ready, hail her to complete the task.

Paladin's will automatically receive:



Trailing Longshadow

1) STONEROOT FALLS: You need to find Shadowalker Dustspirit (Level 70).

He is a werewolf located in the northern circle of the zone, on the south wall -- in the area of n685 p850.

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "I am willing."

Choose the normal or hard mission, if offered.

This mission is known as "Trailing Longshadow."


2) UNDERSHORE (Instanced): You need to find Scout Whiteclaw (Level 70), who is nearby to where you are.

Say to him, "Show me" -- to get into this instanced zone.


3) You will appear at the top of the waterfalls. On the other side of the falls you will see Elder Ritualist Longshadow (Level 73-plus).

You are to follow her -- but with a catch. You cannot get too close and you cannot get too far away.

If you do, you will loose automatically.

Don't worry, however -- when following her and you get too far away, you will get an emote telling you so. This emote can be ignored as long as one group member is in the proper range.

If you get to close, you will get an emote warning you of this. This time however, if even one group member gets too close for just a second too long, they will be spotted and you loose.

Therefore -- have the tank lead the way and everyone else stay behind the tank.

When following the Elder -- using levitate, invis and at one point, invisible to undead -- are essential to avoid aggro that will delay you keeping up.


4) While following Elder Ritualist Longshadow, she will stop several times along the way.

When she stops, everyone should get ready for one (1) to 4 (four) MOB's attacking -- normally from behind.

It is essential to have a good tank, good healer, a slower and good crowd control for this reason.

The Elder will stop at the following locations:

There are a few tricks to remember here. You cannot pull ahead, as you will loose (get too close). The Elder will not move again until you kill the Drachnid-type MOB's that spawn and attack you.

Therefore -- kill any non-Drachnid aggro first. You can then keep one A Drachnid Assailant (Level 70) mezzed until you recover -- delaying the Elder until you are ready.


5) After the last stop noted above, the Elder will meet with a Drachnid Informant (Level 72), near the zone line (cave) to Stoneroot Falls.

WARNING! Make sure no one is zoning in any way (to include dying) -- as this will cause that player to miss out on the final reward and credit for the mission.

It is at this point you can remove people from the task and "gimp" in (add) others to the task who may need the mission/reward. These people do not have to be in the group or in the zone. Be warned however, that doing so will short your group for the final battle.


6) You need to kill the Drachnid Informant, but there are a lot of MOB's in his area. I was able to single pull him with a stun from afar, back to the last spot my group fought at (the last spot the Elder stopped).

It is possible he will aggro anyway. He is a hard hitter (1.5K) -- but really wasn't too bad.

After he is dead, a random loot item will be on his corpse for the group to roll on.

Paladin's will automatically receive:



Confronting a Traitor

1) STONEROOT FALLS: You need to find Shadowalker Dustspirit (Level 70).

He is a werewolf located in the northern circle of the zone, on the south wall -- in the area of n685 p850.

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "I will help."

Choose the normal or hard mission, if offered.

This mission is known as "Confronting a Traitor."


2) SNARLSTONE DENS: The zone in to this instanced zone is in the Undershore, in the northwest corner of the zone.

You need to find A Padded Chest (Level 1) and will have to pull and kill your way to it.

This zone does not seem to respawn.

It will be located in one of the four rooms off the hallways.

If you look at the in-game map, there are three rooms across the top side and one at the bottom.

The chest is normally in the top center room. You will be able to tell which room it is in, as it is guarded by two A Drachnid Guardian (Level 71 to 72).

It would be a very good idea to pull and kill the MOB's from each of these four rooms, as you will see later.

Once you find A Padded Chest, open it and loot the Orb of Subversion (No Trade, Weight 0.0).


3) Now you need to find and kill Elder Ritualist Longshadow (Level 73-plus).

She is in the northwest room. When you confront her she will change from a Werewolf into a Drachnid and attack.

She has can blind with a 50 HP DoT and can hit for up to 2K. When you are fighting here, every 25% health or so -- she will teleport to another room.

Normally, this is the next room over, but not always. You will have to run to the room she teleported to and engage her again, each time she teleports.

The fourth time you will be able to finish her off.

Once she is dead, a random loot item will be on her corpse, for the group to roll on.


4) STONEROOT FALLS: Head back to Shadowalker Dustspirit.

WARNING! Make sure no one is zoning in any way (to include dying) -- as this will cause that player to miss out on the final reward and credit for the mission.

Also -- make sure no one hails any NPC's -- as this can possibly bug the mission and you are back at step one!

Before doing this last step -- you can remove people from the task and "gimp" in (add) others to the task who may need the mission/reward. These people do not have to be in the group or in the zone.

When ready, give him the Orb of Subversion to finish the task.

Paladin's will automatically receive:


5) UNDERSHORE: Go back to An Old Shiliskin Fortune Teller.

This completes the step called, "Learn the fate of Elder Longshadow in Undershore."

Hail him to complete this step of the task and receive the Fractured Temporal Plate (Lore, Magic, No Trade, Weight 0.1).

This item can be clicked for a buff called, "Aura of Freezing Arcanum" -- a plus 50 Cold Resist.









The Mines

1) CORATHUS CREEP: You need to find Bellfast (Level 65). He is along the wall at the "crash site" area.

Your first concern is faction with Bellfast (Expedition 328 faction). You need high-end "amiable" faction with Bellfast.

If you do not have the right faction, Bellfast will only give you solo tasks. If you do have the right faction, you will get a few lines of yellow text.

Once you get the yellow text, follow along.

Choose "The Mines."

He will also give you Fibblebrap's Memory Fragment (Lore, No Trade, Temporary, Weight 0.0).

This item is not actually needed, and why you get it, I am unclear.

MOB's in this instance come in bunches at times and some can't be mezzed. I strongly suggest good DPS, a good healer, slower, puller and enchanter as well.


2) THE CORATHUS MINES: Follow your compass to the instanced zone and zone in.


3) Once inside there is a Fibblebrap Memory Fragment (Lore, Temporary, Weight 0.0), lying on the ground near the zone in.

Pick it up.


4) Run ahead and hail the A Creep Reaper Operator (Level 68) to make the elevator go down and be ready to fight. There will be a small flood of MOB's to kill at the bottom (all the trash MOB's here range from Level 45 to 71).


5) Head to the next elevator and go down again, and expect a few more MOB's again.


4) Now you need to pull you way out of the tunnel and straight across the next room to the next tunnel. Avoiding aggro form the sides is key.

Once in the next tunnel, pull your way down and to the right (southern most room), to get to the Alpha Larva (Level 71 to 72).

Kill him and loot the Alpha Larva Meat (No Trade, Weight 0.0).


05) Now pull you way back to the southeastern room.

In there you will see Creeper Cliktok (Level 73). You might not have to clear all the MOB's in the room with him, as they likely will con indifferent you.

Whoever looted the Alpha Larva Meat should be indifferent to Cliktok.

Give Cliktok the Alpha Larva Meat and he will give you Fibblebrap Gem Fragment (Lore, Temporary, Weight 0.0).

Alternative: Kill Cliktok for the Fibblebrap Gem Fragment.

There will be a random loot item to roll on as well, from A Worn Old Chest (Level 1).


6) CORATHUS CREEP: Head back to Bellfast.

WARNING! Make sure no one is zoning in any way (to include dying) -- as this will cause that player to miss out on the final reward and credit for the mission.

Also -- make sure no one hails any NPC's -- as this can possibly bug the mission and you are back at step one!

Before doing this last step -- you can remove people from the task and "gimp" in (add) others to the task who may need the mission/reward. These people do not have to be in the group or in the zone.

When ready, one person give the Fibblebrap Gem Fragment and the Fibblebrap's Memory Fragment (the one you found) to Bellfast to win.

Paladin's will automatically receive:



Lost Caverns

1) CORATHUS CREEP: You need to find Bellfast (Level 65). He is along the wall at the "crash site" area.

Your first concern is faction with Bellfast (Expedition 328 faction).

You need high-end "amiable" faction with Bellfast.

If you do not have the right faction, Bellfast will only give you solo tasks. If you do have the right faction, you will get a few lines of yellow text.

Once you get the yellow text, follow along.

Choose "Lost Caverns."


2) CAVERNS OF THE LOST: This zone is located in a cave in Stoneroot Falls.

It is in the northwest section (circle) of the zone. There is a cave on the north side of the "tower" there. The zone in is just inside that cave on the left.

Beware, there is all most always a hard-hitting a see invis MOB there.


3) Once inside, you are looking for Captain Therimel (Level 71 to 72).

He (and his chambers) are located in the western part of the zone.

He has at least three friends, two Defender of Therimel (Level 68) and Therigal's Scholar (Level 71 to 72).


4) You will have to fight your way to him, for the most part, as the zone is a mix of Undead (Zombies) and Werewolves, all Level 68 to 72.

I advise a good group that consists of crowd control, a good puller, good healer, good slower and a solid tank.

This is really the hard part of the mission, as the MOB's often come in multiples.

Be warned that repops here happen reasonably fast, so keep moving.


5) Once you find the Captain, he will actually slay Therigal's Scholar and then turn on you. You need to kill him.

A good puller can probably pull him away from his other two friends, so you can kill him solo. He has a AoE stun, but is otherwise not that hard.

After he is dead, loot the Fibblebrap Gem Fragment (Lore, Temporary, Weight 0.0).

There will be a random loot item to roll on as well.


6) CORATHUS CREEP: Head back to Bellfast (Optional).

Give him the Fibblebrap Gem Fragment for a bit more XP and lore.

Paladin's will automatically receive:



The Hive

1) CORATHUS CREEP: You need to find Bellfast (Level 65). He is along the wall at the "crash site" area.

Your first concern is faction with Bellfast (Expedition 328 faction).

You need high-end "amiable" faction with Bellfast.

If you do not have the right faction, Bellfast will only give you solo tasks. If you do have the right faction, you will get a few lines of yellow text.

Once you get the yellow text, follow along or just try saying, "I will search for it."

Choose "The Hive."


2) THE HIVE: Your first step is to get to The Hive.

This is the normal zone off Stoneroot Falls, high up on the southern wall above the Drachnid Fortress.


3) THE COCOONS: Now you must find your way to the instanced zone.

Basically, make your way to the "living bridges" area, by either floating around or invis/fight through the first building there (in, down one level, in the cave, up the ramp one level, out to bridges).

Once on the bridges, you want to go into the second cocoon (building) on the left, up the ramp one level, in the cave and then right to the corner out of the cave.

The hard part is that there are se invis MOB,s, the Spider Webs in the caves can and will knock off your invis and there is a trap near the campfire near the zone in. So stick together.

Be warned that the instanced zone sometimes takes a second (Like the Guild Hall) to load up, once you click the doorway -- so you may not be able to run right in and zone off any aggro.


4) You are after Foreman Zlixtil (Level 73-plus).

He is in the northwest room, so you will have to pull your way to there.

The good news is that there are no repops here.


5) Once you get to him, you need to kill him, of course.

He hits for up to 1.2K and is, really, just a straight forward fight.

At 25% the zone will begin to shake and he will run off.

Don't chase him.

NOTE: Recent information is that this task has become bugged and was not working. Now it is said that the task is won at this step and Zlixtil does not flee. Some have reported the task won when he reaches 25%. Some have reported that they were able to fully kill him at this step. Others say report that after 25%, he goes back to his spawn location, regens to 100% health and MOB's either repop or they are adds that pop. Some say a lot of Cocoons appeared. In any case, be ready for something other than Steps 6, 7 & 8. No frets, however, they also report a chest spawns on top of the hill, with the item you seek.


6) COVEN OF THE SKINWALKERS: Now you need to make you way to Coven of the Skinwalkers.

This zone is located in the far room, directly south of the one you are in.

You now need to pull/fight/invis your way there.

You may even try to just run for it, if you are brave. However, to do so possibly means a run back from your bind point!


7) Once you zone n you will see Foreman Zlixtil again.

He will spout off and run down the ramp to the bottom.

NOTE: If he aggros before he runs down, you will need to zone back out. Yes -- you will have to run back, but the previous zone does not respawn at all.

You will not be able to kill him (regen/heals faster than DPS), until he gets to the bottom of the ramp.

That, or have a feign death person run him down the ramp and FD, so he runs where he is supposed to.


8) Now pull/fight your way to the bottom of the ramp. On the way down, be sure to open all the cocoons you see, as they may have an item in them (I have not seen any of them spawn a MOB, at all).

The bad news is that in this zone, the MOB's do repop, so keep moving.

Some say you can invis and levitate down off the right side of the ramp. However, I tried this and see invis MOB's spotted me.


9) Once at the bottom, you will now be able to attack and finish off Foreman Zlixtil.

Once he is dead, loot the Fibblebrap Gem Fragment (Lore, Temporary, Weight 0.0).

There will be a random loot item to roll on as well.


10) CORATHUS CREEP: Head back to Bellfast (Optional).

Give him the Fibblebrap Gem Fragment for a bit more XP and lore.

Paladin's will automatically receive:



The Korlach

1) CORATHUS CREEP: You need to find Bellfast (Level 65). He is along the wall at the "crash site" area.

Your first concern is faction with Bellfast (Expedition 328 faction).

You need high-end "amiable" faction with Bellfast.

If you do not have the right faction, Bellfast will only give you solo tasks. If you do have the right faction, you will get a few lines of yellow text.

Once you get the yellow text, follow along.

Choose "The Korlach."


2) RUINS OF ILLSALIN: Head for this zone.

Once inside, you want to go to the "Wallwatchers Citadel" area (if marked on your map).

If not, this is basically to your left after you zone in. However, to get there, you need to invis/fight your way up to the building/island you see just ahead and on the left. You want to get on and cross the bridge (you will need levitation) on this side (Undershore side).

After you cross over, clear the area just inside the door and up the ramp there.


3) Once the area is clear, you will see a (A Cocoon) (Level 1) up at the top of the bridge.

Open (/open) it and Neran Sporestomp (Level 70) will pop out.

Have every one Invis to Undead and follow him. After you hail him, he will run off expecting you to follow him.

One of two things will happen here. He will get aggro and fight and possibly die. If you try to help him, you may die too.

Or -- he will make it and wait for you.

He will go to the far side of the middle island at the broken bridge, through the building on the island... a potentially treacherous path.

If he makes it -- you go up to him and (hail him?) and he will literally "toss" you across the broken bridge to the zone line on the other side.

If he doesn't make it -- you will have to climb high, with levitate, and get there on your own (not easy, but possible.


4) TEMPLE OF THE KORLACH: THE KORLACH: Once you make it across one way or the other, zone in.

Once here, you are after Bilitan the Alchemist (Level 73-plus).


5) You will have to clear a number of MOB's to spawn him, so you may as well fight your way in.

It is unclear if his spawning is based on killing a number of MOB's (about 25 to 30 of them), time in zone (one hour?) or a combination of both.

He is located in the room located in the underwater caves, down in the pool of water in the middle of the zone.


6) Once you get to him, kill him (straight forward fight, he just has  a lot of HP) and loot the Fibblebrap Gem Fragment (Lore, Temporary, Weight 0.0).

There will be a random loot item to roll on as well.


7) CORATHUS CREEP: Head back to Bellfast (Optional?).

Give him the Fibblebrap Gem Fragment for a bit more XP and lore.

Paladin's will automatically receive:



The Rescue

1) CORATHUS CREEP: You need to find Bellfast (Level 65). He is along the wall at the "crash site" area.

Your first concern is faction with Bellfast (Expedition 328 faction).

You need high-end "amiable" faction with Bellfast.

If you do not have the right faction, Bellfast will only give you solo tasks. If you do have the right faction, you will get a few lines of yellow text.

Once you get the yellow text, follow along.

Choose "Rescue Fibblebrap."

NOTE: This mission is reportedly no longer Optional and required for the Skull of Den Lord Rakban mask.


2) You need to kill ten (Creep Reaper Guard) (Level XX).


3) Now you need to destroy The Hurt Machine (Level 70), located in the eastern part of the zone at the dead end.

Once he is dead, loot Fibblebrap's Core (No Trade, Weight 0.1).


4) Head back over to Bellfast.

Give him the Fibblebrap's Core to finish!

There will be a random loot item to roll on as well.

Paladin's will automatically receive:


5) UNDERSHORE: Go back to An Old Shiliskin Fortune Teller.

This completes the step called, "Find Fibblebrap."

Hail him to complete this step of the task and receive the Fractured Werewolf Jawbone (Lore, Magic, No Trade, Weight 0.1).

This item can be clicked for a buff called, "Aura of Burning Arcanum" -- a plus 50 Fire Resist.










The Search for Coral

1) STONEROOT FALLS: You are looking for Widdlethorpe Gemfinder (Level 70).

He is essentially straight across form the waterfall, up on the rock in the area of n66, n1200.

Hail him and follow along or just try saying, "I wish to help."

Choose the mission, "The Search for Coral" when offered.


2) LAIR OF THE KORLACH: Follow your compass to this instanced zone. It is located underwater, through a cave, to the north and east (follow your compass).


3) Once inside, you want to invis, fight and pull your way to the left cave. There are a lot of see invis and some traps (the big coral fans, avoid them).


4) Once you get to the end of that cave, you will come out of the water where there is a room full of undead Shiliskin MOB's (all Level 70-plus). This "weakens" High Priest Trelikin.

Clear the area of MOB's, except for High Priest Trelikin (Level 70), who you will notice is guarding a chest and there are some non-targetable dead MOB's lying about as well.


5) When ready, engage High Priest Trelikin.

As you kill him, every 25% he will spawn two to four (yes, 2 to 4) adds -- which are the on-targetable MOB's you saw lying about.

You can mezz High Priest Trelikin at this point and kill the adds -- or have the MA hold aggro and all others focus on killing the adds (otherwise, you may find yourself overwhelmed).

Don't be surprised if High Priest Trelikin heals himself as well.


6) Once they are dead, open (/open) A Dark Mystical Chest (Level 1) and loot the Enchanted Corathus Coral (Magic, No Trade, Weight 0.0).

There will be a random loot item to roll on as well.


7) STONEROOT FALLS: Head back to Widdlethorpe.

Give him the Enchanted Corathus Coral, to finish up.

Paladin's will automatically receive:



Learning the Power

1) STONEROOT FALLS: You are looking for Widdlethorpe Gemfinder (Level 70).

He is essentially straight across form the waterfall, up on the rock in the area of n66, n1200.

Hail him and follow along or just try saying, "We are up for this adventure."

Choose the mission, "Learning the Power" when offered.

The group leader (task getter) will be given a Glowing Chunk of Corathus Coral (Lore, No Trade, Weight 0.0, Clicky Effect: Jarzarrad's Rune, fits in Ammo Slot).

NOTE: You do not get a Magical Corathus Coral as some other sites note.

Now here's a trick to use. Once the mission is obtained, have everyone follow the text with Widdlethorpe -- so everyone gets the Glowing Chunk of Corathus Coral.


2) LAIR OF THE KORLACH: You are looking for A Young Witheran (Level 65).

It is located at the far end of the zone (the right tunnel, and then left along the wall in the big room before the end). You will need to pull, fight and invis your way there. The zone does respawn fairly quickly, so keep moving.


3) Once you get there, you need to equip the Glowing Chunk of Corathus Coral to "charm" A Young Witheran.

A Young Witheran is KoS and will attack -- but don't kill it.

Have everyone use their Glowing Chunk of Corathus Coral until someone succeeds in charming it.


4) Now you need to kill four (4) or six (6) -- depending on the mission, it seems -- A Witheran Protector (Level 73), who are often accompanied by one or two other Witheran-type MOB's as well.

Just fight your way back to the zone line, to do this.

Don't worry about A Young Witheran. It will stay charmed and may even fight with you. If he doesn't follow or dies -- don't worry about that either, as it is not necessary that he lives or follows.


5) Once at the zone line, look for (A Chest) (Level 1) with a random loot inside to roll on.

After that, do not port or gate out -- zone out.



Discover the Secret

1) STONEROOT FALLS: You are looking for Widdlethorpe Gemfinder (Level 70).

He is essentially straight across form the waterfall, up on the rock in the area of n66, n1200.

Hail him and follow along or just try saying, "I will explore the Lair."

Choose the mission, "Discover the Secret" when offered.


2) LAIR OF THE KORLACH: This is a collect mission.

First up are the "Witheran" Type MOB's (all Level 72 or less).

You will begin to find them as you start in the first tunnel, underwater.

The zone does respawn, so keep moving.

Kill them until you have looted four (4) Aged Witheran Larva Skin (No Trade, Magic, Weight 0.) and four (4) Witheran Feeder Guts (No Trade, Magic, Weight 0.0).


3) Continue to making your way in, to the far side of the zone (right path), to find the "Basilisk" type MOB's (all Level 72 or less). They are in the big room just before the end of the zone.

The zone does respawn, so keep moving.

Kill these MOB's until you have looted four (4) Withered Basilisk Tongue (No Trade, Magic, Weight 0.0).

A Dark Mystical Chest (Level 1) will now appear (in the Basilisk area) with a loot item for the group to roll on.


4) STONEROOT FALLS: Head back to Widdlethorpe.

Give him the twelve items you collected to finish up.

Paladin's will automatically receive:



Taking Control

1) STONEROOT FALLS: You are looking for Widdlethorpe Gemfinder (Level 70).

He is essentially straight across form the waterfall, up on the rock in the area of n66, n1200.

Hail him and follow along or just try saying, "I am prepared."

Choose the mission, "Taking Control" when offered.


2) LAIR OF THE KORLACH: You need to pull, fight, invis your way all the way back to the far end of the zone (right path).

The zone does repop, so keep moving.

You want to go into the underwater tunnel just past/below where you will see Korlach, the Deep Leviathan (Level 80) at.

Don't worry -- in this mission he is non-KoS.


3) The next room is where Chancellor Prellius (Level 73) is located.

Clear the room of MOB's around them (this is easily accomplished, without aggroing him).


4) When ready, go up and to the right on the wall, in the room.

When positioned, engage him.

He is a tough battle. He hits for up to 2K and he heals himself at 80, 60, 40, 20 and 10 percent health.

After the last heal, he becomes stronger and hits even harder. Don't be surprised if he summons an add (a Basilisk trash MOB) -- which you can root/mez.

It will take a good tank, good healer and good DPS to win this one.


5) Once he is dead, be quick!

You will ported out of the zone in about 60 seconds, so be ready to random/award the loot item before this happens.

Paladin's will automatically receive:


6) UNDERSHORE: Go back to An Old Shiliskin Fortune Teller.

This completes the step called, "Survive the Korlach Leviathan."

Hail him to complete this step of the task and receive the Fractured Frontal Plate (Lore, Magic, No Trade, Weight 0.1).

This item can be clicked for a buff called, "Aura of Chromatic Arcanum" -- a plus 50 Magic Resist.



Korlach, the Deep Leviathan

1) STONEROOT FALLS: You are looking for Widdlethorpe Gemfinder (Level 70).

He is essentially straight across form the waterfall, up on the rock in the area of n66, n1200.

Hail him and follow along .

Choose the mission, "Korlach, the Deep Leviathan," when offered.

NOTE: This step is not required for the Depths of Darkhollow task.

NOTE: This is a raid mission for up to 54 people, however, it let you get the mission with just 6 players (good luck on that).

Everyone should get a Glowing Chunk of Corathus Coral -- the same item from the second mission. "Learning the Power," above.

Anyone who has completed that mission should be able to get one from Widdlethorpe.



Zerg your way to the far end of the zone (right path). Everything here is at least level 73.

Stop in the room before Korlach, the Deep Leviathan (Level 80), to make sure everyone is ready.


3) When ready, go in and engage Korlach -- who hits for up to 2K, summons, quads and flurries. He appears to be perma-rooted as well.

This fight basically involves beating him down until you see an emote that is something like, "The Korlach abandons its mental defenses and concentrates on healing."

At this point, stop all attacks on Korlach and everyone spam him with their Glowing Chunk of Corathus Coral clicky, to "bring him back under control."

This is why it is important that as many people have the Glowing Chunk of Corathus Coral as possible, because it often fails and you only have about a 4 to 6 second window to land it.

Adds will also spawn at this point.

Be sure to kill them, as they don't mezz and they hit hard, but aren't high on HP.

NOTE: If you try to use the Glowing Chunk of Corathus Coral at the wrong time(s) -- you get an increasing number of adds.

NOTE: Korlach is mostly in water. If your spells/clicky is not landing -- it means you need to either go above water or below water to get a proper target. He also appears to be a "Belly" MOB, meaning you may have to be right up under him to land spells.

When you succeed with the Glowing Chunk of Corathus Coral, you will see an emote that is something like, "The Korlach suddenly calms as its eyes glaze over."

Korlach will then start to dispell his debuffs and you will soon see a message like, "The Korlach looks disoriented for a moment as it comes out of its daze, but quickly resumes the attack." At that point resume attacks.

If you attack too soon and "wake" him, you will get a message like, "Korlach is violently awoken from its stupor and redoubles its attacks as it shakes off the efforts to subdue it."

To me, this sounds like he just got tougher to kill and you will have to beat him down again to get the first message again (see above)..

The emotes happen about every 20% of health.


4) After he is dead, A Waterlogged Chest (Level 1) should appear with loot inside, for the raid to roll on. 

REWARD NOTE: There is not an automatic reward.



Final Steps

1) UNDERSHORE: Head back to An Old Shiliskin Fortune Teller.

NOTE: Have a bag slot open!

Hail him to complete this step of the task and receive the Funeral Shroud of Den Lord Rakban (Lore, Magic, No Trade, Weight 2.0, 10-slot Tiny, 0% Weight Reduction).


2) Now put all the items you received from the previous steps inside the Funeral Shroud of Den Lord Rakban and combine them, to make the Ancient Werewolf Skull (Lore, No Trade, AC 20, STR 12, DEX 12, STA 12, CHA 12, WIS 12, INT 12, AGI 12, HP 180, MANA 180, FIRE 10, DIS 10, COLD 10, MAGIC 10, POISON 10, Attack 5, Stun Resist +1%, Weight 0.1, , All/All, Effect: Aura of Arcanum <+50 to all Resists>)!



3) Now all you have to do is wear it and XP, to level it up to the Skull of the Den Lord (Lore, No Trade, AC 30, STR 14, DEX 14, STA 14, CHA 14, WIS 14, INT 14, AGI 14, HP 210, MANA 210, FIRE 12, DIS 12, COLD 12, MAGIC 12, POISON 12, Attack 10, Regeneration 1, Mana Regeneration 1, Damage Shield +1, Stun Resist +3%, Weight 0.1, , All/All, Effect: Aura of Arcanum <+50 to all Resists>) and then finally... the final and 3rd level... the Skull of Den Lord Rakban!


If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last updated November 5, 2022

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous.

Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form.

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