Where to find them and how to do them!

Now it's legal, you're old enough! Have a drink, that's the stuff! - Bonzz


There were no Anniversary Events before the 5th Year of EverQuest.

However, upon the 5th Anniversary of EverQuest, a temporary, special Anniversary event was added to the game.

After that, it became an annual tradition in EverQuest, with new Anniversary related events being added each year, as well as the old ones being reactivated right along beside them.

Anniversary Events generally start around March 16th (EverQuest was launched March 16, 1999), and continue to as late as mid-May.

There are now so many Anniversary Events that they are implemented / divided in two parts... "Modern" events (14th Anniversary and forward) and "Legacy" events (5th to 13th Anniversary).

The "Legacy" events do not award Commemorative Coins, but do include Fabled MOB's (introduced in 2008). These events do not start until near mid-April.

The "Modern" events start right away and generally award Commemorative Coin, which is a specialty coin that can used to buy special items with "a jubilant merchant" in the Plane of Knowledge (near the Nexus stone, and the stuff ain't cheap!).

The Mechanical Fortune Teller (near the Crescent Reach stone) was added to the Plane of Knowledge, to help direct you to the events (by year), because now, there are a lot of them. Just hail her and follow along.

Download and unzip this file to the 'storyline' folder of your EverQuest directory to have access to a generic, simplified version of these quests, in game, via your Story Window (Alt N)! NOTE: This file can be updated in the event of typo corrections, errors and new events, so you may need a fresh download / install every so often.


The 21st Anniversary was in 2020.

Also, at this same time, the Overseer game was added to EverQuest, but it, but it was not technically part of the 21st Anniversary.



21st Anniversary Tasks

21st Anniversary Tasks (Bonus)


Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.




Fancy Feast (Solo)          I Guess This is Growing Up (Solo)         I Guess This Is Growing up (Overseer)

An Epic Re-Request (Overseer)          Deep Research (Overseer)          I'll Take My Gains and Go (Overseer)



Fancy Feast (Solo)

1) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are looking for Maitreya the Maitre D', who is on the bar (close to the main bank, /waypoint 55, 240).

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "Hunt them down," to get this task.

The say 'Whisk' to get teleported to the next zone.


2) TIMOROUS DEEP: You are here to...

If you are after the Bonus Item, go to Step 3. Otherwise, skip to Step 4.


3) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: Head back to this zone, to an Oven.

Combine five (5) Plump Spiroc Meat, two (2) Plump Streamer Meat and one (1) Plump Shark Meat, to make a Fancy Feast - Half Order.

Then head back to Maitreya the Maitre D' and say, 'Whisk,' to get teleported again.


4) TIMOROUS DEEP: Head back to the docks / fort and to Chef Saroc.

If you are still in need of the Bonus Item, give the Fancy Feast - Half Order to Peakay Princess, to get the bonus item, Fancy Feast (a click heal for up to 12K Hit Points).

Next, give ten (10) Plump Spiroc Meat, five (5) Plump Streamer Meat and one (1) Plump Shark Meat to Chef Saroc to finish up!

REWARD: 10 (ten) Commemorative Coin.



I Guess This is Growing Up (Solo)

1) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are looking for the Emissary of Erollisi (/waypoint -30, -145, -155).

Hail Emissary of Erollisi and follow along, or just try saying, "Quest," to get this task.

If you have a Placard: Tink N Babble, you can use it to get to the next zone. Otherwise, make your way there.


2) EAST CABILIS: Head to the Tink N Babble bar to find a naive iksar (/waypoint 875, -90, 15).

Hail her and follow along for an update.


3) LAKE OF ILL OMEN: You are here looking for an iksar fisherman (/waypoint 965, 50, 75).

Hail him and follow along for an update.

If you have a Sceptre of Draconic Calling, you can use it to get to the next zone. Otherwise, make your way there.


4) CRESCENT REACH: You are here to:


5) LAKE OF ILL OMEN: Head back to an iksar fisherman.

Give an iksar fisherman the Discarded Tokens of Affection and (he will give them back) and follow along.


6) EAST CABILIS: Head to the to a naive iksar.

Hail a naive iksar and give her the Discarded Tokens of Affection, then follow along, for an update.


7) CRESCENT REACH: Head back to the Fireheart Tavern (/waypoint -1200, -1600, -90) to look for Discuit. 

Speak to Barkeep Osaze for an update.


8) SHAR VAHL: Go find Discuit (/waypoint -260, -220). Hail and give him the Discarded Tokens of Affection.


9) HOLLOWSHADE MOOR: You are looking for Discuit, who is near the Shar Vahl zone line (/waypoint 1225, 3050, 110). 

Hail him and follow along and you will be attacked by Friend of Discuit. Kill it and you will get Mother's Brooch.


10) LAKE OF ILL OMEN: Head back to an iksar fisherman.

Give the Mother's Brooch to an iksar fisherman to get Mother's Note.

BONUS ITEM: If you still need, or are after, the Bonus Item, go to Step 11. Otherwise, skip to Step 12.


11) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: For the Bonus Item, head back to Emissary of Erollisi and give her the Mother's Note (she will give it back), follow along and you will get the Bonus Item, Mom's Love (a click Rune that will absorb up to 24,200 Damage).


12) EAST CABILIS: Head to the to a naive iksar.

Give the Mother's Note to a naive iksar and follow along if needed, to finish up.

REWARD: 10 (ten) Commemorative Coin.



An Epic Re-Request (Overseer)

1) OVERSEER: The 21st Anniversary also added this 21st Anniversary Mission to Overseer.

The Mission, 'An Epic Re-Request,' appears to be a permanent part of the Overseer quest rotation (year round).

It is a Level 2 Uncommon Research Quest (24-hours), that requires Scholar (3), Explorer (1), Merchant (1) and a Soldier (1) agents.



Deep Research (Overseer)

1) OVERSEER: The 21st Anniversary also added this 21st Anniversary Mission to Overseer.

The Mission, 'Deep Research,' appears to be a permanent part of the Overseer quest rotation (year round).

It is a Level 5 Uncommon Stealth Quest (12-hours), that requires Scholar (3), Spy (1), Scholar (1), Soldier (1) and a Diplomat (1) agents.



I'll Take My Gains and Go (Overseer)

1) OVERSEER: The 21st Anniversary also added this 21st Anniversary Mission to Overseer.

The Mission, 'I Guess This Is Growing Up,' appears to be a permanent part of the Overseer quest rotation (year round).

It is a Level 5 Uncommon Stealth Quest (12-hours), that requires Soldier (2), Artisan (2), Merchant (2), Spy (5) and a Marauder (2) agents.



I'll Take My Gains and Go (Overseer)

1) OVERSEER: The 21st Anniversary also added this 21st Anniversary Mission to Overseer.

The Mission, 'I'll Take my Gains and Go,' appears to be a permanent part of the Overseer quest rotation (year round).

It is a Level 1 Uncommon Crafting Quest (3-hours), that requires Artisan (2), Diplomat (1), and a Spy (1).



If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last Updated October 6, 2024

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.