So appears invaders of the Brood... beware that you don't become their food! -- Bonzz


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The Outer Brood was the 31st expansion, released December 3, 2024.

It was a point of contention that the previous expansion (Laurion's Song) saw a big drop in expansion content (reportedly due to time concerns related to the Tides of Time). As a result, it was not without notice that, while this expansion did go back up to the standard four (4) Missions, the eight (8) Raid Events still fell short of the previously established 'standard' of nine (9) Raid Events.

The Outer Brood added:

Curse vs. AA Cure & Buff



The expansion was sold in four (4) versions: Family & Friends ($249.99); Premium ($139.99); Collector's ($89.99); and Standard ($34.99).

PRE-ORDER: If you Pre-Ordered (any version) you got three (3) Azure Scalewrought Weapon Ornament (any one of which can be converted back and forth to any of the thirty (30) weapon / shield / bow ornaments (options). You also got immediate access to Beta, as a Bonus.

STANDARD: This version ($34.99) did not include any Bonus Items.

COLLECTOR'S: This version ($69.99) included a Contract of the Skyguard (mercenary type); an Aureate Figurine (Personal Placeable Portal item); two (2) Goblet of Adventure III (4 Hours of +50% XP); The Outer Brood Painting (placeable item); Invader's Satchel (42-Slot 100% Bag); Scalewrought Striker Saddle (Mount); Metamorph Wand - Scalewrought Laborer (pet illusion / familiar); and six (6) Activated Key Ring Slots (5-Slots each).

PREMIUM: This version ($139.99) additionally included an Aureate Dragon Ring (Guild / House Portal item); another Invader's Satchel (42-Slot 100% Bag); six (6) more Activated Key Ring Slots (5-Slots each); ten (10) Perfected Augmentation Distillers; a Leviathan Calf Whistle (Mount); two (2) Goblet of Shared Adventure (4-Hour +50% XP for your Group); Metamorph Wand - Scalewrought Monitor (pet illusion / familiar); and an Aureate Chalet Three Room (a house).

FAMILY & FRIENDS: This version ($249.99) additionally included another Invader's Satchel (42-Slot 100% Bag); two (2) more Goblet of Shared Adventure (4-Hour +50% XP for your Group); Tradable: The Outer Brood expansion (Standard version); Tradable Level 100 Heroic Character; Tradable: Scalewrought Striker Saddle (Mount); Tradable: Leviathan Calf Whistle (Mount); six (6) Tradable: Activated Key Ring Slots (5-Slots each); an Overseer Agent Pack; and five (5) Drakkin Heritage Crate.

BETA: Players who participated in Beta and earned enough 'Beta Tokens,' were awarded a Paper Bag Hat Ornament.

Paper Bag Hat Ornament

(Beta Reward) (Video)

The Outer Brood Painting

Scalewrought Striker Saddle


Metamorph Wand - Scalewrought Laborer


Leviathan Calf Whistle


Contract of the Skyguard

(Tank Merc) (Video)

Contract of the Skyguard

(Healer Merc) (Video)

Contract of the Skyguard

(Caster DPS Merc) (Video)

Contract of the Skyguard

(Melee DPS Merc) (Video)

Metamorph Wand - Scalewrought Monitor


Aureate Chalet Three Room (House)


Aureate Dragon Ring

(Placed Portal) (Video)

Azure Scalewrought Short Bow Ornament


Aureate Figurine / Empowered Aureate Dragon Ring

(Convertible Portal) (Video)

You need to visit the Dragon ring in Aureate Covert to attune to it, to be able to use the Aureate Covert option.

Azure Scalewrought Longbow Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Buckler Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Shield Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Tower Shield Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Arcane Staff Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Bardiche Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Bo Staff Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Greataxe Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Greatsword Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Long Spear Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Lucern Hammer Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Maul Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Athame Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Axe Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Baton Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Broadsword Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Dagger Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Flanged Mace Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Hammer Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Injection Dagger Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Knuckles Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Longsword Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Mace Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Ritual Spear Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Scimitar Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Short Spear Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Spiked Mace Ornament


Azure Scalewrought Sword Breaker Ornament


Bucktooth XXV


Banner of the Outer Brood


Azure Scalewrought Wand Ornament


Scalewrought Flyer Egg


Cloth / Chain / Leather / Plate / Robe

Shackled Scalewrought Ornament Sets (Group)

Scalewrought Drone Harness


x x x x x

Cloth / Chain / Leather / Plate / Robe

Bound Leviathan Ornament Sets (Raid)



Achievements listed in the below sections are not necessarily listed in alphabetical order. They are generally listed in the order seen in the game (at the time they were added to the lists below). Use Control-F to "Find" a specific achievement you may be looking for.

All of the the below achievements should apply to all classes (they are not class specific).

General 10 560
Exploration 6 60
Special 2 20
Quests 12 190
Missions 10 220
Raids 40 640
Hunter 9 260
Collections 33 445
TOTALS 122 2,395

LORE                    RAID INFO & STRATS                    ZONES LIST                    GAME CREDITS                    ALTERNATIVE CURRENCY                    MERC GEAR

STAT FOOD & DRINK                    SPELLS, DISCIPLINES & SONGS                    ORNAMENTS SETS                    ARMOR SETS                    CHASE LOOT

PROGRESSIVE ITEM                    SPECIAL ITEM(S)                    TRADESKILL RECIPES



NOTE: Any rewards highlighted in YELLOW might be worth pursuing, due the fun factor, benefit or usefulness of the reward (you decide).

NOTE: Some miscellaneous “hints” may also be included in PURPLE. These hints are intended to enhance / clarify the "how to" for accomplishing the achievement.

NOTE: Anything in RED text is either an informational comment, or data / details that is not fully verified. If you can verify or provide correct information, please do (see end of page)!

NOTE: Items noted as a "REWARD" are items granted from the achievement, itself. Items listed as "ACQUIRED" are unique item's that can be / are / should be acquired along the way, towards completing the related achievement, but are not actually a reward granted from the achievement itself. In fact, the achievement may even be for acquiring said item. Additionally, only the more "unique" Achievement awards are noted below... "common" or "generic" Achievement Rewards like Alternate Advancement points, Character Experience & Coin, are not noted in the Reward options below.






This expansions Player crafted stat food and stat drink is Starlight Nectar Sparkling Metheglin & Wild Broodtide Combo Plate.




There were new recipes for every skill.

The recipe books, along with certain new and old tradeskill items, are sold by a Crystalwing merchant in Hodstock Hills.









Other than the mismatched / variant gear that can drop from MoB's, 'visible' Armor sets involve a Level of Crafting. Depending on which gear set you are making, they can require one, or more, other items that are either dropped, crafted or sold by vendors. These items are combined inside a combine container (dropped or crafted) to make the actual armor. As a note, weapons and non-visible items can also be crafted in similar fashion, as noted below.

The armor sets are, and the materials needed are:




The Harbinger's Ring of Grudge is a progressive ring item, attached to Achievements.

It progresses by way of equipping it and experiencing it up by killing MoB's that are at least blue cons, in non-raid zones of this, and later, expansions (it will not work in previous expansions). It will also require the completion achievements from this expansion.

The Harbinger's Ring of Grudge is acquired as a possible loot drop in any of the group missions. It can also be purchased for 1,350 Scalewrought Emblems from Marius Carver (the group vendor) in Hodstock Hills. However, you may not see it offered until you complete the Mercenary, Partisan and Collect Sets in Hodstock Hills.

This item will vary, as it progresses, by the Class / Archetype of your Character. It is progressed as follows:




There was no new Mercenary Gear for this expansion, but Mercenary AA's were increased by three (3) Levels per category.




There was no new 'chase' loot with this expansion, however, the same chase loot as from Laurion's Song did continue to drop.




The Hero's Forge Ornament sets for this expansion are Bound Leviathan (raid content) and Shackled Scalewrought (group content) (see above).







(Other than XP and / Coin.)

Master of The Outer Brood


100 Complete the two (2) listed Achievements N / A
Guardian of Norrath 60 Complete the two (2) listed Achievements.

Titles: Prefix 'Guardian of Norrath' & 'The Guardian of Norrath;' Suffix ', Guardian of Norrath' & 'the Guardian of Norrath.'

Scalewrought Drone Harness (stat Mount) (see above).



60 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

Broodslayer's Chest (52-Slot 100% Bag).

Titles: Suffix, 'Broodslayer' & Prefix 'The Broodslayer;' Suffix ", Broodslayer' & Prefix "the Broodslayer."

Unlocks the 4th Level of the progressive Harbinger's Ring.

Explorer of The Outer Brood


20 Complete the six (6) listed Achievements. If you don't have one all ready, you should get a Journeyman's Compass. Click the Journeyman's Compass to gain another Level of the Journeyman's Speed Alternative Advancement (if it isn't all ready maxed out).

Champion of The Outer Brood


40 Complete the twelve (12) listed Achievements.

Unlocks the 2nd Level of the progressive Harbinger's Ring.

Paragon of the Outer Brood


40 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements.

Scalewrought Flyer Egg (Stat Familiar) (see above)

Covariant Engram (upgrades your Progressive Spell).

Unlocks the 3rd Level of the progressive Harbinger's Ring.

Challenger of the Outer Brood 60 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements. Unlocks the ability to convert the Honed Gem of the Shackled, Sharpened Gem of the Shackled, Honed Gem of Uprising & the Sharpened Gem of Uprising.

Conqueror of the Outer Brood


60 Complete the eight (8) listed Achievements. N / A
Vanquisher of the Outer Brood 80 Complete the eight (8) listed Achievements. Defiant Claw (+170 Overcaps Aug)
Scale Seeker 40 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

Scale Seeker's Backpack (48-Slot 100% Bag)

Banner of the Outer Brood (Personal Tribute Trophy) (see above)






Aureate Covert Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Chambers of Puissance Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Harbinger's Cradle Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Hodstock Hills Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Gilded Spire Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Theater of Eternity Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.







(Other than XP and / Coin.)

Article of Destiny


10 Go to the noted Zone. Prefix, 'The.'

Beloved Bro-Dent


10 Find Bucktooth XXVI in one of the buildings in the 'Hodstock Village' area. Target Bucktooth XXVI and /clap to get a Deactivated Bucktooth XXVI. Go turn it in to Slodhe Svenson. Bucktooth XXV (familiar / pet illusion). 







(Other than XP and / Coin.)

Mercenary of Hodstock Hills


15 Complete the three (3) listed tasks / quests. Can unlock the first Level (only) of Aureate's Bane AA.

Partisan of Hodstock Hills


15 Complete the three (3) listed tasks / quests. Covariant Engram (upgrades your Progressive Spell).

Mercenary of the Theater of Eternity


15 Complete the three (3) listed tasks / quests. Can unlock the first Level (only) of Aureate's Bane AA.

Partisan of the Theater of Eternity


15 Complete the three (3) listed tasks / quests. N / A

Mercenary of Aureate Covert


20 Complete the four (4) listed tasks / quests. Can unlock the first Level (only) of Aureate's Bane AA.

Partisan of Aureate Covert


15 Complete the three (3) listed tasks / quests. N / A

Mercenary of The Harbinger's Cradle


20 Complete the four (4) listed tasks / quests. Can unlock the first Level (only) of Aureate's Bane AA.

Partisan of The Harbinger's Cradle


15 Complete the three (3) listed tasks / quests. Covariant Engram (upgrades your Progressive Spell).

Mercenary of The Chambers of Puissance


15 Complete the three (3) listed tasks / quests. Can unlock the first Level (only) of Aureate's Bane AA.

Partisan of The Chambers of Puissance


15 Complete the three (3) listed tasks / quests. N / A

Mercenary of The Gilded Spire


15 Complete the three (3) listed tasks / quests. Can unlock the first Level (only) of Aureate's Bane AA.

Partisan of The Gilded Spire


15 Complete the three (3) listed tasks / quests. N / A




All of the Mission Achievements, that do not credit until the Chest is opened, can be acquired via a Task Add.

Task Added Players will get credit when the mission chest is opened. They will get credit no matter where they are. They do not have to be in zone... however, they will not get experience or coin.




(Other than XP and / Coin.)

Hero of the Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect Hazuri

From Alchemist Balino Frugrin in The Theater of Eternity, key word 'group.'



Complete the listed Mission.

Base Strategy: Patience! Fight at / under Brood Architect Hazuri, near the wall. Kill the initial four (4) adds. Let the thank DPS Brood Architect Hazuri (no DoT's) and immediately kill all adds that appear (you can't kill the oozes... adds are at about 90, 80, 70, 60, 55, 50, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 & 5). Off tank or kill Atathus, the Red Lord when he aggros. When a dripping greenish puddle appears, everyone MUST immediately get in the green aura that accompanies it (if not, mezzes will go out and it is likely a wipe). Ignore / heal through an oozing orange pool, a putrid purple pool & a goopy pink pool auras.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

Savior of the Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect Hazuri


15 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

+1 AA: Hero's Resolution

Brood Architect Hazuri: Best for Last



Do not kill either replicant until Hazuri is below 10% health.

At about 70% & 40%, Brood Architect Hazuri will spawn an a Hazuri Replicant (in addition to all the other adds). While killing all other adds and making sure to get into the green aura when it appears, Off tank both Hazuri Replicant adds until Brood Architect Hazuri is at 10% and then kill them before killing Brood Architect Hazuri.

N / A

Brood Architect Hazuri: Nobody Explodes



Do not allow anyone hit by the Power of the Skyguardian to deteriorate into a Venemous Explosion.

During the event, Brood Architect Hazuri can cast 'Strength of the Skyguardian,' which is unresistable (Emote: 'Brood Architect Hazuri begins casting Strength of the Skyguardian.' & 'Venom invades your body.'). If it isn't cured within 30-Seconds (5 Tics) it will explode for additional damage. It needs to be cured before this happens by running 200 distance away from where you were, ASAP.

N / A

Brood Architect Hazuri: Everyone in the Pool



Everyone must stand in a pool at the same time when Hazuri devours and egg pod.

Every 10% Brood Architect Hazuri will de-aggro, devour an egg pod (the rock-looking items with variant colored gems on them) and spawn one of  four (4) different 'goo' non-aggro MoB's and at least one (1) add  (an altered striker and / or a Hazuri Replicant and / or two (2) an unmodified experiment). Each 'goo' also has a visible aura effect around them. Have everyone immediately move to get into those auras, every time... and stay there!

N / A

Hero of The Chambers of Puissance: The Leviathan's Heart

From Master Alchemist in Chambers of Puissance, key word 'smaller.'



Complete the listed Mission.

Base Strategy: Kill the three (3) MoB's that roam around the outside of the event area, just to eliminate them out of possible aggro. Mark The Custodian because he will move / port around during the event and this will make The Custodian easier to spot. Talk to a soldier to start the event and then kill the two (2) a soldier. DPS The Custodian until adds spawn. Focus on killing a dark energist & a bright energist ASAP. Heal through effects. Kill a remnant (these do not auto-aggro until after 30%, so you have to find & loot them on your own)... they drop an Improperly Formed Lens. Give priority to healers for the Improperly Formed Lens. The silence effect effect is blocked by having a Improperly Formed Lens in inventory (it will auto-expended and block the silence... so looting additional ones may be necessary). Between adds, DPS The Custodian. Keep this up until The Custodian is dead. NOTE: The health of The Custodian will lock at 2% until the last two (2) a dark energist & a bright energist are killed.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

Savior of The Chambers of Puissance: The Leviathan's Heart


15 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

+1 AA: Hero's Resolution

The Leviathan's Heart: No Remains



Defeat all remnants before the Custodian re-enters the battle for the final time.

The last two (2) a remnant spawn at about 2%. Kill them before you kill The Custodian.

N / A

The Leviathan's Heart: Unshuddered



No energists are hit by the Heart Shudder spell causing them to gain power.

During this event, two white circles will appear somewhere in the event area, that will become a large yellow circle when it triggers. Avoid being between the circles (everyone, every time). There will be an emote about a directional part of the Heart (middle of the event area) swelling (i.e. 'The eastern portion of the leviathan's heart swells.'). Avoid that side of the event area.

N / A

The Leviathan's Heart: Non-Explosive



Allow no Explosions of Light or Explosions of Darkness to occur.

During this event, a bright energist and a dark energist will spawn at intervals... a bright energist will cast 'Bright Power' (EMOTE: You are surrounded in bright energy.); & a dark energist will cast 'Dark Power' (EMOTE: You are surrounded in dark energy.); on a player who is in range and on aggro. Split the tanks to aggro them, separately, ASAP... and have those two tanks stay a reasonable distance away from each other for the entire event (but still in heal range... say either side of the Cleric). If other Players get the effect on them, they should stay near the appropriate tank and away from the tank that has the opposite effect.

N / A

Hero of The Gilded Spire: The Control Room

From Lokta Geroth in Aureate Covert, key word 'warlord.'



Complete the listed Mission.

Base Strategy: Need at least one (1) Player with four (4) pre-made Hot Buttons to target Daria Krotek and say one of four (4) things based on emotes, as follows:

  • EMOTE: The general summons a horde of venomous beasts (/say Harla Dar to Darta Krotek);
  • EMOTE: The general activates one of the seconday control crystals, bringing the leviathan's magic and pain to bear on their enemies. (say Silverwing to Darta Krotek);
  • EMOTE: General Usira surrounds itself with an impenetrable barrier. (/say Keikolin to Darta Krotek);
  • EMOTE: A grand manipulator teleports into the room and begins accessing its power. (/say Venesh to Darta Krotek).

Start the event by talking to either a spire soldier.

  • Kill a gilded mystic and the two (2) a spire soldier.
  • Take General Usira to the south east corner and do not over DPS (patience).
  • Swap to and kill a gilded guardian adds, ASAP, when they spawn.
  • At ~90% the Player with Hot Keys for Daria Krotek needs to all ready be in place to /say the appropriate phrases, as noted above (this counters certain things for you). They will need to stay there for the rest of the event.
  • NOTE: There is about a 45-Second delay for when the Player (or anyone) can successfully talk to Daria Krotek. So, do NOT spam the Hot Buttons! Click them once (there is an emote that the requested dragon is on it's way)!
  • Kill any adds that are up just before General Usira reaches ~60% health.
  • Once they are dead, max DPS General Usira to about 39% to avoid the room 'tilts' (actually, more like a directional slide)... then immediately go back to controlled DPS. Levitation is a help if the tilts happen.
  • When a grand manipulator spawns, you can kill other adds first (off tank, put a pet on it...).
  • Kill General Usira to win and open the chest.

NOTE: One of the emotes currently used 'Seconday' rather than 'Secondary.' It will likely to be corrected in a  patch.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

Savior of The Gilded Spire: The Control Room 15 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

+1 AA: Hero's Resolution

The Control Room: Overboard



Nobody gets thrown off the leviathan during the battle.

This has to do with the room 'tilts' that can happen during this mission (60% to 40%). The best way to do this is burn at 61% to 39% to by-pass the tilts.

N / A
The Control Room: Neural Neutral 10

Nobody gets zapped by a neural spark.

This has to do with the roaming aura (???). Avoid it 100%.

N / A

The Control Room: Unmanipulated



Nobody dies with Deadly Manipulation on them.

This is basically a no death Achievement???? xxxxxxxxx

N / A

Hero of The Gilded Spire: The High Priest

From Lokta Geroth in Aureate Covert, key word 'priest.'



Complete the listed Mission.

Base Strategy: Position in the northwest corner area. Patience is key... do NOT over DPS High Priest Yaran! In fact, let the tank and ONLY the tank do the DPS on High Priest Yaran. Cures are 100% priority over adds. Adds are priority over the boss! Percentages noted below can vary due multiple factors... slow and steady is the way to go.

  • Kill the animated statue.
  • Aggro and take High Priest Yaran to the same spot (everyone move under him). The tank should keep aggro on everything.
  • 98%: Stop DPS on High Priest Yaran and kill adds when they are up, giving preference to killing Rector of the Skies first. The two (2) an acolyte will poof when Rector of the Skies dies.
  • ~80% ADDS:  Stop DPS on High Priest Yaran and kill adds when they are up, giving preference to killing Rector of the Skies first. The two (2) an acolyte will poof when Rector of the Skies dies.
  • ~75%: Hold DPS on High Priest Yaran until two (2) Players get targeted for a curse... either 'Penance' (750,750 HP DD, 15-Second Stun) or 'Purification' (800,800 HP DD & -10,000 Mana). This will continue for the rest of the event, at about every 10%.
  • WASTE NO TIME... Players need to be cured within about 24-Seconds, by running into the 'cure' aura around either the Minister of Cleansing or the Minister of Punishment. Getting cures is the #1 key to beating this mission, in my opinion. The Minister of Cleansing is in the south east corner of the room by the shrine (EMOTE: You have been commanded to purify yourself.); Minister of Punishment is in the north west corner of the room by the doorway (EMOTE: You need to do penance for your disobedience.).
  • FAILED CURE ADDS: If a Player is not cured.... adds will spawn... a penance and / or a penance (depending on which curse the Player had that failed to get cured). If adds spawn, immediately halt any DPS on High Priest Yaran and kill them!
  • ~65%: Hold DPS on High Priest Yaran until two (2) Players get targeted for a curse and then get cured. Otherwise kill the add(s) that spawn from failed cured.
  • ~55%: Hold DPS on High Priest Yaran until two (2) Players get targeted for a curse and then get cured. Otherwise kill the add(s) that spawn from failed cured.
  • ~45%: Hold DPS on High Priest Yaran until two (2) Players get targeted for a curse and then get cured. Otherwise kill the add(s) that spawn from failed cured.
  • ~40%: Adds will start to spawn again. There will be two (2) an acolyte each time (no Rector of the Skies this time, if you did as noted above).
  • ~35%: Hold DPS on High Priest Yaran until two (2) Players get targeted for a curse and then get cured. Otherwise kill the add(s) that spawn from failed cured.
  • ~30%: Adds will start to spawn again. There will be two (2) an acolyte each time (no Rector of the Skies this time, if you did as noted above).
  • ~25%: Hold DPS on High Priest Yaran until two (2) Players get targeted for a curse and then get cured. Otherwise kill the add(s) that spawn from failed cured.
  • ~20%: Adds will start to spawn again. There will be two (2) an acolyte each time (no Rector of the Skies this time, if you did as noted above).
  • ~15%: Hold DPS on High Priest Yaran until two (2) Players get targeted for a curse and then get cured. Otherwise kill the add(s) that spawn from failed cured.
  • ~20%: Adds will start to spawn again. There will be two (2) an acolyte each time (no Rector of the Skies this time, if you did as noted above).
  • ~5%: You can opt to old DPS on High Priest Yaran until two (2) Players get targeted for a curse and then get cured. Otherwise kill the add(s) that spawn from failed cured... or just burn High Priest Yaran. However, all adds must be dead before you can kill High Priest Yaran.
  • Open the chest.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

Savior of The Gilded Spire: The High Priest 15 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

+1 AA: Hero's Resolution

The High Priest: Unstomped



Allow no one to die to the animated statue.

This one is straight forward... no one can die from the animated statue.

N / A

The High Priest: Kill the Body



Defeat the acolytes and only kill the Rectors when no acolytes are alive.

This one is either poorly worded or functioning opposite of 'as intended.' In the first two add waves, always kill Rector of the Skies first, which will cause the two (2) an acolyte to despawn. After that, the Rector of the Skies should not re-appear again.

N / A
The High Priest: Unrepentant and Impure 10

Allow no purification or penance to spawn.

This one is all about the cures. Everyone must get cured so that a penance or a penance do not spawn... at all!

N / A







(Other than XP and / Coin.)

Conqueror of Hodstock Hills: Herald of the Outer Brood


20 Defeat the noted Raid event. N / A
Vanquisher of Hodstock Hills: Herald of the Outer Brood 30 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. N / A
Herald of the Outer Brood: Purge 10

Remove the darkness from all six of the a scalewrought guardian.

During this event some of the adds will have one (1) or more of four (4) different effects on them. ALWAYS remove these effects by dragging them into appropriate cannon target auras before you kill them... as follows:  "Hardened Shell' = green aura; 'Runic Shield' = blue aura; 'Outworld Aura' = yellow aura; & 'Magical Shell' = purple aura.


N / A

Herald of the Outer Brood: Bonded



Bond with every scalewrought ravager that joins the battle.

About every 65-Seconds, there will be a delivery vessel that spawns. Have rangers / ranged attackers immediately target and destroy them... every one of them (100%)... which will spawn a non-aggro a scalewrought ravager that 'bond' with the raid and help the raid for as short time.

N / A

Herald of the Outer Brood: Unpurged



Don't remove any of the defenses from the Herald or its minions.

During this event some of the adds will have one (1), or more, of four (4) different effects on them. Do NOT remove ANY of those effects by dragging them into cannon target auras.

N / A

Conqueror of The Theater of Eternity: Landing


20 Defeat the noted Raid event. Covariant Engram (upgrades your Progressive Spell).
Vanquisher of The Theater of Eternity: Landing 30 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. N / A
Landing: Clear the Board 10

Kill all adds before killing the killing the boss.

Before you kill War Trainer Prime, kill every add!

N / A

Landing: Dance Masters



Never fail at breaking the ritual

Never fail the color sequence... at all! The 'dance' group needs to be in place on time and move color to color expediently! Triggers are a tremendous help!

EMOTE: War Trainer Prime begins a ritual spell. (Color sequence about to be announced... be in position!)

EMOTE: The circle to the east flashes with green energy (Notification that green is one of the colors, in the sequence this emote happened.)

EMOTE: The circle to the west flashes with yellow energy (Notification that yellow is one of the colors, in the sequence this emote happened.)

EMOTE: The circle to the south flashes with blue energy  (Notification that blue is one of the colors, in the sequence this emote happened.)

EMOTE: The circle to the north flashes with red energy  (Notification that red is one of the colors, in the sequence this emote happened.)

EMOTE: A faint glow of the recent spell ritual spell casting remains. Perhaps a closely tied group of people following the same pattern will break the ritual. (Start the color sequence now!)

EMOTE: The runes of the ritual spell glow brighter. (Current color successful. move to the next color ASAP!)

EMOTE: With a flash of light, the ritual spell shatters. War Trainer Prime seems more vulnerable. (Color sequence completed successfully!)

EMOTE: The runes flare and burn everyone in the circle, then reset to the original glow. (Color sequence failed. Start over, achievement failed.)

Landing: Silent Cannons



Never Allow a cannon to fire.

During this event, each of the six (6) cannons is 'manned' by a scalewrought cannoneer. Have two (2) of three (3) groups designated to keep them dead (they do respawn). Keep all of the a scalewrought cannoneer dead to prevent them from firing a cannon (a scalewrought cannoneer will fire after 4-Minutes if left alive for that long).

N / A
Conqueror of Aureate Covert: Silence the Cannons 20 Defeat the noted Raid event. N / A
Vanquisher of Aureate Covert: Silence the Cannons 30 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. N / A
Silence the Cannons: All Things Being Equal 10 Don't allow the Terrastriker and Skyguard Commanders to go out of balance. N / A
Silence the Cannons: Constant Connection 10 Don't pull the Terrastriker and Skyguard Commanders apart. N / A
Silence the Cannons: No Deliveries 10 Don't let any of the servants reach a commander. N / A
Conqueror of The Harbinger's Cradle: Dock of the Bay 20 Defeat the noted Raid event. N / A
Vanquisher of The Harbinger's Cradle: Dock of the Bay 30 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. N / A
Dock of the Bay: Blocked 10  Allow no transports to land. N / A
Dock of the Bay: Always Watching 10 Kill no Overseer Gunners. N / A
Dock of the Bay: Infestation 10 Remove Clinging Mites. N / A
Conqueror of The Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect Hazuri 20 Defeat the noted Raid event. Covariant Engram (upgrades your Progressive Spell).
Vanquisher of The Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect Hazuri 30 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. N / A
Brood Architect Hazuri: Made the Same, End the Same 10 Kill each set of replicants within 15 seconds of each other. N / A
Brood Architect Hazuri: Nobody Explodes 10 Do not allow anyone hit by the Power of the Skyguardian to deteriorate into a Venemous Explosion. N / A
Brood Architect Hazuri: Own the Horde 10 Mesmerize all living experiments when there are at least eight of the them alive. N / A
Conqueror of The Chambers of Puissance: The Leviathan's Heart 20 Defeat the noted Raid event. N / A
Vanquisher The Chambers of Puissance: The Leviathan's Heart 30 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. N / A
The Leviathan's Heart: Contain the Cloud 10 Don't let the cloud breach the lip of the well. N / A
The Leviathan's Heart: Unshuddered 10 No Voidburned Skyguard, mind melder or energists gain power from the Heart Shudder spell. N / A
The Leviathan's Heart: Non-Explosive 10 Allow no explosions of Light or Explosions of Darkness to occur. N / A
Conqueror of The Gilded Spire: The Control Room 20 Defeat the noted Raid event. N / A
Vanquisher of The Gilded Spire: The Control Room 30 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. N / A
The Control Room: Overboard 10 Nobody gets thrown off the leviathan during the battle. N / A
The Control Room: Neural Neutral 10 Nobody gets zapped by a neural spark. N / A
The Control Room: Unmanipulated 10 Nobody dies with Deadly Manipulation on them. N / A
Conqueror of The Gilded Spire: The High Priest 20 Defeat the noted Raid event. N / A
Vanquisher of The Gilded Spire: The High Priest 30 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. N / A
The High Priest: Undelivered 10 Allow no messengers to reach the High Priest. N / A
The High Priest: Kill the Body 10 Defeat the acolytes and only kill Rectors when no acolytes are alive. N / A
The High Priest: Unrepentant and Impure 10 Allow no purification or penance to spawn. N / A




Hunter Achievements do not require you to be in zone. Just be in the group / raid and you will get credit for the Hunter kill, no matter where you are.




(Other than XP and / Coin.)

Novice The Outer Brood Hunter


30 Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. Broodslayer's Satchel (44-Slot 100% Bag).

Hunter of Hodstock Hills


25 Defeat the ten (10) listed targets. Unlocks an additional Level of the Aureate's Bane AA (Max Level 6).

Hunter of The Theater of Eternity


25 Defeat the ten (10) listed targets. Unlocks an additional Level of the Aureate's Bane AA (Max Level 6).

Adept The Outer Brood Hunter


40 Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. Broodslayer's Rucksack (46-Slot 100% Bag).

Hunter of Aureate Covert


20 Defeat the eight (8) listed targets. Unlocks an additional Level of the Aureate's Bane AA (Max Level 6).

Hunter of The Harbinger's Cradle


20 Defeat the eight (8) listed targets. Unlocks an additional Level of the Aureate's Bane AA (Max Level 6).

Veteran The Outer Brood Hunter


50 Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. Broodslayer's Backpack (48-Slot 100% Bag).

Hunter of The Chambers of Puissance


25 Defeat the nine (9) listed targets. Unlocks an additional Level of the Aureate's Bane AA (Max Level 6).

Hunter of The Gilded Spire


25 Defeat the nine (9) listed targets. Unlocks an additional Level of the Aureate's Bane AA (Max Level 6).






Tokens of Invasion


25 Complete the two (2) listed Achievements.

Hodstock Hills Scavenger


20 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements.

Adventures of the Past



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are known to drop from Bandits, Hawks, Crabs & Undead in Hodstock Hills. They can also drop from Dark Chanter.

Hodstock Life



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns in Hodstock Hills.

Aurelian Invasion Weapons



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are known to drop from 'Scalewrought' in Hodstock Hills.

Flora of Hodstock Hills



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns in Hodstock Hills.

The Theater of Eternity Scavenger


20 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements.
To Eternity, and Beyond! 10

Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are known to drop from Monitors & Troopers in Theater of Eternity.

Gospel of the Mother



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns in Theater of Eternity.

Oh Barnacles!



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns in Theater of Eternity.

Our Kingdom for Our Queen



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are known to drop from a Sky Glandula, Barnacles, Horrors, Hydras & Evil Eyes in Theater of Eternity.

Tokens of Subservience

30 Complete the two (2) listed Achievements.

Aureate Covert Scavenger

20 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements.
Droppings 10

Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are known to drop from Observers & Skyguardians in Aureate Covert.

Persisting Magic



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns in Aureate Covert (primarily the first floor).

Minor Body Parts



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns in Aureate Covert (primarily the second floor).

Battle Remnants 10

Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are known to drop from Strikers & Artificers in Aureate Covert.

The Harbinger's Cradle Scavenger

20 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements.

Walking on Eggshells



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns Harbinger's Cradle, particularly in areas near the crabs.

Invasion Manifestation 10

Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are known to drop from 'Scalewrought' in Harbinger's Cradle.

In a bucket, or with butter 10

Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are known to drop from 'Scalewrought' and 'Carapace' (crabs) in Harbinger's Cradle.

Hangin' Out



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns Harbinger's Cradle, around the docks.

Tokens of Dominance

30 Complete the two (2) listed Achievements.

The Chambers of Puissance Scavenger

20 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements.

Flow Flow Flow...



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns in The Chambers of Puissance.

Formulae Praecoriorum



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns in The Chambers of Puissance.

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes 10

Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are known to drop from Workers & Strikers in The Chambers of Puissance.

Tools of the Trade 10

Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are known to drop from the Skyguards & Observers in The Chambers of Puissance.

The Gilded Spire Scavenger

20 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements.

Lay Your Weary Head



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns in The Gilded Spire.

The Fault in Their Stars


Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are known to drop drop from Observers MoB's.

In Her We Trust



Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns in The Gilded Spire.

On the Go 10

Acquire and 'collect' (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are known to drop from Named, Striker & Artificer MoB's.




Aureate Covert

Hodstock Hills

The Chambers of Puissance

The Gilded Spire

The Harbinger's Cradle

The Theater of Eternity




The generic strats / info below are from Dev Beta notes, successful raids that I was part of, from what I recall  and / or from research. The below info does not include details on how to complete raid-related achievements. Those are noted elsewhere on this page, if any. The below info should be adapted, as seen fit, by your Raid Leader. Raid make-up (classes, levels, Player skill levels, etc.) can and do make a difference on raid strategy options and winning or losing. In any situation, Key emotes may also be noted below. Players fulfilling their roles, using assist, and following emotes is always essential. There is all most always more than one variant strategy that can successfully defeat a raid. As Levels increase, defeating old raids can prove much easier and more forgiving (potentially even as a group or solo / molo, depending on how old the raid event is). However, sometimes, certain mechanics still have to be honored. It has been known that in some events, due to such raid mechanics (i.e. too much DPS; killing MoB X before MOB Y; and similar) can bug the raid and cause it to fail. Some of these targets may require 'zerging' into the zone get to them (kill stuff along the way). They may also have 'adds' which are normally more like 'trash' MoB's. The original / older targets / encounters were pre-raid window events. Raids were more of a collective effort, or better, an extremely challenging group event. Any effects noted below  can sometimes 'scale to level,' so the effects can be lesser or greater than stated, depending on raid force character levels. On Progression servers, targets can use 'Mitigation of the Mighty' (mitigates Spell, Melee & DoT Damage), at least until such time as certain later expansions unlock, which is typically at least seven-plus expansions after the expansion of the related target. While older targets are static open-world (non-instance) events, there are now an Agent of Change in various locations that will offer an instanced version of those same events (noted below, if any).

If I missed anything or got something wrong, let me know!

Herald of the Outer Brood (T1)                    Landing (T1)                    Silence the Cannons (T2)                   Dock of the Bay (T2)

Brood Architect Hazuri (T2)                   The Leviathan's Heart (T3)                   The Control Room (T3)                    High Priest of the Spire (T3)


Herald of the Outer Brood

(Tier 1)

Karina Stalis

(Hodstock Hills)

"The Herald has come to Norrath to begin the clearly arduous process of teaching the local dragons about all the things they are doing wrong, teach them the true word of Veeshan."

Suggestion: Place Banner / Campfires in the middle of the event area. Bring all adds, at least initially, to the banner / campfires. After that, the raid needs to move where it needs to move, as noted below.

First Stage: Speak to Herald of the Outer Brood to start the event.

  • The first enemies it sends against you are the six (6) 'scalewrought' that are all ready lined up near Herald of the Outer Brood.
  • Kill them.
  • 'Cannons' begin to fire on the field (cannon targeted areas show variant colored auras at random locations around the event area).
  • The effects that some of the 'scalewrought' have can be removed by dragging them to the appropriate colored cannon target (aura... see below) and / or strategically ignored by attacking them using appropriate methods (melee vs spells... this concern does not apply to pets).

Second Stage: Once the six (6) 'scalewrought' are dead, Herald of the Outer Brood will attack.

  • For the rest of the event, you want to have the tank immediately move Herald of the Outer Brood to the appropriate color aura (locations targeted by the 'cannons'). The entire raid can / should follow the tank into the aura / under Herald of the Outer Brood. Moving Herald of the Outer Brood into the auras will counter the effect(s) that Herald of the Outer Brood may have at the time (see next). The entire raid following the tank prevents Players from getting to spread out and out of heal range, casting range and so forth. If the tank is blinded, another tank needs to be ready to grab aggro and drag Herald of the Outer Brood to the right color aura.
  • Counter the effects (see above) as follows:  "Hardened Shell' (melee damage immunity) = green aura; 'Runic Shield' (can reflect spells) = blue aura; 'Outworld Aura' (9,500 HP Damage Shield) = yellow aura; & 'Magical Shell' (spell damage immunity) = purple aura.
  • These auras will appear (when cannons trigger) about 15-Seconds after Herald of the Outer Brood changes defenses (aka effects).
  • BE AWARE: The auras (cannon targeted areas) do not remain in place for very long! Immediate action is essential.
  • Sometimes, this may involve moving to more than one aura -- in quick succession -- to counter multiple effects. Herald of the Outer Brood can sometimes take on more than one (1) effect at the same time. If there is a need to prioritize colors, go with green & purple., as they are the most detrimental to DPS.
  • Herald of the Outer Brood does have other attacks like 'Energy Shock' (-70% Melee Haste & 550,550 HP DoT for 18-Seconds); 'Cage of the Outer Brood' (+2,000 Reverse Damage Shield for 12-Seconds); 'Enraged Focused Glare' (Blind and 450,450 HP DoT for 18-Seconds); Multi-Focused Glare (600,600 DD & 4-Second Stun); & 'Outworld Energy Focus' (+51% Spell & DoT Damage for 60-Seconds).
  • Two (2) a scalewrought soldier adds will spawn several times during the event. They will spawn at Herald of the Outer Brood and will take a few seconds before they actually aggro. When they do, kill them ASAP.
  • About every 65-Seconds, there will be a delivery vessel that spawns. Have rangers / ranged attackers immediately target and destroy them, which will spawn a non-aggro a scalewrought ravager that will help you for as short time. Otherwise, Herald of the Outer Brood will destroy the a delivery vessel and a scalewrought ravager will, instead, attack the raid.
  • For the duration of the event, two (2) slow-moving non-aggro suicidal (they explode) a scalewrought bearer will spawn and each will target a Player (the targeted Player's name will be under a scalewrought bearer name). The targeted Players need to run away from the raid, wait for the a scalewrought bearer to catch them and explode (if the Player is near other Players, this explosion will hit everyone in range). Afterwards, the Player can return to the raid. On a side note, they are reportedly low HP and can be killed, but really, it makes more sense to let them explode on the targeted Players (it is survivable for most raid-geared Players).
  • NOTE: The a scalewrought bearer exploding on the raid is the one thing that has the most potential to wipe the raid.
  • Kill Herald of the Outer Brood to win the event.
  • Open an elaborate chest for loot!

EMOTE: A bearer focuses on Bonzz. (a scalewrought bearer... run away from raid.)

EMOTE: A large object slams into the ground nearby. (a delivery vessel... range destroy it.)

EMOTE: The Herald of the Outer Brood becomes resistant to physical harm. (Take Herald of the Outer Brood to the green aura.)

EMOTE: The Herald of the Outer Brood becomes resistant to magic. (Take Herald of the Outer Brood to the purple aura.)

EMOTE: The Herald of the Outer Brood begins to radiate. (Take Herald of the Outer Brood to the yellow aura.)

EMOTE: Herald of the Outer Brood begins casting Runic Shield. (Take Herald of the Outer Brood to the blue aura.)

EMOTE: 'The Herald of the Outer Brood swipes the box with several wings, opening it.' (Add from not destroying a delivery vessel.)


(Tier 1)

1: Tank Spot; 2: Center of Color Circles; 3: Cannons / Cannoneers.

Captain Edraneth

(Theater of Eternity)

Speak with War Trainer Prime to start the event.

  • Tank War Trainer Prime at the southwest corner of the event stage and no further, to avoid tethering.
    • This will better accommodate cross-DPS for War Trainer Prime, spawned adds (see next) and a scalewrought cannoneer (noted below).
  • War Trainer Prime will cast 'Static Release,' an 800K AoE after 20-Seconds; then again after 25-Seconds; then again after 30-Seconds; and so on, for the entire event (+5 Seconds each time, to a max of 120-Seconds between casts).
  • Two adds: a scalewrought cavalry (can be rooted), a scalewrought soldier (can be charmed), a scalewrought warscout (can be mezzed); will spawn on a regular basis for the entire event. Kill them at or near War Trainer Prime, ASAP.
  • DPS GROUPS: There are six (6) cannons 'manned' by a scalewrought cannoneer.
    • Designate two (2) to three (3) DPS groups to kill all six (6) a scalewrought cannoneer.
    • When they respawn (2 Minute timer), kill them again... and keep them all dead for the entire event.
    • If a a scalewrought cannoneer is left alive for more than 4-minutes, it will fire it's cannon (AoE damage to the raid) and then fire again every 45-seconds thereafter, as long as it is still alive.
    • They do not have to be at their cannon to fire them, but they do tether if pulled too far from their cannon.
    • FAIL MECHANIC: If 30 (thirty) Cannons are allowed to fire, the raid fails!
  • Meanwhile, War Trainer Prime will lock in health every 10%, starting at 90%.
    • The health of War Trainer Prime can only be 'unlocked' by a full group successfully following the color emotes (see next).
    • During this time, do not waste mana until the health of War Trainer Prime is unlocked again.
  • COLOR GROUP: Assign a single full group to handle the 'colors,' aka 'Simon Says' as some Players call it. Put your most attentive and competent Players in this group (other than the Players in your tank line-up or DPS groups)!
    • This entire group will need to position in the center of the four colored (blue, yellow, green & red) circles (middle of the event area).
    • All six (6) group members must move ASAP, as a team, into each correct colored circle, in sequence.
    • The color sequence will be revealed, one (1) color a time, in a series of emotes. This group needs to take note of the sequence and move color to color, in order, in an expedient fashion. The sequence starts with a three (3) color sequence and by the end, it is a six (6) color sequence (3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6).
    • HINT: When the color sequence is being emoted, go ahead and get in the first color, then face the second color. This can help a little in successful moves.
    • Moving from one color to the next has about a 5-Seconds 'check' between each successful move. There will be an emote for each successful color move.
    • Upon each successful color move, quickly move to the next color and so on until the health of War Trainer Prime is unlocked (also noted by an emote).
    • Failing one of the colors (by being in the wrong color when the 5-second check happens) results in a nasty 'Ritual Overload' punishment (600-Range, up to 1.2 Million HP DD and Blind for 12-Seconds).
    • There is no penalty and no fail (i.e. in the center and not in a color at all) unless you are in the wrong color when one of the 5-second checks happen.
    • If a fail, have the group go back to center for about 10-Seconds and then start over.
    • If a color is emoted twice (or more) in a row, the group can stay on the same color until each needed update happens. However, if it helps Players 'remember' better, they can quickly step out and then quickly step right back in.
    • NOTE: The 'color' group can & should participate in DPS of War Trainer Prime between doing colors, so long as they are back in position 1% to 2% before each color sequence starts (every 10%).
  • Keep this process up until War Trainer Prime is defeated.
  • Open an elaborate chest for loot.

EMOTE: Magic builds up around War Trainer Prime. (AoE Damage incoming.)

EMOTE: A new cannoneer reports for duty. (A new a scalewrought cannoneer has spawned, kill it.)

EMOTE: A cannon has fired and the skies are no longer silent. (Indicates DD to raid, as a scalewrought cannoneer was left alive for too long and has fired a cannon.)

EMOTE: War Trainer Prime begins casting Static Release. (800K DD AoE.)

EMOTE: War Trainer Prime begins a ritual spell. (Be alert as the color sequence emotes are about to happen, and War Trainer Prime Health has locked.)

EMOTE: The circle to the west flashes with yellow energy (Indicates yellow as one of the colors in the color sequence.)

EMOTE: The circle to the east flashes with green energy (Indicates green as one of the colors in the color sequence.)

EMOTE: The circle to the north flashes with red energy (Indicates red as one of the colors in the color sequence.)

EMOTE: The circle to the south flashes with blue energy (Indicates blue as one of the colors in the color sequence.)

EMOTE: The runes flare and burn everyone in the circle, then reset to the original glow. (Color sequence failed and has reset... try again.)

EMOTE: The runes of the ritual spell glow brighter. (Indicates success on the current color... move to the next one!)

EMOTE: With a flash of light, the ritual spell shatters. War Trainer Prime seems more vulnerable. (Color sequence was successful and War Trainer Prime can be DPS'ed again.)

ADD EMOTE(S): A scalewrought cavalry gallops into combat. / A scalewrought soldier rushes into combat. / A scalewrought war scout flies into combat. / The sound of troops rallying comes from the northeast /  The sound of troops rallying comes from the northwest / The sound of troops rallying comes from the southeast / The sound of troops rallying comes from the southwest (All indicate adds incoming!)

Silence the Cannons

(Tier 2)

Admiral Karkoni

(Aureate Covert)

"One of the main defenses for the invaders are their magical cannons. Your task is to shut them down. Hopefully they will not be able to replace them before we can take action against their fortress. There are two commanders to defeat, the commanders of the sky and ground forces. Over time, as the battle rages more and more of the cannons will turn to fire upon you."

  • First Stage:  One (1) (cannon) is active. First, you must defeat the (cannoneers) that rush to defeat you. Defeat them and move to the next stage.
  • Second Stage: Two (2) (cannon) are active. The Terrastriker Commander engages. It is a simple creature, and only battles with a 'Brutal Slam' and its 'Reaching Grasp.' Bash the Terrastriker Commander down to 70% of its health and it will retreat.
  • Third Stage: Three (3) (cannon) are active. The Skyguard Commander engages. Like most draconic types, it attacks with its 'Explosive Breath' and 'Wing Burst.' Smash the Skyguard Commander down to 70% health and it will retreat.
  • Fourth Stage: Four (4) (cannon) are active. The Terrastriker Commander returns. It now summons fresh (cannoneers) as you damage it. One of these (cannoneers) will bring with it a heavy energy cube. Should it deliver that cube to the Terrastriker Commander, it will explode. Beat the Terrastriker Commander down to 50% of its health and it will retreat.
  • Final Stage: Four (4) (cannon) are active. The Skyguard Commander returns. As it is wounded it will produce and deploy explosive energy cubes, these should be avoided. Beat the Skyguard Commander to 50% health and the Terrastriker Commander will return and join it in battle. Skyguard Commander & Terrastriker Commander will continue to do their things. If the Skyguard Commander & Terrastriker Commander are kept too far apart for 15 seconds, they will both cast 'Separation Anxiety' in an area around themselves. Also, it Skyguard Commander & Terrastriker Commander are not kept within 5% health of each other, they will heal the each other. Defeat both Skyguard Commander & Terrastriker Commander to win this battle.

  • Made another change. The flyer boss dropped a thing that was just another place to avoid. So I changed how that thing works. Nothing innovative or exciting, but it's too late in the cycle to do risky stuff. So now it will be a big ball of energy that will move at people who should run them off into a corner until they explode. As usual, these shouldn't target a main tank.
  • Tomorrow the overcharged orb should be an actual orb
  • The cannons should reset themselves on raid reset.
  • Removed several spawns of the a terrastriker cannoneers and lowered their HP a bit to shorten the event
  • I don’t want to make a new enrage thing this late. So I pushed the timer out 5 minutes and the enrage happens every 2 minutes not every minute
  • The overcharged orb should move toward its target every tick

Dock of the Bay

(Tier 2)

Alchemist Balino Frugrin

(Theater of Eternity)

"This is where the invaders launch their transports, those that deliver troops to the ground. It is your task to disrupt their ability to do so. The transports themselves are generally too passive and burdened with their gondolas to attack, but there is one immature transport in the bay that will certainly cause trouble."

  • First Stage: Four (4) (strikers), waiting for their transport, will attack. Defeat them to move to the next stage.
  • Second Stage: Brood Architect Hazuri, hearing the combat, shows up to yell at his subordinates, then leaves. With him come four (4) (strikers), which will need to be defeated to move on to the next stage.
  • Third Stage: The Immature Transport moves in to hover over people and harm them with the aura of power it was given. It can’t be harmed because of the barrier Brood Architect Hazuri gave it keeps it safe. However, Hoshkar shows up and can destroy that magic, if you can keep him alive long enough. (Overseer Gunners) will begin to float into position on the ramps. These will cast 'Mental Break' on their enemies. They can be killed, but their low status makes them easily replaced by the (defenders). While Hoshkar is about and interfering with the defenses, altered enemies will appear following their orders to kill the blasphemous dragon. Also, transports will try to land and drop off six (6) more (strikers). These can be stopped by closing the bay doors at the proper time. Note that it takes some time for the doors to be available again once closed. The new Chief mechanic will order some (scalewrought) to clear out the lower levels. They will start to roll a (huge boulder) back and forth. The boulder can be stopped for a while if the (movers) are killed at the same time... if not one of them will be quickly replaced. When Hoshkar manages to break the Immature Transport’s defenses, it will leave (and the adds trying to kill Hoshkar will stop spawning). However, the broken aura changes from defensive to offensive and will harm people near the great beast. Once the aura on the Immature Transport changes, go to the next stage.
  • Fourth Stage: The Immature Transport will now attack with its tail ('Rudder Slap') and cause 'Clinging Mites' to leap upon people nearby. These mites can be removed if they are scoured off by the (rolling boulder). (Mechanics) will appear in attempts to repair the Immature Transport. Killing the Immature Transport moves us to the next stage.
  • Fifth Stage: The new Chief Mechanic isn’t all that strong, but it does have power. If wounded it will release a boost of energy given to it by Brood Architect Hazuri. If two of these explosions happen too quickly it should be likely that you will be wiped out. Defeat the Chief Mechanic to win.

  • Hoshkar will now drop the Immature Leviathan's protection faster.
  • Reduced the Area of Effect on the Embedded Explosion from 200 to 150. It was a little too hard to find enough places to hide. Still might be, but I think you can do it now. Won't take effect until tomorrow (10/30)
  • Lowered the damage done by the rolling boulder a notable amount. Since you need to pop into it at times, it seems a bit mean to make it too harsh.
  • The main tank of the Brood Architect is no longer the target of Power of the Overseer
  • Lowered the damage of Power of the Striker a little.
  • Corpses and PCs will now be cleaned up on reset.
  • Lowered the damage of Venomous Explosion a bit.
  • Currently Power of the Skyguardian is not being used. Hopefully tomorrow it will be back on and no longer target the main tank.
  • Only one message should be given on failure of the Made the Same achievement.
  • The pools will now move a little slower.
  • Increased the density of the green post effect on Mind Binding Aura. Should take effect tomorrow (10/30)
  • Boosted the hit box once again on the dragons. This also should take effect tomorrow (10/30)
  • I'm comfortable with the 150 radius of the explosion. Also with the stun. If you don't run right into the middle of the thing, you should be fine. I just tested the Subjugation and it works find for me . Should happen about 10 seconds after the transport turns aggro.
  • I'll see if I can find a solution to the mites and explosion hitting the same people. It's gonna be messy.
  • Ok, now the mites should not be cast on anyone that has the Embedded Energy debuff on them. Also Embedded Energy should not be cast on anyone with mites.
  • Please let me know if this isn't true. It's a bit hard to test with just me and my alts.

Brood Architect Hazuri

(Tier 2)

Alchemist Balino Frugrin

(Theater of Eternity)

"Brood Architect Hazuri’s task, and one true inspiration, is the development of new scalewrought. Now that he is here and knows more about the local species of dragons and the mortals that they have allowed to rule the planet, he will certainly create monstrosities that will be even more deadly. Stopping him is your task. In his hatchery you will find the Red Lord, Atathus. The invaders captured him during one of his attempts to breach their defenses, and here is his prison. Speak with him to begin the event."

  • First StageBrood Architect Hazuri roars and smashes some of the multitude of (eggs) under his care. Creatures fall out and attack. Defeat these (unmodified subjects) to move to the next stage.
  • Second Stage: Brood Architect Hazuri attacks. Like most dragons, his primary form of attack is a breath weapon, but Brood Architect Hazuri is a master of his minions and that is what he fights with. As he is damaged, he will teleport to one of his (egg clusters) and rip into it, devouring many of the (eggs) to gain their power. This frees several of the (creatures) inside, and he also releases an (animate pile of goop) that will wander about. The power Brood Architect Hazuri gains will manifest in his breath weapon, altering it and making it much more powerful. Each (creature) and each (pool) will have their own ability. (Dripping greenish puddle) radiates 'Mind-Binding Aura,' which will block the effects of 'Power of the Overseer' (Brood Architect Hazuri’s green-powered breath). (Putrid purple pool) radiates 'Body-Binding Aura,' which remove the effects of 'Ripening Cut' (caused by some of the (unripe experiments) that appear later). (Goopy pink pool) radiates 'Energy-Binding Aura,' which suppresses mana regeneration. (Oozing orange pool) radiates 'Venom-Binging Aura,' which will amplify 'Power of the Skyguardian' (Brood Architect Hazuri’s orange-powered breath... removed by running a more reasonable distance away from where you were when it landed on you). Beat Brood Architect Hazuri to 70% health and move to the next stage
  • Third StageBrood Architect Hazuri will create replicas of himself, at the start of this stage and at 40% health. Just before creating replicants, Brood Architect Hazuri will pop into the middle of the room. Brood Architect Hazuri and his replicants will be weaker than he was before, but as they are defeated he will reclaim their power and even a bit more. So long as he has replicants, Brood Architect Hazuri cannot be killed. Defeat the first set of replicants, or knock Brood Architect Hazuri down to 55% health and move to the next stage.
  • Fourth Stage: At this time Brood Architect Hazuri proves his power over the meager dragons of Norrath and forces Atathus into the battle on his side. Knock Brood Architect Hazuri to 40% health and move to the next stage
  • Fifth Stage:  Everything above continues, but now Brood Architect Hazuri gets a little desperate and becomes willing to risk all of his experiments. Now he starts to crack open the (eggs) attached to the ceiling. Brood Architect Hazuri replicants their own breath weapon that isn’t as strong as Brood Architect Hazuri’s. Each of these will produce a large number of (unripe experiments). All of these (unripe experiments) are vulnerable to mesmerization spells, but not by those that affect an area, as those are too weak. Kill Brood Architect Hazuri to win the event (remember, he won’t die if any of his replicants are alive).

  • Power of the Overseer is no longer an area of effect spell. Oops. This was the reason it was not being blocked by the pool aura.
  • Hazuri can no longer fly. While clearly, he can, he has more than enough wings, flying is part of the reason that he was getting stuck up on the ceiling. Also added a little scripting to pop him back down if he gets too high up. He’s also, sadly, smaller in an attempt to make him less likely to get stuck.
  • Power of the Striker seems to have been blocking the aura from the putrid purple pool. Put in a speculative fix that should be in place with a beta update tonight (10/19/24)
  • Reduced the stun time on Bio-shock from 15 seconds to 5.
  • The Venomous explosions will no longer have such a large radius (starting 10/19/24).
  • Reduced the amount of mana damage across all spells in the event, again effective 10/19/24 after beta updates.
  • Now the unripes will take 20% damage when mezzed every 15 seconds or so. This make the achievement harder, I think, but makes the adds less annoying. Gain some, lose some.
  • Hmm... I just checked and the Subjugation thing seems to be working fine. The boss should cast it the first time be becomes aggro after spawning the replicants (both times).
  • Definitely not intended to have a reset in the middle of the event. Hopefully I have fixed this, but generally it's some add getting lost someplace. It's not related to how long the replicants are alive, they want to live forever, after all.

The Leviathan's Heart

(Tier 3)

Master Alchemist Penigan

(Chambers of Puissance)

"Deep inside the leviathan itself can be found its heart. Horrifyingly, the outer brood have somehow opened caverns inside the massive beast all the way to its heart. The inject it with chemicals and magic in order to control it. This must stop. Speak with the guards to start the fight."

  • First Stage: The guards attack. Defeat them to start the next stage.
  • Second Stage: The Custodian enters the battle. As it is wounded it spawns off remnants. These will wander a bit before exploding in Scalewrought Blood Poison. This poison is more dangerous than its generally caustic nature. If someone with this poison on them is hit with the Evil Eye, they will be given the Scalewrought Bloodcurse. If someone dies with this blood curse on them, some of their body will be turned into a fresh remnant. These remnants are not without value, as their Partially Formed lenses can block the effect of the Evil Eye. The Custodian also casts Evil Eye, which is something that spell casters should want to avoid. Knock the Custodian to 80% of its health and it will withdraw. Go to the next stage.
  • Third Stage: Several types of creatures will join the fight. Dark Energist & Bright Energist carry an energy source of their type. They will place upon enemies a version of that energy (Bright or Dark Energy). Bright and Dark Energy proc Bright and Dark Spark. If a Bright Spark hits an Bright Energist with a Bright Source, there will be an explosion. Same for the Dark Spark and Dark Source. Mind Melders will cast Lost Mind on people, which will cause them to wander into the pit. Also at this time the Custodian causes the leviathan’s heart to beat irregularly, which will send out cones of power. These are best avoided. Defeat the energists and melders to move to the next stage.
  • Fourth Stage: The Custodian rejoins the battle. Along with its other powers, it now begins to use Glare of the Curator. As it loses health it will teleport to a location to concentrate. After a moment it will fire one beam at a location (indicated by a decal and an aura). Knock The Curator to 55% health and it will retreat again.
  • Fifth Stage: Dark Energist & Bright Energist start to appear again, and the heartbeat will return. Voidburned Skyguards start to appear. These can be mesmerized by non-area of effect spells. Defeat the enemies to move to the next stage.
  • Sixth Stage: The Curator rejoins the fight. It continues to spawn remnants, using the Evil Eye and its Caustic Glare. Dark Energist & Bright Energist will appear as the Curator loses health. Also, Polyps will begin to form. The appear in the well below the heart. These spew a small amount of poisonous gas. Individually they are not very dangerous. But the more of them that are alive, the larger their cloud of poison, which will infect people with Poisonous Blood Haze. So, it is good to clear these things out, however, killing one will cause it to explode in a small burst of poison. When the curator is below 30% health its remnants (can be snared) will react differently. They become aggressive. They still explode when killed, but now they can use their Stunning Gaze on people. The Curator can not be killed while any creatures that are not polyps or remnants are alive. Defeat the Curator, win the event.

  • Changed the way the Glare of the Curator works. Now it only casts one to start and ramps up to three as the event goes along. Also possibly fixed an issue that might cause the target location indicators to remain around too long.
  • The targeted area for the Heart Shudder now has a decal! Thanks to the engineers for adding this new feature.
  • Remnants now drop three lenses, and they no longer stack.
  • Set pretty much everything to summon at 70%. This is an experiment, hopefully it will allow you to move around a bit better.
  • Slightly adjusted the tether to use the proper check. It will now be a lot tighter to the room.

The Control Room

(Tier 3)

Lokta Geroth

(Aureate Covert)

"Here is where General Usira runs the assault on Norrath and controls the leviathan itself. This massive golden dragon dominates the room. Speak to one of the guards to start the event."

  • First Stage: The spire soldiers attack. Defeat them to move to the next stage.
  • Second Stage: The General retracts the control pillars to keep them safe (and to give him room to fight). He then joins the battle. He attacks with a Massive Claw and a Tail Swipe. Drop the General to 85% and we move to the next stage.
  • Third Stage: Spire Guardians join the battle. As they are wounded they will Guardian Charge. They will pick a target, ignore whoever they were fighting, and charge. They will knock anyone in their way about as they go. Drop the General to 65% health and move to the next stage.
  • Fourth Stage: The General begins to use his magic. At timed intervals will cast Mind Numbing Aura. He also starts activating various abilities and calling in allies. These things are dangerous, but you still have allies to call upon, the dragons of Norrath. But for these dragons to get into the room, the gilded mystics reinforcing the barrier to the outside must be killed. If they are dead, speak with Darta Krotek to call in reinforcements as needed.
    • Grand Manipulator – casts Deadly Manipulation. This spell should kill pretty much anyone that it lands on. Luckily, Venesh the Greenblood can fill the room with a gas that will keep the Manipulator from using its magic.
    • General’s Defense. When in this mode the General cannot be harmed. However, Keikolin the Enlightened can break that shield.
    • Crystals. On the sides of the room are power crystals. The General will use those to give pain to the leviathan. The cries of the leviathan are very harmful (Suffering of the Leviathan) and will amplify the power of the General’s Mind Numbing Aura. Happily, Silverwing can break those crystals if called.
    • Venomous Pests appear. Lots of them. You, however, have access to Harla Dar can scare those pests away.
  • Drop the General to 45% and move to the next stage.
  • Fifth Stage: The General is forced to restore the central control pillar. Using this he can cause the leviathan to tilt and sway. Avoid being tossed out of the leviathan. When the General is at 25% health, go to the next stage.
  • Sixth Stage:  All of this use causes the central control pillar to be destroyed. Inside is revealed tendons and nerves leading to the leviathan’s brain. The tendons will attack people and pull them in (Grasping Tendon). In desperation the General will restore the two secondary control pillars. These connect to the leviathan’s nerve centers, and so the pillars will create sparks. These will move about the room and zap anyone that gets too close. As long as any spire guardians are alive, the General refuses to die. Defeat the General and win the event.

  • Altered the timing of the event overall. Shortened all the early stages so there would be more time for the more challenging later phases. Yes, this makes the event harder, also more interesting. Life is about trade-offs.
  • Lowered the HP on the spire guardians, the ones that charge, but about 30%. Also, you only get two each spawn rather than three. While the HP and number seemed fine when they were the only thing going on, they were too much later in the event.
  • Lowered the HP on the gilded mystics and they will no longer respawn. I may re-add their respawn on further testing, but it seems like just one more thing in a pretty busy event.
  • The “tilt” mechanic has a longer interval. Also, added a warning that should give you some idea which direction you will be pulled. As of tomorrow (10/17) the pull of the tilt (the gravitate) will be lesser so that you may be able to move about some. I don’t want it to be something you can just walk away from, obviously, but I do want you to actively change how it affects you.
  • Made the decals on the neural effects red instead of white to be easier to see on the floors.
  • Reduced the stun time and increased the interval on the Mind Numbing Aura that the General uses.
  • The venomous thralls will no longer cause an idle reset while they are fleeing the room.
  • Silverwing, when called at the right time, should now remove the offending crystal. Oddly the dodecahedron that gives the device power will stay floating there. I can’t seem to remove it, and frankly, I’m just going to hand wave it and say “because magic”.
  • Fixed the way the final two pillars work. It should alternate between one neural spark floating about and the neural cores (pillars) casting an AoE. When the pillars are active, they will start with both happening, then switch to alternating between them.
  • Changed the way the arrival of Keikolin should always remove the General’s immunity, no matter when called, if the defense is up.
  • NOTE: Some folks are saying that they are getting stunned early in the fight. Usira uses his massive front claws to carve and bash enemies. That’s where the stun is coming from.
  • One quick change, the boss will no longer do his front and rear cones when the floor is tilting.

High Priest of the Spire

(Tier 3)

Lokta Geroth

(Aureate Covert)

"The true leader of the invading brood is their high priest. So long as he lives, the invaders will not give up. Speak with the high priest to begin the event."

  • First Stage: The High Priest activates his Radiating Presence. High Priest Yaran animates the statue that dominates the room. Defeat it and move to the next stage.
  • Second Stage:  Yaran calls his acolytes and the Rector of the Skies. The acolytes have a breath weapon (Smoldering Breath). And as long as their Rector lives, they flurry. Killing the Rector will cause the acolytes to flee, killing all of the acolytes will cause the Rector to retreat to gather more. Yaran also joins the battle, using his Glowing Breath and Tail Strike. Bash the High Priest to 80% and move to the next stage.
  • Third Stage:  The high priest starts insisting that his attackers prove their righteousness. He casts either Purification of Veeshan or Penance for Disobedience on targets. These targets must seek the proper Minister to cleanse them. If not, they will spawn a creature from their failure. The Rector of the Spire appears with its acolytes. The acolytes cast Shower of Spines. They also AoE rampage as long as their rector lives. The rector casts Crippling Slash. As before, if the rector is killed, the acolytes will flee, and if all acolytes are killed, the rector leave to seek more. When the high priest is at 55% health, go to the next stage.
  • Fourth Stage: Acolytes of both types will appear as the high priest is harmed. When the high pries is at 40% health, go to the next stage.
  • Fifth Stage:  If either rector fled previously, they will now return. The same rules apply as before, if these rectors are killed, any living acolytes will flee. This will not prevent acolytes from appearing later, the idea is that you can use the rectors to remove as many acolytes as you can keep at bay. Messengers begin to appear. These can be mesmerized, and if they are mesmerized three times they will wander off. However, if already mesmerized, they cannot be mesmerized again until it wears off. And the high priest will remove any mesmerization from them every 25 seconds. There are three types of messengers. If any of them reaches the high priest, he will devour them and gain their power. Faith grants him spell damage reduction. Vengeance give him a damage shield, and the messenger of Health will heal him a lot. As long as any creatures other than messengers are alive, the high priest cannot be defeated. Defeat the High Priest and win the event.

  • In my probably misguided effort to but additional difficulty into this raid, I've put in the Light of Veeshan. An aura will appear, NPCs in that aura will get an attack speed boost. As the event goes on, more of them spawn. The first one always spawns on the High Priest. This should be working now. Let me know how bad it is.
  • Reduced the number of people called for penance and purification. It was half the raid, now it is one third. I think I fixed the possible overlap that could have one person get hit by both. I can't really test this by myself. Let me know. Just for you, I added a call out for those that for some reason step into the auras without a reason.
  • As for getting hit by the penance or purification auras, it only triggers when you enter, so if you are getting hit more than once it might be because you are standing on the edge. I made the aura larger so it is easier to step into, maybe that will help.
  • I've seen it happen once in testing today. That happened when I had increased the radius of the aura without enlarging the decal, so I suspect I was on the edge without knowing it. Standing it the aura definitely doesn't cause multiple spells.
    Hopefully the slightly larger aura helps.




Lore is from / based on Daybreak, Expansion release information and / or Dev / Beta Forum Info.

The Outer Brood
High in the sky over the hills of the long-ignored Hodstock looms a massive behemoth. A creature so large that it appears to have an entire castle fortress on its back. Terrifying monsters fly down from that fortress. Huge reptiles with massive, deadly claws, fangs, and too many limbs. These beasts wield magic never seen on Norrath nor by any Norrathian. These creatures, dubbed the Outer Brood by the elders of the Circle of the Crystalwing, speak a form of Elder Dragon that even the oldest of dragons barely understand. At first, they seem to have come to parley with the dragons of Norrath, but conversation quickly turns to contempt, and there seems to be no stopping the battles to come. A horde of powerful creatures prepares to assault Norrath to cleanse the world of what their herald calls "A clear failure to follow scripture."

Norrath has faced assault before, but this time the foe is different. Some farseers have spotted what can only be dragons around the great leviathan as it floats at the top of the sky. Beings so large that few elder Norrathian dragons would stand above their knees! All around the massive leviathan flows a force that defies the understanding of any magic users of Norrath, with power exceeding anything they have seen before. Norrathians of all types, mortal and dragon, have banded together to face this unknown power and attempt to drive them back to wherever they came from. Can you lead the charge against such danger, one that has caused even the fiercest elders of the dragon clans to hesitate?

Hodstock Hills
The shores north of Freeport were neglected by both the human city of Freeport to the south and the dark elf city of Neriak to the north. It acted as a buffer, a neutral zone, for the two groups. While the dark elf settlement Gal`Saris and the large halfling city of Bobble-by-Water had long since been abandoned to time, the small villages of Hodstock (inland) and Temby (on the shore) have held small populations and mostly traded with small cargo ships and Freeport directly. The only other people who really made use of this neutral zone were some bandits escaping from the law, trusting the isolation to keep them away from the watching eyes of Freeport or Neriak. They kept to small encampments with trusted partners and, if needed, went to Temby to trade or seek passage.

However, peace for these towns living in the forgotten and neglected Hodstock Hills was not meant to be. While Temby survived the initial assault from the strange golden dragons and their kin, Hodstock village itself was not as lucky and now sits in ruins with many of their people killed before they escaped. In the southeast, the invaders continue their assault. Even more frightening than the invaders is the massive leviathan that hovers beyond the clouds, looming threateningly above the coast of Hodstock and the city of Freeport just a skip away.

Bordering Freeport and Nektulos Forest, the northern villages of Hodstock and Temby were the unfortunate recipients of the first waves of the Outer Brood's invasion force. Hodstock is no longer safe. Temby is now part of the frontlines. Bobble-by-Water, empty for a few centuries, also found its rebuilding efforts stopped before they started. The Tower of Noctix no longer thrums with the power of Nightmares, but what still lies inside?

With Norrath as a whole at stake, alongside Freeport forces and Gal`Saris house forces, many dragon factions have come together to help defend Veeshan's claimed world, taking camp at a location they have dubbed the Wyrmqueen's Ridge. It is the jumping off point to take the offensive against the invaders. Do you seek to help defend our world? Start here.

Do you like nostalgia? I like nostalgia.

For those familiar with EQOA, this zone represents Hodstock and Temby, Mu`Lin's Reach, The Green Rift, and Bobble-by-Water (including Shark Island).

The Theater of Eternity
On the back of the leviathan sits an entire city, a city large enough to host an invading army of dragon-sized monsters. And at the front of that city is a military parade ground and practice area. The leviathan's own body protects the space, its scales, and spines somehow coerced to stand upright around the area. They have also used the scales that make up the floor of the parade grounds as barriers against the encroaching forces of Norrath. Despite the defenses and the scalewrought defenders, the structures have suffered from fly-over attacks by the dragons of Norrath and the power of its mortal heroes.

The might of the Norrathians has not been enough. The defenses remain intact, and the cannons still devastate any enemy that dares to step onto or fly over the Theater. A large force of scalewrought guards the structures beyond the Theater of Eternity. Those who would stop this invasion face terrible danger, but we must take the fight to the invaders here to drive them out.

The Harbinger? The Leviathan? The Beast? The Behemoth? It matters not what it is called but the first step onto it was a doozy. Now that you have reached it, it is time to take the fight to the invaders. The magical interference happening is making it difficult for the wielders of the arcane to land people safely onto the beast. A forward camp must be established and a firm anchor for teleportation needs to be made if there is to be a counter-offensive.

Once the Norrathians establish a foothold, it is time to infiltrate the behemoth to make your way to the leaders of the Aureate. There must be some way inside that isn’t the foreboding front door that looms over the battlefield, but where?

If wandering into no man’s land doesn’t kill you, the creatures picked up along the way surely will.

Aureate Covert
This place serves two main purposes. It shelters and houses the servitors of the great golden dragons, whom Norrathians have interpreted as calling themselves “Aurelians.” It also constantly reminds those servitors how magnanimous and powerful their Draconic masters are. It is clear that the structure, while magnificent, does not accommodate the massive outer brood dragons, as they cannot fit into most of the rooms and corridors. Stepping into such a place, a home for lesser creatures, would demean them. There are no doors in the interior here, since privacy is not a consideration for the servitors, and theft is not even a thought. Until the Norrathians started fighting back, the doors leading out to the Theater of Eternity, which served as defensive structures to prevent enemy invasion, were usually open.

Icons to their masters await the servitors at every turn. But behind all the art and glory given to the dragons, there lies a theme of their goddess Veeshan. Even here, the only being considered greater than the golden dragons, is their creator, Veeshan.

This place serves two main purposes. It shelters and houses the servitors of the great golden dragons, whom Norrathians have interpreted as calling themselves “Aurelians.” It also constantly reminds those servitors how magnanimous and powerful their Draconic masters are. It is clear that the structure, while magnificent, does not accommodate the massive outer brood dragons, as they cannot fit into most of the rooms and corridors. Stepping into such a place, a home for lesser creatures, would demean them. There are no doors in the interior here, since privacy is not a consideration for the servitors, and theft is not even a thought. Until the Norrathians started fighting back, the doors leading out to the Theater of Eternity, which served as defensive structures to prevent enemy invasion, were usually open.

Icons to their masters await the servitors at every turn. But behind all the art and glory given to the dragons, there lies a theme of their goddess Veeshan. Even here, the only being considered greater than the golden dragons, is their creator, Veeshan.

The Harbinger's Cradle
The Harbinger's Cradle received its name for two reasons. It is the place where the small leviathans used as transport vehicles dock, but it is also the place where the Aurelians tend to lay eggs. Perhaps the most shocking thing about this place, beyond the massive scale of it and the powerful creatures that are relegated to grunt work here, is the fact that it is inside the body of the great leviathan. It is a mix of organic and constructed elements. They used the actual bones of the leviathan to craft the stones for building the docks. The deeper areas of the Cradle are hollow spaces inside the living leviathan itself. It is unclear how the Aurelians created these spaces, but it does not seem like they created them by force, such as digging. Or cutting.

The Brood Architect works in the hatchery, filling it with eggs of various types and creating new and more useful servitors. The Brood Architect also allows eggs from existing forms of scalewrought to hatch unhindered as needed.

Into the belly of the beast and quite literally. Now inside the bowels you will have to venture forth and find out what the Aurelians are up to.

After entering the sewer grate you find yourself in the dark cavernous stench filled insides of the harbinger. The Aurealians seem to have a couple operations in this area and it is your job to disrupt them. You will find yourself with a choice leading out of the cradle and it is for you to decide your fate.

The Chambers of Puissance
Deep inside the body of the great leviathan are vast chambers. These chambers contain structures made from blocks carved from the bones of the leviathan. The Aurelians apparently exposed some of the leviathan’s internal organs here for easy access. Why they desire this access is currently unclear. Even the great beast's massive heart is exposed, and scalewrought of various types can be seen moving around it, sometimes injecting it with what appears to be magically infused liquids.

Apparently to the scalewrought these spaces are nothing unusual. But the pulsating walls and huge visible organs are disturbing to most Norrathians. There is also a mystery here. Significant magic pulses through the spaces, scalewrought go about busily working toward some unknown goal, and still the leviathan survives all of this. If the heroes of Norrath can get past the defenders, exploration of the Chambers of Puissance should yield information that can help defeat the invaders.

Deep in the belly of the beast, Norrathian scouts seek the details on just how the invaders are controlling their 'transport'. Spoiler: It's less friendly than you think.

While one beastlord is concerned for the sentience and well-being of the massive creature under the Outer Brood's command, several scouts are looking into the operations of the cavernous bodily chambers, from the flesh, the very blood of the beast, and the heavily exposed heart of the leviathan.

The Gilded Spire
Looming above all else on the leviathan is The Gilded Spire. This is the resplendent home of the Aurelian dragons, where their scalewrought servitors supply all of their needs. Lavishly appointed with precious metal, gemstones, and magical lighting, every space is a testament to the glory and power of the Aurelians. Vast ceilings allow space for flight and the heads of colossal statues dedicated to the Aurelian vision of Veeshan. The lower levels are busy with servitors preparing for every whim of the dragons that they serve, but the upper levels remain a mystery to them.

It is the upper levels where the rulers of this small city live and manage their servitors and the war that they must now wage against the children of Veeshan on Norrath. The great general, Usira, organizes his forces in the control room, where they make plans to cleanse the lesser creatures who have failed their duty to Veeshan. And above that is the shrine to the Mother, where the high priest Yaran seeks guidance from Veeshan.

You’ve worked your way through the bowels of the Harbinger and find yourself in the living quarters and command center of the highest echelon of the Outer Brood. Huge denizens roam these halls, and it would be in your best interest to avoid them as much as possible. The magical studies of the Aurelians can be found here and that information is going to be very useful to the spellcasters of Norrath.

Make your way to the top of the spire and see what dreams may come.




Recognitions and credits for all involved with developing and creating EverQuest, for the current and past expansions, can be seen by clicking the 'Credits' button at the bottom of the Server Select Screen and then viewing the 'Current Expansion' or the 'Previous Expansions' tab.

They can also be found in your EverQuest Directory (credits_current.txt & credits_previous.txt).

A huge thank you to all involved!



If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last Updated January 23, 2025

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.