Laurion's Song was the 30th expansion, released in December 2023.
Laurion's Song raised Character Levels to 125.
Laurion's Song added 'Persona's' to the game, which are accessed via the Persona Tab in the Character (aka Inventory) Window. The Persona tab replaced the Shroud Tab, but don't worry, Shrouds are still in place. A very generic description of Persona's would be Alternate versions of your Character that do not have to re-do Achievements or Flagging and retain access to everything your Character owns. To learn about Personas, click here.
It was during this expansion that the 'Year of Darkpaw' took place and added the new zone of Tides of Time was added during the 25th Anniversary celebration, to include having it's own specialty currency (Timeless Token).
It did not go without notice by the Players, that the expansion was lacking in content (2 Missions instead of 4... and 8 Raid Events instead of 9). This was reportedly because of time issues and development of the aforementioned 'Year of Darkpaw' and 25th Anniversary events, demanding a lot of time from the Devs.
The expansion was sold in four versions: Family & Friends ($249.99); Premium ($139.99); Collector's ($89.99); and Standard ($34.99).
PRE-ORDER: If you Pre-Ordered (any version) you got three (3) Crucible Steel Weapon Ornament (that can be converted to multiple variants); three (3) Persona Slots; and immediate access to Beta testing, as a Bonus.
STANDARD: This version ($34.99) you got three (3) Crucible Steel Weapon Ornament (that can be converted back and forth between twenty-three variants) & three (3) Persona Slots.
PREMIUM: This version ($139.99) additionally included Laurion's Door (placeable Teleport); one (1) more Laurion's Satchel (42-Slot 100% Bag); two (2) more Persona Slots; twenty (20) Perfected Augmentation Distiller; two (2) Shared Goblet of Adventure III (four hours of 50% bonus XP for your whole group); a Phoenix Harness (a mount); Metamorph Wand - Forgebound (arc worker familiar); and a Visage of the Elddar (Elddar illusion);.
FAMILY & FRIENDS: This version ($249.99) additionally included another Laurion's Satchel (42-Slot 100% Bag); two (2) more Shared Goblet of Adventure III (four hours of 50% bonus XP for your whole group); two (2) Tradable: Alternate Persona Slot; a thirty (30) Overseer Agent Pack; five (5) Koada'Dal Heritage Crate; Tradable: Laurion's Song Standard Edition (expansion); Tradable Level 100 Heroic Character; Tradable Polar Bear Saddle; and a Tradable Phoenix Harness.
Laurion Inn Voucher was added to the game. It is earned via Group Missions and can be spent with Feldryn L'Deth in Laurion's Inn.
Shalowain's Private Reserve was added to the game. It is earned via Raids and can be spent with Cogsworth Fizzlespring in Laurion's Inn.
Timeless Token was added to the game during this expansion (part of the Year of Darkpaw event), even though, in-game, it is credit to the original EverQuest. It is earned via missions / quests inTides of Time and can be spent with Miacallie Herlsas (Tides of Time).
The recipe books, along with certain new and old tradeskill items, are sold by a confused patron in Laurion Inn.
Interactions With Forgebound - Jewelry (Jewelry & Research... making spells, rings, earrings, necks and cutting gems);
Interactions With Forgebound - Armor and Shields (Fletching, Smithing & Tailoring... making patches, shields);
Observations of Forgebound - Weapons (Smithing & Fletching... making weapons and bows);
Interactions With Forgebound - Tinkering (Tinkering... making cores & belts);
Observations of Forgebound - Fishing (Fishing... making shoulders & cloaks);
Interactions With Forgebound - Pottery (Pottery... making charms, masks & range items);
Observations of Forgebound - Runes (Research... making slot 7 / 8 augmentations);
Laurion Inn Beverage Preperation (Brewing... making stat drinks) (yes, the spelling error exists in-game... maybe they will fix it some day);
Interactions With Forgebound - Basics (Fletching, Smithing & Tailoring... making powder, chainmail rings, heavy fabric, leather, sheets, lumber, infused fish scales, fish scale patches, fish scale swatches & fish scale sheets);
Laurion Inn Meal Preperation (Baking... making stat food sub-combines) (yes, the spelling error exists in-game... maybe they will fix it some day);
Laurion Inn Meal Preperation (Baking... making top level stat food variants) (yes, the spelling error exists in-game... maybe they will fix it some day);
NOTE: Yes... 'Preperation' is the way it is currently spelled in game, as of this typing;
Observations of Forgebound - Poisons (Poison... making poisons);
Observations of Forgebound - Potions (Alchemy... making Potions).
Striking Gem of Perpetual Reverie: This item is crafted by Players, using a Fading Memory Gem of Striking (crafted, Research 510) and a Gallant Focus of Fortitude (group drop). After you complete certain achievement(s), noted below, it can be converted (rotated) between three (3) variant versions of itself, by way of a button in the item window.
Devastating Gem of Perpetual Reverie: This item is crafted by Players, with a Fading Memory Gem of Striking (crafted, Research 510) anda Gallant Focus of Fortitude (group drop) After you complete certain achievement(s), noted below, it can be converted (rotated) between three (3) variant versions of itself, by way of a button in the item window.
Base (Rank 1) Spells, Disciplines and Songs are sold in various spell vendors Laurion's Inn (on the second floor).
Rank II Spells, Disciplines and Songs are dropped in group content as various levels of 'Etched Rune of Nokk' items, which you can click and claim Spells, Disciplines and Songs with, or get the 'Etched Bloodstone' item back.
Rank III Spells, Disciplines and Songs are dropped in raid content as 'Emblem of the Forge' items, which you can click and claim Spells, Disciplines and Songs with, or get the 'Emblem of the Forge' item back.
Other than the mismatched / variant gear that can drop from MoB's, 'visible' Armor sets involve a Level of Crafting. Depending on which gear set you are making, they can require one, or more, other items that are either dropped, crafted or sold by vendors. These items are combined inside a combine container (dropped or crafted) to make the actual armor. As a note, weapons and non-visible items can also be crafted in similar fashion, as noted below.
The armor sets are, and the materials needed are:
Group (Teir 1): 'Gallant' (need dropped 'Obscured Gallant' tradable combine container)... requires a class 'Emblem' (sold by many vendors) & a Gallant Resonance Faceted Emberquartz (sold by a confused patron in Laurion's Inn).
Group (Teir 2): 'Steadfast' (need dropped 'Obscured Steadfast' No Trade combine container)... requires a class 'Emblem' (sold by many vendors) & a Steadfast Resolve Faceted Emberquartz (sold by a confused patron in Laurion's Inn);
Group (Tier 3 aka Tradeskill): 'Perpetual' (need dropped 'Gallant' No Trade armor ingredient)... requires a 'Fading Memory' container (tradable, crafted), a class 'Emblem' (sold by many vendors) & an Emberquartz Fortifying Medium (sold by a confused patron in Laurion's Inn);
Raid (Teir 1): 'Heroic' (need a dropped 'Obscured Heroic' No Trade combine container)... requires a Heroic Reflections Faceted Emberquartz (sold by a confused patron in Laurion's Inn) & a class 'Emblem' (sold by many vendors);
Raid (Tier 2 aka Tradeskill): 'Eternal' (need dropped 'Valiant' No Trade armor ingredient)... requires a 'Fading Memory' container (tradable, crafted), an Emberquartz Invigoration Medium (sold by a confused patron in Laurion's Inn), a class 'Emblem' (sold by many vendors) & one (1) to three (3) Reflective Emberquartz Powder (crafted).
The Collar of Legacies Lost is a progressive neck item that can drop in the 'Heroes Are Forged' or 'Final Fugue' mission. This item will vary, as it progresses and by the Class of your Character.
It progresses by way of experiencing it up (wear it and kill Laurion's Song (and later) zones... killing at least blue con MoB's in non-raid settings... and also by completing achievement arcs and missions.
It is progressed as follows:
LEVEL 1: Subdued Collar of Legacies Lost is a semi-rare drop from the Chest in either of the Group Missions (Final Fugue or Hero's Are Forged).Experience it to a Fine Subdued Collar of Legacies Lost.
LEVEL 3: Complete Achievement: Paragon of Laurion's Song (defeat the two Missions); claim the 'Shining' version (via a button in the item window); and thenexperience it into the 'Fine Shining' version.
LEVEL 5: Complete Achievement: Mythslayer (complete the Hunter Achievements); claim the next 'Sparkling' version (via a button in the item window); and the experience it into the 'Fine Sparkling' version.
LEVEL 6: Complete Achievement: Conqueror of Laurion's Song (defeat all the raid events); claim the next 'Lustrous' version (via a button in the item window); and then experience it into the 'Fine Lustrous' version.
'Lost' and 'Found' are two click items (quested), of which you can possess only one or the other. They related to the Special Achievements for this Expansion.
To acquire either item, you must first have completed the Achievement: Partisan of The Hero's Forge. Once done, you can speak to Elmara Emberclaw (in Hero's Forge) to undertake either one of the quests (LostorFound). Both Quests (Tasks) involve an evolving an item (adventure and kill MoB's while it is equipped).
You can do both quests, but to do so, you need to hand in the item you have (Lost or Found), in order to pursue the other. As a result, you can not possess both items.
Two Players, with opposite items (Lost vs. Found), can target each another and click their item to 'bind' to each other. Once done, either Player can use their item to teleport to the other Player... only if they are all ready in the same zone.
There were two (2) crafted Stat Drinks: Serene Sunset Sparkler and Starlight Nectar Sparkling Metheglin. There were three (3) crafted Stat Foods: Serene Seafarer's Fruitful Pastry, Serene Fruity Tango Turnover and the Serene Surf 'n' Turf Hand Pie.
Achievements listed in the below sections are not necessarily listed in alphabetical order. They are generally listed in the order seen in the game (at the time they were added to the lists below). Use Control-F to "Find" a specific achievement you may be looking for. All of the the below achievements should apply to all classes (they are not class specific).
NOTE: Any rewards highlighted in YELLOW might be worth pursuing, due the fun factor, benefit or usefulness of the reward (you decide).
NOTE: Some miscellaneous “hints” may also be included in PURPLE. These hints are intended to enhance / clarify the "how to" for accomplishing the achievement.
NOTE: Anything in RED text is either an informational comment, or data / details that is not fully verified. If you can verify or provide correct information, please do (see end of page)!
NOTE: Items noted as a "REWARD" are items granted from the achievement, itself. Items listed as "ACQUIRED" are unique item's that can be / are / should be acquired along the way, towards completing the related achievement, but are not actually a reward granted from the achievement itself. In fact, the achievement may even be for acquiring said item. Additionally, only the more "unique" Achievement awards are noted below... "common" or "generic" Achievement Rewards like Alternate Advancement points, Character Experience & Coin, are not noted in the Reward options below.
It also allows you to claim the 'Sparkling' (Level 5) version of the 'Legacies Lost' progressive neck.
Explorer of Laurion's Song
Complete the seven (7) listed Achievements.
If you don't have one all ready, you should get a Journeyman's Compass. Click the Journeyman's Compass to gain another Level of the Journeyman's Speed Alternative Advancement (if it isn't all ready maxed out).
Champion of Laurion's Song
Complete the thirteen (13) listed Achievements.
This allows you to claim the 'Polished' (Level 2) version of the 'Legacies Lost' progressive neck.
All of the Mission Achievements, that do not credit until the Chest is opened, can be acquired via a Task Add.
Task Added Players will get credit when the mission chest is opened. They will get credit no matter where they are. They do not have to be in zone.
Hero of The Hero's Forge: Heroes Are Forged
Complete the listed Mission.
Base Strategy: Set up at the southeast ramp that leads down to the main zone area.
Start the event by talking to Elmara Emberclaw and get a Cinerarium of the Fallen.
Kill a huge slime, and and all adds, then give the Heroic Ember to the Player that has the Cinerarium of the Fallen.
The Player with the Cinerarium of the Fallen needs to click the Heroic Ember (this prevents a huge slime from re-spawning).
The Player with the Cinerarium of the Fallen needs to immediately pass (trade) the Cinerarium of the Fallen to another Player.
Kill the Lich and all adds, then give the Heroic Ember to the Player that has the Cinerarium of the Fallen.
The Player with the Cinerarium of the Fallen needs to click the Heroic Ember (this prevents Lich from re-spawning).
The Player with the Cinerarium of the Fallen needs to immediately pass (trade) the Cinerarium of the Fallen to another Player.
Attack the Queen of the Spiders and kill all adds.
Pre-assign Players to move ASAP to the lower and upper section of each of the buildings to the northwest & southeast, when needed. At 75%, 50% & 25% these Players need to be in position to immediately kill any egg sacs that appear (so they don't hatch into a widowmaker adds).
Kill Queen of the Spiders, then give the Heroic Ember to the Player that has the Cinerarium of the Fallen.
The Player with the Cinerarium of the Fallen needs to click the Heroic Ember (this prevents Queen of the Spiders from re-spawning).
Kill Shalowain and all adds, to win the event.
As you do that, two (2) Players will be targeted by a slow-moving, non-killable musical note (EMOTE: You hear your own footfalls echo, reaching out to the enemy.). Those Players need to kite the musical note (move and stop, move and stop... in a counter-clockwise manner) until it loses interest (EMOTE: You stop echoing.).
+1 Hero's Vitality AA
+1 Hero's Fortitude AA
Savior of The Hero's Forge: Heroes Are Forged
Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.
+1 Hero's Vitality AA
+1 Hero's Fortitude AA
+1 Hero's Resolution
Heroes Are Forged: Cracked
Do not allow any spider eggs to hatch, during the noted Mission.
During this mission, the Queen of the Spiders will teleport into one of the nearby buildings and an 'egg sacs' will spawn. This happens four (4) times. Kill the egg sacs each and every time, before 'a widowmaker' add hatches. Because the doorways are blocked by webs as long as egg sacs are alive, this has to be done with either pets, or a Player going in each building before the Queen of the Spiders ports away (so they can melee the egg sacs).
N / A
Heroes Are Forged: Let It Rest
Never activate the depleted forgebound, during the noted Mission.
During this mission, each mini-boss can drop a Heroic Ember, which is powered up by each Heroic Ember that drops. Simply don't use Cinerarium of the Fallen to activate a depleted forgebound!
N / A
Heroes Are Forged: Soundproof
Do not allow any Echo to be released, during the noted Mission.
During the final battle with Shalowain, she will target two (2) Players (EMOTE: 'Shalowain links the sounds of footfalls and heartbeats of several people to her musical magic. That music starts to form into a solid object that begins to move toward <Player> and <Player>.').When this happens a large floating musical note, surrounded by an aura, will start chasing those two (2) Players. These musical notes are slow moving, so just move in a counter-clockwise pattern, stop and wait and repeat, until the musical note loses interest. Do not let a musical note catch you! If Shalowain is not killed expediently, she will keep on targeting two (2) more Players.
N / A
Hero of Pal'Lomen: Final Fugue
Complete the listed Mission.
Base Strategy: Talk to Dhakka Nogg to start the event.
You can buff the ally NPC's you see in the area.
Kill all adds that spawn and run in to try and kill the ally NPC's.
After a point, the group and the ally NPC's will be teleported to a second location.
Kill the 'boar,' 'handler' and 'wraith' adds.
Run to the 'ditch' area (follow the NPC allies) and kill the goblin adds.
Run to the final event area and aggro all four mini-bosses, Margator the Slow, Firethorn, Darga Smasher & Yarith Wardbreaker. Kill them.
Meanwhile, when the (archer) spawn, send ranged attackers out to kill them ASAP (they are anchored in place and do not fight back), to stop their AoE attacks.
Aggro Captain Kar. Be sure to use stuns to drop his shields when he goes invulnerable (EMOTE: Kar roars, pulls his shield from his back, and sets his feet.).
Kill Captain Kar to win the event.
+1 Hero's Vitality AA
+1 Hero's Fortitude AA
Savior of Pal'Lomen: Final Fugue
Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.
+1 Hero's Vitality AA
+1 Hero's Fortitude AA
+1 Hero's Resolution
Final Fugue: Delay The Inevitable
Help Shalowain and all of her allies reach the village alive, during the noted Mission.
A little quick aggro, good healing assist focus is generally all you need for this one. The NPC's (your allies, who that can be buffed and healed) all need to be alive when you reach the final location (it doesn't matter of any of them die after that... in fact, the script calls for them to die at that point).
N / A
Final Fugue: Speed Limit
During the noted Mission, do not allow Margator to reach full speed.
During this event, one of the attackers, at the final location, is Margator the Slow. As the battle ensues, Margator the Slow can get faster and faster (you will see emotes). Kill Margator the Slow does before they reach 'maximum speed!'
N / A
Final Fugue: Plucked
During the noted Mission, do not get hit by the Feathered Sky archery fire while participating in the fight with Captain Kar.
This is an individual achievement, even if it does not say so. During the final battle with Captain Kar, a huge aura ('Feathered Sky') will appear centered on Captain Kar (this effect are from the 'Archer' MoB's, not Captain Kar). The (Archers) are down along the water. The Player needing this can either run away and stay away, or Players can go kill the (Archers) ASAP, before they start casting the Aura (they spawn when Captain Kar appears).
Conqueror of Elddar Forest: The Return of Kanghammer
Defeat the listed Raid event.
Vanquisher of Elddar Forest: The Return of Kanghammer
Complete the three (3) listed Achievements, during the listed Raid event.
The Return of Kanghammer: Slow Burn
Finish the first stage of the noted raid event, with Dextris' health over 90%.
Insure Dextris Kanghammer's health is to 90% or higher (get aggro off him ASAP) when the initial stage ends (once Rufus Invictus get to 90%).
The Return of Kanghammer: Do Something Heroic!
Finish the second stage of the noted raid event, with Dextris' health over 50%.
Insure Dextris Kanghammer's health is 50% or higher when the 'mini boss' stage ends (kill the three Tower adds ASAP, within 20-seconds of each other).
The Return of Kanghammer: Let Him Cook
During the noted raid event, defeat Rufus Invictus after Dextris' health is below 5%.
The best way to do this one is at the very start of the raid. At the start, the ENTIRE raid should just watch the NPC battle ensue. No DoT's, no pets, no melee, no nothing. JUST WATCH. Once Dextris Kanghammer's health hits 4%, toss a Divine Barrier on him, have the tank immediately step in and take aggro and then the healers start healing up Dextris Kanghammer, so he doesn't die (if he dies, the event fails). Then, defeat the event.
Conqueror of The Plane of Mischief: Bidils' Great Adventure
Defeat the listed Raid event.
Vanquisher of The Plane of Mischief: Bidils' Great Adventure
Complete the three (3) listed Achievements, during the listed Raid event.
Bidils' Great Adventure: A Balanced War
During the noted raid event, the Tug of War needs to be balanced until the end.
During this event, some three a black jester and a white jester will spawn. Kill one (1) a black jester and one (1) a white jester at the same time (balance their health so they die withing seconds of each other). Do this until they are all dead and then win the event.
Bidils' Great Adventure: Unfreeze!
During the noted raid event, make sure no one is still frozen when the next group of Players gets frozen during 'Freeze Tag.'
During this event, towards the end, a number of Bouncy Ball will appear about the room (they look like red collects). Players can pick one up (they are lore) and when another Player gets 'frozen,' they can target that Player and click the Bouncy Ball to unfreeze them. About five (5) Players will get frozen every 42-seconds. To get this achievement, all Players must successfully be unfrozen every time this happens. This one maybe be the hardest one to do, since many other emotes are also happening at the same time. One strategy is to set up 1 or 2 groups to focus ONLY on this goal (while still obeying any emotes they get).
Bidils' Great Adventure: Cold Potato
During the noted raid event, pass them gem before it harms anyone.
During this event, right away, Bidil will give a Magnificent Planar Gem to a random Player. That Player needs to target another Player and click the Magnificent Planar Gem to toss it to the other Player before it explodes... and so on. It's a game of 'Hot Potato.' Do this for the entire raid, with no fails, to get this achievement (Players can die of they fail). The best way to do this is to set up three (3) or more specific Players to pass around the Magnificent Planar Gem to each other, in a set sequence. Also, have a standing order for the rest of the raid, that if they get the Magnificent Planar Gem, to pass it to a specific one (1) of the three (3) pre-designated Players.
Conqueror of Timorous Falls: Shadow of my Shadow
Defeat the listed Raid event.
Vanquisher of Timorous Falls: Shadow of my Shadow
Complete the three (3) listed Achievements, during the listed Raid event.
Shadow of my Shadow: Unbearable
During the noted raid event, don't allow any hate bearers reach the altar.
In the 3rd Stage of this event, six (6) a hate bearer will spawn east & west the hill top (3 in each direction) and start to walk in towards the raid area. They do not root, snare or fight back. All six (6) need to be killed before any of them reach the 'altar' (event area) on the hill top.
Shadow of My Shadow: Hates Does Not Bloom
During the noted raid event, don't allow any hate seeds to bloom.
The Seed of Hatred (at 60%) will start to use a Charm ('Bloomed Hatred') on three (3) targeted Players at a time (Emote: A seed of hate is planted into (Player), (Player), and (Player)). Those Players need to run west, away from the raid, to 'cure' the effect before it triggers (Emote: 'The seed of hate within you is gone.'). This requires a 100% success rate.
Shadow of my Shadow: No Love Without Hate
During the noted raid event, always bring love and hate together.
In the final 65% of this event, Illandrin Tenisbre will put 'Hate' (a detrimental HP DD AoE) and 'Love' (a beneficial large Heal AoE) on two (2) different random Players (EMOTE: 'Illandrin seeds hatred into (Player). This causes a compensatory love to form in (Player))' -- notice the double space before the 1st Players name). These two (2) Players need move to a pre-designated spot and get close to each other (i.e. run to a banner or a campfire or the boss) in order to nullify these effects, ASAP. This requires a 100% success rate.
Conqueror of Ankexfen Keep: Prisoners of Ankexfen
Defeat the listed Raid event.
Vanquisher of Ankexfen Keep: Prisoners of Ankexfen
Complete the three (3) listed Achievements, during the listed Raid event.
Prisoners of Ankexfen: Savior
During the noted raid event, don't let any prisoners die.
In the last part of the event, an executioner will activate and start to slowly walk a prisoner to the campfire in the middle of the event area. Turn DPS to an executioner and kill it before it kills a prisoner. Do this every time an executioner respawns and activates. Emote: 'The executioner drags a prisoner into the courtyard.' Failing to do this will spawn a non-killable (an angry ghost) that will roam the area and 'Fear' Players.
Prisoners of Ankexfen: Dynamite
During the noted raid event, blow up Navulta with his own bombs.
During the battle with the final boss, Navulta will spawn a hidden bomb. Have a designated pet class use a pet to destroy a hidden bomb, every and time one appears (/pet attack a_hidden) Emote: 'Seek, hunt, find my surprise! Somewhere I have left you a deadly prize.'
Prisoners of Ankexfen: Defuse
During the noted raid event, never fail to properly disarm any traps.
During the battle with the final boss, five (5) traps (A Fire trap ('flames'), A Net trap ('entangle'), A Lightning trap, A Poison trap and A Frost trap) will spawn. Have one (1) or more designated pet classes kill them all, in the proper order (which is the same order as the emote), within about 50 seconds. The designated pet classes will need five (5) Hot Keys set up to do this to /tar each trap and then /pet attack each trap. Do this every time the traps appear. Emote: 'All around you lies a problem, poison, flames, frost, lightning, and, entangle, it is for you to solve them.' NOTE: The order shown here can' and will' vary each time. Destroy them in the order emoted!
Conqueror of Moors of Nokk: What Is It For?
Defeat the listed Raid event.
Vanquisher of Moors of Nokk: What Is It For?
Complete the three (3) listed Achievements, during the listed Raid event.
What Is It For?: Free The Innocent
During the noted raid event, do not kill any Prisoners.
During this event five (5) a feeble prisoner (Emote: The Master Magus shouts, 'Release the prisoners, I have them under my command. I'll prove how effective they can be in war!') will attack the raid. Do NOT kill them. Instead, mez them! They will need to be kept mezzed for the entire raid and survive the event.
What Is It For? Suffer No Shocks
During the noted raid event, everyone needs to avoid getting by an Temperature Shock.
During the battle with Magus Trablic, Magus Trablic uses a single target 'Freezing Grasp' (Emote: Master Magus Trablic begins casting Freezing Grasp.) and a five (5) target 'Heat Wave' (Emote: The Master Magus summons freezing sleet to coat Player, Player, Player, Player, and Player.). If any Player all ready has 'Freezing Grasp' on them and is hit by 'Heat Wave,' they are hit with extra damage from 'Temperature Shock.' To get this Achievement, no one can be hit by 'Temperature Shock.' One tactic is to tank Magus Trablic at the wall by the prisoner cage, and all but the tank stay near Dhakka Nogg in the opposite corner using ranged attacks (this is far enough away that the red aura does not hit those near Dhakka Nogg).
What Is It For? Don't Get The Axe
During the noted raid event, avoid getting by an axe.
This is an individual achievement. During the final phase of this event, about every 65 seconds non-targetable adds (a floating axe inside a large purple aura) will spawn in each of the four (4) corners and move towards Outpost Commander Regar. Don't let any of them get near you (cross over you), at all.
Conqueror of Unkempt Woods: The Artisan and the Druid
Defeat the listed Raid event.
Vanquisher of Unkempt Woods: The Artisan and the Druid
Complete the three (3) listed Achievements, during the listed Raid event.
The Artisan and the Druid: Keep Your Friends Close
After 70% during the Ogna, the Artisan of War battle, Jangle (can't be killed) will pop in and out do do certain things, one of which is to toss a weapon to Ogna, the Artisan of War (EMOTE: Jangle appears at a weapon rack, grabs a weapon, and tosses it to the Artisan of War.). Soon after that, Ogna, the Artisan of War will use that weapon to do AoE damage to those nearby (EMOTE: Ogna takes the axe Jangle tossed her and twirls with it, slashing everyone nearby.). This Achievement is from having at least fifteen (15) Players nearby, which is actually a good tactic anyway, as it mitigates (reduces) the damage based on how many are close by.
The Artisan and the Druid: Safe At Camp
During the noted raid event, make sure that the Elddar camp isn't harmed.
At the start of the event, four (4) waves of an assault trooper will spawn and run in to attack the Elddar camp. The key is to aggro every an assault trooper so that not a single one of them gets into the Elddar camp. Also, be sure to find and kill any stragglers that have been known to get stuck in terrain. Once up on the plateau, destroy all four (4) a catapult and the four (4) MoB's standing at each one ASAP.
The Artisan and the Druid: No Ignition
During the noted raid event, make sure no one who has Haze Bomb gets hit by Igniting Shock.
After 70% during the Ogna, the Artisan of War battle, Jangle will pop in and out do do certain things, one of which is to creating multiple 'Haze Bomb' in the area (bluish auras). One of the 'Haze Bomb' is a dud and he will emote about it (EMOTE: Unit <Number> was not made by me!). They are a 450K DD, 3K Mana Drain... as well as boosting the damage the main tank takes, by 176%, from 'Igniting Shock.' Igniting Shock is cast on the main tank by Ogna, the Artisan of War and does damage of 575K DD. So, at least the Main Tank needs to get out of the 'Haze Bomb' aura every time. There are nine Bomb spots. Move to the proper area, ASAP, and out of the bomb auras (see image to left, locations marked are 'general' not specific... be sure to look and make sure you are not in an aura).
Conqueror of The Hero's Forge: Heroes are Forged
Defeat the listed Raid event.
Vanquisher of The Hero's Forge: Heroes are Forged
Complete the three (3) listed Achievements, during the listed Raid event.
Heroes are Forged: Cracked
During the noted raid event, do not allow any Spider Eggs to hatch.
Four times (health based) during this event, the Queen of the Spiders will teleport to the upper of lower floor of the east or west building and spawn egg sacs. The eggs sacs must be destroyed before they hatch into an add. Best strategy is to post a few DPS at each to the four (4) spots, and kill the eggs sacs ASAP, when they appear.
Heroes are Forged: Let It Rest
During the noted raid event, never activate the depleted forgebound.
Don't utilize the Cinerarium of Heroes and then win the event. This will mean at least one more AoE effect to endure, in the Shalowain battle.
Heroes are Forged: Soundproof
During the noted raid event, do not allow anyone to release Echo.
No one can be caught by an 'Echo' at all. Every Player has to take immediate action to avoid them (EMOTE: That music starts to form into a solid object that begins to move toward Player, Player, Player, and Player.). The echoes are not fast, so the Players can run to a spot (use the four corners of the event area, starting to the southwest), pause, run again and repeat until they see another emote (You hear your own footfalls echo, reaching out to the enemy.), at which point they should purposely run into the echo chasing them to make it poof. In that this happens in the final part of the event, these Players may just want to keep running until the event is defeated.
Conqueror of Pal'Lomen: Final Fugue
Defeat the listed Raid event.
Vanquisher of Pal'Lomen: Final Fugue
Complete the three (3) listed Achievements, during the listed Raid event.
Final Fugue: Delay the Inevitable
During the noted raid event, make sure Shalowain and her allies all reach the village alive.
During the event, always take aggro off the NPC's and make sure they get to the final location, alive. They can be buffed / healed after the event starts. Once at the final location the script does call for them to be killed, so don't worry about them after that.
Final Fugue: Speed Limit
During the noted raid event, do not allow Margator to reach full speed.
This one is trickier than it sounds, as it required a high level of DPS and killing Margator first. Once the four (4) Mini-Bosses are active, aggro them all to one place and off tank three of them. Have the entire raid stack on Firethorn, as Firethorn has an Aura that is essentially shaped like a donut (there is a hole in the aura right at Firethorn). If ANY Player, even one (1) Player is not stacked on Firethorn and gets in the aura, it will rune Margator, making Margator harder to kill! Max DPS Margator... you have about two (2) minutes before Margator reaches full speed!
Final Fugue: Plucked
During the noted raid event, get hit by the Feathered Sky archery fire while participating in the fight with Captain Kar.
During the final battle with Captain Kar, a huge aura ('Feathered Sky') will appear (this effect is from the 'Archer' MoB's, not Captain Kar). One strategy is for ranged attackers to go kill the twenty-four (24) (Archers), ASAP, who are down along the water before they can start using this attack.
Hunter Achievements do not require you to be in zone. Just be in the group / raid and you will get credit for the Hunter kill, no matter where you are.
Once you finish Partisan of Hero's Forge, you can get this quest from Elmara. There is one item you have to evolve (equip it and kill 200+ Level 100+ MoB's). You can do the other Achievement, but you have to turn in Lost to do so.
Acquired: Lost
(Players with opposite items can bind to each other. When in the same zone, they can use this item to teleport to the other player.)
Found in the Present
Once you finish Partisan of Hero's Forge, you can get this quest from Elmara. There is one item you have to evolve (equip it and kill 200+ Level 100+ MoB's). You can do the other Achievement, but you have to turn in Found to do so.
Acquired: Found
(Players with opposite items can bind to each other. When in the same zone, they can use this item to teleport to the other player.)
The generic strats / info below are from Dev Beta notes, successful raids that I was part of, from what I recall and / or from research. The below info does not include details on how to complete raid-related achievements. Those are noted elsewhere on this page, if any. The below info should be adapted, as seen fit, by your Raid Leader. Raid make-up (classes, levels, Player skill levels, etc.) can and do make a difference on raid strategy options and winning or losing. In any situation, Key emotes may also be noted below. Players fulfilling their roles, using assist, and following emotes is always essential. There is all most always more than one variant strategy that can successfully defeat a raid. As Levels increase, defeating old raids can prove much easier and more forgiving (potentially even as a group or solo / molo, depending on how old the raid event is). However, sometimes, certain mechanics still have to be honored. It has been known that in some events, due to such raid mechanics (i.e. too much DPS; killing MoB X before MOB Y; and similar) can bug the raid and cause it to fail. Some of these targets may require 'zerging' into the zone get to them (kill stuff along the way). They may also have 'adds' which are normally more like 'trash' MoB's. The original / older targets / encounters were pre-raid window events. Raids were more of a collective effort, or better, an extremely challenging group event. Any effects noted below can sometimes 'scale to level,' so the effects can be lesser or greater than stated, depending on raid force character levels. On Progression servers, targets can use 'Mitigation of the Mighty' (mitigates Spell, Melee & DoT Damage), at least until such time as certain later expansions unlock, which is typically at least seven-plus expansions after the expansion of the related target. While older targets are static open-world (non-instance) events, there are now an Agent of Change in various locations that will offer an instanced version of those same events (noted below, if any).
If I missed anything or got something wrong, let me know!
Talk to (hail) Dextris Kanghammer to start the event. Dextris Kanghammer will challenge Rufus Invictus and the event begins. Don't take too long with each stage, as Rufus Invictus can kill Dextris Kanghammer and the event will fail, but you can heal Dextris Kanghammer.
90%: Rufus Invictus locks in HP, so don't waste efforts on him for now. Also, a Takish engineer spawns somewhere in the arena and casts 'Magnet Mine' (a snare / slow with 350K Damage). This effect ends when a Takish engineer is killed, so swap DPS to a Takish engineer, stack on him and then kill him, ASAP. Once done, go back to DPS Rufus Invictus. EMOTE: Dextris Kanghammer strains as an unknown force pulls him to the ground.
64%: Three adds (a Takish reprobate, a Takish swindler and a Takish Scoundrel) spawn in the 'Towers' (NW, NE & N of the Arena). They can buff Rufus Invictus with a a nasty 2K Damage Shield, a Spell Immunity and they can also cast a Heal Blocker on Dextris Kanghammer. Pre-assign groups to run up and kill all three (3) of them ASAP. They must die within about 20-seconds of each other, or else they can respawn (after about 120 Seconds). If this is the case, wait for the respawn and kill them again, otherwise Rufus Invictus will health lock at 47%. Once done, go back to DPS Rufus Invictus. EMOTE: Rufus Invictus lets out a boisterous laugh as Kanghammer is stunned. 'You all see this? You all see what happens when a hero thinks they are doing the world a favor? Let us end this once and for all! You and me!' As he continues to strike Kanghammer, chanting nearby grows louder and Rufus Invictus begins to glow. Someone in the area is assisting him!
48%: The 'crowd' will now start throwing things and debuffing Players (Tomatoes, Lettuce, Carrots...), all of which can do nasty things. However, these effects are easy to avoid and the AoE Aura is not overly large (simply have the entire raid stack on the boss and then move to the opposite side of the arena each time the emote happens). Meanwhile Rufus Invictus will periodically do an AoE attack to all Players that are close enough, but due the vegetable attacks, let it happen (stay bunched up, heal through it). EMOTE: I wasn't expecting a real fight today!' Rufus Invictus barks, though with a slight hesitation. 'You all in the stands, are you ready for me to end this?' The crowd goes wild and begins to pelt combatants with trash.
Meanwhile, be sure to heal and keep Dextris Kanghammer alive (heals). If he dies, the raid fails.
The raid is won when Rufus Invictus is defeated.
Bidils the Quickhand
NPC: Bidils the Quickhand (Laurion's Inn)
Plane of Mischief (Instance)
Tier 1
Enter the instance via Door 14 in Laurion's Inn. 'Bidils the Quickhand, there' is at the zone in. Say 'ready' and he will port you to the raid spot, where you will see 'Bidils the Quickhand, here' (who can port you back to the zone in area).
Designate the four corners of the room for specific purposes: One for The Hand of the King and Bristlebane the King of Thieves (who will appear in Phase 2... you want them in the same corner, so that the Bristlebane the King of Thieves emotes can be more easily obeyed). Designate a 2nd corner to move to if an (egg) appears (noted below). Have a standing rule for Players to use any other corner, or any currently 'unoccupied' corner to run to when they are targeted for Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Bidils the Quickhand has stolen a Magnificent Planar Gem and is being chased by The Hand of the King. Tank The Hand of the King off in one corner of the room. Bidils the Quickhand will immediately 'toss' the Magnificent Planar Gem to a random Player, starting a game of 'Hot Potato.' That Player needs to target any other Player and click the Magnificent Planar Gem to 'toss' it to the other Player and so on. If any Player holds the Magnificent Planar Gem too long (no longer than about 24-seconds), they will get death touched. If the player with the Magnificent Planar Gem dies, Bidils the Quickhand will retrieve it and toss it to another random Player. Set up a three (3) Player rotation to pass around the Magnificent Planar Gem (if anyone else gets the Magnificent Planar Gem, pass it to the first Player in the pre-set rotation). EMOTE: A large gem appears in your hands. It starts to build power. / EMOTE: Bidils shouts, 'What is the gem doing on the ground? How about you hold onto it this time, Bonzz. / EMOTE: Bidils shouts, 'Hang on to this for me for a minute.' He tosses a huge gem to Bonzz.
Meanwhile, The Hand of the King is basically 'playing' 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' with random Players. Players need need to run to an empty corner and not come back until the effect triggers. EMOTE: The Hand of the King shoots paper at Bonzz. / EMOTE: The Hand of the King shoots scissors at Player1, Player2, and Bonzz. / EMOTE: ??? (Rock).
Both of these 'games' will continue for the duration of the entire event. DPS should focus on The Hand of the King, between obeying emotes and avoiding auras / target rings.
80%: Bristlebane the King of Thieves will show up, along with three (3) a blackjesters & (3) three a white jesters, who will start a mime version 'Tug of War' (no rope). The raid needs to keep the the number of a blackjesters & a white jesters balanced (balance kill a blackjesters and a white jesters so they dies within seconds of each other) or else they will start casting detrimental spells on the raid. EMOTE: Bristlebane laughs and shouts, 'Let's have even more fun! I want to see a tug of war! I wonder who will win, black or white?'
Bristlebane the King of Thieves will begin a game of 'Simon Says,' by calling out Players to do something. Players need to be close to, and target, Bristlebane the King of Thieves and be close to him and then obey by way of an emote (/dance, /bow, /clap, /kneel, /cheer, /raise...). Fail and the Player will be punished by Bristlebane the King of Thieves with various bad, but not overwhelming, effects. EMOTE: Bow to me, Bonzz. EMOTE: Cheer my greatness, Bonzz. EMOTE: Clap for me, Bonzz. EMOTE: Dance for me, Bonzz. EMOTE: Raise your hands in praise of me, Bonzz. EMOTE: Kneel before me, Bonzz.
There will also be a white rabbit that walks around the steps (through the visible doorways that border the room), that will, once in a while, enter the room and lay an (egg -- it's a huge) near The Hand of the King and then run away. This can be prevented by mezzing a white rabbit.Otherwise,(egg) will explode (AoE) after a short time. To better avoid the explosion, have the tank drag The Hand of the King to a different designated corner.
45%: Once all of the a blackjester & a white jester are dead, Bristlebane the King of Thieves will start a game of 'Freeze Tag' by freezing Players at random (about 5 Players every 42 seconds). A number of Bouncy Ball will spawn about the area (ground spawns, they look like red collects). They can be picked up and clicked on frozen Players, to unfreeze them. If this isn't done, the frozen Players can / will die. EMOTE: You're it. (If you get frozen.)
The event is won when The Hand of the King is dead.
Shadow of My Shadow
NPC: Elistyl Kanghammer (Laurion's Inn)
Timorous Falls (Instance)
Tier 2
Enter the instance via Door 6 in Laurion's Inn.
There is a purple aura at the top of a nearby hill. Enter the aura and you will be teleported back down the hill. There are a bunch of a pious follower, Dextris Lalskri (lying on ground) and Illandrin Tenisbrein the aura. There is reportedly an enrage timer component to this raid (which results in more adds). The 'shade' adds are all undead. Set up the raid to the west of Illandrin Tenisbre, on the hill.
Stage 1: Illandrin Tenisbrewill summon five (5) timed waves of three (3) adds: a shadow of enmity (has a Mana Drain & HP DD); a shadow of resentment (has a DS and can be mezzed); and a shadow of venom (has a silence with a HP DoT and can be charmed...kill this one first). EMOTE: 'A shadow of venom hisses and glares at {Player}' (run west away from the raid, if you get targeted, until the effect is gone; or just heal through it). These adds need to be pulled and killed before they go up the hill into the Aura. If not, 'Shadow Surge' is cast, which increases the effects from three (3) add types. Try to balance the last two (2) adds, so they are both dead before the next phase.
Stage 2: Illandrin Tenisbrewill now summon Seed of Hatred (that uses the Mana Drain & HP DD and 'Shadow Surge'). At 60% Seed of Hatred will start to use a Charm ('Bloomed Hatred') on three (3) targeted Players at a time. EMOTE: A seed of hate is planted into Player1, Player2, and Player3. Those Players need to run west, away from the raid, to 'cure' the effect before it triggers. EMOTE: The seed of hate within you is gone. When Seed of Hate dies, the aura at the top of the hill will disappear.
Stage 3: All of the a pious follower will now attack, be ready with AoE aggro, Discs and AoE heals! Assist and kill them off one (1) at a time. Meanwhile, six (6) a hate bearer will spawn away from the raid two (2) at a time (one to the east and one to the west) and start to walk in (they do not fight back) They must be killed before more than one (1) of them reaches the altar at the top of the hill or the event will fail! Kill all of the a pious follower and a hate bearer to move on. EMOTE: Illandrin Tenisbre shouts, 'Bearers, come forth. We will complete the ritual. We must complete the ritual!
Stage 4 & 5: Illandrin Tenisbrewill summon the same adds from Stage 1 and PB AoE 'Wave of Hatred.' At 88%, 64%, 40%, 16% & 4% Illandrin Tenisbre will summon two (2) random adds. An bluish aura will appear ('Aura of Calm') just before Illandrin Tenisbre summons these adds. These adds are archetype detrimental. Standing one (1) Player of a certain archetype (Caster, Hybrid, Fighter and / or Priest) in the 'Aura of Calm,' can prevent certain adds from spawning of the same archetype (standing two hybrids in the aura may be a good idea). However, it is possible to defeat the event by just killing the adds each time EMOTE: Illandrin Tenisbre begins casting Wave of Hatred.
The adds can be any two (2) of the following: Hatred's Shield (has a lot of HP; uses 'Guardian Stance' (100% Melee Shielding) and can knock back the Players highest on the hate list and remove them from the hate list); Hatred's Sword (low HP; has PB AoE HP DD ('Hate's Slash') with no warning; and a single target HP DD ('Hate's Sword') on the Player that is the next highest it's hate list, who is not also highest aggro on Illandrin Tenisbre); Hatred's Mind (low HP; casts a targeted AoE ('Mind of Hate') on the Player that is next to the last on it's hate list and a single target HP & Mana Drain ('Thoughts of Hate') on the Player that is highest on it's hate list); and / or Hatred's Heart (mid-range DPS & HP; casts a heal over time ('Sustaining Hatred') on Illandrin Tenisbre; as well as a major heal ('Surge of Hatred') at certain percentage intervals to Illandrin Tenisbre, or itself (whichever has the lowest HP).
When Illandrin Tenisbre reaches 65%, all previous mechanics remain in place. At 65%, 58%, 51%, 44%, 37%, 30%, 23%, 16%, 9% and 2%, Illandrin Tenisbre will put 'Hate' (a detrimental HP DD AoE) and 'Love' (a beneficial large Heal AoE) on two (2) different random Players. These two (2) Players need move to a pre-designated spot (banner, campfire or the boss) to get close to each other to negate these effects, ASAP. EMOTE: Illandrin seeds hatred into Player1. This causes a compensatory love to form in Player2.
The event is won when Illandrin Tenisbre dies.
The Prisoners of Ankexfen
NPC: Thormir (Laurion's Inn)
Ankexfen Keep (Instance)
Tier 2
Enter the instance via Door 10 in Laurion's Inn.
You are here to free the prisoners being held and tortured by the Rallosian Empire. All most of the related MoB's are up before the event starts, to include a number of a veteran soldier, who seem to be just spectators and not part of the ensuing events, at all.
Also -- do not use any AoE's.
Stage 1 & Stage 2: The first two (2) stages are fighting Brigadier Navulta or Brigadier Swarn. You pick the order, but you will need to kill both of them (one at a time). No matter which you pick, the second one you kill will gain a bonus (additional) ability, so it's a choice if you want the elemental adds / effects, or the bear adds in Stage 3 & 4. Suggested: Kill Brigadier Swarn first.
Brigadier Swarn
Summons a rotation of three (3) (hit point based) elemental adds.
They will give Brigadier Swarn an immunity to certain magic spells, as long as they are alive (an earthen servant= Poison & Disease; a vaporous servant= Magic, an incandescent servant= Cold; a torrential servant= Fire).
The elementals are immune to the their own magic types.
Brigadier Swarn will target three (3) Players (who are highest on the aggro list) with 'Elemental Convergence' (PB AoE HP DD). EMOTE: Brigadier Swarn begins casting Elemental Convergence. You will see it three (3) times followed by EMOTE: Brigadier Swarn pulls elemental forces to gather around Player1, Player2, and Player3.
Those three (3) Players need to run out of the fort in three (3) different directions to avoid overlapping AoE's. Otherwise they can wipe the raid and / or die from overlapping AoE's.
If you kill Brigadier Swarn second (not recommended), non-aggro an acolyte of torrents, an acolyte of incandesence, an acolyte of earth and an acolyte of vapor will come into play.
They will each move to the bottom of one of the staircases, in the event area.
Brigadier Swarn will regularly stop attacking and move to one (1) of the 'acolyte's' and then cast an AoE HP DD ('Earthen Blast', 'Air Blast,' 'Fire Blast' and / or 'Water Blast').
Players can run and stand in the aura near the acolyte where Brigadier Swarn went, for protection from the AoE (the auras will be of different colors with each different 'acolyte').
Strategy Ideas: Tank Brigadier Swarn off in one corner and have the entire raid stack up on Brigadier Swarn. Do not burn or over-DPS Brigadier Swarn, as the adds are HP Based. When the elemental adds appear, immediately turn DPS to the adds and kill them. If anyone gets 'Elemental Convergence' on them, they need to run away from the raid (outside the fort and in separate directions). When Brigadier Swarn moves to any 'acolyte,' have the entire raid immediately run to him into the aura, adds in tow, to avoid the ensuing AoE damage.
Brigadier Navulta
Tank Brigadier Navulta to one side of the event area, until his defeated.
Brigadier Navulta will plant about four (4) non-targetable a bomb (they look like a barrel with a fuse on top, they explode for 801K ('Explosive Barrel')... which does mitigate downwards. When a bomb appears, back away from where they are to avoid the AoE. EMOTE: Brigadier Navulta screams a war cry and leaps into the courtyard. Soldiers shout in response.
If you keep Brigadier Navulta very near a bomb until it explodes, all of the other a bomb that Brigadier Navulta had in his inventory can also explode... doing damage to him and stopping any further a bomb attacks.
NOTE: Reportedly a bomb can be disarmed, but really, it seems far easier / more efficient to just to move away.
Brigadier Navulta has a PB AoE 'Knife Flurry' (501K damage for 36-seconds). It will put a red target ring / aura on the ground. All but the tank need to get out of that target ring to avoid it. EMOTE: Brigadier Navulta begins casting Knife Flurry.
Brigadier Navulta also has a single target HP DD 'Knife Throw.' EMOTE: Brigadier Navulta begins casting Knife Throw.
If you kill Brigadier Navulta second, he will additionally activate a battle-scarred bear (hit point based), that are very resistant to melee damage. Not recommended.
Strategy Ideas: Tank Brigadier Navulta off in one corner. The first time he uses a bomb keep him near it until it explodes, to stop any further a bomb attacks. When red target / aura rings appear around Brigadier Navulta, move away and out of the target / ring aura. If a battle-scarred bear comes into play, off-tank it and turn ranged / caster DPS to the a battle-scarred bear to kill it.
Defeat both Brigadier Navulta and Brigadier Swarn to move forward.
Stage 3 & 4: Commander Zoraxmen will now attack.
Commander Zoraxmen & an executioner
Commander Zoraxmen will have the bonus ability of the first 'Brigadier' that you killed... either the elemental (AoE & Aura... but no actual Elemental Adds) or the bear adds. Deal with them as noted above.
Commander Zoraxmen will spawn a hidden explosive (multiple times). Find it and destroy it before it explodes (AoE HP DD... ranged attacks don't work, melee them). The best way to deal with them is with pets (/pet attack a_hidden). EMOTE: Commander Zoraxmen shout, 'Seek, hunt, find my surprise! Somewhere I have left you a deadly prize.
He will also use a PB AoE 'Snickering Doubt' (Mana Drain, HP DD with a 30% spell slow on detrimental spells & a 20% melee slow). It is not avoidable.
an executioner will activate (multiple times) and start slowly escorting a prisoner (a prisoner can be healed) to the the big campfire in the middle of the event area. The raid needs to turn DPS to an executioner and kill an executioner before a prisoner is killed. EMOTE: The executioner drags a prisoner into the courtyard.
If not, a non-killable (an angryghost) will spawn (it can't be killed), that will roam about casting Fear on any Player it comes into contact with it. EMOTE: Commander Zoraxmen takes control of the spirit of the dead prisoner, cursing it to forever be an angry ghost.
Around 49% Commander Zoraxmenwill start setting five (5) linked traps... A Fire trap ('flames'), A Net trap ('entangle'), A Lightning trap, A Poison trap and A Frost trap... that all need to be destroyed or disarmed ASAP in a certain order... before they all explode (PB AoE HP DD)! EMOTE (order can and will vary): All around you lies a problem, poison, flames, frost, lightning, and, entangle, it is for you to solve them.
The traps will also explode if they are disarmed or destroyed in the wrong order. The correct order is the order in which they are listed in the emote. Pets and pre-made hot keys are the best strategy.
NOTE: Reportedly the 'traps'can be disarmed, but really, it seems faster, easier and more efficient to just to destroy them.
The event is won when Commander Zoraxmen dies.
Strategy Ideas; Tank Commander Zoraxmen off in one corner. Immediately swap to adds when they come into play and take them out. Ruin away from raid when need be. Immediately swap to an executioner, when active, and kill it. Send pets to a hidden explosive and the 'traps' (in the right order). Move out of target rings / aura's as they appear.
What is it For?
NPC: Dhakka Nogg (Laurion's Inn)
The Moors of Nokk (Instance)
Tier 2
Enter the instance via Door 9 in Laurion's Inn.
Dhakka Nogg will be in a corner, penned in by a number of a Rallosian recruit. Dhakka Noggmust be kept alive or the event fails (Players can pre-buff Dhakka Nogg and also heal Dhakka Nogg after the event starts)!
During the entire event an archer(four (4) are up on the walls) will target Players from above, using AoE attacks (Stun & DD). These can be avoided by moving out of the target ring (large orange aura).
Stage 1: Kill the eleven (11) a Rallosian recruit attacking Dhakka Nogg(easy kills, but hit hard). Dhakka Nogg can kill a Rallosian recruit about every 20-seconds, but the a Rallosian recruit will kill Dhakka Noggif you don't help).
Stage 2: Magus Trablic will direct all of the an archer to turn their efforts on Dhakka Nogg. Players can surround Dhakka Nogg, to prevent the attacks from hitting her. At least twelve (12) Players are need to do this, at which point an archer will go back to targeting Players (this will continue for the rest of the raid). Another strat is to keep Dhakka Nogg healed as near to 100% as possible, for the entire event (healers can add Dhakka Nogg to extended). EMOTE: Archers fire at Dhakka while they have a direct shot at her.
Stage 3: Magus Trablic will charm the five (5) a feeble prisoner (they are in a cage) and send them to attack the raid. Kill them (so you don't have to deal with them the rest of the event... unless you are going for the Achievement). Magus Trablic will use 'Freezing Grasp' (Single target Slow, Mana Drain, and HP DoT... except for the main tank). Magus Trablicwill also use 'Heat Wave' (if it hits any Player who is currently affected by 'Freezing Grasp,' they will take extra damage from 'Temperature Shock'). Anyone with 'Freezing Grasp' needs to avoid the red 'Heat Wave' aura, or at least get away from the main raid! Kill Magus Trablic to move forward.
Stage 4: Outpost Commander Regar (who is a Berserker) will attack. Outpost Commander Regar uses a large radius gravitate effect (draws Players to himself, no emote). Players need to immediately move away as soon as the gravitate effect wears off (strafing can help), to avoid the PB AoE ('Berserker's Mayhem') that follows. Outpost Commander Regar can also toss the main tank away (banished outside the fort) and then turn to attack the 2nd Player on his hate list. Be sure to swap out tanks every 75-seconds to avoid this About every 65 seconds non-targetable adds (a floating axe inside a large purple aura) will spawn (Emote: Outpost Commander Regar throws several spinning axes that begin to return to him). They spawn in each of the four (4) corners and move towards Outpost Commander Regar before they despawn. If they get near, or cross a Player on the way, they will do major damage to them (except the main tank). There will also be a large yellow aura... move the raid out of the aura (except the tank). Once the aura is gone, the raid will be summoned back to Outpost Commander Regar, or they can just run back in. EMOTE: Outpost Commander Regar points at his greatest foe and flexes with a huge grin on his face.
Kill Outpost Commander Regar to win the event.
The Artisan and the Druid
NPC: Thornel Grayleaf (Laurion's Inn)
Unkempt Woods (Instance)
Tier 3
Enter the instance via Door 4 in Laurion's Inn.
The idea of this raid is to protect the Elddar camp from attacking forces, the four (4) a catapult up on the plateau (northwest) and kill Ogna, Artisan of War.
It might be a good idea to go up to the Plateau first, to set a Banner / Campfires as markers.
There is an enrage timer of about 35 Minutes.
ALERT: Ogna, Artisan of War will tether if taken beyond any of the 'weapon racks' around where Ogna, Artisan of War is located.
In the Elddar camp (where you port in), you should see Thornel Grayleaf and Dagnor Butcherblock. When ready, send someone to talk to them to start the event. Players will immediately be teleported to the middle of the starting camp, once the event starts, but this is not where the raid wants to do battle. Head out in the front of the camp to intercept the attackers.
Stage 1 (Three Add Waves): Move to the 'front' area of the camp (northwest) to defend it. There will be three (3) waves of an assault trooper (three to ten-plus at a time). They may not all arrive at the same time as they run in from a distance... and they do not always come from the same direction. Aggro and stop them before they get into the camp (if too many get in the camp, it's a fail mechanic).
Meanwhile, a spotter (a number of them) are hiding out among the rocks and hills. While they have a 'Stealth' invisible buff on them, you can see them, they can be tracked and they can be killed (have ranged attackers do this). If any Player gets in their line of sight, they will target that Player (red target ring) so a catapult can shoot them (move!).
'War Wasp' can also be cast on some Players. Those Players need to run away to cure it / until it wears off (EMOTE: Wasps swarm toward Player.). There can also be a 'Honey Bomb' It is harmless unless someone is in the area and has 'War Wasp' on them. If so, it will cause 'War Wasp' to spread to everyone else in the area and it is likely a sure wipe at that point. EMOTE: An assault trooper begins casting Honey Bomb.
Once all three (3) waves are down (to include any stragglers that may be stuck in terrain somewhere), the Raid needs run to the top of the plateau to the northwest. There are two ways to do this... the easy way is to run around to the far side of the plateau and then run up top. The other is to run northwest to the wall of the plateau, veer west around the edge to about /waypoint -780, -5, -170. With shrink (twice) and levitation, Players can look straight up and inch up the wall to the top, by way of a small indentation in the wall.
Stage 2 (100%-71%): Do not aggro Ogna, Artisan of War until the tank and healers are there... but don't waste time either. Once you engage Ogna, Artisan of War, the second stage begins. If any a catapult is intact (not destroyed) for longer than two (2) minutes, they will fire at the camp you are supposed to protect. If your camp takes too much damage, the event will fail.
The four (4) a catapult positions along the cliff edge and there are three (3) a lobber crewmember and one (1) a warcrafter at each one. They do not aggro and they do not fight back. They are relatively easy kills, so immediately have ranged attackers take them out, along with each a catapult.
Jangle (who does not aggro and can not be killed) will appear off and on at regular intervals. He will cast 'Wind Burst' in the direction that he is facing, which will throw Players off of the cliff who get caught in it (EMOTE: Jangle appears, waving his arms and chanting, 'Make the winds blow and away you will go!'). If he is facing the raid, move the boss to a different spot, back and forth, but not past any weapons rack (to avoid tethering the boss). A debuff will appear on Players called 'Debarred' that temporarily counters levitation. However, if Players get on Mounts, it can help mitigate this effect and allow Players to maneuver more easily.
Stage 3 (70%): Once Ogna, Artisan of War reaches 70%, Stage 3 begins.
Jangle will continue casting 'Wind Burst,' as well as creating multiple 'Haze Bomb' in the area (bluish auras). One of the 'Haze Bomb' is a dud and he will emote about it (EMOTE: Unit <Number> was not made by me!). The 'Haze Bomb' auras are a 450K DD, 3K Mana Drain... as well as boosting the damage the main tank takes, by 176%, from 'Igniting Shock.' To avoid this, head to the location noted as a dud (imaging a 3-by-3 grid in the event are between the weapon racks... and number them, right to left, top to bottom, 1 through 9).
Igniting Shock is cast on the main tank by Ogna, Artisan of War and does damage of 575K DD (worse, if the main tank is in a 'Haze Bomb' aura).
Jangle will also toss a weapon to Ogna, Artisan of War, who will then use it to AoE (DD) anyone close by. While this sounds like a reason to back away, it is not a good idea to do so! Instead, everyone should stack on Ogna, Artisan of War, as the damage is mitigated across all that are near, rather than the full force of the attack landing on the tank (and killing the tank)! EMOTE: Jangle appears at a weapon rack, grabs a weapon, and tosses it to the Artisan of War. EMOTE: Ogna takes the axe Jangle tossed her and twirls with it, slashing everyone nearby.
There will also be three (3) to six (6) adds (a patrol leader, a soldier, a Rallosian soldier, a Rallosian warlock...) to deal with, on a consistent basis for the duration, that run in from the north EMOTE: Jangle pulls out a horn and blows loudly, summoning Rallosian recruits.
Ogna, Artisan of War can also use 'Sticky Tick Tocker' (750K DD to the Player and anyone nearby). Players who get hit need to run away from the raid and suffer the effect (so as not to wipe the raid). It can be countered by a 'Rune' spell cast on the Player(s) (to include clickies like Mom's Love, Diplomatic Papers...), if done expediently. EMOTE: A small ticking device clings to you soft skin.
Defeat Ogna, Artisan of War to win the event.
Heroes are Forged
NPC: Elisel (Laurion's Inn)
Hero's Forge (Instance)
Tier 3
Enter the instance via the door down the east path of Laurion's Inn.
Mini Bosses: Queen of the Spiders, a huge slime & The Lich will all attack, right away.
A basic strat for this raid is to off-tank two (2) of the three (3) mini-bosses, while killing the third. Do as little damage as possible to the other two mini-bosses so that their effects are not activated in full. When adds spawn, turn DPS to the adds (they don't have a huge amount of Hit Points and you don't want them to pile up).
Next, set up a three-player rotation to pass around the Cinerarium of Heroes (tradable) and then loot / click a Heroic Spark. The same Player should never click more than one Heroic Spark and the Cinerarium of Heroesmust be in their possession when they click. The raid leader should get a Cinerarium of Heroes, at the start (and can give it to whoever is first in the pre-set rotation). After the first mini-boss id dead, the Player first player in the rotation needs to immediately loot the first Heroic Spark, click the Heroic Spark, and then hand off the Cinerarium of Heroes to the next Player. The second and third Players in the sequence will repeat this process. If this process is not followed in a relatively expedient manner, the mini-boss that just died will respawn. Once Shalowain is active, give the Cinerarium of Heroes to (a depleted forgebound), that is lying on the ramp to the south. This will activate (a depleted forgebound) who will block / negate one of Shalowain's effects ('Rhapsody of Pain').
Kill a huge slime first. It spawns four (4) a red slime. When a red slime dies, it explodes ('Boiling Bursts') and Players can be hit with 'Slippery Slime,' which can be useful in battling Queen of the Spiders (see below). The a huge slime can also spawn a green slime adds. At intervals, a huge slime can emit a 'Superheated Glow' (EMOTE: The large slime starts to grow very warm.), that the raid can back out of, or try to heal through. So, the raid may want to kill a huge slime first.
Next, kill The Lich, that uses 'Enervating Blast' on an area (avoid the target ring auras). The Lich will soon start to teleport around the event area and will summon a mummy at each spot it teleports to. The Lich will also spawn three (3) a skeleton adds on a timer. Kill the adds ASAP and chase The Lich about when no adds are up (pets and ranged attacks are good for this). EMOTE: The Lich starts to summon power.
Lastly, kill the Queen of the Spiders which is a health based battle. At 90%, 60%, 45% & 20%, Queen of the Spiders will teleport to the upper or lower floor of either the east or west building, where webs will block the way to her... and egg sacs will spawn by her. Players with the Slippery Slime' effect can get past the webs, or have a few Players at each spot before the Queen of the Spiders teleports. If egg sacs aren't killed in time they will 'hatch' into a widowmaker add. Queen of the Spiders will also periodically cast 'Paralyzing Poison' on two (2) Players. Those two (2) Players need to run a short distance away to cure it and then return. Queen of the Spiders will also periodically spawn three (3) a weaver adds, that can hit Players with 'Sticky Silken Webs,' which can be useful when battling a skeleton adds (see above). EMOTE: The Spider Queen spins thin threads to Player1 and Player2.
100% to 92%: Once all the mini-bosses are dead, Shalowain will attack the raid. From 100% to 92% Shalowain does zone-wide AoE HP Damage ('Rhapsody of Pain'), so DPS Shalowain to 91% ASAP. Activating a depleted forgebound mitigates / counters ('Rhapsody of Pain').
91% to 83%: At 91% to 83%, multiple adds spawn (a green slime,a mummy,a widowmaker and / ora skeleton) on a timer and every 3%, so don't over DPS Shalowain. Kill the adds ASAP.
82% to 74%: Between 82% & 74%, debuffs called 'Bonds of Sound' (targeting casters) and 'Agitating Dissonance' (targeting melee) will go out. These can reportedly be countered by the effects from the previous adds ('Slippery Slime' and 'Sticky Silken Webs' (see above).
73% to 65%: From 73 to 65%, Shalowain will cast 'Song of Calling' on about four (4) Players and spawn non-targetable 'sound echo's' (music-like notes in an aura) that will move towards each of those Players (they are slow moving, so Players need to immediately run, but they can stop and wait at intervals and then run again when they 'sound echo' gets near. If a 'sound echo' gets close enough to the Player they are chasing, the 'sound echo' will spread the 'Song of Calling' to anyone other than the Player they were chasing, causing a 'sound echo' to chase the other Player, as well. The 'sound echo' will also disappear and explode with a 'Sonic Boom' (HP AoE). If a 'sound echo' gets close to the Player they are chasing, and the debuff 'Song of Calling' has worn off, the 'sound echo' will dissipate harmlessly, but only after it propagates the 'Song of Calling' to Players that had it before, causing their 'sound echo' to pursue them again. In short, Players need to avoid the echoes until the 'Song of Calling' wears off (30 - 45 seconds), then one-by-one each Player' should purposely run into the 'sound echo' that was chasing them to get rid of the 'sound echo.' EMOTE: Shalowain links the sounds of footfalls and heartbeats of several people to her musical magic. That music starts to form into a solid object that begins to move toward Player1, Player2, Player3, and Player4.
64% to 50%: From 64 - 50%, 'Rhapsody of Pain' and the timed / 3% adds come back into play (as noted above).
49% to 35%: From 49 - 35%, 'Rhapsody of Pain' and the timed / 3% adds continue, plus 'Bonds of Sound' (targeting casters) and 'Agitating Dissonance' (targeting melee) come back into play.
34%: Now is the time for max DPS! After 34% all the effects remain in play, and the 'sound echo' gets added back into mix. Defeat Shalowain to win the event.
Final Fugue
NPC: Shalowain (Laurion's Inn)
Pal'Lomen (Instance)
Tier 3
Enter the instance via Door 7 in Laurion's Inn.
It is suggested that before activating the event that the raid run ahead to the final spot to plant a banner and campfires to mark key spots (see below).
During the event, Dhakka Nogg and several other NPC Allies can and will die along the way. If they do, this is not a fail mechanic. (Or is it?).
Stage 1: Kill the two (2) a Rallosian hex first, then the two (2) a Rallosian warlock (to eliminate their AoE attacks), and then work on the rest of attackers... that can include six (6) a Rallosian soldier and / or a Rallosian linebreaker. This stage will end when all of the attackers are dead, two (2) of your NPC Allies are dead or on a timer. When either of those events happens, Dhakka Nogg will teleport everyone to the next location. Any adds that may have still been alive, when the teleportation takes place, will not despawn (they will stay on aggro and pursue the raid to the new spot).
Stage 2: After Dhakka Nogg teleports everyone to the next location, four (4) a war boar will attack and use 'Deep Laceration' (75K Hp DoT for 12-Seconds) on the the current Main Tank. Soon, three (3) a Rallosian boar handler will also attack. If any a war boar are still alive at this point, a Rallosian boar handler can direct them to focus their efforts on a single Player, despite the efforts of others to take aggro off them. Soon thereafter, two (2) a war wraith will spawn and attack (they can use 'War Cry,' a targeted Silences & Mana Drain). This phase will end once all the adds are dead. Once all the adds are dead, or NPC's are no longer aggro on any of the surviving MoB's, the surviving NPC's will run off the the next spot.
Stage 3: Follow them! At the next spot, where six (6) a Rallosian Hunter will appear and go after Shalowain. Aggro and kill them. This phase ends when the adds are defeated, or Shalowain dies. If Shalowain dies, the remaining adds will simply leave on their own. Either way, the raid needs to immediately head to the final spot (northeast-ish).
Stage 4: Once the final location, the four (4) mini bosses will all attack. Kill them in the order you prefer, but it is suggested is to focus on Darga Smasher, then Margator the Slow, them Firethorn and finally Yarith Wardbreaker. All four (4) of them have effects that can negate or help each other, to an extent. Tank all four together, on top of each other, with the entire raid stacked on them as well (this avoids the blue target AoE ring effect, which lands around the NPC's but not at the NPC's).
Firethorn has a Damage Shield (that can be countered by 'Secondary Shockwave' from Darga Smasher) and uses 'Mindthorns' (a PB AoE Mana Drain) and can place a buff on the other mini-bosses ('Full Shield,' 'Imperfect Shield,' 'Partial Shield,' or 'Fractional Shield.' which can can block damage like a Rune). Margator the Slow gains attack speed over time (haste) and once at maximum speed, will share that speed with the other mini-bosses (the speed increase can be delayed by 'Tertiary Shockwave' from Darga Smasher). Yarith Wardbreaker who uses 'Clinging Bloodsuckers' DS & HP & Mana DD), that can proc 'Mana-Eating Bloodsuckers' (Mana DD to any Player with 'Clinging Bloodsuckers'). Yarith Wardbreaker also uses 'Curse of Imbalance' (that amplifies the damage from the the 'Shockwave' effects of Darga Smasher). Darga Smasher uses 'Smasher’s Hammer' (PB AoE HP DD, Knockback & Stun), 'Primary Shockwave' (HP DD and Aggro loss), 'Secondary Shockwave' (HP & Mana DD), and 'Tertiary Shockwave' (HP DD / Mana DoT and Silence).
No matter the order, it is extremely unlikely that the raid will be able to kill all four mini-bosses before Captain Kar the Unmovable spawns. Just have a tank pull him toward the poles (with the banner hanging on them) facing away from the raid... and off-tank him with little to no damage until all the mini-bosses are dead.
Stage 5: Captain Kar the Unmovable will spawn and attack... either after the mini-bosses are dead, or after five (5) minutes. More than likely, he will spawn based on the timer, so off tank him as noted above. He will kill Elmara Emberclaw and if any other of the NPC allies that are still alive... a goblin assassin can briefly appear and kill them as well. Always, always face X away from the main raid (tank on one side, the rest of the raid behind Captain Kar the Unmovable due to 'Sweeping Flames' (HP DoT) on any Players in front of him. It is best that the entire raid remain right behind Captain Kar the Unmovable in order to better deal with the AoE's that will happen (see below).
When Captain Kar the Unmovable goes active, twenty-four (Archer) (south, along the waterway) will activate. Immediately send ranged-attack forces to go kill them ASAP, to prevent / stop them from doing targeted AoE attacks ('Feathered Sky') on the raid (they are rooted in place and do not fight back).
About every 12% of Captain Kar the Unmovable's health, he will use 'Reverse Strike' (targeted attack on a single Player who is behind him, that can Stun, Mezz and / or Charm that Player... and then do major HP DD if that Player does not immediately move from behind him).
Captain Kar the Unmovable also uses 'Shield Crach' on the current Main Tank (aggro / hate loss, Stun and HP DD).
After 70%, at various points, Captain Kar the Unmovable will lock hit points (and become a Blue Con) and multiple stuns, mezzes and / or charms will be needed to make him vulnerable again. EMOTE: Kar roars, pulls his shield from his back, and sets his feet. EMOTE: Kar is finally distracted by blows to the head and drops his shield.
Captain Kar the Unmovable will also use 'Ball of Fire' on about two (2) Players. If the raid was stacked up behind Captain Kar as previously noted, the AoE target rings will both center near Captain Kar the Unmovable. Just have the The entire raid, except the tank, move out of the aura until it goes away, and then move back in.
At 40%, Captain Kar will start using 'Cold Flames' (Mana DoT) on three (3) Players & Hot Flames (HP DoT) on three (3) Players. This is a wipe mechanic. It is very important to get this part down, as one (1) fail can mean a wipe. The affected Players need to get near an opposite-affected Player to cancel the effects and prevent the effects from manifesting into 'Snuff Out' (major 951K HP / 15K Mana DD with a 1K Range). Set up a spot for Players to run to, but not all six in the same place (one Player can potentially 'cure' more than one other Player, which can be problematic) and mark them with campfires (as noted above)! This one is tricky!
Defeat Captain Kar the Unmovable to win the event.
Lore is from / based on Daybreak, Expansion release information and / or Dev / Beta Forum Info.
A door appears, and the heroes of Norrath walk through to find a warm and cozy-looking building. Light from the windows illuminates a clearing in a forest. Music and voices as well as the tantalizing smell of cooking meat and mead drift on the air. The inn’s presence invites adventurers to rest and revel after exhausting and dangerous exploits.
Welcome to the Realm of Heroes, the place where the greatest heroes go when their adventures are over. Nobody remembers the last time anyone entered or left this place. Can you discover what the mystery is that lies under the façade of comfort and revelry? Why is the Realm open now? Why was it closed for so long? To help you along the way, there are other doors within the inn that open onto memories of when someone proved that they are a hero. You can participate in those exploits and see how heroes of the past became the legends of today. This is the time for the current heroes of Norrath to show their worth and unravel the mystery that is the Realm of Heroes.
Ankexfen Keep
A formidable goblin stronghold hidden in the icy north of Norrath, near what will become Halas. These goblins, intelligent and ruthless, serve the god of war, Rallos Zek. Unlike modern goblin abodes, this fortress is a striking stone structure adorned with orange and gold and housing a massive statue of Rallos Zek. The cold, snowy landscape contrasts with the fort's imposing presence. Captured enemies of the Rallosian Empire are held in the basement prison. The entire structure and those that inhabit it exude intimidation and a dark sense of vitality.
Unkempt Woods
Unkempt Woods has become legendary to Norrathians as an ancient, unspoiled wilderness. It is a pristine place. Mountainous landscape nestled along a great river, untouched by the ruin of civilization. As the Elddar, guided by Tunare, seek refuge here, they encounter a menacing Rallosian invasion. Ogres, orcs, and goblins arriving to endanger the land's tranquility. Amidst these conflicts Thornel Grayleaf attempts to forge an alliance with reclusive dwarves and an eclectic group of heroes to thwart the Rallosian war machine's advance. This sets the stage for a grand clash between nature, civilization, and war, where unlikely allies must unite against a common threat.
Timorous Falls
Eureka's Tumble, a cherished tavern famed for its exceptional brews, perches on the river's edge, its great wheel and grindstone powered by the rushing waters beside the renowned Timorous Falls. With the support of farmers that grow specialized grain, the tavern exports its beverages across the lands. But underneath all of the joviality and chatter lies a sinister plot, cultists seeking to seize or control the Tumble to please their dark deity. Into this setting arrives Elistyl Kanghammer, knight of Innoruuk. Despite his loyalty to his own dark god, he finds himself compelled to save a child kidnapped by the cultists, challenging his own notions of heroism.
Moors of Nokk
Moors of Nokk embodies the heroic memories of Dhakka Nogg, a resilient female ogre wizard who defied the oppressive ogre and Rallosian war culture. The moors lie just beyond the city of Nokk, stretching from Nokk Hollow halfway across Blightfire Moors. This is an enlightened ogre settlement devoted to Rallos Zek which serves as a training and patrol ground for the Rallosian army. This is, in many ways, the heart of the ogrish portion of the Rallosian Empire, where discipline, war, and cruelty are taught. Here is where Dhakka Nogg finds her moment to stand for what she believes in, despite all the pain and suffering it causes her.
In a mystical forest, an Elddar village named Pal`Lomen stands as a sanctuary within nature's embrace. Glowing Laurion Trees, ancient and enchanting, cast an ethereal light. The village's thorned defenses, interwoven with ferns and moss, shelter its people. A harmonious coexistence with the land thrives. Yet, the tranquility is shattered by the relentless Rallosian invaders. Shalowain, a bard longing to be a great hero, returns home to face a moment of reckoning. As the Laurion Trees hum their music, this small village confronts its darkest hour.
Laurion Inn
Nestled in a serene forest, Laurion Inn is a haven for heroes. Run by the retired adventurer Shalowain, this cozy inn features roaring fireplaces, a stage for epic tales, and lush gardens. It seems the ideal place to rest after a great adventure. This is the heart of the Realm of Heroes. And here is where anyone can experience the heroic deeds of others of the Realm. But things are not as serene as they seem. There is a tension here. Talk among the patrons hints that things seem off in the memories behind the doors upstairs.
The Laurion Tree
"The Laurion is a tree from my home. A special thing that bears fruit, hosts life, and sings its own song." - Shalowain (NPC in Laurion Inn)
Hero's Forge
The Hero's Forge is the haven of Elmara Emberclaw. She was once a quiet monk trying to overcome the grief of her sister's disappearance. Elmara was drawn into the world of adventuring by Shalowain. While the party celebrated their heroic deeds, Elmara saw the world's suffering and realized people must be their own heroes but should not be left to do so alone. The forge works day and night. Magical minions tirelessly craft powerful equipment, while phoenixes take that gear where it is needed most, Norrath. Elmara might hold the key to the mystery of the closing and subsequent opening of the Realm of Heroes.
Recognitions and credits for all involved with developing and creating EverQuest, for the current and past expansions, can be seen by clicking the 'Credits' button at the bottom of the Server Select Screen and then viewing the 'Current Expansion' or the 'Previous Expansions' tab.
They can also be found in your EverQuest Directory (credits_current.txt & credits_previous.txt).
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulousserver), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.