(Mercenaries... how to acquire them and how to utilize them!)

When enemies lurk, use your merc! -- Bonzz


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Mercs were added to the game with the Seeds of Destruction expansion. Mercenaries (Mercs) were one of the greatest quality of life things to be added to EQ, in my opinion. 

Originally, the plan was to allow Mercenaries to also be used with raids, but reportedly, they couldn't work out the code to make that happen. 

Thus, in Raid format or in raid-only zones (even if you are in a single-group format in a raid-only zone), Mercenaries are not available or allowed.

Mercenaries have undergone modifications / changes since their inception.

The BIGGEST question about Mercs is, "Are they as good as an actual Player?" Well... the basic answer is "No" -- because they can't do everything a Player Character can do and / or necessarily adapt or react like Player Character.

However, the real answer is "Maybe," -- since how good a Player Character is depends on several factors to include Level, Gear, AA's and especially the skill and attentiveness of the person playing that Character.

NOTE: F2P (Free-To-Play) and 'Silver' Players are restricted to Apprentice Mercs, only.

UPDATE: The May 2022 Patch removed Tier I to Tier V variances from the Apprentice & Journey Mercs. Now there are only Apprentice and Journeyman Mercs (equivalent to what was Tier V, for both).


DID I MISS ANY? If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


!!!! QUICK LINKS !!!!









* A Mercenary (commonly referred to as a "Merc,") counts as a full-fledged group member.

* Mercs earn and get their share of group experience (XP) in the form of Mercenary Alternate Advancement XP.

* Mercs do not take a share of coin splits.

* Mercs, like Pets, are set, by default, as Indifferent (non-aggro) to all Factions (when not in combat, of course).

* Mercenaries are not a Pet or a Familiar! They do require and take up a group slot!

* Mercs count as a player in requesting group missions (for group missions that require more than 1 player in the group).

* A Mercenary is ALWAYS the same Level as your character.

* While Mercs can sometimes have trouble with pathing, they can keep up with you (even if you are on a Mount)!

* If you teleport, zone or get 'called' by a Mage, your Merc will come along for the ride.

* Mercs only have access to some (not all) of the spells and / or abilities relevant to their Level and Class Type, with some limitations (they don't have or use them all, as noted below). 

* Mercs do not cast or use Aura's.

* Mercs do not have or use Pets.

* Mercs can be buffed, just like players.

* Mercs use Mana & Endurance just like Players do... which means that they can run out of mana / endurance and need to recover (meditate)!

* Mercs are subject to the most of the same detrimental effects that Players are, to include Direct Damage, Damage Over Time and so forth.

* Mercs will not awaken mesmerized MOB's and they can not get aggro on their own.

* Mercs can wear gear, but only special Merc Gear (see below).

* Mercs can die just like a player, but they cannot be resurrected like a Player. Instead, there is a (5) Minute timer involved. After (5) minutes, you can 'Revive' them (with an additional upkeep fee), so long as you are not in combat (you must have a rest timer). In reality, your Merc has been suspended for 5 minutes, before you can bring them back out.

* You have to pay Mercs every 15-minutes (real life time), using either Coin (platinum, gold, silver and / or copper) or Bayle Marks (purchased in the marketplace). One (1) Bayle Mark will cover 15-minutes of Merc time. Bayle Marks will can be placed in the "Alt Currency" tab of your Character Inventory window to automatically use them to pay for your Mercenary. Bayle Marks kept in your inventory (bags) will not be used to pay for your Mercenary. If you don't have any Bayle Marks in your Alt. Currency tab, then your Mercenary will be paid from your Coin (Platinum, etc.). The cost of a Merc in Coin (platinum, gold, silver, copper) is FREE, but only until Level 13. At Level 14, they start to cost you (about 2 gold per 15-minute cycle). This increases as you gain Character Levels (at Level 125, a Journeyman Merc is about 259 Platinum & 1 Gold per 15-minute cycle). This cost also varies by Merc Types (Apprentice vs. Journeyman).

* WARNING: When it comes time to pay your Merc and you do not have any Bayle Marks in your Alternate Currency tab and you do not have enough Coin on your character (not in the bank) to pay your Merc, the Merc will flat out quit. Gone! You will have to go and hire a new Merc to replace them!

* If your Merc is set on Passive, the cost is zero... at any Level. You can set your Merc to automatically go to the passive setting when you go AFK intentionally, or automatically (after being inactive for a while). This is accomplished via your Options (Alt O) window. On the lower left side of your Options Window, there are two check boxes to control this. One is "Auto Turn On AFK" and the other is "Auto Merc Passive." Passive Mercs do not leave your side, they will still follow you around... but they will not help you in anyway.

* WARNING: If your Merc is set to Passive, do NOT forget to change it away from passive before you start adventuring! While there is another selection box to "Auto Turn Off AFK," there is no selection to automatically to reset your Merc! You have to do this manually! For this reason, I am not a fan of "Auto Merc Passive."

* WARNING: Mercs may sometimes be "auto-suspended" (put away, not dismissed or fired) in certain situations (you will see some spam on this, but if you aren't watching, you may miss it). This can happen such as when accepting a raid invite or entering a zone where Mercs are not allowed. Mercs cannot be used in Raid format, Raid-only Zones and similar. Also -- be warned that when you use Shrouds or do 'Monster' Missions, you loose access to your coin and such. Thus, using a Merc in such situations risks your Merc quitting on you for non-payment (see above). That is, unless you manage to get access to payment for them (it is possible to get Coin in Shroud format).




* Mercenaries are just that, a Mercenary for Hire. You have to hire them and then pay them on a regular basis.

* There are two "Levels" of Mercenaries... Apprentice (think of them a Rookie Mercs) and Journeyman (think of them as Veteran Mercs). The biggest difference between Apprentice and Journeyman Mercs is that their use of Rank I vs Rank II spells and abilities, respectively.

* You only have access to Apprentice Mercs, initially (or if you are F2P). You can unlock access to the better Journey Mercs by having an All Access (paid account) and via quests.

* To Hire a mercenary, you must visit a Mercenary Liaison, who will allow you to hire ("contract") one of the Mercenary's that they "represent." Think of Mercenary Liaison's as Merc Vendors, who normally represent only the Male or only the Female Mercenaries of their own race; and / or they only represent certain Special Mercs. In short, to acquire (hire) a specific Mercenary type, you will need to interact with a certain / specific Liaison NPC's. These NPC's will have 'Merc Liaison' under their name, and note the race they represent. These Merc NPC's are located in the Plane of Knowledge and City Zones.

* There are also other alternative / non-player race Mercenaries (lets call them "Special" Mercs). You do not have immediate access to these Mercs. In order to hire such mercs, you have to earn access to them (see the Mercenary List, below). These Merc Liaison's are only found in the Plane of Knowledge (see below images).

* Right away, you can hire a Mercenary that is of any of the (16) Player races (and maybe a few non-Player races as well). You can get Male or Female Mercs... and sometimes "It" Mercs (no designated sex). If the sex of your Merc is not visibly obvious, such as with a Guktan (Froglok), you can target them and type /say Hello %s (%s adds the sex of your target into your line of text) and you should see yourself say "Hello female" in your chat box. You can also use %r (for race, which may sometime come back as something like 'NPC,' instead of an actual race).

* Player-race Liaison's can be found in most city type zones, but the race options are limited in those locations. In the Plane of Knowledge, however, a Liaison for every Mercenary type can be found.

* Player Race Mercs can and do have different random "looks" (different markings, eye color, hair styles, etc.), that can vary by Merc Type and Level. Unfortunately, you will have to hire a Merc before you can see what it looks like... unless you use this page (images below!). If you don't like the look, you can fire (dismiss) the Merc and then hire a new one in an effort to get one with a "look" that you prefer (there is a short wait timer between how often you can hire / fire... about 60 seconds). It does cost you coin each time you hire ("contract") a Merc with the Liaison (think of it as a broker fee for the Liaison).

* Unfortunately, a Merc can also change it's "look" as you progress in Levels, particularly every 5th Level! Using Shrouds also seems to have some play into this change (once you unshroud, your Merc may look entirely different than it did before you shrouded). The only way to fix this is to do the hire & fire process noted above... if at all. I once petitioned due this, and this is the process the Dev had me do. While I managed to get the "look" I wanted back, it wasn't long before my Merc changed it's look right back again. In short, if your Merc changes it's look, it is simply better to just accept it, or fire it and get a different merc type.

* There are (4) types of mercs: Healer (Cleric), Tank (Warrior), Melee DPS (Rogue) and Caster DPS (Wizard). Not all Merc variations offer all (4) Merc types (example, Barbarians only offer Melee DPS and Tank) (this is noted in the list below, where known).

* NOTE: Originally there was also supposed to be a "Master" Class of Mercenaries that would be able to attend raids and use Rank III spells / abilities. However, they never quite got them figured out and they were never added to the game.

* Mercs have a level of cowardice! No kidding! Your Merc has a 5% chance to lose confidence in your group and abandon ship, so to speak. Merc "confidence" in your group (or you) is decided every tic, particularly on initial pulls... and the level of the incoming MOB(s). A Merc can "lose" confidence and basically run and hide (become a spectator), rather than help you / your group. If you have ever noticed that your Merc did not seem to be healing or doing what it is supposed to do... this is a probably the reason why (they "lost confidence" in you / your group and thus, left you to your own wiles). Things that play into a Mercs "confidence" include a mix of MOB Level; the Number of Group Members vs. the number of MOB's; and similar.

* If a Merc does lose confidence (this will happen about 10-seconds after the initial pull), it will drop to the bottom of the MoB Hate List and run a short distance away to watch. As the battle progresses, the Merc will re-evaluate the situation every tick (every 6-seconds) and may, or may not, decide to rejoin the fight.

NOTE / UPDATE: The May 2022 Patch changed Mercs to be only one (1) tier of the two (2) types, instead of five (5) tiers each, of the two (2) types. Originally each Merc type (Apprentice and Journeyman) had five (5) tiers. Essentially, they eliminated Tier 1 to Tier IV of both Merc types, so that now there is only Apprentice and Journeyman Mercs (equivalent to what was Tier V).

* When you are ready to hire a Merc, visit the proper Liaison (see listings below) and click on them like a Vendor. You will then get a window divided into (4) sections (see image), that will allow you to "contract" or "Hire" a Merc.

The lower Level you are when you hire a Merc, the cheaper the Merc is to Hire. However, before you get any ideas, shrouding down to Hire a Mercenary on-the-cheap... it will not work (upon unshrouding you will be levied a charge relevant to your level, anyway).

NOTE: You can not have more Mercs than you have slots for. You can, however, expand the number of slots you have (see here).

NOTE: Mercs do not always look like their name may suggest! See below, for images.




Mercs, initially, have a generic name when hired.

This name can be a randomly name generated name by EQ (like a Player) or a generic name based on the type of merc that you hired (i.e. "a drolvarg guardian").

It always adds to the fun if you can personalize things and this is one of those situations. For instance, I have a Bixie Healer Merc named Hunnee; a Clockwork Tank Merc named Tinkertank; a Jann Healer named Jeannie; and a Gingerbread Man DPS Caster named Misterbill!

You can give your Merc a name of your choice (if approved by game naming mechanics), but it involves buying an item from the Marketplace.

In the Marketplace you can find "Potion of Mercenary Amnesia." To use this item, pull out the Merc whose name you want to change, click the potion, and then type a name in the box / window. Before you finalize the name, make sure you don't have any typo's!

If you want to change the name again, you will have to repeat this process.

!!!BIG NOTE!!!: When naming Mercs, you are not naming that specific Merc. You are actually naming that specific Merc slot. Thus, even if you dismiss that Merc, upon hiring a new Merc for that same slot, the new Merc will retain the name that you gave to that slot.




The original / intended way is related to Seeds of Destruction progression, which basically means gaining access to the progressive versions of The Void. The Void "A" gave you access to Tier I Mercs; The Void "B" gave you access to Tier II Mercs; The Void "C" gave you access to Tier III Mercs; The Void "D" gave you access to Tier IV Mercs; and finally, The Void "E" gave you access to Tier V Mercs.

With the May 2022 Patch, Tiers were removed all together and now there is only Apprentice and Journeyman Mercs (equivalent to the old Tier V Mercs).

Or... optionally, simply do the quest called "No Heroism Without Fear." It starts in Feerrott, the Dream with Investigator Drolmer. This quest was originally intended as a by-pass or short-cut for Heroic Characters, but anyone can do it. The entire quest takes place in the same zone and involves a series of NPC hails, location updates, looting / collecting some items and killing spawned MOB's. Just follow the task steps. Completing this quest will flag you for Journeyman Mercenary access, that is, unless you are Free To Play... as it is a REQUIREMENT that your account is All Access (paid account) to have access to the Journey Mercs.




There is an Alternative Advancement (AA) called, 'Hero's Barracks'. This AA is directly related to Mercs (specifically, adding more Merc slots).

Initially, you have only (1) available Merc Slot.

You can add to that and have as many as (11) slots (currently).

RUMOR: There is rumor that there was a promotional award of an additional Merc Slot with the Call of the Forsaken expansion (box edition?). If this is true, it is potentially possible to have (12) Merc Slots.

When you add to your number of Merc Slots, they may also become available to every character on your account, or they may only be available to the Character that acquires the slot (noted below).

Merc slots can be increased as as follows:

The Mercenary Recruitment quest is given by Mercenary Captain Cecille in the Plane of Knowledge (keyword "Help").

The steps are as follows (unless otherwise noted, all items can be acquired from Vendors in the Plane of Knowledge):




Mercs essentially behave / perform based on a combination of four (4) player-controlled options.

One is blocked spells (for Healer Mercs, anyway).

Another is their Stance.

A third is their Assist setting.

The fourth is based on assigned Group Roles for Players currently in the group (and / or the Mercs, themselves).

Group Roles are controlled (set) by the Group Leader. This is done by (1) right clicking the name of a Group member (in the Group window), (2) scrolling down to "Roles," and then (3) selecting the role to assign them (see image, below).

While it has been known that Mercs sometimes stubbornly misbehave (my Healer Merc, for instance, loves to stand in front of the group rather than behind the group), they should act as follows, based on Group Role assignments...

LEADER: Mercs cannot be assigned as Group Leaders. This Group Role does not play directly into the behavior of Mercs, in in any way.

MAIN ASSIST: Mercs cannot be assigned as Main Assist. Mercs will assist the Player who is assigned this role, before assisting any other Players in the group.

MAIN TANK: Mercs can be assigned this role, but this is primarily only useful if there is more than one (1) Merc in the group (Players should know who to assist), as other Mercs can focus their efforts on the Main Tank (such as healing the Main Tank Merc or assisting the Main Tank Merc).

MARK NPC: This role cannot be assigned to a Merc, as Mercs cannot Mark NPC's. It does not appear that Mercs recognize Marked NPC's, either. As a test, I marked 3 MOB's, proximity aggroed these same MOB's and my Merc did NOT attack them in the order they were marked. Thus, Marking NPC's does not seem to play into the behavior of Mercs.

MASTER LOOTER: This role cannot be assigned to a Merc, as Mercs do not loot items nor share in coin splits. This role does not play into Merc behavior, in anyway.

PULLER: Mercs cannot be assigned this role, since Mercs cannot aggro MOB's on their own. When someone is set as the group Puller, Mercs will stay in place and will (should) not chase the Puller around. Mercs will only assist / heal the Puller when they are near the group / camp spot (when the Puller gets back in range of the Mercenary). Thus, a Healer Merc should not heal the Puller until they get back in range of the group. Melee / DPS Mercs should not attack MOB's until the Puller brings them back in range of the group (some say within 50 feet of group members, but I think it's a bit further than that). If the Merc belongs to the Puller, it appears that the Merc will choose another group member (Player) to follow around, such as the Main Assist or Main Tank.




There are (2) settings for Mercs that appear as a "button" selection on the "Management" tab of the "Manage Mercenaries" window.

These settings, "Auto Assist" and "Call Assist." They can not be used at the same time. It is an either / or choice.

The "Auto Assist," selection will cause your Merc to automatically assist the the player assigned the Main Assist group role, or otherwise automatically attack / assist when combat ensues.

The "Call Assist" option means Mercs will not automatically assist the group, until you direct them to do so, which is done in one (1) of two (2) ways:




There are only (4) types of Mercenaries you can hire and utilize (noted below... Healer, DPS Caster, DPS Melee & Tank).

Mercenary Stances are set via the Mercenary Window.

How many Stances are available can depend on the Mercenary type (i.e. Healer vs. Tank), and the level of the Mercenary (i.e. Apprentice vs. Journeyman).

The Stances available, and what they mean, are:





There are also typed commands for these Stances, if you prefer typed commands and / or Hot Buttons: /stance passive; /stance burn; /stance efficient; /stance aggressive; /stance balanced; /stance reactive; and /stance burnae.

The "Manage Mercenary" window allows you to control Stances, even on the fly (during battle), among other things.

This window is brought up via the EQ Button (EQ Button --> Mercenaries), or  a typed command (/merc). If you are in the habit of using a Mercenary, you should find a spot for it on your screen, lock it in place and leave it visible at all times.

There are (2) tabs in the "Manage Mercenary" window labeled "Manage" & "Switch."

The top of the Manage tab includes how much time is left on your current Merc payment (aka Upkeep).

Also included on this tab is (see image):

The "Switch" tab includes:

There is also a command /merclog... but no one seems to know what it does or what it is for.

It does NOT generate a Log in your EQ Directory related to your Merc. When you use the command, you see the message, "Generating mercenary logfile on the server." In short, this is a useless command, particularly if you were expecting a log file specifically for your Merc. However, you Character log (/eglog on) should include your Mercs activities, but it will be mixed in with all the other spam. 




You can only use (1) Merc at a time.

However, if you have other players in your group, they can also use a Merc to help the group, so long as there is room in the group for additional Mercs.

The most Mercs you can have in a group is three (3), since a group is limited to (6) Players... and Mercs count as a Player (three real Players using three Mercs).

When using multiple Mercs, consider what is needed. You may want a DPS Caster, DPS Melee and a Healer Merc. Or you may want three (3) DPS Casters. Or in tough situations, three (3) healers.

Consider the ability of the group you are in, what you are doing (how tough are the MOB's, etc.) and what area(s) your group could use help with.

With a DPS Merc, the biggest concern can be aggro. However, paired with a good Tank Merc that can maintain aggro, the DPS Merc may not have any concerns with dying due to over-nuking. So, setting them to Burn (see Stances) may not be a big issue, except maybe for their Mana.

When using more than (1) Healer Merc, a bit more consideration comes into play.

If they are all set to the same Stance, they may actually be casting the same things at the same time... meaning they are all most literally acting as a single Healer Merc. Basically, you may not be benefitting from (3) of the same heals cast on you at about the same time. This is because the first heal may have healed you to 100%. The next two heals landing right behind that first heal, will essentially heal you for zero. For this reason, you may want to alternate the stances of the Healer Mercs so they are more likely to cast different things at different times. You may also consider unblocking Promise and Heal Over Time spells, as well (at least, temporarily... see below).




Mercenaries do partake in group experience (aka XP) and earn their own experience (Inventory Window --> Alt. Adv. Button --> Merc tab).

Like a Player, there is a cap on how many Merc AA's you can save up. This amount was changed in the October 2021 Patch, to be one-half your current Level, every 10th Level, starting at level 50. 

What this means is that, starting at Level 50, every 10th Character Level will increase your banked Merc AA Cap by five (5), starting at Level 50, as follows:

There are currently (13) Merc AA Categories.

Some of the categories are generic (they apply to all Merc types), while some are specific (they apply only to a specific Merc type).

The cost to buy each Level of these AA's gets progressively more expensive.

Initially, it is advisable to focus on the AA's that primarily benefit the Merc type that you use the most.

After a point, some of the AA Levels have requirements that also come into play, such as Character Level and / or having previously purchased other Merc AA's.

UPDATE: The Night of Shadows expansion added two (2) to three (3) levels to all Merc AA's, except the 'Essence of the Dragon' Merc AA.

UPDATE: The The Outer Brood expansion added as many as three (3) levels to all Merc AA's, except the 'Essence of the Dragon' Merc AA.

The Merc AA Categories are:

Currently (The Outer Brood expansion), there are a total of 313 levels of AA's that will cost 2,382 Merc AA's to purchase, They can cost between 1 and 24 Merc AA's each.

As you earn Merc AA, it will seem very, very slow... and it is, when compared to Player AA. Merc AA progresses at a pace more akin to Player Level XP. Fortunately, there are ways to speed this process up a bit!

Remember, Mercs are taking their share of group XP, so...

OVERSEER ALERT #1: When it comes to Overseer, there is a secret to know! You may sometimes see two options... "Character Experience" and "Mercenary Experience." Logically, it would seem the way to go is with the pure Mercenary Experience in order to get the most Merc XP possible. However, this is not the case at all! The Character Experience option also includes Merc XP in an amount that is normally more than the Mercenary Experience Option!

NOTE: You must have your Mercenary active in order to get the Merc XP. UPDATE: This was reportedly changed in the October 2021 Patch, where you no longer need to have the Merc active.

OVERSEER ALERT #2: The amount of mercenary experience granted by Overseer tasks can, and does, vary by quest category and quest level. When undertaking Overseer quests, keep in mind the time it takes to complete each quest. While you are restricted to the quest choices currently available to you, you may also note that quests can take 6 hours, 12 hours or 24 hours (or longer, in rare cases). Keep the time required in mind. Example, in the same time span, two (2) 6-hour quests that grant 52.89% (105.78% combined) Merc experience, are better than one (1) 12-hour quest that grants 96.16% Merc experience. Of course, if you are not able to be in-game 6-hours later, this is a moot point. In that case, the longer 12-hour & 24-hour quests are the better option.




Mercenaries cannot wear gear like a Player can, nor can they be given gear like a Pet can.

None the less, there is special "Merc Gear" that they can utilize to increase their durability / stats / etc.. 

Merc Gear comes in four variations, that best suit one (1) of the four (4) types of Mercs, even though any Merc type can utilize them. In fact, some players just equip tank merc gear and leave it at that, but this sacrifices the bonuses for the other three Merc types, when you use them.

In your Inventory window, there is a tab called "Merc." On this tab you will see four slots... basically a slot for an earring, a necklace, shoulder pads and a belt. You can drop "Merc Gear" into these slots. If you do, your active Merc will benefit by the stat increases the gear offers.

Merc Gear that is best for a Healer Merc is usually includes "Soother" in the name; Tank Gear usually includes "Defender" in the name; DPS Melee Gear usually includes "Assassin" in the name; and DPS Caster Gear usually includes "Sorcerer" in the name.

Ideally, you want a set of the four (4) for each Merc type, so you can swap them out (manually), depending on which Merc type you are currently using.

UPDATE: With the Laurion's Song expansion, Merc Gear was simplified into one all-in-one set (it applies to all four Merc types)... and the naming trend was also changed (Grandiose <slot reference> of the Contracted).

There is also Level Restricted Merc gear. This means at higher levels (and with new expansions) there may be better Merc Gear that you can acquire and utilize:

Merc Gear has been obtainable in various ways, such as No Trade Gear from a Group Vendor sold items (using expansion-specific specialty coin earned from Missions) and more recently as an expansion-related MOB drops (uncommon, but tradeable).

Using the best available Gear for the Merc type that you are currently using is always a good idea, even though most will claim the tank gear is all you need. If you use a Healer Merc, but wearing tank sacrifices the Heal Amount bonuses.




Spell blocking can be essential, especially when using a Healer Merc, and particularly when using just one (1) Healer Merc (meaning another player in the group is not also using a Healer Merc and / or you have no Cleric in the group).

Healer Mercs tend to use slow / long term heals that are simply not as good or as effective as a quick heal, in my opinion. It does seem that Healer Mercs are less attentive when a Heal Over Time or a 'Promised' type heal is ticking away, as they may not cast a direct heal on you in time to prevent your death. For this reason, if you are using a Healer Merc and see such things being cast on you, you may want to consider right clicking the icon (in the buff window or song window) and adding it to your Blocked Spells.

This will prevent the Merc from wasting mana and cast time by casting such spells on you, forcing them to use the faster and quicker direct-type heals. However, if other players in your group do not also have them blocked, the Merc can continue to cast them anyway (at least, on the other Players).

While you can remove buffs on your Merc, you cannot Block Buffs on your Merc, like you can with Pets.

Lastly, blocking these spells does also mean that actual Clerics (Players) will not be able to use them on you, either.




It is possible to transfer your Merc to another Player, or for another Player to transfer their Merc to you.

This means you are handing over that Merc.... literally giving it away... to the other player. The Merc will no longer be available to you.

It appears this transfer ability originally may have had something to do with a Player running low on funds to pay the Merc and could give it to another Player who did have funds to pay the Merc (it would seem simpler to just give the other Player some Platinum, imo). Or, giving it to a Player who did not have the Merc type desired.

This can, however, be useful in some situations. For instance, let's say you are in a group using your Healer Merc. There is room for another Merc in the group... and a DPS Merc would be useful... but the other Player(s) do not have a DPS Mercs... but you do! You can give the other Player your DPS Merc so that the group can then have a Healer Merc and a DPS Merc (with some caveats, noted below)!

In order to transfer (give) a Merc to another Player, you must:

There are limitations on transferring a Merc to another Player, as follows:

NOTE: Just because you give away a Merc, does not mean you can not simply go and re-hire a replacement Merc... you can! You gave away the merc, not the Merc Slot. You can even re-hire the same Merc type.




I sometimes hear Players complain that their Merc(s) are not doing what they are supposed to do.

However, this is normally an issue related to group roles, merc stances and other factors, that can be resolved, or explained, as noted below.




NOTE: Mercs that have images are in-game verified.

NOTE: Merc Types are listed by the name you will see in the Liaison window, rather than the item references (i.e. the name of the contract). If the same Merc "name" is listed below, more than once, then there are multiple versions of that Merc that have different origins (where / how to get them). Some may vary by appearance (i.e. Old School vs. New School graphics), some may vary by Mercs types available (i.e. only Tanks, or only Healers) and so forth.   

NOTE: Images for Mercenaries can and will vary from the ones shown. Their "look" can vary with Merc Type (Caster DPS v Melee DPS v Healer v Tank), Character Level (Level 50 v Level 100), Racial Variations (hair style, eye color, skin markings, color / tone...), and sex (Male or Female). Where it is clear that there are both Male & Female versions of the same Merc types exist, an example image of both has been included. All images are of Journeyman Mercs.

NOTE: Claim items are normally from the purchase of an Expansion. Prize items are a possible award from from a specific type of Marketplace item, like the LoN (Legends of Norrath) Cards. If an expansion is noted, it is a claim item from the purchase of that expansion and / or the noted version of that expansion. If there is no info on how to acquire a given Merc, then it is readily available to everyone. 

NOTE: Marketplace items may not be available year round.

A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L

M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z


(as seen on the Liaison)



(Plane of Knowledge)

Alaran Spirit

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Apparitional Alaran

Rain of Fear

Hadya Ware



Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Terrifying Contract

Prize: Terrifying Contract

Hadya Ware
Ancient Shissar


Contract of the Ancient Shissar

This item was accidentally awarded from the 2022 Extra Life Charity Drive (to Players who helped raise at least $250 in donations). However, this item was supposed to be the Contract of the Painted Sporali (see below). This was corrected in the February 2023 Patch. It does not appear this Merc Type is currently in the game.

Aemlai Psawaslleh

Animated Armor

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Animated Armor Contract

(This was awarded to recurring paid subscribers via /claim, around 2014. It is not known how long of a Player had to be a paid subscriber to get this.)

Hadya Ware
Arc Worker

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Arc Worker

The Darkened Sea

(Collector's Edition)

Iauld Atiqa


(aka Winter Aviak)

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Winter Aviak

Achievement: Twelve Days of Frostfell

Hadya Ware

Caster DPS, Melee DPS & Tank

Wailing Contract

Veil of Alaris

(There are (2) versions of this contract. One of them was for pre-order of the House of Thule. The other appears to have been for purchasing Veil of Alaris. It is not known which is which, for sure. However, one granted only a Healer Merc, while the other granted the other three Merc types.)

Hadya Ware

Healer Only.

Wailing Contract

House of Thule

(There are (2) versions of this contract. One of them was for pre-order of the House of Thule. The other appears to have been for purchasing Veil of Alaris. It is not known which is which, for sure. However, one granted only a Healer Merc, while the other granted the other three Merc types.)

Hadya Ware

Melee DPS and Tank Mercs only. 


Guardian Aderrawyn

(Female Mercs)

Guardian Canyd

(Male Mercs)


Tank Merc Only.

Discordant Contract

House of Thule


(One of four Mercs that appear to have been granted by this one Contract.)

Hadya Ware

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Writ of the Bellikos


(Beta Reward)

Hadya Ware

Caster DPS Only.


Guardian Jerbabi

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Thaowyn

(Female Mercs)


Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Bixie

Call of the Forsaken

(Collector's Edition)

Iauld Atiqa
Bloodbone Skeleton

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Mercenary Contract

(This is a claim item. It is not clear as to it's origin, but it appears to have been given to paid (Gold) accounts when F2P (Free to Play) was introduced.)

Hadya Ware
(Bloodbone Skeleton or Human?) (need image)

Contract of the Fighter

(This was give to Free to Play accounts via claim, possibly when F2P first started (circa 2012). It appears that F2P accounts had to choose between (1) of the (4) variant (Merc Type) contracts, when claiming a Mercenary Contract (see above). It is not clear if this Contract offers Human Mercs, or Bloodbone Skeleton Mercs (info varies).

(Bloodbone Skeleton or Human?) (need image)

Contract of the Healer

(This was give to Free to Play accounts via claim, possibly when F2P first started (circa 2012). It appears that F2P accounts had to choose between (1) of the (4) variant (Merc Type) contracts, when claiming a Mercenary Contract (see above). It is not clear if this Contract offers Human Mercs, or Bloodbone Skeleton Mercs (info varies).

(Bloodbone Skeleton or Human?) (need image)

Contract of the Protector

(This was give to Free to Play accounts via claim, possibly when F2P first started (circa 2012). It appears that F2P accounts had to choose between (1) of the (4) variant (Merc Type) contracts, when claiming a Mercenary Contract (see above). It is not clear if this Contract offers Human Mercs, or Bloodbone Skeleton Mercs (info varies).

(Bloodbone Skeleton or Human?)

(need image)

Contract of the Sorcerer

(This was give to Free to Play accounts via claim, possibly when F2P first started (circa 2012). It appears that F2P accounts had to choose between (1) of the (4) variant (Merc Type) contracts, when claiming a Mercenary Contract (see above). It is not clear if this Contract offers Human Mercs, or Bloodbone Skeleton Mercs (info varies).


Melee DPS Only.


Guardian Onaut

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Rhenwan

(Female Mercs)


Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Mechamatic Blueprint


Hadya Ware
Dark Elf 


Guardian Kedirakith

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Onay

(Female Mercs)

Dark Elf Pirate

It appears random if the Merc will be Male or Female.

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contact of the Blue Pirate

Prize: Contact of the Blue Pirate

Hadya Ware

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Dark Arachnids

Prize: Contract of the Dark Arachnids

Hadya Ware

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Dragorn Contract

Prize: Dragorn Contract

Hadya Ware
Drakkin ....................

Guardian Aboekor

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Adew

(Female Mercs)


Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Pawbuster

Empires of Kunark

(Collector's Edition)

Iauld Atiqa

Healer, Tank & Melee DPS Only.


Guardian Cigosh

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Rirak

(Female Mercs)


(need image)

Melee DPS Only.

Underfoot Raging Mercenary Writ

(It appears this was a special bonus for buying the Underfoot Expansion via Steam.)

Enchanted Armor

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of Enchanted Armor

(This was awarded to Players who raised $250 for the 2023 Extra Life Charity Drive.)

Aemlai Psawaslleh

DPS Caster and Healer Mercs Only.


Guardian Bomawyn
(Male Mercs)

Guardian Adiasean

(Female Mercs)

Fear Crazed Chetari

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Fear Crazed Chetari

Prize: Contract of the Fear Crazed Chetari

Iauld Atiqa
Fearstone Gargoyle

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Fearstone Gargoyle Contract

Sold by the Anniversary Vendor, a jubilant merchant, in the Plane of Knowledge (when active), using Commemorative Coins (earned via Anniversary missions).

Iauld Atiqa

Melee DPS Only.


Guardian Jelab

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Frendad

(Female Mercs)


Caster DPS Only


Guardian Wedrijan

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Ulaurd

(Female Mercs)

Frozen Blue Skeleton

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank


(You need (3) items from LoN: Trapped Soul Gem (from Prize: Plagued Skull Fragment Pack); Empty Glowing Skull (from Prize: Path of Skulls Pack); & Frost Covered Gem (from one of several "of Bones" Ornament Packs). Hail and then give these to the Frozen Skeleton of the Cursed in the Plane of Knowledge to get access to the Merc.

NOTE: When claiming the Prize items, be sure to select the Quest items as your reward, just in case.

Frozen Skeleton of the Cursed

Fungal Fiend

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Fungal Fiend

Night of Shadows

(Included with Collector's premium and the Family & Friends edition.)

Aemlai Psawaslleh
Fungus Man

Caster DPS Only.


Guardian Voelath

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Helind

(Female Mercs)


Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Gargoyle Contract

Prize: Gargoyle Contract

Hadya Ware

Melee Only.

Discordant Contract

House of Thule


(One of four Mercs that appear to have been granted by this one Contract.)

Hadya Ware

Gelatinous Cube

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Gelatinous Cube

This contract was awarded to Players that raised $250 for the 2024 Extra Life Charity Drive. 

Aemlai Psawaslleh
Gingerbread Man

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Confectionary Contract

Purchased from Alerynril the Loyal (Plane of Knowledge) using Crowns aka Loyalty Tokens.

Hadya Ware
Gnome ....................

Guardian Frilikin

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Asirav

(Female Mercs)

Gnome Pirate

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

 Gnome Pirate Contract

Prize:  Gnome Pirate Contract

Hadya Ware

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Goblinoid Contract

Prize: Goblinoid Contract

Hadya Ware

Caster, Healer & Tank Only.


Guardian Cigosh

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Rirak

(Female Mercs)


Caster DPS Only.


Guardian Jelab

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Frendad

(Female Mercs)

Guktan ....................

Guardian Norerd

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Erohach

(Female Mercs)

(Hadal) (need image)

Contract of the Deeps

Veil of Alaris

(Beta Reward)

Hadya Ware
Half Elf

Melee DPS & Tank Only.


Guardian Jarenth

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Rhilali

(Female Mercs)


Healer, Melee DPS & Tank Only.


Guardian Jerbabi

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Thaowyn

(Female Mercs)

High Elf

Caster DPS & Healer Only.


Guardian Onaut

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Rhenwan

(Female Mercs)

Human ....................

Guardian Vaehan

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Drendle

(Female Mercs)


Healer Only.

Discordant Contract

House of Thule


(One of four Mercs that appear to have been granted by this one Contract.)

Hadya Ware

Tank Only.


Guardian Jelab

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Frendad

(Female Mercs)


 Female Djinn Emissary / Female Ondine Wavefront / Male Djinn Soldier / Male Efreeti Amir

The Merc Type you get is decided by your class.

Contract of the Jann

The Burning Lands

(Collectors Edition)

Iauld Atiqa

Melee DPS Mercs Only.


Guardian Bomawyn

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Adiasean

(Female Mercs)


Caster DPS & Melee DPS Only.


Guardian Rhorin

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Daknot

(Female Mercs)


Contract of the Lizardman

The Darkened Sea

Iauld Atiqa
(Marionette) (need image)

Marionette Strings

Fan Faire 2011

This was awarded to Players who attended (bought a ticket) to the noted event.


(need image)

Tank Only.

Mercenary Conscription Authorization

Seeds of Destruction

(Beta Reward)

(One of two Mercs granted by this Contract).

Facesmasher Brog

It appears that it is random, or the Merc Type, that decides if your Merc will be male or female.

Nihil Contract

Prize: Nihil Contract

Hadya Ware
Nihil (need image)

Contract of the Nihil

Award on the Vaniki TLP Server for defeating the 'Doomscale Horde' event by Level 90... Achievement: Challenge: Defeat the Doomscale Horde. It was awarded as a claim, so it could be claimed by any Character on any server on the same account.


Tank Only.


Guardian Rhorin

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Daknot

(Female Mercs)


Caster DPS Only.


Guardian Jarenth

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Rhilali

(Female Mercs)


Melee DPS Only.


Guardian Wedrijan

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Ulaurd

(Female Mercs)

Orc ....................

Guardian Prau

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Shabado

(Female Mercs)

Orc ....................

Guardian Kedirakith

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Onay

(Female Mercs)


Crushbone Contract

Prize: Crushbone Contract

Hadya Ware

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Othmir

Claws of Veeshan

(Collector's, Premium and / or Family & Friends)

Iauld Atiqa

Painted Sporali

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Painted Sporali

(Awarded to those who helped ran their own Charity Drive and raised at least $250 for the Extra Life Charity Drive in 2022.)

Aemlai Psawaslleh
Phoenix (Need Image)

Contract of the Phoenix

Award on the Vaniki TLP Server from defeating the 'Fight Fire' event by Level 100... Achievement: Challenge: Defeat Fight Fire. It was awarded as a claim, so it could be claimed by any Character on any server on the same account.


Caster DPS Only.

Discordant Contract

House of Thule


(One of four Mercs that appear to have been granted by this one Contract.)

Hadya Ware
Rallosian Goblin

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Rallosian Goblin

Laurion's Song

(Collector's, Premium, or Family & Friends Edition)

Aemlai Psawaslleh
Rallosian Orc

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Rallosian Orc Contract

Prize: Rallosian Orc Contract


(Originally you needed (4) items: Numbing Amethyst Shard; Obsidian Shard; a Numbing Mahogany Shard & a Decaying Chest, all of which came as part of an LoN set / pack. Once acquired, you combined them in the Decaying Chest to make the Contract. If you still have these items, you can still do it this. However, the sets / packs are now awarded as Prize items from LoN Marketplace cards, as a stand-alone Prize.)

Hadya Ware

Restless Orc

Contract of the Restless Ry'Gorr

Torment of Velious

(Collector's or Premium Edition)

Iauld Atiqa
Scalewrought Skyguard

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Skyguard

The Outer Brood

(Collector's, Premium & Friends & Family Editions)

Aemlai Psawaslleh
Scalewrought Soldier

Need Images

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Scalewrought Soldier

Vaniki Server Achievement: Challenge: Defeat Herald of the Outer Brood.


Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Frightening Writ


(Halloween: The Hunt for Tattooed Flesh from a frightening liaison, in the Plane of Knowledge, when active.)

a frightening liaison

Mystical Contract

Prize: Mystical Contract

Hadya Ware
(Shiliskin) (need image)

Shiliskin Contract

SOE Live 2013

This was awarded to Players who attended (bought a ticket) to the noted event.


Shissar Contract

Prize: Shissar Contract

Hadya Ware

(need image)

Healer Only.

Mercenary Conscription Authorization

Seeds of Destruction

(Beta Reward)

(One of two Mercs granted by this Contract).

Facesmasher Brog
Skeletal Knight

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Fallen

Rain of Fear

Hadya Ware

Contract of the Skorpikis

Ring of Scale 

(Collectors Edition)

Iauld Atiqa

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Contract of the Stonegrabber

Terror of Luclin

(Collector's, Premium of Friends & Family Editions)

Iauld Atiqa

Caster DPS / Healer / Melee DPS / Tank

Swinetor Contract

Veil of Alaris

(Collectors Edition)

Hadya Ware
(Tier'Dal) (need image)

Contract of the Tier'Dal Royal Guard

Call of the Forsaken

(Beta Reward)

Iauld Atiqa

Tank Only.


Guardian Wedrijan

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Ulaurd

(Female Mercs)

Vah Shir

Melee DPS & Tank Only.


Guardian Voelath

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Helind

(Female Mercs)

(Vampire) (need image)

Bloodstained Contract

SOE Live 2012

This was awarded to Players who attended (bought a ticket) to the noted event.


Werewolf Contract

Prize: Werewolf Contract

Hadya Ware

It appears that it is random, or the Merc Type, that decides if your Merc will be male or female.

Contract of the Chosen

The Broken Mirror

(Collector's Edition)

This Merc type has a hidden bonus effect in certain The Broken Mirror zones, as it will reduce some of penalties (debuffs) in those zones (by as much as 10%).

Iauld Atiqa
Wood Elf

Melee DPS & Tank Only.


Guardian Prau

(Male Mercs)

Guardian Shabado

(Female Mercs)


It appears that it is random, or the Merc Type, that decides if your Merc will be male or female.

Rotting Contract

Prize: Rotting Contract

Hadya Ware


If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last Updated December 27, 2024

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.