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The EverQuest Dictionary, Compendium, Encyclopedia & Repository of Words, Terms, Lore, Phrases, 'Secrets' & Other Tidbits.

What did they mean... what did they say? If you know the slang, it can save the day! -- Bonzz

This page was originally started to define EQ Slag... terms and phrases you may hear while playing EverQuest. However, in defining those meanings, this page quickly expanded into much more than that... out of necessity! Lore, How To, Secrets, Commands, Tactics, and on and on! In short, it has evolved from a Dictionary, to a Compendium and essentially, an EQ Encyclopedia. It's a "Slang-A-Pedia-Saurus!"


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As with most games... or professions... or groups... EverQuest (EQ) has it's own unique phrasing, terminology and slang.

Much of it can be, and often is, borrowed or adapted from non-EQ sources, but some of it is 100% EQ. Some of it may also have multiple meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. Additionally, you may find that on different servers, there may a variation in preferred terminologies!

Do you know of any I should add? Did I miss any? Did I get any out of proper alphabetical order? Any suggestions on a topic to add? If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


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Anything in red text and highlighted in Yellow (i.e. /wave), denotes an in-game command or Keyboard Command (aka Shortcut or Macro). While there are other ways (i.e. Selection Menu's) to do the many things, primarily, only the typed commands or Keyboard shortcuts are generally noted below.

Some definitions will include links to other section of this page; or links to other pages that can / will go into greater detail about the given topic.


1H Blunt - (1HB, One-Handed Blunt, One Hand Blunt) This offensive skill (and weapon type) that plays into your offensive ability when using a 1H Blunt weapon.

1H Piercing - (1HP, One-Handed Piercing, One-Hand Pierce) This offensive skill (and weapon type) that plays into your offensive ability when using a 1H Piercing weapon.

1H Slashing - (1HS, One-Handed Slashing, One-Hand Slash) This offensive skill (and weapon type) that plays into your offensive ability when using a 1H Slash weapon.

2H Blunt - (2HB, Two-Handed Blunt, Two-Hand Blunt) This offensive skill (and weapon type) that plays into your offensive ability when using a 2H Blunt weapon.

2H Piercing - (2HP, Two-Handed Piercing, Two-Hand Pierce) This offensive skill (and weapon type) that plays into your offensive ability when using a 2H Piercing weapon.

2H Slashing - (2HS, Two-Handed Slashing, Two-Hand Slash) This offensive skill (and weapon type) that plays into your offensive ability when using a 2H Slash weapon.

360 AWARENESS - This term is used as a reference to being, and the need to be, aware of one's surroundings in EverQuest. Because, if you are not, MOB's can come up behind you, above you, below you, you can back up into aggro and so forth.

85% Rule - See Will In.




AA - See Alternate Advancement.

AA POINTS - See Alternate Advancement.

AA XP - See Alternate Advancement Experience.

ABILITY POINTS - See Alternate Advancement and Training Point.

ABILITY TIMER - This is primarily a reference to activated Alternate Advancement (AA) abilities. Each activated AA has a timer category assigned to it, in the form of a number. They also have a 'reuse' timer assigned to them, which is a timer on how long it will be before you can use that activated AA again. As a result, when you use an activated AA, any and all other activated AA's using the same Ability Timer category, are also 'timed out' (not useable), until the reuse timer expires. See also Alarm, Cast TimerLock Out Timer, Reuse Timer and / or Timer.

ABJURATION - Abjuration is a category / skill in Magic, that relates to defensive buffs (i.e. resists, damage reduction). Some classes also get a supportive skill called Specialize Abjure.

ABOVE AVERAGE - This is a worded rating you can see in relation to certain Skills (in your Skills Window, EQ Button -> Character -> Skills). This category is generally for Skill Levels from 61 to 70.

ABSOR - Absor (their EQ Character Name) is a current or former Darkpaw employee / Developer (see Developer).

EQ Beta 2023

AC - See Armor Class.

ACCENDO - Accendo (their EQ Character Name) is a current or former Darkpaw employee / Developer (see Developer).

ACCOUNT - Account is a reference to a Players actual account with Daybreak Games, that allows them to play EverQuest (be it a free account or a paid account). Players can only play one (1) Character on (1) server at a time, on any given account (with exception to the Test Server and Beta Server. Players can, however, have more than one account and actively play them all, at the same time. See also: All Access (below), Free To Play, Gold & Silver Account. 

ACCOUNT FEATURE - This term is normally seen in a reward window for Achievements and particularly special Achievements. What this normally means is that the award is granted as a claim item and from there, it can be claimed by any Character, on any Server on the same Account.

ACCOUNT NAME - See User Name.

ACCURACY - This is a Character Bonus that plays into ranged attacks.

ACH - See Achievements.

ACHIEVEMENTS - (Achievement, Ach., ACH) - Achievements are accomplishments. Challenges. Successes. Been there done that. Recognition. You can see your accomplishments via the Achievement Window (/ach). Achievements, particularly the ones not completed, can also be used as a check list to Progression, things to pursue and so forth. Achievements can also grant you extra XP, AA's, Coin and other special awards that you can only get from Achievements, to include Special AA's, Mounts, Large Bags, Click Items, Placeables, Ornaments, Gear, Portals, Familiars and more. You can preview awards (if any) via the Achievements window (click the button in the Achievement box).

ACHIEVEMENT POINTS - (AP) Achievement Points are awarded in varying amounts, for completing Achievements, along with other Achievements Awards, if any. Achievements Points, themselves, have no actual use, in game (yet). You can see your Achievements Point total in the top of your Achievements Window (/ach).

ACTIVATE - (Activated, Activation, Trigger, Click) This term basically means interacting with and / or "activating" an item. Such as by clicking (see Click) on them. It is also a reference "activating" the next step of a sequence, such as with events, raids, missions, quests and / or tasks.

ACTIVE - (Active Mode) -- This is one of the 'modes' related to Combat and relates to your Character not sitting still (moving). See Combat Timer.

ACTIVE TASK - This is reference to a Task that you have started, but have not yet finished. See Task.

ADPS - Initialism for Added Damage Per Second. This is a reference to buffs, songs, disciplines and other artificial means of boosting DPS, at least for a short time.

ADETIA - Adetia is an actual Player Character, known for their on-line Tradeskill Guides.

ADD - (Adds) This term is used to refer to additional MOB's "adding" to any MOB's that are / were all ready in combat with the Player, Group and / or Raid. These "adds" can be due to accidental aggro, wandered up on their own and / or they can spawn or activate as part of the event.

ADOPTABLE - Some Marketplace Rewards are initially tradeable until they are Converted. Normally, "Adoptable" items are related to Familiars and Mounts. See also, Prize.

ADOPTION COINS - (Adoption Coin) This alternative currency is obtained from, and specifically used with, "Lynea the pet collector" in the Commonlands. She will give you (1) Adoption Coin for each (unclaimed) Adoptable Familiar you may have (acquired via the Marketplace). She also sells a "Random Pet Box" for (10) Adoption Coins. So, basically your are trading 10-for-1, and since the item she sells is "random," it appears you can get one that you all ready have)! However, the Coins themselves are tradable.

ADVANCED LOOT - (Advance Looting, ADV Loot) Advanced Loot (/advloot) is an in-game function to more expedient (automatic) looting options, based on your selections / settings.

ADVENTURE - This is a reference to a type of Group Mission, particularly from the (5) themes of the LDoN expansion. These Adventures award specialty coin and also maintain an in-game ranking system (Alt V).


AE - See Area of Effect (below).

AFAIK - An initialism for 'As Far As I Know."

AFK - Away From the Keyboard... means a Player is not currently at the Keyboard in order to actively play EverQuest or to respond to other Players. Players can purposely go AFK (with the /afk command), or they can default to AFK based on a timer related to inactivity. This 'automatic AFK' is a setting that can be turned on and off in your Options settings (Alt O). In fact, you can even have an AFK message, by typing it after the AFK command (example: /afk Be back soon!).

AFK CAMPING - See Unattended Game Play.

AGENT - See Overseer Agent and / or Agent of Change (below).

AGENT OF CHANGE - (AoC, AOC) An Agent of Change is a special NPC (usually a cloaked shade figure or a Ratman) that allows Players (6 Players minimum, 72 maximum) to request an instanced version of older raids or raid zones. Many of these raids are / were (at least originally) open-zone non-instanced raids. The six (6) Players needed can be Mercenaries, actual players or even off-line Characters. 

AGI - See Agility (below).

AGILITY - (AGI) Agility is a Character attribute that plays into your Character statistics.

AGGRO - (Agro, Hate) While the spelling is off, this is a short slang / acronym for Aggravation... which is a reference to MOB's and who they focus their attention on (who they actively attack). In a group, or a raid, once any Player acquires "aggro" on a MOB, others in the group / raid will also gain a level of Aggro when they assist that player, or any other Player that has also acquired a level of aggro in anyway (such as attacking the MOB, healing, buffing...). While everyone can gain a Level of Aggro (aka "Hate") on a MOB, it is the Player with the most Aggro / Hate that the MOB will focus their attention (attacks) on.

AGGRO LIST - (Hate List, Aggravation List) Normally, this term is used to refer to MOB's and the Players that are "on aggro" with that MOB. Players are, in fact, on an Aggro list with MOB's even if it can't be seen visibly. This list is ordered by way of the amount of "Hate" each Player has on the MOB. Essentially, if the MT dies, the MOB will then attack the next Character on their "Hate List" (the one with the most amount of Hate).

AGGRO METER - This is a reference to an on-screen window (EQ Button --> Actions --> Aggro Meter). This window, with all options selected (right click) will show your current target, and your level of Aggro (aka Hate) to that target (shown on the red bar, 0% to 100%). You can also see who is 2nd on Aggro, by a reference below the red bar (showing their name and Aggro Level). This is most useful for main tanks to monitor if anyone is gaining aggro and the tank should do more to maintain aggro. Other classes can also use it to see if they are getting to much aggro and may want to do something to reduce that aggro.

Aggro Meter Window with options (right click)

AGNARR - Agnarr is the name of an EQ Live True Box Server, named for the NPC Agnarr the Storm Lord. The in-game Short Name for Tells is: Agnarr (i.e. /tell agnarr.Bonzz Hello!). Agnarr is also an in-game Faction. He is a Raid Boss / Raid encounter in Torden, Bastion of Thunder (PoP).

AGNOSTIC - This term signifies that your Character does not follow one of the EQ Deities. See also, Religion and Deity.

AIRLESS ZONE - A term that refers to a Zone where there is no air (as opposed to being underwater). However, there is only one such zone, The Grey.

ALARAN - This is a Race of NPC's / MoB's first introduced with the VoA expansion. It is also their language, which Players can learn to speak (/language 26). The Alaran Language replace the Language once known as "Unknown Language."

ALARM - EverQuest has a built in Alarm / Timer / Reminder. This feature can be brought up via the EQ Button or the command, /alarm. Players can set the Alarm to pop up a reminder after a certain amount of time (in whole hours and / or minutes), that they designate. Players can simply type in how many hours (#1 in image, below) and / or how many minutes (#2 in image, below); and then click the 'Set Time' button, to start the timer (#4 in image, below). The "Skip' button (#3 in image, below) will simply close the Alarm Window and not start any timer. Once the time you set has elapsed, a window will pop up on the Players Screen (see #5 in image, below), to let them know the time they set has elapsed. Players can use this in many ways. Example, if a Player has a limited amount of time they can Play, they can set the Alarm to remind them when that time is up. If a Player is camping a certain Named (Rare) for a drop, and know their respawn timer, they can set the Alarm as a way to let them know the Named (Rare), or it's Place Holder, should spawn at any second. If a Player is farming or experiencing in an instance that has a time limit, they can set the Alarm to remind them a short time before the instance is due to expire, so they can finish the Mission for the awards, rather than lose the Mission from it expiring. See also Ability TimerCast TimerLock Out Timer, Reuse Timer and / or Timer.

ALCHEMY - This is a Shaman-only Tradeskill (primarily to make potions that can heal, teleport, buff, illusion...).

ALCOHOL TOLERANCE - (AT) Alcohol Tolerance is your level of ability to resist getting drunk and / or better tolerate the effects to getting drunk. In short, it takes more to get you drunk and you recover faster. There are about three (3) types of Alcoholic Drinks, with different levels of intoxication effects. In order of least to most intoxicating, they are: Respectable, Persuasive & Potent.

AL'KABOR- This was the name of a defunct EQ Server for Apple / Macintosh, named for the NPC Al'Kabor, who can be encountered in several zones in the HoT & TDS expansions. Al'Kabor is the NPC responsible for the research / discovery / advancement of Teleportation, particularly by way of using Wizard Spires.

ALPHA LOOT - A term short for Alphabetical Looting, not 'Master Looting' as many think. This is a reference to now, a likely obsolete looting process, where players take turns looting killed MOB's in a rotation, going alphabetically.

ALL ACCESS - (Gold Account, All Access Account, SoE All Access) All Access, once known as a Gold Account & SoE All Access (now one and the same), is simply paid account that gives the Player access to all the features of EverQuest (no limits, except the most recent two expansions if they have not been purchased), as well as access to Play other Games offered by Daybreak (EverQuest II, DC Universe On Line & PlanetSide 2). All Access Accounts get 500 DBC for free (if claimed, so be sure to do that), each month, as well as a 10% Price Reduction in the Marketplace. However, the free 500 DBC is only awarded to accounts that pay with real money (not Krono).

ALL ALL - This is a reference to an item being useable by ALL Classes and ALL Races.

ALLA - (Allah) See Allakhazam (below).

ALLAKHAZAM - (Alla, Allah, Zam, fanbyte) This is a web site that has pretty much been around just about as long as EQ has. It is a repository of all most everything-EverQuest. It has limited free access, or full access via paid membership (as little as $9 with a full year subscription, as of this typing). Allakhazam is still the universal 'go to' site, for all things EverQuest, and is the largest repository for EverQuest information out there.

ALLY - Ally refers to (1) of the (9) possible levels of Faction (Scowls --> Threatening --> Dubious --> Apprehensive --> Indifferent --> Amiable --> Kindly --> Warmly --> Ally). When you kill most MOB's, you will see Faction Hits that add or detract from your Faction with one Faction type or another. You can see your Faction Levels with most (but not all) Factions in the Faction Window (EQ Button ---> Character --> Faction Standing). Ally is the maximum level of Faction you can acquire. Faction is often required for tasks & quests.

ALMAR - Almar is an actual Player Character, known for the web site Almar's Guides... a site with guides for a number of games, to include EverQuest (particularly their expansion related 'leveling guides' and 'farming locations'). 

ALT - This a reference to an Alternate Character you play. See Alternate (below). This also a reference to a key on your board, the 'ALT' key, which is often used in EverQuest to initiate in-game Keyboard commands.

ALTERATION - Alteration is a category / skill in Magic, that relates to warping reality in some way, such as with Teleportation, Invisibility and the like. Some classes also get a supportive skill called Specialize Alteration.

ALTERNATE - (Alt, Alts, Doppleganger, Persona, AKA) A term Players use to refer to other Characters on the same account as their "Main." It is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to Characters they have on a separate account, which are more accurately referred to as Boxes.

ALTERNATIVE ADVANCEMENT - (Ability Points; AA's; Alternate Abilities)  Alternate Advancement (AA's). AA's are an alternative version of Character (Regular) Experience, that can enhance existing elements of your character and / or provide new options to your character. When you reach the maximum Character Level and have at least another 20+% into that Level, it may be a good idea to consider changing your experience settings to weighted towards AA, rather than Character Experience. When you earn an AA in game, the message you see will call it an 'Ability Point.'

ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT EXPERIENCE - This is a reference to Experience that goes toward your Alternate Advancement, to earn AA Points (see Alternate Advancement, above). Alternate Advancement Experience is earned in lieu of Regular (Character) experience. You can use a scroll bar in the AA Window to set how much of Regular Experience you want to be applied to AA Experience (0% to 100%), in intervals of 10%. It is possible to set this at other amounts using the command /alternateadv on XX (with XX being the percentage you want to set it to, between 0 and 100). I recommend a 3 or 7 related percentage (3, 7, 93 or 97), because it is said that EQ Math rounds up! For instance, new Levels are added with an Expansion, so you set AA XP at 3% or 7%, so that you get the most regular XP as possible. Once you have the Levels and a Death Buffer done, you may then want set the AA XP at 93% or 97%, so that most XP goes towards AA's. The logic is that since EQ Math rounds up, the XP you get actually totals up to be more than 100% (supposedly 5% more), but that is unproven.

ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT POINTS - This is a reference to Points / Levels earned with Alternate Advancement Experience, most commonly referred to as simply 'AA's' or 'AA Points.' These 'Points' can be used to buy Alternate Advancement skills / abilities to improve / add specific things / areas of your Character.

ALTERNATE PERSONA - (Alt Persona, AP) This is a reference to a variant Persona of your base Character, or Persona. See Persona.

ALTERNATIVE CURRENCY - There are number of "currencies" in the game, other than Platinum, Gold, Silver and / or Copper. Alternative Currency was first introduced with the Lost Dungeons of Norrath expansion and has been part of the game ever since. In most expansions since LDoN, there have been at least (2) types of Alternative Currency... commonly referred to as "Group Currency" & "Raid Currency." These Alternative Currencies are earned by way of defeating Group missions or by defeating Raids within a given expansion. These currencies can then be used to purchase special expansion-only (group-level or raid-level) items from a related Specialty Vendor (commonly called a "Group Vendor" or a "Raid Vendor). There are also other types of Alternative Currency that is acquired in other ways, such as Commemorative Coin, which can only be earned when Anniversary events are active.

AMIABLE - Amiable refers to (1) of the (9) possible levels of Faction (Scowls --> Threatening --> Dubious --> Apprehensive --> Indifferent --> Amiable --> Kindly --> Warmly --> Ally). When you kill most MOB's, you will see Faction Hits that add or detract from your Faction with one Faction or another. You can see your Faction Levels with most (but not all) Factions in the Faction Window (EQ Button --> Character --> Faction Standing). Player pets are automatically Amiable to all factions, as are Mercenaries, or so it appears (at least, when you are not in combat). This level of Faction is often required for some, but not all, quest NPC's to talk / cooperate with you.

AMMO - Ammo, all though the spelling is off,  is slang / short for Ammunition. Ranged attacks require ammo, be it archery (arrows) or throwing (shurikens, axes, etc.). Normally, when using such ranged attacks, you need at least (1) of your "ammo" items in your Characters Ammo slot, and as many as you can put (stack) in your Characters Ammo slot. If you have extra in your bags, they should replenish automatically. When not using ranged attacks, there are non-ammo items that you can put in these slots, instead (such as a Tradeskill Trophies, when doing combines).

AMMUNITION - See Ammo, above.

ANBEAL - Anbeal is an anagram of Al Bean, in tribute to Astronaut Alan Bean. Anbeal is the third Planet in the Ro Solar System, where Norrath is located. At times, due to it's orbit, it is sometimes the fourth planet. It has no atmosphere, no water and no moons.

ANCHOR - This term is sometimes used in reference to a Bind Spot, however, it is most often in reference to the Primary & Secondary Anchors (teleport related items you can place in a Guild Hall or Housing Property) that are purchased in the Marketplace.

ANCHORED - (Perma-Rooted, Rooted In Place) This is a reference to a MoB being set in place, where it stands. It cannot be moved.

ANCIENT DRACONIC COIN - This alternative currency (No Trade) is earned via Raids in the RoS expansion. They can be spent with the raid vendor, "a merchant," in The Overthere (RoS).

ANCIENT SEBILISIAN COIN - This alternative currency (No Trade) is earned via Raids in the TDS expansion. They can be spent with the raid vendor, "Researcher Orbiana," in Katta Castrum: Deluge.

ANGELIANA - Angeliana (their EQ Character Name) is a current or former Darkpaw employee / Developer (see Developer).

ANNIVERSARY - (Anniversary Events) - This refers to the Anniversary of when EverQuest was first launched (March 16, 1999). Annual / Temporary Anniversary Events have been added to the game, every year since 2004. They are active between March and May of each year.

ANONYMOUS - This is a status you can take on with your Character using the command /anon or /a. It hides your Class & Guild from other Players. While it will not hide your Character from a /who search, it will hide your Level & Location. This status is generally used by Players who like to play alone and / or otherwise want to 'hide' from other Players for one reason or another. However, other Players are often suspicious of this status and some Guilds even make rules that their members must not use it.

ANTONIUS BAYLE - Antonius Bayle is the name of the European EQ Live Server, named for the NPC Lord Antonius Bayle, who can be encountered in Oceangreen Hills (SoD). The in-game Short Name for Tells is: Antonius (i.e. ;tell antonious.Bonzz Hello!). Antonius Bayle is also an in-game Faction. There have been (4) Antonius Bayles. The first Antonious Bayle is known as the "Great Unifier," due his uniting of Human Tribes (into a viable Human Civilization) and the founding of Qeynos. The second Antonious Bayle pushed to have Tunaria renamed as Antonica after his father (the first Antonious Bayle). He became known as the "Great Defender" due his actions to fend off heretic and undead hordes that had blasted a hole (yes, the zone commonly known as The Hole) into Odus. His son, the third Antonious Bayle, was paranoid and generally remained neutral, which allowed Sir Lucan D'Lere to take over the City of Valour and rename it Freeport. Even though he did not hold much respect due his neutrality, he was known as the "Great Diplomat." He had two sons, Kane Bayle and the fourth Antonious Bayle, who took over leadership and has been known as a good leader, despite the efforts of his brother Kane, who hates him.

ANY - (Any File; INI File) A "misheard" word... see "INI."

AOC - See Agent of Change, above.

AOE - (AoE) See Area of Effect (below).

AP - See Achievement Points (above) and / or Persona (Alternate Persona)

APPLY POISON - This is a Rogue offensive skill.

APPREHENSIVE - Apprehensive refers to (1) of the (9) possible levels of Faction (Scowls --> Threatening --> Dubious --> Apprehensive --> Indifferent --> Amiable --> Kindly --> Warmly --> Ally). When you kill most MOB's, you will see Faction Hits that add or detract from your Faction with one Faction or another. You can see your Faction Levels with most (but not all) Factions in the Faction Window (EQ Button --> Character --> Faction Standing). At this level of faction Vendor may still buy / sell with you, but you might find that their prices aren't as favorable. Some Quest NPC's may still offer you their Quests at this level.

APPRENTICE - This is a worded rating you can see in relation to certain Skills (in your Skills Window, EQ Button -> Character -> Skills). While EQ is inconsistent with this "rating," it is generally for Skill Levels from 100 to 199. It is also a term related to the lower level (skilled) Mercenaries.

APPRENTICE ARTISAN - This is a Title reference to attaining a Skill Level of 100 in all Tradeskills.

ARADUNE - This is an EQ TLP True Box Server, named for the in-game Persona (Character) of Brad McQuaid, who was the key designer / creator of EverQuest. The in-game Short Name for Tells is: Aradune (i.e. /tell aradune.Bonzz Hello!). In 2023, True Box was removed from this server.

ARCHER - See also: Ranger. A reference to a character (NPC or PC) that uses a bow and shoots arrows.

ARGO - A somewhat common mispronunciation and / or bad spelling of 'Aggro' (See Aggro, above).

ARCHERY - This is an offensive skill that plays into the use of Bows & Arrows.

ARCHETYPE - This refers to the four (4) types of class groups in EverQuest, that share common traits and / or abilities. They are Casters (Enchanter, Magician, Necromancer and Wizard); Hybrids (Bard, Beastlord, Paladin, Ranger and Shadow Knight); Fighters (Berserker, Monk, Rogue and Warrior); & Priests (Cleric, Druid & Shaman)..

AREA OF EFFECT -  (AoE, AE) Area of Effect refers to spells / effects that have a limited range and can effect Players within a certain range from where ever the AoE was cast or targeted. In the case of Player Aura's, it's centered on the Player that cast it. In the case of MOB's, it either centered on the MOB, the Player that was targeted, the spot on the ground where it was cast (see Ground Cast) or on the visible particle effect that results. With AoE's, if you are far enough away, you can avoid the detrimental effects or move out of the beneficial effects (which ever applies).

ARENA - An Arena, is an area where any Character that enters the area is automatically made PvP until they leave that area. These area's allow Players to battle each other, without having to become PvP full time. There are Arena's in many City Zones, as well as the zone that is actually called The Arena. As a note, deaths caused in Player versus Player battles do not result in loss of experience, except maybe when the death is due a Damage of Time spell.

ARISTO - Aristo (their EQ Character Name) is a current or former Darkpaw employee / Developer (see Developer).

EQ Beta 2023

ARMOR - (Gear, Equipment) Armor is generally a reference to worn items (Gear) for ones' character (as opposed to weapons).

ARMOR CLASS - (AC) Armor Class is a reference to the level of protection your worn gear gives you, and helps mitigate the damage you take.

ARROW - This is a form of ammunition, specifically for use with Bows. There are many, many types of arrows in EverQuest, quite a few of which are Player made (crafted) with the Fletching Skill.

ARTIFACT - Artifact, at least originally, referred to an item that was limited to (1) per server (no kidding). However, later, some Artifact items were added to the game in certain Monster Missions. The way those items functioned was that they would not leave the Mission with you. Instead, they would convert to something different once you left the mission (zone). Basically, it would change ("transmute") into a similar item, based on your Character Level.

ARTISAN - This is a term related to Tradeskills / Tradeskillers (i.e. Master Artisan).

ARX ENERGY CRYSTALS - (Arx Energy Crystal) This alternative currency (No Trade) is earned via Raids in the EoK expansion. They can be spent with the raid vendor, "a merchant," in Lceanium.

ASAP - As Soon As Possible. Immediately. No hesitation. Right Away.


ASSIST - This term applies to battle, where you assist another Player to insure that you are attacking the correct target. There are variant ways to do this, using varying commands. Certain assist commands do require that your Group / Raid have an Main Assist assigned (see Main Assist), or that you have the Player that you want to assist targeted. Assist commands include:

/assist - This will assist the Character (Player or MOB) that you have targeted and put their foe in your target window. Healers can use this on a MOB in order to get a quick target to heal (assist the MOB to heal the Player that the MoB is currently attacking). Others can use this to get the right target to attack.

/assist Bonzz - This assist will assist the Player whose name you type (i.e. 'Bonzz').

/assist group - This will assist the Player who is assigned as the Main Assist in your group.

/assist raid - This will assist the Player who is assigned as Main Assist for your Raid.

/assist on - This command will set it so that you will always auto-attack (melee) when you use assist. Thus, when you assist someone (best used by Melee Classes), you will also initiate attack (melee) on the target. You only have to use this command once. After that, this will be your default setting until you decide to change it.

/assist off - This command will set it so that will never auto-attack (melee), when you assist someone. You will get a target of their foe (best used by Caster / non-Melee Classes) to cast on, shoot arrows at or similar, but you will not start melee attacking. You only have to use this command once. After that, this will be your default setting until you decide to change it.

AT - See Audio Trigger (below) and / or Alcohol Tolerance (above).

AT REST - - This is one of 'modes' related to Combat, that refers to being in full regeneration mode and not moving. See also Combat Timer and Out of Combat.

ATK - See Attack (below).

ATM - An initialism for At The Moment.

ATTACK - Attack is a Character Attribute rating your ability to successfully attack your opponents and plays into the damage you do. It is also a reference to combat, as in attacking a MoB.

ATTUNABLE - Attunable items are also Tradable. Attunable means that once you equip or otherwise use such an item, it becomes 'Attuned' to your Character and as a result, it also becomes No Trade (see No Trade). However, some Attunable items are also marked as Heirloom, which can modify the conditions of being No Trade (see Heirloom). Most, if not all Attunable items that have been Attuned (made No Trade) can be converted ('Unattuned') back into a Tradable, Attunable item. With Hero's Forge Ornament sets, this can be accomplished by combining the armor ornament set (all seven items from the same set) inside a Hero's Forge Suit Consolidator (sold in the Marketplace and by Loyalty Vendors). Other items can individually be combined inside Ultron's Ultimate Unattuner (sold by Loyalty Vendors, and the Overseer vendor... a mysterious presence),

AUCTION - This is a chat channel in EverQuest. It is not a channel you have to join. It is used via the /auction command, to spam the zone (it is not server wide) about an item you wish to sell. Example: /auction WTS Krono.

AUDIO TRIGGER - Audio Triggers are an in-game function that can alert you to matters that you may want to know about or need to react to. This can be a generic sound provided by EverQuest, or a sound you have added or created yourself (to include spoken words).

AUG - See Augmentation (below).

AUG SLOT - (Augmentation Slot) See Slot.

AUGMENTATION - (Aug) This is an item that will fit in an Augmentation Slot, to enhance the item you put it in, by way of stats, procs, appearance and so forth. Augmentations will only fit into Slots that match their "Type," but also sometimes have other restrictions (i.e. they are Lore, they only fit in a weapon, etc.).

AURA - (Sphere of Influence) Aura's, originally known as a 'Sphere of Influence,' are basically 'Area of Effect' buffs, that you only benefit from by being close enough to the player that cast it (and / or in the same group), or in the Aura itself (which should have be seen as a visible effect where ever it is at). When it comes to MOB's, they often use what players refer to as Auras as well, but they are detrimental (harmful). MOB auras can generally be seen as some type of particle effect. In fact, sometimes MOB Aura's can even move about and you need to avoid them.

AUTO - Short for Automatic.

AUTO COMBINE - (Automatic Combine) Tradeskill devices have an option (checkbox) to "Make All." This is a reference to automatically combining items on a Tradeskill Device, until you run out of Raw Materials.

AUTO FIRE - (Automatic Fire) This is a reference to using a range attack (bow and arrows or throwing items) to automatically keep shooting arrows or throwing weapons, until you run out of Ammo (or the MOB is dead), using the /autofire command. Auto Fire will continue to shoot or throw (arrows or throwing items) as long as the target is still viable (not dead), or if you swap targets fast enough to keep it going on a second target.

AUTO FOLLOW - (Automatic Follow, Auto-Follow) This is reference to one Character being set to follow another Character, automatically. This is done by targeting the Character to Follow and using the command /follow. This command can fail (you will cease to follow the other Player) when terrain features and similar cause concerns or the other Player gets too far away from you (i.e. you fall off a cliff, get stuck in terrain, you aren't as fast as the other Player...).

AUTO GRANT - (Automatically Grant) This is a reference to the granting of free Alternate Advancement (AA's) abilities to your Character. This is done by selecting (checking) the "Auto-Grant Enable" box in your Alternate Advancement Window (V) (see image, below). This feature will award a significant amount of Alternate Advancement abilities, for free (rather than you earning them properly... it's the 'easy button' of EverQuest). The AA's that it grants are only from the standard / basic AA lines for your class (meaning it does not include things like Tradeskill AA's and so forth). Free to Play accounts do not get access to Auto Grant. None the less, this feature is based on the Expansions that Free to Play accounts have access to, which also determines the Maximum Character Level that Auto Grant applies to; as well as which standard / basic AA's are awarded.

  • Auto Grant is Level restricted (as in Character Level) to the applicable Level of the most recent Expansion that Free to Play (FTP) Players have access to, which is usually two (2) expansions back. Thus, if the most recent expansion that FTP Players have access is max Level 115, then you can get AA's up to Level 115 and no higher.
  • Additionally, they are also limited to Alternate Advancement abilities that are four-plus (4+) expansions back.
  • So, in reality, while there is a Maximum Applicable Level (2 expansions back), you will only be awarded AA's from 4-plus expansions back (EQ Logic, what can I say);
  • Auto Grant AA's will be awarded to you each time you Level;
  • You do not get to chose the AA's you get (you are outright granted credit for certain AA's, and not AA Points that you can to spend as you wish);
  • Auto Grant applies only to the standard / basic Alternate Advancement abilities (lines) and does not include special AA lines of any kind (i.e. Tradeskill AA's);
  • The AA's are generally class related and / or general (all classes) AA's, only;
  • It is possible that you may not get as many AA's, or any AA's at all, if you have all ready started to purchase the standard / basic AA Lines that apply to Auto Grant;
  • Once AA's are granted, you do not lose the AA's that you were awarded, even if you opt out of the Auto Grant feature;
  • Opting out (unchecking the box) of the Auto Grant feature simply means that, going forward, you will no longer get any free Auto Granted AA's when you Level.

AUTO JOIN - (Automatically Join) While there are EQ server channels you can automatically join by checking a box under options (Alt O, see image below), this is actually a more common reference to joining non-EQ (Player created / Private / Server Wide) Channels automatically, using the command, /autojoin. It can also apply to the standard 'general' channels, if you have opted not to join them all and only want to join specific channels. You can only be in ten (10) channels at a time. You only have to use this command once, followed by the channel names (and any passwords), separated by commas, that you want to Auto Join each time you log on. To change it, you will need to re-do the command with the new channel line-up you want to join (Example: /autojoin General,Paladin,severwide.bonzz:bonzz).

AUTO RUN - (Automatically Run) This refers to being able to hit a key (Num Lock, which you can change, if you want to) on your keyboard, that will make you Character run (or walk), and keep moving automatically, until you take an action (i.e. move backwards...) to change that.

AUTOMATION - (Automated, Auto) This is a reference things happening on their own, that normally, require Player action to activate. There are levels of Automation built in to EQ, such as Hot Buttons, Auto Fire, Auto Run and so forth... but Automation handled by outside / external Programs can get you suspended or banned (see Cheating).

AVATAR - While not a term often used in EverQuest, this is basically a reference to you in-game persona / appearance (the animated Character(s) that you play).

AVERAGE - (AVG) This is a worded rating you can see in relation to certain Skills (in your Skills Window, EQ Button -> Character -> Skills). This category is generally for Skill Levels from 51 to 60.

AVOIDANCE - This is a Character bonus that plays into avoiding incoming attacks.

AWARD - This term is often used interchangeably with "Reward." See Reward and Prize.

AWFUL - This is a worded rating you can see in relation to certain Skills (in your Skills Window, EQ Button -> Character -> Skills). This category is generally for Skill Levels from 0 to 10.

AYONAE RO - This was an EQ Live Server that was merged into The Tribunal server. It was named for the Demi-God Ayonae Ro, who can be encountered in Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance (PoR) in The Plane of Music. The in-game Short Name for Tells was: Ayonae. Ayonae Ro was created by the Deity Druzzil Ro (and thus, her daughter), for the purpose of creating music to soothe the soul. Druzzil Ro also split off a portion of her domain, the Plane of Magic, to create the Plane of Music for Ayonae Ro to rule over.

AYR'DAL - This is the true racial name for Half Elves.

AZIA - In EverQuest, this is the word used for the Letter A.





BACKSTAB - This offensive skill is a Rogue skill that is beneficial for when they attack MOB's from the rear.

BACKSTAB DAMAGE - (Backstab Dmg.) This stat applies primarily to the weapon equipped in a Rogues Primary Hand and functions to amplify the damage of that weapon. This damage scales with the power of the weapon. While many weapons and augmentations display this stat, it is not a stat that benefits any class other than a Rogue.

BACK-UP - (Back-Up Tank, Back-Up Healer...) This is a term does not generally mean to literally back-up. It is most often used in Raid settings, referring to the Characters assigned as the replacement (or support) for another Character who is assigned in a Primary Role. These assignments are decided by Players, themselves, not EQ. If the Primary Character falls, the Secondary Character is to step up and take their place ASAP.

BAD - This is a worded rating you can see in relation to certain Skills (in your Skills Window, EQ Button -> Character -> Skills). This category is generally for Skill Levels from 31 to 40.

BAG - A generic reference to containers, of any kind, that are carried around by your Character or utilized to in your Character's Inventory, Bank and / or Shared Bank.

BAG SLOT - See Slot.

BAKING - (Cooking) This is a universal Tradeskill for making a myriad of food items.

BAN - (Banned) This is a reference to disciplinary action taken by Daybreak against a Player, for rules violations (Cheating, Conduct, etc.). In this case, it means that the Players Account has been permanently closed (cancelled, shut down), rather than temporarily suspended.

BANDOLIER - This is a reference to you Character's Bandolier Window (B). This window allows you to change your "weapon set" (Primary, Secondary, Range & Ammo) on the fly (see below image). You can currently have up to (12) Bandolier Slots for assorted combinations (some are from the Alternate Advancement called "Battle Ready").

You can choose to "Auto Swap" which will change you weapon set when you click on any pre-set set (middle of window).

Or, you can use "Activate" by clicking on a combination your created then click the "Activate" Button to initiate the weapon set swap this is a good setting to prevent accidental weapon set changes).

To create a combination, click OFF "Auto Swap" (if you have it selected); equip the items you want to set a Bandolier option for; click on an empty Bandolier slot (list in the middle of the window)... or one you want to replace; click the "Add Button;" type in a name for the combination (in the window that pops up); and then click the "Okay" Button.

REMEMBER: If you get new / upgraded gear, you will need to update your Bandolier combinations in this same manner, otherwise, it will equip your old items if you still have them in your inventory (or nothing at all in some slots, if you don't still have them in your bags).

BANK - (Banked, Banking) All Characters have a Bank (or better, Bank Account) that they can access and utilize via Banker NPC's. Banks are primarily storage for items, but you can also store coin in a Bank. There is also a "Guild Bank" (see Guild Bank); a "Shared Bank" (see Shared Bank); "Shroud Bank" (click link for details); "Dragon Hoard" (see Dragon Hoard); "Tradeskill Depot" (see Tradeskill Depot); "Keyrings" (see Keyring); and to some extent, "Item Overflow" (see Item Overflow).

BANK SLOT - See Slot.

BANQUET - This is a reference to certain Food items that last 40 minutes before you Character gets hungry again. See Food.

BARBARIAN - This is a NPC / MOB race, created by Erollisi & Mithaniel Marr, whose home town is Halas. This is also a Language that Players can learn and speak (/language 2). It is also a Player race. Traditionally, Barbarians get Slam and a+10 Cold Resist (but this may have changed over time).

BARD - (BRD) Bards are a Player Class that specializes in musical effects (similar to Spells) and are able to 'twist' more than one song at the same time. A Bard can Tank, Pick Locks, Mez, Track and provide music-based buffs (Alt E), among other things. Bards wear Plate are limited to the races of Drakkin, Half Elf, Human, Vah Shir & Wood Elf.

BARGE - See Boat.


BASE DAMAGE - This is a reference to weapon stats. Most weapons have a Base Damage stat. Base Damage is the pre-set damage level of a weapon. This amount is then modified (increased) by your Characters skills, Abilities and AA's and also reduced by the MoB's statistics. In any case, while you can miss, hits should never be go below the noted base damage of your weapon.

BASH This offensive skill is beneficial to Plate classes when wearing a Shield and using it to "Bash" enemies.

BATHEZID TRADE GEMS - (Bathezid Trade Gem) This alternative currency (No Trade) is earned via Group Missions in the RoS expansion. They can be spent with the group vendor, "a merchant," in The Overthere (RoS).

BATTLE - See Combat.

BAYLE MARKS - (Bayle Mark) This alternative currency (tradeable) is purchased via the Marketplace. It is used as an alternative method to pay for the upkeep on your Mercenary. If you have any Bayle Marks (in your Alternative Currency tab), they will automatically be used for this purpose. Once they run out, your mercenary will then be paid for from the actual currency (Platinum / Gold / Silver / Copper) that you have on your Character (banked funds do not apply).

BBL - An initialism for 'Be Back Later.'

BEASTLORD - (BST, Beast Lord) This is a Player Class introduced with the SoL expansion. Beastlords are basically a Monk / Shaman hybrid, with a powerful pet. Beastlords are limited to the races of Barbarian, Iksar, Ogre, Troll, Wood Elf & Vah Shir, wear Leather armor and have a preference for blunt weapons or bare hands. Beastlords are also able to use spells to heal, buff and / or do damage to opponents.

BEG - (Begging) Begging is your level of ability to successfully Beg from NPC's.

BELLY CASTER - While this sounds like a MoB that cast spells from it's belly, this term is actually a somewhat ill-referenced terminology which originally related to Dragons in EverQuest. This is because you had to get under them (under their belly) in order to be able to cast and land spells on them. It has since expanded to mean any MoB that that you have to be right up on, or under, to cast and land spells on.

BELOW AVERAGE - This is a worded rating you can see in relation to certain Skills (in your Skills Window, EQ Button -> Character -> Skills). This category is generally for Skill Levels from 41 to 50.

BENEFICIAL - This is a reference to spells / effects that are helpful, to include heals. See also, "Buff."

BER - See Berserker.

BERSERKER - (BER) The Berserker class was introduced with the Gates of Discord expansion, where the lore names a Barbarian (Keras McArik) as the first Berserker. This is a Player Class, borne out of rage, that is skillful in 2-Hand Weapons (only) & Throwing Attacks. They are known for their DPS. Berserkers are limited to the races of Barbarian, Dwarf, Ogre & Troll. Berserkers can wear the odd combination of Leather or Chain and benefit most from Agility and Speed (haste). 

BERTOXXULOUS - This is an EQ Live Server, named for the Deity Bertoxxulous the Plaguebringer, who can be encountered in the Plane of Time & the Ruins of Lxanvom (PoP). The in-game Short Name for Tells is: Bertox (i.e. /tell bertox.Bonzz Hello!). While Bertoxxulous believe the only truth is is that everything dies, they are not about death, per se, themselves. Rather, they see beauty in contagions (the sores, bruises, pus, etc.) and seek to spread contagions.

BETA - (Beta Server) The Beta is a temporary short-lived Server. It is re-activated / opened up every year (October-ish to December-ish), in order to allow Players to join and help "Beta Test" the newest expansion before it is released to "Live" servers. Players can use the /betacopy command to Copy (not Transfer) their Character to the Beta Server. It does not appear that cross server Tells, EQ Mail or joining Chat Groups are allowed to / from Beta.

BEZA - In EverQuest, this is the word used for the Letter B.

BIFURCATED COINS - (Bifurcated Coin) This alternative currency (No Trade) is earned via Raids in the TBM expansion. They can be spent with the raid vendor, "Lyppsenfon Qeyton," in Plane of Health.

BIG BANK - This is a term commonly used in the Plane of Knowledge, where many Players hang out, meet and / or center their game activities. It is also called the "Main Bank" (located in the northwest corner of the inner circle of PoK). It is called the "Big Bank" because the Banker NPC's are a normal sized race and there is a second Bank in the zone, where the Banker is a Halfling (which, of course, is called the "Small Bank").

BIND - (Bound, Bind Spot, Bind Location, Bind Point) This is a reference to a Players default "Bind" Location. A Bind Spot is where a Character is essentially anchored. It is the spot where a Character will reappear after they are killed (unless the hover and then take a Rez), or when they teleport to "Bind." Players can change where they are Bound via NPC's (in most City Zones) or by Player Cast Spells (limited by game restrictions).


BIND POINT - See Bind.

BIND SPOT - See Bind.

BIND WOUND - (BW) Bind Wound is your ability to use bandages, of any kind, to heal yourself (or others) for a small amount of Hit Points.

BIRTHDAY - (Creation Date) This is a reference to the day you originally created your Character, thus, their birthday. Each year, on a characters birthday, their name will constantly change colors. Additionally, for that day, when your Character zones, there will be an emote about it being your Characters birthday and how old it is.








BLACK CON - (Even Con, Black Consider) This is an old (obsolete) 'con' (consider) reference. Normally players see this as a white con, but players could change this setting to black. Thus the black or white reference mean the same thing.

BLACK SCREEN OF DEATH - (Blue Screen of Death) - This is a reference to when a Players Computer, or EverQuest, encounters some issue and instantly crashes / shuts down (so, a Player suddenly sees a Black or Blue Screen).

BLACKSMITHING - (Smith, Smithing, Metallurgy) This is a universal Tradeskill to craft things using Metals & Ores.

BLIND - (Blinded) This is a reference to a spell effect that cause everything on a Players screen, except the in-game on-screen Windows (Hot Bars, Spells Bars, Chat Windows, etc.) to go black (temporarily). This prevents Players from seeing other Players, the terrain (environment), and MoB's while the effect lasts. This effect can sometimes be cured. In any case, Players can open their maps (you can see the map) and use it for navigation, if need be.

BLIZZARD - (Blizzard Entertainment) The company that owns / operates EQ's competition, WoW (World of Warcraft).

BLOCK - This defensive ability for Monks, for self defense.

BLUE CON - (Blue Consider) This An obsolete reference to a MOB, NPC or Player that is 1 to 5 Levels lower than your Character. Blue Cons are now referred to as either Dark Blue or Light Blue. See also: Consider, Light Blue Con * Dark Blue Con.

BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH - See Black Screen of Death.

BOARDS - See Forums.

BOAT - (Ship, Canoe, Pirate Ship, Ghost Ship, Barge, Barrel Barge...) This primarily a reference to the large Ships that sail the Oceans and, many of which, that Players can ride to another zone. See also: Canoe.

BONZZ - Bonzz is an actual Player, a Paladin, on the Bertoxxulous server of EverQuest. Bonzz is primarily known for his free access (no log-in, no memberships, etc.) web-site, Bonzz's Paladin Page, where the majority of it's content is universal to all classes. The site is best known for having all related data primarily on one (1) web page in a step-by-step sequence, as well as including information other web-sites simply do not have (at least, not with any clarity). The site also has one-of-a-kind compilation pages where every known item, such as Illusions, are compiled in a single listing, complete with an Image, Video and the source (how acquired) of said items. Bonzz also operates a related Private Facebook Group. The Facebook Group (free to join) has very regular posts about upcoming EQ Events, Patches, Trivia, EQ Related Fun & Games, Polls, Secrets and much more. Bonzz also has a Discord Server (free to join) which has topical Forums, a Voice Chat Channel and regular notification posts on updates to Bonzz.Com and You Tube. Lastly, he also has a You Tube Channel (also free access), where EverQuest related video's are posted. Bonzz' four (4) inter-connected sites / services are all free access, no ads, et cetera.

BONZZ.COM - See Bonzz.




BOOK - This is a reference to in-game items that are basically Books. There are several types of Books. There are Discipline Tomes, Recipe Books, Lore Books (see Lore) and similar. It is also a reference to the variant Flying Book MOB's.

BOOK PORTAL - AKA Pedestal, Book, PoK Book, PoK Portal, PoP and similar. These are the pedestals with open books on them. These books will transport you to another zone.

BOOT - See Kick. Also see Teleport. In plural form, it is a reference to a Character's footwear (armor)

BOSS - (Boss MOB) See Named.

BOT - (Bot Group) Short for Robot. This is a term Players use for other Players whose Characters seem to be playing on their own, via automated and artificial means.

BOUND - See Bind.

BOW - This is not the word 'bow' (as in "Take a bow'), but the weapon type. It is used and required to fire arrows.

BOWYER - (Bowyering) - An alternative name for Fletching, or one who Fletches (making arrows and bows).

BOX - Box (Boxed, Boxing) is a term used by Players to refer to characters (on additional accounts), other than their "Main" character, that they can play simultaneously (at the same time). See also, Bag.

BOXER - This is a reference to a Player that has two (2) or more accounts, and plays them at the same time. Normally 'Boxers' do thing son their own and keep mostly to themselves, at least while adventuring.

BRACKETED TEXT - See 'Text Prompts.'

BRAIN FART - This term is often used as a reference to forgetting something; getting something wrong; or blanking out ('What was I doing again?').

BRASS INSTRUMENTS - This is a Bard's level of ability to utilize brass instruments.

BRB - An initialism for Be Right Back. It is used by Players that they will be AFK (see above) for a brief time, or that they are leaving the zone / group / raid temporarily.

BRD - See Bard.

BRELL SERILIS - Bell Serilis is a Deity, also known as 'The Duke of Below' or 'The Duke of Underfoot.' You can encounter him in Brell's Temple. He created Dwarves & Gnomes. Gnolls also believe Brell was their creator.

BRELLIUM TOKENS - (Brellium Token) This alternative currency (tradeable) is earned via Group Mission in the Underfoot expansion. They can be spent with the group vendors, "Vendor-Bot Model CM," in Kernagir, the Shining City; or "Dermott Saltagger," in The Foundation.

BRELL'S - Brell's is most commonly used as a reference to the the variant "Brell" buffs, a Paladin Group Buff (Hit Points).

BREW BARREL - This is a tradeskill combine device used for making items with the Brewing Skill.

BREW DAY - Brew Day is EQ's version of St. Patrick's Day. Annual / Temporary Brew Day events are active every year for short time around St. Patrick's Day.

BREWALL - Brewall an actual Player in EQ (a Bard on the Fennin server). He is known for sharing maps that he makes of EverQuest Zones.

BREWING - (Brew, Distilling) This is a universal Tradeskill to brew things, such as drinks and tempers.

BRISTLEBANE - This is the name of an EQ Live Server, named for the EQ Deity Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, who can be encountered in the 14th Anniversary Mission, "Piestro's Day Off." The in-game Short Name for Tells is: Bristle (i.e. /tell bristle.Bonzz Hello!).

BRISTLEBANE DAY - Bristlebane Day is EQ's version pf April Fool's Day. Annual / Temporary Bristlebane Day events take place on April 1st of every year.

BRONZE FIATS - (Bronze Fiat) This alternative currency (No Trade) is earned via Raids in the VoA expansion. They can be spent with the raid vendor, "Sholano," in Erillion, City of Bronze.

BRT - An initialism for 'Be Right There.'

BST - See Beastlord.

BTW - An initialism for BThe Way.

BUBBLES - (Bubs) This is a reference, normally, to the experience bar (meter). It can also refer to Health and Stamina and Mana as well -- since they also use similar bars (meters). The bar is separated into 5 sections that players refer to as bubbles. So a bubble is one of these sections -- or 20% of the whole.

BUBS - See Bubbles.

BUFF - (Buffing, Buffs, Buffed) This is a reference to spells and effects (Aura's, Songs, etc.) that boost up your Character making them more durable and effective. Buffs appear on a your Character's Buff Bar (Alt B). Most Buff's are temporary in nature (they have some sort of limitation, such a time limit or a counter).

BUFF BAR - See Effects Bar.

BUFF WINDOW - See Effects Bar.

BUG - (Bugged, Glitch, Glitched) 'Bug' refers to in-game errors with items, quests, missions, raids, items, quests and so forth. There is a /bug command to report Bugs that you come across / encounter. However, posting to the Daybreak Forums in the "Bug Reports" Forum may garner more attention from the Devs. This is because other players can respond (and you may find out it was not a bug after all, or similar information). In the Forums, other Players can "Up Vote" your post to better attract Dev attention to the matter (just don't expect a response... or even an expedient fix, for that matter... Devs may consider it low on the list of priorities). This is also a generic reference to the variant bug-type MOB's (Beetles, Mosquitos, etc.).

BURN - This is a generic terms that probably originates from Fire Based Spells, and thus the term 'Burn.' In modern times, it has become a generic term to mean all-out DPS in whatever form you have. At times, you may hear variant terms like 'short term burns,' - which a reference to your abilities that refresh in 5-minutes or less, rather than your more effective abilities that take longer to refresh.

BUTTON - Some people call the Keys on their Keyboard "Buttons." In EverQuest, it is more of a reference to on-screen Buttons that you can click to do varied things, be it from Buttons you have put on Hot Bars (to activate things like Discs, Spells, Commands, and so forth); Buttons in Item Links (such as to claim or convert a "Prize" item); or Buttons in Tradeskill Devices (to initiate combines).

BW - See Bind Wound.




CACOEPY - (Pronounced Kay-Co-uh-pee) - This is a word that means 'bad' or 'erroneous' pronunciation. This happens a lot in EverQuest. This compounded by the odd names of places and NPC's in EverQuest. The correct 'official' pronunciations of which, for the most part, have never been clarified or cited by EverQuest. Example, 'Qeynos,' is it 'KEY-NOSE' or 'KAY-NOSE?' Most such pronunciations like that are sometimes determined by crowd sourcing, really (in the case of 'Qeynos,' the crowd source answer seems to be 'Kay-Nose').

CAIRBRAE - Cairbrae (their EQ Character Name) is a current or former Darkpaw employee / Developer (see Developer).

EQ Beta 2023

CALL - See Call of the Hero. It is also a reference to a 0% Rezz, such as by a Shaman (a Player is 'called back' to their corpse with no experience recovery... they are not actually rezzed and they can still be legit rezzed afterwards, to get some experience back).

CALL OF THE FORSAKEN - (CotF, COTF) Call of the Forsaken was the 20th expansion of EverQuest.

CALL IT - (Calling It) Short for 'Calling it a night.' As in giving up, raid over, stopping, logging out and similar.

CALL OF THE HERO - (Call of Hero's, CoH, COH, CotH, COTH) - This is a reference to a pseudo-rez that does not involve any experience recovery. Certain Classes can "call" Players back to their corpse. It is essentially like a Call of Hero that works across zones, but requires a Player corpse to do it. Players will need to get an actual Rez afterwards / later, before their corpse rots, if they want to some of their lost experience.

CAMO - Short for Camouflage (See Camouflage).

CAMOUFLAGE - (Camo) - A form of Invisibility in EverQuest.

CAMP - (Log, Logging, Logging Out, Camping, Log Out) Camp can mean two things. One is that you are exiting the game (camping, camping out). The other is that you are camping a location (be it for experience, to spawn a Named / Rare, etc.).

CAMP CHECK - Camp Check (aka "CC") is something Players ask (normally in /OOC), to see what spots other Players may be Camping (if any), so as not to intrude on other Players.

CAMPFIRE - (Fire, Firepit, Fire Pit, Pit) A Campfire is a visible object, that looks like it sounds. A Campfire can be placed on the ground by Players who are in a Fellowship, when at least (3) members of that Fellowship are in close proximity. Campfires can be placed all most anywhere and are used primarily as a "spot" to teleport to (using a Fellowship Registration Insignia). They are also also alternatively used as a "landmark" for a visible reference, such as for a camp spot, safe spot and so on. They can also provide Illusions and / or a Buff to Fellowship Members who are within a certain range of the Campfire.

CANNON - A reference to the giant launching device in Dragonscale Hills, that launches Players up into the air, to Fortress Mechanotus.

CANOE - See also: Boat. This is a reference to the little boats seen about the shore lines of non-oceanic bodies of water (lakes) in many zones. It is possible to ride Canoes (see video, below).









CASH LOOT - See Vendor Loot.

CAST TIMER - See also Ability TimerAlarm, Lock Out Timer, Reuse Timer and / or Timer.

CASTER CLASS - (Caster) This is a reference to Classes whose primary function in battle involves the casting of detrimental spells (Enchanter, Magician, Necromancer, Wizard)

CAST UP - See Summon.

CASTER - This is a reference to Player Characters (and MOB's) that primarily use spells ("cast spells") as their form of attack.

CASUAL PLAYER - This is a reference to a Player who is, inherently, an inconsistent Player that Plays when on their own schedule. One who Plays irregularly, at varying times and, normally, in 'easier' content. They do not, or rarely, raid. EverQuest is more like a part-time diversion or gaming option.

CAZA - In EverQuest, this is the word used for the Letter C.

CAZIC-THULE - (Cazic Thule) This is the name of an EQ Live Server, named for the EQ Deity Cazic-Thule, Lord of Fear. He can be encountered in the Plane of Fear, the Plane of Time (PoP) and Fear, Itself (HoT). also the . The in-game Short Name for Tells is: Cazic (i.e. /tell cazic.Bonzz Hello!). Cazic-Thule was part of the so-called 2nd wave of Gods (Deities) and created Trolls and Lizardmen. His followers believe that if they can suppress hope and spread fear, that they, themselves, will be spared the wrath of Cazic-Thule.

CC - See Camp Check & Crowd Control.

CH - See Complete Heal.

CHA - See Charisma.

CHAIN CLASS - This is a reference to Player Classes that wear Chain armor (Berserker, Ranger, Rogue, Shaman).


CHAMPION'S: RETURN TO ARMS: Champion's: Return to Arms was the second iteration of Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest, released in February 2005. It was a PlayStation 2 game developed by Snowblind Studios. 

CHAMPION'S OF NORRATH:REALMS OF EVERQUEST - Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest was an EverQuest variant for PlayStation 2, developed by Sony Online Entertainment and released in February 2004. It could be played on-line, off-line. solo or with up to four (4) Players.

CHANNEL - This are a reference to in-game Channels that can be joined by any player (with some exception). Such channels are standard channels (EQ controlled / created, commonly called Server Channels) as well as Player created Channels (to include Cross Server Channels). You can choose to automatically join (or not) Server Channels, with the option "Join General Channels" in your Option Window (Alt O). You can also join Player, Cross-Server and / or Server Channels with the /autojoin command (followed by the channel name(s) and / or password(s)), separated by commas. These channels allow conversations between any player in the Channel, without having to be in the same zone / area, a group, a raid, a fellowship or a guild.

CHANNEL PASSWORD - A reference to an actual password, required to join some Player Created in-game channels.

CHANNELING - Channeling is a category / skill in Magic, that relates to the channeling or focus of energy (i.e. faster casting, etc.).

CHANTER - Short for Enchanter.

CHARACTER - A Character is an animated interactive creature, being or object in EverQuest. They can be NPC's, MOB's (See also: MOB, Non-Player Character & Object) or they can be an Character controlled by a Player (see Player Character).

CHARACTER COPY - Characters can be copied, intact to a point (there are limitations), to the Test Server (/testcopy) or the Beta Server (/beta) using the typed commands noted.

CHARACTER EXPERIENCE - This is normally referred to as just XP or Experience. This is a reference to experience that applies directly to your Character gaining and / or maintaining Levels. 



CHARACTER SLOT - This is a reference to 'slots' on your Account for which you can create a Character. You can only Play one (1) Character at a time, but you can have a number of Characters on the same Account to chose from and play individually. You start with either two (2) Character Slots (Free To Play) of four Character Slots (All Access). You can add m ore Characters Slots by Marketplace purchases (Cha

CHARACTER TRANSFER - Not to be confused with Character Copy (such as to the Test Server or the Beta Server), Characters can be transferred to other Servers, with some restrictions. Some servers do not allow Characters to transfer away from the server or to transfer to the server. Transferring a Character involves buying a Character Transfer Token (sold in the Marketplace), the Character must be at least Level 20 and at least 30 Days old. Some things do NOT transfer, such as items in the Shared Bank and you will be removed from your guild, Fellowship and Real Estate plots will be packed up into crates to take with you. You will also be given the option to rename your Character.

CHARISMA - The attribute of Charisma is, basically, influence. At lower levels it plays a role in the buy / sell NPC Vendor Prices, which tops out at about a Charisma of 125. It might also play a roll in Faction hits.

CHARM - This terms relates to (2) things in EverQuest. One is a piece of armor / gear that fits into your Character's Charm slot. The other is a magical ability (such as with an Enchanter) to "charm" a MOB and have it do their bidding (as in attack other MOB's).

CHASE LOOT - This is a reference to dropped items (loot), in group content, that is a very rare drop that can be zone-wide and / or expansion-wide. Such drops are said to have a 1-in-10,000 chance of dropping as loot from any MOB ('named' or 'trash'). Such loot is normally better than all other group gear (for the given expansion), and maybe even some of the raid gear as well. This 'chase loot' is normally tradeable and can be either weapons, shields and / or non-visible gear.

CHAT - A reference to Chat Channels in EverQuest. See Channel.

CHAT CHANNEL - A reference to Chat Channels in EverQuest. See Channel.

CHAT TAB - A reference to a tab in your Chat Window. See Chat Window.

CHAT WINDOW - This is a window on you EQ Screen where "chat" and other in-game "spam" (i.e. emotes, battle spam, etc.) appears, so you can see and read it. It is possible to create and have multiple Chat Windows and set Filters so that only certain things will appear in each window. The Windows can also be set to certain "defaults," such as when you type the comment appears only in a certain channel (such as Group Say) or a certain Language.

CHEAT - (Cheater, Cheating, Cheat Program) This is a reference to Players doing things they should not do... such as taking advantage of exploits; AFK Camping; and / or especially using external programs or scripts that automate game play, in-game actions and / or allow them to do things that they normally could not do, otherwise.

Cheating is not allowed and Players can / do get suspended and / or banned for doing so. In fact, in 2022 bans / suspensions were notable and practically a monthly occurrence.

If you decide to use any programs to help you with EQ, you do so at your own risk! 

GM / Dev Piestro once posted that programs which give you an unfair advantage and allow you to do things you could not normally do, is cheating. More recently, Dev Accendo posted similar comments.  So don't do it! 

I mean, come on, where is the fun in playing if you are not actually playing?

Now, with that said, Devs have rarely, clearly, specifically and / or directly ever said that any specific program is okay... or not!

It appears this is because if they did, they would be either giving their approval, or disapproval, to programs created and offered by other companies.

Former GM / Dev / Community Relations Manager Piestro once cited guidelines on what is not considered cheating (the thread seems to have been archived and no longer in EQ Forums, but you can see what Piestro reportedly said on Fanra), which says:

"I'm not gonna create a list of approved programs, however I will say that common sense is more than enough to tell if you are cheating.

Parsing - Not cheating

Item Collectors - Not cheating

Program that has autofire button (and you are still in the general vicinity of the keyboard) - Not cheating

Swimming on auto-run into a corner to raise up swimming - Not cheating

Cheating - not allowed.

If it's reasonable and not unfair it's not cheating. If it gives you an unfair advantage and allows you to do things that can't be normally done in game it's cheating."  - Piestro

-- and --

"We don't tend to endorse specific software (who knows what might be added in the next release). Window management software and key replication (although not automation) are both allowed however." - Piestro

As a note, I will not include specific 'cheat' Programs that Players have used on this page and 100% do NOT recommend or promote using any Program that can aide a Player to cheat. Don't do it!

Other Dev comments are still in EQ Forums (as of this typing) and are imaged to the right.

You cab click the images to see the original posts.

However, in the Dev postings, they do say that Parsing and using Item Collectors is OK (such programs just read logs, they do not help or automate anything for you, in-game).

This October 2012 Dev Piestro post was in a thread entitled, "I. S. Boxer. Is this illegal ?"

The above (3) October 2013 Dev Piestro posts were in a thread entitled, "Dual Boxing a NO GO...For now."

The above post was in May 2020 by Dev niente, in a thread entitled "Did you guys forget to turn off the no-is boxer code for Rizlona?" -- which is / was a TLP (not Live) Server.

A Dev created locked-thread post by Accendo in March 2022 (above).

Two (2) posts by Dev Angeliana in August 2022 (above).

CHEAT GUIDE - See Walk Through.


CHEAT SHEET - (Guide, Walk Thru, Cheat Guide) - This is not an reference to actual cheating. See Walk Through.

CHEESE - An effort to be humorous with pronouncing 'Cheeves,' short for Achievements. See Cheeve and Achievements.

CHEEVE - (Chieve, Cheeves, Chieves) A lazy, vague, shortened and supposedly 'cool' term that refers to Achievements. See Achievement.

CIRCLE EVENT - This is a reference to an event that involves a spawn sequence. See Spawn Cycle.

CHROMATIC - Chromatic is a type of resist check, even though it, in itself, is not one of a Characters resist stats. Instead, this is more of a spell type (as in Chromatic Based), that "checks" for  your Characters lowest Resist stat (Cold, Disease, Fire, Magic or Poison... Corruption is excluded). Basically, your ability to resist a chromatic based spell will be calculated / decided by your lowest Resist stat. These days, because most Characters are at maximum resistance, Chromatic is essentially no different than Prismatic.

CHRONOBINES - (Chronobine) These are earned from Quests & Missions in the Seeds of Destruction expansion. They can be spent with "Zebuxoruk" in The Void. You can also buy a Bag of Chronobines (that will grant about 100 Chronobines, when clicked) from "Pagus Nonad" in Sunrise Hills, or with "Alerynril the Loyal" in the Plane of Knowledge.

CITY - See City Zone.

CITY ZONE - This is a reference to any Zone that serves as a "home town" to a Race of creatures, particularly Player Races. It is also used to refer to zones that are reasonably safe and have certain features, such as Binding, Banking, Vendors, Tradeskill Devices, Guildmasters, Quest NPC's and so forth (i.e. The Plane of Knowledge). 

CLAIMS - See Claim Item. 

CLAIM CODE - A Claim Code is used to 'claim' an in-game item of some sort. This is an actual code (a series of numbers and letters) that can be 'redeemed' by logging into you Account on the EverQuest web site, and entering the code.

CLAIM ITEM - This is a reference to items that are acquired via your Character's Claim Window (/claim). Such items, in modern times, are normally bonus items that are awarded with the purchase of any one of the variant versions of Expansions... but can also come from other sources.

CLAIRVOYANCE This bonus will return toy you, 1 Mana (per level), after you cast a spell and have 100 Clairvoyance, you will get 100 Mana returned to you.

CLASS - See Player Class.

CLASS TYPE - The (16) Player Classes are sometimes categorized by a type, that either relate to the type of Armor they can wear, or their general Function in Combat. See Caster, Chain, Cloth, Hybrid, Leather, Melee, Plate and / or Priest Class.

CLASSIC - See EQ Classic.

CLASS GUILDMASTER - (Guildmaster, Guild Master, Class Trainer) This is a reference to class-specific NPC's with whom you can spend Training Points (and / or coin) to learn or advance assorted skills. After a certain level (in each skill), your character will actually be more skilled than the Trainer and they will have no more training to offer you.

CLASS TRAINER - See Class Guildmaster.

CLAWS OF VEESHAN - (CoVClaws of Veeshan was the 27th expansion of EverQuest.

CLERIC - (CLR) This is a Player Class. Clerics are the ultimate EQ Healing Class. Clerics are limited to the races of Dark Elf, Drakkin, Dwarf, Erudite, Froglok, Gnome, Halfling, High Elf & Human.

CLICK - (Click Item, Clickie, Clicky) - A Click item refers to an item that you can click in order to cast a spell. Such spells are of varying types to include Buffs, Illusions, Nimbus', Mounts, Familiars, Swarm Pets and other 'Novelty' effects... such as summoning food and so forth. Some are useful, some are just silly fun. This also refers to actually clicking at / on an item (using your cursor & mouse button) in your EQ window, such as a Door (to open it) or a Portal (to activate it) and similar. See also: Left Click, Right Click, Click and Hold).

CLICKIE - See Click.

CLICK AND HOLD - This is a reference to Right Clicking an an Item or Button and holding the Click. After a moment, a button will appear on the Player's cursor, that can be dropped (clicked) into a Hot Button, where it can be used directly from a Hot Bar.

CLOTH CLASS - This is a reference to Player Classes that wear Cloth armor (Enchanter, Magician, Necromancer, Wizard).

CLR - See Cleric.

CoH - See Call of the Hero.

COIN - Coin is a term that is most commonly used as a reference to Platinum, Gold, Silver & Copper. Less commonly, it is used to refer to any coin type (to include Alternative Currency). The most you can have at any given time is 1 Billion. If you have or are approaching 1 Billion Platinum (yes, there are Players who have), you can convert your Platinum into Nobles, so you can continue to accumulate Platinum.

COIRNAV - This is the name of an EQ Live True Box Server, named for Coirnav, Avatar of Water, who can be encountered in the the Reef of Coirnav aka the Plane of Water (PoP). The in-game Short Name for Tells is: Coirnav (i.e. /tell coirnav.Bonzz Hello!). Coirnav is a creation of the Triumvirate of Water (Povar, E'ci & Tarew Marr), to personify them in unity. The server was merged into the Vox server in July of 2023.

COLD - Cold is a type of resist. Some detrimental spells / effects are cold based and this resist helps resist, reduce and / or avoid their effects.

COLLECT - (Collectible) - A Collect is an item that relates to Achievements, which can award a decent amount of XP (particularly AA XP). Collects are found as ground spawns, MOB drops and more rarely, loot.

COLLECT BAG - A Bag that will only hold Collectibles.

COLLECTIBLE - See Collect.

COLLECT STEP - See Pre-Loot.

COMBAT - (Battle) This is a reference to being in battle with one or more foes, or at least on their aggro list. It is also a "state" or "mode" of your Character that relates to regeneration. See Combat Timer.

COMBAT EFFECTSThis Character bonus is a measurement how often you weapon Procs may have to trigger.

COMBAT END REGEN - This Character bonus, Combat Endurance Regeneration, is a measurement of how many Endurance Points you can regenerate (per Tic), while in Combat.

COMBAT HP REGENThis Character bonus, Combat Hit Point Regeneration, is a measurement of how many Hit Points you can regenerate (per Tic), while in Combat.

COMBAT MANA REGENThis Character bonus, Combat Mana Regeneration, is a measurement of how many Mana Points you can regenerate (per Tic), while in Combat.

COMBAT TIMER - (Cool Down Timer, Out of Combat, At Rest, Active, Regeneration Mode, Recovery Mode) There are four states (modes) that your character can be in, at any given time. 

Combat (active battle and / or on aggro);

Cool Down (recovering from Combat, the fight is over and aggro is gone);

Active (not sitting and not standing still, not on aggro and not in active combat);

At Rest (not moving, not in combat, not on aggro, and at full regeneration).

Your Character's current state is represented by a symbol in your character's Window (Alt Y) (see below images). Combat mode will happen instantly after you go into Battle or otherwise get on a MOB's aggro list. The Cool Down mode has a timer (the others do not). The timer to "cool down" from Combat to Rest mode, varies on if you are in group content (30 seconds) or raid content (5 minutes). This timer will restart every time you go into combat mode (even if you never got back into Rest mode). There is also an "Activity" symbol (if you are not standing still or sitting down, you are not at rest).  These modes primarily relate to your ability to "fast" Regeneration (Mana, Hit Points, Endurance...), which can only happen when you are at Rest and not moving.

Character modes... Combat, Cool Down, Active (non-combat) & At Rest.

COMBINE - (Craft, Make) While there is a Combine server and the "Combine Empire" in EQ, this is a term that normally refers to a recipe and / or combining multiple items into a new item(s), such as with Tradeskills.

COMBINE DEVICE - A generic reference to the many portable and / or non-portable containers / devices that can be used to combine items, in order to make new item(s).

COMBINE KIT - A generic reference to a portable Combine Device (i.e. a Fletching Kit, a Spit, etc.).

COMMAND - An in-game typed command, preceded by a slash (/), that makes something happen in the game... such as using an item (/useitem), sending a tell (/tell), hiding corpses (/hidecorpse), waving at another Player (/wave) and much more. Such commands are useful for Hot Buttons and in situations where lag makes it difficult to click an icon or Hot Button.

COMMEMORATIVE COINS - (Commemorative Coin) This is a type of alternative coin that can only be earned via Anniversary Missions (14th Anniversary and forward), which are only active for a short time, once a year (March / April). They can only be spent with "a jubilant merchant" ("Special Celebratory Goods") in the Plane of Knowledge, who is also only present during that same time span.

COMMUNITY RESOURCE COUNCIL - (CRC) This is a reference to actual EverQuest Players that have volunteered (applied, were reviewed and then accepted to the program) as a 'community resource' for Dev's. CRC members receive no special considerations or benefits. The CRC Council's purpose is to provide a sounding board, of provide feedback, to Dev's, that can help them make EQ better; alert them to angles that may not have considered; provide a 'Players Point of View' on things; or to even fill in Dev's on EverQuest itself (many Dev's have not been around as long as Players). There was a previous incarnation of the CRC Council, but the most recent version was organized in 2022.

COMMON - Not rare. Not unique. Seen a lot. Happens often. Standard fare.

COMP - See Complimentary.

COMPASS - The Compass in an in-game window that works like a real compass, showing you the direction that your Character is facing. Use Alt D (D for 'Direction') to bring up this small window.

COMPLETE HEAL - (CH) This is an antiquated term for an old Cleric Heal (of the same name) that was able to fully heal a Player in one cast, which is no longer the case. These days, there are plenty of better Heal Spells.

COMPLIMENTARY - (Comp, Free) - This is normally a term that refers to a Player's account being given free Play time (as a 'Gold' or 'All Access' account, not as a Free to Play account). This is normally restricted to Guide accounts (for their Guide Characters) and sometimes to the 'real' accounts that Guide play on, just as a normal everyday Player does.

COMPONENT - See Raw Material and / or Reagent.

COMPONENT BAG - See Tradeskill Bag.

CON - Short for Consider. See Consider.

CONJURATION - (Conjure) Conjuration is a category / skill in Magic, that relates to summoning something into existence, such as with food, drink, pet gear and the like. Some classes also get a supportive skill called Specialize Conjuration.

CONSIDER - (Con or /con) This is a command / reference to purposely consider and evaluate MOB's (NPC'S and even PC's) as to how they gauge versus your Character. This comparison is by way of Level (their Level will be revealed) and Faction (do they hate you, or will they attack you, or not).

You can either right click at a MOB or use the /con command for this purpose (text will appear in your chat window).

MOB's have a (7) Level 'Con Color' that relates to their Level, as compared to your Character Level. This 'Con Color' also determines if they will provide you any XP, or not, for killing them.

The Con Colors are:

Grey (21+ Levels below you, no Experience; Green (16-20 Levels below you, minimal XP);

Light Blue (6 to 15 Levels below you, little XP);

Dark Blue (1 to 5 Levels below you, decent XP);

White (Same Level as you, good XP);

Yellow (1 to 2 Levels above you, very good XP);

Red (3+ Levels above you, best XP of all). Players will not see certain Cons Levels until they reach certain Levels, in that the associated Level Range does not apply until that point (example, at Level 1, there can only be White, Yellow and Red Cons.... at Level 10,  . Certain Con Ranges may vary at lower Levels.












CONTAINER - See Bag. See also Combine Device.

CONTENT - Refers to in-game features, primarily referring to zones, quests, missions, tasks, raids and similar. It is generally also used in relation to specific expansion ('That is from Planes of Power content.')

CONVERT - This is reference to changing an item from it's current state, into another. Example, some Marketplace Items can Award "Prize," "Wrapped" or "Adoptable" items that are tradeable version of the "real" item. In the Item Window, there is a Button you can click to "convert" into the actual No Trade item (this is not reversible).

COOL DOWN TIMER - (Cool Down) This is one of 'modes' related Recovering from to Combat. See Combat Timer.

COORDIANTES - See Location.

COPPER - (CP) This is a type of "common" or universal (non-specialty / non-alternative) coin, that can be used with any non-Specialty Vendor and / or between Players. They come from killing MOB's (as loot), selling items to NPC Vendors and / or other players. They can be converted to other common coin types (10 Copper = 1 Silver; 100 Copper = 1 Gold; 1,000 Copper = 1 Platinum) via Banker NPC's. The most you can have at any given time is 1 Billion.

CORDAN - Cordan is an anagram of Conrad, in tribute to Astronaut Charles 'Pete' Conrad. Cordan is the fourth Planet in the Ro Solar System, where Norrath is located. At times, due to to the orbit of the planet Anbeal, it is sometimes the third planet. It is a gaseous planet with a solid core that has no water, no moons, a poisonous atmosphere and is encircled by three rings of ice and debris.

CORPSE - This is a reference to the dead body of a Player, NPC or MOB. It is possible to use variants of the /hidecorpse command to hide Player and / or NPC / MOB corpses, to reduce screen glut and / or lag.

CORPSE DECAY - See Corpse Timer.

CORPSE DRAG - (Drag Corpse) This is a reference to literally dragging a Players Corpse from where they died to another location. There are two ways to do this, but you have to be within a certain distance (proximity) of the corpse to do it. One way is to target a Player's Corpse and use the /corpse command. This command will drag the Players Corpse to your current location. You can spam this command as you move / run to drag the corpse along with you. The other way is to target a Player's Corpse and use the /corpsedrag command and you will automatically begin to drag that Corpse (even while moving). You can target a second Player's Corpse and drag it along with you as well, in the same way. To stop dragging a corpse, you will need to target the Player's Corpse and use the /corpsedrop command, to stop dragging the corpse (or until the corpse poofs, such as with a rez). You can easily drag (3) Player Corpses using both the /corpsedrag and /corpse commands in unison. Dragging Player Corpses is useful / necessary for more than one reason. Primarily, it is to get the Corpse to a safe place in order to Rez it. Another, after receiving a "call" (0% Rez), is to drag your Corpse along with you until it is a good / convenient time to Rez it (meanwhile, Necromancers can make use of your corpse!).

CORPSE ROT - See Corpse Timer.

CORPSE SUMMON - This is a reference to summoning a Player's Corpse(s). Some Classes can summon a Players Corpse (certain conditions may apply), even across zones. Players can also Summon their own Corpses via the 'Corpse Summoner' NPC's in The Guild Lobby (this is now free, buying a level-related Soulstones is no longer required).

CORPSE TIMER - (Corpse Rot, Corpse Decay) Player and NPC / MOB Corpses have a timer related to when they will 'rot' (disappear, poof). Player Corpses will rot after three real life Hours (if you are logged into the game), or six (6) real life Days (if you are not logged into the game). MOB / NPC Corpses have variant timers. Once any corpse is looted looted, it will rot immediately. If they have no loot or coin on them after they are killed, they will rot within 30 seconds. If they do have loot or coin on them, they will rot after 30 minutes. See also Corpse. Player corpses will rot immediately once they get a Rez (but not if they get a Call).

CORRUPTION - Corruption is a type of resist. Some detrimental spells / effects are corruption based and this resist helps resist, reduce and / or avoid their effects.

CotF - An initialism for Call of the Forsaken, the 20th expansion of EverQuest.

COTH - See CoH.

CoV - An initialism for Claws of Veeshan, the 27th expansion of EverQuest.

CP - Copper Pieces. See Copper.

CRACK - A generic reference to mana regeneration buffs, especially those cast by Enchanters.

CRASH - (Crashing, Crashed) A reference to a zone, an EQ Server and / or a Players computer suddenly shutting down.

CR - Short for Corpse Run or Corpse Recovery, a generally obsolete term for back when Players actually had to go find and recover their corpses.

CRC - See Community Resource Council.

CREATION DATE - See Birthday.


CRIPPLE - Cripple is a detrimental spell / effect. It reduces stats such as Dexterity, Agility, Strength and Armor Class. This makes the MoB or Player more susceptible to Damage and reduces their damage output by way of reducing the abilities affected by such stats (damage, avoidance, mitigation, procs...).

CROSS GAME - This is a reference to being able to send EQ Mail and Tells from one Daybreak Game to another. In order to do this, you need to know a character name in a given Daybreak Game. Next, you need yo know the server short name that the Character is on. Lastly, you need to know the Game Short Name as well. So, to send a Tell (or EQ Mail) name from EQ1 to EQ2, it would look something like this: [t EQ2.servershortname.Bonzz Hello!. EQ Mail is sent in the same manner. NOTE: This feature was added when EQ was with Sony. The games offered then and now are different! It is not known if this still works, or works with H1Z1, Planetside 2 or DCUO. Can anyone advise?

CROSS SERVER - This is a reference to things that are game wide (on all severs), particularly when it comes to Character to Character tells, game Chat Channels and EQ Mail. See also Server Wide.

CROWD CONTROL - (CC) A reference to controlling adds by way of assorted spells (mez, root...), off-tanking, kiting and / or other methods.

CROWD SOURCING - This term refers to things that are left 'up to the masses.' Example, EverQuest doesn't go into great detail on may things, so 'crowd sourcing' is accomplished by web sites (like this one) to provided clarifications and answers.

CROWNS - This is an alternative name for Loyalty Tokens. See Loyalty Tokens.

CRYSTALLIZED FEAR - This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned via certain RoF raids. They can be spent with NPC "Ilana Sunmire" in Shard's Landing.

CRYSTALLIZED LUCK - This goes into your Alternative Currency tab, but it isn't really Alternative Currency. It can be purchased from Loyalty Vendors (for 250 Crowns), from Parcel Vendors (for 200,000 Platinum), from the Overseer Vendor (for 56,150 Overseer Tetradrachm) and / or from the Marketplace (for 200 DB Coins). It is used in "Fusing" two of the exact same items together to make a new item that is +1 Luck better.

CSR - See Customer Service Representative.

CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE - (CSR) A Customer Service Representative is a DayBreak employee, normally one that responds to and addresses Player Petitions.

CUT & PASTE ERROR - This is a Player term that refers to errors made by Dev's (see Developer) in creating all things EQ (zones, NPC's, quests, items, etc., etc.). The 'Cut & Paste Error' is where errors were made and appear to be the result of using "cut and paste" method to speed things up, and then forgetting to review / change the parts of what was Cut & Pasted that should have been modified. Example a set of Weapons Ornaments are created and appear to have been made with a Cut & Paste Process. The Ornaments may all be Weapon Only Ornaments, but the item data reads they are for Shields Only, suggesting the the Dev's forgot to review and change the Restrictions after the "Cut & Paste."




DAMAGE BONUS - Damage Bonus is a stat found on most weapons. The raw amount of the Damage Bonus is added to every hit you land with the given weapon. This amount is not modified, like the Base Damage is.

DAMAGE OVER TIME (DoT) - This is a reference to offensive spells that will produce continued damage to their target, over a period of time.

DAMAGE PER SECOND - This is a reference to how much Damage a Player does to a MOB, on average, every second. Players are able to measure and calculate this using "Parser" Programs that read a Players Log in order to calculate DPS.

DAMAGE RATIO - See Weapon Ratio.

DAMAGE SHIELD - (DS) This is reference to a Character Buff that causes damage to any MOB that hits that Character. MOB's can also have Damage Shields that damage you when you hit them.

DAMAGE SHIELDING - This Character bonus (from worn Gear) that increases the Damage for any Damage Shield Buffs you may have on you.

DAMAGE SHIELD MITIGATIONThis Character bonus (from worn Gear) that helps reduce the Damage you take from any Damage Shields a MOB may have on them.

DARK BLUE CON - (Dark Blue Consider) This refers to a MOB, NPC or Player that is 1 (one) to 5 (five) Levels lower than your Character. See Consider.

DARK ELF - (DEF, Teir'Dal) - Dark Elves are an NPC / MoB race It is also a Player race, who originate out of Neriak. Traditionally, Dark Elves get Ultravision (but this may have changed over time).

DARKPAW GAMES - Darkpaw, owned by Daybreak, is the company that currently operates EverQuest.

DAYBREAK CASH - (DBC, Daybreak Currency, Marketplace Funds, Station Cash) Formerly known as 'Station Cash,' this is a reference Marketplace Funds / Currency, that can be used to buy things in the Marketplace (/marketplace), aka DB Store. Marketplace funds are awarded, free, at a rate of 500 per Month to most accounts. You can take the funds or use them to buy one of the special sale items offered (usually a LoN Item or an XP Potion). You can also buy more Daybreak Cash using real life money, in amounts of 500, 1,000, 2,000, 2,500, 5,000 or 10,000 at a time, for between $5 and $85. Daybreak Cash, basically, equates to 1-cent = 1 DBC. So, an item that sells for 500 DBC equates to an item being sold for $5.

DAYBREAK GAMES - (Day Break) Daybreak, owned by EG7, is the company that currently owns Darkpaw, which is the company that currently operates EverQuest.


DAYBREAK STORE - See Marketplace.

DB - See Daybreak.

DBC - (Daybreak Currency) See Daybreak Cash

DB STORE - (Daybreak Store) See Marketplace.

DCUSee DC Universe Online.

DCUO - See DC Universe Online.

DC UNIVERSE ONLINE - (DCU, DCUO) This is one of the games offered by Daybreak Games (featuring the heroes and villains from DC Comics). It is one of the games you can play with an All Access Account.

DD - See Direct Damage.

DEATH BUFFER - This is a reference to a Characters experience level (percentage). Basically it means the Character has built up enough experience into their current Character Level, that they do not lose their Level (from experience loss) when they die. If a Character does not have enough experience into their current Level, they can drop down a Level (and thus lose access / use of spells and gear that may have a Level Requirement relates to their previous (higher) Level... at least, until they are resurrected and potentially regain that Level, from the experience given back to them by way of the Resurrection (which can be 0% to 100%, depending on the spell used). A Death Buffer can vary by Level, normally between 3% to 6%.

DEATH STICK - See Mod Rod.

DEBUFF - This is a reference to a detrimental effect that reduces resistances, which makes MOB's and Characters more susceptible to detrimental spells / effects (they are less able to resist them).

DEFENSE - This defensive ability (click for more details) relates to your Characters ability to defend themselves.

DEITY - This is a reference to the assorted "Gods" (all powerful beings) in EverQuest, particularly the ones that Characters can follow (worship).

DELAY - Delay is a statistic on all weapons, bows and many ammo type items. The Delay represents a very short interval between attacks, as in how quick you can swing a sword again or shoot another arrow. This pace can be increased with melee haste. See Haste.

DELAY DEATH - This is a reference as to how far below (0) Hit Points your character can go before it actually dies. This amount can be increased with the Alternative Advancement called "Delay Death."

DEMI-GOD - (Demi-Goddess) - This is a reference to NPC's that are the result of a relationship between a Deity and a non-Deity.

DEMI-GODDESS  - See Demi-God.

DENA - In EverQuest, this is the word used for the Letter D.

DENMOTHER - Niami Denmother is (or was) an actual Player, but primarily with EverQuest II. Denmother is the originator of the EQ Trader's web site (see EQ Trader), known for it's repository of EverQuest Trade Skill Recipes. The Baking Trophy is named for her.

DEPTHS OF DARKHOLLOW - (DoD, DoDH) Depths of Darkhollow was the 10th expansion of EverQuest.

DESIGNATE - (Designated) See also, Assigned.

DESTROY - This has two references. One is to 'destroy' and Interactive Object (such as a Catapult). Another, and more commonly, it is a reference to destroying an item your Character possesses. Normally, when Player's Destroy items they are items they have no use for, can't sell and / or can't tribute.

DETRIMENTAL - This is a reference to spells and other effects that are offensive in nature, and therefore, detrimental to the MOB's / Player(s) they are directed at... such as DoT's, Direct Damage, Snare and other things that can harm / hinder Players / MOB's.

DEV - See Developer.

DEV OVERSIGHT - Dev's (see Developer) are human and do make errors, even if it seems they make the same errors on a regular basis. These errors are often referred to as a "Oversight" or a "Dev Oversight."

DEVELOPER - (Game Master, Dev, GM, Community Manager, Game Content Designer) Developers are the creators behind EverQuest, who are community managers, programmers, designers, coders and otherwise create and maintain all things EverQuest. Essentially, the term is generally used to reference Daybreak employees.

DEX - See Dexterity.

DEXTERITY - This Character attribute plays a role in your Character's Endurance, Dodge and other things.

DEYBROKE - See Daybreak Games. Players sometimes sarcastically refer to Daybreak Games as "Deybroke," which a play on "They Broke" (as in "Dey Broke it again!"), due the seeming recurring situation of new bugs, and sometime same / similar bugs, being created by Patches and changes.

DIAMOND COINS - This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned via VoA raids. They can be spent with NPC "Olgor the Finder" in Resplendent Temple.

DINGA common term used by players to declare that they have just attained a new Level. The term arises from the game sound you here when you gain a new level.

DIRECT DAMAGE - (DD, Nuke) Direct Damage is a reference to an offensive spell that does one-time Direct Damage, rather than landing and doing Damage Over Time (DoT). This is also referred to as a Nuke. Some DD's can also have secondary effects.

DIRECTION - Direction (North, South, East, West) is a key factor in getting about. See Compass.

DIRECTIONAL - This an offensive spell / attack reference. It means that a spell / nuke / attack is only in a specific direction. Thus, if a MOB uses a "frontal" attack, Players that are not in the front "wedge" area of the MOB, will not be hit by the attack.

DIRECTORY - See Folder.

DISARM - This is defensive ability, that allows Players to actually Disarm a MOB. In older expansion, the weapon may actually drop on the ground. In newer expansions, the weapon simply drops into the MOB's inventory (or disappears).

DISARM TRAP - This is a Bard & Rogue ability to disarm (deactivate, remove) any traps they may come across. 

DISBAND - This is primarily a reference to breaking up a raid / group, leaving a raid / group or "booting" someone from a raid / group using the Disband Button or the /disband command (targeting them and / or typing their name is also required).

DISC - See Discipline.

DISCIPLINE - Disciplines are either defensive or offensive. They are Melee Class skills / abilities that normally require Endurance to activate and / or use. Sometimes they are generically grouped with, and referred to, as Spells.

DISCIPLINE TIMER - (Disc Timer) See Timer.

DISCORD - While there are in-game Discord references (i.e. Priest of Discord), this is actually a reference to the Discord chat / forum program used by many EQ Players as well as Daybreak, itself. Discord has the unique distinction of being one of, if not the only, external Programs recognized by DayBreak. It is the "official" external chat / forum program for EverQuest where they have their own official Discord Server.

DISEASE - Disease is a type of resist. Some detrimental spells / effects are disease based and this resist helps resist, reduce and / or avoid their effects.

DISGUISE - See Illusion.

DISPELL - This term is a reference to removing buff effects, either from a Player or a MOB. For example, you can dispell a MOB to remove their beneficial effects / buffs and make them easier to kill. Be wary, however, because you can sometimes (depending on spell used) also remove detrimental effects you would rather stay on MOB's.

DISTANCE - This is, essentially, what you think. There are distances in EverQuest that relate to just about everything. The distance from Point A to Point B matters. Spells have a limitation as to their 'range.' Arrows can only go so far. You must be close enough to doors and chests to open them. You must be in 'melee range' to fight a MoB. So, 'distance' is an important basis in EverQuest. See also: Range, Location.

DIVINATION - Divination is a category / skill in Magic, that relates to 'see the unseen,' so to speak (i.e. See Invisible, and the like). Some Classes also get a supportive skill called Specialize Divination.

DKP - See Dragon Kill Points.

DMF - This is an initialism for Dead Man Floating, a Necromancer buff that provides resist buffs and levitation. While there is more than one variant of this spell, they are all generally referred to as "DMF."

DoD - (DoDH) - An initialism for Depths of Darkhollow, the 10th expansion of EverQuest.

DODGE This defensive ability relates to your Characters ability to Dodge attacks.

DoN - An initialism for Dragons of Norrath, the 9th expansion of EverQuest.

DOT - See Damage Over Time.

DOT SHIELDING - This Character bonus plays a role in mitigating DoT's directed at or affecting your Character.

DOUBLOONS - (Doubloon) This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned via TBS missions. They can be spent with NPC "Halon Griere" in The Buried Sea. You can also buy a Bag of Doubloons (that will grant about 100 Doubloons, when clicked) from "Pagus Nonad" in Sunrise Hills, or with "Alerynril the Loyal" in the Plane of Knowledge.

DOUG - Doug is a name given to the basic placeholder Model for MOB's and NPC's in EverQuest. Or better, they are the default model, which is a Human Male wearing minimal attire (no gear). Once in a while, Devs forget to assign or create a correct model / template for NPC's & MOB's. As a result, Players will, instead, see "Dougs" until the Devs make corrections. One famous case of this was with the 'Unity' mission in Blackburrow, where all the fish were Doug models (until they fixed it... see below image)

DP - See Darkpaw.

DPS - See Damage Per Second.

DPS CLASS - This is a reference to Classes that can do a high level of DPS (See Damage Per Second) in Battle (such as Druids, Magicians, Monks, Necromancers, Rangers, Rogues, Warriors and Wizards).

DR - Short for Disease Resistance.

DRAG CORPSE - (Drag, Corpse Drag) - See Corpse Drag.

DRAGON BREATH - This is an innate racial ability of the Drakkin race. It is essentially an attack type Spell, that varies depending on the quest series of which Dragon (in Crescent Reach) that the Player chooses to pursue.

DRAGON HOARD - Dragon Hoard is a feature added with the Claws of Veeshan expansion, in 2022. All Access Players started with 125 slots and can purchase more slots via the Marketplace (maximum 250 Slots). Essentially, Dragon hoard is like an extra 250 unsearchable Bank Slots. For more details click here.

DRAGON KILL POINTS - (DKP) Not to be confused with Raid Rules, Dragon Kill Points (DKP) is a non-EQ Player created / maintained system of awarding Dragon Kill Points to Players for their participation in Raids. At it's essence, it is a way of recognizing and awarding the Players that help and participate in raids the most often, so that they have higher chances to acquire loot / upgrades, that in turn, helps the success rate of future raids (Players become more durable / capable due the upgrades and experience of raiding). Players can use their earned DKP to "bid" on items that drop during raid events (somewhat like an auction process). There are many, many variant DKP systems out there. Depending on who you ask, most DKP systems have concerns / problems related to how many Points are awarded; how / when points are awarded; how, or if, Alts / Boxes are included; how bidding is handled; how winners are decided; how much DKP a Player can save up; and so on! In short, there is no perfect DKP system... but there are some systems that are better than others. You can't make everyone happy, so don't try to! The idea is to develop a DKP system and stick to it! By sticking to it.. meaning the rules apply to everyone... the system is, by default, "fair" on that basis alone... because there is no favoritism / entitlement and so forth. If Raid / Guild Leaders decide to modify their DKP System, it should be done openly and known to all involved. Two things that are necessary for a DKP System, is that someone must maintain the DKP system and that there should be a way that all players can access, see and verify that DKP is being awarded / deducted correctly (this is normally done via a web site). Don't be a pot stirrer! If you participate in Raids that use DKP, abide by the DKP System that is in place... even if you don't like the system! Otherwise, go find another Raiding Guild / Alliance that uses a DKP System you like better, and raid with them. See also Raid Rules.

DRAGON PUNCHThis is an offensive skill related to Human and Drakkin Monks.

DRAGONS OF NORRATH - (DoN) Dragons of Norrath was the 9th expansion of EverQuest.

DRAKKIN - This is an NPC / MoB Race. It is also a Player race that originates out of Crescent Reach. Traditionally, they have variant forms of Dragon Breath.

DRAMA KING - Male version of a Drama Queen. See Drama Queen. There are a number of alternative terms for Male Character Drama Kings (Ken, Kevin, Terry, Richard (Dick), Chad, Donald, Craig...).

DRAMA QUEEN - This is a reference to Players that are not necessarily 'Trolls,' but are easily offended, troublesome and so forth. You may also hear the term "Karen" for female Characters.

DREADSTONES - (Dreadstone) This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned via certain RoF raids. They can be spent with "Weaponsmaster Lidelf" in Resplendent Temple.

DREAM MOTES - (Dream Mote) This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned via HoT missions. They can be spent with NPC "Rotharran Radhelm" in The Feerrott.

DRINAL - This is one of the moons of Norrath, said to have minimal atmosphere, a desolate climate and with frozen water. It is also the name of an EQ Live Server. The in-game Short Name for Tells is: Drinal (i.e. /tell drinal.Bonzz Hello!). Drinal is an anagram of 'Aldrin' in tribute to Astronaut Buzz Aldrin. Drinal is the moon you see from Norrath. Drinal (for whom the moon is named) is also a demi-god (mostly EQII, portrayed as a white wolf), the 'god of night, destruction and death.' In at least one incarnation of EverQuest (EverQuest Worlds), Drinal is female and the daughter of Luclin.

DRINK - This is a generic reference to the many types of drink items in EQ. Characters must have drink (to drink) in order to perform at peak abilities. If your Character is "thirsty," they will never die from dehydration.... however, after a time of being thirsty, they will reach a point where they will no longer Regenerate (Hit Points, Mana, Endurance), be able to Jump (Space Bar), and can even see reductions in STR, AGI & DEX. Stat Drinks (See Stat Food & Drink), Alcoholic Drinks and Regular Drinks often have a Drink 'type' (noted in the Item Window), that relate to how long they can keep you from being thirsty again (in Real Time). They are: Whistle Wetter (up to 5 minutes); Drink (up to 20 minutes); Refreshing (up to 30 Minutes); Lasting (up to 40 minutes); Flowing (up to 50 minutes); Enduring (up to 60 minutes) & Miraculous (up to 240 minutes). These durations can also be affected by Alternate Advancement and other factors. Your Character will automatically consume the first Drink item in your inventory. If you want to limit the consumption of Stat Drinks, you need to purposely consume other Drinks on a regular basis, or swap out what Drinks are first in your bags (using the Stat Drinks only when you really need them).

DROP - (Dropped) This term is primarily in reference to loot. MOB's are said to "drop" loot, as in, "All it dropped was a tradeskill item."

DROP CORPSE - This is a reference to dropping a corpse after using the /corpsedrag command to drag a corpse. This is done by targeting the Corpse and using the /corpsedrop command.

DROP AGGRO - This is a generic term about a Character purposely losing Aggro. All classes have some ability, by varied names, to "drop aggro" from MOB's that are after them. Basically, it causes MOB's to "forget" about you and stop chasing / attacking you. Generally speaking, this may not work on MOB's where you are in very close proximity and / or have 100% aggro.

DRU - See Druid.

DRUID - (DRU) This is a Player Class. Druids are a somewhat versatile Healing (Priest) class, that can Teleport, Snare & DoT. Druids are limited to the races of Drakkin, Half Elf, Halfling, Human & Wood Elf.

DRUID RING - (Druid Rings) - A Druid Ring is a Stonehenge-type set of standing stones (or sometimes in ruins), most / many of which Druids can Teleport to.

DRUZZIL RO - Druzzil Ro is an EQ Deity (Demi-God) and is considered to be a Neutral Deity. She is the Matron of Art and also known as the Goddess of Magic. She makes her home in the Plane of Magic (a zone that, as of this typing, has only appeared in EverQuest II). She had taught the 'ungod' Zebuxoruk to seek and share knowledge, but only if it did not affect the fate of others. Thus, she reweaved the fabric of time to undo his freedom so that events in the Planes of Power, technically, never happened. This action lead to the destruction of Norrath by the minions of Discord. However, it was Zebuxoruk with the help of Norrathians, who was able to also reverse the efforts of Discord and restore order to the Universe (Seeds of Destruction). Druzzil Ro also created herself a daughter, the Demi-God Ayonae Ro (see Ayonae Ro), and split off a portion of the Plane of Magic into the Plane of Music (Theater of Blood, Deathknell), for Ayonae Ro to rule over. Druzzil Ro was also an EQ Server at one time. It was merged into the Xegony server., for which the Short Name was Druzzil.

DS - See Damage Shield.

DZ - See Dynamic Zone.

DZ ADD - This relates to a command (/dzadd) used to add other Players to a Group or Raid Expedition (if it isn't locked).

DUAL WIELD - This offensive skill relates to the ability of certain Melee classes to wield two one-handed weapons at the same time. Warriors, Rangers, Rogues, Bards and Beastlords can all dual wield.

DUBIOUS - Dubious refers to (1) of the (9) possible levels of Faction (Scowls --> Threatening --> Dubious --> Apprehensive --> Indifferent --> Amiable --> Kindly --> Warmly --> Ally). When you kill most MOB's, you will see Faction Hits that add or detract from your Faction with one Faction or another. You can see your Faction Levels with most (but not all) Factions in the Faction Window (EQ Button --> Character --> Faction Standing). At this level of faction you are border line Kill on Sight. Vendors may not deal with you anymore and tell you get lost. However, some Quest NPC's may still offer you their Quests at this level (i.e. low level repeatable Quests).

DUEL - This is a reference to doing Battle with another Player. This can be done in zones that allow Player Versus Player Combat (see PvP) or in special areas that are automatically PvP (like an Arena). However, this term is normally about targeting another Player using the using the /duel command to challenge that Player to battle (which the other player must accept, otherwise there will be no Duel). Players can then fight each other to the death, or flee (zone). If they flee, a zone wide message about their cowardice can be seen by everyone in the zone where the duel took place (not the zone they fled to). Players do not lose experience when they die in combat with another player (unless they are killed by a DoT).

DUPE - In EQ, while this can mean to deceive or fool someone, it normally means Duplicate (see Duplicate).

DUPLICATE - This is a reference to more than one. More often than not, it is used when referring to reward items... from things like the Heritage Crates that are often sold in the Marketplace. A Player may get multiples of the same item(s) and have "dupes" to trade or sell.

DWARF - Dwarves are an NPC / MoB race. It is also a Player race. Traditionally, Dwarves get Infravision (but this may have changed over time).

DYNAMIC ZONE - Dynamic Zone is primarily a reference to instanced zone related to expeditions (group or raid), Pick Zones (/pick) and the like. These are temporary (not Static) Zones, that only exist when they are 'spun up' by way of Player Activity (starting a raid, a mission, a Pick Zone, etc.). Once Players leave the zone (or the Zone expires), the zone ceases to exist. You can see these timers with the keyboard command Alt Z. Some Dynamic Zones, once adventured into and / or defeated, often impose a Lock Out Timer before you can participate in the event again.


DYSLEXIC - This is an actual condition many people have. It essentially means that they see and / or type letters / words in the wrong order. In EverQuest it is may sometimes cited as the reason for typos / spelling errors.

DZ ADD - This is a reference to adding Players to raid events, aka Dynamic Zones.




E-MAIL - See EQ E-Mail.

E'CI - E'Ci is a Goddess that is one of the Triumvirates of Water. She the "Wintry Guardian" (as in cold / ice). E'ci is an anagram of "Ice." E'Ci has not yet appeared in EQ1, but there are a n umber of references to her in game, such as with spells. E'Ci is also an old EQ server that was merged to the to Tunare server.

EB - See Enduring Breath.

EAGLE STRIKE - This offensive skill is a Monk offensive ability.

EARTH TIME - An in-game reference to the Time & Date in Real Life (see Real Life & EQ Time).

EASY MODE - See Normal.

EBON CRYSTALS - (Ebon Crystal) This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned via DoN "Dark Reign" missions. They can be spent with NPC "Xeib Darkskies" in Lavastorm Mountains. Ebon Crystals appear on the first tab of your Character (I) Window, rather than your Alternative Currency tab. You can also buy a Bag of Ebon Crystals (that will grant about 100 Ebon Crystals when clicked) from NPC "Pagus Nonad" in Sunrise Hills, or with NPC "Alerynril the Loyal" in the Plane of Knowledge.

EFFECTS BAR - (Effects Window, Buff Bar, Buff Window) - This is where (Alt B) both Beneficial and Detrimental effects (Buffs, DoT's...), that are currently affecting your Character, can be seen, by way of visual icons.

EG7 - See Enad Global 7.

EMOTE - An Emote is something that denotes (in your Chat Window) something happening. Emotes can be from Players (i.e. /dance), or it can be from a MOB (i.e. "Lord Brekt prepares to unleash his fury on the mortals at his feet."). It can even be a zone emote (such as when you get notice that you have entered an area where players can Bind themselves) or a Spell emote (such as when a spell wears off). Emotes can be -- and are -- very important... so don't ignore them completely. They are the basis for Audio Triggers (and external programs like GINA). They are absolutely essential in the Raid environment, as most Raids involve attacks, effects, adds and all sorts of variations thereof, that Players must be aware of and / or react to expediently (otherwise, they can die and / or wipe raids).

EMPIRES OF KUNARK - (EoK) Empires of Kunark was the 23rd expansion of EverQuest.

ENA - In EverQuest, this is the word used for the Letter E.

ENAD GLOBAL 7 - (EG7) This is the company that currently owns Daybreak Games.

ENC - See Enchanter.

ENCHANTER - (ENC, Chanter) This is a Player Class. Enchanters are Crowd Control  specialists (Mez, Stun, Charm, Lull, Slow...), as well as the Class that has the best Haste & Mana Regeneration buffs. Enchanters are limited to the races of Dark Elf, Drakkin, Erudite, Gnome, High Elf & Human.

END - See Endurance.

ENDURANCE - Endurance is required, like Mana is for Spells, to utilize most Disciplines.

ENDURANCE POINTS - This is a reference to how much Endurance you have in your Endurance Pool (See Also: Pool).

ENDURANCE POOL - See Endurance Points.

ENDURING DRINK - This is a reference to certain Drink items that last 60 minutes, before you need another Drink. See Drink.

ENDURING BREATH - A reference to a spell (or an AA) that allows you to survive without air for an extended period of time.

ENDURING MEAL - This is a reference to certain Food items that last 60 minutes before you Character gets hungry again. See Food.

ENERGEIAC - (Energeiac Gear) This is a reference to Gear that has a Type 14 Augment (Energeiac). Due this, such Gear can have it's stats boosted when you have an unexpired Power Source in your Characters Power Source slot.

ENRAGE - MOB's often become "enraged." What this means is they basically gain some serious (essentially 100%) riposte. To counter this the tank / melee classes can simply turn off attack (until enrage is over) to avoid the increased damage.

ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE RATING BOARD - (ESRB) This is the equivalent to the ratings you see for Movies. The ESRB provides ratings for video games. They also certify Games for their Privacy Practices. EverQuest is ESRB Privacy Certified and Rated 'T' for 'Teen,' with notations for 'Suggestive Themes,' 'Use of Alcohol,' 'Violence,' 'Blood and Gore,' & 'In-Game Purchases / Users Interact." 

ENTWINED DJINN COINS - (Entwined Djinn Coin) This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned via TBL Raids. They can be spent with NPC "Brilliant Jade" in Stratos: Zephyr's Flight.

EoK - An initialism for Empires of Kunark, the 23rd expansion of EverQuest.

EPIC - A reference to special any one of the quested weapons, that are unique and / or beneficial for each class.

EQ - An initialism for EverQuest (which is not two words and the "Q" is also capitalized). EverQuest is the original game (or, if you like, Expansion Zero).

EQ FORUMS - (EQ Boards) The EQ Forums are the official EverQuest Forums (maintained / provided by DayBreak). Players can report Bugs, seek answers, provide answers and so forth on these Boards. The Devs also monitor and post to these Forums. This site is free to EverQuest Players. You do have to log in with your Account to post and / or see certain sections of the Forums.

EQ INTERFACE - EQ Interface is a web site that some Players use to share variant UI's which can be used to modify the UI of EverQuest. It is not affiliated with DayBreak.

EQ1 - (EQI) - See EverQuest.

EQ2 - See EverQuest II

EQII - See EverQuest II.

EQL - See EverQuest Legends.

EQR - See EQ Resource.

EQ 20TH MANGLER - See Mangler.

EQ 20TH SELO - See Selo.

EQ CLASSIC This is a nostalgic term that generally refers to the early expansions and the early years EverQuest of yore... aka "the old days." Anniversary Events are released as "Modern" and "Legacy" events. The Legacy events are related to the first 13 years of EverQuest (up through the RoF expansion), so this is, by default, the "official" definition of EQ Classic. However, most Players generally think of the EQ Classic as the original Game plus the first (4) expansions (up to Planes of Power).

EQ LOG - See Log.

EQ MAIL - (Control E) - This is an in-game E-Mail system. You can send / receive e-mail (typed communications) to / from other EQ Players, even across servers. You can see the EQ E-Mail for all of your characters from any one of your characters. You do not have to swap characters to see their EQ E-Mail. EQ E-Mail is just like RL E-Mail, except it is within the Game of EQ. This allows Players to communicate with other Players when one of them if off line. It can be used to update Players ask questions, discuss strategies, discuss plans, provide notice (i.e. upcoming Raid) and so on. EQ E-Mail is not limited to single-player-to-single-player communications. You can include multiple players and even groups of Players (as in your Fellowship or Guild). In order to send EQ E-Mails (same server), you simply need to know a characters name (spelling matters). In order to send EQ-E-Mail across servers, you need to know both the Characters name and the Server Short Name (see 'Short Name' --most of which are noted on this page the individual Server Name listings). You can also send mail across Daybreak Games (see Cross Game). There are multiple windows associated with EQ Mail. For greater details, see below.


Open this window via Alt O, or use the 'Nut' Icon in the top right of your EQ Mail Window.

The settings / options for your EQ Mail can be seen on the 'Mail' Tab of the Options Window that pops up (#1, in image to the left).

You can chose where to save your Address Book / Mail data (#2), which, by default, is in your 'userdata' folder, in your EverQuest Directory.

You can also select, or not, three (3) other options (#3): if you want a chat window notification when you get new EQ Mail; if you want a sound to play when you get EQ Mail; and / or if you want a confirmation window (Yes or No) to pop up when you delete an entry in your Address Book (just in case it is accidental).


(#1) You can select to see the EQ Mail of any Character on your Account using this drop-down menu (#2, click the arrow). It does not matter which Character you are currently playing.

(#3) The 'Quill' icon will open your Address Book (outlined below), while the 'Nut' icon (#4) will open your Mail Options (see above).

(#5) This tab, 'Inbox,' is your main EQ Mail Window. From here you can chose to 'Compose' (#6) an EQ Mail; 'Delete' (#7) and EQ Mail in your list (highlight the EQ Mail and then click 'Delete'); 'Reply' (#8) or 'Reply All' (#9) to an EQ Mail you have received (highlight the EQ Mail and then click 'Reply' or 'Reply All'); 'Forward' (#10) an EQ Mail you got to others (highlight the EQ Mail and then click 'Forward'); 'Export' (#11) EQ Mail which will save it to your computer in the Directory you have set in your EQ Mail Options (highlight the EQ Mail and then click 'Export'); and you can 'Report' (#12) EQ Mail to Customer Service if you feel the need to do so (highlight the EQ Mail and then click 'Report').

You can mark EQ Mail as 'Spam' (#13) or if you change you mind, mark it as 'Not Spam' (#14). However, as of this typing, it doesn't appear as if these two option work and / or actually do anything.

The EQ Mail you have received will appear in the upper window (#15) and can be sorted by column (just click the column names -- 'From,' 'Subject' & 'Date') to sort them, and click again to reverse the sort).

The content (message) of the EQ Mail you have received is shown in the lower section (#16). Just highlight any EQ Mail in the box above, to see it.


There is a second tab labeled "Deleted Items' (#1) in your EQ Mail's Main Window (noted above).

Some options are repeated here, but there are some that are only available via this tab. You can 'Undelete' (#2) any EQ Mail and return it to your 'Inbox' (highlight the EQ Mail and then click 'Undelete'); or you can "Empty Trash' (#3)... clicking this button will permanently delete the any EQ Mails listed in the box below.

You can also see what each Deleted EQ Mail says, by highlighting the EQ Mail in the upper window, and it will show in the lower window (#4).


In your EQ Address Book Window, you can see, add to, create and / or delete entries to your Address Book.

On the left (#1) is a list of Labeled Address Groups (your 'Mailing Lists'). By default, you should see one for 'Guild' (if you are in a Guild) and 'Friends,' taken directly from your Friends list (ALT F), if you have added any Friends to your list.

You can also create your own 'Mailing Lists,' that are either for just one Character, or a whole list of Characters. For example, you may want to create a list for the members of your Fellowship. As an example, to do so, you would type what you want to call this Mailing List in the 'Name' Box (#2) on the right side. You can then choose if you want the mailing list to be 'Private' (#3) or not, by selecting / clicking the Box. This means that when you send an EQ Mail to this group of Characters they will either not see who else you sent it to ('Private'), or they will. Next, in the 'Addresses' Box (#4), you can type in what Characters you want to add as members of this Mailing List. You will need to include the server shortcut name and Character name, even for Characters that are on your same server. Type in one (1) per line. In the 'Note' Box (#5), you can type in whatever you want, to remind you of why you created this Mailing List and / or it's purpose. Once done, you can then click the 'New' Button (#8) to create and add this new Mailing List to your Mailing List Window on the left (#1).

If you want to simply add one (1) Character to your Mailing List, that you correspond with on a  regular basis, just repeat the same process, Name (#2) it for the Character and include only that Character in the Address List (#4).

To initiate an EQ Mail to one your Mailing Lists, simply Highlight the List on the Left (#1) and click the "Mail to" Button (#6).

You can also 'Delete' (#7) existing Mailing Lists. Simply highlight the Mailing List on the left (#1) and then clicking the 'Delete' Button. You can also add to or remove Characters from any Mailing List by highlighting the List and then adding to it, or removing from it, any Character Addresses and then clicking the "Modify" Button (the 'Mail To' Button will change to 'Modify' when you make any changes).

Lastly, if there are Players / Characters, for whatever reason, you do not want EQ Mail from, you can click the 'Ignore' Button (#9), to bring up yet another window. See below.


Hitting the 'Ignore' Button in your EQ Mail Address Book Window (see above) will bring up this window.

As before (see above), you can create a Group of Mail Addresses and add that group to the left Window (#1). Just Name the Group (#2); chose to make it 'Private' (#3) or not; add Character Addresses in the Addresses Box (#4) and then add any comment you see fit in the 'Note' Box (#5). Once done, click the 'New' Button (#8) to create finish.

If you change your mind, you can 'Delete' (#7) the Group by highlight the Mailing List on the left (#1) and then clicking the 'Delete' Button. You can also add to or remove Characters from any Mailing List by highlighting the List and then adding to it, or removing from it, any Character Addresses and then clicking the "Modify" Button (the 'Mail To' Button (#6) will change to 'Modify' when you make any changes).

EQ RESOURCE - This is a EQ Repository (progression, expansion gear, Hunter named / locations, raids) site that has been around since about the House of Thule expansion (it does not cover expansions before the House of Thule). This site is free access and you can also register for free. They do take donations, however.

EQ TIME - This is a reference to in-game EverQuest time, which moves a lot faster than real life time. Basically, (1) Hour in EverQuest time is (3) Minutes in Real Life. (1) Day in EverQuest is (72) Minutes in Real Life. The command /time will show you "Game Time" (EQ Time & Date) as well as "Earth Time" (Real Life Time & Date, for your time zone).

EQ TOG - (EverQuest: The Original Game) See EverQuest.

EQ TRADERS - This is a long time web site that focuses on EverQuest Tradeskill recipes and is generally recognized as the 'go to' site for EQ recipes. It has a Forum section and a searchable Recipe compendium. This site is free access and you can also register for free. They do take donations. It originated with 'Denmother' (see Denmother).

EQ VOICE - See Station Voice.

EQUIP - (Equipped, Equipment, Unequip) This means to wear or wield gear and / or weapons on your Character, by placing items in the appropriate slots of your Inventory Window (I). Inversely, 'Unequip' means to take off that Gear. See also: Armor and / or Weapons.

EROLLISI DAY - Erollisi Day is EQ's version of Valentine's Day. Annual / Temporary Erollisi Day events are active for short time, every year, around Valentines Day.

EROLLISI MARR - This is the name of an EQ Live Server, named for the EQ Deity Erollisi Marr, who has not yet made an actual appearance in EQ. The in-game Short Name for Tells is: Erollisi (i.e. /tell erollisi.Bonzz Hello!). Erollisi Marr is known as the Goddess of Love, daughter of Tarew Marr and is twin sister of Mithaniel Marr, with whom she created the Barbarian & Froglok races during the "Age of Monuments." By extension, they are also responsible for the Human and Erudite races.

ERUDITE - Erudians are an NPC / MoB. It is also a Player race. Traditionally, Erudites get a slight boost to Magic resists (but this may have changed over time).

ESCAPE - This is a Rogue ability to lose aggro.

ESRB - See Entertainment Software Rating Board.

EVAC - Short for Evacuate. This is reference to a spell that can evacuate a player or a group from danger -- by emergency transporting them to another place.

EVEN CON - See White Con.

EVERQUEST - (EQ, EQ1, EQI) EverQuest is the base name of the game... or the original game (aka Expansion Zero). It is properly spelled with as one word with a capital E and a capital Q.

EVERQUEST II - (EQ2, EQII) - This is one of the games offered by Daybreak Games. EverQuest II is a spin-off alternate version of EverQuest (same basic lore, Deities, etc.), that was rumored to have been originally created as an answer to World of Warcraft. While EQII had many innovations, many of which have since made their way into EQ1, it has never been as popular as the original game. The Short Name for this game is EQ2 (for tells). It is one of the games you can play with an All Access Account.

EVERQUEST DIRECTORY - This is a reference to a specific area on your computer where the files for EverQuest are located. As in, "The screenshots you take are saved in the 'Screenshots' folder in your EQ Directory.' This 'folder' and it's related 'sub-folders' can be in more than one place on your computer, depending on when you originally installed the game, or if you chose to select where you wanted to install the game. In any case, knowing where your EverQuest Directory is on your computer is very important, as sometimes manual manipulation / updating is required (i.e. installing new Maps).

EVERQUEST HALL OF FAME - See EverQuest Legends.

EVERQUEST LEGENDS - (EQL) This EQ service / offering was an EQ Server. It was an enhancement to EQ, that increased your monthly subscription cost to $39.95 included. It was offered back in 2002 (it seems to have been active until at least 2007) and supposedly limited to 8.000 Players. Characters had their own web pages (stats, etc.); there were "Legendary" items to be discovered and often named for the Player who discovered them; it had an early version of the in-game Calendar (/cale); it had an early version of in-game maps (M); the first Guild Halls; had Player-written 'Tales of Adventure' that were sometimes added to and displayed in the game (not sure how); and supposedly, active and regular Dev interaction / participation. It even had an 'EverQuest Hall of Fame,' even though it was really more of an early Achievement-like system (Players who earned titles, etc.). Most of these things have made their way into the actual game, at no extra cost. One Dev post suggests there were over '5,000 possible Titles.'

EVERQUEST LOG - (EQ Log, Log, Logging) See Log.

EVERQUEST TOG - (ToG, TOG, EQ ToG, EQ TOG) This is an initialism for EverQuest: The Original Game. See EverQuest.

EVERQUEST WIKI - (The EverQuest Wiki, EQ Wiki, Fandom, Wikia) - EverQuest Wiki is a free site (you can register if you want to) operated by Fandom (formerly Wikia), which hosts a number of Player Driven Game Wiki type platforms. They also have other sites related to things like Movies and TV shows. Players can look up game information on this site (faction lore, classes, races, tradeskills, zones, expansion...), even though it does not appear to up to date (as of this typing in May 2023). This 'Wiki' site was referred to as the 'official' wiki for EverQuest, back when EQ was ran by Sony (March 2013), and the web site still carries that label.

EVERQUEST WORLDS - (EQ Worlds, EQW) EverQuest Worlds was a free phone app version of EverQuest, released in August of 2013 and shut down in March of 2016.

EVOCATION - Evocation is a category / skill in Magic, that relates to using magic in an offensive manner, such as with DoT's, Nukes and the like. Some classes also get a supportive skill called Specialize Evocation.

EVOLVE - See Evolving items.

EVOLVING ITEMS - This is a reference to items (Gear), that can evolve into better versions of itself. These items primarily gain experience from Combat (when you get experience, so can the item, except in the Raid environment). Some get experience in other ways, such as above-Trivial Tradeskill combines (as with Tradeskill Trophies). Such items normally have at least two higher Levels they can Evolve into (once they reach 100% in Item Experience, they automatically Evolve). See Item Experience.

EXCELLENT - This is a worded rating you can see in relation to certain Skills (in your Skills Window, EQ Button -> Character -> Skills). This category is generally for Skill Levels from 91 to 99.

EXPANSION - This is a term related to a collective set of new game content that adds to the virtual world that is EverQuest (Zones, Quests, Gear, Collects, Raids, Missions, etc.), which is all released / sold as a part of topical game add-on. Expansions, these days, are released and sold once a year (normally around December). Unless an Expansion is purchased, your Account (Characters) will not have access to much of the new content (i.e. Zones). All Expansions include all previous Expansions, should you not have some of the previous Expansions. Expansions are, normally, also sold in different versions at different prices (that include Bonus items that are only available as part of the package).

EXPANSION ZERO - (Expansion O, The Original Game, TOG) - See EverQuest.


EXPEDIENT DELIVERY VOUCHER - This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned purchased via the Marketplace and can be used (2 at a time) to have Bazaar purchase delivered immediately / directly to your Character's inventory (where ever you happen to be).

EXPEDITION - An Expedition is an Instanced Zone that is normally a Raid, but can also be a Group Expedition. Expeditions (Alt Z) are not the same category as a Mission (Alt Q).

EXPERIENCE - This is an overall term that generally refers to Character (Regular) Experience (versus MOB's, from Quests, from Achievements, from Overseer and so forth. There are also other types of Experience to include Mercenary, Overseer, Alternate Advancement... and even for Evolving Items (Item Experience).

EXPERIENCE LOSS - This is a reference to losing Character Experience. The only kind of Experience a Character can lose, is Character Experience aka Regular Experience (as it relates to Levels). The only way a Character cam lose this Experience is by way of dying. Upon death (with little exception), a Character will lose a certain amount of Experience. This total loss can vary by Level. Basically, a Character loses a certain percentage of Experience related to the total experience of that Characters previous Level. Example, a Level 115 Character will lose a percentage of Experience related to the total Experience needed to progress past Level 114. The percentage you lose is not known to me at this time, but I believe it to be in the range of 5% to 10%. See Experience.

EXPERT This is a worded rating you can see in relation to certain Skills (in your Skills Window, EQ Button -> Character -> Skills). While EQ is inconsistent with this "rating," it is generally for Skill Levels from 250 to 299.

EXPERT ARTISAN - This is a Title reference to attaining a Skill Level of 250 in all Tradeskills.

EXPLOIT - Exploit is a term related to taking advantage of ("exploiting") certain things in EverQuest within the confines of normal game play (not to include the use of Cheat Programs). This is particularly related to a GM / Dev oversight, a Bug and / or otherwise Unintended Game Play. It can also be Unattended Game Play. In both situations, it is considered a form of Cheating. While Players primarily see it as strategy, Devs can often see it as a loophole they did not intend, a Bug and sometimes, even Cheating. Often, when Devs catch wind of this, they simply do a Hot Fix and remedy the problem. Or they fix it in the next Patch. In rare cases, Devs have been known to do Roll Backs to address the issue. Less commonly, but possible, Dev's have levied Player Suspensions / Bans for taking advantage of (exploiting) something that the Dev's think should have easily been recognized as an unintended situation by Players. For example, there was once a bug that allowed duplication of Platinum. I don't know how it worked, but seemingly Players were able to do something, in-game (no Cheat Programs) that somehow duplicated Platinum... something any Player should recognize as a Bug and that they should not Exploit! If I recall, disciplinary action was taken against many Players for this.

EXTENDED TARGET - (XTar, X Target) - This is a reference to a window in EverQuest that you can choose to see, or not. The Window lists as many as twenty (20) MoB's that are currently on aggro to you, your group and / or your raid; or any target (NPC, Player or MOB) that you set to show in any one of the twenty (20) target slots.

(Images Needed)




EXTRA LIFE - Extra Life is an annual Charity Drive, participated in by Darkpaw. Sometimes, Players are awarded in-game items (claim codes) for donations (of certain amounts).




F2P - See Free To Play.

FACTION - Until CoV came along (whereupon the Dev's seem to have simply abandoned Faction all together), every EQ Expansion has had "Faction" sets. Faction, basically, is your reputation with different races, groups and similar... as in -- do they like you or do they hate you? Most faction can be increased (made better) or decreased (made worse), by way of your actions (Quests, Killing MOB's, etc.). 

You can see your Faction Levels with most (but not all) Factions in the Faction Window (EQ Button --> Character --> Faction Standings, or just type /faction). There are  (9) levels of Faction (listed to right, from worse to best). These Faction Levels play a role on if a MOB will attack you (KoS) or not, cooperate with you or not (Quests, Buy / Sell prices, etc.) and other things. When you kill most MOB's, you will see Faction Hits (in your chat window) that either add or detract one or more Factions. 

Most faction is on a 4,000 point scale (-2,000 to +2,000). Logically, one may conclude that with nine (9) levels of faction, each level of Faction is around 444 Faction points each, but that is not true at all. In reality, it takes varying amounts of Faction points level to level. In fact, some Factions do not have nine (9) Levels! If you explore your /faction window, you will see that there are actually Factions whose maximum level is Indifferent, or even Scowls (this varies by your race, class, deity, etc.)!

The question then becomes how does one know how many faction hits they need to get to the next level? The answer is to open /faction window and hover your cursor over the name of the Faction in question (#1 in image below), and you will see the numbers (#2 in image below)! if you are unsure of the category for the faction you are looking for, just type the name of the faction in the search box to find it (#3 in image below).

All Characters is born with a standard set of beginning Factions, which are based on their race, class, deity, home city and similar. Faction can sometimes be temporarily adjusted and / or by-passed artificially. For example, Invisibility is actually just 'Indifference.' There is at least one click item that has Alliance (+100 Faction) on it. Enchanters can also cast that spell, as well as Benevolence (+200 Faction) and Collaboration (+300 Faction), but it only works for them (not other Players). Hide and / or Sneak can sometimes be used to do hand-ins, vendor transactions and or quest hails. Charmed NPC's can be very co-operative, as they essentially become your Ally. Illusions can potentially provide a Faction modification, but don't expect too much with Illusions. Unfortunately, because of game changes, they blocked the use of Faction spells on most of the NPC's you may need to use it on. Instead, maybe you can find a Guard on the same factions and use such spells on them instead (the effect goes away if you zone).

Faction Order (worse to best)

Scowls (aka Kill on Sight)









FACTION HIT - See Faction.

FACTION VENDOR- See Specialty Vendor.


FAMILIAR - A Familiar, not to be confused with a Pet, is a summoned creature / object that will follow you around. Familiars are cast up from 'click' items that can be acquired in a myriad of ways. In some cases, the Familiar can also provide a buff and in more rare cases, provide a very small assist in battle (such as spitting poison at your enemy). While you can have multiple items that can cast up a Familiar, which you can store on your Familiar Key Ring (click the 'Key Ring' button in your inventory window), you can only have one (1) Familiar active at a time.


FAMILY GUILD - While many Guilds may tout themselves as a 'Family Guild,' there really is no such thing in EverQuest. A Guild is a Guild. While EverQuest itself carries an ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) rating of 'Teen' (meaning it's generally suitable for ages 13 and up), what they mean by the term, is that conduct within the Guild itself is 'family friendly.' However, this does not mean a Players experience 'outside' of the Guild will be 'family friendly.'

FAN FAIRE - (Sony Fan Faire, Sony Live, SOE Live) The Fan Faire was an annual event held each year. It appears to have started in 2005 and was later renamed as 'SOE Live' in 2012. The event has not been held since 2014 (SOE sold EverQuest in 2015), even though there has been talk ever since, to have one. The Fan Faire had many elements to it, to include the Devs, Topical Panels, live Quests, EverQuest artists, and more. As a note, it was not limited to only EverQuest, it included most SOE on-line games. There were even free items to include retail box games, posters, knick-knacks and, yes, sometimes claim codes. Players who purchased tickets were often awarded free items, in game, via the claim window.

FANA - In EverQuest, this is the word used for the Letter F.

FANBYTE - (fanbyte) See Allakhazam.

FANRA - Fanra is an actual Player (Druid) on the Bertoxxulous server. Fanra is best known for their EverQuest Wiki Site, where registered users can update, edit and / or add to the content.

EQ Beta 2023

FANRA'S EVERQUEST WIKI - This is an EverQuest centric site where users can edit and update the topics, thus Wiki. The topics cover nearly everything EverQuest.

FARM - (Farming) This is a term in reference to players killing certain MOB's or pillaging certain area's in search of certain items, usually for tradeskill items or gear. On short, 'farming' the drops. More often than not, such a player is of a level far above the MOB's and are simply killing them to obtain items they need, or want.

FARM STATUS - This phrase is generally in reference to Raid events, meaning that a Guild (or raid force) have a certain raid event figured out and beat it on a regular basis, and thus, 'farming' the raid loot that comes from it.

FAT FINGERED - It is nor unusual to see this cited as a reason for typos / bad spelling. Basically it means the Plyer 'fat fingered' the letters on their keyboard, resulting in the typos. By 'fat figured,' it essentially means they didn't hit the key dead on and instead hit one of the keys around the key they intended to hit.

FATIGUE - This is a generally obsolete term that related to your Character by way of their being inadequately hydrated and fed. See Food. See also, Drink.

FAVOR - See Faction.

FAVORITE RECIPES - These are recipes that you have purposely chosen to 'Add' (or save) as a 'favorite' recipe. Such as a recipe you use often, so you don't have to search it up each time. At the bottom of each tradeskill device type, are three (3) buttons (see arrow in image below), to 'Add,' or 'Remove' a recipe from your favorite recipes, or to 'show' (list) your favorite recipes. When you open a tradeskill device, your favorite recipes automatically populate and in the recipe list (see #1 in image, below). To add a recipe to your favorites, you have to have learned (known) the recipe. Search up the recipe (in the recipe list) and highlight it, then click the 'Add' button. To remove a recipe from your favorites, highlight the recipe (in the recipe list) and click the 'Remove' button. The 'Show' button resets you recipe list back to your favorites, if you have changed (searched) away from it. These favorite recipes only apply to the skill that the device is used for. However, reportedly, you can only favorite about five-hundred (500) total recipes across ALL tradeskill devices, so be practical in what you decide to favorite in each device type.

FAYCETUM - (Faycitum) This is a type of alternative currency. It can be earned via Tasks offered by "Fenden Helter" in Dragonscale Hills. They can also be spent with him, as well. You can also buy a Bag of Faycitum (that will grant about 100 Faycitum, when clicked) from "Pagus Nonad" in Sunrise Hills, or with "Alerynril the Loyal" in the Plane of Knowledge.

FAYCITUM - Plural of Faycetum. See Faycetum.

FD - See Feign Death.

FEAST - This is a reference to certain Food items that last 50 minutes before you Character gets hungry again. See Food.

FEEBLE - This is a worded rating you can see in relation to certain Skills (in your Skills Window, EQ Button -> Character -> Skills). This category is generally for Skill Levels from 11 to 20.

FEEDBACK - This is a reference to the in-game command /feedback, which will provide and in-game link that will open your Browser to the EverQuest forums, where you can log in and post your feedback.

FEIGN DEATH - (Feign, FD) This defensive ability (skill) of Necromancers & Shadowknights. It is a way of escaping Aggro by falling over to the ground and pretending to be dead. All other Classes, eventually, got their own version / method of escaping Aggro (if they didn't have one all ready), but not all of them involve pretending to be dead. Even though they are not "called" Feign Death, the abilities of those other classes is often referred to, in a generic manner, as Feign Death (particularly if they fall over to the ground).

FEIR'DAL - This is the true racial name for Wood Elves.

FETTERED IFRIT COINS - This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned via TBL Group Missions. They can be spent with "Clouded Jade" in Stratos: Zephyr's Flight.

FELLOWSHIP - A Fellowship, essentially, a mini-Guild or secondary Guild, of up to 12 Characters. The purpose of Fellowships, primarily, is to provide a way for Boxers & Players, who play together on a regular Basis. Players do not need to be in the same Guild to be in the same Fellowship. to be able to expedite their adventures by being able to plant a Campfire and get everyone together in one place. See also, Campfire.

FELLOWSHIP LEADER - This is a reference to the Player (Character) that initially created a Fellowship, as they become the default 'leader' of the Fellowship. See Fellowship.

FELLOWSHIP WINDOW - This is the window (Control Shift F) that allows you to see other Fellowship Members, to leave the Fellowship if you want to, and to plant Campfires. It also allows the Fellowship Leader to do other things like Remove Members, Invite Members (as long as they are in the same zone), Add / Update / Remove a MOTD and even Disband the Fellowship.

FENNIN RO - Former server to Cazic-Thule, NPC, short fenninro

FESTIVAL OF MIGHT - (FoM, FOM) This is an annual series of in-game events, led & conducted by Guides (See Guide).

FFA - See Free For All.

FILTERS - There are Filters in game that help you sort things (i.e. a Vendor Window). However, this term is most applicable to Chat Windows, where Filters can be used extensively to control what you see in those Windows.

FIND - Find is actually an in-game feature. There are, essentially, (3) types of Find. One is for Finding Players, NPC's, Zone Lines and the like. You will find this ability in your Actions Window (Alt M) on the "Main PAGE" tab. You can also pull it up using the command Alt F. A window will pop up that will list what you can "Find" in the zone you are presently in. Just double click a selection and a smoky path will appear (that you follow) or your Map will pop up with a big red "X" on it, to show you where to go. The second type of Find is for items, such as when you search in Bazaar (/baz) or your inventory (using the "Find button" under your bags in your Character Inventory window). The final type of Find is with your Map Window, where you can "find" things (labels) on your map (if they are on or have been added to your Map).

FIRE - Fire is a type of resist. Some detrimental spells / effects are fire based and this resist helps resist helps resist, reduce and / or avoid their effects. See also, Campfire.

FIRE POT - This is a reference to a large pot looking item which is normally part of the decor -- except it also provides light -- since they have a fire in them. Thus their name/reference. The only reason this particular decor item is special is because of the ones in Timorous Deep. Under the submerged Wizard Spires there, you can swim down into a hole and emerge in an air-filled chamber. This chamber has a number of Fire Pots that line the walls. Each Fire Pot is actually a magical portal and will take you on a one-way ride to another zone (just click on the Fire Pot).

FIREPIT (Fire Pit) - See Campfire.

FIRIONA VIE - Live RP (know own race language), Free Trade, No Transfer Short Name firiona

FISHING - Your Fishing ability is both a skill (actual fishing) and a Tradeskill (making things).

FISTS OF BAYLE - This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned via 2nd Tier Raids in CoTF. They can be spent with "Requisitioner Chash" in Ethernere Tainted West Karana.

FIZZLETHORPE BRISTLBANE - Bristlebane is the deity created Halflings and is known for his devious fun and mischief. You can encounter him in the Plane of Mischief.

FLAG - (Flagged) This is basically a reference to a Characters "earned" access. Certain things require that a Character gain / earn such things. Most commonly, these days, flagging relates to group and / or raid Vendors that sell items for Specialty / Alternative Coin. As you progress, such Vendors will offer you more items (the items are "unlocked" so you can see & buy them, where you could not before). Or, it allows you to request missions and raids (where you could not do before).

FLAGGING - The process of acquiring Flags. See Flag.

FLETCHING - (Fletch, Bowyer, Bowyering) Fletching is a Tradeskill in EverQuest. It is used to craft Bows, Bow components, Arrows, Arrow components and even furniture.

FLIP FLOP - This is a reference to Feign Death, such as when Monks 'flip flop' (repeatedly fall over using feign death) their way from Point A to Point B.

FLOAT - See Levitation.

FLOATY - See Levitation.

FLOP - (Flop Over, Flopped) This is not a usually a reference to failure, but a reference to a Player falling over to the ground (as with Death and / or Feign Death).

FLOWING DRINK - This is a reference to certain Drink items that last 50 minutes, before you need another Drink. See Drink.

FLURRY - Flurry means a MoB can get in two or three extra attacks every round. The best way to help counter this extra outlay of damage is with Slow, Cripple and even Runes / Disciplines.

FLYING KICKThis is a Monk offensive skill.

FM - Obscure and obsolete initialism to let others know you are at Full Mana, before Mana Bars could be see by other Players.

FOLDER - See EverQuest Directory.

FOLLOW - See Religion. See also, Auto Follow.

FOLLOW ALONG - This means, when talking to an NPC, is to respond to and follow along with the conversation, such as by clicking the bracketed text. As in 'Hail and follow along.'

FOE - (Enemy) This is a reference to a MOB('s) and / or Player(s) (see PvP) that you are in battle with.

FOM - See Festival of Might.

FOOD - This is a generic reference to the many types of food items in EQ. Characters must have food (to eat) in order to perform at peak abilities. If your Character is "hungry," they will never die from starvation. However, after a time of being hungry, they will reach a point where they will no longer Regenerate (Hit Points, Mana, Endurance), be able to Jump (Space Bar), and even see reductions in STR, AGI & DEX. There are Stat Foods (See Stat Food) as well as different "types" of Food (noted in the Item Window), that relate to how long they keep you from being Hungry again (in Real Time): Snack (up to 5 minutes); Meal (up to 20 minutes); Hearty Meal (up to 30 Minutes); Banquet (up to 40 minutes); Feast (up to 50 minutes); Enduring (up to 60 minutes) & Miraculous (up to 240 minutes). Duration can also be affected by Alternate Advancement and other factors. Your Character will automatically consume the first Food item in your inventory.

FORAGE - (Foraging) Foraging is your ability to "live off the land," by being able to locate and "scrounge" up things (even if it isn't always food or drink). 

FORGE - A combine device used for Smithing combines.

FORUMS - While there are many on-line Forums, in EQ this is a generic reference to the EverQuest on-line Forums (aka Boards), where Players & Devs can log in and post on a myriad of topics.

FR - Short for Fire Resistance

FREE FOR ALL - (FFA) This term is most often used in Raid settings. Very often, if items remain unclaimed after established distribution methods are exhausted (DKP, Rolls...), items are considered undesirable for most (low level stuff), or otherwise, the remaining items are declared Free For All (anyone can loot them, if they want to). In such situations, however, don't be greedy.

FREE TO PLAY - (F2P, FTP) - Free To Play was introduced during of the 13th Anniversary in April 2014. Not to be confused with Silver Accounts, this is a reference to Players who do not pay (or use Krono) to play EverQuest. Such Accounts (Players) have imposed restrictions due their unpaid status. Originally, this also initiated Silver Accounts and Gold Accounts, and Free To Play Accounts had severe restrictions (such as you could only play certain classes and races and so forth). Since that time, Silver Accounts are no longer offered (but are still recognized); Gold Accounts are now All Access Accounts; and restrictions on Free To Play Accounts have been relaxed. As a note, if you lapse from All Access to Free To Play, the restrictions noted below will apply. You do not technically lose anything per se, but you will no longer have access certain features, items and so forth, until you renew to an All Access. What is allowed or not, with Free To Play Accounts, has been modified many times over time.

Free To Play has access to everything an All Access has, but with the following restrictions:

  • LAPSEAll Access Accounts default to Free To Play Accounts (or Silver, in certain situations), if they lapse in payment. However, they can be restored to All Access by simply resubscribing (payment).
  • EXPANSIONS: Access to all expansions, except the most recent two (2) Expansions (even if you have purchased said expansions).
  • CHARACTER SLOTS: You only get two (2) Character Slots, but you increase this and can buy up to three (3) extra Character Slots via the Marketplace as well as up to another extra three (3) slots ('Doll of Character') from a Loyalty Vendor. As a note, All Access accounts created before March of 2012, were given four (4) Character Slots, so some Free To Play (lapsed) accounts may have four (4) slots.
  • ADVERSTISING: You can get in-game pop-up adds, such as an ad to upgrade to All Access, to include having your browser open to the internet (the membership page to Upgrade to All Access), when you log out.
  • LEVEL: Maximum Level is based on the most recent expansion you have purchased (even though, as Free To Play, you may not yet have access to the newer Expansions).
  • TEST: If you play on the Test Server, Free To Play restrictions are all but removed, except for access to the most recent two (2) expansions.
  • DAYBREAK CASH: Does not get a monthly allocation of 500 free DB Cash.
  • PRESTIGE: Can not equip / use Items / Gear that are marked as 'Prestige.' If you have a lapsed All Access Account, your equipped Prestige Gear will turn yellow (the slot will, anyway) and you will not benefit in anyway, at all, from the stats of said gear, even if it is equipped.
  • BAZAAR: Can not set up Bazaar Traders.
  • OVERSEER: Overseer awards / vendor items do not include Ornaments or Collection items.
  • MERCENARIES: Apprentice mercenaries only (no Journeyman Mercs allowed).
  • SPELLS: Spells are restricted to Rank I. If you have a lapsed All Access Account, you do not lose your Rank II or Rank II spells, they are simply reduced to Rank 1 effectiveness. Access and use of Rank II Spells can be granted by purchasing a 'Spell Rank Cap Increase' in the Marketplace.
  • SERVERS: Access to Servers is generally limited to Live Servers only (no TLP).
  • DRAGON HOARD: Your Dragon Hoard is limited to 40 Slots.
  • SUPPORT: Customer Support is limited to the on-line 'Knowledge Base' (aka Help). Actual Customer Support can only be pursued if it is related real money transactional concerns (i.e. purchase of DBC and or items from the Marketplace).
  • AUTO GRANT: Auto Grant for AA's (Alternate Advancement) is not allowed. However, if you go All Access, you can use Auto Grant. If you lapse back to Free To Play, you will retain all the AA's you were granted.
  • GUILD: You can join a Guild, but you can not create a Guild.
  • SUNRISE HILLS: you can have houses, but you can't place Guild Halls or place items in Guild Halls.
  • ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENTAA's are limited to 250 spent (assigned), as shown in your AA Window (Example: 'Assigned 25/250'). If you have a lapsed All Access Account, you do not lose your over-the-limit AA's, you simply will not be allowed to earn any more AA's. You can purchase, in the Marketplace, an 'Alternate Cap Increase' (+100 Cap Increase), that applies only to the Character that you make the purchase on.
  • CHAT: You can only use Shout, Auction, Raid, Fellowship and new Player channels.
  • LOYALTY: Oddly, you do earn Loyalty. Velocity caps out at 30%, meaning you can only get 36 a week, maximum. They most you can accumulate is 1,440. You will also be limited as to what a Loyalty Vendor will offer you (example, they will not offer you any of the variant bags of alternate currency). 
  • SHARED BANK: Shared Bank Slots are limited to six (6) slots. If you have a lapsed All Access Account, you do not lose your other shared bank slots, per se. Supposedly the things in your other shared bank slots will be removed and parceled to you. Some say, instead, you will simply be denied access to what ever is in those slots (the bags and what is in them).
  • PLATINUM: If you have a lapsed All Access Account, you do not lose your over-the-limit Platinum, you simply will not be able to take in any more Platinum. 
  • SHROUDS: Shrouds are not available?

Marketplace items.

In-Game Ad


















































FRENZY - This is a Berserker offensive skill.

FROGLOK - This is an NPC / MoB race. It is also a Player race, that originates out of 'Gukta' in The Rathe Mountains. Traditionally, Frogloks get Ultravision and start with a Swim skill of 125 (but this may have changed over time).

FROSTFELL - Frostfell is EQ's versions of Christmas / Hanukkah. Annual / Temporary Frostfell events take place every year from November into January.

FROSTSTONE DUCATS - This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned via Group Missions in ToV. They can be spent with "Sanra Gemheart" in the Crystal Caverns.

FTP - See Free To Play.

FUNDS - This is a generic reference to Currency (of any type).

FUSE - Fuse is a term that relates to most items that have the Luck Stat. If an item with Luck is not at maximum luck, it can be upgraded by +1 Luck by combining it ("Fusing" it) with another copy of the exact same item, using a Crystallized Luck.

FWIW - An initialism for 'For What It's Worth.'

FYI - Short for For Your Information.




GAME LORE - See Lore.

GAME MASTER - (GM, Dev) - See also: Developer. At one time, Guides were pseudo-GM's. There are still GM's that can appear in-game and address Player petitions. Such GM's are DB employees, but they are not necessarily Devs. In short, there is a difference between a Guide, a GM and a Dev. GM's have a higher level of ability than Guides, in order to resolve issues related to Petitions.

GAME TIME - See EQ Time.

GATE - Even though there is a spell of this name, this term is generally often used as a variant term for teleportation... as in 'opening a Gate' to somewhere else. It is also a generic reference to large doorways, often seen in many EQ Zones.

GATES OF DISCORD - (GoD) Gates of Discord was the 7th expansion of EverQuest.

GEAR - See Armor.

GEOMETRY - While a form of math, when used in EverQuest, Players are normally referring a Zone Layout. See Terrain.

GEZA - In EverQuest, this is the word used for the Letter G.

GHOST - This term is used as a general reference to the multiple MOB Models that are ghost-like in appearance.

GHOST SHIP - See Boat.


EQ Beta 2023

GIFFEN - See Veblen.


GIMP - See Will In.

GINA - GINA stands for Gimagukk's Incantatory Notation Apparatus. It is an external Program by Gimasoft, that Players often use, particularly for Raids, to help them react more expediently to Emotes and similar. It uses an automated spoken Voice that Players can hear, as well as splashing Text on a Player's Screen. It works by reading a Player's Log (/log on). The emotes are triggered by what appears in Player Log's. However, what GINA does is determined by what Players 'program' GINA to do (i.e., for Emote X, do 'Y'). Fortunately, Players can share their GINA files (trigger sets) with other Players, so long as the other Players also have GINA set-up and running.

GL - Depending on the context that it is used, this initialism can stand for either Good Luck, Guild Leader, or the zone, Guild Lobby.

GLAA - (GLA) Short for Group Leadership Alternative Advancement, LAA). See Leadership Alternate Advancement.

GLITCH - This term is sometimes used in the same context as 'Bug,' but is actually more of a reference to something that comes up, or happens, which may, or may not, be related to EQ itself. Example, there is a common "graphics" glitch where everything seems to white out and then slowly fills in the graphics, particularly just as you enter a zone. Such an issue can be computer related (graphics card, memory...), more so than EQ related (server load, etc.). It is often misused by Players, as well, blaming their failed efforts on a glitch, rather than their approach / strategy, or a lag issue (see Lag).

GLOWY - (Glowie, Sparkly,  Shiny) See Collect.

GM - See Game Master.

GNOME - This is an NPC / MoB race. It is also a Player race that originates out of Ak'Anon. Traditionally, Gnomes get Infravision and are the only race that get the Tinker Tradeskill.

GoD - An initialism for Gates of Discord, the 7th expansion of EverQuest.

GOD - See Deity.

GODDESS - See Deity.

GOLD - This is the a type of "common" or universal (non-specialty / non-alternative) coin, that can be used with any non-Specialty Vendor and / or between Players. They come from killing MOB's (as loot), selling items to NPC Vendors and / or other players. They can be converted to other common coin types (1 Gold = 100 Copper or 10 Silver; 10 Gold = 1 Platinum) via Banker NPC's. The most you can have at any given time is 1 Billion. Some Players also use this term as a reference to the color Yellow (as in Yellow Con).

GOLD ACCOUNT - See All Access.

GOLD TOKENS - This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned from a Group Task give by "Gilbot the Golden" in the Brell's Rest. They can also be spent with them. You can also buy a Bag of Gold Tokens (that will grant about 50 Gold Tokens, when clicked) from "Pagus Nonad" in Sunrise Hills, or with "Alerynril the Loyal" in the Plane of Knowledge.

GOOD - This is a worded rating you can see in relation to certain Skills (in your Skills Window, EQ Button -> Character -> Skills). This category is generally for Skill Levels from 71 to 80. See also: Goodurden.

GOODURDEN - Goodurden, aka 'Good' aka 'Orbital' aka 'Goodmaps,' is an actual Player Character on the Xegony server. 'Good' is best known for making and sharing maps of EverQuest zones.

EQ Beta 2023

GP - Gold Pieces. See Gold.

GRANDMASTER - This is more relevant to Tradeskills and is more of a Player / Title term. While EQ is inconsistent with this, in the past it has been a reference to, what was at the time, attaining maximum Tradeskill Level (200, 350, 300 and / or 350). Currently, at the 350 Level, you get a Grandmaster related Titles.

GRANDMASTER ARTISAN - This is a Title reference to attaining a Skill Level of 350 in all Tradeskills.

GRANT - This refers to something that is given to your Character after a process, such as "granting access," granting a "reward" or "granting AA's."

GRATZ - (Grats) Short/slang for Congratulations.

GRAVEYARD - This is not a reference to an actual graveyard, even though there are graveyards in some areas of the game. This is a reference to zones where corpses, after a short time; after a raid event win; or an event reset; will automatically be transported to a safe area of the zone, making for easier recovery. Normally this applies to raid zones. Usually, corpse cannot be dragged away from this location and rezzing them in place will be necessary.

GRAY CON - See Grey Con.


GREEN CON - (Green Consider) This refers to a MOB, NPC or Player that is 16 to 20 Levels lower than your Character. See Consider.

GREET - See hail.

GREY CON - (Grey Consider) This refers to a MOB, NPC or Player that is 21+ Levels lower than your Character. See Consider.

GRIND - (Grinding) This is a reference to camping a spot to kill MOB's non-stop over an extended period of time, for the primary purpose of gaining experience... and thus, "grinding experience."

GROUND CAST - This is a reference to certain spells that, when cast, produce a visible target ring. The caster can then move the ring around to a spot (in range) on the ground, click the ground and the spell will then trigger (and thus, why it is called a "ground cast"). These spells are normally AoE type spells.

GROUND SPAWN - (GS) This is a reference to Items appear (spawn) on the ground (or a table, etc.) that Players can click on and pick up. Such as Collectibles.

GROUP - This is a banding together of (2) to (6) Players and / or Mercenaries, for the purpose of adventuring together. This is the root / core way to adventure in EQ, with friends. Groups, however, should comprise of an an assortment of classes that can help insure more successful adventures (a tank, a healer, DPS, etc.). Group members are not restricted to a Guild or a Fellowship. Anyone can be in the group, so long as there is room.

GROUP BUFFED - (Group Buff) This is a reference to being with whatever Buffs a Player has access to in the Solo or Group setting. Normally this means Rank II Buffs or lower. However, with the advent of all Group Buffs now being default Rank III buffs, and with the proliferation of Players who hang out in Plane of Knowledge or the Guild Lobby just so they can get buffed while AFK, this term is fast becoming obsolete. Being Group Buffed or Raid Buffed are not necessarily different, these days.

GROUP CURRENCY - See Alternative Currency.

GROUP LEADER - (Group Leadership) A Group Leader is the Player in a Group that controls / manages the Group by way of Roles (Main Tank, Main Assist, etc.), Invites, Kicks and so forth. This is the person that initially originates (forms) a group, but the roles can be given over to any other Player in the group. Originally, the Group Leader could earn 'Group Leadership Experience' (like AA's) to advance their Group Leadership abilities, however, eventually, all of these Abilities were entitled to everyone and Group Leadership Experience (and the related AA's) were done a way with.

GROUP SAY - This is a reference to a Group-only related Channel in EQ. Players, who are in the same group, can chat / comment "in group" -- and only other members of the Group will see those comments. Players can either set their Chat Window to "Default" post comments in Group, or purposely comment in Group using the the /gs or /gsay command, preceding their comment.



GROUP VENDOR - See Specialty Vendor.

GS - See Ground Spawn.

GSAY - See Group Say.

GTG - Short for Good TGo, as in ready for to play.


GUIDE - A Guide is a Player Volunteer (not a Dev). In times gone by, they were a pseudo GM that helped Players, with certain elevated, but limited, in-game Abilities. They even have their own Private EQ Zone (Sunset Home). These days, however, Guides are few and far between and rarely seen. However, they do sometimes activate and run special events (see Festival of Might). This is also a reference to walk-through for things like Quests (see Walk Through).

GUIDE EVENT - A short lived singular Event that is operated (or activated) by Guides. See here for more details.

GUILD - Guilds are Player Created "organizations," comprised of Players who have "banned together," for supportive reasons. Being a member of a Guild provides certain advantages, such as a way to seek assistance, find Players to Group / Adventure with, Raiding and so forth. It also provides access to certain other things, such as the Guild Hall (two Guild Halls, if the Guild has put down a Hall in Sunrise Hills). Guild Halls provide access to a Guild Banker (where all Guild Members can be deposit or withdraw items, if needed), Portals (to at least one zone for every expansion), a Guild Tribute NPC and more.

GUILD CHAT - Guild Chat or Guild Say (/gu) is a chat channel specific to your guild. You have to be a member of a Guild to see or speak in that channel. Everyone in your Guild -- no matter what zone they are in -- will be able to "hear" you and you will be able to "hear" them, unless they have that channel blocked.

GUILD TAG - This is a somewhat obscure reference to the fact that you are a member of a guild -- as in and you are "tagged" because the Guild name will now appear by your name (unless you are playing anonymous, etc.).

GUILDMASTER - (Guild Master) This is a reference to an NPC found in City Zones and the Plane of Knowledge. See Training Points.

GUILD BANK - See also, "Bank." A Guild Bank is a Banking System accessible to all Members of a Guild, for depositing or withdrawing items (limited by the settings controlled by the Guild Leader and / or their Designees).

GUILD BANKER - See also: Banker & Guild Bank. A Guild Banker can be found in the old Guild Halls, as well as the newer Neighborhood Guild Halls (if any were placed). Guild Bankers allow access to the Guild Bank, to any and all members of a Guild (limited only by the settings established by the Guild Leader and / or their Designees).

GUILD TRADESKILL DEPOT - See Tradeskill Depot.

GUILD HALL - This is a reference to the "headquarters" of a given Guild, that can be entered by Guild Members from the Guild Lobby. Guilds have a default Guild Hall automatically (aka Old Guild Hall). They can also have a much more versatile placed Guild Hall in Sunrise Hills (aka New Guild Hall, or Neighborhood Guild Hall).

GUILD LEADER - A Guild Leader is the head honcho of a Guild. They have the overall power to control the Guild, Guild Banker, Tribute and even Guild Hall (in Sunset Hills) settings. They can promote and demote Guild Members to certain ranks, which allow them certain elevated Guild-related duties or abilities based on the setting decided by the Guild Leader (such as being able to Invite or Remove Guild Members, etc.). It is possible for a Guild to have more than one Leader, with GM intervention. In short, the Guild Leader has complete control over the Guild (not the Players, but Guild-related things), but they can "delegate" certain things / abilities to other Guild Members (via various Guild Settings).

GUILD OFFICER - This is a Character, within a Guild, who has been awarded elevated Status within a Guild, by the Guild Leader and / or their Designees.

GUILD LOBBY - Despite the name, this is a zone that any Player can enter as is not specifically related to any one Guild.

GUILDMASTER - (Guild Master) - See Class Guildmaster.

GUILD POINTS - See Tribute.

GUILD PROPERTY - This is a reference to a "Guild Plot" where a Guild has placed a Guild Hall (this does not have to be in a Guild Zone).

GUILD SAY - (Guild Chat) Guild Say is a chat channel that can only be seen by members of the Guild. They can also comment in Guild Say using the command /gu followed by their comment. Players can also set their Chat Window to "default" guild Chat as well.

GUILD TRAINER - See Guildmaster.

GUILD TRIBUTE - See Tribute.

GUILD WAR - This is obsolete feature is no longer in game. It was where one Guild could go to war with another Guild (using the command /guildwar by the Guild Leader). Essentially it was a like a mass /duel... where members of each Guild could attack each other and fight it out. These days, this can still be done, but it has to be done in an Arena (PVP) area, or all Members of the guild(s) need to go PvP.

GUILD ZONE - This is a reference to a Sunrise Hills zone that was created by, named for and owned by a specific Guild. See also Sunrise Hills.

GUISE - Short for Disguise.




H1Z1 - This is one of the games offered by Daybreak Games. The Short Name for this game might be H1Z1 (unverified).

H2H - See Hand to Hand.

HA - See Heroic Adventure.

HAIL - This means to 'Hail' (or greet) an NPC or Player by targeting them and hitting the 'H" on the keyboard.


HALF ELF - (HEF, Ayr'Dal, Half-Elf) - This is an NPC / PC / MoB race. It is also a Player race, that can originate from more than one city. Traditionally, Half Elves get Infravision (but this may have changed over time). Half Elves are a Hybrid race of Humans and Elves (it has never been made clear as to which Elven race or if it can be any Elven race).

HALFLING - (Hobbit) This is an NPC / MoB race. It is also a Player race that originates from Rivervale. Traditionally, Halflings get Infravision, a 55 Experience Bonus, +5 to Disease & Poison Resist and the ability to Hide / Sneak (but this may have changed over time).

HAND-IN - (Hand In, Hand In Item, Hand-In Item) See Turn In.

HAND TO HAND - This offensive skill, related to your ability to fight with no weapons.

HARDCORE HERITAGE - Hardcore Heritage is an Annual / Temporary set of events where certain old zones are temporarily beefed up (much higher level), that take place around June and / or July of each year.

HARDCORE PLAYER - (Hard Core Player, Hardcore Raider, Hard Core Raider) This is a reference to Players that raid as much as possible... but not necessarily a Player that Plays all the time.

HARD MODE - (Hard, Hard Setting) See Mode.

HASTE This bonus (click for details) helps you conduct attacks at a faster pace, and thereby do more damage.

HATE - While there is a zone by this name (Plane of Hate), this is normally a reference to Aggro. See Aggro.

HATE LIST - See Aggro List.

HEAD START CHARACTER - This is a Character that was awarded via the Recruit A Friend Program, that started at Level 51.

HEAL AMOUNTThis bonus that adds (1 for 1) to the base amount of your Heals.

HEAL OVER TIME - (HoT) This is a generic terms for Heals that provide a healing effect over time, rather than just being a one-shot Heal.

HEALER - This is a reference to classes that can Heal effectively, such as Clerics, Druids & Shamans.

HEALTH BASED - See Percentage Based.

HEARTY MEAL - This is a reference to certain Food items that last 30 minutes before you Character gets hungry again. See Food.

HEDA - In EverQuest, this is the word used for the Letter H.

HERITAGE CRATE - Heritage Crates are periodically sold in the Marketplace. There is more than one type of Heritage Crate (they are related to Player Races) and each on will Award you (1) random item, such as an Illusion, a Familiar, a Portal item, an Ornament Set (Suit), a Music Box or even a Mount.

HERO'S FORGE - This refers to Ornamentations that you can put into your Visible Gear (Head, Chest, Arms, Legs, Feet, Hands & Wrist). It does not apply to Weapon & Shield Ornamentations. While a Character has (2) Wrist slots, a Hero's Forge Ornament need only be placed in the right Wrist Slot for the visible effect on both Wrists. The ability to put Hero's Forge Ornaments into visible Gear must be "unlocked" (purchased via the Marketplace). 


HEROIC ADVENTURE - (HA, Mission) This is a type of Group Mission that awards specialty coin. Heroic Adventures are also part of the rotating HA's that are part of the Bonus Experience Adventures ("Daily Adventures") offered by Clayton Teek in the Plane of Knowledge.

HEROIC CHARACTER - This a special purchased Character type (Marketplace)

HEIRLOOM - Heirloom refers to items that are, normally, No Trade. However, becuase they are also Heirloom, they can be traded to a different Character on the same Account and the same Server, by placing the item in the Shared Bank, so the other Character can get to it.

HELL LEVEL - This is a reference to certain Levels that seem to take a lot more experience (take longer), than other Levels, to get to the next highest Level. Some believe that Hells Levels are / were been intentional, while others believe they are simply a consequence of how experience is calculated. They start / started at Level 30 and / include / included Level 35 and continue every 5th Level thereafter.

HH - See Hardcore Heritage.

HICCUP - See Glitch.

HIDE - This is the ability of a Rogue, Bards, Rangers and Shadowknights to "hide in plain sight," so long as they don't move.

HIDE CORPSE - This is a Command that allows you to hide various types of corpses from view, so they don't clutter up your view and / or to help reduce lag. As  a note, your own corpse will never be hidden from you.

  • /hidecorpse all = Hide all corpses, of all types. You will not see any corpses at all.
  • /hidecorpse none = Stop hiding corpses. You will see all corpses.
  • /hidecorpse alwaysnpc = Hide all corpses except those of other Players, so you can see then for rezzing, dragging and raising dead purposes.
  • /hidecorpse allbutgroup = Hide corpses, except for those of your group, so you can see then for rezzing, dragging and raising dead purposes.
  • /hidecorpse NPC = Hide all corpses, except those of other Players, so you can see then for rezzing, dragging and raising dead purposes.
  • /hidecorpse looted = If you are not using Advanced Looting, this will hide any corpse you check for loot and leave any items on it.
  • /hidecorpse listed = If you are using Advanced Looting, this will hide all corpses you have access to, via Advanced Loot.
  • /hidecorpse listedunlocked - If you are using Advanced Looting, this will hide all 'unlocked' corpses so you can see any corpses you need to find and click to unlock.

HIDE MODEL - This is a Command that allows you to hide various types of living Players, Pets and Mercenaries. This command will either make them fully invisible, or turn them into Shadowmen-like characters (you will see only their names and / or floating weapons). Hiding models can aide in reducing lag, increase your visibility (see MoB's and NPC's easier) and reduce screen glut for certain things (pets, familiars, etc.). Certain things seem to over ride this, like Main Assist assignments. You can combine some of these commands (they do no always negate each other). This does not work for Familiars.

  • /hidemodel player = Hides all Players, they will become invisible, except for their names and equipped weapons.
  • /hidemodel merc = Hides all Mercenaries (they will become invisible, except for their names and equipped weapons). Your own mercenary will remain visible.
  • /hidemodel all = Hides Players, Mercenaries and Pets. You will still see yourself, your pets and your mercenaries.
  • /hidemodel none = Don't hide anything, you will see all Pets, Players and Mercenaries. 
  • /hidemodel player afk = Hides Players that are AFK.
  • /hidemodel pet afk = Hides Pets, whose Player Owners are AFK.
  • /hidemodel merc afk = Hides Mercenaries, whose Player Owners are AFK.
  • /hidemodel player afk noncombat = Hides Players that are AFK, but only in non-combat zones (like the Plane of Knowledge).
  • /hidemodel merc afk noncombat = Only hides Mercenaries whose Player Owners are AFK, but only in non-combat zones (like the Plane of Knowledge).
  • /hidemodel pet afk noncombat = Only hides Pets whose Player Owners are AFK, but only in non-combat zones (like the Plane of Knowledge).
  • /hidemodel noncombat = Hides Players, Pets and Mercenaries in non-combat zones (like the Plane of Knowledge).
  • /hidemodel player noncombat = Only hides Players in non-combat zones (like the Plane of Knowledge).
  • /hidemodel merc noncombat = Only hides Mercenaries in non-combat zones (like the Plane of Knowledge).
  • /hidemodel pet noncombat = Only hides Pets in non-combat zones (like the Plane of Knowledge).
  • /hidemodel noncombat = Hides Players, Pets and Mercenaries in non-combat zones (like the Plane of Knowledge).




















HIGH ELF - (Hi Elf, High-Elf, Hi-Elf, HIE, Koada'Dal) This is an NPC / MoB race. It is also a Player race, whose home city is Felwithe. Traditionally, High Elves get Infravision.


HIT POINTS - This is a reference to to the Health, in the form of Hit Points, that a Character has. This is an innate attribute that all Characters have.

HOBBIT - A pop culture reference to Halflings.

HOME CITY - (Home Town) This is a reference to the zone (city) that your Character calls home. This location is determined when the Character is first created. To see your Home City, use the command /char. The 'Origin Location,' that shows up in your chat window, is your Home City.

HOME TOWN - See Home City.

HORSE - This is a generic reference to 'Horse' MOB's. See also, Mount.

HoT  - See Heal Over Time. it is also an initialism for House of Thule, the 17th expansion of EverQuest.

HOT BAR - At Hot Bar is a 12-slot window you can have on your screen. There are eleven (11) Hot Bars available (EQ Button -> Hot Keys). There are also ten (10) pages on each Hot bar, that you can scroll through using the left / right arrows on the Hot Bar. These Hot Bars are utilized to create Hot Buttons that can be clicked to accomplish what ever actions you have assigned to them. See also: Hot Button.

HOT BUTTON - (Hot Key) A Hot Button is any 'button' on any Hot Bar (see Hot Bar) that you have created. It can be clicked to accomplish whatever action you have assigned to the Button. You can add click items (stored in your Bags or on your Key Rings) by clicking the item, holding until an icon pops on your cursor, and then clicking that into an empty Hot Button on any Hot Bar. That button can then be clicked to activate that item. The same can be done with any of your Socials (Control O), Abilities (Control A). Combat Page (Control C), Combat Skills (Alt C) and so on. Having Hot Bar's, on screen, is essential to game play, as it puts a myriad of actions just a click away, rather than having to go searching for them. It is advisable to set up the Hot Bars strategically on your screen and leave them in the same place. It is also advisable to strategically arrange Hot buttons on those Hot Bars, and leave them on the same Hot Bars in the same slots. The reason for this, is that as you play, you will come to instinctively 'know' (learn) where a Hot Button is, to click it immediately, when needed.

HOT FIX - This is a reference to when DayBreak does a quick update to fix some issue. This may or may not require the servers coming down for a short time, but it does usually require you to camp out and log back in to get the updates / fixes.

HOT KEY - See Hot Button. See also Macro.

HOT MIC - (Open Mic) When Players are using some form of Voice Chat while playing EQ, this is a reference to their microphone being active even when they are not talking (allowing everyone else to hear them typing, breathing, etc.).

HOUSE - (Housing) See Property.

HOUSE OF THULE - (HoT) House of Thule was the 17th expansion of EverQuest.

HOVER - This is a reference yo when your Character dies, you can chose to respawn at your Bind Location (where ever that may be), or you can 'hover' and wait for and take a rez to then respawn directly back to your corpse location.

HP - See Hit Points.

HP REGEN - See Hit Point Regeneration.

HT - Short for Harm Touch -- a Shadow Knight ability.

HUA - Initialism for Head Up A%%.

HUMAN - This is an NPC / MoB race. It is also a Player race, that generally originate from Qeynos or Freeport. Traditionally, Humans do not get any bonus trait awards, but they do generally have more class options than other races.

HUNTER - This is primarily a reference to Achievements Sets, which are awarded for killing all of the named (rare) MoB's in a given zone.

HUNTER RAID - This is a reference to a raid that is formed solely for the purpose of completing Hunter Achievements. Hunter kills are shared across zones. This means as long as a Character is in a group or a raid that kills a Hunter named (rare) MoB, they get credit for the kill in the Achievement. By forming a raid, individual groups can go after different targets and in this way, all Players can get Hunter Achievements done more expediently. Very often, Hunter go twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week... as long as Players want to keep it going. In down time, Players go AFK in a neutral zone like the Plane of Knowledge, otherwise, they actively pursue Hunter kills. One of the first hunter Raids was on Bertoxxulous, just after Hunters were added to older zones. The raid, other than server down time, lasted around three months non-stop, with Players coming and going at leisure (such as to attend actual raids).

HYBRID - This is a reference to Player Classes a mix of other Class Types (Bard, Beastlord, Paladin, Ranger, Shadowknight). Example, a Paladin is a mixture of a Warrior and a Cleric. It is also a reference to Player Race types, such as the Half Elf... a mix of Human and Elf.

HYDRA - A reference a Player's characters, other than their Main. As in one of many heads (characters) for the same Player. See also, Box.




ID 10 T ERROR - (ID10T Error) - This is a sarcastic humor reference. You may notice that ID10T is a clever way of spelling IDIOT. It means any issues being encountered by a Player are actually issues with the Player, not the game or computer.

IDK - An initialism for I Don't Know.

IKSAR - This is an NPC / MoB race. It is also a Player race, that originates from Cabilis. Traditionally, Iksar get Infravision; a bonus to Hit Points, Regeneration and Armor Class; their Forage is capped at 50; and they start with a Swim Skill of 100.

INC - Short for Incoming. A term used to give notice to get ready to for the incoming MOB and kill it.

INI - This is a computer file type used by EverQuest for a number of purposes, to include EverQuest settings... such as your Hot Buttons, Interface and so forth. These files, to a point, can be changed by players for their needs / wants. However, if you aren't sure of what your are doing and why, don't mess with them or you can really screw things up. Instead, stick with the in-game way to (Options, Alt O).

IMO - Initialism for In My Opinion.

IN CHARACTER - See Role Play.

IN ORDER - See Sequence.

IN SEQUENCE - See Sequence.

INDIFFERENT - Indifferent refers to (1) of the (9) possible levels of Faction (Scowls --> Threatening --> Dubious --> Apprehensive --> Indifferent --> Amiable --> Kindly --> Warmly --> Ally). When you kill most MOB's, you will see Faction Hits that add or detract from your Faction with one Faction or another. You can see your Faction Levels with most (but not all) Factions in the Faction Window (EQ Button --> Character --> Faction Standing). This faction level is essentially neutral faction. Rogue Hide / Sneak sets them to this Faction for everything. Invisible (Invis) / Invisible to Undead (IVU) sets you to this faction for MOB's that can not see through Invis / IVU. Vendors start to give you more favorable buy / sell prices.



INNORUUK - NPC, Server to The Nameless

INSPECT - Inspect is not an actual ability, per se, but it does allow you to see what gear another player has equipped, using the /inspect command. If you are accidentally inspecting other Players when you click on them, you can turn this off using the Command /toggleinspect off, and turn it back on with /toggleinspect on.

INSTACAST - (Insta-Cast) See Instant.

INSTANCE - This is a reference to a non-static EQ Zone. Such zones are 'spun' up by Player actions (such as Guild Halls, Group Missions, Raids) or automatically (such as Pick Zones). In short, the zones are inactive (the do not actually exist) until they get manifested as noted. There can many versions of these zones active, at the same time, but most all of them are limited / exclusive access... such as only to Characters that are part of the Mission / Raid.

INSTACAST - See Instant Cast.

INSTANT - Sometimes used as a singular form of 'Instance' (see above). It is also a reference to something, particularly a spell or click item, that happens immediately. That is, they have less than a 0.5 Second cast time, or no cast time at all. In many cases, this means you do not have to stop moving to cast or click the item. However, some do have restrictions like you can't be in combat, can't be invisible and similar.

INSTANT CAST - (Insta Cast)

INT - See Intelligence.





INTIMDATION - This defensive ability



INVIS - See Invisible.

INVISIBLE - (Invis, Camo) A reference to spells / buffs that hide your presence from others and MOB's (they can't always see you, but be careful some can 'see through invis').

INVISIBLE VERSUS UNDEAD - (IVU, Invis to Undead) A reference to spells / buffs that hide your presence from most (not all) undead MOB's.


IRL - This is an initialism for In Real Life, that Players use to refer to real life (non-EQ).


ITEM - This is a generic reference to any virtual item in the Game, be it a weapon, armor, a scroll, coin, and so forth. it is something your Character can possess.

ITEM COLLECTOR - This is a reference to an external program that collects data while you are Playing EverQuest, such as information about Items, such as their details and where you seen them (as a drop, on a vendor, etc.).

ITEM EXPERIENCE - Experience that goes toward progressing an Evolving Item. Item Experience is granted (except in Raids) for killing MOB's that provide you with Regular XP. However, Item Experience is based on the kill, not the actual XP... meaning it takes a certain number of MOB's to gain 1% Item Experience. The number of kills needed varies by the Level of the MOB killed, in relation to your character (it takes a lot more Light Blue Cons than it does Red Cons). See Evolving Item.

ITEM LORE - See Lore.

ITEM NUMBER - (Item #)

ITEM OVERFLOW (Overflow Bank) - This is a pseudo bank where items can be retrieved that were placed there when you had no other slots to place them (inventory, bank...). Example, a Petition may result in a returned item, and a CSR may place it in your "Item Overflow" for you to retrieve from there. This window can be accessed with they command /itemoverflow.

ITEM SLOT - See Slot.


ITEM XP - See Item Experience.

IVU - See Invisible Versus Undead.

IZAH - In EverQuest, this is the word used for the Letter I.




JAKA - In EverQuest, this is the word used for the Letter J.

JEWELRY - A generic reference to 'jewelry' items, such as rings, neck items & ear rings. It can also be a reference to the Jewelry Making Skill, or combines using that skill.

JEWELRY BAG - An carried (inventory) item that Players can use to do Jewelry Combines.

JEWELRY MAKING - A Player Tradeskill.

JEWELRY TABLE - An object (placed object) that Players can interact with to do Jewelry Combines.

JK - Initialism for 'Just Kidding.' Sometimes when this term is used, Players are trying to mitigate their comment (humor, sarcasm, joke) to be less unfriendly... or pointing out that they were joking, just in case it wasn't obvious they were doing so. 


JOURNAL - See Quest Journal or NPC Journal.

JOURNEYMANThis is a worded rating you can see in relation to certain Skills (in your Skills Window, EQ Button -> Character -> Skills). While EQ is inconsistent with this "rating," it is generally for Skill Levels from 200 to 249. It is also a term used for Top Level Mercs.

JOURNEYMAN ARTISAN - This is a Title reference to attaining a Skill Level of 200 in all Tradeskills.

JS - Initialism for 'Just Saying."

JUNK - A reference to dropped and foraged items that are of little or no benefit. Such as items that have little to no Tribute or Vendor value, nor are needed for Tradeskills or Quests or are Food / Drink items.

JUNK AA - A reference to AA's that are of little to no value or use, as game overcaps / limits and gear benefits essentially negate any benefit by said AA's.

JUNK BUFF - A reference to buffs that are of little to no benefit (such a low level resist buff), and are often used as 'fillers' for the first few buff slots of a Character, to help counter dispels by MoB's.




K - Short for OK, which is short for Okay.

KACHING - A word intended to mimic the sound of a cash register, and used a celebratory comment when 'hitting the jackpot' (such as a rare drop, getting a big upgrade, big sale, etc.).

KALA - In EverQuest, this is the word used for the Letter K.

KANE BAYLE - NPC / former Server (EU) to Antonius Bayle

KARANA - NPC, old server to The Rathe

KAREN - See Drama Queen.

KAVHOK - Kavhok (their EQ Character Name) is a current or former Darkpaw employee / Developer (see Developer).

KEI - While it actually an initialism for the spell for Koadic's Endless Intellect, it is also used in a generic way for any buff that enhances Mana Regeneration.

KEY - (Keyed) Item Keyboard Flag


KEYRING - (Key Ring)

KEYWORD - (Key Word, Key Phrase)

KICKThis skill / bonus    This offensive skill   Also remove from See also, Disband

KILL ON SIGHT - A reference to MOB's that will attack and try to kill you if they see you. Usually Players pronounce this as an actual word ("koss") rather than say it as letters ("K O S").


KILN - This is a device used for Pottery Skill combines, usually for "fire" (finalize) "unfired" items that were made on a Pottery Wheel.

KINDLY - Kindly refers to (1) of the (9) possible levels of Faction (Scowls --> Threatening --> Dubious --> Apprehensive --> Indifferent --> Amiable --> Kindly --> Warmly --> Ally). When you kill most MOB's, you will see Faction Hits that add or detract from your Faction with one Faction or another. You can see your Faction Levels with most (but not all) Factions in the Faction Window (EQ Button ---> Character --> Faction Standing). This level of faction is required for some, but not all, Quests.

KING LOOT - This is a term to indicate that only one (1) designated player will loot MOB's for the entire group. To do this, the player turns off split and loots all the MOB's coin and vendor loot. The player must also know what they had in coin before they started. At the end of the grouping -- the player will then split the looted coin with the rest of the group, via a special command (/split). If possible, looted items will be sold before the coin is split. Desirable items, however, are normally awarded to one of the players, in some fashion.

KITE - (Kiting) This is reference to a method of fighting, killing and / or 'controlling' MOB's, but only works if the MoB's do not summon and the kiting Player maintains aggro. Example, a Druid can snare a MOB, then DoT the MOB and then run around while the MOB chases / follows the Druid while it slowly dies from the DoT. The Druid never has to go one-on-one with the MOB, normally. So -- the Druid sort of runs the MOB around like you might do with a Kite, when flying it -- and thus, the term. This same method (aggro and run) can also be used to run MoB's around to keep it off the group / raid until the group / raid is ready to fight it.

KLANDERSO - Klanderso (their EQ Character Name) is a current or former Darkpaw employee (see Developer).

KNOCK BACK aka Push Back

KNOWN RECIPE - This is a reference to a Tradeskill Recipe that has all ready been "learned" and is a recipes you can find (search for) in the associated Tradeskill Device.

KOADA'DAL - This is the true racial name for High Elves.

KoS - See Kill on Sight.

KRONO - Krono is sold via the Marketplace and is fully tradeable. It can be claimed (clicked) to pay for a month of All Access EverQuest. It is more expensive to buy that simply paying for EverQuest outright. However, Krono has evolved into an alternative currency, really. Krono is commonly used by Players in trades and transactions for items and Platinum, particularly when the 2 Million Platinum limit in Bazaar is lower than the desired price in noted transactions. Free To Play Players can often buy Krono from other Players for Platinum, to pay for and keep their account(s) All Access, even if they do not directly pay for EverQuest, at all. However, this does mean a lot of time and effort must go into farming for Platinum. Meanwhile, Players can sell Krono to acquire Platinum, when funds are low. If you buy Krono from Daybreak, the most expensive option is actually to buy them one (1) at a time, while the 'cheapest' option is to buy them two (2) at a time (they do not get any cheaper if you buy 5, 10 or 25 of them... in fact, if you do the math, they sometimes actually get a bit more expensive in the form of decimal points). Example if you buy a set of ten (10), you actually pay about 4-cents more than if you bought five (5) sets of two (2), instead.

KS - See Kill Steal.




LAA - See Leadership Alternate Advancement.

LAG - Lag is a reference to when EverQuest pauses and hesitates. It is sort of  sync issue where your computer is not exactly on the same pace as the EQ Server. For instance, you may be in a group that has just killed a MOB, but on your screen, that MOB is still at 20% Health and isn't dead yet. Another example is when you try to move and the screen moves in a jerky motion, like seeing a movie one frame click at a time. Other examples might be when you type a chat message and it doesn't show up right away; or you move forward and suddenly you have warped back to where you were; or you click buttons or cast spells and they don't seem to cast or click... then suddenly they do... and so on. Lag is not 100% an issue with EverQuest / DayBreak, itself. It can be due to the load on your computer (how much memory your computer has, graphics card quality, too many other programs running at the same time, using older software, updates may be needed, Windows Update installing updates in the background...) and other similar issues. It can also have to with the load on your ISP / area, weather and your Internet Speed. Yes, it can also have to do with EQ / Daybreak itself, as events / zones can 100% get lagged out due to so many Players and / or so many spells, pets, effects going off and such (this is known to happen very often with Zlandicar, to the point that Players simply utilized it as part of their strategy). It can also have to do with your in-game display and other settings (logs on, showing all names, showing all graphics, etc.). In short, lag is simply a fact of life with on-line gaming. There are some things you can do to reduce it, but you are not going to get rid of it 100%.

LAG METER - (Latency Meter) This an on-screen feature, a little bar, of EverQuest, that reveals the quality (percentage) and speed (in milli-seconds or 'ms'). To bring up the Lag Meter, use the F11 key, on your keyboard.

LATENCY - See Lag.

LAURION INN VOUCHER - Laurion Inn Vouchers are a type of alternative currency. They are earned via missions in the Laurion's Song expansion and can be spent with Feldryn L'Deth in Laurion's Inn.

LAURION'S SONG - (LS) Laurion's Song was the 30th Expansion of EverQuest, released in December of 2003. 

LB - (LB Con) - See Light Blue Con.

LD - See Link Dead.


LANYS T'VYL - NPC, Server to The Seventh Hammer

LASTING DRINK - This is a reference to certain Drink items that last 40 minutes, before you need another Drink. See Drink.

LATENCY - This is the technical term for Lag. See Lag.



LAY ON HANDS - (LoH) - This is a Paladin ability / Alternate Advancement....

LAYOUT - (Lay Out) - This is a reference to your EQ Window. Specifically, where you have things positioned in your EQ Window, such as your Spell Bar, Group Window, Extended Target Window, Chat Windows, Buff Bar, Hot Bars and so forth.

LDoN - An initialism for Lost Dungeons of Norrath, the 6th expansion of EverQuest.

LEADER - There are several types of things that a Player (Character) that control, manage and / or Lead, thus they are the Raid Leader, Group Leader, Fellowship Leader and / or Guild Leader. Leadership can be transferred to another Player (by the Current Leader), if desired, via Role assignments.

LEADERSHIP ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT - (Leadership Alternative Advancement, LAA) - A now obsolete term for Group (or Raid) Leadership, that has now been universally granted, rathe than having to earn it via experience.   Alternate Advancement (Leadership Alternate Advancement). There is both group (GLAA) and Raid (RLAA) leadership.

LEARN - While Characters can "learn" many things in EQ (languages, battle skills, magic skills and so on).

LEARNED RECIPE - This is specifically in reference to Tradeskill Recipes. After a successful combine of a new recipe, you "learn" the recipe and it is then saved to the combine device as a "known" recipe. Recipes can also be learned as part of a Quest or from scribing books. Many basic recipes are 'known' by default. However, there are recipes that cannot be learned (normally, as part of a Quest or a so-called 'non-tradeskill' combines, usually involving specialized combine containers.

LEASH - See Tether.

LEATHER CLASS - This is a reference to Player Classes that wear Leather armor (Beastlord, Berserker, Druid, Monk).


LEECH - (Leach, Leaching, Leeching)

LEFT CLICK - This means what it sounds like, using your left mouse button to click something on screen (many actions in EQ require you to use your left or right mouse buttons).

LEGACY OF YKESHA - (LoY) Legacy of Ykesha was the 5th expansion of EverQuest.

LEGENDS - (Legends Service, EQL) See EverQuest Legends.

LEGENDS OF NORRATH - (LoN) Legends of Norrath (LoN) was a stand alone game that could also be played withing EverQuest, like Overseer. LoN was a card game similar to the more well known physical card game, Magic: The Gathering. It was released and added to EverQuest on September of 2007. LoN included quests, challenges, "Loot Cards' (not sold as packs in the Marketplace) that could be claimed for an actual Item in EverQuest; Tournaments; Loot Cards dropped in EverQuest that could be clicked to add them to your Legends of Norrath collection; and even a Player Marketplace (to buy, sell and trade cards). LoN even had sixteen (16) expansions (in order, they were: Oathbound and then Forsworn in 2007; Inquisitor, Oathbreaker & then Ethernauts in 2008; Against the Void, Storm Break & then Travelers in 2009; Vengeful Gods, Doom of the Ancient Ones & then Dragonbrood - The Anarchs in 2010; Legacies, Priestess of the Anarchs & then The Jarsath Destroyer in 2011; Fall of the Estarim & then Debt of the Ratonga in 2012; and lastly, Drakkinshard in 2012). After Daybreak acquired EverQuest, LoN essentially got set aside and was and fully discontinued in August of 2016.

LENA - In EverQuest, this is the word used for the Letter L.

LEROY JENKINS - This phrase, while not of EQ Origin, did make it's way into EQ. It was made famous due a Viral Video from WoW (the World of Warcraft). See Zerg.

LESSON OF THE DEVOTED - This is a Veteran's Alternative Advancement Ability that can be used once every 20 Hours and provides bonus experience to a Character, for 30-minutes. Originally, this was only granted to Players who had paid account credit of at least

LEV - See Levitation.


LEVEL RESTRICTED - See Restrictions.

LEV - (or Levy) See Levitation.

LEVI - (or Levy) See Levitation.

LEVITATION - A reference to any buff that allows your character to float above the ground. Forms of levitation can make it easier to traverse certain areas and / or terrains (such as running over water, rather than swimming) (no fall damage).

LEWT - (Lewtz, Lewts) Slang term for Loot. See Loot.

LFG - See Looking For Group.


LIGHT BLUE CON - (LB, LB Con, Light Blue Consider) - This refers to a MOB, NPC or Player that is 6 to 15 Levels lower than your Character. See Consider.

LIMITATIONS - See Restrictions.


LINGS - This term originated with the Tantor raid and is short for the smaller Mammoths that spawn as adds... Tantorlings.

LINK - (Linking) In EQ this term is a reference to sharing things to other players in chat, in the form of a link they can click on and see information about whatever it is you linked. Things that can be linked in this way include items, achievements, spells and spell effects. To link something in this manner, you must first move your cursor over the item or icon, and then use click and hold your right mouse button until a "link window" pops up. Next, click into your chat box, move your cursor over the icon / image in the link window, hold down your Control key and then left click (left mouse button) to put the link into your chat line.  

LINK BOT - This is a now obsolete term for an in-game (Player) Character that was set-up to respond to tells with certain information gleaned from EQ Program files. For example, a Player could send a tell, normally with some special format, to get item links (thus the term, 'link bot'), or even recipes, sent back to them via a tell from the 'Link Bot' Character. EverQuest updates shut down these Link Bots long ago. Today, the Bazaar Buyer tool is used as a substitute, particularly on a free-trade server.

LINK DEAD - (LD) This is a reference to a lost connection (the link) between the EQ Server and the Players computer. As a result, the Player can get disconnected and will have to restart EQ to get back in the game (there is, however, a chance the link can restore itself before a full on disconnect happens). You can also shows as "LD" in-game when you are not. This can happen when you are charmed or feared.

LIVE - This is a term that refers to EQ Servers. A "Live" Server is that is not a TLP, temporary / special Server (i.e. Beta & Test). Live Servers can have variant Server Rules and / or better suit / accommodate Players from different time zones (i.e. European Players), but are generally considered "permanent" Servers. Players can create Characters on any Server (or even on multiple Servers) they want to, but they can only Play one Character on one Live Server at a time.

LIVING LEGACY - Living Legacy are Annual / Temporary raid events that place around July / August of each year.


LOC - See Location.

LOCATION - (Locate, /loc) - All zones are mapped by way of East-West, North-South and Up-Down coordinates -- both positive and negative. If someone wishes to know a "loc," -- they want someone to tell them a set of numbers. You can use the command /loc to find your current "loc." Generally, the first two (2) sets of numbers (east/west & north/south), without the decimals are the important ones (without the decimals), because the elevation (above or below base ground level) is not usually a concern (3rd number).

LOCATION UPDATE - This refers to Task Steps that update when you arrive at a specific spot, or area in a given zone.

LOCKED - See Lock Out. See also Task Lock.

LOCK-OUT TIMER - (Lock Out) See also Ability TimerAlarm, Cast Timer, Reuse Timer and / or Timer.

LOCK OUT - See Lock Out Timer.

LOG - (Logging, Logged, Logged Out, Logged In, Log File, EverQuest Log, EQ Log) Log can be one of two things. One of them is an alternative phrase meaning to camp out of the game (as in Log Out). See Also: Camp. The other is reference to an in-game function where everything in your Chat Windows can be 'logged' (as in recorded) into a Log (a text file) in your EQ Directory. If you decide to turn logging on (/log on), while it highly beneficial to research (i.e. event strategy), Parsing, GINA and other purposes, it can contribute to lag. This is because the file in constantly and actively being written to, as you play. You can, however, turn this feature off (/log off). Log files can be found in the 'Logs' sub-folder of your EQ Directory, named for the Character and Server for which they are for.

LOH - See Lay On Hands.

LOOKING FOR GROUP - (LFG) - Player can type the command /lfg and the letters 'LFG' will appear buy their name, above their name, to let Players visually know they are looking for a group. The term 'LFG' is also used in chat, by Players, for the same reason.

LOL - Initialism for Laugh (or Laughing) Out Loud.

LOM - (LoM, LM) Initialism for being Low On Mana.

LON - An initialism for Legends of Norrath.

LOOM - A device for doing Tailoring Combines. 

LOOT - The spoils of war. Items that drop from MOB's that you kill and / or are awarded for completing Quests, Missions, Achievements and the like.

LOOT AND SCOOT - (Loot 'n Scoot, Loot & Scoot) - This is a reference to a Player that loots an item from a corpse and then leaves. Often this related to Rot Loot, but sometimes it is, basically, loot theft. See also: Ninja Looter.

LOOT DROPPER - Seen Named.

LOOT LOCKOUT - This is a reference to instanced raid zones, involving timers. Due to Player exploitations, this timer was added so that Players could not 'farm' a raid zone (such as for 'Luck' Augs), drop the instance, and then get it again to farm some more. This timer does not prevent dropping and re-getting a raid instance, it simply results in the zone MoB's not dropping any loot the second time around, when any Player has this lock out. This timer can be seen using typing Alt Z on your keyboard.

LOOT RIGHTS - This is a reference to allowing Players the "right" to certain loot. Usually it means that a Player has a drop they are offering up for sale. Thus, they are selling "loot rights" to the item in question.

LOOT STEP - This is a reference to task steps that require you to loot something. Normally, such items must be looted not only while you have the task, are in the correct zone and the step is active (visible and not greyed out), but the item must also be looted from the correct MOB.

LOOT TABLE - This is a reference to what any noted MOB can drop (as loot). Basically, MOB's are assigned a "table" of possible Loot they can drop, along with a percentage chance that each can drop, as well as a limit on how many items they can drop.

LOOT WINDOW - See Advanced Looting.

LORE - (Item Lore, Game Lore, Lore Item) - This is a reference to items that are Lore, meaning you can only possess one of these items. It is also a reference to game 'Lore' which is another way of saying 'Story,' or the historical background of something within the game, i.e. the 'legend' or 'tale' of the  City, or Race or Deity.

LORE EQUIPPED - This is a reference to a type of Loot that a Player can possess more than one of, but can only equip one of them. Normally, such items have a Luck Stat (see Luck) and by possessing two of them, the Player can 'fuse' them together to increase the Luck Stat by one point.

LORE ITEM - See Lore.

LORE GROUP - This is a reference to different items that share a 'Lore Group' and means that you can only equip one of them (you have to choose).

LORE TAB - This is a refence to a tab in an Item Window. The Lore Tab may have a comment about the item's origin, a humorous comment or even provide a clue as to what it is used for.

LoS - (LOS) - See Line of Sight.

LOSE AGGRO - See Drop Aggro.

LOST DUNGEONS OF NORRATH - (LDoN) Lost Dungeons of Norrath was the 6th expansion of EverQuest.

LOST EXPERIENCE - See Experience Loss.

LOTD - (LotD) See Lesson of the Devoted.

LoY - An initialism for Legacy of Ykesha, the 5th expansion of EverQuest.

LOYALTY TOKENS - (Crowns) This is a type of alternative currency added to the game in September 2010, as a type of 'reward' for Players who maintain paid (All Access) accounts over time. However, it is capped (you can only have a maximum of 1,440 to 5,760 Loyalty Tokens aka Crowns, depending on if you have a Free To Play, Silver or All Access account). It is earned / awarded weekly, if you have an All Access (Paid) Account with Daybreak (Darkpaw). The amount you earn increases each month, so long as you maintain a paid account (no breaks). This amount maxes out at 120 Crowns per week (after 12 months). They can be spent with "Pagus Nonad" in Sunrise Hills, or with "Alerynril the Loyal" in the Plane of Knowledge. Free To Play & Silver Accounts, oddly, do earn Loyalty at lesser restricted rates. There are alternative ways to earn Loyalty Tokens (and go over the cap, if you are all ready at the limit), but only a few at time (i.e. Guide Events).

LOYALTY VELOCITY - (Loyalty Meter) This is a percentage rating related to how many Loyalty Tokens (aka Crowns) you are currently earning each week. It can be seen in your Alternate Currency Tab in the description window for Loyalty Tokens. 100% means your are getting 120 per week.

LOYALTY VENDOR - A reference to "Pagus Nonad" in Sunrise Hills, or with "Alerynril the Loyal" in the Plane of Knowledge, who both sell items in exchange for Loyalty Tokens (aka Crowns).

LR - See Loot Rights.

LUCKThis skill / bonus 

LUCLIN - This is one of the two Moons of Norrath, but it is hidden from sight by shadows. Luclin is tidally locked to Norrath. In EverQuest II Luclin has actually exploded, as can be seen in EverQuest I in the Void (this will not happen in EQ1, as it was prevented). Luclin is also the center of three (3) expansions (Shadows of Luclin, Terror of Luclin & Night of Shadows). Luclin is also the name of an EQ Live Server, named for the deity Luclin. The in-game Short Name for Tells is: Luclin (i.e. /tell luclin.Bonzz Hello!). Luclin is also a Deity known as the Maiden of Shadows and she resides in the Plane of Shadows. Despite her appearance in game, she is said to be very short (4 foot 9 inches, in fact). Luclin 'gave life' the the moon that now bears her name, but she has since hidden it in shadow and you can not see it from Norrath. In at least one incarnation of EverQuest (EverQuest Worlds), Luclin has a daughter, Drinal (for whom Norrath's other moon is named) and together, they are known as the 'Seers.'

LUCY - Lucy is a companion site to Zam, where you can see greater details about EverQuest items, spells and the like.

LUCY ITEM COLLECTOR - This is an external program that monitors your Character Log Files while you play EverQuest, for the purpose of collecting data (such as the details about items you come across), and in adding that Data to the Zam web site (see Allakhazam).

LULL - See Pacify.




M - See Mil.

MA - See Main Assist.

MACRO - keyboard command

MAELIN STARPYRE - Server NPC? Short Name maelin

MAG - See Magician.

MAGE - Generic word for Magician.

MAGELO - Magelo is a web site that includes function related to EverQuest, to aide Players in their game play / research. It is most known for it's Player Ranking System (you can see how you rank versus other Players that have uploaded their Character) (See Magelo Sync) and it's maps, which actually show where MOB's have been killed. This site has limited free access, or full access for paid membership.

MAGELO SYNC - Magelo Sync is an external program (see Item Collector) that monitors EverQuest while you play, for the purpose of collecting information / details from EverQuest, to add to and update the Magelo web site. See Magelo (above).

MAGIC - Magic is a generic term for the use of and casting of Spells, by way of using Clickies, Bard Songs and actual Spells. Cast Spells require varying amounts of Mana to cast. Magic is also a type of resist. Some detrimental spells / effects are magic based and this resist helps resist, reduce and / or avoid their effects. This is also a type of Item. A Magic Item is an Item that can affect magical creatures. Example, a Weapon that does not indicate it is Magic, will not do much, if any, damage to a magical creature.


MAELIN STARPYRE - NPC former server to Drinal

MAIN - A term Players use to refer to their "Main" Character, meaning the Character they play most and / or prefer over all of their other Characters.


MAIN BANK - In that there are (2) Banks in the Plane of Knowledge, this is a reference to the Bank in the Northeast corner of the inner circle of the zone. It is also referred to as the "Big Bank." 


MAKE ALL - See Auto Combine.



MANA POOL - See Mana Points.

MANA REGEN - See MANA Regeneration.


MANGLER - Live True box TLP  In 2023, True Box was removed from this server.




MAP FIEND - Map Fiend is a web site that was once a popular place to share Zone Maps with other EQ Players. The site currently appears to be defunct (no longer maintained).

MARKETPLACE - This term is normally associated with the "DB Store," which you can access via the "DB" button on your screen (see image, below) on your screen, or by typing /marketplace. The Marketplace is where you can purchase all sorts of things, using "DB Cash." 500 DB Cash is awarded to paid Accounts once a month. You can also purchase DB Cash (for real life Money).

MARKETPLACE FUNDS - See Daybreak Cash.

MARK NPC - This is the ability to literally mark NPC's with  number, that represents the order in which they should be killed (normally). Only Raid Leader or Group Leaders -- or the Player they designate - can do this. See Also Raid Leadership and Group Leadership.

MARKS OF VALOR - This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned via Heroic Adventures in CoTF. They can be spent with "Mercenary Morloro," "Merchant Akele," "Merchant Chebel," "Merchant Nyvan," or "Merchant Orvan," "Merchant Sertan," and / or "Requisitioner Rhies" -- who are all in the Ethernere Tainted West Karana.

MASH UP - See Twist.

MASSIVELY MUTLIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE-PLAYING GAME - (MMORPG) - This term refers to games, like EverQuest, that are played on-line by many simultaneously played by many Players.

MASTER This is a worded rating you can see in relation to certain Skills (in your Skills Window, EQ Button -> Character -> Skills). While EQ is inconsistent with this "rating," it is generally for Skill Level of 300 (and some cases, it is 100, 200 or 300). 

MASTER ARTISAN - This is a Title reference to attaining a Skill Level of 300 in all Tradeskills.


MASTER QUEST - This term is in reference to a now-obsolete trick Players could do, to help another Player with many quests, such as Epics. Basically, if a Character was in need of a No Trade drop for a Hand-in, they could group with Character that had the item, and head to the related NPC. The other Character could then turn in the item and the questing Character would get credit as if they handed it in themselves. However, the Master Quest trick was removed via Patch and this can no longer be done.

MATERIALS - See Raw Material.

MATS - See Raw Material.

MAXIMUM MELEE RANGE - (Max Melee) See Melee Range.

MAYONG - Server Defunct to ?? Start L51, 50 AA, Flawed Defiant gear, all Spells / Discs to 51, Skills maxed

MCKENZIE'S SPECIAL BREW - This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned via Monster Missions from "Old Man McKenzie" in the Plane of Knowledge. They can also be spent with with him, as well. You can also buy these from the Overseer vendor "a mysterious presence" in the Plane of Knowledge, using Overseer Tetradrachms.

MEAL - This is a reference to certain Food items that last 20 minutes before you Character gets hungry again. See Food.

MEATBALL - This is a slang term many Players have give to the "Blood Bag" MOB's (such as in Bloodfalls), due it's appearance.

MECHANICS - This term is a reference to how EverQuest works, particularly with events / raids where the mechanics must generally be adhered to to beat the event / raid. Events and Raids have 'mechanics' (coding) that events and raids follow. Example, Kill MoB X must died before MoB Z... activate adds every two (2) minutes... Rampage starts at 25%... and so on.

MED - See Meditation.

MEDA - In EverQuest, this is the word used for the Letter M.

MEDALS OF HEROISM - This is a type of alternative currency. It is earned via 1st Tier Raids in CoTF. They can be spent with "Requisitioner Sheon" in the Ethernere Tainted West Karana.

MEDITATION - (Med, Meditate) Meditation relates to the recovering of Mana to use for magic spells. Meditation recovers Mana at a faster rate that normal. In order to Meditate, a Player must be sitting or on a mount, standing still and not in combat.

MEEKO - Meeko (their EQ Character Name) is a current or former Darkpaw employee (see Developer).

MELEE - (Melee Class) A term for physical combat, primarily in the form of one-on-one type of combat.

MELEE CLASS - This is a reference to Player Classes that primarily do battle by way of close-quarter weapon / hand to hand combat (Monk, Paladin, Rogue, Shadowknight, Warrior).

MELEE RANGE - A reference to being close enough to an opponent (MOB) where they can hit you and you can hit them, using wielded weapons and hand-to-hand attacks. There is also "Maximum Melee Range" which means being as far away from a MOB as possible and still be able to hit it. This distance can be "seen" with Pets, as they normally fight at Maximum Melee Range.

MELEE SHIELDINGThis skill / bonus

MEM - See Memorize.

MEM WIPE - (Memory Wipe) This is a generic reference to, primarily, an Enchanter's Ability (Spell) to make MOB's forget about Players that may have had aggro on. The term seems to originate from two (2) different versions of the Enchanter Spells, "Memory Blur" (Level 10) & "Mind Wipe" (Level 36). This term has been used ever since, despite the name of the higher level spells.


MEND - Mend is a Monk's ability to heal themselves.

MERC - See Mercenary.

MERC XP - See Mercenary Experience.

MERCH - (Merchant, Loot) - See Vendor Loot and / or Merchant.

MERCHANT - See Vendor.

MERCHANT MINING - See Vendor Diving.


MERCENARY - (Merc) A Mercenary is an automated Player-like Character than you can 'hire' to help you as you adventure. This helper can be a healer, a melee DPS, a caster DPS or a tank. A Mercenary joins your group just like a real Player would.

MERCENARY EXPERIENCE - Experience that applies directly to and for you Mercenary. Mercenaries take their share of Group XP for this purpose.

MERGE - (Merger)

MESMERIZE - The ability of some classes to hold MOB's at bay with abilities / spells, to essentially, freezing them in place, temporarily.

MESSAGE - See Tell and / or EQ Mail.

MEZ - (Mezz, Mezzing) See Mesmerize.

MEZZER - A Player that has the ability Mesmerize.

MIL - Short for Million, as in 1 Million Platinum.

MINI - See Mini Boss and / or Mini Raid.

MINI BOSS - (Mini-Boss) This is a reference to named / top level MoB's that are actual minions of another named / top level named MoB. For instance, you may have to go through one or more Mini Bosses before you get to the actual Boss.

MINI RAID - (Mini-Raid) This is a reference to a small raid, normally of two to four groups. These 'mini raids' are not formed to necessarily do actual raid events, but rather, to help each other address matters (like a really tough Named MoB) they could not necessarily defeat as a single group. They are also formed to cut through content faster (such kill quests, quest drops, acquire dropped collects, etc.).

MIRACULOUS DRINK - This is a reference to certain Drink items that last 240 minutes, before you need another Drink. See Drink.

MIRACULOUS MEAL - This is a reference to certain Food items that last 240 minutes before you Character gets hungry again. See Food.

MIRAGUL - True Box, started in HoT

MISCHIEF - Live TLP? In 2023, True Box was removed from this server.

MISHEARD WORD - This term means that a word was 'misheard' by the listener, due the accent of the speaker; or the way a word was pronounced by the speaker; or that it sounds very similar to another word. As a result, the bad pronunciation is adopted by others and can even make it's way into the phonetic spelling (and erroneous) of the word. Examples of this are how many who pronounce 'DAWN' as 'DON;' or how the the word 'Aggravation' became 'Aggro' and sometimes, 'Argo.'


MISSTELL - (MT, Miss Tell, Mistell) This refers to a chat message sent (posted) to the wrong Character and / or the wrong Channel.

MITHANIEL MARR - NPC, former server to Saryrn

MITIGATION - (Mitigate)

MIXING BOWL - This is a portable container (there is also a placed version) used to combine (make) certain Baking recipes.

MM - An initialism for Monster Mission.

MMM - An initialism for Meldrath's Magnificent Mansion.

MMORPG - See Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.

MNK - See Monk.

MOB - (MoB, MOB, Mob, MOb) This is a refence to hostile creatures in EverQuest. Depending on where you look, or who you ask, it has more than one origin or basis. One is that it's an initialism for "Monster or Beast." Another is that is is short for Mobile or Mobile Object (which seems to be the original term from MUD gaming... a reference to a mobile game element that can be attacked, can move and / or can interact with Players). A fourth version is that it stand for Mobile Object Blocks.




MOD ROD - (Modulating Rod, Mana Rod, Death Stick) This is a generic reference to variant types of temporary items that Magicians can summon, for which Players can click three to recoup some Mana in trade for Hit Points. The term originates with the Level 44 Magician Spell, 'Modulating Rod,"  and has been used a a general reference ever since, despite the name of the higher Level spells.

MODE - This can either be a reference to a Character's status (see Combat Timer) or Raid / Mission that has alternative Levels of difficulty (i.e. "Hard Mode").

MODEL - This is a reference, primarily, to NPC's & MOB's in EverQuest. All MOB's / NPC's have a programmed template, or "model," that is used to present them on screen, to you. Many NPC types (models) have alternative appearances and / or once had their graphics modified some point (such as with a later expansion). Thus, this term is used to help better describe a MOB or NPC when Players talk. Example, "The wolves in this zone look like the old Commonlands model."



MOLO - Molo is an alternative term so Solo (see below). It is a clarification that a player is using just their Character and a Mercenary.




MORDAN RASP - NPC? Old Server to Povar

MORELL-THULE - NPC, Old server now Erollisi Marr

MORTAR & PESTLE - A tradeskill device used to make Poisons (Rogue only).

MOUNT - Mount is generic reference to any creature or device that a Character can ride on (a Horse, a Carpet, etc.) that can increase mana regeneration, travel speed and / or statistics.

MOVE UP - (MU) This is a term normally used in a Group or a Raid, to tell other members of said raid / group to move up to the Puller.

MOVEMENT SPEED - See Velocity.

MQ - See Master Quest.

MR - Initialism for Magic Resistance.

MRTYU - Mrtyu (their EQ Character Name, pronounced 'mer-two') is a current or former Darkpaw employee / Developer (see Developer).

EQ Beta 2023

MSG - Indentation for Message. It (/msg) can also be used instead of /tell.

MT - See Misstell. See also, Main Tank.

MU - See Move Up.

MUD - MUD stands for Multi-User Dungeon, an old name / term / reference to MMORPG's.

MULTI-QUEST - See Master Quest.

MUTE - This is a reference to silencing another Player (so you can't hear them) or yourself (so no one can hear you), primarily when using a voice chat program.

MYSTERIOUS FORCES - This is a reference to an in-game emote that one may often see as a default message when something does not work as expected. You my most often see it when using 'Find' in a zone, where a trail or path to your desired target fails to appear.


If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last Updated March 11, 2024

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.