(Prefixes and Suffixes...and how to get them!)
Mount up and grab that bridle, and don't forget to sport your title! -- Bonzz
Have you ever wondered just how many character titles and suffixes there might be? Or how to get them to start with?
Well, this page is all about just that!
Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.
Titles (prefixes and suffixes) were introduced with the Omens of War expansion.
Titles (Prefixes & Suffixes) can be acquired in a myriad of ways to include Quests, Tasks, Missions, Raids, Epics, Tradeskills, Achievements, Seasonal Events, Temporary Events, Server Firsts, the Marketplace, Special Feats and so forth. The Majority, however, seem to originate with Achievements and the Marketplace.
Marketplace Items related to Titles may, or may not, be available year-round. This includes the assorted Legends of Norrath (LoN) Items, which can award a "Prize" item that can be converted and claimed for a Title. Like Achievements, Marketplace Items can grant just one (1) title, or it can grant multiple titles.
Early on, class specific titles were some of the first Titles granted to players (at least, I recall it that way)... as were the AA-related & Epic-related Titles.
The Epic & AA-related Titles appear to be intact even today, but many of the Level-related Class references appear to have been removed or modified as an actual title option (probably due the Titles feature with Omens of War).
They are also "Class Reference" names, sometimes confused with actual Titles.
To be clear, a class reference is what the class of a character changes into... becomes... at certain levels. Example, a Paladin technically ceases to be a Paladin at level 51 and becomes a 'Cavalier.' At Level 60 they cease being a Cavalier and become a 'Knight;' and so on at Levels 65, 70, 75, 80 & 85.
This class reference change is true for all classes.
You see this "class reference" when you do a /who and it is also what you see as your class type in your character inventory window.
These class references are included below. They may, or may not, also be available to you as an actual title option (some are... some are not... maybe because some titles have more than one way to acquire them?).
The Class Skill Achievements (General -> Skills) are names for Class References, however, there is some variance with the Level 80 Class Skill Achievements, which just adds to the confusion.
It appears that this change took place with the Omens of War expansion, when they changed the Level / AA Titles (see below). There was a post in the Daybreak Bug forums of the Daybreak related to this topic. However, the Dev deemed it 'not a bug' and posted info about Titles that was inconsistent with existing data. Example, Paladin Avenger & Crusader titles are earned at Level 59 with some AA requirements, when the Omens of War Manual, found in your EQ Directory, says Level 55 & 24 AA).
On a similar note, there are also certain titles that are only available to players on a given server (i.e. "of Bertoxxulous"). At one time, after a server merger, players on the merged server had both of the Suffixes related to both of the related servers, no matter which server the character originated from (at least, as I recall it). However, that has seemingly changed over time, as well. Only the Suffix related to the current server is available to many of these players, now. Players that came from the merged (defunct) servers are reporting that it is hit or miss on the Suffix from their old server. That is, they say some of their characters have it, some don't.
As a note, there is no "of Test" suffix on the Test Server, but your actual server suffix does copy / transfer to the Test Server with your character. Nor is there a 'of Beta' on the Beta server.
Not all titles are attainable by a single character, except perhaps, by utilizing the Persona feature... and even then, those Titles may still only be accessible by the Persona that applies. This is because many are class or race related Titles.
Some Titles may even be one-time special Titles or even temporary Titles (such as those granted by Guides). As a note, Guide Titles, with little exception, do not appear in your title Window. In fact, they are actually special Surnames, not Titles! You 'should' be able to use an actual title (suffix and / or prefix) along with the 'special' Guide awarded 'titles' aka specialized surname. If you change your surname, you will remove the special Guide-awarded surname. However, a Guide 'might' restore them if you ask and they can verify that you were once awarded the special surname.
One-time special 'surname' Titles are not included below, but I do list them on the Guides page.
A Suffix should not be confused with a Surname.
A surname can be anything you want it to be (if approved by EQ, after you submit it using the /surname command).
Prefixes and Suffixes (aka Titles) can be used along with your character name and surname (if you have one). As a note, surnames are not an option until a character attains Level 20.
A Prefix is a reference you can add before your character name, such as 'Sir John Doe.'
A Suffix is a reference you can add after your character name / surname, such as 'John Doe, the Knight.'
You can even use both at the same time, such as 'Sir John Doe, the Knight.'
To change your title, use the keyboard command (Shift T), to bring up the window. The window has two tabs... one for Titles (Prefixes), one for Suffixes... and is reasonably self-explanatory. Simply select (highlight) a Title or Suffix in the list of Titles or Suffixes that are currently available to you... and then click the 'change' button to activate the Title or Suffix you selected (make it visible, in game, to other players). Inversely, hit the 'clear' button to remove any visible title and / or suffix you may currently have active.
As you acquire new Titles / Suffixes, they will be added to your lists of options in the Title / Suffix window.
NOTE: Generally speaking, suffixes that do not start with "of" or "the," and often include a comma as part of the suffix: i.e.: ", Knight." However, I have not included the commas in the below listings. Just be aware that many / most of them do include the comma.
NOTE: When it comes to Level / AA Titles, on-line sources can be and are very inconsistent, but never fear, Bonzz is here! If you look into your EQ Directory, you can find an Omens of War Manual (PDF), that outlines the Level / AA Title award changes they made with that expansion. However, even this is inconsistent with other sources and suggests that Titles / Class References were mucked around with after the initial release of Omens of War.
ALERT: It is known that 'server first' titles (as in first raid to defeat a raid event) and titles from TLP's exist (such as from the Mayong TLP). If you know of any that I am missing. let me know!
>>Use Control-F to "find" a specific title on this page.<<
Items highlighted in Red are unverified. Titles / Suffixes in Red Text are in need of more verification.
Currently known Titles & Suffixes are listed alphabetically, below. Their source and how they are acquired, along with limitation to acquiring them, is also included as best as known.
Known Permanent Guide Titles are included below. Known (Verified) Temporary Guide Awarded Titles (which are actually specialized surnames) are NOT included below, but can be found here --> Guide Awarded Surname Titles.
Accountant | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions II." |
Aggressor | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Berserkers upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Alliance Artisan | .... | Quest | This title is awarded from the "The New Tanaan Merchant's Alliance" quest, from Kerst Frostrift in the Plane of Knowledge (part of the Coldain Prayer Shawl 3.0 series). |
Ambassador | .... | Achievement | Achievement: I'm a People Person |
Ancient | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Shamans upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Animist | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Beastlords upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Beastlords upon reaching Level 55. |
Annihilator | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Rogues upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Apeman | .... | Achievement | This title is awarded to Male characters for Achievement: Monkey Business |
Apewoman | .... | Achievement | This title is awarded to Female characters for Achievement: Monkey Business |
Apostle | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Monks upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Apothecary | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions." |
Apprentice Artisan | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill of 100 in Baking, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelry, Pottery, Smithing and Tailoring. |
Apprentice Alchemist | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 100 in Alchemy (Shaman only). |
Apprentice Brewer | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 100 in Brewing. |
Apprentice Chef | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 100 in Baking. |
Apprentice Fisherman | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 100 in Fishing. |
Apprentice Fletcher | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 100 in Fletching. |
Apprentice Jeweler | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 100 in Jewelry Making. |
Apprentice Poisoncrafter | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 100 in Poison Making (Rogue only). |
Apprentice Potter | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 100 in Pottery. |
Apprentice Researcher | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 100 in Research. |
Apprentice Smith | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 100 in Smithing. |
Apprentice Tailor | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 100 in Tailoring. |
Apprentice Tinkerer | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 100 in Tinkering (Gnome only). |
Arch Adherent | .... | Special |
This Title was reportedly awarded to Players who participated in the first raid, on each server, to defeat The Convorteum (First Creation) raid. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Title. |
Arch Convoker | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Magicians upon reaching Level 65. |
Archfiend | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Shadowknights upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Arch Lich | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Necromancers upon reaching Level 65. |
Arch Mage | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Magicians upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Magicians upon reaching Level 60. |
Arch Magus | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Magicians upon reaching Level 70. |
Archanist | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Wizards upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Wizards upon reaching Level 65. |
Architect | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions." |
Archon | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Clerics upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Clerics upon reaching Level 65. |
Arms Dealer | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions IV." |
.... | Army of Light Regular | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of the Light Army." |
Ascendant | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Monks upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Ashenhand | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Monks upon reaching Level 75. |
Assassin | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Rogues upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Rogues upon reaching Level 60. |
Assistant | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions II." |
Astrologist | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Mystical." |
Attache | .... | Promotion |
This title was one of the possible awards from the "Recruit A Friend" program (no longer active). Otherwise, there does not appear to be any way to acquire this Title. |
Attendant | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions III." |
Author | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions IV." |
Avenger | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Paladins upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Axe Master | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Berserkers upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
.... | Ayr'Dal Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Ayr'Dal Heritage Crate: Ayr'Dal Art Collector |
.... | Ayr'Dal Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Ayr'Dal Heritage Crate: Ayr'Dal Critter Collector |
Baconizer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: I'm Boared! |
Bailif | .... | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions IV." NOTE: The item correctly spells one of the titles as BAILIFF... but in-game it shows up as BAILIF. |
Bandit | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions." |
Barbarian Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: What Keeps Mankind Alive? |
Barber | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions III." |
Baron | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Male characters after attaining Level 51 with at least (6) Alternate Advancement points spent in the General Tier. |
Baroness | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Female characters after attaining Level 51 with at least (6) Alternate Advancement points spent in the General Tier. |
Bartender | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions." |
Basher | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Guards." |
Bedazzler | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Enchanters upon reaching Level 70. |
Beguiler | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Enchanters upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Enchanters upon reaching Level 55. |
.... | Big Cat Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Big Cat in a Bag: Big Cats |
.... | Big Cat Rescuer | Achievement | Achievement: Big Cat in a Bag: Big Cat Rescuer |
Birdcaller | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Birdcaller |
.... | Bird Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Bird in a Cage: Birds |
Blackguard | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Rogues upon reaching Level 55. |
Blade Dancer | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Bards upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
.... | Blessed of Serilis | Quest | This suffix is granted upon completing the quest series to obtain the Blessed Serilis Prayer Shawl (aka Coldain Prayer Shawl 2.0). |
Blightlord | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Necromancers upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Bloodgill | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
Bloodletter | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy." |
Bloodlord | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Shadowknights upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Bloodmoon | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
Bloodreaver | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Shadowknights upon reaching Level 75. |
Bouncer | .... |
Marketplace or Achievement |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Guards." or |
Brawler | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Berserkers upon reaching Level 51. |
Brigand | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions II." |
Brightstar | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy II." |
Brineslayer | ..... | Achievement | Achievement: Brineslayer |
Broodslayer | ..... | Achievement | Achievement: Broodslayer |
..... | Broodslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Broodslayer |
Brother | .... | Level / AA |
This Title is granted to Male Monks upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Brownie Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Shorter People |
Bruiser | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Berserkers upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Burnslayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Burnslayer |
Cantrip | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Mystical." |
Captain | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Military." |
Cartographer | .... | Quest | This title is acquired after completing all the steps for the Charm of Lore, except the Vergalid Scale and the Core of the Tyrant. |
.... | Cat Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Cat in a Bag: Cats |
Catalyst | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Wizards upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Cavalier | ..... | Class Reference |
Class reference granted to Paladins upon reaching Level 51. |
.... | Challenger of Fear | Achievement | Achievement: Lesser Challenger of Rain of Fear |
Champion | .... |
Class Reference & Quest |
Class reference granted to Warriors upon reaching Level 51. & This title is awarded to Warriors upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
.... | Champion of Norrath | Marketplace | Claimed from Title of the Champion of Norrath, which is claimed from Prize: Title of the Champion of Norrath, which, in turn, is a possible award from a specific one of the Marketplace Legends of Norrath items. |
.... | Champion of Quarm | Special |
This Suffix was awarded to players who were part of any raid that defeated any "raid goal" during any "event" on the Quarm server. This Suffix could be claimed on another server. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | Champion of the People | Special |
This Suffix was reportedly awarded to Players who participated in the first raid, on each server, to defeat the Chelsith Reborn raid. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
Channeler | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Wizards upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Wizards upon reaching Level 51. |
.... | Chick Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Bird in a Cage: Chicks |
Chimney Sweep | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions IV." |
Chosen Guardian | .... | Quest |
This Title was granted from a special temporary event / quest on (on progression servers only) called "Save Firiona Vie," given by Galeth Veredeth in Iceclad Ocean. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Title. |
City Guard | .... | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Guards." |
Clawreaver | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Lord Yelniak. |
Cleaner | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Breakdown Dead Ahead |
Cleaving Tooth | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
Clerk | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions II." |
Clockwork | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Breakdown Dead Ahead |
Cobbler | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions III." |
Coercer | .... |
Class Reference & Quest |
Class reference granted to Enchanters upon reaching Level 65. & This title is awarded to Enchanters upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Coldeye | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
Comedian | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Trickster." |
Commander | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Military." |
Commodore | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Military II." |
Composer | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Bards upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Conductor | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Musical." |
Conjurer | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Magicians upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Magicians upon reaching Level 55. |
Conqueror | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Warriors upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
.... | Conqueror of Quarm | Special |
This Suffix was awarded to players who completed any "group goal" during the any of the "events" on the Quarm server. This Suffix could be claimed on another server. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
Conscript | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Military II." |
Cook | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions." |
Corporal | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Military II." |
Courier | .... | Quest | This title is granted once you complete a series of "Going Postal" quests collectively called, "Postmaster's Challenge" from Postmaster Aric Songfairer in Sunrise Hills. |
.... | Crazy Cat Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Cat in a Bag: Crazy Cat Collector |
Crusader | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Paladins upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Paladins upon reaching Level 60. |
Crushbone | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
Cryptkeeper | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Beltron the Shade King. |
Crystal Keeper | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Living Stone I presume? |
Cultist | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Mystical." |
Curate | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Clerics upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Cursebreaker | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Vishimtar the Fallen. |
Dainreaver | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Dain Frostreaver IV. |
Dark Apprentice | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Necromancers upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Darkfell | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
Darkpaw | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
Darkreaper | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Shadowknights upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Daybringer | .... | Server First |
This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers... that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Solteris. |
.... | Dealer of Death (Deathdealer?) | Achievement | Achievement: Death, Death, Death!: Deathdealer |
Death Incarnate | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Megadeath |
Deathcaller | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Necromancers upon reaching Level 75. |
Deathfist | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
Deathhand | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy II." |
Deathspeaker | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Necromancers upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Deceiver | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Rogues upon reaching Level 65. |
Decimator | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Warriors upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
.... | Decimator of Death | Achievement | Achievement: Death, Death, Death!: Decimator |
Deepslayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Deepslayer |
.... | Defeater of Death | Achievement | Achievement: Death, Death, Death!: Defeater |
Defender | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Paladins upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Defender of Blood | .... | Achievement | This title is granted from the Achievement: Defender of Blood. |
.... | Defender of Qeynos | Achievement |
Achievement: Defender of Qeynos This Suffix is related to pre-opening of the Tower of Rot. These tasks / quests are no longer in the game. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
Defiler | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Necromancers upon reaching Level 55. |
.... | Demolisher of Death | Achievement | Achievement: Death, Death, Death!: Demolisher |
Deputy | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Guards." |
.... | Destroyer of Death | Achievement | Achievement: Death, Death, Death!: Destroyer |
.... | Destroyer of Syltetzalvek | Special |
This suffix was reportedly awarded to Players who participated in the first raid, on each server, to defeat the Shard's landing 'Calling Phantasm' raid. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | Destroyer of Tormax's Fear | Special |
This suffix was reportedly awarded to Players who participated in the first raid, on each server, to defeat the 'Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness' raid. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | Destroyer of Xorbb | Special |
This suffix was reportedly awarded to Players who participated in the first raid, on each server, to defeat the Valley of King Xorbb raid. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
Dirge | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Melee classes upon reaching Level 55 with at least (12) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Archetype Tier. |
Disciple | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Monks upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Monks upon reaching Level 51. |
Discord Rider | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Overlord Mata Muram. |
Discordian | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Such Anguish |
.... | Dispeller of Shadows | Special |
This suffix was reportedly awarded to Players who participated in the first raid, on each server, to defeat the Plane of Shadow (Luclin) raid. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
Diviner | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Priest classes upon reaching Level 55 with at least (12) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Archetype Tier. |
.... | Dog of War | Achievement | This title is related to Achievement: 15th Anniversary Plane of War Mission (Bonus). Score more than 45,000 points during the related mission and you will be awarded this Suffix. |
.... | Doombringer of Death | Achievement | Achievement: Death, Death, Death!: Doombringer |
Dragon Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Dragon Slayer |
Dragonbane | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Dragonbane |
Dragonkin | .... | Special |
This suffix was reportedly granted to Players who were part of the first raid on a server to defeat the the Crystallos (Kerafyrm) raid. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Title. |
Drakebane | .... | Achievement | Achievement: You Call That a Dragon? |
.... | Drakkin Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Drakkin Heritage Crate: Drakkin Art Collector |
.... | Drakkin Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Drakkin Heritage Crate: Drakkin Critter Collector |
Drakkin Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: What Keeps Mankind Alive? |
Dread Pirate | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Captain Krasnok. |
Dreadlord | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Shadowknights upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Shadowknights upon reaching Level 65. |
Dredger | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Master Scavenger of The Darkened Sea |
Drummer | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Musical." |
Duke | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Male characters after attaining Level 51 with at least (6) Alternate Advancement points spent in the General Tier. |
Duchess | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Female characters after attaining Level 51 with at least (6) Alternate Advancement points spent in the General Tier. |
.... | Dwarf Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Dwarf Heritage Crate: Dwarf Art Collector |
.... | Dwarf Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Dwarf Heritage Crate: Dwarf Critters |
Dwarf Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Short People |
Earthguard | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Rangers upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Earthkeeper | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Druids upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Elder | .... | Level / AA | This title is awarded to Beastlords, Druids & Shamans upon Level 59 with at least (42) Alternate Advancement points spent (perhaps specifically spent in the Class Tier). |
Elementalist | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Magicians upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Magicians upon reaching Level 51. |
Elf Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Three Letter Word for Dead... |
Emperor | ... | Achievement | Achievement: Vanquisher of the Darkened Sea |
Enigma | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Enchanters upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Enlightened | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Monks upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Ensign | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Military II." |
Entrancer | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Enchanters upon reaching Level 75. |
Erudite Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: What Keeps Mankind Alive? |
Evoker | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Wizards upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Wizards upon reaching Level 55. |
Exarch | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Clerics upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Exemplar | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Clerics upon reaching Level 75. |
.... | Exotic Cat Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Big Cat in a Bag: Exotic Cats |
Experimenter | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Mystical." |
Expert Alchemist | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 250 in Alchemy (Shaman only). |
Expert Artisan | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 250 in Baking, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelry, Pottery, Smithing & Tailoring. |
Expert Brewer | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 250 in Brewing. |
Expert Chef | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 250 in Baking. |
Expert Fisherman | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 250 in Fishing. |
Expert Fletcher | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 250 in Fletcher. |
Expert Jeweler | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 250 in Jewelry Making. |
Expert Poisoncrafter | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 250 in Poison Making (Rogue only). |
Expert Potter | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 250 in Pottery. |
Expert Researcher | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 250 in Research. |
Expert Smith | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 250 in Smithing. |
Expert Tailor | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 250 in Tailoring. |
Expert Tinkerer | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 250 in Tinkering (Gnome only). |
Exterminator | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions III." |
Fairy Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Shorter People |
Farmer | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions." |
Farrier | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions IV." |
Farwarden | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Rangers upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Fateseer | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Shamans upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
.... | Favored of the Gods | Achievement | Achievement: 10th Anniversary Tasks |
Fear Scavenger | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Master Scavenger of Fear |
Fearless | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Cazic Thule. |
.... | Feir'Dal Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Feir'Dal Heritage Crate: Feir'Dal Art Collector |
.... | Feir'Dal Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Feir'Dal Heritage Crate: Feir'Dal Critter Collector |
Feral Lord | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Beastlords upon reaching Level 65. |
Feraling Feeder | .... | Quest | This title is earned during the 13th Anniversary Mission, Ferocious Feralings," from Sam Napth in the Plane of Knowledge. To earn it, you have to let the Feraling split into two, then pull them out of the water to kill them. This is related to Achievement: 13th Anniversary Tasks (Bonus) (click for details). |
Feralkin | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Beastlords upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Fiddler | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Musical." |
Firebrand | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy." |
Firescales | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Lord Nagafen. |
Firewalker | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Fennin Ro. |
Firstslayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Firstslayer |
.... | Flame Warder | Achievement |
This Suffix is related to pre-opening of Argin-Hiz. These tasks / quests are no longer in the game. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
Flutist | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Musical." |
Foreman | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions II." |
Forest Scion | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Druids upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Forest Stalker | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Rangers upon reaching Level 65. |
.... | Freakish Feline Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Big Cat in a Bag: Freakish Felines |
.... | Friend of the Feathered | Achievement | Achievement: Bird in a Cage: Friend of the Feathered |
Frog Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Amphibicide |
Frostblood | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Beastlords upon reaching Level 75. |
.... | Frostfell Exotics Collector | Achievements | Achievement: Frostfell Familiar in a Box: Frostfell Exotics |
.... | Frostfell's Finest Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Frostfell Familiar in a Box: Frostfell's Finest |
.... | Frosty Monster Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Frostfell Familiar in a Box: Frosty Monsters |
Funny | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Trickster." |
Fury | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Berserkers upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Berserkers upon reaching Level 65. |
Gatebreaker | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Gatebreaker |
Giant Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: A Giant Problem |
Gilded Heart | .... | Promotion | This prefix was awarded to Players who raised $1,000 for the 2024 Extra life Charity Drive. |
Gnoll Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
Gnome Crusher | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gnomes!." |
Gnome Fan | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gnomes!." |
Gnome Hugger | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gnomes!." |
Gnome Kicker | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gnomes!." |
Gnome Punter | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gnomes!." |
Gnome Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Short People |
.... | Gnomish Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Gnomish Heritage Crate: Gnomish Art Collector |
.... | Gnomish Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Gnomish Heritage Crate: Gnomish Critter Collector |
Goblin Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
Godslayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Your God Has Found You Lacking |
Golden Champion | .... | Promotion | This prefix was awarded to Players who raised $1,000 for the 2023 Extra life Charity Drive. |
Golem | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Gooooooooooooooolem! |
Golem Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Gooooooooooooooolem! |
Grand Archanist | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Wizards upon reaching Level 70. |
Grand Occultist | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Necromancers upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Grand Summoner | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Magicians upon reaching Level 75. |
Grandmaster | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Monks upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Monks upon reaching Level 60. |
Grandmaster Alchemist | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 350 in Alchemy (Shaman only). |
Grandmaster Artisan | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 350 in Baking, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelry, Pottery, Smithing & Tailoring. |
Grandmaster Brewer | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 350 in Brewing. |
Grandmaster Chef | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 350 in Baking. |
Grandmaster Fisherman | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 350 in Fishing. |
Grandmaster Fletcher | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 350 in Fletching. |
Grandmaster Jeweler | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 350 in Jewelry Making. |
Grandmaster Poisoncrafter | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 350 in Poison Making (Rogue only). |
Grandmaster Potter | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 350 in Pottery. |
Grandmaster Researcher | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 350 in Research. |
Grandmaster Smith | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 350 in Smithing. |
Grandmaster Tailor | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 350 in Tailoring. |
Grandmaster Tinkerer | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 350 in Tinkering (Gnome only). |
Gravelord | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Shadowknights upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Shadowknights upon reaching Level 60. |
Greenmist | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Emperor Ssraeshza. |
Grenadier | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Military II." |
Grikbar | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Kobolded Killer |
Guard | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Guards." |
Guardian of Norrath | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Guardian of Norrath |
.... | Guardian of Norrath | Achievement | Achievement: Guardian of Norrath |
.... | Guktan Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Guktan Heritage Crate: Guktan Art Collector |
.... | Guktan Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Guktan Heritage Crate: Guktan Critters |
Guktan Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Amphibicide |
Haberdasher | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions III." |
.... | Halfling Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Halfling Heritage Crate: Halfling Critters |
.... | Halfling Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Halfling Heritage Crate: Halfling Art Collector |
Halfling Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Short People |
Hatebane | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Innoruuk. |
Hedgewizard | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Mystical." |
Herbalist | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions III." |
Herald | .... | Class Reference | Title granted to Bards upon reaching Level 80. |
Heretic | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Necromancers upon reaching Level 51. |
Hero | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Hero of the Journey |
Hero of Hero's | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Hero of Heroes |
.... | Hero of the Inquisition |
Marketplace |
Claimed from Title of the Hero of the Inquisition, which is claimed from Prize: Title of the Hero of the Inquisition, which, in turn, is a possible award from a specific one of the Marketplace Legends of Norrath items. |
.... | Hero of the Oathbound |
Marketplace |
Claimed from Title of the Hero of the Oathbound, which is claimed from Prize: Title of the Hero of the Oathbound, which, in turn, is a possible award from a specific one of the Marketplace Legends of Norrath items. |
Heyokah | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Shamans upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Hierophant | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Druids upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Druids upon reaching Level 60. |
High Priest | .... |
Class Reference & Quest |
Class reference granted to Male Clerics upon reaching Level 60. & This title is awarded to Male Clerics upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
High Priestess | .... |
Class Reference & Quest |
Class reference granted to Female Clerics upon reaching Level 60. & This title is awarded to Female Clerics upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Hoarder | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Call of the Forsaken Master Scavenger |
Holy Defender | .... | Class Reference |
Class reference granted to Paladins upon reaching Level 75. |
.... | Human Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Human Heritage Crate: Human Art Collector |
.... | Human Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Human Heritage Crate: Human Critters |
Human Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: What Keeps Mankind Alive? |
Hunter | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Male Rangers upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Huntmaster | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Rangers upon reaching Level 75. |
Huntress | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Female Rangers upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Ice Cold Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Ice Cold Slayer |
Icepaw | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Kobolded Killer |
Icescales | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Lady Vox. |
.... | Iksar Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Iksar Heritage Crate: Iksar Art Collector |
.... | Iksar Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Iksar Heritage Crate: Critters |
Iksar Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Mostly Kunzar |
Illusionist | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Enchanters upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Enchanters upon reaching Level 51. |
Imperator | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Warriors upon reaching Level 75. |
Impresario | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Male Bards upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Infiltrator | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Rogues upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Innkeeper | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions II." |
Inquisitors | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Lord Inquisitor Seru. |
Interpreter | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions IV." |
Investigator | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions III." |
Iron Gauntlet | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy II." |
Jester | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions." |
Joker | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Trickster." |
Journeyman Alchemist | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 200 in Alchemy (Shaman only). |
Journeyman Artisan | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 200 in Baking, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelry, Pottery, Smithing & Tailoring. |
Journeyman Brewer | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 200 in Brewing. |
Journeyman Chef | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 200 in Baking. |
Journeyman Fisherman | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 200 in Fishing. |
Journeyman Fletcher | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 200 in Fletching. |
Journeyman Jeweler | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 200 in Jewelry Making. |
Journeyman Poisoncrafter | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 200 in Poison Making (Rogue only). |
Journeyman Potter | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of in 200 Pottery. |
Journeyman Researcher | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 200 in Research. |
Journeyman Smith | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 200 in Smithing. |
Journeyman Tailor | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 200 in Tailoring. |
Journeyman Tinkerer | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 200 in Tinkering (Gnome only). |
Juggernaut | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Berserkers upon reaching Level 75. |
Keeper | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Hybrid classes upon reaching Level 55 with at least (12) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Archetype Tier. |
.... | Kitten Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Cat in a Bag: Kittens |
Knight | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Paladins upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Paladins upon reaching Level 55. |
.... | Koada'Dal Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Koada'Dal Heritage Crate: Koada'Dal Art Collector |
.... | Koada'Dal Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Koada'Dal Heritage Crate: Koada'Dal Critters |
Kobold Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Kobolded Killer |
Kolbok | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Kobolded Killer |
.... | Kunark Archaeologist | Special |
In February 2017, (10) old broken quests from the Ruins of Kunark were fixed and added back into the game. The first player on each server to complete anyone of the quests was greeted with a serverwide announcement for their feat, as well as this Suffix. |
Lady | .... |
Level / AA or Achievement |
This Title is granted to Female characters after attaining Level 51 with at least (6) Alternate Advancement points spent in the General Tier. or This suffix is awarded to Female characters from the Achievement: House of Thule Challenger. |
.... | Lady of the Manor | Achievement | This suffix is awarded to Female characters from the Achievement: House of Thule Challenger. |
Landlubber | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Pirate." |
.... | Legend of Alaris | Achievement | Achievement: Challenger of Alaris |
.... | Legend of Norrath |
Marketplace |
Claimed from Title of the Legend of Norrath, which is claimed from Prize: Title of the Legend of Norrath, which, in turn, is a possible award from a specific one of the Marketplace Legends of Norrath items. |
Librarian | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions III." |
Lich | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Necromancers upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Lichbane | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Venril Sathir. |
Lich Lord | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Necromancers upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Lieutenant | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Military." |
Lightbringer | .... | Quest | This title is awarded to Paladins for completing their Epic 1.0 (Fiery Defender). |
Lionhearted | .... | Raid | Reportedly, this title is granted after defeating the Valley of King Xorbb raid. |
Liontamer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: The Cat's Pajamas |
Lord | .... |
Level / AA & Achievement |
This Title is granted to Male characters after attaining Level 51 with at least (6) Alternate Advancement points spent in the General Tier. & This suffix is awarded to Male characters from the Achievement: House of Thule Challenger |
.... | Lord of the Manor | Achievement | This suffix is awarded to Male characters from the Achievement: House of Thule Challenger |
Lord Protector | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Paladins upon reaching Level 65. |
Luminary | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Shamans upon reaching Level 55. |
Lyricist | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Bards upon reaching Level 85. |
Mad Bull | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy III." |
Maestro | .... | Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Male Bards upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Bards upon reaching Level 65. |
Magus | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Magicians upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Manabringer | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy II." |
Mangy Cur | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Pirate." |
Marauder | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Melee classes upon reaching Level 55 with at least (12) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Archetype Tier. |
Marshall | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Warriors upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Master | .... |
Class Reference & Level / AA |
Class reference granted to Monks upon reaching Level 55. & This Title is granted to Male characters after attaining Level 51 with at least (6) Alternate Advancement points spent in the General Tier. |
Master Alchemist | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 300 in Alchemy (Shamans only). |
Master Artisan | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 300 in Baking, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelry, Pottery, Smithing & Tailoring. |
Master Brewer | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 300 in Brewing. |
Master Chef | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 300 in Baking. |
Master Elementalist | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Magicians upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Master Fletcher | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 300 in Fletching. |
Master Jeweler | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 300 in Jewelry Making. |
Master Poisoncrafter | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 300 in Poison Making (Rogue only). |
Master Potter | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 300 in Pottery. |
Master Researcher | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 300 in Research. |
Master Smith | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 300 in Smithing. |
Master Tailor | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 300 in Tailoring. |
Master Tinkerer | .... | Tradeskill | Awarded when you reach an unmodified skill level of 300 in Tinkering (Gnome only). |
Matey | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Pirate." |
Merchant | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions II." |
Mime | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions IV." |
Mindbender | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Enchanters upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Minstrel | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Female Bards upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Bards upon reaching Level 51. |
Mirrorslayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Mirror Slayer |
Mistress | .... | Level / AA |
This Title is granted to Female characters after attaining Level 51 with at least (6) Alternate Advancement points spent in the General Tier.. |
Mojo Maker | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Monkey Business |
Moneylender | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions III." |
Mountain Death | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
Mucktail | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
Muse | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Female Bards upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Myrmidon | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Warriors upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Warriors upon reaching Level 55. |
Mystic | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Shamans upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Shamans upon reaching Level 51. |
Mythslayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Mythslayer |
Naturalist | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Druids upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Natureguard | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Druids upon reaching Level 70. |
Naturewalker | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Druids upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Nemesis | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Rogues upon reaching Level 70. |
Nightblade | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Rogues upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Nightmare | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Slayer of Mystical Horses |
Nightmoon | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Kobolded Killer |
.... | Northman Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Northman Heritage Crate: Northman Art Collector |
.... | Northman Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Northman Heritage Crate: Northman Critters |
Nurse | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions II." |
.... | Obliteration Army Regular | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of the Obliteration Army." |
.... | of Agnarr | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Agnarr (Planes of Power Era-Locked, True Box, TLP) server. |
.... | of Al'Kabor | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Al'Kabor server. This is a defunct server (originally for the Apple Macintosh player base). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Alaris | Achievement | Achievement: Natives of Alaris |
.... | of Antonius Bayle | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Antonius Bayle (EU) server. |
.... | of Aradune | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Aradune (True Box TLP) server. |
.... | of Ayonae Ro | Server Related |
This suffix was granted only to characters on the Ayonae Ro server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into The Tribunal server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Bertoxxulous | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Bertoxxulous server. |
.... | of Bloodmoon | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
.... | of Brekt | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Brekt server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Firiona Vie server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Brell Serilis | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Brell Serilis server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Cazic-Thule server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Bristlebane | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Bristlebane server. |
.... | of Cazic-Thule | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Cazic-Thule server. |
.... | of Clan Tinny | Achievement | Achievement: Breakdown Dead Ahead |
.... | of Cleaving Tooth | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
.... | of Coirnav | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Coirnav (True Box TLP) server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Vox server in July of 2023). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Crushbone | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
.... | of Deathfist | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
.... | of Discord | Achievement | Achievement: Such Anguish |
.... | of Drinal | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Drinal server. |
.... | of Druzzil Ro | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Druzzil Ro server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Xegony server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of E'Ci | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the E'Ci server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Tunare server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Erollisi Marr | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Erollisi Marr server. |
.... | of Ethernere | Achievement | Achievement: Greater Vanquisher of the Call |
.... | of Fennin Ro | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Fennin Ro server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Cazic-Thule server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Fippy Darkpaw | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Fippy Darkpaw server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Vox server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Firiona Vie | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Firiona Vie (RP) server (everything is tradable and you cannot transfer off the server). |
.... | of Frostfell | Achievement | Achievement: Dog in a Crate: Frostfell Spirit |
.... | of Innoruuk | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Innoruuk server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into The Nameless server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Karana | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Karana server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into The Rathe server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Kael Drakkel | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Kael Drakkel server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Antonius Bayle server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Kane Bayle | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Kane Bayle server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Antonius Bayle server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Kunark | Achievement | Achievement: The Empires of Kunark Slayer |
.... | of Kuua | Achievement | Achievement: Natives of Kuua |
.... | of Lanys T'Vyl | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Lanys T'Vyl server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into The Seventh Hammer server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Lockjaw | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Lockjaw server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Ragefire server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Luclin | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Luclin server. |
.... | of Maelin Starpyre | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Maelin Starpyre server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Drinal server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Mangler | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Mangler (EQ 20th, True Box, TLP) server. |
.... | of Mayong | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Mayong server. This is a defunct server (where all characters stared at Level 51; it was merged into the Tunare server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Miragul | Server Related |
This suffix was granted only to characters on the Miragul (Heroic Start, True Box TLP) server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Vox server in July of 2022. The Rathe server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Mischief | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Mischief (Random Loot, True Box TLP) server. |
.... | of Mithaniel Marr | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Mithaniel Marr server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Saryrn server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Morden Rasp | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Morden Rasp server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Povar server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Morrell Thule | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Morrell Thule server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Erollisi Marr server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Mountain Death | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
.... | of Oakwynd | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Oakwynd server, an 'evolving ruleset progression server.' Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Phinigel | Server Related |
This suffix was granted only to characters on the Phinigel (True Box, TLP) server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Vox server in July of 2022. The Rathe server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Povar | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Povar server. |
.... | of Prexus | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Prexus server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into The Rathe server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Quarm | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Quarm server. This is a defunct server (that ended with the Omens of War content and then merged into the Brekt server; it also awarded special cross-server awards for certain feats). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Quellious | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Quellious server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Povar server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Qeynos | Special |
This suffix was reportedly acquired during a temporary special event know as either "Cleaning the Karanas" or "Karanas Plague," circa original EQ. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Ragefire | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Ragefire (Voting TLP) server. |
.... | of Rallos Zek | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Rallos Zek server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Zek server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Rizlona | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Rizlona server. |
.... | of Rodcet Nife | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Rodcet Nife server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Quellious server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this suffix. |
.... | of Runnyeye | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
.... | of Saryrn | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Saryrn server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Bertoxxulous server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Sebilis | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Sebilis server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Antonius Bayle server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Selo | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Selo (EQ 20th, True Box TLP) server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Povar server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Shralok | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
.... | of Solusek Ro | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Solusek Ro server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Bristlebane server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Stormhammer | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Stormhammer server. This is a defunct server (originally an "Everquest Legends" server, players were allowed to select their own server to transfer before this server was shut down). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Stromm | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Stromm server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Luclin server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Sullon Zek | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Sullon Zek server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Zek server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix.. |
.... | of Taelosia | Achievement | Achievement: Natives of Taelosia |
.... | of Tallon Zek | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Tallon Zek server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Zek server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Tarew Marr | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Tarew Marr server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Drinal server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Terris Thule | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Terris Thule server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Prexus server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this suffix. |
.... | of Tholuxe Paells | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Tholuxe Paells server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Bertoxxulous server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of The Combine | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on The Combine server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Druzzil Ro server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of the Darkfell | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
.... | of the Darkpaw | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
.... | of the Daybringers | Raid |
This Suffix is awarded to Players who defeat the Solteris (Two Gods) raid. |
.... | of the Dragonkin | Raid |
This suffix was reportedly granted to Players who defeat the the Crystallos (Kerafyrm) raid. |
.... | of the Freeport Militia | Quest | Maximize your faction with the Freeport Militia (Freeport) and then speak to Erling Elsai in West Freeport, and he will award you this Suffix. |
.... | of the Grikbar | Achievement | Achievement: Kobolded Killer |
.... | of the Hounds | Achievement | Achievement: Dog in a Crate: Hounds |
.... | of the Hunt | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of the Hunt." |
.... | of the Icepaw | Achievement | Achievement: Kobolded Killer |
.... | of the Kolbok | Achievement | Achievement: Kobolded Killer |
.... | of the Mucktail | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
.... | of The Nameless | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on The Nameless server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Erollisi Marr server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of the Nexus | Quest |
This Suffix was reportedly granted to players who completed a temporary Shadows of Luclin event. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix |
.... | of the Nightmoon | Achievement | Achievement: Kobolded Killer |
.... | of the Pickclaw | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
.... | of the Plane of Innovation | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Planes Traveler." |
.... | of the Plane of Justice | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Planes Traveler." |
.... | of the Plane of Knowledge | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Planes Traveler." |
.... | of the Plane of Mischief | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Planes Traveler." |
.... | of the Plane of Nightmare | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Planes Traveler." |
.... | of The Rathe | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the The Rathe server. |
.... | of the Sabertooths | Achievement | |
.... | of The Seventh Hammer | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on The Seventh Hammer server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Tunare server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of The Sleeper | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on The Sleeper server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into The Combine server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of the Snowfang | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
.... | of the Split Paw | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
.... | of the Stonemight | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
.... | of the Time Lords | Raid | This Suffix is awarded to Players who defeat the Citadel of the Worldslayer (Lord Brekt, rider of Discord) raid. |
.... | of The Tribunal | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on The Tribunal server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Bristlebane server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of the Truthbringer | Quest | Maximize your faction with the Knights of Truth (Freeport) and then speak to Erling Elsai in West Freeport, and he will award you this Suffix. |
.... | of the Verish Mal | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
.... | of the Void | Achievement | Achievement: Accomplished Vanquisher of the Call |
.... | of the Vrodak | Achievement | Achievement: Kobolded Killer |
.... | of Teek | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Teek server. |
.... | of Thornblade | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Thornblade (Random Loot, True Box TLP) server. |
.... | of Tormax | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Tormax server. |
.... | of Torvonnilous | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Torvonnilous server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Fennin Ro server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Trakanon | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Al'Kabor server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Vox server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Tunare | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Tunare server. |
.... | of Vallon Zek | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Vallon Zek server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Zek server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Vaniki | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Vaniki server. This is an accelerated TLP server (Levels and expansions unlocked every 2 to 4 weeks), started in May of 2022, where characters started at Level 40 with Gates of Discord unlocked. |
.... | of Vazaelle | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Vazaelle server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Maelin Starpyre server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Veeshan | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Veeshan server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Luclin server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Velious | Achievement | Achievement: Natives of Velious |
.... | of Venril Sathir | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Venril Sathir server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Antonius Bayle server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Vox | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Vox server. |
.... | of Vulak'Aerr | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Vulak'Aerr server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Fippy Darkpaw server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Yelniak | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Vulak'Aerr server. This is server started in May of 2022 and is a True Box TLP, which means only one EverQuest client can be run on a single computer., with these restriction being reduced as expansions are unlocked. |
.... | of Xegony | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Xegony server. |
.... | of Xev | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Xev server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Druzzil Ro server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Zebuxoruk | Server Related |
This suffix is granted only to characters on the Zebuxoruk server. This is a defunct server (it was merged into the Xegony server). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | of Zek | Server Related | This suffix is granted only to characters on the Zek server (Player-versus-Player server; you can not transfer to this server). |
.... | Ogre Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Ogre Heritage Crate: Ogre Art Collector |
.... | Ogre Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Ogre Heritage Crate: Ogre Critter Collector |
Ogre Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Bounced! |
Omen | .... | Special |
This Title was awarded to players who were part of the first raid to beat Overlord Mata Muram on the now defunct Quarm server. This Title could be claimed on another server. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Title. |
.... | Omen of War | Special |
This Suffix was awarded to players who were part of any raid that beat Overlord Mata Muram on the now defunct Quarm server. This Suffix could be claimed on another server. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
Omenslayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Omenslayer |
Oppressor | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Melee classes upon reaching Level 55 with at least (12) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Archetype Tier. |
Oracle | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Shamans upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Shamans upon reaching Level 60. |
Orc Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
Outrider | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Rangers upon reaching Level 55. |
Overlord | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Warriors upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Warriors upon reaching Level 65. |
Pain Lord | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Male Shadowknights upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this sex & class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Pain Mistress | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Female Shadowknights upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this sex & class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Pathfinder | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Rangers upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Rangers upon reaching Level 51. |
Phantasmist | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Enchanters upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Enchanters upon reaching Level 60. |
Phantom | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Rogues upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Pickclaw | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
Pirate | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions II." |
Pixie Killer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Shorter People |
Planeshifter | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Wizards upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Plainswalker | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Rangers upon reaching Level 70. |
Plane Defiler | .... | Achievement | Achievement: It's Plane to See |
Prankster | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Trickster." |
Predator | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Beastlords upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Prelate | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Clerics upon reaching Level 70. |
Preserver | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Druids upon reaching Level 55. |
Prestidigitator | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Mystical." |
Priest | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Male Clerics upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this sex / class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Priestess | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Female Clerics upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this sex / class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Primal Elementalist | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Magicians upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Primalist | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Beastlords upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Beastlords upon reaching Level 51. |
Private | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Military." |
Prophet | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Priest classes upon reaching Level 55 with at least (12) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Archetype Tier. & Class reference granted to Shamans upon reaching Level 65. |
.... | Prophet of the Dunes | Quest | This Suffix can be earned in the 13th Anniversary mission, "Rumor Has It," from Sam Napth in the Plane of Knowledge. Give water flasks to (16) "a thirsty madman." The last one will turn into "an enraged madman." Kill it to spawn Atraydees, Prophet of the Dunes (area of 1330, -2200 in a tower). Kill Atraydees to earn the Suffix. This is related to Achievement: 13th Anniversary Tasks (Bonus). |
Protector | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Rangers upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Pureheart | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy." |
Pyromancer | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Wizards upon reaching Level 75. |
Quickblade | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy." |
Rageheart | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Berserkers upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Rager | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Berserkers upon reaching Level 60. |
Rageslayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Hunter of Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Rake | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Rogues upon reaching Level 51. |
.... | Rare Bird Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Bird in a Cage: Rare Breeds |
.... | Rare Cat Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Cat in a Bag: Rare Breeds |
Rat Killer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Rats! |
Ratfink | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Rats! |
Ravager | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Berserkers upon reaching Level 70. |
Reaver | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Shadowknights upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Shadowknights upon reaching Level 51. |
Redeemer | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Paladins upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5 (Redemption). |
Redfist | .... | Achievement |
& |
Restless Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Restless Slayer |
Revenant | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Shadowknights upon reaching Level 55. |
Royal Guard | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Guards." |
Rujark | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
Runecaster | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Mystical." |
Runnyeye | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
Ry'Gorr | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
Sabertooth | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
Sage | .... | Level / AA |
This title is granted to all characters upon reaching Level 55 with at least (12) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Archetype Tier. & This title is awarded to Enchanters, Magicians & Wizards upon reaching Level 59 and at least (42) Alternate Advancement points spent (perhaps specifically spent in the Class Tier). |
Sailor | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions." |
Saint | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Paladins upon reaching Level 70. |
Savage | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Berserkers upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Savage Lord | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Beastlords upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Beastlords upon reaching Level 60. |
Savage Spirit | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Beastlords upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Scalebane | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Phara'Dar. |
Scalebreaker | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Scalebreaker |
Scaleguard | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Lethar. |
Scholar | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Wizards upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Scorpion | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Eight Legs Are Better Than One! |
.... | Scoundrel of the Oathbreaker | Marketplace | Claimed from Title of Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers, which is claimed from Prize: Title of the Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers, which, in turn, is a possible award from a specific one of the Marketplace Legends of Norrath items. |
Scourge Knight | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Shadowknights upon reaching Level 70. |
Scourge of the Sea | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Pirate." |
Scout | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Rangers upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Scribe | .... | Level / AA | This title is granted to all characters upon reaching Level 55 with at least (12) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Archetype Tier. |
Scurvy Dog | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Pirate." |
Seaslayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Seaslayer |
Seer | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Shamans upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Sensei | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Monks upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Sentinel | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Hybrid classes upon reaching Level 55 with at least (12) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Archetype Tier. |
Sergeant | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Military." |
Server | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions IV." |
Shadow | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Rogues upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Shadowblade | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Rogues upon reaching Level 75. |
Shadow Slayer | ... | Achievement | This title is granted from the Achievement: Shadow Slayer. |
Shawlweaver | .... | Quest | This title is granted once you quest / acquire a Prayer Shawl of the Duke (part of Coldain Prayer Shawl 3.0). |
Shopkeep | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions III." |
Shralok | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
Siege Engineer | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions IV." |
Silentshot | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy III." |
Silly | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Trickster." |
Silverwind | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy III." |
Singer | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Musical." |
Sir | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Male Paladins & Male Shadowknights upon reaching Level 55 with at least (18) Alternate Advancement points spent (perhaps specifically spent in the Archetype Tier). |
Sister | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Female Monks upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Skybreaker | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Eye of Veeshan. |
Slayer | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Mayong Mistmoore. |
Slayer of Prophecy | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Slayer of Prophecy |
Slayer of Secrets | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Slayer of Secrets |
Sleepless | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Kerafyrm (aka the Sleeper). |
Snowfang | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
Song Seeker | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Song Seeker |
Soothsayer | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Shamans upon reaching Level 70. |
Sorcerer | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Wizards upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Wizards upon reaching Level 60. |
Spellcrafter | .... | Level / AA | This title is granted to all characters upon reaching Level 55 with at least (12) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Archetype Tier. |
Spellscribe | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Mystical." |
Spider Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Eight Legs Are Better Than One! |
Spinebreaker | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Slayer of Secrets |
.... | Spirit of Frostfell | Achievement | Achievement: Frostfell Familiar in a Box: Spirit of Frostfell |
Spiritist | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Druids upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Spiritwalker | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Shamans upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 2.0, but not this title, take your Epic 2.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Spiritwatcher | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Shamans upon reaching Level 75. |
Split Paw | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
Spritewing | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy." |
Steamslayer | .... | Raid | This Title is granted to players who defeat the Meldrath's Mansion (Meldrath then Malignant) raid. |
Stone Fist | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Monks upon reaching Level 70. |
Stone Shaper | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Drawing Life From a Stone |
Stonebreaker | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats the Rathe Council. |
Stonemight | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
Storm Caller | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Druids upon reaching Level 75. |
Storm Warden | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Druids upon reaching Level 65. |
.... | Stormer of Anguish | Raid | This Title is granted to players who defeat the Asylum of Anguish (aka Citadel of Anguish) (Overlord Mata Muram) raid. |
Street Performer | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions II." |
Strife Herald | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy III." |
Summoner | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Mystical." |
Swashbuckler | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Rogues upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Swine Tamer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: I'm Boared! |
Tableflipper | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Table Flipper |
.... | Teir'Dal Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Teir'Dal Heritage Crate: Teir'Dal Art Collector |
.... | Teir'Dal Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Teir'Dal Heritage Crate: Teir'Dal Critters |
Templar | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Clerics upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Clerics upon reaching Level 55. |
Templebreaker | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Vulak'Aerr. |
Temporal Lord | .... | Special |
This suffix was reportedly granted to Players who were part of the first raid on a server to defeat the Citadel of the Worldslayer (Lord Brekt) raid (hard mode). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Title. |
Thaumaturge | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Magicians upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
The | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Article of Destiny |
.... | the Acrobat | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Festival." |
.... | the Adventurer | Beta | Reportedly, this Suffix was one of the Beta awards for The Prophecy of Ro expansion. |
.... | the Adventurous | Promotion | This suffix was awarded through the olde (no defunct) 'Recruit A Friend' program. |
.... | the Agate | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gemstones II." |
.... | the Agonized | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Sick." |
.... | the Ale Runner | Guide Event | This suffix can be granted are certain Guide Events. |
.... | the Alpha | Achievement | Achievement: Dog in a Crate: Packmaster |
.... | the Ambassador | Achievement | Achievement: I'm a People Person |
.... | the Amethyst | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gemstones." |
.... | the Ancient | Achievement | Achievement: You Call That a Dragon? |
the Angler | Beta | This appears to be an award for an Achievement I have only ever seen on the Beta server, and it did not seem to come over to Live (Achievement: Master Angler). | |
.... | the Anguished | Special |
This Suffix was awarded to players who completed the Muramite Proving Grounds (trials) on the now defunct Quarm server. This Suffix could be claimed on another server. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | the Animal | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains." |
.... | the Annihilator | Achievement | Achievement: Call of the Forsaken Slayer |
.... | the Annoyed | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Rage." |
.... | the Ape | Achievement | Achievement: Monkey Business |
.... | the Arena Master | Guide Event | This suffix can be granted are certain Guide Events. |
.... | the Arrow | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry." |
.... | the Awakened | Unknown | ??????Crystallos Related??????? |
.... | the Axe | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry." |
.... | the Backbreaker | Quest | This Suffix is one of the award options from the 13th Anniversary group mission, "Step in a Crack" from Sam Napth in the Plane of Knowledge. |
.... | the Baconizer | Achievement | Achievement: I'm Boared! |
.... | the Banshee | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters." |
.... | the Barbarian Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: What Keeps Mankind Alive? |
.... | the Battlemaster | Guide Event | This suffix can be granted are certain Guide Events. |
.... | the Bear | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures II." |
.... | the Beetle | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures III." |
.... | the Believer | Quest | This is one of (8) known Suffixes related to the negation the effect of "Aura of Crimson Mists" in Dreadspire Keep: The Demi-Plane of Blood (raid zone). See here for details. |
.... | the Beloved | Quest | This is one of (8) known Suffixes related to the negation the effect of "Aura of Crimson Mists" in Dreadspire Keep: The Demi-Plane of Blood (raid zone). See here for details. |
.... | the Benevolent | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains III." |
.... | the Bird Caller | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
.... | the Bird Lover | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Animal Lover." |
.... | the Bizarre | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Outcast." |
.... | the Black | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Colors." |
.... | the Blissful | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Joyful." |
.... | the Blizzard | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Disasters." |
.... | the Blood Harvester | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains II." |
.... | the Bloodgill | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
.... | the Bloodthirsty | Guide Event | This suffix can be granted are certain Guide Events. |
.... | the Bloodwise | Quest | This is one of (8) known Suffixes related to the negation the effect of "Aura of Crimson Mists" in Dreadspire Keep: The Demi-Plane of Blood (raid zone). See here for details. |
.... | the Blue | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Colors." |
.... | the Boomerang | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry II." |
.... | the Bouncer | Achievement | Achievement: Bounced! |
.... | the Braxi | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters II." |
.... | the Braxi Lover | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Animal Lover." |
.... | the Brilliant | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains V." |
.... | the Brineslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Brineslayer |
The Broodslayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Broodslayer |
.... | the Broodslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Broodslayer |
.... | the Brownie Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Shorter People |
.... | the Burnslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Burnslayer |
.... | the Cat | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures II." |
.... | the Cat Lover | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Animal Lover." |
.... | the Cestus | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry II." |
.... | the Chaos Blaze | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Spells II." |
.... | the Chaotic | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains II." |
.... | the Claw | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry." |
.... | the Cleaner | Achievement | Achievement: Breakdown Dead Ahead |
.... | the Clinging Darkness | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Spells." |
.... | the Clockwork | Achievement | Achievement: Breakdown Dead Ahead |
.... | the Clumsy | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Failure." |
.... | the Coldeye | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
.... | the Commemorator | Promotion | This suffix was granted, free, to All Access Characters that logged into EverQuest during the 24th Anniversary, between March 16, 2023 & April 20, 2023. |
.... | the Compassionate | Promotion | This suffix was granted to any one who donated $5 to the 2023 Extra Life Charity Drive. |
.... | the Condor | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures III." |
.... | the Contagious | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Sick." |
.... | the Courier | Quest | This suffix is granted once you complete a series of "Going Postal" quests collectively called, "Postmaster's Challenge" from Postmaster Aric Songfairer in Sunrise Hills. |
.... | the Cowardly | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fright." |
.... | the Cragslither | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters II." |
.... | the Crossbow | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry II." |
.... | the Crystal Keeper | Achievement | Achievement: Living Stone I presume? |
.... | the Cudgel | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry II." |
.... | the Cursed | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains." |
.... | the Cyclone | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weather." |
.... | the Dagger | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry." |
.... | the Dark Savant | Quest | This is one of (8) known Suffixes related to the negation the effect of "Aura of Crimson Mists" in Dreadspire Keep: The Demi-Plane of Blood (raid zone). See here for details. |
.... | the Dark Soldier | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains V." |
.... | the Deathbringer | Achievement | Achievement: Killers of Gods |
.... | the Deepslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Deepslayer |
... | the Defender of Blood | Achievement |
This title is granted from the Achievement: Defender of Blood. |
.... | the Destroyer | Guide Event | This suffix can be granted are certain Guide Events. |
.... | the Destroyer of Worlds | Achievement | Achievement: Megadeath |
.... | the Diamond | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gemstones." |
.... | the Dimensional Conqueror | Achievement | Achievement: Crushing the Conquerors |
.... | the Diseased | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Sick." |
.... | the Divine Aura | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Spells." |
.... | the Dog Lover | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Animal Lover." |
.... | the Doomed | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Sick." |
.... | the Dragon Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Dragon Slayer |
.... | the Dragonbane | Achievements | Achievement: Dragonbane |
.... | the Drake | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters II." |
.... | the Drakebane | Achievement | Achievement: You Call That a Dragon? |
.... | the Drakkin Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: What Keeps Mankind Alive? |
.... | the Dreamer | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of 'the Dreamer'." |
.... | the Dreamslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Dreamslayer. |
.... | the Dredger | Achievement | Achievement: Master Scavenger of The Darkened Sea |
.... | the Dwarf Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Short People |
.... | the Eagle Eye | Marketplace | Claimed from: Writ of the Eagle, which is claimed from Prize: Writ of the Eagle, which, in turn, is a possible award from a specific one of the Marketplace Legends of Norrath items. |
.... | the Earth Warden | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of the Earth Warden." |
.... | the Earthquake | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Disasters." |
.... | the Elf Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Three Letter Word for Dead... |
.... | the Emancipator | Quested | This is one of (8) known Suffixes related to the negation the effect of "Aura of Crimson Mists" in Dreadspire Keep: The Demi-Plane of Blood (raid zone). See here for details. |
.... | the Ember | Achievement | Achievement: Three Letter Word for Dead... |
.... | the Emerald | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gemstones." |
.... | the Enraged | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Rage." |
.... | the Epidemic | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Disasters." |
.... | the Erudite Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: What Keeps Mankind Alive? |
.... | the Evil One | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains III." |
.... | the Examiner | Beta | Reportedly, this Suffix was one of the Beta awards for The Serpent's Spine expansion. |
The Fabled | .... | Promotion | This title was awarded to the top ten (10) Players in a Legends of Norrath contest. The contest was to include their Character in a Legends of Norrath related 'scene.' The winner had their scene made into an actual Legends of Norrath card ('Call of Armament'). |
.... | the Failure | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Failure II." |
.... | the Fairy Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Shorter People |
.... | the Fear Scavenger | Achievement | Achievement: Nothing Left to Fear (Rain of Fear) |
.... | the Fearchaser | Achievement | Achievement: Master Hunter of the Rain of Fear |
.... | the Fearful | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fright." |
.... | the Fearslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Master Hunter of the Rain of Fear |
.... | the Fearspeaker | Achievement | Achievement: Master Scavenger of Fear (Rain of Fear) |
.... | the Finder | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains IV." |
.... | the Fire-Eater | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Festival." |
.... | the Firstslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Firstslayer |
.... | the Flail | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry." |
.... | the Flame Bolt | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Spells." |
.... | the Flood | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Disasters." |
.... | the Fool | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Failure." |
.... | the Forgotten | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains III." |
.... | the Forsaken | Achievement | Achievement: Lesser Vanquisher of the Call |
.... | the Fortress | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains IV." |
.... | the Fox | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures." |
.... | the Freak | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Outcast." |
.... | the Friendly | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of "the Friendly." |
.... | the Frog Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Amphibicide |
.... | the Frozen | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "The Frozen." |
.... | the Gargoyle | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters II." |
.... | the Gatebreaker | Achievement | Achievement: Gatebreaker |
.... | the Generous | Promotion | A reward for donating at least $5 to the 2022 'Extra Life' Daybreak Charity Drive. |
.... | the Giant Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: A Giant Problem |
.... | the Gloomy | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains IV." |
.... | the Glory Seeker | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains V." |
.... | the Glutton | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of the Glutton." |
.... | the Gnoll Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
.... | the Gnome Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Short People |
.... | the Goblin Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Me Thinks That You'll Be Good to Eat! |
.... | the Godslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Your God Has Found You Lacking |
.... | the Gold | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Metals." |
.... | the Golem |
Marketplace or Achievement |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters II." or |
.... | the Golem Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Gooooooooooooooolem! |
.... | the Gravedigger | Achievement |
Achievement: Nights of the Dead: Strange Ways (After clicking the Frightening Writ.) |
.... | the Gray | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Colors." |
.... | the Green | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Colors." |
.... | the Green Thumb | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of the Green Thumb." |
.... | the Griffon | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters." |
.... | the Grove Guardian | Marketplace |
Claimed from: Title of The Guardian of the Grove, which is claimed from Prize: Title of The Guardian of the Grove, which, in turn, is a possible award from a specific one of the Marketplace Legends of Norrath items. NOTE: Despite the name of the above item, the actual award is the Suffix noted to the left. |
The Guardian of Norrath | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Guardian of Norrath |
.... | the Guardian of Norrath | Achievement | Achievement: Guardian of Norrath |
.... | the Guktan Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Amphibicide |
.... | the Halberd | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry II." |
.... | the Halfling Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Short People |
.... | the Hammer | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry." |
.... | the Hand of Serilis | Raid | Defeating the First Creation (Convorteum raid). |
.... | the Happy | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Joyful." |
.... | the Hateful | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Rage." |
.... | the Haunted | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of the Haunted." |
.... | the Heart | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains III." |
.... | the Hero of Heroes | Achievement | Achievement: Hero of Heroes |
.... | the High Diver | Guide Event | This suffix can be granted are certain Guide Events. |
.... | the Hero | Achievement | Achievement: Hero of the Journey |
.... | the Hoarder | Achievement | Achievement: Call of the Forsaken Master Scavenger |
.... | the Horrified | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fright." |
.... | the Human Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: What Keeps Mankind Alive? |
.... | the Hurricane | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weather." |
.... | the Ice Cold Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Ice Cold Slayer |
.... | the Iksar Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Mostly Kunzar |
.... | the Insightful | Beta | Reportedly, this Suffix was one of the Beta awards for The Serpent's Spine expansion. |
.... | the Iris | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Flowers." |
.... | the Iron | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Metals." |
.... | the Jewel | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains II." |
.... | the Joyful | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Joyful." |
.... | the Juggler | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Festival." |
.... | the Killer of Lords | Achievement | Achievement: Punishment Fit for a Lord |
.... | the Kindhearted | Promotion | This suffix was awarded to Players who donated $5 to the 2024 Extra life Charity Drive. |
.... | the Knife Thrower | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Festival." |
.... | the Kobold Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Kobolded Killer |
.... | the Lackey | Quest | This suffix is granted with the "Deliver Us Unto Evil" task from Captain Bvellos in Kael Drakkel, The Kings Madness. Specifically the optional steps to kill smugglers and return (4) Small Sliver of Fear back to Captain Bvellos. |
.... | the Last Breath | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Spells II." |
.... | the Librarian | Achievement | Achievement: Reader's Die Jest |
.... | the Lightning Helix | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Spells II." |
The Limitless | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy III." |
.... | the Lion | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures II." |
.... | the Lion Tamer |
Marketplace or Achievement |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of the Lion Tamer." or |
.... | the Lithe | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains V." |
.... | the Living Disaster | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Failure II." |
.... | the Longbow | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry II." |
.... | the Loser | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Failure II." |
.... | the Lotus | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Flowers." |
.... | the Lucky | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of the Lucky." |
.... | the Lucky Survivor | Guide Event | This suffix can be granted are certain Guide Events. |
.... | the Lunatic | Achievement | This is related to the Achievement: Bristlebane Day - A Fool's Errand. This suffix is actually granted from getting the 'Gift of Laughter' buff on April 1st (Bristlebane Day), which, in turn, also awards the noted Achievement. |
.... | the Mace | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry." |
.... | the Majestic | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains." |
.... | the Malachite | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gemstones II." |
.... | the Mana Sieve | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Spells II." |
.... | the Manticore | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters." |
.... | the Master's Prodigy | Quested | This is one of (8) known Suffixes related to the negation the effect of "Aura of Crimson Mists" in Dreadspire Keep: The Demi-Plane of Blood (raid zone). See here for details. |
.... | the Memorializer | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of "the Memorializer." |
.... | the Mirrorslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Mirror Slayer |
.... | the Mist | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains III." |
.... | the Mistake | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Failure II." |
.... | the Mojo Maker | Achievement | Achievement: Monkey Business |
.... | the Monsoon | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weather." |
.... | the Morning Star | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry II." |
.... | the Mouse | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures III." |
.... | the Mythslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Mythslayer |
.... | the Nightmare | Achievement | Achievement: Slayer of Mystical Horses |
.... | the Nightshade | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Flowers." |
.... | the Ogre Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Bounced! |
.... | the Omen | Special |
This Suffix was awarded to players who were part of any raid that beat Overlord Mata Muram on the now defunct Quarm server. This Suffix could be claimed on another server. Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Suffix. |
.... | the Omenslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Omenslayer |
.... | the Ooze | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters III." |
.... | the Opal | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gemstones II." |
.... | the Orange | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Colors." |
.... | the Orc Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
.... | the Orchid | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Flowers." |
.... | the Outcast | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Outcast." |
.... | the Owlbear | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters III." |
.... | the Panther | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures." |
.... | the Pathetic | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Failure." |
.... | the Pearl | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gemstones II." |
.... | the Penultimate Element | Server Related | This suffix was awarded on the Vaniki TLP Server for defeating Solusek Ro by Level 55 (Achievement: Challenge: Solusek Ro). |
.... | the Phoenix | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters." |
.... | the Pink | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Colors." |
.... | the Pixie Killer | Achievement | Achievement: Shorter People |
.... | the Plane Defiler | Achievement | Achievement: It's Plane to See |
.... | the Platinum | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Metals." |
.... | the Rabbit | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures II." |
.... | the Rageslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Hunter of Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
.... | the Rat | Achievement | Achievement: Rats! |
.... | the Rat Killer | Achievement | Achievement: Rats! |
.... | the Raven | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures." |
.... | the Razor | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains." |
.... | the Red | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Colors." |
.... | The Redfist | Achievement |
& |
.... | the Relaxed | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of "the Relaxed." |
... | the Relentless | Server Related | This suffix was granted on the Vaniki TLP Server for defeating the Fippy's Revenge event by Level 75 (Achievement: Challenge: Defeat Fippy's Revenge). |
.... | the Reptile Lover | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Animal Lover." |
.... | the Restless Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Restless Slayer |
.... | the Ridiculous | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Failure." |
.... | the Ripper | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains IV." |
.... | the Rose | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Flowers." |
.... | the Ruby | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gemstones." |
.... | the Rujarkian | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
.... | the Ry'Gorr | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
.... | the Sapphire | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gemstones." |
.... | the Sated | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of "the Sated." |
.... | the Savior | Quested | This is one of (8) known Suffixes related to the negation the effect of "Aura of Crimson Mists" in Dreadspire Keep: The Demi-Plane of Blood (raid zone). See here for details. |
.... | the Scalebreaker | Achievement | Achievement: Scalebreaker |
.... | the Scorpion |
Marketplace or Achievement |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures." or |
.... | the Seaslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Scalebreaker |
... | the Shadow Slayer | Achievement | This title is granted from the Achievement: Shadow Slayer. |
.... | the Shallow Breath | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Spells." |
.... | the Shark | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures II." |
.... | the Showstopper | Guide Event | This suffix can be granted are certain Guide Events. This is an actual and permanent suffix. |
.... | the Sickly | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Sick." |
.... | the Silver | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Metals." |
.... | the Siren | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters III." |
.... | the Slayer of Prophecy | Achievement | Achievement: Slayer of Prophecy |
.... | the Slayer of Secrets | Achievement | Achievement: Slayer of Secrets |
.... | the Sling | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry II." |
.... | the Sly | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains II." |
.... | the Song Seeker | Achievement | Achievement: Song Seeker |
.... | the Soused | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of the Soused." |
.... | the Spear | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry." |
.... | the Spellbreaker's Armor | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Spells II." |
.... | the Spellslinger | Guide Event | This suffix can be granted are certain Guide Events. |
.... | the Spider |
Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures." |
.... | the Spider Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Eight Legs Are Better Than One! |
.... | the Spike of Disease | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Spells." |
.... | the Spinebreaker | Achievement | Achievement: Slayer of Secrets |
.... | the Squid | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures III." |
.... | the Staff | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry." |
.... | the Steamslayer | Raid | This Suffix is granted to players who defeat the Meldrath's Mansion (Meldrath then Malignant) raid. |
.... | the Steel | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Metals." |
.... | the Stiletto | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry II." |
.... | the Stone Breaker | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of the Stone Breaker." |
.... | the Stone Shaper | Achievement | Achievement: Drawing Life From a Stone |
.... | the Strategic Tactician | Special | This suffix was reportedly granted to Players who were part of the first raid on a server to defeat the Plane of War raid. |
.... | the Subjugator | Achievement | Achievement: Subjugating the Subjugators |
.... | the Sunny | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Joyful." |
.... | the Sunrise | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains IV." |
.... | the Supreme Golem Killer | Achievement | Achievement: Supreme Golem Killer |
.... | the Sure Shot | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains II." |
.... | the Sweep | Achievement | Achievement: Witch Mount? |
.... | the Swine Tamer | Achievement | Achievement: I'm Boared! |
.... | the Sword | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry." |
.... | the Sword-Swallower | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Festival." |
.... | the Tableflipper | Achievement | Achievement: Table Flipper |
.... | the Terrified | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fright." |
.... | the Timeless | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title of the Timeless." |
.... | the Topaz | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Gemstones II." |
.... | the Tornado | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weather." |
.... | the Treant | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters III." |
.... | the Trickster | Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains." |
.... | the Troll Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Simple Folk of Ykesha |
.... | the Truthkeeper | Marketplace | Claimed from: Writ of the Truthkeeper, which is claimed from Prize: Writ of the Truthkeeper, which, in turn, is a possible award from a specific one of the Marketplace Legends of Norrath items. |
.... | the Tsunami | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Disasters." |
.... | the Twisted | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Outcast." |
.... | the Typhoon | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weather." |
.... | the Unbreakable | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Heroes & Villains V." |
.... | the Undaunted | Raid | XXXXXKing Xorbb Related?XXXXX |
.... | the Useless | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Failure II." |
.... | the Vah Shir Slayer | Achievement | Achievement: Catnipped In the Bud |
.... | the Valiant | Server Related | This suffix was awarded on the Vaniki TLP Server for defeating Phinigel Autropos, Lady Vox and Lord Nagafen by Level 40 (Achievement: Challenge: Defeat the Classic Three). |
.... | the Vampire Hunter | Quest | This is one of (8) known Suffixes related to the negation the effect of "Aura of Crimson Mists" in Dreadspire Keep: The Demi-Plane of Blood (raid zone). See here for details. |
the Vampire Slayer | Quest | This is one of (8) known Suffixes related to the negation the effect of "Aura of Crimson Mists" in Dreadspire Keep: The Demi-Plane of Blood (raid zone). See here for details. | |
.... | the Veilslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Veilslayer |
.... | the Verdantslayer | Achievement | Achievement: Herbicide |
.... | the Vexed | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Rage." |
.... | the Violet |
Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Colors." |
.... | the Void Seeker | Marketplace | Claimed from Title of the Void Seeker, which is claimed from Prize: Title of the Void Seeker, which, in turn, is a possible award from a specific one of the Marketplace Legends of Norrath items. |
.... | the Voidslayer | Achievement | Achievement: The Voidslayer |
.... | the Voidwalker | Marketplace | Claimed from Title of the Voidwalker, which is claimed from Prize: Title of the Voidwalker, which, in turn, is a possible award from a specific one of the Marketplace Legends of Norrath items. |
.... | the Warm | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Joyful." |
.... | the Weasel | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Creatures III." |
.... | the Weepy | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fright." |
.... | the Weird | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Outcast." |
.... | the Whip | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Weaponry II." |
.... | the White |
Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Colors." |
.... | the Wisp | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters III." |
.... | the Wolf | Marketplace | Achievement: The Hounds |
.... | the Worthless | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Failure." |
.... | the Wrath | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
.... | the Wrathful | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Rage." |
.... | the Wyrmbane | Achievement | Achievement: You Call That a Dragon? |
.... | the Yellow | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Colors." |
.... | the Zombie | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Monsters." |
Time Lord | .... | Special |
This suffix was reportedly granted to Players who were part of the first raid on a server to defeat the Citadel of the Worldslayer (Lord Brekt) raid (normal mode). Otherwise, there does not appear any way to acquire this Title. |
Timebreaker | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Quarm. |
Tinnykin | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Breakdown Dead Ahead |
Town Guard | .... |
Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Guards." |
Transcendent | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Monks upon reaching Level 65. |
Transmuter | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Mystical." |
Treasure Hunter | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions IV." |
.... | Trollish Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Trollish Heritage Crate: Trollish Art Collector |
.... | Trollish Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Trollish Heritage Crate: Trollish Critters |
Troll Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Simple Folk of the Ykesha |
Trooper | .... |
Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Guards." |
Troubadour | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Bards upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Bards upon reaching Level 55. |
Tunat'Muram | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Tunat'Muram Cuu Vauax. |
(None) |
Vagabond | .... |
Marketplace |
Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions." |
.... | Vah Shir Art Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Vah Shir Heritage Crate: Vah Shir Art Collector |
.... | Vah Shir Critter Collector | Achievement | Achievement: Vah Shir Heritage Crate: Vah Shir Critter Collector |
Vah Shir Slayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Catnipped In the Bud |
Valiant | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Paladins upon completing / obtaining their Epic 2.0 (Nightbane, Sword of the Valiant). |
Vanquisher | .... |
Class Reference & Achievement |
Class reference granted to Warriors upon reaching Level 70. & |
Vehement | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Berserkers upon reaching Level 55. |
Veil Breaker | .... | Raid | Unverified: This is reportedly a title that was awarded for being part of the raid that first defeated The Triune God (Veil of Alaris). |
Venerable | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Priest classes upon reaching Level 55 with at least (12) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Archetype Tier. |
Venomscales | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Trakanon. |
Verdantslayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Herbicide |
Verish Mal | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Gnolling is Half the Battle |
Veteran | .... | Level / AA |
This Title is granted to Hybrid classes upon reaching Level 55 with at least (12) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Archetype Tier. |
Vex Va | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Aten Ha Ra. |
Vicar | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Clerics upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Clerics upon reaching Level 51. |
Village Guard | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Guards." |
Virtuoso | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Male Bards upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Bards upon reaching Level 60. |
Visionary | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Enchanters upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Voidslayer | .... | Achievement | Achievement: The Voidslayer |
Vrodak | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Kobolded Killer |
Wanderer | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Druids upon reaching Level 60. |
Warbringer | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats the Avatar of War. |
Warlock | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Necromancers upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Necromancers upon reaching Level 60. |
Warlord | .... |
Level / AA & Class Reference |
This Title is granted to Warriors upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. & Class reference granted to Warriors upon reaching Level 60. |
Warden | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Guards." |
Warder | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Rangers upon reaching Level 60. |
Waverider | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Coirnav the Avatar of Water. |
Waymaker | .... | Level / AA | This Title is granted to Druids upon reaching Level 55 with at least (24) Alternate Advancement points spent in the Class Tier. |
Wildblood | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Beastlords upon reaching Level 70. |
Wildcaller | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Beastlords upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Windcaller | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Rangers upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.0. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.0, but not this title, take your Epic 1.0 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
Windrider | .... | Server First | This title is from TLP's... and maybe live servers...that have activated Special Titles (such as the Mayong Server) for 'server first' defeats of Raid targets. This one is for being part of the raid that first defeats Xegony the Queen of Air. |
Wolf | .... | Achievement | Achievement: The Hounds |
Wolf Fang | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Fame & Infamy II." |
Worker | .... | Marketplace | Claimed from Marketplace item: "Title Pack: Professions." |
Wraith | .... | Class Reference | Class reference granted to Necromancers upon reaching Level 70. |
Wrath | .... | Achievement | Achievement: Orc Kill! |
Wyrmbane | .... | Achievement | Achievement: You Call That a Dragon? |
Wyrmkin | .... | Quest |
This title is awarded to Bards upon completing / obtaining their Epic 1.5. NOTE: If you are of this class and have your Epic 1.5, but not this title, take your Epic 1.5 and go speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in the Plane of Knowledge (up by the Library in the northeast corner). |
.... | xi Xauninae | Achievement | Achievement: Natives of Luclin |
(None) |
(None) |
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated October 23, 2024
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.