Where to find them and how to do them!
Between Hate & Love, there may be a fine line... you can't help but wonder, if that's by design! - Bonzz
The first Erollisi Day Event was introduced circa 2013 and / or 2014. New events were added in 2023 & 2025.
These events resurface every year in early February, in conjunction with Valentines Day, and remain in place for about two weeks.
Download and unzip this file to the 'storyline' folder of your EverQuest directory to have access to a generic, simplified version of these quests, in game, via your Story Window (Alt N)! NOTE: This file can be updated in the event of typo corrections, errors and new events, so you may need a fresh download / install every so often.
Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.
Love, Norrathian Style - Erollisi Marr's Favor (2009) Achievement: Hero's Forge Erollisi Day Hats (2013)
Achievement: Erollisi Day Haters (2014) Achievement: Erollisi Day Lovers (2014)
The Perfect Companion (2014) Things Are Best With Friends (2014) Achievement: Erollisi Day: A Guide to Love (2014)
A Fool In Love (2023) All You Need Is Love (2023) Can Anybody Find Me (2023) Achievement: Citadel Orchids (2023)
Only Fools Fall In (2025) Lures Hurt (2025) Crazy Little Thing (2025) I Think I Love You (2025)
Achievement: Erollisi Day: Why Do We Fall (The Overthere) (2025 Collect Set) Achievement: Erollisi Day: Why Do We Fall (2025)
Erollisi Day Flowers |
Lovely Gumdrop Familiar |
Love, Norrathian Style - Erollisi Marr's Favor (2009)
1) NOTE: This quest is often thought to be an Erollisi Day Quest, but it is not!
You will not find it active during the Erollisi Day events, because it was actually a 10th Anniversary Quest, outlined here, and it is only active when the "Legacy" Anniversary Events (5th to 13th) are active.
Achievement: Hero's Forge Erollisi Day Hats (2013)
1) MOST ZONES: This Achievement is completed by collecting and possessing all four (4) Erollisi Day Hats at the same time (you do not have to equip them).
These hats are random drops in most zones while Erollisi Day Events are active. They are also tradeable, so you can acquire them from other Players, or just borrow them (possess them) for a moment, to get the Achievement, and then hand them back!
These hats are:
Achievement: Hero's Forge Erollisi Day Haters (2014)
1) NERIAK: FOREIGN QUARTER: This Achievement is a Collect Set for the "Hate Letter" collect items.
The "Love Letter" collects are ground spawns in this zone, but only while Erollisi Day Events are active.
The collects are tradeable, so you can acquire them from other Players.
The collects you need are:
This achievement is completed once you have collected (1) of each item.
This achievement can be completed year round, if you can acquire the items from other Players, who have extra ones.
Achievement: Hero's Forge Erollisi Day Lovers (2014)
1) HALAS: This Achievement is a Collect Set for the "Love Letter" collect items.
The "Hate Letter" collects are ground spawns in this zone, but only while Erollisi Day Events are active.
The collects are tradeable, so you can acquire them from other Players.
The collects you need are:
This achievement is completed once you have collected (1) of each item.
This achievement can be completed year round, if you can acquire the items from other Players, who have extra ones.
1) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are here looking for Grimble Grumblemaker.
He is located just north of the Guild Lobby entrance. Hail him and follow along, or just try saying, 'Help,' to get this Quest, and get ready for a lot of run about, to pretty much every City Zone (yes, faction can get you attacked, so use Invisible where needed... and / or be ready to battle).
NOTE: While you only need to complete five (5) of the below steps, there is an bonus reward for 'acquiring' all sixteen (16) gifts. These steps do not give you any actual items, as they are simply virtual "Hail' Updates, for which you will need to be in close proximity to the NPC's when you hail them. Additionally, all the related NPC's should be on Find.
2) HALAS: You are to find, and hail, Marnia McMensen.
3) NERIAK COMMONS: You are to find, and hail, Sylnyk T'Vok.
4) CRESCENT REACH: You are to find, and hail, Tilliki.
5) SOUTH KALADIM: You are to find, and hail, Myra Denghop.
6) PAINEEL: You are to find, and hail, Veintana.
7) MOUNTAINS OF RATHE: You are to find, and hail, Gilbina.
8) AK'ANON: You are to find, and hail, Mekinti.
9) NORTHERN FELWITHE: You are to find, and hail, Kirilin.
10) RIVERVALE: You are to find, and hail, Smarta Bragglethin.
11) SOUTHERN FELWITHE: You are to find, and hail, Lalanis.
12) SOUTH QEYNOS: You are to find, and hail, Karon.
13) EAST CABILIS: You are to find, and hail, Zarkys.
14) OGGOK: You are to find, and hail, Grenda.
15) GROBB: You are to find, and hail, Gorble.
16) SHAR VAHL: You are to find, and hail, Kalika.
17) GREATER FAYDARK: You are to find, and hail, Alleana.
18) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: Head back to Grimble Grumblemaker.
Hail to finish up.
If you did all sixteen (16) steps, you will get Erollisi Day Flowers (placeable flowers).
Things Are Best With Friends (2014)
1) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are here looking for Emissary of Erollisi.
She is located near the Bazaar entrance. Hail her and follow along, or just try saying, 'Help,' to get this Quest.
You should get Erollisi's Idol of Friendship.
2) ANYWHERE: In any zone, including the Plane of Knowledge, get reasonably close to, and target, other Players.
Try to find Players that are AFK or not moving about, as you will need to click Erollisi's Idol of Friendship on them and it is a 30-second cast!
You need to get ten (10) updates doing this.
As a note, you will not get an update every time, but you can cast on the same Player to try again.
3) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: Once you have the ten (10) updates, head back to Emissary of Erollisi and hail her, to finish for some experience and coin.
You can keep the Erollisi's Idol of Friendship, if you want to.
Achievement: Erollisi Day: A Guide to Love (2014)
1) HOW TO: This Achievement is accomplished by completing the following 2014 Erollisi Day pursuits (outlined above):
Once done, you will get the following rewards:
1) MISTY THICKET: You are here looking for Farnjer, who is by some ruins to the northeast (/waypoint 480, -730).
Hail and follow along or just try saying, "talk to Rolo," to get this task.
2) MISTY THICKET: You are here looking for Rolo, who is on top of a pillar right there near Farnjer (/waypoint 465, -720).
Hail him and follow along for an update.
Next, head to the other side of the wall, to the west, and kill a goblin warrior at the Goblin Camps (along south and west walls near The Liberated Citadel of Runnyeye) until you get a Chewed Steel Nib.
3) RIVERVALE: You are here to acquire two (2) items:
4) GORGE OF KING XORBB: You are here to acquire an item:
5) MISTY THICKET: Head back to Rolo (/waypoint 465, -720) and give him the Chewed Steel Nib, Fluffy Quill, Heart-Drawn Paper & Drying Sand.
The follow along to get a Heartfelt Letter.
Next, take the letter to Deputy Mims and give it to her. She is in the nearby tower (/waypoint 355, -875). She will question who 'Deputy Shorttoes' is, that the letter is addressed to.
Now head back to Rolo, hail him and follow along for another update.
The hail and follow along with Farnjer to finish up.
1) MISTY THICKET: You are here looking for Farnjer, who is by some ruins to the northeast (/waypoint 480, -730).
Hail and follow along or just try saying, "Wonderful Gifts," to get this task.
2) MISTY THICKET: Head to the tower and listen in on Deputy Mims (/waypoint 355, -875) as she speaks with Deputy Ranen (the update is a location update, but there is some quest lore / spam to read if you hang out a minute.... this lore gives the answers you need for the next few updates).
Now, head back to Farnjer and hail him and follow along. He will ask questions and the answer is 'Slice of JumJum Cake,' 'Farm-Fresh Rivervale Flower,' 'Goblin Doll' & 'Bandit Drum.'
You should get four (4) task updates.
3) RIVERVALE: You are here to acquire one (1) thing:
4) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are here to craft an item, if you don't all ready have one. If you all ready have one, you should have gotten an update and can skip to the next step.
If you don't all ready have a Slice of Jumjum Cake, you need you acquire one (they are tradable), or you need to make one (Baking 27).
To make it, you will need a Cake Round. If you don't have one, you will need to acquire one (they are tradable), or make one:
You will need a Clump of Dough. If you don't all ready have one, you will need to acquire one (they are tradable), or make one (Baking 17):
You will need a Winter Chocolate. If you don't all ready have one, you will need to acquire one (they are tradable), or make one (Baking 95):
Now you can make a Jumjum Cake (Baking 166), in an Oven, using the Cake Round, a Clump of Dough, one Frosting (sold by Chef Denrun), a Winter Chocolate and a Jumjum Stalk (sold by Chef Denrun).
Next, combine the Jumjum Cake inside an oven to get a Slice of Jumjum Cake (Baking 27).
5) LIBERATED CITADEL OF RUNNYEYE: Head to the lower floor to the Bank area (/waypoint 20, 55, -130).
As you head down, be sure to look for collects (see below).
One of the 'chests' in the Bank stalls, is actually a mimic. Behind it, on the ground, you should find a Goblin Doll.
6) EASTERN PLAINS OF KARANA: Head to the mid-south part of the zone to find a ground spawn Bandit Drum. It is inside a barn there (/waypoint -2390, -1280).
7) MISTY THICKET: Head back to Farnjer (/waypoint 480, -730).
Hail and follow along for an update.
Next, hail and follow along with Rolo (/waypoint 465, -720) for another update.
Lastly, to finish up, head over to Deputy Mims (/waypoint 355, -875) and give her the Fresh Rivervale Flower, Slice of Jumjum Cake, Goblin Doll & Bandit Drum.
1) MISTY THICKET: You are here looking for Deputy Mims, who is inside a tower to the northeast (/waypoint 355, -875).
Hail and follow along or just try saying, "Investigate," to get this task.
2) MISTY THICKET: Now head over the southwest and be ready for a fight (you will need healing, at the very least)!
At the Goblin Camp (area of /waypoint -790, 1335), a goblin instigator will spawn and attack you.
Kill a goblin instigator and loot the Torn Goblin Flyer (a container) that it drops.
3) LIBERATED CITADEL OF RUNNYEYE: Head to the 'pond' (area of /waypoint -10, 30), on the main / top floor, and be ready for a fight (you will need healing, at the very least)!
You will be attacked by a goblin instigator that will spawn as you approach.
Kill a goblin instigator and loot the Goblin Flyer, Page 1 that it drops.
4) GORGE OF KING XORBB: Had towards the southwest from the Liberated Citadel of Runnyeye and be ready for a fight (you will need healing, at the very least)!
In the area of /waypoint 240, -1470 a goblin instigator will spawn and attack you.
Kill a goblin instigator and loot the Goblin Flyer, Page 2 that it drops.
Next, combine the Goblin Flyer, Page 1 & Goblin Flyer, Page 2 inside the Torn Goblin Flyer to make a Goblin News Flyer.
5) MISTY THICKET: Head back to Deputy Mims (/waypoint 355, -875).
Give the Goblin News Flyer to Deputy Mims and follow along for an update.
Next, head back to Head back to Farnjer (/waypoint 480, -730), hail him and follow along for another update.
Now talk to Rolo (/waypoint 465, -720) and follow along for another update.
Lastly, once again talk to Farnjer to finish up.
This should complete the Achievement: Erollisi Day: In the Name of Love, and also award you a Lovely Brownie Familiar.
Achievement: Citadel Orchids (Liberated Citadel of Runnyeye) (2023)
1) LIBERATED CITADEL OF RUNNYEYE: You are here to find eight (8) ground spawn collect items. They are found on the various levels of the zone.
You need to find and collect (click) the following:
1) THE OVERTHERE: You are looking for Darenne K'Reil, who is just outside the entrance to the fort in the northwest (/waypoint 2630, 1885).
Hail and follow along, or just try saying, 'Interested,' to get this quest.
Once done, hail Darenne K'Reil again and follow along for another update.
2) This is a 'master' quest, as the next steps are the completion of quests from other NPC's.
You now need to pursue the quests given by:
3) Once you have done, give the Squeezed Glee, Nut Your Day Cookie & Frisky Fudge Brownie to Darenne K'Reil.
Once done, it should complete Achievement: Erollisi Day: Why Do We Fall.
You will get a Lovely Gumdrop Familiar (see top of page).
1) THE OVERTHERE: You are looking for Muku Wolfeetz, who is along the outside of the fortress wall in the northwest (/waypoint 3030, 1930).
Hail and follow along, or just try sayin, 'Help Me,' to get this quest.
2) Head to the area of /waypoint 3180, -1755 and kill an iksar skeleton that spawns and attacks, for two (2) updates.
Loot the Iksar Tailbone.
NOTE: There is an iksar skeleton lying on the ground by a nearby tree in. the area of /waypoint 3195, -1610. However, the location update is further away, as noted above. The Xan iksar skeleton that spawns and attacks you, does, however, spawn at the an iksar skeleton that is lying on the ground.
3) Head back to Muku Wolfeetz, hail him and follow along for an update.
4) Head to the area of /waypoint 2030, -1750 where you will see a sarnak skeleton lying on the ground, by a rock. Go to the south side of the rock (/waypoint 1935, -1755) and a sarnak skeleton will spawn and attack.
Kill a sarnak skeleton and loot Sarnak Voicebox.
5) Head back to Muku Wolfeetz, hail him and follow along for two (2) updates.
6) Head north to the beach and fish until you catch a Cockatrice Claw, which is a container.
7) Along the beach, you will find a Bunch of Beach Grass.
Pick one up for an update.
8) Combine the Iksar Tailbone, Sarnak Voicebox & Bunch of Beach Grass inside the Cockatrice Claw to make an Totem of Love and Ocean.
9) Head back to Muku Wolfeetz and give him the Totem of Love and Ocean, to finish up.
You will get six (6) Scrumptious Sultry Candy Heart (stat food) and a Squeezed Glee (see here).
1) THE OVERTHERE: You are looking for Toxon Frennor, who is along the outside of the fortress wall in the northwest (/waypoint 3085, 1940).
Hail and follow along, or just try sayin, 'Test,' to get this quest.
You will be given a Phosphoric Gnomish Poison Vial.
2) Head to the crossroads near the Frontier Mountains zone (/waypoint -2505, 1520) and look for a rattled clockwork and / or an addled clockwork roaming the area.
Click the Phosphoric Gnomish Poison Vial on five (5) of them (you need to be close to them) and then kill them, for two (2) updates.
3) Head back to Toxon Frennor.
Hail Toxon Frennor and follow along for an update.
4) Head back to the area near the Frontier Mountains, in the area of /waypoint -2245, 3300, for a location update.
Hiding in the bush there is a ground spawn Golden Thevetia Flower. Pick it up (not pre-lootable).
Kill a defective clockwork that spawns, for another update.
5) Head to the area of /waypoint -3500, 270, for a location update.
Hiding in the bush there is a ground spawn Roseus Thevetia Flower. Pick it up (not pre-lootable).
Kill a defective clockwork that spawns, for another update.
6) Head back to Toxon Frennor.
Give the Phosphoric Gnomish Poison Vial, Golden Thevetia Flower & Roseus Thevetia Flower to Toxon Frennor, then hail Toxon Frennor to finish up.
You will get a Nut Your Day Cookie (see here) and six (6) Scrumptious Sassy Candy Heart (stat food).
1) THE OVERTHERE: You are looking for Lithxn, who is along the outside of the fortress wall in the northwest (/waypoint 3040, 1895).
Hail and follow along, or just try saying, 'Rare Extracts,' to get this quest.
2) CABILIS EAST: You are looking for a ground spawn Cabilis Habanero Extract, that is just inside a building, in the right side corner as you enter, in the area of n the far wall (/waypoint 550, 140).
Pick it up for an update.
3) CABILIS EAST: You are looking for a ground spawn, which is in a tent in the area of Cabilis Serrano Extract, which is in a tent in the area of /waypoint 685, -40.
Pick it up for an update.
4) CABILIS WEST: You are looking for a ground spawn Cabilis Garlic Extract, which is near some tents , in the area of on the far wall(/waypoint 435, 525).
Pick it up for an update.
5) EAST FREEPORT: You are looking for the 'Coalition of Tradefolk' building, where, inside, you will find a ground spawn Toxxulian Sesame Extract on the far wall (/waypoint -380, -215).
Pick it up for an update.
6) THE OVERTHERE: Head back to Lithxn.
Give the Cabilis Habanero Extract, Cabilis Serrano Extract, Cabilis Garlic Extract & Toxxulian Sesame Extract to Lithxn, then hail Lithxn to finish up.
You will get a Frisky Fudge Brownie (see here) and six (6) Scrumptious Sweet Candy Heart (stat food).
Once you have completed this Quest and the other three (3) quest, you should also complete Achievement: Erollisi Day: Why Do We Fall.
Achievement: Why Do We Fall (2025 Collect Set)
1) THE OVERTHERE: You are here to find and collect (click) eight (8) ground spawn collects, as follows:
I found most all of them primarily near the Frontier Mountains border, but also inside the fort, along the beach, and / or by trees and rocks. Don't forget your Spirit of the Lost to find them easier!
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated January 22, 2025
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.