When their mouth is foaming, it's never a good omen! -- Bonzz
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The Omens of War was the 8th expansion, released in September 2004.
Before it weas released, a GU Comics (Woody Hearn) comic panel satirizing the coming Omens of War expansion, followed by a forum write up, a boycott was called for on EverQuest. The boycott was due Player concerns of mass producing expansions versus the quality of game play and addressing Player concerns. Sony Online Entertainment (then owners of EverQuest) took notice and invited Players to Beta Test the Omens of War. They also delayed the slated release of Omens of War. Many believe that, as a result, Omens of War was one of the 'smoothest' expansion releases EverQuest has ever had.
Omens of War added:
It was also first expansion to utilize the (then) new EverQuest graphics engine.
This expansion was sold both at retail and via digital download for $29.99. The boxed version also included one (1) of four (4) different Epic 2.0 Replica real-life keychains (SK, ROG, BST or BER), as well as a mini-poster of Epic 2.0 artwork. It also included an in-game /claim item... a Frozen Crystal Shard (a Nimbus item), which could be converted to a Burning Crystal Shard (also a Nimbus item) by way of an NPC in the Plane of Knowledge.
Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.
All of the the below achievements should apply to all classes (they are not class specific).
General | 2 | 70 |
Progression | 3 | 30 |
Exploration | 19 | 190 |
Hunter | 14 | 250 |
TOTALS | 38 | 540 |
Known full (visible) armor sets. Did I miss any? Let me know!
Academic's Armsmaster's Beast Tamer's Bladewhisper Blightbringer's Charmweaver's Darkraider's Dawnseeker's Deathcaller's |
Duskbringer's Everspring Faithbringer's Farseeker's Fiercehand Fire Sanctified Gladiator's Glyphwelder's |
Greenvale Heartstiller's Mindweaver's Oathbound Ragebound Ritualchanter's Runemaster's Sanctified |
Savagesoul Spelldeviser's Spiritkin Stillmind Sunrider's Traveler's Mail Whispering Wrathbringer's |
Achievements listed in the below sections are not necessarily listed in alphabetical order. They are generally listed in the order seen in the game (at the time they were added to the lists below). Use Control-F to "Find" a specific achievement you may be looking for.
Achievements for this expansion were added after the fact, when Achievements were first introduced with the Underfoot expansion. They have been added to and / or modified since then, as well.
NOTE: Any rewards highlighted in YELLOW might be worth pursuing, due the fun factor, benefit or usefulness of the reward (you decide).
NOTE: Some miscellaneous “hints” may also be included in PURPLE. These hints are intended to enhance / clarify the "how to" for accomplishing the achievement.
NOTE: Anything in RED text is either an informational comment, or data / details that is not fully verified. If you can verify or provide correct information, please do (see end of page)!
NOTE: Items noted as a "REWARD" are items granted from the achievement, itself. Items listed as "ACQUIRED" are unique item's that can be / are / should be acquired along the way, towards completing the related achievement, but are not actually a reward granted from the achievement itself. In fact, the achievement may even be for acquiring said item. Additionally, only the more "unique" Achievement awards are noted below... "common" or "generic" Achievement Rewards like Alternate Advancement points, Character Experience & Coin, are not noted in the Reward options below.
Omens of War Explorer 0211514 |
10 | Complete the (8) listed achievements and / or (11) optional achievements. | If you don't have one all ready, you should get a Journeyman's Compass. Click the Journeyman's Compass to gain another Level of the Journeyman's Speed Alternative Advancement (if it isn't all ready maxed out). |
Omenslayer 052721 |
60 | Complete the (3) listed achievements. | Omenslayer's Chest (24-slot, 100% bag), Title: "Omenslayer" & Suffix: ", the Omenslayer." |
Dranik's Scar Traveler 021414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Dranik's Hollows: Watering Hole Traveler 021514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Dranik's Hollows: Fire Pit Traveler 021514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Dranik's Hollows: Murkglider Hive Traveler 021514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Harbingers Spire Traveler 021414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
The Bloodfields Traveler 021414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
The Ruined City of Dranik Traveler 021514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Catacombs of Dranik (Azia) Traveler 021614 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Catacombs of Dranik (Beza) Traveler 021614 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Catacombs of Dranik (Caza) Traveler 021614 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Sewers of Dranik (Azia) Traveler 021614 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Sewers of Dranik (Beza) Traveler 021614 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Sewers of Dranik (Caza) Traveler 021614 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Nobles' Causeway Traveler 021414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Wall of Slaughter Traveler 021414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Muramite Proving Grounds Traveler 021414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Muramite Proving Grounds Trials Traveler 040514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Riftseekers' Sanctum Traveler 021414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Anguish, the Fallen Palace Traveler 021414 |
10 |
Go to the noted zone. aka Citadel of Anguish |
Taromani's Blessing 061516 |
N / A |
THEORY: This Achievement is a bit of a Mystery, as it appears to be the same as the Achievement below (Seal: Mastery of All). Perhaps this one relates to looting and clicking the Raid dropped version of the Seal: Mastery of All. UPDATE: Removed with the February 2023 Patch. |
Taromani's Protection 061516 |
10 | Complete the (8) listed steps (gain immunity to the Anguish zone curse). |
Seal: Mastery of All 061516 |
10 | Complete the (7) listed steps (acquire this key to Anguish, the Fallen Palace). |
Hero of Kuua 061516 |
10 | Complete the (2) listed achievements. |
Novice Hunter of Omens of War 052721 |
50 | Complete the (4) listed achievements. | Omenslayer's Satchel (16-slot, 100% bag) |
Hunter of Dranik's Scar 052521 |
10 | Defeat the (16) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Harbinger's Spire 052521 |
10 | Defeat the (20) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Dranik's Hollows 052521 |
10 | Defeat the (6) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Noble's Causeway 052721 |
10 | Defeat the (16) listed targets. | N / A |
Adept Hunter of Omens of War 052721 |
40 | Complete the (4) listed achievements. | Omenslayer's Rucksack (18-slot, 100% bag) |
Hunter of The Bloodfields 052521 |
10 | Defeat the (16) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Catacombs of Dranik 082121 |
10 | Defeat the (6) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Sewers of Dranik 082121 |
10 | Defeat the (6) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of The Ruined City of Dranik 052621 |
10 | Defeat the (23) listed targets. | N / A |
Veteran Hunter of Omens of War 052621 |
50 | Complete the (3) listed achievements. | Omenslayer's Backpack (20-slot, 100% bag) |
Hunter of Muramite Proving Grounds 052421 |
10 | Defeat the (21) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Wall of Slaughter 052421 |
10 | Defeat the (23) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Riftseeker's Sanctum 052621 |
10 | Defeat the (21) listed targets. | N / A |
While Spells, Disciplines and Songs can drop as loot, all Level 66 to Level 70 Spells, Disciplines and Songs can be purchased in the Plane of Knowledge, up in the Library.
There were no Rank II or Rank III Spells, Disciplines or Songs.
Asylum of Anguish Catacombs of Dranik A Catacombs of Dranik B Catacombs of Dranik C Catacombs of Dranik: Redemption Dranik's Hollows A Dranik's Hollows B Dranik's Hollows C Dranik's Scar Harbingers' Spire |
Muramite Proving Grounds Nobles' Causeway Plane of Hate: Innoruuk's Realm Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Adaptation Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Corruption Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Destruction Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Efficiency Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Endurance Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Fear Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Foresight Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Hate Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Ingenuity |
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Specialization Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Subversion Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Weaponry Riftseekers' Sanctum Ruined City of Dranik Sewers of Dranik A Sewers of Dranik B Sewers of Dranik C The Bloodfields Veeshan's Peak 2.0 Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns: Redemption Wall of Slaughter |
The generic strats / info below are from successful raids that I was part of, from research and / or from what I recall. The below info should be adapted, as seen fit, by your Raid Leader. Key emotes may also be noted below. Raid make-up (classes, levels, Player skill levels, etc.) can and do make a difference on raid strategy options and winning or losing. In any situation, Players fulfilling their roles, using assist, and following emotes is always essential. There is always more than one variant strategy that can successfully defeat a raid. As Levels increase, defeating old raids can prove much easier and more forgiving (even as a group or solo / molo, depending on how old the raid event is). However, sometimes, certain mechanics still have to be honored. It has been known that in some events, due raid mechanics, too much DPS; killing MoB X before MOB Y; and similar, can bug the raid and cause it to fail. The below info does not include details on how to complete raid-related achievements. Those are noted elsewhere on this page, if any. Some of these targets may require 'zerging' into the zone get to them (killing stuff along the way). They may also have 'adds' which are often more like trash MoB's that in the general area. The original / older targets / encounters were pre-raid window events. Raids were more of a collective effort, or better, an extremely challenging group event. Any effects noted below often 'scale to level,' so the effects can be lesser or greater than stated, depending on raid force levels. On Progression servers, targets can use 'Mitigation of the Mighty' (mitigates Spell Damage, Melee Damage and absorbs DoT damage), at least until such time as certain later expansions (typically, expansions that are at least seven-plus expansions after the expansion of the related target). While older targets are static open world (non-instance) events, there are now an Agent of Change in various locations that will provide instanced version of the same event (which are noted below, if any).
NOTE: None of the Event below involve an Agent of Change.
If I missed anything or got something wrong, let me know!
NOTE: Some of the below respawn timers are based on other targets in the same zone and / or expansion.
a cracked earthshaker | Ruined City of Dranik | The a cracked earthshaker is related to the Druid Epic. It uses a PB AoE 760 HP DD with Stun and Feign Death. |
Administrator Charial | Asylum of Anguish | Uses a -100 DD Endurance with -50 Endurance DoT; a 500 HP DD with 100 HP DoT; a -60 Mana DoT; and a drunk effect (need Alcohol Tolerance of 50+). |
Alpha Feran | Nobles' Causeway | Hits for 3.5K and appears to be a straight forward melee MoB. |
Ansdaicher the Ancient Zellucheraz the Ancient |
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Endurance |
See here. |
Arch Magus Vangl | Asylum of Anguish |
Uses a 4K DD with 300 HP / 250 Mana DoT; and a 90% Snare with -30% Spell & Skills Damage. During the battle a languished convert will spawn and attack. Kill them ASAP, as the longer they are up, they tougher they get and they unlock Arch Magus Vangl's health. On one side of the room you will see Vangl's Focus... stay away from it (as it can kill you). |
Battlemaster Rhorious | Ruined City of Dranik | Hits for 5K. |
Bazu Smasher | Nobles' Causeway (Related to the Berserker Epic) |
Hits for 2K and uses a 1.5K DD with 150 HP DoT; and a Stun with 400 HP DD. Also spawns a number of Bazu Hulk along the way that use a 1.5K DD with 150 HP DoT; a 300 HP / 500 Mana DoT; and a Root with 400 HP DoT. Kill them ASAP. |
Bazu Terror | Nobles' Causeway (Related to the Beastlord Epic) |
The Bazu Terror is part of the Beastlord Epic. Has a long Stun with 10 HP DD; and a PB AoE 1K DD with 300 HP DoT and -100 all stats. |
Bloated Girplan |
Ruined City of Dranik |
The Bloated Girplan is part of the Shaman Epic. Uses a 400 Mana DoT; and a -275 Mana / -975 HP DD. |
Cipheron |
Wall of Slaughter (Related to the Enchanter Epic) |
The Cipheron is part of the Enchanter Epic. Hits for 2.1K; AoE Rampages; is Immune to Magic; and uses a 1.5K DD with Feign Death; and a 1.5K DD. |
Chailak | Riftseekers' Sanctum | Uses a 1.5K HP DD with 500 HP DoT; a -500 HP DD; and a 1.2k HP DD with 150 HP DoT. |
Craftmaster Tieranu | Riftseekers' Sanctum (Related to the Ranger Epic) |
The Craftmaster Tieranu is part of the Ranger Epic, Flurries and hits 2K. Two (2) waves of adds will spawn, with the adds spawning about a minute apart. The first wave will be Flamegore; Hotspot & Sizzle, all of which use a massive dispell & a 1.5K HP DD. The second wave is Cinder, Coal, Flametop, Flareup and Burnscar, that also use a massive dispell & a 1.5K HP DD. |
Damlin Lingering Charge | Asylum of Anguish | Hits for 4K and uses a -100 Endurance DD with -50 Endurance DoT; a -50 HP DD with a 100 HP DoT; a -60 Mana DoT; and a drunk effect (need Alcohol Tolerance of 50+). |
Discordling Dark Animist | The Bloodfields (Related to the Beastlord Epic) |
The Discordling Dark Animist is part of the Beastlord Epic. Uses a Mez with -300 Mana DoT; a PB AOE 2.5K HP DD; and a Silence. |
Discordling Dark Animist | Nobles' Causeway (Related to the Beastlord Epic) |
The Discordling Dark Animist is part of the Beastlord Epic. Uses a 40% Slow with a 250 HP DD and a 20 HP DoT; and a Mez with -300 mana DoT. |
Discordling Dark Animist | Ruined City of Dranik (Related to the Beastlord Epic) |
The Discordling Dark Animist is part of the Beastlord Epic. Uses a Root with 500 HP DD and a 250 HP DoT; and a 1K HP DD with a -100 Mana / -100 HP / -150 Endurance DoT. Has five helpers: a blistered bear; a ferocious tiger; an afflicted alligator; a maniacal scaled wolf; and a rabid wolf. |
Discordling Spiritcaller | Dragorn Champion (Related to the Shaman Epic) |
The Discordling Spiritcaller is part of the Shaman Epic. It uses a 1.4K HP DD; a 120 HP DD with 1.5K Mana DoT; and a -500 Mana DD with -300 Mana DoT. Tow (2) a spiritbound feran, each of which, when killed, will spawn three (3) a spiritbound chimera. |
Dragorn Champion | Wall of Slaughter (Related to the Warrior Epic) |
The Dragorn Champion is part of the Warrior Epic. Uses a -800 HP DD; a -1.5K DD; and a -640 HP DD Lich. |
Durunal the Cursebearer | Wall of Slaughter (Related to the Paladin Epic) |
The Durunal the Cursebearer is part of the Paladin Epic. See here. |
Elemental Essence of Air | Nobles' Causeway (Related to the Magician Epic) |
The Elemental Essence of Air is part of the Magician Epic. It uses a 1L Hp DD with a 200 HP DoT and a 30% slow. |
Elite Dragorn Jekisia | The Bloodfields | Uses a PB AoE 1.1K HP Dd with 100 HP DoT. |
Feratha | Riftseekers' Sanctum | Uses a PB AoE 50% Snare with 50% Spell Slow and 25% Slow; also uses a Shadowstep with a Stun effect. |
First Lieutenant Minas | Asylum of Anguish | Uses a 100 Endurance DD with -50 Endurance DoT; a 500 HP DD with a 100 HP DoT; a -60 Mana DoT; and a drunk effect (need Alcohol Tolerance of 50+). |
Gazz the Gargantuan (a slumbering beast) |
The Bloodfields | Awaken a slumbering beats and it will transform into Gazz the Gargantuan. Uses a 4.5K DD and a 50% Reflect Spell buff. |
Girplan Devourer Girplan Slasher |
The Bloodfields (Related to the Warrior Epic) |
Kill four (4) Girplan Slasher to spawn the Girplan Devourer, that is is part of the Warrior Epic. It Quads for 2K; Rampages; uses a PB AoE 100 HP DD with Dispell; and a 500 HP DoT with -105 AC. |
Girplan Guardian | Wall of Slaughter (Related to the Wizard Epic) |
The Girplan Guardian is part of the Wizard Epic. Uses a PB AoE 750 HP DoT; a -50% Spell haste with -300 Attack; a -50% Melee Skill debuff with 1% Snare and -1% Spell Resist; and a -450 HP / -350 Endurance DoT. |
Girplan Scavenger | Muramite Proving Grounds (Related to the Cleric Epic) |
The Girplan Scavenger is part of the Cleric Epic. Uses a -50% Spell Haste with -300 Attack; a Long Stun with 1.2K HP DD; and a -1K HP DD with -100 Mana, -100 HP, -150 Endurance DoT. |
Grenlok the Converter | Asylum of Anguish | Uses a 100 Endurance DD with -50 Endurance DoT; a 500 HP DD with a 100 HP DoT; a -60 Mana DoT; and a drunk effect (need Alcohol Tolerance of 50+). |
Herrian Warfrost | Wall of Slaughter | Hits for 6K, single target Rampages; Flurries; is anchored in place; has a 20-secpnd Stun and uses a 1.5K DD. Also has three (3) an excited builder helpers. |
Hulcror | Wall of Slaughter | AoE Rampages, single target Rampages, Flurries; and uses a -500 HP DoT with a -50% HP Reduction. |
Ikaav Salisa Mexmielk | Ruined City of Dranik | Seems to be a straight up melee encounter. |
Ixt Imnes the Ironhoof | Ruined City of Dranik | Uses a 4K DD with a 6-second stun. |
Jelvan Tanthi the Tormentor Tantho the Tormentor Tanthu the Tormentor |
Asylum of Anguish |
Jelvan is on a pedestal overlooking a circular pit. Jelvan is not your kill target. In the pit are some around the outer edges, three (3) of which include your actual targets: Tanthi the Tormentor, Tantho the Tormentor and Tanthu the Tormentor. They are supposed to be balanced down, otherwise they will increase in power. Their effects include a -100% Spell Haste, with -300 Attack and -100 All Stats; A 3K HP DD with a 300 HP HP DoT and -25% Accuracy; A Silence; a 10 Second Stun; and a 4K HP DD with 300 HP DoT, and -250 Mana DoT. |
Keldovan the Harrier |
Asylum of Anguish |
Keldovan is in a cubby to the right, as you enter the castle. You will also see a pit, where you will see four Frenzied Pit Fiend and / or Raging Pit Hound, that, when killed, reduce Keldovan's power. Keldovan has a -20% Spell Damage with -800 HP DD, -80% Healing, 100 HP DoT and -180 AC; a 3K HP DD with -300 HP DoT & -25% Accuracy; and a -30% Spell Damage with 90% Snare, and -30% Damage (all skills). |
King Gelaqua Prince Allin Prince Britalic Prince Cynin Prince Ilsin Prince Kiranus Prince Scyllus |
Riftseekers' Sanctum |
King Gelaqua is in a room with portals ('a crystalline portal') and six (6) 'Prince' NPC's. Some of the Princess NPC's can and do use assorted effects: Princess Kira: Discordling Ruin (7.5 second spin stun with 150 DD and -450 AC); Princess Lara: Queen's Cleansing (Major debuff). Pull three (3) of the Princes from one side or the other and kill them. They will each spawn one (1) to three (3) 'feran' adds (can be mezzed). Kill them all. Repeat with the other three (3) Princes. MOB's ('a fire construct') will also spawn from the portals ('a crystalline portal') and go after random Players and if they catch them, they will do a PB AoE (5K DD). Kill the portals to stop them from spawning adds. Lastly, take on King Gelaqua. Careful not to tether any of the MoB's! |
Korbuk Brimblade Essence of Kreljnok Kreljnok`s Power Kreljnok`s Rage |
Nobles' Causeway (Related to the Warrior Epic) |
Korbuk Brimblade hits for 2.6K, rampages and uses an PB AoE 1.3K HP DD with a stun effect. Once he is dead, Essence of Kreljnok appears and attacks and spawns adds (Kreljnok`s Power & Kreljnok`s Rage) during the battle. Kill them for the win. |
Kragsmash | The Bloodfields (Related to the Monk Epic) |
Kragsmash hits for 1.2K, Rampages, is anchored in place, summons, and has a 400 HP DoT with a root effect. At 75%, 50% and 25% health he will spawn two adds (strength of body and / or speed of body). |
Krekk Brimblade | Ruined City of Dranik (Related to the Warrior Epic) |
Krekk Brimblade uses a 40% Slow with 2K HP DD & -150 AC; A 2K HP DD with -1K Endurance, -1K Mana, Feign Death & Stun; a 1.3K HP DD with stun; and hits for 2K. |
Kyv Sharpshooter Jaeth Kyv Sharpshooter Mihl Kyv Sharpshooter Nass |
Ruined City of Dranik | They all use a 1.5K Targeted AoE. Kyv Sharpshooter Mihl can also use a 1.3K HP DD with 50% Snare. |
Lanys T`Vyl | Plane of Hate: Innoruuk's Realm (Related to the Wizard Epic) |
Lhranc | Ruined City of Dranik (Related to the Shadowknight Epic) |
Lightning Lord | Wall of Slaughter (Related to the Druid Epic) |
Lightningcaller Vhalek | Muramite Proving Grounds (Related to the Rogue Epic) |
Lirah the Bridgekeeper | Ruined City of Dranik | |
Master of Hate Feeble Direpup Ferocious Direpup Pliant Direpup Voracious Feran |
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Hate | |
Master of Specialization | Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Specialization | |
Myrhee the Flighty | The Bloodfields (Related to the Rogue Epic) |
Oshiruk | Nobles' Causeway (Related to the Bard Epic) |
Overlord Mata Muram |
Asylum of Anguish |
Pyrique Redwing | Wall of Slaughter | |
Queen Pyrilonis Princess Kira Princess Lara Princess Puja Princess Quellon Princess Yelnia Princess Zulaqua |
Riftseekers' Sanctum |
Queen Pyrilonis is in a room with portals ('a crystalline portal') and six (6) 'Princess' NPC's. Some of the Princess NPC's can and do use assorted effects: Princess Kira: Discordling Ruin (7.5 second spin stun with 150 DD and -450 AC); Princess Lara: Queen's Cleansing (Major debuff). Pull three (3) of the Princesses from one side or the other and kill them. They will each spawn one (1) to three (3) 'chimera' adds (can be mezzed). Kill them all. Repeat with the other three (3) Princesses. MOB's ('a fire construct') will also spawn from the portals ('a crystalline portal') and go after random Players and if they catch them, they will do a PB AoE (5K DD). Kill the portals to stop them from spawning adds. Lastly, take on Queen Pyrilonis. Careful not to tether any of the MoB's! |
Sverins Fireskin | Ruined City of Dranik (Related to the Ranger Epic) |
Shade of Redis Linrok | Catacombs of Dranik: Redemption (Related to the Paladin Epic) |
Tarlang | Nobles' Causeway (Related to the Necromancer Epic) |
Tarn Icewind | Wall of Slaughter | |
The Murkglider Hivequeen | Wall of Slaughter | |
Ture |
Asylum of Anguish |
Velitorkin | Wall of Slaughter | |
Vilria the Keeper |
Asylum of Anguish |
Vuranish Xxuro | Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns: Redemption (Related to the Paladin Epic) |
The Vuranish Xxuro is part of the Paladin Epic. See here. |
Warden Hanvar |
Asylum of Anguish |
Windrush |
Harbingers' Spire |
Withering Murkglider | Nobles' Causeway (Related to the Enchanter Epic) |
Zun`Muram Volklana | Ruined City of Dranik |
Lore is from / based on Daybreak, Expansion release information and / or Dev / Beta Forum Info.
The Wayfarers Brotherhood is considering meeting the Muramites on their home turf to end their tyrannical ways once and for all, in a place called the Realm of Discord. The Brotherhood is still puzzled by the realm, unsure if it will take the risk of going there. However, this team of wayfarers is doing what it can to learn from the Taelosians about the dark lands. There has been talk of preparing to build a portal in order to open a way to Discord - much like the Taelosians once did, except this time Norrath would have the advantage of preparation. Taelosians have told the Wayfarers Brotherhood that the lands of Discord are most surely a twisted and volatile place - even the Muramites seem to fear them. Word tells of constant war there. The Muramites have been heard commenting that Taelosia is a welcome break from the chaotic Realm of Discord, with its crazed creatures and dangerous magic. Nothing there is at it seems. Everyone has now learned of Mata Muram, the leader of the legion - a terrible creature seeking to build the ultimate army by any means necessary, including stealing beings from other worlds. Mata Muram is much older than almost every member of his army, and well protected. He is described by Muramites as unmerciful, powerful, a worthy leader - although there are rumors that he is obsessed with revenge against someone. Some Muramites have been overheard describing Mata Muram as some sort of dragon. No one knows when the Realm of Discord and its counterpart, the Realm of Order, came into existence. In both are rulers that are all-knowing and all-seeing, yet are never seen or touched - much like the Nameless. |
Omens of War directs players to venture into another realm under the dark influence of Discord -- a world torn apart and ravaged by conflict. The tyrannical Muramites, led by the evil Mata Muram, are preparing for war, building the ultimate invasion army to dominate the entire world. It's up to the citizens of Norrath to uncover the secrets of this new realm and save the lands from impending darkness. |
Norrathians will venture into a world in another realm that has fallen under the dark influence of Discord. The lands are torn and ravaged by war and teeming with Muramites and strange creatures. Explore with your fellow adventurers to learn more about this new world and help end the tyrannical ways of the Muramites once and for all. Mata Muram, the leader of the Muramites, is rumored to be building the ultimate invading army in this world. It's up to you to thwart his plans. |
The Priests of Discord in Norrath believe they have been granted a gift. A unique knowledge has been bestowed upon them which they believe was granted as a reward for preaching the way of Discord. That gift, they claim, is the knowledge of a way to a world that is enveloped by Discord itself -- an ethereal poison that wreaks havoc and strife upon all it touches. |
Recognitions and credits for all involved with developing and creating EverQuest, for the current and past expansions, can be seen by clicking the 'Credits' button at the bottom of the Server Select Screen and then viewing the 'Current Expansion' or the 'Previous Expansions' tab.
They can also be found in your EverQuest Directory (credits_current.txt & credits_previous.txt).
A huge thank you to all involved!
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated October 27, 2024
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.