There he is with candles on his noggin... while all his creations take a floggin'! -- Bonzz

Bellikos Damage Caster Merc

Bellikos Healer Merc

Bellikos Melee DPS Merc

Bellikos Tank Merc

Clockwork  Caster DPS Merc

Clockwork Healer Merc

Clockwork Melee DPS Merc

Clockwork Tank Merc

Underfoot was the 16th expansion, released in December 2009 (with Convorteum added in March 2010).

Underfoot that introduced Achievements and the Extended Target Window.

Before it went live, there were pre-release events (tasks / quests) that were collectively called 'The Road to Underfoot': 'Ancient Heroes' (there are 'Ancient Heroes' events still available from Old Man Draykey in the Plane of Knowledge, however, I am not sure these are the same ones); 'Giants, Giants, Giants' (this is still in the game as part of the 'Living Legacy' events); & 'Breaking the Seal' (no longer in the game... this quest involved 'protecting' Norrath from the Cliknar invasion from Brell's Rest into The Hole).

These 'The Road to Underfoot' events were released one (1) at a time, in August, September and October. If you did all three (3) of these events, you earned access to the expansion a full week before everyone else.

The expansion was sold for $39.99 and included one (1) Mark of Brell (portal click to Brell's rest), 500 Station Cash (now known as Daybreak Cash) and a 1-month paid subscription bonus for new accounts only (free month).

It also included a Mechamatic Blueprint (a Merc type), but it is was not one of the items listed with the expansion purchase. Perhaps it was awarded for advance purchase of the expansion, or from the 'The Road to Underfoot' events?

Players who participated in Beta and earned enough 'Beta Tokens,' where awarded a 'Writ of the Bellikos' (Bellikos Merc type).

During this expansion (September 2010), Loyalty Vendors were added to the game via a Patch, just before the next expansion (House of Thule) was released. However, in game, Loyalty Tokens are credited to and associated with the House of Thule expansion.


Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.



Achievements listed in the below sections are not necessarily listed in alphabetical order. They are generally listed in the order seen in the game (at the time they were added to the lists below). Use Control-F to "Find" a specific achievement you may be looking for.

All of the the below achievements should apply to all classes (they are not class specific).

General 7 240
Exploration 13 130
Progression 4 40
Quests 24 240
Missions 14 140
Raids 40 440
Conquest 48 840
Hunter 15 270
TOTALS 165 2,340

ALTERNATIVE CURRENCY               ARMOR SETS               GAME CREDITS             LORE




NOTE: Any rewards highlighted in YELLOW might be worth pursuing, due the fun factor, benefit or usefulness of the reward (you decide).

NOTE: Some miscellaneous “hints” may also be included in PURPLE. These hints are intended to enhance / clarify the "how to" for accomplishing the achievement.

NOTE: Anything in RED text is either an informational comment, or data / details that is not fully verified. If you can verify or provide correct information, please do (see end of page)!

NOTE: Items noted as a "REWARD" are items granted from the achievement, itself. Items listed as "ACQUIRED" are unique item's that can be / are / should be acquired along the way, towards completing the related achievement, but are not actually a reward granted from the achievement itself. In fact, the achievement may even be for acquiring said item. Additionally, only the more "unique" Achievement awards are noted below... "common" or "generic" Achievement Rewards like Alternate Advancement points, Character Experience & Coin, are not noted in the Reward options below.

NOTE: Hunter Achievements were added for a number of expansions (Gates of Discord to Underfoot) with the May 2021 Patch, and were modified / updated for errors in at least three subsequent Patches.






Master of the Underfoot 30 Complete the (2) listed achievements.

Prime Cliknar Mount Saddle (very fast)

Firstslayer 60 Complete the (3) listed achievements. Firstslayer's Chest (30-slot, 100% bag), Title: "Firstslayer" & Suffix: "the Firstslayer."
Champion of the Underfoot 20 Complete the (24) listed achievements. N/A
Paragon of the Underfoot 50 Complete the (12) listed missions. N/A
Underfoot Challenger 40 Complete the (36) listed achievements. N/A
Conqueror of the Underfoot 30 Complete the (10) listed achievements. N/A
Underfoot Explorer 10 Complete the (12) listed achievements and / or the (1) listed optional achievement. If you don't have one all ready, you should get a Journeyman's Compass. Click the Journeyman's Compass to gain another Level of the Journeyman's Speed Alternative Advancement (if it isn't all ready maxed out).







Brell's Rest Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
Brell's Arena Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
The Cooling Chamber Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
Pellucid Grotto Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
The Underquarry Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
The Foundation Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
Arthicrex Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
Fungal Forest Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
Lichen Creep Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
Kernagir Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
Brell's Temple Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
Volska's Husk Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.
Convorteum Traveler 10 Go to the noted zone.







Underfoot Adept 10 Complete one (or both) optional achievements. Grants proper access to Tier 2 Underfoot zones.
Underfoot Veteran 10 Complete one (or both) optional achievements. Grants proper access to Tier 3 Underfoot zones.
Coin of Brell 10 Loot a Coin of Brell (raid drop) and click it. Grants proper access to Tier 2 Underfoot raids.
Emblem of Brell 10 Loot an Emblem of Brell (raid drop) and click it. Grants proper access to Tier 3 Underfoot raids.







Mercenary of Brell's Rest 10 Complete the (4) listed tasks / quests.
Partisan of Brell's Rest 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Mercenary of The Cooling Chamber 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Partisan of The Cooling Chamber 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Mercenary of Pellucid Grotto 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Partisan of Pellucid Grotto 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Mercenary of The Underquarry 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Partisan of The Underquarry 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Mercenary of The Foundation 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Partisan of the Foundation 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Mercenary of Arthicrex 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Partisan of the Foundation 10 Complete the (6) listed tasks / quests.
Mercenary of Fungal Forest 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Partisan of Fungal Forest 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Mercenary of Lichen Creep 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Partisan of Lichen Creep 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Mercenary of Kernagir 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Partisan of Kernagir 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Mercenary of Brell's Temple 10 Complete the (6) listed tasks / quests.
Partisan of Brell's Temple 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Mercenary of Volska's Husk 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Partisan of Volska's Husk 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Mercenary of Convorteum 10 Complete the (5) listed tasks / quests.
Partisan of Convorteum 10 Complete the (6) listed tasks / quests.







Appease the Gatekeeper (Mission) 10 Complete the (6) listed missions (aka Hero achievements, all part of proper access to Tier 2 zones).
Hero of Brell's Rest 10 Complete the listed mission.
Hero of the Cooling Chamber 10 Complete the listed mission.
Hero of Pellucid Grotto 10 Complete the listed mission.
Hero of the Underquarry 10 Complete the listed mission.
Hero of The Foundation 10 Complete the listed mission.
Hero of Arthicrex 10 Complete the listed mission.
Unlock The Mystery (Mission) 10 Complete the (5) listed missions (aka Hero achievements, all part of proper access to Tier 3 zones).
Hero of Fungal Forest 10 Complete the listed mission.
Hero of Lichen Creep 10 Complete the listed mission.
Hero of Kernagir 10 Complete the listed mission.
Hero of Brell's Temple 10 Complete the listed mission.
Hero of Volska's Husk 10 Complete the listed mission.
Hero of Convorteum 10 Complete the listed mission.






Appease the Gatekeeper (Raid) 10 Defeat the (6) listed raids / events (aka Conqueror raid achievements). Grants proper access to Tier 2 Raids.
Conqueror of Brell's Rest 10 Defeat the listed event / raid. N/A
Conqueror of The Cooling Chamber 10 Defeat the listed event / raid. N/A
Conqueror of Pellucid Grotto 10 Defeat the listed event / raid. N/A
Conqueror of The Underquarry 10 Defeat the listed event / raid. N/A
Conqueror of The Foundation 10 Defeat the listed event / raid. N/A
Conqueror of Arthicrex 10 Defeat the listed event / raid. N/A
Unlock the Mystery (Raid) 10 Defeat the (3) listed raids / events (aka Conqueror raid achievements). Grants proper access to Tier 3 Raids.
Conqueror of Fungal Forest 10 Defeat the listed event / raid. N/A
Conqueror of Lichen Creep 10 Defeat the listed event / raid. N/A
Conqueror of Brell's Temple 10 Defeat the (3) listed events / raids. N/A
Conqueror of Convorteum 10 Defeat the (7) listed events / raids. N/A
Vanquisher of the Convorteum 50 Complete the (20) listed achievements. N/A
Vanquisher of the Gatekeeper 10 Complete the (2) listed achievements. N/A
I Am The Keymaster! 10 Defeat the Gatekeeper in 5 minutes or less. N/A
Price of Perfection 10 Complete the raid without any raid members dying. N/A
Vanquisher of The Stone Warden 10 Complete the (3) listed achievements. N/A
Army of One 10 Defeat the Stone Warden while also engaging at one mistress (Calyssta, Morthira or Syrana). Kill The Stone Warden first. N/A
Army of Two 10 Defeat the Stone Warden while also engaging at two mistresses (Calyssta, and / or Morthira and / or Syrana). Kill The Stone Warden first. N/A
You and Whose Army? 10 Defeat the Stone Warden while also engaging Calyssta, Morthira and Syrana. Kill The Stone Warden first. N/A
Vanquisher of Unstable Creation 10 Complete the (4) listed achievements. N/A
Resistance 10 Defeat Unstable Creation after allowing no more than (3) "a resource pool" to explode. This is accomplished by killing, rooting, stunning and / or snaring "a resource carrier" so that they don't get to "a resource pool" and cause them to explode. N/A
Suppression 10 Defeat Unstable Creation after allowing no more than (2) "a resource pool" to explode. This is accomplished by killing, rooting, stunning and / or snaring "a resource carrier" so that they don't get to "a resource pool" and cause them to explode. Note: If you do this, you should also get the Resistance achievement as well. N/A
Crowd Control 10 Defeat Unstable Creation after allowing no more than (1) "a resource pool" to explode. This is accomplished by killing, rooting, stunning and / or snaring "a resource carrier" so that they don't get to "a resource pool" and cause them to explode. Note: If you get this, you should also get the Resistance & Suppression achievements as well. N/A
Lockdown 10 Defeat Unstable Creation after allowing none of the "a resource pool" to explode. This is accomplished by killing, rooting, stunning and / or snaring "a resource carrier" so that they don't get to "a resource pool" and cause them to explode. NOTE: If you get this, you should also get the Resistance, Suppression & Crowd Control achievements as well. N/A
Vanquisher of the Gatekeeper 10 Complete the noted achievement. N/A
Gatekeeper 10 Defeat Borzaloth without allowing him to leave the lava. N/A
Vanquisher of The Hall of Records 10 Complete the (3) listed achievements. N/A
One Must Stand 10 Defeat Kilreck the Cleaner while (1) of your NPC allies (Bordrick Fellhammer or Telmiran Adherent or Kierin Stonemist) is still alive. N/A
Two's A Party 10 Defeat Kilreck the Cleaner while (2) of your NPC allies (Bordrick Fellhammer and / or Telmiran Adherent and / or Kierin Stonemist) are still alive. Note: If you do this, you should also get the One Must Stand achievement. N/A
A Little Help From My Friends 10 Defeat Kilreck the Cleaner while all (3) of your NPC allies (Bordrick Fellhammer, Telmiran Adherent and Kierin Stonemist) are still alive. Note: If you do this, you should also get the One Must Stand & Two's A Party achievements. N/A
Vanquisher of Magus Sisters 10 Complete the (3) listed achievements. N/A
Make Them Watch 10 Defeat the Magus Sisters (Daphris, Feonyss, Selistras & Therias) while allowing (1) "essence" to be absorbed from a fallen sister (after any one of the sisters dies, you will need to hold back DPS for 60-seconds to allow the dead sisters essence to be absorbed by the surviving sisters, which causes them to regenerate). N/A
Half Sisters 10 Defeat the Magus Sisters (Daphris, Feonyss, Selistras & Therias) while allowing (2) "essences" to be absorbed from a fallen sister (after any sister dies, you will need to hold back DPS for 60-seconds to allow the dead sisters essence to be absorbed by the surviving sisters, which causes them to regenerate). N/A
Slumber Party 10 Defeat the Magus Sisters (Daphris, Feonyss, Selistras & Therias) while allowing (3) "essences" to be absorbed from a fallen sister (after any sister dies, you will need to hold back DPS for 60-seconds to allow the dead sisters essence to be absorbed by the surviving sisters, which causes them to regenerate). N/A
Vanquisher of The First Creation 10 Complete the (4) listed achievements. N/A
Take it To The Bridge 10 Defeat The First Creation while at least (1) "a bridge guardian" is still alive. To get this achievement, when The First Creation dies, at least one a bridge guardian needs to be alive. This is far more difficult than it sounds. They are leashed and leashing them will reset them to 100%. This will take a dedicated effort NOT to kill them and potentially a tank holding no damage aggro on them and possibly even using a 'summon tanking' method to leash them. N/A
A Bridge Two Far 10

Defeat The First Creation while at least (2) "a bridge guardian" are still alive. To get this achievement, when The First Creation dies, at least one a bridge guardian needs to be alive. This is far more difficult than it sounds. They are leashed and leashing them will reset them to 100%. This will take a dedicated effort NOT to kill them and potentially a tank holding no damage aggro on them and possibly even using a 'summon tanking' method to leash them

Fire Under The Bridge 10 Defeat The First Creation while at least (3) "a bridge guardian" are still alive. To get this achievement, when The First Creation dies, at least one a bridge guardian needs to be alive. This is far more difficult than it sounds. They are leashed and leashing them will reset them to 100%. This will take a dedicated effort NOT to kill them and potentially a tank holding no damage aggro on them and possibly even using a 'summon tanking' method to leash them N/A
Grand Slam 10 Defeat The First Creation while all (4) "a bridge guardian" are still alive. To get this achievement, when The First Creation dies, at least one a bridge guardian needs to be alive. This is far more difficult than it sounds. They are leashed and leashing them will reset them to 100%. This will take a dedicated effort NOT to kill them and potentially a tank holding no damage aggro on them and possibly even using a 'summon tanking' method to leash them N/A






Savior of Brell's Rest 40 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
Don't Fear the Destroyer Time Trial 10 Defeat the mission in under 40 minutes.
Don't Fear the Destroyer Challenge of Toughness 10 Defeat the mission without any group members dying.
No mez for You! 10 Defeat Vark Scrapseater & Reurhof Gnawbones without using any mesmerize or snare spells.
Savior of The Cooling Chamber 40 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
Tasnise Underbelly Time Trial 10 Defeat the mission in under 30 minutes.
Tasnise Underbelly Challenge of Toughness 10 Defeat the mission without any group members dying.
Alphabet Goop 10 Kill the (6) "bosses" in  alphabetical order, as follows: Dark Spectre (northeast corner room); Darkbone Skeleton (southeast corner room); Darkcloth Mummy (Northwest corner room); Darklight Ghoul (west room); Darksoul Ghost (south room); & Tasnise Underbelly (northwestish side of lake).
Savior of Pellucid Grotto 40 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
Seeding Frenzy Time Trial 10 Defeat the mission in under 30 minutes.
Seeding Frenzy Challenge of Toughness 10 Defeat the mission without any group members dying.
Gem Collector 10 Collect the (5) listed gems (drops off of trash (mostly sessiloids). This is an individual achievement, so you will need to kill trash MOB's until everyone has their gems (if enough drop).
Savior of The Underquarry 40 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
Scent of A Woman Time Trial 10 Defeat the mission in under 40 minutes.
Scent of a Woman Challenge of Toughness 10 Defeat the mission without any group members dying.
Clockwork Apocalypse 10 Kill all of the clockworks in the mission.
Savior of The Foundation 40 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
The Search for Saunk Time Trial 10 Defeat the mission in under 40 minutes.
The Search for Saunk Challenge of Toughness 10 Defeat the mission without any group members dying.
Shades of Extremism 10 Kill all of the "shade" MOB's, except Shade of Darott.
Savior of Arthicrex 40 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
To Serve Sporali Time Trail 10 Defeat the mission in under 30 minutes.
To Serve Sporali Challenge of Toughness 10 Defeat the mission without any group members dying.
Tilling the Soil 10 Defeat Spore Collector Kerod, Reguloid Koryx & Mineralist Dek within a 30 seconds of the first one dying (this will require massive DPS or balancing all of them down).
Savior of Fungal Forest 40 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
Fungal Bloom Time Trial 10 Defeat the mission in under 40 minutes.
Fungal Bloom Challenge of Toughness 10 Defeat the mission without any group members dying.
Dependable Ally 10 Defeat the event with Adeenas, Sage Autoros, Sage Eulyris, Sage Vaelani, Knave Toltan & Knave Garusk all surviving the event. This one is tricky, as there are a lot of MOB's attacking all at once. Try clearing as many MOB's you can before you hail the noted NPC's.
Savior of Lichen Creep 40 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
Bonfire of the Adherents Time Trial 10 Defeat the mission in under 30 minutes.
Bonfire of the Adherents Challenge of Toughness 10 Defeat the mission without any group members dying.
Celebrity Roast 10 Kill all Lava Mephits in the zone.
Savior of Kernagir 40 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
The Silent Schism Time Trial 10 Defeat the mission in under 40 minutes.
The Silent Schism Challenge of toughness 10 Defeat the mission without any group members dying.
Burn the Heretics 10 Defeat all of the Heretics using only fire spells. This one is tough! If any group member does anything wrong, you fail this one (it appears that any player damage, to any heretic, other than fire spell, negates this achievement). WARNING: If you didn't save or still have all of your click AA buff items, let someone else in group do this. Here is how I did it at Level 105-ish (solo). Pull out a Tank mercenary, equip a no-damage weapon (i.e. Rod of Ethereal Transvergence (cast up by Mages)... this is so you don't riposte anything); remove any buffs / damage shields that can proc on the MOB's or damage them in any way; and disable Item AA's (AA is called "Item: Disable Item Abilities" so you don't have an AA Damage Shield -- re-click your items afterwards to get them back). When done, hail Vardnek Tinkerheimer (the step called "Give the bad news to Vardnek Tinkerheimer) and then run around to get proximity aggro on the Heretic MOB's and let the mercenary kill everything. You can heal the mercenary, but never ever attack, taunt or cast on the MOB's, at all. If you go with others, they need to sit tight and do nothing while the heretics are killed off by the tank mercenary. No fire spells used, but this worked!
Savior of Brell's Temple 40 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
Fire in The Hole Time Trail 10 Defeat the mission in under 50 minutes.
Fire in The Hole Challenge of Toughness 10 Defeat the mission without any group members dying.
Slaughter is as Slaughter Does 10 Wipe out the entire zone in under 90-minutes.
Savior of Volska's Husk 40 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
Kill The Hatchlings Time Trial 10 Defeat the mission in under 30 minutes.
Kill The Hatchlings Challenge of Toughness 10 Defeat the mission without any group members dying.
Golem Hooky 10 Defeat the mission without killing any lava golems.
Savior of Convorteum 40 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
The First Corruption  Time Trial 10 Defeat the mission in under 30 minutes.
The First Corruption Challenge of Toughness 10 Defeat the mission without any group members dying.
We Interrupt the Following Spellcast 10 Do not allow Delth's spell casting to get interrupted by MOB's. Once to the upper platform area of the zone, at the lava, Delth will stop in the middle of the platform to cast (2) spells. These spell casts take a long time to cast (2+ minutes each). While she is casting, MOB's will spawn and run towards her from three directions (from the ramp area that goes to the lower zone areas, the ramp area from the lava and the ramp area to the upper zone areas). If any MOB's get to her, her spell will be interrupted and she will start over with the cast. Killing any MOB causes it to respawn and run back in, immediately... so the best strategy is immediate no damage aggro (take off weapons, damage shields...). Having a mezzer is a huge benefit! before they get to Delth (do not to kill them). Once Delth finishes her first cast (emote: "I have gained sufficient power to proceed. Get rid of those creatures quickly!"), you can then kill the current wave. This is followed by a second cast & wave (same strategy). Do this successfully on the first two waves and you should get the achievement.







Novice Hunter of Underfoot 50 Complete the (4) listed achievements. Firstslayer's Satchel (22-slot, 100% bag)
Hunter of Brell's Rest 10 Defeat the (15) listed targets. N / A
Hunter of The Cooling Chamber 10 Defeat the (16) listed targets. N / A
Hunter of Pellucid Grotto 10 Defeat the (15) listed targets. N / A
Hunter of Fungal Forest 10 Defeat the (15) listed targets. N / A
Adept Hunter of Underfoot 50 Complete the (4) listed achievements. Firstslayer's Rucksack (24-slot, 100% bag)
Hunter of Arthicrex 10 Defeat the (14) listed targets. N / A
Hunter of Lichen Creep 10 Defeat the (15) listed targets. N / A
Hunter of The Underquarry 10 Defeat the (15) listed targets. N / A
Hunter of The Foundation 10 Defeat the (10) listed targets. N / A
Veteran Hunter of Underfoot 50 Complete the (4) listed achievements. Firstslayer's Backpack (26-slot, 100% bag)
Hunter of Brell's Temple 10 Defeat the (7) listed targets. N / A
Hunter of Kernagir, the Shining City 10 Defeat the (15) listed targets. N / A
Hunter of The Convorteum 10 Defeat the (21) listed targets. N / A
Hunter of Volska's Husk 10 Defeat the (10) listed targets. N / A




Lore is from / based on Daybreak, Expansion release information and / or Dev / Beta Forum Info.

Brell's Rest

Brell's Rest is the place where the worthy of Brell's worshippers go when their time on Norrath ends. Some worshippers are given places amongst those of the Underfoot, to work on the world, but few find such a thing to their liking. Many spend their afterlife in an "ideal" setting for their race. Dwarves, gnomes, gnolls, kobolds and others all live in or around Brell's Rest or in the Shining City just out of sight on the sphere above. However, most of the residents of the Rest are gnolls and kobolds. The dwarves tend to stay in the city brewing beer and crafting things in stone and metal, while the Gnomes tinker, though some of them also wander the land to see what's up out there.

There is much conflict between the gnolls and kobolds in this domain, since conflict is what they love. Their violent and destructive tendencies tend to keep them out of the Shining City.

There is also an arena dedicated to battle in Brell's Rest. Here groups of warriors challenge each other to games to prove their superiority.

The Foundation

The Foundation is where mountains are "born." In the early days, Brell created stone giants known as the Genari and charged them with raising mountains all over the multiverse. But his personal interest in this form of sometimes destructive creation waned, and now the Genari do their endless, tireless work with little help from their creator... not that they complain.
The Cavern of Clay, a cave located off of the Foundation, is one of the deepest locations of the Underfoot. It is here that the Clay of Cosgrove is found. It wells up from the ground and is scooped out by workers to be used as needed by Brell himself. The clay was meant to be taken on a cycle, but has been over-mined and is beginning to run low. It is not only the minions of Brell that are taking the clay; the Cliknar have dug a tunnel into the rear of the Cavern of Clay and have been taking the clay for themselves as well.

The Clay of Cosgrove was in the Underfoot even before Brell. It is the only material in this realm that is not his of his making. It is the clay of creation and defies all powers of the gods other than in its use as a device for creation.

The walls and ceiling of the Foundation are covered by a variety of phosphorescent fungus in varying colors, creating a bright environment that almost seems to be open air. Within this environment the servitors of Brell grow food similar to what might be found in Norrath, as the bioluminescence creates enough light to grow by.

Recently the drive to raise mountains has been greatly diminished, so others of Brell's realm have taken to using the area at the Genari's feet for their own needs. Farms sprang up to feed the local populace.

A heavy population of insects, known as Cliknar, can be found in the area. They feed the fungus and other creatures as well as pollinate the plants. They were originally used as farm workers and helped supply the residents with food.

Over time, the Cliknar lost much of their ability to grow their food and have taken to hoarding more and more for themselves instead, making for lean times among the other residents of the Underfoot.

The area between the Genari and the clay staging area looks like a rather organized series of farmsteads where fungus and other odd plants are grown on hard, unyielding ground. Rarely, the farmers will head into this area to gather wild resources. Even more rare is the arrival of a new Genari.

Entarr Coldheart

The ancestor of Captain Dunstan Coldheart of the Froststone Keep found in Crystal Caverns, Entarr Coldheart was a close companion of Dain Frostreaver I. Entarr died of old age in Froststone before the founding of Thurgadin. Though long dead, Entarr is still fiercely proud of the Coldain race.

Pellucid Grotto

The Pellucid Grotto is one of the areas of the Underfoot where the primal mineral underpinnings of Norrath and other worlds are managed. The race collectively known as the Crystalkin has made this their home since before memories were made.
Pellucid Grotto is a natural formation of colorful stones, where light shines through translucent crystal layers above great fissures in the ceiling, giving the area its name. Beautiful crystals thrust up from the ground of the caverns, emerging from the cave-like walls and acting as dim light sources. Other crystals, gems, ores, gasses, and substances can also be found throughout the Grotto.

The Geodech, the Crystalkin city, is dedicated to the implementation of Brell's vision through the efforts of the Crystalkin themselves. The town was built inside the cracked stony shell of the original geode-like "seed" which Brell brought forth to create this area. This part of the city is known informally as the "Upper City". Geodech's structure sits partially embedded in a large, hardened flow of obsidianite, called The Obsidian Scar, which is the main center of industry for the Crystalkin and where they refine and polish the gems which are to be taken to the Repository. The outer portion of the Crystalkin city is referred to informally as the Lower City, and the busier parts of this Lower City are arranged on the flatter areas of the Scar. The Upper City and the Lower City have been split recently by a wave of violence sparked by a third group of the Crystalkin deciding to leave the city in favor of following the Faith of Self. Tensions between the two groups are still high.

Surrounding Geodech, the Obsidian Scar, and other areas within the vicinity are outcroppings of a primal metallic material known as Euthorium. A great mass of Euthorium to the east of Geodech, originally part of a collapsed natural pillar, has been worked into a kind of natural bridge known as the Euthoric Bridge, which connects the central city with The Black Plinth. The Black Plinth is a prominent feature of obsidianite that serves as a landmark and as a ceremonial meeting place where the Crystalkin perform certain rituals.

The cave systems in this area are responsible for the creation of many of the gems found throughout Norrath. The Crystalkin harvest these crystals to make the gemstone seeds which are then sown into Norrath through The Repository. Within the Repository is a representation of Norrath where the gems are literally placed into the world by Brell's servants. The keepers of the Repository can change the floor map at any time to display a different portion of some other world; for now the focus is on Norrath.

Recently, the normally well-ordered reality of the Pellucid Grotto has come unstrung. The harmonious creations of Brell now find themselves in conflict, and the vital work of the Underfoot is suffering as vast portions of the Underfoot lay idle. The crisis may soon spread to other metaphysical realities, with catastrophic consequences for all.

Brell's Arena

Located just off Brell's Rest, Brell's Arena is a small battleground that was created by Brell Serilis to allow the gnolls and kobolds to "play" a vicious game known as the Boomerang Brawl. This unusual game is run by Gilbot the Magnificent, a gnomework creation of Brell.
Throwing heavy metal boomerangs at others, participants earn points for their team. Points are lost for being hit by boomerangs or by running into an exploding barrel. This gives the aggressive kobolds and gnolls an outlet for their destructive instincts.

As with all games, enforcers are present to make sure all contestants adhere to the rules of the brawl. The champions of the brawls earn treasure befitting their rank.

Trouble in Paradise

Gnoll and kobold warriors have clashed joyfully on the battlefields of Brell's Rest for millennia, but recently the kobolds have found fewer sparring partners. The gnolls have been acting stranger and stranger, as though they are hiding something from the rest of the realm. Most aren't speaking at all, but those who do will only whisper of one they call "The Destroyer" or "The Undying One," their faces twisted by equal parts fear and adulation. Whoever or whatever "The Destroyer" is, the gnolls do not appear to have it under their control just yet.

The Genari

The Genari are titan-sized giants that were created by Brell Serilis to hold up and cause movement within the mountains of the worlds. There is no leadership amongst the Genari, as they are merely servitors of Brell. Each Genari stands on a different piece of the Underfoot, called a foundation, representing a mountain range one of any number of worlds.

When Ro raised the Serpent's Spine Mountains on Norrath, he created many problems for the Genari, and several were crushed under the additional weight. Brell created more Genari to carry the load, but many of the dead Genari have been kept in place, their unmoving stone corpses acting as support columns. As the Serpent's Spine compresses over time, its weight continues to crush the supporting Genari, which will need to be removed and replaced with more flexible living Genari.

The Underquarry

The Underquarry is a multi-lobed underground strip-mine where servitors of Brell toil endlessly to mine the living rock along a system of pathways and veins. It was once a few large caverns quietly hiding underground. Flowing water breached the caverns, creating two massive sinkholes. Since then the water flow from above has ceased and Brell's minions have turned the caverns into mines and quarries for needed materials.
This multi-purpose mine provides precious metals and stone to the jewelers, masons and carvers of various realms. The products of the mine include copper, silver, gold, marble and other useful materials.

The Rive, a huge crack in the ground of the caverns, was created when Brell smashed his fist into the ground of the cave; cracking the ground to reveal a well of lava below. At all times of the day and night servants carry scraps of stone, metal and even dead stone or metal creatures to the Rive and drop them in. These materials go into the Rive to appear in mortal realms like Norrath. It is the Rive that allows the Underfoot to seed these items into the realms over which Brell holds sway.

The workforce of the mines is made up of a variety of [Brell’s] minions. From massive stone golems and Genari to the smallest mephit, most usually work the mines without care or complaint. Most of the material is hauled out on the backs of minions, a labor that they enjoy immeasurably.

Tunnels created by the Greken lead to other areas of the Underfoot. Brell’s minions are currently terrified of the intruding Cliknar which occasionally venture in from nearby Arthicrex hive.

Since Brell’s recent distraction, some of the usually dedicated Burynai have blocked off part of the mines to others, and there has been a Cliknar invasion in another part of the mines. Production, usually a cyclical matter, has continued non-stop in all other parts of the mine. This has caused a massive overproduction of raw materials in the Underfoot that threatens to become a problem in the worlds that the Underfoot supplies.


Built by a race of ant-like creatures known as the Cliknar, Arthicrex is the great anthill of the Underfoot. The interior of Arthicrex itself is composed of winding circular tunnels and circular rooms, built from mud and trimmed with stone and chitin. Cliknar live crowded in spaces that most species would find confining.
Entering the hive itself is a deadly proposition, as the Cliknar will attack en-masse and swarm over any foe.

The southern end of the cavern housing Arthicrex is currently home to a group of disaffected Underfoot races who have built a temple dedicated to the idea of enlightened self interest, a notion being spread by followers of a new cult which calls themselves the Autarchians. Though the Cliknar also heard the indoctrination of the Autarchian messengers, they interpreted the message differently, being a hive mind.

The unity of the hive mind, together with the teachings of the Faith of Self, have caused the Cliknar to deviate radically from the plans of Brell Serilis, and to cause the ruin of vast portions of Underfoot as area after area falls under Cliknar attack.

The northern half of Arthicrex is a large desert, formerly fertile and beautiful but now given over to spider infestations, mining, and military maneuvers as the Cliknar perfect their plan for the conquest of all of Underfoot. Their desires for much more than territorial acquisition has turned them away from Brell and the needs of the Underfoot. Their lack of faith in their god has caused the great farmlands to decay into their current state.

The Cliknar

The Cliknar were once orderly servants of Brell Serilis, tending their farms and feeding the denizens of Underfoot through their efforts. All but forgotten by Brell, the Cliknar were the first creatures to fall under the sway of the heresy of the Faith of Self. They came to believe that they should be allowed to farm whatever they wanted, to DO whatever they wanted. They also discovered that they had a taste for Sporali. Slowly they dedicated more and more of their efforts to things that they desired rather than things that Brell desired.

These great ants became too powerful and too numerous, following their adherence to the influence of the Faith of Self. They began to ignore the will of Brell and behaved as they saw fit. This caused the other races of Brell to push them back to their hive and seal off their tunnels with great masses of quarried stone from the Underquarry. This measure is only a stopgap, for the ants are very clever and are figuring on ways to burrow out of their home to do as they please.

The hive of the Cliknar is the fortified hub of the community. The highest pinnacles loom hundreds of feet above the ground. The interior of the Hive is a maze of mud passages and small rooms, all swarming with inhabitants.

The Cliknar Queen runs the hive mind through scent and sound commands. She was the first of the minions of the Underfoot to fall sway to the Faith of Self. While the Cliknar workers do not fully understand the Faith of Self, their hive queen believes in it and so they follow its tenets.

Now that the Cliknar have broken down the barriers sealing them in the Arthicrex, they dominate the area, maintaining several slave races and food sources.

The Cooling Chambers

Water, boiling from the lava that is the life's blood of the Underfoot, pours into the Cooling Chambers from a sinkhole in Brell's Rest. The water is cooled by Brell's servants as it flows through the chambers and eventually grows cold enough to turn to ice. This water can be sent to other realms during its cooling stages, as needed.

The main population of the Cooling Chambers is a group of Coldain (Ice Dwarves) that are perpetually cooling the water that flows away from the central core, by means of a series of endothermic reactions. The ice is used to keep a massive necromantic beast frozen in a jagged glacial iceberg floating in the lower lake.
Unfortunately, some of the Coldain have rebelled against Brell's influence because of the meddling of the first creation. One of them has learned to harness the power of the beast and is siphoning power away from it in order to fuel his own malicious schemes.

The Coldain are not comfortable in the top half of the Cooling Chambers but no one can perform as well as they do in the chilly depths of the Chamber. They are primarily workers, intent on their tasks, but many have gone rogue. Some rebellious workers are still, to all appearances, at work, but grudgingly. Others are roaming the passageways causing havoc.

Undead of all types can be found throughout the Cooling Chambers. The workers react with terror at the sight of the undead and flee their approach.

Tasnise Underbelly

Tasnise Underbelly, Ancestor of the Underbellys of Thurgadin, was the inspiration for the dark studies that Dalgrim Underbelly undertook. Unlike his grandson, Tasnise was brave enough, or foolish enough, to dive headfirst into necromancy and death worship. He walked a fine line between worshiping Brell and secretly lusting for the power that Bertoxxulous promised him. In the end it was Brell who claimed his soul when Tasnise died, but his heart secretly belonged to Bertoxxulous by that point. Brell claimed him as an act of spite toward Bertoxxulous, as revenge for trying to steal one of his priests.

Tasnise has not forgotten his love of darkness. He was the first creature in Brell's domain to hear and respond to the First Creation's call. He hides in plain sight in the Cooling Chambers now, to all appearances a faithful servant of Brell. But secretly he plots to overthrow the Lord of the Underfoot, in the service to the First Creation, so he can return to Norrath and raze Thurgadin, dreaming that it will then be rebuilt as a haven for Bertoxxulous.

Only Brell's will prevents Tasnise from leaving the Underfoot and taking over Thurgadin.

Thorbin the Elder

An ancestor of Coldain Guard Thorbin of Thurgadin, Thorbin the Elder was a close companion of Dain Frostreaver II, and was killed in battle with the Kromrif, when he sacrificed himself so that a troop of Coldain warriors could escape to a nearby rally point in a battle outside Kael. Thorbin dislikes spending time at the hot springs entrance to the Cooling Chambers but he can withstand the heat, if he has to. No one else in Brell's Realm is as skilled and adapted to the work in the depths of the Cooling Chambers, where the air itself turns to ice.

Taelin the Fearless

After years of living in obscurity within the thieves' guilds of Freeport, Taelin Barnoc has come to the Underfoot to start over. Determined to reverse his fortunes, he gave himself the moniker Taelin the Fearless. It wasn't long before he bumped into Rodrick Cleanheart, who convinced Taelin to take on the undead currently running amok in parts of the Cooling Chambers. However, once Taelin realized the danger involved, he became anything but fearless. He stands at the entrance to the tunnels, too afraid to return to Rodrick with the task unfinished.

Valcamph Shadowfrost

Valcamph Shadowfrost is the Grandfather of Valdicar Shadowfrost, a famous adventurer living in Thurgadin. He runs the main Alchemy area in the Cooling Chambers, overseeing the delicate mixing of materials needed to create the reagents for the cooling process. Valcamph is even more of a playful rogue than his grandson, and still longs for his adventurous days in the frozen wastes of Velious. Valcamph thrives on assigning foolish, dangerous tasks so that he can live vicariously through others experiences.

Kernagir, The Shining City

Kernagir is also known as the Shining City, where the chosen of Brell Serilis go to live out eternity in Underfoot. It was constructed by the finest craftspeople of Norrath to serve and glorify Brell.

While other races have occasionally been granted access, Kernagir is mainly inhabited by dwarves, Coldain, gnomes, goblins, gnolls and other craftsmen of several trades. The highest tier of denizens in the city are the designers and architects, those whose inspirations and ideas fill the worlds of Brell's creatures with incredible innovations. With unlimited natural resources at their disposal and unlimited time to work with them, these crafters are free for their creative pursuits.
"Why do we build? We were created in His image -- to craft, to construct, to engineer, to tinker. We build because it is our purpose and the ultimate expression of our creator's will. We build for his glory and for his approval. We build because we can. We build because we must. We build because we are." – Kaffidor, Paladin of Brell
Buildings within the city were created with bright and beautiful stone, decorated with colorful glass, magical sigils, runes, and gold trimmings. Most were built in honor of Brell, for his minions have no need of sleep and own nothing that they do not need to do their tasks.

Life in Kernagir is normally peaceful as Brell was fairly restrictive about who was allowed entry. Recently though, things have taken a dark turn in the Shining City. A rift has formed among some of the beings that dwell there. Many of the residents are no longer interested in cooperating with their fellow craftsmen. Fortunately none dare to break the peace of Kernagir so close to Brell's temple, but with increasing tensions, there is no telling how long this peace will last.

With Brell's lack of attention to his domain, these skilled craftsmen are now sought after by those who follow the Faith of Self. Bellikos envoys have already spread the heresy of individualism into the Shining City and have been actively recruiting for supporters among its denizens.

Where most of the population of the Shining City keeps their thoughts and opinions on the Heresy of Individualism to themselves, the notions spread by these emissaries are being talked about among the Creator's Guild. This has led to a philosophical schism and the taking of sides. The acrimonious debate between the two sides is descending towards violence and may lead to rampant chaos in the Shining City now that Brell's influence has disappeared.

Fungal Forest

The Fungal Forest is dominated by massive and colorful mushroom trees with fungus undergrowth. There redwood-sized fungi make up the bulk of the forest, with small mushrooms, molds and lichens covering the ground. The ground is dark and moist, and in some places sinkholes in the mulch lead into caverns under the forest. The undergrowth in this area is dominated by green moss and small fungi.
Mephit workers lurk around aptly named Mephit Lake as they take a break from their labors. The edge of the lake is ringed by blue topped mushrooms. Undead Sporali have recently invaded the south eastern region of the forest, trying to corrupt the fertile earth. The Cliknar have also made their way into the forest from the northeast.

Many servitors of Brell, including the Telmira, Gigyn, and as well as the Cliknar, can be found throughout the forest. Other creatures such as frogs, spiders, beetles and snakes can be found in the area as well.

The Telmira are small elemental beings created by Brell Serilis to do simple work that can require fine-manipulation. An extremely smart race, they can understand all languages. Though can speak, they generally choose to remain silent. A heavy concentration of these creatures surrounds a large mushroom ring.

The Gigyn are rather large elemental life forms, more than twice the height and four times the mass of a human. They speak in low rumbles that only others of the Underfoot understand. They, like most natives to the Underfoot, understand all languages.

The Telmira and the Gigyn work well with other inhabitants of the forest to keep the Underfoot working properly. They have a good relationship with others who exist in harmony with the Underfoot, and work together to keep the Cliknar from invading deeper within the forest.

Lichen Creep

Lichen Creep is a lava-veined cavern that has been slowly mined out over eons for the valuable levitating stone ore that is used to power various creations in the Underfoot. Narrow veins of lava wend their way through the cavern floor and walls, occasionally forming small lava pools and giving the entire area a molten orange glow.
The Mephit miners that burrow into the Underfoot maintain the largest presence in Lichen Creep, processing and sending loads of stone up through the hole in the top of the cavern. When large chunks of levitating stone are uncovered, the Mephits burrow into them for the more valuable ore, and leave behind levitating husks that they then convert into living quarters and various other facilities.

The Mephits work tirelessly to mine levitating stone, and tend to ignore the minor annoyances and disruptions of the various races that have recently taken up residence in the caverns. While they do not actively seek to destroy the other races, they will slaughter them mercilessly if they find them interfering in Mephit business.

Cliknar forces have begun to encroach upon the cavern and have set up camps amongst the rubble and slag heaps. They continue to expand their empire and are carefully scouting Lichen Creep for future conquest. They remain fairly unobtrusive and, other than an occasional scouting sortie, they are content to remain relatively hidden amongst the rubble and slag heaped at the side of the cavern.

Meanwhile, the newly arrived Sporali have been traumatized by their recent encounter with the Underfoot and the few that have escaped the clutches of danger and death hide themselves in the lichen covered areas of the cavern. Some Sporali are fascinated by the Underfoot, but most are trying to find a way back to Corathus Creep. Between the lava creatures who kill them on sight and the Cliknar who view them as a food source, the Sporali live a very rough existence.






An instanced zones, it has a unique map along with an explorer Achievement.

  • Dragoncrypt (aka Lair of the Fallen) (technically added with the Underfoot Expansion... not listed in the Map Tool, but is listed under Original EverQuest for achievements, even though it's location would dictate Planes of Power)




This was before expansion related 'Tier' Group and Raid Armor sets. Other than the mismatched / variant gear (dropped, crafted, vendor sold or quested), this expansion did include a number of full 'visible' (matched) Armor sets (helm, chest, arms, legs, hands, wrists & gloves).

There are other 'sets,' but they did not seem to include an item for every visible slot. Not all classes were in the game yet, but some of this gear was modified (or added) after the fact, to include those future classes. Some gear is also race restricted... and there were a lot of them!







Rank One Discipline, Songs & Spells can be ..................








The generic strats / info below are from successful raids that I was part of, from research and / or from what I recall. The below info should be adapted, as seen fit, by your Raid Leader. Key emotes may also be noted below. Raid make-up (classes, levels, Player skill levels, etc.) can and do make a difference on raid strategy options and winning or losing. In any situation, Players fulfilling their roles, using assist, and following emotes is always essential. There is always more than one variant strategy that can successfully defeat a raid. As Levels increase, defeating old raids can prove much easier and more forgiving (even as a group or solo / molo, depending on how old the raid event is). However, sometimes, certain mechanics still have to be honored. It has been known that in some events, due raid mechanics, too much DPS; killing MoB X before MOB Y; and similar, can bug the raid and cause it to fail. The below info does not include details on how to complete raid-related achievements. Those are noted elsewhere on this page, if any. Some of these targets may require 'zerging' into the zone get to them (killing stuff along the way). They may also have 'adds' which are often more like trash MoB's that in the general area. The original / older targets / encounters were pre-raid window events. Raids were more of a collective effort, or better, an extremely challenging group event. Any effects noted below  often 'scale to level,' so the effects can be lesser or greater than stated, depending on raid force levels. On Progression servers, targets can use 'Mitigation of the Mighty' (mitigates Spell Damage, Melee Damage and absorbs DoT damage), at least until such time as certain later expansions (typically, expansions that are at least seven-plus expansions after the expansion of the related target). While older targets are static open world (non-instance) events, there are now an Agent of Change in various locations that will provide instanced version of the same event (which are noted below, if any).

Do not forget that many of the old world dragon are 'belly casters,' meaning you need to basically be under them to land spells. Some of these targets were 'beefed' up in 2008 as "Fabled" targets, with enhanced loot drops They can still be found during the Legacy Anniversary events.

If I missed anything or got something wrong, let me know!





Recognitions and credits for all involved with developing and creating EverQuest, for the current and past expansions, can be seen by clicking the 'Credits' button at the bottom of the Server Select Screen and then viewing the 'Current Expansion' or the 'Previous Expansions' tab.

They can also be found in your EverQuest Directory (credits_current.txt & credits_previous.txt).

A huge thank you to all involved!


If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last Updated January 7, 2025

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.