Where to find them and how to do them!

It can't be beat! Sixteen is sweet! - Bonzz


There were no Anniversary Events before the 5th Year of EverQuest.

However, upon the 5th Anniversary of EverQuest, a temporary, special Anniversary event was added to the game.

After that, it became an annual tradition in EverQuest, with new Anniversary related events being added each year, as well as the old ones being reactivated right along beside them.

Anniversary Events generally start around March 16th (EverQuest was launched March 16, 1999), and continue to as late as mid-May.

There are now so many Anniversary Events that they are implemented / divided in two parts... "Modern" events (14th Anniversary and forward) and "Legacy" events (5th to 13th Anniversary).

The "Legacy" events do not award Commemorative Coins, but do include Fabled MOB's (introduced in 2008). These events do not start until near mid-April.

The "Modern" events start right away and generally award Commemorative Coin, which is a specialty coin that can used to buy special items with "a jubilant merchant" in the Plane of Knowledge (near the Nexus stone, and the stuff ain't cheap!).

The Mechanical Fortune Teller (near the Crescent Reach stone) was added to the Plane of Knowledge, to help direct you to the events (by year), because now, there are a lot of them. Just hail her and follow along.

Download and unzip this file to the 'storyline' folder of your EverQuest directory to have access to a generic, simplified version of these quests, in game, via your Story Window (Alt N)! NOTE: This file can be updated in the event of typo corrections, errors and new events, so you may need a fresh download / install every so often.


The 16th Anniversary was in 2015.


Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.




Belle of the Ball (Solo)          Pub Crawl (Group)          Cleansing the Ground (Group)

Dead Dragons (Group)          Korucust's Royal Pain (Group)          Liquid Courage (Group)

Pirates of Timorous Deep (Group)



Related Achievements are:

16th Anniversary Tasks

16th Anniversary Tasks (Bonus)

                                                                               Metamorph Totem - Speckled Hare Sarnak                  Seneschal Mask

                                                                                                   Video                                                             Video


Belle of the Ball (Solo)

1) SET-UP: First, some preparations!

You will need the following No Trade items from the following zones:

Next, grab a tailoring kit (any kind) and a mixing bowl (any kind).


2) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are looking for Zantog, the Greatest, who is behind the bar building, near the main bank.

This is a solo task.

Hail Zantog, the Greatest and follow along, or just try saying, 'Vanity and Glory' to get this task.

Then say 'Transport' to Zantog, the Greatest, to get teleported to the next zone.


3) MORELL'S CASTLE: You are looking for Vanglorious Gloria (a marionette) & Cruel Danille (a jester), who are both north, up the ramp / steps, and at the top of the steps in the next area.


4) MORELL'S CASTLE: Now head up the west steps / ramp to the 'candy land' area.


4) MORELL'S CASTLE: Now for a choice, get the bonus item (see below) or not (just do the hand in).

BONUS ITEM: To get the bonus item, head to Crescent Reach, near the tree where the dragons are. All about you should see a fluffy grove hare. Click the Sticky Marshmallow Goo on twenty-five (25) of them, then head back to Morell's Castle.

Head down and back to Cruel Danille.

Give the Sticky Marshmallow Goo to Cruel Danille, to finish up.

If you did the Crescent Reach step, you will get a Metamorph Totem: Speckled Hare.

You will get 10 Commemorative Coins.  There is a 6-hour lock-out timer before you can do this task again, if you want to.



Pub Crawl (Group)

1) SETTING UP: First, some preparations!

NOTE: If you are only after the Drunkard's Stein, you only need to complete Step 2, to get the task.

You will need the following:

You will also need access (the ability) to use the Lost Dungeons of Norrath 'Magus' NPC's, to save time and effort. If you do not have this access, you will need to do the quest outlined here.

NOTE: Optional, you just acquire the Emerald Orange Schnapps, Faydwer Schnapps and / or Skunk Breath Ale from other Players (i.e. The Bazaar).

Next, you will need to set up six (6) Hot Buttons, along with Audio Triggers, so you can click to say ('sing') the following:

OPTIONAL: If you think you are fast enough to Shift Up in the test box, six (6) lines, and then hit enter, you can simply cut & paste the above lines, in order, into your chat window and do it that way.

Grammar and spelling exactly as noted above, is essential. Name the Hot Buttons whatever you want, but I suggest 'Stein1' to 'Stein6,' so you know the correct order to click them (explained later).

I also STRONGLY suggest that you set up six (6) Audio Triggers, for the same phrases (without the '/say' part).

This will give you an audible alert on when to click your Hot Buttons, rather than watch for the line in chat window spam that may be going on (also explained later).


2) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are looking for Brasse, who is on Find, behind the small bank (/waypoint -305, 970).

This is a group task, but you can get it solo.

You must be Level 21, have an Alcohol Tolerance of at least fifty (50) and also be drunk, before you talk to Brasse!

You can buy alcoholic drinks from Brewmaster Berina, who is also right there, to get drunk with.

If you meet the requirements and are also sufficiently drunk, you will be able to hail Brasse and follow along.

Hand her one (1) Ogre Swill at a time, until she responds with quest (bracketed) text, then follow along, to get this group task.

She will give you a Dwarf Disguise (Dwarf Illusion item).

>>>>>NOTE: If you are only after the Drunkard's Stein, you can now skip to Step 7! You no not need to complete any other steps!<<<<<


3) SOUTH KALADIM: You are looking for Hanamaf Darkfoam, who is to the left from the zone in area (/waypoint 80, 225).

Hail him and then follow along, if needed.

Right there in the same area, you should see Tsann Wilbus. Hail him and then follow along, if needed.

The idea with Tsann Wilbus, is to win a  drinking contest with him (drink and try to stay 'more sober' than Tsann Wilbus).

Thus, a high Alcohol Tolerance is advantageous, starting out fully sober (recover from Step 1), and also by drinking the less effective alcoholic beverages ('respectable" drinks vs. 'Persuasive' or 'Potent' drinks, see Alcohol Tolerance).

What you do is:

Next, take off your primary, secondary and range items.

You need to find Dwantin Cassilla, who should be right there in the same area.

Hail Dwantin Cassilla and follow along (/say fight), and then fight him in unarmed (hand to hand) combat, until he reaches 20%, whereupon he will surrender.

He will give you Brasse's Stein Lid.

You can put your gear back on, now.


4) BUTCHERBLOCK MOUNTAINS: Head to the Lost Dungeons of Norrath NPC camp to find Magus Tira (/waypoint 1080, -2455).

Hail her, then give her twenty (20) Elven Wine, to convince her to teleport you to Nedaria's Landing.


5) NEDARIA'S LANDING: Magus Wenla is nearby (/waypoint 1025, 1525).

Talk to Magus Wenla, to get teleported to The Abysmal Sea.


6) THE ABYSMAL SEA: You are looking for Galidnus Corkpopper, who is in the bar (baking / brewing) area (/waypoint -165, 115).

Hail him for an update, then buy from him a Brasse's Bitter Brew (optional, see below).

Nearby, you will see Galdorin Visigothe (/waypoint -165, 200). Hail him.


7) THE ABYSMAL SEA: It is at this point that you can get the bonus item, Drunkard's Stein (an instant click portal to the Plane of Knowledge).

BONUS ITEM: This is where the Hot Buttons & Audio Triggers (see Step 1) come into play. Every five (5) minutes, Galdorin Visigothe will sing a song.  Be sure that you target Galdorin Visigothe. Each time he sings a line of the song, immediately sing it back to him (click the appropriate Hot Button, as each Audio Trigger goes off, to 'sing the same line just sung by Galdorin Visigothe), before he sings the next line! Be quick!

NOTE: Do not be Invisible.

Do this successfully, for all six (6) lines, and you will get a Drunkard's Stein (an instant gate clickie, to the bar in the Plane of Knowledge). If you fail, you can try again in five (5) minutes.

But wait, there's more! This is a group task, it has a 24 hour timer and the task is not locked!

What this means is that you can /taskadd five (5) other Characters, who can also come into The Abysmal Sea to get their own Drunkard's Stein, in the same manner! You read that correctly, the other Characters do not have to do the full quest to get their own Drunkard's Stein! Thee simply have to do this step! After that, those Characters can drop the task and five (5) more Characters can be task added to come and get their own Drunkard's Stein, in the same manner!

You can do this as long as the task is active! 

You can even change the leaders of the Task, so you can bring in your own Alts!

WARNING: If you plan to actually complete the task, don't let time run out on you, even though the task time is 24 Hours!


8) THE ABYSMAL SEA: You will need to acquire an item from Galdorin Visigothe, before you leave.

Click the Brasse's Bitter Brew to get a Bitter Bottle.

Target Galdorin Visigothe and click the Bitter Bottle on him.

You can either keep clicking a Bitter Bottle on him (you will need more Brasse's Bitter Brew), or you can get drunk and hail him, until he gives you Brasse's Stein Handle.


9) THE FEEROTT: Head to the bridge, not far (southwest) from Oggok (/waypoint 665, 1085).

Dive in the water and swim around the bottom under the bridge until you get a buff called, (?MUCK?) which is a faction buff with Ogre Guards.


10) OGGOK: Next, go find Leelouu, who is in the east / central part of the zone in a tavern (/waypoint 235, -240).

Hail her and she will call on Bouncer Maray Nitashard & (Bouncer ?WHO?) to help her attack you.

Kill all three (3) of them and you will get Brasse's Stein Cup.


11) BUTCHERBLOCK MOUNTAINS: Head to to the dock area to find Lessein Rocraft, who is standing along the south wall of the docks (/waypoint 1030, 2765).

Hail and follow along if you like, but give him the Brasse's Stein Lid, Brasse's Stein Handle & Brasse's Stein Cup and he will give you the repaired Brasse's Stein Cup.


12) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: Head back to Brasse, and give her the Brasse's Stein Cup to finish up!

You will get 5 Commemorative Coins.  There is a 6-hour lock-out timer before you can do this task again, if you want to.



Cleansing the Ground (Group)

1) HOUSE OF THULE, LOWER FLOORS: You are looking for The Butler, who is just inside the mansion (house).

This is a group task, but you can get it solo.

Hail The Butler and follow along, or just try saying, 'Wish to help' to get this task.

Then say 'Prepared' to The Butler, to zone into the instance.


2) THE GROUNDS: CLEANSING THE GROUND: You are here to do the following:

Now, head back to Groundskeeper Seamus and hail him, to finish up.

You will get 5 Commemorative Coins.  There is a 6-hour lock-out timer before you can do this task again, if you want to.



Dead Dragons (Group)

1) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are looking for Ankra, who is a small minotaur near main bank, by a tree.

This is a group task, but you can get it solo.

Hail Ankra and follow along, or just try saying, 'Combat experience' to get this task.

Then say 'Ready' to Ankra, to zone into the instance.


2) WESTERN WASTES: DEAD DRAGONS:  You will see Ankra nearby, as you zone in.

You are here to do the following:

BONUS ITEM: To get the bonus item, do NOT talk to a mercenary captain! Instead, one (1) Player who needs / wants the bonus item, and ONLY that one (1) Player, can talk to a mercenary and follow along (or just try saying, 'Argh?'), to get a Necromantic Dragon Bone (a click 22.5K DD, that returns 50% of that damage as Health).

To finish the task, hail and follow along with a mercenary captain.

You will get 5 Commemorative Coins.  There is a 6-hour lock-out timer before you can do this task again, if you want to.



Korucust's Royal Pain (Group)

1) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are looking for Agent Seudavenaa, who is under the evil (west) side bridge (/waypoint -625, 720).

This is a group task, but you can get it solo.

Hail Agent Seudavenaa and follow along, or just try saying, 'Korucust' to get this task.

Then say 'Ready' to Agent Seudavenaa, to zone into the instance.


2) CHARDOK: KORUCUST'S ROYAL PAIN:  You are here to...


3) CHARDOK: KORUCUST'S ROYAL PAIN:  Head back to Korucust, hail him and / or say 'Dragon' to finish up.

If you made Korucust's Stash Key, use it to open Korucust's Stash (a chest) that should be right there at Korucust, which should contain the bonus item (Sarnak Seneschal Mask).

You will get 10 Commemorative Coins.  There is a 6-hour lock-out timer before you can do this task again, if you want to.



Liquid Courage (Group)

1) PLANE OF TRANQUILITY: You are looking for a ground spawn sword, a Flaming Sword of War, which is lying on the ground in the upper cave, by the Plane or War portal.

This is a group task, but you can get it solo.

Pick up the Flaming Sword of War to get this task.

Now click on the Plane or War portal, to zone into the instance.

NOTE: If you find you are needing access to areas of this zone, the guide is here.


2) PLANE OF WAR: LIQUIDE COURAGE:  You are here to...


PLANE OF WAR: LIQUIDE COURAGE:  Once done, hail Buzoan the Elder to finish up.

You will get seven (7) Commemorative Coins. There is a 6-hour lock-out timer before you can do this task again, if you want to.



Pirates of Timorous Deep (Group)

1) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are looking for Captain Jack Aviak, who is up near the entrance to the Library (/waypoint 0, 650, 5).

This is a group task, but you can get it solo.

Hail Captain Jack Aviak and follow along, or just try saying, 'Help' to get this task.

Then say 'Depart' to Captain Jack Aviak, to zone into the instance.


2) TIMOROUS DEEP: PIRATES OF TIMOROUS DEEP:  You are here to kill several named Pirates, as well as their crew.


4) TIMOROUS DEEP: PIRATES OF TIMOROUS DEEP:  Now for the final sequence.

Your final target is Captain Turek, who is inside that stone hut closest to the pirate ship (The Broken Wing) and there are two (2) pirates just outside the hut, as well.

Captain Turek is leashed to this area, so you will have to fight him here. He also has a 12.8K DoT and a 25K nuke.

BONUS ITEM: The key to getting the bonus item, is killing Captain Turek as fast as possible, so that he drops a Treasure Map, instead of a Burnt Treasure Map. A 'Cannonball' (77K AoE) will be periodically fired from the ship (The Broken Wing). You can drag Captain Turek around to try and avoid it, but with enough DPS, you don't need to. If you don't avoid it, the Treasure Map will be damaged into a Burnt Treasure Map.

If you get the Burnt Treasure Map, it is useless and there can be no bonus item!

If successful, who ever needs / wants the bonus item, can loot the Treasure Map.


5) TIMOROUS DEEP: PIRATES OF TIMOROUS DEEP:  Nearby, you should see Captain Jack Aviak.

Spam hail Captain Jack Aviak at least four (4) times (be quick!) before he runs off (to get the needed updates).

If you don't do this, you will have to chase him and / or find where he went to get the hails in!

This will finish the task.

You will get 5 Commemorative Coins.  There is a 6-hour lock-out timer before you can do this task again, if you want to.

But wait! When Captain Jack Aviak stops moving or comes back (he will go to the edge of the nearby mountain, to the northeast, not far from the stone huts), hand him the Treasure Map and he will give it back.

Now click the Treasure Map and it will lead you a treasure chest (follow the yellow trail or go to the 'X' on the map), which will not pop into view until you find it.

Open a treasure chest to get the bonus item (aug), a Shimmering Black Pearl (45 AC; +350 HP / Mana / Endurance; +12 Spell Damage; +12 Heal Amount; CHA +20 all Stats; +6 Heroic all Stats except CHA).


If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last Updated April 15, 2024

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know!  EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.