'Year of Darkpaw'
Where to find them and how to do them!
Who'd have thought, that we would thrive, once we hit, the big two five! - Bonzz
There were no Anniversary Events before the 5th Year of EverQuest. However, upon the 5th Anniversary of EverQuest, a temporary, special Anniversary event was added to the game. After that, it became an annual tradition in EverQuest, with new Anniversary related events being added each year, as well as the old ones being reactivated right along beside them. Anniversary Events generally start around March 16th (EverQuest was launched March 16, 1999), and continue to as late as mid-May. There are now so many Anniversary Events that they are implemented / divided in two parts... "Modern" events (14th Anniversary and forward) and "Legacy" events (5th to 13th Anniversary). The "Legacy" events do not award Commemorative Coins, but do include Fabled MOB's (introduced in 2008). These events do not start until near mid-April. The "Modern" events start right away and generally award Commemorative Coin, which is a specialty coin that can used to buy special items with "a jubilant merchant" in the Plane of Knowledge (near the Nexus stone, and the stuff ain't cheap!). The Mechanical Fortune Teller (near the Crescent Reach stone) was added to the Plane of Knowledge, to help direct you to the events (by year), because now, there are a lot of them. Just hail her and follow along. Download and unzip this file to the 'storyline' folder of your EverQuest directory to have access to a generic, simplified version of these quests, in game, via your Story Window (Alt N)! NOTE: This file can be updated in the event of typo corrections, errors and new events, so you may need a fresh download / install every so often. |
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The 25th Anniversary was in 2024.
Not to be confused with actual 25th Anniversary Events, there was also a year-long celebration known as The Year of Darkpaw (complete with it's own quests, Achievements, Specialty Coin & a Specialty Vendor), that started in January 2024.
The actual 25th Anniversary events (noted below) award Commemorative Coin.
Players who logged in during the 25th Anniversary (March 16 - April 20, 2024) were awarded a free Level 100 Heroic Character, a Goblet of Adventure II, a Royal Silver Crown Ornamentation and a Darkpaw Troch Ornament.
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25th Anniversary Video |
PORTAL ITEMS THAT CAN BE USEFUL FOR THESE EVENTS: Banner: Blackburrow; Banner: Sanctus Seru; Brick of Knowledge; Drunkard's Stein; Incense of Tranquility; Misty Thicket Halfling Bed; Maelin's Escape; Painting: Grimling Forest Outpost; Philter of the Bonefield; Philter of Twilight; Sceptre of Draconic Calling; Statue of Sanctus Seru; The Binden Concerrentia and / or The Fabled Binden Concerrentia.
25th Anniversary Tasks (do the listed tasks) 25th Anniversary Mission (beat the listed mission)
25th Anniversary Mission Challenge (complete the noted mission challenge)
25th Anniversary Raid (complete the listed Raid) 25th Anniversary Raid Challenges (complete the listed special Raid challenges)
Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.
Chasing What's Not Real (Solo) Chasing Madness (Solo)
Reflections of You (Group Mission) Inner Turmoil (Raid)
1) CRESCENT REACH: You are looking for Alta the Frightened, who is where up the ramp in the first cubby on the right, as you enter the city from the dragon tree area (/waypoint -1155, -1475, -55).
Hail Alta the Frightened and follow along, or just try saying, "Look for him," to get this task.
This task will involve a lot of zone hopping. It also involves a level of figuring things out, as many of the zones you need to go to is not listed! However, when you see one of the non-targetable little baby dragons (aka hatchlings) flying about, you are in the right area. The clues are overly vague but can be figured out of you read the quest lines, know a bit about EverQuest and mull it over a bit.
>>> NOTE <<<
When you do each step, an emote provides a clue for the next step. If you want to try to first try and figure things out on your own, I have made this page in a manner that will allow you to do that! Some of the steps have words / lines blanked out, to hide the spoilers (answers). When you want to see the answer, simply highlight the blanked out words / lines to reveal the answers!
2) BLACKBURROW: You are here to find a ground spawn axe. From the middle upper area, it is in the first room on the left as you head towards Everfrost Peaks (area of /waypoint 80, -190).
Click it and it will go poof and give you the update.
3) SANCTUS SERU: You are here to find a ground spawn. In the northwest part of the zone, there is an park-like area with trees and benches. Look for a small plant (unlike the others, area of /waypoint 445, 560).
Click it and it will go poof and give you the update.
4) DREADSPIRE KEEP: You are here to find a ground spawn. Up in the castle, in the dining room (area of /waypoint 3490, 10, 100) you will find a bottle on the table.
Click it and it will go poof and give you the update.
5) THE BLOODFIELDS: You are here to find a ground spawn. Up on top of the lower bridge, there is a ground spawn coin (it can be hard to spot) on the right side spire (/waypoint 610, -155, -825).
Click it and it will go poof and give you the update.
6) MONS LETALIS: You are here to find a ground spawn. Head to the top of the spire that's in mid-zone, to find a stone block (/waypoint 25, 525, 205).
Click it and it will go poof and give you the update.
7) RIWWI, COLESIUM OF GAMES: You are here to find a ground spawn. Head to the prison under the arena to find a rock on the ground in one of the prison cells (/waypoint 755, 205, -35).
Click it and it will go poof and give you the update.
8) EAST FREEPORT: You are here to find a ground spawn. Head to the 'Leather and Hide.' On top of the rear boxes behind the vendors, you will find a scroll (/waypoint -345, 10).
Click it and it will go poof and give you the update.
9) THE FIELD OF BONE: You are here to find a ground spawn. West of the arena, there are three (3) tunnels. In the lowest room of the middle tunnel you will find a bowl with a spoon in it, by the dragon altar (/waypoint 430, 2950, -80).
Click it and it will go poof and give you the update.
10) SHAR VAHL, DIVIDED: You are here to find a ground spawn. To the left, as you come in from Shadeweaver's Thicket, upstairs in a building there, you can find a scroll on a table (/waypoint -335, 470, -160).
This one is a real item. Pick it up the Leave of Absence then click it for the update.
11) CRESCENT REACH: Head back to Alta the Frightened, and give her the Leave of Absence for the update (she will give it back).
Now head to one of the empty rooms on the second floor back in the training area (/waypoint -1420, -900, 45).
Click the Leave of Absence again (and it will disappear). A non-targetable NPC and four baby dragons will appear, and start to walk out of the room. Follow them for the update (they will disappear).
12) KATTA CASTELLUM: You are looking for Ghrald McMannus, who is an upstairs room of the first castle on the right, as you come in from Tenebrous Mountains (/waypoint -295, 150, 70). Ghrald McMannus who is not actually the 'white robed man' (Gaius Lucianus is the 'white robed man,' who in the same room).
Hail Ghrald McMannus and say, 'Visions,' and then follow along to finish up.
REWARD: Ten (10) Commemorative Coin.
1) KATTA CASTELLUM: You are looking for Ghrald McMannus, who is an upstairs room of the first castle on the right, as you come in from Tenebrous Mountains (/waypoint -295, 150, 70).
Hail Ghrald McMannus and follow along, or just try saying, "Gather," to get this task.
NOTE: You can bind here, if needed.
2) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are here to find a a ground spawn.
Head up into the library, go up two (2) flights of stairs and you will find a book (From Madness Comes Clarity) on a table (/waypoint -110, 825, 70). Pick it up.
While you are here, if you don't have any non-stat food item (so you don't have to use a stat food item), buy any one (1) food type item (food items are sold by multiple vendors).
3) MISTY THICKET: Head to the southeast corner, to find Rusbek the Inhospitable and his two wolves, Cozy & Rufus (/waypoint -615, -1165).
Give any food item to either Cozy & Rufus and then go inside the hut to pick up a ground spawn book, When Obsessions Turn to Madness (on the dresser, /waypoint -635, -1150).
There is no need to talk to Rusbek the Inhospitable at all.
4) KATTA CASTELLUM: Head back to Ghrald McMannus.
Give From Madness Comes Clarity & When Obsessions Turn to Madness to Ghrald McMannus for two (2) updates and then hail Ghrald McMannus and follow along for another update.
5) PLANE OF NIGHTMARE: You are looking for Priest of Nightmares, who is in one of the buildings in the mausoleum area (/waypoint -1350, -1345, 125).
Be prepared for a battle, then hail and follow along with Priest of Nightmares... a mad nightmare will spawn and attack. Kill it and loot the Dash of Fear that it drops.
6) TORMENT, PLAIN OF PAIN: You are looking for Priest of Torment, who is in a side room, just north of the central path to the far west (/waypoint 515, 360, -160).
Be prepared for a battle, then hail and follow along with Priest of Torment... a mad torment will spawn and attack. Kill it and loot the Dollop of insanity that it drops.
7) THEATER OF BLOOD: You are looking for Priestess of Music, who is to the east, under the stands of the theater area (/waypoint 965, 760, 335).
Be prepared for a battle, then hail and follow along with Priestess of Music... a mad griever will spawn and attack. Kill it and loot the Smidgen of Loss that it drops.
8) THE VOID (H) (off of Ethernere, Tainted West Karana): Your are looking for Zebuxoruk, who is on the main island (/waypoint -15, 30).
Hail Zebuxoruk to get a Pinch of Foresight.
9) KATTA CASTELLUM: Head back to Ghrald McMannus.
Hail Ghrald McMannus and stand by a moment as the final emotes unfold, to finish up.
REWARD: Ten (10) Commemorative Coin.
1) KATTA CASTELLUM: You are looking for Ghrald McMannus, who is an upstairs room of the first castle on the right, as you come in from Tenebrous Mountains (/waypoint -295, 150, 70).
This is a group mission, but you can get it solo.
Hail Ghrald McMannus. If he doesn't respond correctly, say, 'Ignore him' and then follow along, or just try saying, "Plane," to get this task.
You will get a Helm of Foiling.
Say 'Prepared' to Ghrald McMannus when you are ready to zone in.
2) PAINEEL: REFLECTIONS OF YOU: Be prepared for multiple adds at the same time. MoB's do respawn here.
MISSION CHALLENGE: As you go along, look for an Egg sitting on the ground (/waypoint 1215, 520, -40; or /waypoint 1120, 725, -40; or /waypoint 1125, 430, -40, or /waypoint 1185, 790, -40; or /waypoint 1145, 870, -15; or /waypoint 1145, 405, -40). Click it to pick it a Vision of a Dragon's Egg.
You are here to:
1) KATTA CASTELLUM: You are looking for Ghrald McMannus, who is an upstairs room of the first castle on the right, as you come in from Tenebrous Mountains (/waypoint -295, 150, 70).
This is a Raid (minimum 6 (six) Players, maximum fifty-four (54) Players).
Hail Ghrald McMannus. If he doesn't respond correctly, say, 'Ignore him' and then follow along, or just try saying, "drive it back," to get this Raid.
Say 'Ready' to Ghrald McMannus when you are ready to zone in.
2) PAINEEL: INNER TURMOIL: Near by where you zone in, you will see a disconcerting stranger (/waypoint 1355, -800).
When ready to start the raid, say, 'Prepared' to a disconcerting stranger.
3) PAINEEL: INNER TURMOIL: There is no 'boss' in this raid, as this raid is an all-out free for all!
See below for identification of map markers.
Emotes that still in need of identification / figuring out:
3) 25TH ANNIVERSARY RAID CHALLENGES: This achievement requires three (3) check box objectives.
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated June 3, 2024
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.