Where to find them and how to do them!
I have no doubt, as I have faith -- you'll find these things, for the eighth! - Bonzz
There were no Anniversary Events before the 5th Year of EverQuest. However, upon the 5th Anniversary of EverQuest, a temporary, special Anniversary event was added to the game. After that, it became an annual tradition in EverQuest, with new Anniversary related events being added each year, as well as the old ones being reactivated right along beside them. Anniversary Events generally start around March 16th (EverQuest was launched March 16, 1999), and continue to as late as mid-May. There are now so many Anniversary Events that they are implemented / divided in two parts... "Modern" events (14th Anniversary and forward) and "Legacy" events (5th to 13th Anniversary). The "Legacy" events do not award Commemorative Coins, but do include Fabled MOB's (introduced in 2008). These events do not start until near mid-April. The "Modern" events start right away and generally award Commemorative Coin, which is a specialty coin that can used to buy special items with "a jubilant merchant" in the Plane of Knowledge (near the Nexus stone, and the stuff ain't cheap!). The Mechanical Fortune Teller (near the Crescent Reach stone) was added to the Plane of Knowledge, to help direct you to the events (by year), because now, there are a lot of them. Just hail her and follow along. Download and unzip this file to the 'storyline' folder of your EverQuest directory to have access to a generic, simplified version of these quests, in game, via your Story Window (Alt N)! NOTE: This file can be updated in the event of typo corrections, errors and new events, so you may need a fresh download / install every so often. |
The reward for the 8th Anniversary Quest is a Lunar Fungus (a familiar).
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Achievements related to the 8th Anniversary are:
8th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt (Solo)
1) NETHERBIAN LAIR: You can obtain what you need in advance. So head to this zone.
As a note, you may come across other "Collector" items along the way other than the ones noted below. It is not known why they are in the game, as they are not needed for this Quest, or any other known quest.
You are here to find a Collector's Netherbian Claw, that drops from Netherbians.
2) MONS LETALIS: Head to this zone.
You are here to find a Collector's Polished Stone, that drops from Nightcrawlers.
3) MARUS SERU: Head to this zone.
You are here to find a Collector's Rockhopper Hide, that drops from Rockhoppers.
4) DAWNSHROUD PEAKS: Head to this zone.
You are here to find a Collector's Lightcrawler Shell, that drops from Lightcrawlers.
5) SCARLET DESERT: Head to this zone.
You are here to find a Collector's Sun Revenant Veil, that drops from Sun Revenants (try the top of the mountain in the middle of the zone).
6) TWILIGHT SEA: Head to this zone.
You are here to find a Collector's Elemental Focus, that drops from Elementals (on one of the islands).
7) TENEBROUS MOUNTAINS: Head to this zone.
You are here to find a Collector's Sonic Wolf Ear, that drops from Sonic Wolves.
8) GRIMLING FOREST: Head to this zone.
You are here to find a Collector's Grimling Toe, that drops from Grimlings.
9) PALUDAL CAVERNS: Head to this zone.
You are here to find a Collector's Fungal Fiend Flesh that drops from Phlarg Fiends.
10) SHADEWEAVERS THICKET: Head to this zone.
You are here to find a Collector's Crude Stone Idol that drops from Gor Taku.
11) THE NEXUS: Now that you have all (10) items than you need head to this zone.
You are looking for Tyla Filinav (she should be on Find). Hail her and follow along and you should get a Lunar Collection Bag and a Lunar Clue Book.
The Lunar Clue Book contains vague clues about the items you collected above. You can read it if you like, but it is not needed (you can destroy it).
12) COMBINE: Combine the (10) items you collected inside the Lunar Collection Bag to make a Sealed Lunar Collection Bag.
13) FINISH UP!: Give the Sealed Lunar Collection Bag to Tyla Filinav.
You will get a Lunar Fungus (familiar) and you should also complete Achievement: 8th Anniversary Task.
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated April 15, 2024
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.