Where to find them and how to do them!

It's like a fine wine, it's the big one-nine! - Bonzz


There were no Anniversary Events before the 5th Year of EverQuest.

However, upon the 5th Anniversary of EverQuest, a temporary, special Anniversary event was added to the game.

After that, it became an annual tradition in EverQuest, with new Anniversary related events being added each year, as well as the old ones being reactivated right along beside them.

Anniversary Events generally start around March 16th (EverQuest was launched March 16, 1999), and continue to as late as mid-May.

There are now so many Anniversary Events that they are implemented / divided in two parts... "Modern" events (14th Anniversary and forward) and "Legacy" events (5th to 13th Anniversary).

The "Legacy" events do not award Commemorative Coins, but do include Fabled MOB's (introduced in 2008). These events do not start until near mid-April.

The "Modern" events start right away and generally award Commemorative Coin, which is a specialty coin that can used to buy special items with "a jubilant merchant" in the Plane of Knowledge (near the Nexus stone, and the stuff ain't cheap!).

The Mechanical Fortune Teller (near the Crescent Reach stone) was added to the Plane of Knowledge, to help direct you to the events (by year), because now, there are a lot of them. Just hail her and follow along.

Download and unzip this file to the 'storyline' folder of your EverQuest directory to have access to a generic, simplified version of these quests, in game, via your Story Window (Alt N)! NOTE: This file can be updated in the event of typo corrections, errors and new events, so you may need a fresh download / install every so often.


The 19th Anniversary was in 2018.



19th Anniversary Tasks

19th Anniversary Tasks (Bonus)


Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.




Fish Eyes in the Dark (Solo)          Pieces is Pieces (Solo)

A Formal Dinner Party (Group)          Lost But Not Forgotten (Raid)



Fish Eyes in the Dark (Solo)

1) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are looking for Cedfer the Fishmonger, who is near the small bank (/waypoint -275, 900, -90).

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying 'Fish,' to get this task.

Grab some bait and a fishing pole(s) before you go to the next step.

If you don't all ready have one, this might be a good excuse to quest a Fisherman's Companion.


2) CORATHUS CREEP: You are here to fish!

Fish until you catch at least one (1) each of the following No Trade items:


3) UNDERSHORE: You are here to fish!

Fish until you catch at least one (1) each of the following No Trade items:


4) RUINS OF ILLSALIN: You are here to fish!

Fish until you catch at least one (1) each of the following No Trade items:


5) STONEROOT FALLS: You are here to fish!

Fish until you catch at least one (1) each of the following No Trade items:


6) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: Head back to Cedfer the Fishmonger.

Give him the seven (7) fish you just caught to finish up. He will give you seven (7) Pile of Bones.

REWARD: Five (5) Commemorative Coin.

BONUS ITEM: To get the bonus item, combine the seven (7) Pile of Bones in a Fly Making Bench to make The Bone Rod (unbreakable fishing pole with a 7% Fishing Skill bonus).



Pieces is Pieces (Solo)

1) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are looking for Fabikren, who is down near the special Mercenary Liaisons (/waypoint -5, -35, -160).

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying 'Items,' to get this task.

Now you need to acquire the items Fabikren wants.


2) CORATHUS CREEP: You are here to acquire:


3) UNDERSHORE: You are here to acquire:


4) RUINS OF ILLSALIN: You are here to acquire:

5) STONEROOT FALLS: You are here to acquire:


6) DREADSPIRE KEEP: You are here to acquire:

7) THE HIVE: You are here to acquire:


8) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: Head back to Fabikren.

Give the ten (10) items you collected to Fabikren, to finish up. Reward: 5 Commemorative Coin.

REWARD: Five (5) Commemorative Coin.


9) BONUS ITEM: To get the bonus item, repeat the first seven (7) steps of the Task as noted above (get the items again).

After that, look for a ground spawn near Fabikren. Pick it up. It is a Darkhollow Collecting Bag

Combine the ten (10) items you collected inside the Darkhollow Collecting Bag, to make a Deep Caverns Collector's Case (44-Slot 100% Heirloom Bag for Collect Items Only).



A Formal Dinner Party (Group)

1) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are looking for a Dreadspire servant, who is under a bridge to the south (/waypoint -650, 720, -160).

This is a group mission, but you can get it solo.

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying 'Accept,' to get this task.

You will be given a Fancy Formal Dinner Invitation.

To zone into the instance, say 'Ready' to a Dreadspire servant.


2) DREADSPIRE KEEP: A FORMAL DINNER PARTY: You are here to do the following...

REWARD: Ten (10) Commemorative Coin.


3) DREADSPIRE KEEP: Head to the non-instance (static) version of this zone.

If you are a pet class, suspend your pet!

Find a batling (any one will do) and give the Red Berry Paste to a batling and you will get the Bonus Item.

BONUS ITEM: Extruded Black Pearl.



Lost But Not Forgotten (Raid)

1) PLANE OF KNOWLEDGE: You are looking for Dismas Keneriti, who is to the south (/waypoint -600, 305, -160).

This is a two (2) group Raid, but you can get it with one (1) Group.

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying 'Seek Out,' to get this Raid.

This raid is essentially a zerg into the Dungeon.

BONUS ITEM: Along the way, items will drop related to the Bonus Item. Players working on this need to loot one (1) of each item. As a note, it appears that one (1) of the items will not drop at all, while the rest will drop at least once. In short, you will likely have to do this raid more than once to get all six (6) items. To get as many drops as possible, kill everything as you go along.

These items are:

If you have acquired all six (6) of the drops needed for the Bonus Item (see list in Step 1), then combine those six (6) items in a Loom to make the Lost Wayfarer's Tent, a very nice House Tribute Trophy.

To zone into the instance, say 'Ready' to Dismas Keneriti.


2) THE CHAMBERS OF ETERNAL AFFLICTION: LOST BUT NOT FORGOTTEN: You may recognize this zone as a Lost Dungeons of Norrath zone, from the Mistmoore Catacombs theme.

In fact, it is a beefed up modified version of the 'The Lost Party' Raid.

MOB's here seem to have weird pathing and large aggro ranges, so expect to constantly take on multiple MoB's at the same time.

The zone is essentially one-directional (u-shaped, with some dead end side areas), and you will eventually have to make your way around the loop (see below map).

As you go along....

(1) Zone in area; (2) Forceful Presence encounter; (3) Lord Enghearst encounter; (4) Harris Feril encounter.


3) THE CHAMBERS OF ETERNAL AFFLICTION: LOST BUT NOT FORGOTTEN: Do not do this step until you have all four (4) items from Step 2.

By this point you should be at the northwest area of the zone.

In the northwest corner of the zone is a round room and there will be an involved battle here (see #2 on the map, above).

When ready, the Player that has the four (4) items from Step 2 needs to stand in the center of the room. With no target, they need to /say Sila.

After a moment and some commentary, a Forceful Presence will spawn and attack. The Forceful Presence will will go off aggro and ambush random Players, so be ready for that.

Between 30% to 50%, be ready for four (4) adds (a summoned soul). Kill the adds and Forceful Presence. 

Once done, the same Player needs to stand in the center of the room again, with no target, and /say I seek Sila, which should spawn Sila Warren.

Give Hilius's Journal to Sila Warren and you should get Sila's Medallion.

If you say /say follow to Sila Warren, Sila Warren will now follow you (and help). You do need to do this.


4) THE CHAMBERS OF ETERNAL AFFLICTION: LOST BUT NOT FORGOTTEN: Next, continue your trek to the south.

You need to find Harris Feril. As you enter the second room from the dead end to the south, you will get this update (see #3 on the map, above).

At this point, Lord Enghearst will attack. Kill him.


5) THE CHAMBERS OF ETERNAL AFFLICTION: LOST BUT NOT FORGOTTEN: Approach the last room to the south and Sila Warren should emote for you to hold up and say that the 'ward' needs to be disabled.

The Player with the looted quest items, needs to talk to Sila Warren and /say deactivate.

They should get a Warded Bag.

Combine Ailill's Phial, Bartik's Heart, Keelia's Heart and Sila's Medallion inside the Warded Bag, to make a Sealed Warded Bag.

Next, that same Player now needs to approach the final room to the south to activate the final battle (see #4 on the map above).

Kill Harris Feril and his four (4) adds (a diseased servant), to finish up.

REWARD: Ten (10) Commemorative Coin.


6) ANY ZONE (BONUS ITEM): If you have acquired all six (6) of the drops needed for the Bonus Item (see list in Step 1), then combine those six (6) items in a Loom to make the Lost Wayfarer's Tent, a very nice House Tribute Trophy.



If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last Updated February 23, 2024

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.