Personal, Guild & Trophy Tribute Explained
When in need, there is no dispute! Call in favors and use Tribute! - Bonzz
The Tribute system was introduced with the Gates of Discord expansion and has been modified more than once, since then.
The story line for the Gates of Discord is related to Morden Rasp and the Wayfarer's Brotherhood. Thus, in effect, the Tribute System is related to the Wayfarer Brotherhood. The basic premise is that you can donate Platinum and / or items to them in return for special "favors" later on when you need them. These favors are actually buffs, boosts or benefits, that stack on top of everything else and last for a maximum of 10 minutes (real time).
In essence, what happens is that you will be given a varying amount of Tribute Points in trade for your donations, which, in times of need, can be traded back in (on the fly) for 10-minute buffs / boosts.
Players commonly call this "Tribute Points." However, they are also called "Favor" (Personal Tribute), "Guild Points" (Guild Tribute) and just "Tribute" (in Tribute and / or Item windows).
For the sake of clarity, I will call them Tribute Points.
Additionally, there are (4) types of tribute:
All (4) types of Tribute stack and can be activated at the same time.
Personal Tribute Points are maintained separately from Guild Tribute Points. Personal Tribute Points belong to you, and only you can use them.
Guild Tribute Points belong to the Guild as a whole, and they benefit all Guild Members who have opted in (explained below). In effect, when you donate towards Guild Tribute, you are also donating the resulting Tribute Points to the guild as a whole. Guild Tribute and access to Guild Tribute is controlled by the Guild Leader and / or his / her designee(s).
You can donate to both of them. Since they both require an existing pool of Tribute Points to function, someone donations 100% have to be made to them in order to to use them. Think of Tribute Points like Mana... you need Mana to cast Spells and if you run out of Mana, you can't cast spells. The same is true for Tribute Points.
Tribute can be -- and is -- a beneficial feature of the game... especially when the going gets tough (i.e. Raids)!
UPDATE: The March 2023 Patch modified Tribute so that, if you have it turned on (Personal and / or Personal Trophy Tribute), and you are in a 'fast camp' zone, Tribute Costs default to zero while you are in that zone. Fast Camp zones are zones that will allow you to camp immediately, rather than wait on the 30 second camp timer (such as the Plane of Knowledge).
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To use Tribute, you must first acquire and build up Tribute Points... for both your own Tribute (Personal) and for Guild Tribute (particularly if you opt in, explained below).
Once you have a pool of Tribute Points, they can be utilized to activate your pre-selected Tribute Benefits (you pick them) on the fly (see Activating & Deactivating Tribute, below).
You can donate Platinum, but it is only worth 1 Tribute Point per Platinum, which is probably the least beneficial way to build up Tribute Points. Not only does your pool of Tribute Points go up very slowly, but you go broke as well!
Most Specialty Coin, listed on your "Alt. Currency Tab in your Inventory Window ("I" button on your Keyboard), does not Tribute. Some does, but it has to be in a bag (not in your Alt. Currency tab) in order to be able to donate it. However, I do not recommend donating Specialty Coin, since it can be difficult to acquire!
The best way to acquire Tribute Points, is to donate items... Gear, Weapons, Augmentations and other looted or crafted items.
If you are in the habit of leaving items on corpses for "rot," you may want to re-evaluate this practice!
There are many items that will not be accepted in trade for Tribute Points, but, rather than having to guess what will tribute or not is easy now. Tribute Values are listed on items (in the item view window, see image below).
If you do not see a Tribute Value on an item, then it does not have a Tribute value and cannot be Tributed.
As a bonus, a lot of No Trade items, especially those from more recent expansions, will Tribute. So, unless you want to retain old No Trade items (that you have replaced or no longer need) for some reason, you can exchange them for Tribute Points, rather than just destroying them.
!!!WARNING!!!: Once you Tribute something, it cannot be recovered... ever! So, be very wary not to Tribute any items that you may wish to retain for reasons of Nostalgia, Home Decoration, Click Effects and so forth.
When it comes to tradable / Heirloom items, the concerns can also become a little more complicated... such as if you want to sell it, trade it, pass it to an Alt or Box or Friend... or Tribute it!
This is a call you will have to make for yourself!
When it comes to things such as gear that you have upgraded from (and is still tradable or heirloom), consider if they still hold or retain a level of value / demand, simply because it is tradable. Due that, such items may become more & more common (and less in demand), as time passes.
Also another consideration when it comes to selling or trading items, is if a Vendor will buy it or not. If a Vendor will buy it, the consideration may then center on the Platinum vs. Tribute value. Do you need the Platinum or are you getting low on Tribute? Tribute value can sometimes be many times Platinum value, after all.
If Platinum is not a factor for you, another option is to purposely seek out high-value Tribute items. This can be done by browsing Bazaar Vendors (/baz) to buy such items if they are priced right, NPC Vendor Diving to buy items that others have sold to the Vendors.... or even by way of tradeskills (the Planar Bows are popular, due their Tribute Value).
Another thing to do is to modify some of your Advanced Looting (/advloot) selections. Items you may have once chose not to loot, you may now decide to loot anyway, for the specific purpose of using them for Tribute.
On Raids, Guild / Raid Leaders may opt to loot rot items, for the specific purpose of donating to Guild Tribute.
Whatever you decide, you 100% have to keep donating to Tribute, on a regular basis, to keep up your pool of Tribute Points (Personal or guild). After all, if you run out of Tribute Points, you can't activate / use Tribute.
Personal Tribute has two versions, with the other being "Personal Trophy Tribute" (see below).
Both forms of Personal Tribute operate from the same pool of Tribute Points.
Personal Tribute, by far, has the most Options of any other Tribute Category. All of these options are "pre-ordained" (standard).
The many Options you can select from can be, and are, more attractive to certain or specific classes, rather than being of universal interest.
You can select up to four Options (Benefits) to activate at the same time.
Thus, make your selections wisely, so they provide the best overall combination for your needs / class.
Additionally, each Option can have multiple "Tiers." These Tiers can have certain requirements (such as Character Levels) and also become progressively more expensive to activate, with each Tier.
In order to access Personal Tribute you need to visit a Personal Tribute NPC. This NPC will allow you to select your Tribute Options as well as donate items in trade for Tribute Points.
These Personal Tribute Master NPC's should have the phrase "Personal Tribute Master," in parenthesis, under their name (see image, below). They should also be on Find.
Personal Tribute Masters can only be found in City Zones.
Generally speaking, a Personal Tribute Master may not deal with you unless you are of their same race and / or they are in your home city.
However, if you are in a Guild, it is likely there is a Personal Tribute Master in your Guild Hall (that is, if someone purchased one of the Guild Hall packages that include this NPC).
These Guild Hall packages are purchased via the Marketplace. The Personal Tribute Master is one of several special NPC's included as "a Collection of Standard Guild Services" as part of the package (see image below).
Guild Hall Personal Tribute Master NPC's will interact with any Guild Member, despite race or home city.
Lastly, there is also an Alternative Advancement (AA) version for a Personal Tribute Master, called "Summon Personal Tribute Master." This is one of the Veteran AA's (on the "Special" tab of your AA Window) that were entitled everyone a while back. You can also make a Hot Key to activate this AA.
NOTE: There is not a Guild Tribute Master version of this AA.
This Personal Tribute Master can be summoned, anywhere, anytime, every 20-hours (see image below). It will stay up for as long as 10-minutes, or until you zone. While this NPC will be of your Characters same race, anyone can access and use utilize it, as long as it is active.
Once you have access to a Personal Tribute Master, you can select or change your Options, as well as donate items for Tribute Points.
The Personal Tribute Master Window includes a number of features / information (see below).
"Available Benefits" (#1) are the Tribute Options you can select from. You will see the the name of the Option (#2); the Tier of the Benefit (#3... this will show as "1" except for Active Benefits (see below) even if there are multiple Tiers available). Some have Character Level requirements (#4). The Tribute Point cost (#5) to Activate them, at the Tier shown, is also noted. Highlight an Option and use the "Upgrade" Button (#7) to add it to your "Active Benefits" (#6). You can add up to four different options. Despite being called "Active Benefits,' they do not actually become Active until you purposely activate them. If any of your Options has multiple Tiers, it is always best to keep clicking the Upgrade button to move an Option up to it's maximum Tier (to insure maximum benefits for your Character / Level)... even if it does cost more Tribute to activate. When you add Options to your Active Benefits, you will see which ones (#14); what Tier you Upgraded them to (#15) (you have to Upgrade Benefits once for every Tier); and the Tribute Point cost to activate them for a 10-minute cycle (#16), at the noted Tier. If you want to change any of your Active Benefits, you can remove them by highlighting an Option and using the "Downgrade" button (#8) to remove it. You will have to Downgrade the Option once for every Tier in order to completely remove it as an Active Benefit. Once done, you can then add a different Option (as noted above). The lower window (#9) shows the Tier-by-Tier benefits of whatever Option you have highlighted, in either of the sections above it. This allows you to evaluate which ones may be best for your Character. In the very bottom of the Window, there is a box (#10) that will display the item you select / click on (in your inventory / bags), along with it's Tribute "Value" noted below the box. To Donate the item in exchange the noted amount of Tribute Points, click the "Donate" button (#12). There is a coin box (#11) where you can drop in Platinum (only) to Donate. (Not recommended!) On the bottom right side, is some miscellaneous data (#13). "Time Left" will always be "10:00" (Minutes and Seconds), unless you are actively using Tribute. If you Tribute is active, this number will be counting down to show how much time is left on your current 10-Minute Cycle of Tribute Benefits. "Active Cost" is the Tribute Points cost for each 10-minute Tribute Cycle (based on the Active Benefits you selected). "Current Favor" is your available (unspent) pool of Tribute Points (maximum 2,500,000). Tribute Points are deducted (immediately) from this total at the start of each Tribute Cycle. "Career Favor" is your Characters lifetime running total of Tribute Points (from Donations) (spent and unspent). |
The Personal Trophy (Tribute) Window (aka "Real Estate Trophies" Window) can be accessed and modified from anywhere, at any anytime.
However, this "remote" access does not include a Donation option, as donations have to be done directly via a Personal Tribute Master NPC (see above).
To open the window, open your Character Inventory Window ("I"), click the "Plots" button in the bottom left side of your Inventory Window (see left side image, below). This will open your "Real Estate Items" window, where you will see a "Trophies" icon over towards the top right of that Window (see right side image, below). Click the Trophy icon and your Trophy Tribute Window will open up (outlined below).
The Personal Trophy Window shares the same window with Guild Trophies. You can swap back on forth between which one you see by clicking one the Options at the top of the Window for "Personal Trophies" (#1, see image on the right) or "Guild Trophies" (#2). This Window functions just like the Personal Tribute Window, with some variance. Your Options ("Available Trophy Benefits") are listed in the left section (#3), but these are not universally standard Options. You will only see options that originate from a "Trophy" item that you have acquired and placed (see below) at one of your (residential) properties. Just like Personal Tribute, these Trophies can have one or more Tiers (#4); they can have Character Level requirements (#5); and they may, or may not have, a Tribute Point cost to Activate at the noted Tier (#6). Just as before, you can highlight a Trophy and use the "Upgrade" button (#8) to add it to your "Active Trophy Benefits" (#7) (they don't actually go active until you purposely activate them) where, again, you will see a list of the Benefits you selected and added; the Tier of each Benefit; & the Tribute Point cost to activate them at the Tier noted. As before, you can use the "Downgrade" button (#9) to remove any of the Benefits, and then add a different Benefit, if you want to. You can add as many as four Trophy Benefits. In fact, you can add four more (eight total) if your Character has unlocked this ability via the "Trophy Collector" Alternative Advancement (under the "Special" tab of your AA window), by way of Achievements. The bottom left section (#10) will show the benefits, by Tier, of any Benefit you have highlighted in either of the two sections above it. The bottom right section (#11), again, shows a Trophy Tribute Cycle timer ("Time Left"); Tribute Points cost to activate a Cycle using the Trophies you selected ("Active Cost"); your available (unused) Tribute Points ("Current Favor"); and your running lifetime Tribute Points total ("Career Favor"). |
NOTE: Collection Achievements for the additional Trophy Benefit slots are from Call of the Forsaken, The Darkened Sea, The Broken Mirror and Empires of Kunark. |
Guild Tribute is controlled by the Guild Leader and / or by those he / she has authorized (via the Guild Tool).
Thus, if you have not been so authorized, you cannot adjust or activate Guild Tribute, but you can "Opt In" and contribute (donate) to the cause. If you do Opt In, you 100% should donate to Guild tribute, since you are / will be using it and benefitting from it.
Activation costs noted in the Guild tribute Window, is multiplied for every Character that is opted in and on-line (explained below).
If you have been authorized with this ability by the Guild Leader, you can modify Guild Tribute is similar / same fashion as with Personal Tribute (noted above).
"Available Benefits" are listed (#2 in the upper image, on the right), in the left side of the window (#1). Guild Tribute options are not as expansive as Personal Tribute options as they are more generic / universal, so that can be of benefit to a wider range of classes You can also see Tiers (#3), Level Restrictions (#4) and Tribute Point activation costs for the Tier indicated. Guild Tribute only allows two Options to be selected and added to "Active Benefits" (#6), using the "Upgrade" button (#7). However you must first click the "Modify Benefits" button down at the bottom of the window (#14), before yo can make any changes. You can also see the Tier & Tribute Point Activation Cost (for the Tier noted) for your Active Benefits. As before, you can remove current Active Benefits using the "Downgrade" button (#8) and then add a different Benefit, if you want to. Once done with any Benefit changes, you need to then click the "Save Changes" button that replaced the Modify Benefits button (see the lower image on the right) to finalize the changes. The lower section displays the Tier-by-Tier Benefits of whatever Option you have highlighted in either of the sections above it. As with Personal Tribute, at the bottom, you also have a Box (#10) that shows the item you have selected from your inventory and it's Tribute Value just below the box; a coin box (#11) to donate Platinum (only) (not recommended); and a "Donate" button (#12) to donate your selected item in Trade for the noted amount of Tribute Points. Guild Tribute does NOT benefit the entire Guild. It only Benefits those who "Opt In" (#13), by checking the box. While any Guild member can Opt In, it is bad form to Opt In if you do not regularly Donate to Guild Tribute, yourself. Other Guild Members can see if you have Opted In or not, as well as how much you have contributed to Guild Tribute (noted below). In the bottom right of the window are similar stats as before... the Tribute Timer ("Time Left"); Tribute Activation cost based on the Active Benefits selected ("Active Cost"); and the "Current Favor" (available Tribute Points, maximum 20,000,000). As a note, when Guild Tribute is activated, the "Active Cost" noted is the 10-minute Cycle cost for each Player that is on-line and has opted in. Thus, using the image to the right, if the Activation cost is 902, and there are 10 Guild Members on-line that are opted in, the cost for one 10-minute Cycle is 9,020 Guild Tribute Points (902 Activation Cost x 10 Players = 9,020). The Current Favor is not just yours. It belongs to the Guild. When you donate for guild tribute, the Tribute Points are awarded to the pool of Guild Tribute Points, which is why you don't see your running lifetime "career" total listed here. You can, however, see your career Guild Tribute Points (and everyone else's) in the Guild Tool (Alt G), on the Tribute tab. |
Guild Trophy Tribute is pretty much like Personal Trophy Tribute, except the Trophies do not have more than one Tier.
As previously noted, since Guild Trophy Tribute and Personal Trophy Tribute share the same Window, you can open the Guild Tribute as before (see Personal Trophy Tribute section, above). It is just a matter of selecting the "Guild Trophies" option (see #1 in the image below).
As before, the left side section (#2) displays the available Trophies you have to select from, along with their Tier (all Guild trophies only have one Tier), Level requirements and Tribute points Activation Costs. The right side window (#3) displays the Trophies you have selected as "Active Trophy Benefits" (when you activate then), along with their Tier and the Tribute Point Cost.
You can add as many as four Trophies, using the "Upgrade" (#4) and "Downgrade" (#5) buttons.
However, unlike Personal Tribute, you do need to have the proper Authorization to access Guild Tribute (given by your Guild Leader and or his / her designees, by way of the Guild Tool on the 'Access' tab). If you do, then you first need to click the "Modify" button (#6) before you can make any changes. Once changes are made, you then need to click the 'Save' button to implement those changes.
As before, the bottom left section (#7) reveals the details about which ever Trophy you have highlighted in either of the two sections above it.
The bottom right section displays the Tribute Timer, Activation Cost, total Tribute Points currently available and one other important thing, the "Opt In" box!
You have to "Opt In" for BOTH Guild Tribute and Guild Trophy Tribute (separately), in order to receive the benefits of both (when they are activated).
So, be sure you check this box!
There are a couple of ways to activate Tribute.
The easiest way is to use two special "on" and "off" Hot Keys that you have to make yourself (noted below)... or just use the command Alt U, which opens up the "Tribute Benefits" Window (see below image).
The "Tribute Benefits" window has (4) tabs... one for each different type of Tribute: Personal (#1), (Personal) Trophy (#2), Guild (#3) & Guild Trophy (#4).
All of the tabs are similar. The Benefits along with their Tier and Tribute Point Cost are in the upper section (#5); the middle section (#6) shows the specifics about whichever Benefit you highlight in the top section; and the "Activate" button (#7) will start / turn on Tribute. This same button will change to a "Deactivate" button, when Tribute is active. Clicking the "Deactivate" button will stop / turn off Tribute.
The lower section (#8) can vary a bit between the Personal and Guild tabs, primarily due that "Career Favor" is not included on the Guild tabs.
!!!WARNING!!! YOU MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER TO TURN OFF TRIBUTE! Otherwise, you can unintentionally drain down or all of your Tribute Points!
You may have noticed that I have referred to a "Tribute Cycle" or "10-minute Cycle." There is a reason for this! When you turn on Tribute, it does not just run for 10-Minutes and stop. Instead, it runs 10-minutes and then immediately starts over and deducts more Tribute Points! Thus, it's an endless Tribute "Cycle."
When each 10-minute Cycle starts, it will consume the required amount of Tribute ("Active Cost.").
In the case of Guild Tribute, that Active Cost is multiplied, as it applies to each and every Guild Member that is on-line and has Opted In to Guild Tribute and / or Guild Trophy Tribute.
There is nothing worse than when you go to use Tribute and discover that you have run out of Tribute Points, and then realize that you forgot to turn it off! With Guild Tribute, this is detrimental to the entire Guild! So, if you have authorization to turn Guild Tribute on and off, it is on you to help make sure it is always off when it is not needed!
Even if a Cycle has time left, TURN IT OFF when there is no need for it! You will not get any Tribute Points refunded, but you will also not suffer a loss in Tribute Points because you forgot to turn it off. In the long run, developing this habit is 100% the way to go.
With Personal Tribute, this only affects you, but there is a way to help mitigate the loss of Personal Tribute, should you forget to turn it off.
In your Options Window (Alt O), on the bottom right side, there are (2) boxes you 100% need to activate!
One is called "Tribute Log Out Auto-Off" and the other is called "Trophy Tribute Log Out Auto-Off" (see below image). What these do, is they turn off your Personal and Personal Trophy Tribute when you log out and may have forgot to turn them off. This prevents you logging out with Tribute still running? Basically, if you log off and leave your Personal Tribute running, the next time you log in, Tribute will still be running (new Cycles will start when you log in). If you do not happen to recall you left it running, or do not notice it is still running, you will be draining away Tribute Points, when you don't need to! Checking these boxes prevents that!
However, this does NOT help you when you remain logged on! If you forget to turn off Tribute when it's not needed, go AFK or whatnot.... Tribute will keep running.
Unfortunately, there is not a Guild Tribute version of this "Auto Off" feature. Do not fret, however! However, I do have a solution to help mitigate this! Keep reading!
There are other Tribute commands that can be useful, particularly when used via a Hot Key.
With Personal & Guild Tribute, there is a command to see the amount of currently available Tribute Points... /tribute personal favor & /tribute guild favor. These commands will spam your chat window with the current amount of Tribute Points for whichever command you use (see image below).
You can also turn Personal & Guild Tribute On and Off with similar commands:
Turn on Personal Tribute: /tribute personal on
Turn off Personal Tribute: /tribute personal off
Turn on Personal Trophy Tribute: /trophy personal on
Turn off Personal Trophy Tribute: /trophy personal off
Turn on Guild Tribute: /tribute guild on
Turn off Guild Tribute: /tribute guild off
Turn on Guild Trophy Tribute: /trophy guild on
Turn off Guild Trophy Tribute: /trophy guild off
It is with these commands that there is a way to in sure you don't camp out and leave Guild Tribute running (but only if you have the authorization to turn it on and off)!
Instead of using /q or the Camp button in your Actions Window (Control M), make a Hot Key to for Camping... and then force yourself into the habit of using it!
Using a "Camp" Hot Key can certainly save the Guild from losing all or most of their Tribute because those with the authorization to turn it on and off, all forgot to make sure it was turned off!
On that Hot Key, you will need include three commands in the following order: /trophy guild off, /tribute guild off, /camp.
The /camp command needs to be the final command (after the others). The image below is my Camp Hot Key (I also include two other commands, but you should get the idea).
In similar fashion, you can turn on Tribute with a Hot Key. If you do this, be sure to also make a Hot Key to turn them "off!"
Using Hot Keys is just one click, rather than opening a windows and then doing multiple clicks.
EQ Button
Window Selector (Alt W)
Place Guild (Raid) trophies at your Guild Hall and they can be activated to provide boosts to your opted in members (up to four at the same time).
This can be done at any time, but don't waste Tribute Points except when you need to during actual raids.
TROPHY NAME (Tribute Name) |
This is a possible drop from The Triune God raid (Sepulcher or Order). Required Level ?? |
+1% to Resist Detrimental Spells; +5 Magic resists Cap 1 Tier |
350 |
Empowered Trophy of Devout Worship
This is a possible drop from the Unearthing Alra raid (Pillars of Alra). Required Level ?? |
+1% Chance to Twin Cast or Twin Heal & +15 Heroic Intelligence & Wisdom. 1 Tier |
?? |
Empowered Trophy of Hardened Steel (Listed as "Trophy of Hardened Steel" in the Tribute Window.)
This is a possible drop from the Illdaera's Vengeance raid (Argath). Required Level 90. |
+250 Hit Points, +50 Armor Class & +20 Heroic Strength. 1 Tier |
225 |
Empowered Trophy of Icy Shielding
This is a possible drop from the Defeat of Prexus raid (Sarith). Required Level ?? |
+5 Cold Resist Cap & Mitigate 1% Spell Damage (max 500 per hit). 1 Tier |
?? |
Empowered Trophy of Order and Law
This is a possible drop from The Order of Three raid (Erillion, City of Bronze). Required Level 90 |
+250 Mana; +5 Disease & Poison Cap; +20 Heroic Dexterity. 1 Tier |
200 |
Empowered Trophy of Resplendent Purity
This is a possible drop from the Two Sides of the Stone raid (Resplendent Temple). Required Level ?? |
+5 Cold Resist Cap & 5% Spell Damage Mitigation (500 per hit, max). 1 Tier |
?? |
Empowered Trophy of the Coral Ophidian |
This is a possible drop from the Time and Tides raid (Rubak Oseka). Required Level ?? |
?? 1 Tier |
?? |
Empowered Trophy of the Flowing Wind |
This is a possible drop from the Cacophony of Power raid (Windsong Sanctuary). Required Level ?? |
+2 Endurance Regen; +2 +10 Hit points Regen Cap; +5 Mana Regen Cap; +10 Heroic Stamina. 1 Tier |
?? |
Empowered Trophy of the Ravenous Beast (Listed as "Trophy of the Ravenous Beast" in the Tribute Window.)
This is a possible drop from the King of the Beasts raid (Beast's Domain). Required Level 90 |
+2% Worn Weapon Haste & +5% Incoming Spell Damage. 1 Tier |
400 |
Empowered Trophy of War and Flame
(Listed as "Trophy of War and Flame" in the Tribute Window.) |
This is a possible drop from the Herald of Oratory raid (Valley of Lunanyn). Required Level 90. |
+5 Fire Resist Cap & +25 Attack Cap. 1 Tier |
185 |
This can drop from the Danela's Stand raid (Crystal Caverns) (Rain of Fear). Required Level ?? |
+50 Spell Damage; +50 Heal Amount; +50 Clairvoyance. 1 Tier |
?? |
Trophy of Evantil
Raid Expedition: Heart of the Oak Level 90 required. |
+5 Block; +10 Worn Health & Endurance Regeneration Cap. 1 Tier |
180 |
Trophy of Expanding Life
Achievement: Savior of the Valley of Lunanyn Level 85 required. |
+350 Hit Points & +1,500 Delay Death Hit Points. 1 Tier |
80 |
Trophy of Filth
Achievement: Savior of Grelleth's Palace, the Chateau of Filth Level 90 required. |
+5 Dodge & +45 Armor Class. | 60 |
Trophy of Foresight
Achievement: Savior of Rubak Oseka, Temple of the Sea Level 85 required. |
+250 Endurance, + 5 Parry & +25 Clairvoyance. | 50 |
Trophy of Grelleth
This can drop in the Grelleth, Her Majesty the Queen raid (Grelleth's Palace). Required Level 90 |
+5 Archery; +50 Spell Damage; +20 Heroic Dexterity. 1 Tier |
200 |
Trophy of Marnek |
This can drop in the A Matter of Life and Death raid (Chapterhouse). Required Level ?? |
+5 Mana & Endurance Regeneration; +400 Hit points. 1 Tier |
?? |
Trophy of Talendor
This can drop in the Talendor (Veeshan's Peek) (Ring of Scale) raid (54-player version). Required Level 110 |
+10% Critical Direct Spell Damage; +10% Damage Over Time Spells. 1 Tier |
500 |
Trophy of the Careful Combatant
Achievement: Savior of Sarith, City of Tides Level 85 required. |
+250 Mana, +5 Offense & +20 Spell Damage. 1 Tier |
50 |
Trophy of the Eye
Achievement: Savior of the Valley of King Xorbb Level 90 required. |
+5 Riposte, +20 Heroic Dexterity & +20 Spell Damage. 1 Tier |
215 |
Trophy of the Fist
Achievement: Savior of the Chapterhouse of the Fallen Level 90 required. |
+5 Offense & +20 Heroic Strength. 1 Tier |
200 |
Trophy of the Retaliator
Achievement: Savior of the Beasts' Domain Level 85 required. |
+20 Attack Cap, +5 Riposte & +20 Heal Amount. 1 Tier |
50 |
Trophy of the Skirmisher
Achievement: Savior of Argath, Bastion of Illdaera Level 85 required. |
+35 Armor Class & +5 Dodge Skill. 1 Tier |
50 |
Trophy of the Unspoken
This can drop in The Spoils of Murder raid (Shard Landing). It has also been reported as a possible drop in the Calling Phantasm raid as well. Both raids take place in Shard's Landing. Level 90 required. |
+20 Heroic Strength, 60 Armor Class & +5 Parry. 1 Tier |
215 |
Trophy of Tormax
This can drop in The Madness of King Tormax raid (Kael Drakkel) (Rain of Fear). Required Level 90 |
+1% Chance to Twincast; +20 Heroic Wisdom; +20 Heroic Intelligence 1 Tier |
375 |
Count = 25 |
Place Trophies at your house and you can activate them (up to eight at the same time)!
TROPHY NAME (Tribute Name) |
This is awarded from the Achievement: Scale Seeker. | +105 Heroics (overcaps), +225 Spell Damage & +225 Healing. | ??? | |
This is awarded from the Achievement: Song Seeker. |
+95 Heroic Stats & +200 to Spell Damage & Heals. 1 Tier |
300 | |
(Listed as "Spirit of Rallos Zek" in the Tribute Window.) |
This is acquired in the 16th Anniversary mission, "Liquid Courage" (when active), which is initiated by picking up the Flaming Sword of War lying by the Plane of War Portal in the Plane of Tranquility. This item is randomly awarded to (1) Player (who does not all ready possess it) after killing about 74 skeletons, ogres, giants and / or orcs. Level 100 required. |
+75 Armor Class; +500 Hit Points, Mana & Endurance. 1 Tier |
300 |
(Listed as "Essence of Severilous" in the Tribute Window)
This is converted from Prize: Idol of Severilous, a possible (tradable) reward from one of the LoN (Legends of Norrath) Marketplace items. Level 10 to 90 required (increases by Tier). |
+10 to + 300 Mana, Endurance & Hit Points 9 Tiers |
1 to 56 |
Idol of Talendor (Listed as "Essence of Talendor" in the Tribute Window)
This is converted from Prize: Idol of Talendor, a possible (tradable) reward from one of the LoN (Legends of Norrath) Marketplace items. Level 10 to 70 required (increases). For some reason, currently, Tier 9 drops the Level requirement back down to 70, from Level 80 at Tier 8). |
+5 to +45 Armor Class & +5 to +140 Hit Points 9 Tiers |
1 to 70 |
Idol of the Fallen (Listed as "Essence of the Fallen" in the Tribute Window)
This is converted from Prize: Idol of the Fallen, a possible (tradable) reward from one of the LoN (Legends of Norrath) Marketplace items. Level 80 required. For some reason, currently, Tier 2 drops the Level Requirement to Level 50 and then Tier 2 & 3 move it back upwards to Level 60 & Level 70. |
+30 to +45 Armor Class; +75 to +75 to +150 Hit Points; +15 to +60 Disease Resist; +5 to +20 Corruption Resist; and +15 to +60 Poison Resist. 4 Tiers |
30 to 45 |
Idol of the Prismatic (Listed as "Essence of Kerafyrm" in the Tribute Window)
This is converted from Prize: Idol of the Prismatic, a possible (tradable) reward from one of the LoN (Legends of Norrath) Marketplace items. Level 60 to 90 required (increases by Tier). |
+1 to +4 all Heroic Stats 4 Tiers |
180 to 380 |
This one is crafted by acquiring and combining the (6) different parts (Tailoring, no fail) that can drop in the 19th Anniversary "Lost but Not Forgotten" (when active) mission, from Dismas Kaneriti in the Plane of Knowledge. This item is also required for the Achievement: 19th Anniversary Tasks (Bonus). Level 110 required. |
+200 Armor Class; +12 to all Heroics; +3,000 Hit Points, Mana & Endurance; +5 Hit Point & Mana Regeneration; +50 Heal Amount & Spell Damage; and +90 Clairvoyance. 1 Tier |
800 |
This is one of the awards from the Achievement: Burning Lands Master Scavenger. Level 110 required. |
+50 to all Heroics; +75 Heal Amount; and +75 Spell Damage. 1 Tier |
300 |
This is one of the awards from the Achievement: Torment of Velious Master Scavenger. Level 115 required. |
+55 to all Heroics; +100 Heal Amount; and +100 Spell Damage. 1 Tier |
300 |
Replica of the Qeynos Claymore
This is the award from the Achievement: Greater Hero of the Call. Level 95 required. |
+100 Armor Class; +5 to all Heroics; +500 Hit Points; +500 Mana; +500 Endurance; +20 Heal Amount; and +20 Spell Damage.
1 Tier |
150 |
This is one of the awards from the Achievement: Ring of Scale Master Scavenger. Level 110 required. |
+200 Armor Class; +15 Heroic Strength; +15 to all Heroics; +2,000 Hit Points; +2,000 Mana; +2,000 Endurance; +50 Heal Amount; and +50 Spell Damage. 1 Tier |
300 |
This is acquired from the Achievement: Shadow Seeker. |
+150 Spell Damage; +150 Heal Amount; +75 Heroic Stats. | 300 | |
Subterranean Lily Bloom
This is acquired from the Achievement: Night Seeker. | +85 Heroics; +175 Spell Damage; +175 Heal Amount. | 300 |
This is one of the awards from the Achievement: Ring of Scale Master Scavenger. Level 115 required. |
+65 to all Heroics; +125 Spell Damage & Heal Amount. 1 Tier |
300 |
Trophy of Burning Towers
Achievement: Savior of Erudin Burning Level 70 to 90 required (it progresses with each Tier). |
+6 to 14 Heroic Intelligence & +50 to 150 Mana. 5 Tiers |
101 to 187 |
Trophy of Dank Waters
Achievement: Savior of The Well Level 70 to 90 required (it progresses with each Tier). |
+25 to 45 Cold Resist & +25 to 45 Magic Resist. 5 Tiers |
16 to 45 |
Trophy of Dreams
Achievement: Savior of Morell's Castle Level 70 to 90 required (it progresses with each Tier). |
+10 to 18 Agility; +10 to 18 Agility Cap; & +12 to 30 Armor Class. 5 Tiers |
40 to 92 |
Trophy of Duality
Achievement: Paragon of The Broken Mirror Level 105 required. |
+150 Armor Class; +10 to all Heroics; +750 Hit Points, Mana & Endurance; and +20 Heal Amount & Spell Damage. 1 Tier |
750 |
Trophy of Fearful Dreams
Achievement: Savior of Fear Itself Level 70 to 90 required (it progresses with each Tier). |
+2 to 9 Damage Shield 5 Tiers |
8 to 54 |
Trophy of Phylacteries
Achievement: Savior of Miragul's Nightmare Level 70 to 90 required (it progresses with each Tier). |
+10 to +18 Intelligence & +10 to +18 Intelligence Cap. 5 Tiers |
39 to 81 |
Trophy of Sleep
Achievement: Savior of Sanctum Somnium Level 70 to 90 required (it progresses with each Tier). |
+50 to 150 Hit Points, Mana & Endurance; and 12 to 30 Armor Class. 5 Tiers |
13 to 44 |
Trophy of the Bookkeeper
Achievement: Savior of The Library Level 70 to 90 required (it progresses with each Tier). |
+6 to +14 Heroic Wisdom & 6 to +50 to +150 Endurance. 5 Tiers |
101 to 187 |
Trophy of the Breeding Grounds
Trophy of the Breeding Grounds Level 95 required. |
+20 Heroic Dexterity & +5 Riposte. 1 Tier |
250 |
Trophy of the Caverns
Achievement: Savior of the Crystal Caverns: Fragment of Fear Level 95 required. |
+5 Worn Mana Regeneration & +40 Heal Amount. 1 Tier |
150 |
Trophy of the Fearful Forest
Achievement: Savior of The Feerrott Level 70 to 90 required (it progresses with each Tier). |
+50 to +150 Hit Points & +25 to +45 Poison Resist. 5 Tiers |
11 to 34 |
Trophy of the Garden Path
Achievement: Savior of The Grounds Level 95 required. |
+35% to 55% Travel Speed 5 Tiers |
31 to 55 |
Trophy of the Giant
Achievement: Savior of Kael Drakkel: The King's Madness Level 95 required. |
+400 Hit Points, Mana & Endurance. 1 Tier |
75 |
Trophy of the House
Achievement: Savior of the House of Thule Level 70 to 90 required (it progresses with each Tier). |
+10 to +18 Strength & +10 to +18 Strength overcap. 5 Tiers |
48 to 81 |
Trophy of the Ice Spiral
Achievement: Savior of Al'Kabor's Nightmare Level 70 to 90 required (it progresses with each Tier). |
+10 to +18 Wisdom & +10 to +18 Wisdom Overcap. 5 Tiers |
39 to 81 |
Trophy of the Landing
Achievement: Savior of Shard's Landing Level 95 required. |
+20 Heroic Stamina & +45 Armor Class. 1 Tier |
250 |
Trophy of the Rooms
Achievement: Savior of the House of Thule, Upper Floors Level 70 to 90 required (it progresses with each Tier). |
+10 to +18 Stamina & +10 to +18 Stamina Overcap. 5 Tiers |
39 to 81 |
Trophy of the Seafarer
Achievement: Paragon of The Darkened Sea Level 100 required. |
+75 Armor Class; +25 Swimming; +5 to all Heroic Stats; +10 Heal Amount & Spell Damage. 1 Tier |
150 |
Trophy of the Tree
Achievement: Savior of Evantil, the Vile Oak Level 95 required. |
+20 Heroic Strength & +20 Attack Cap. 1 Tier |
250 |
Trophy of the Waste
Achievement: Savior of East Wastes: Zeixshi-Kar's Awakening Level 95 required. |
+5 Worn Mana Regeneration & +40 Spell Damage. 1 Tier |
150 |
COUNT = 31 |
Place your maxed Tradeskill Trophies at your house and you can activate them (up to eight at the same time), with no Tribute Costs!
No more having to carry them around!
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated October 30, 2024
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.