An EQ Zoo-quarium and Bestiary.
>>> PAGE 2 (M to Z) <<<
Claws, fangs, fur and horns... are just some creature features... You best be prepared... to encounter such creatures! - Bonzz
There are so many creatures, races and interactive objects in EverQuest, I felt like it might be fun to make a page about them.
A generic term used for creatures, races and interactive objects (objects that can be attacked or destroyed), is 'models' -- referring to the graphic (visual) avatar (aka 'model') displayed in the game.
This guide will focus on categorized into 'base' model types, with known variances noted, as well as including variant images.
The 'models' included on this page are basically things that can be targeted and attacked, or destroyed, or opened (NPC's; MoB's; Pets; Mounts; Familiars; Objects...) and / or drop loot (like a chest).
'Models' NOT included on this page include:
Did I miss any? Did I get any mixed up or duplicated? Are the 'base' model names correct? Typos?
You can help, if I did! Let me know in my Discord server, in the 'bonzz-dot-com-feedback' forum!
Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.
Models can vary by coloring, gear, weapons, naming (Griffin vs Griffon vs Griffawn...); physical (Goblin vs. Deepwater Goblin, skin markings...), size (small to giant), sex (male or female), an more. Variances for the same basic model / MoB type / race are abundant... but they are still the same MoB type.
I have endeavored to classify everything by model, rather than variant aesthetic appearances.
Model variances are not give their own category unless the difference is clear and obvious enough to merit it's own category (i.e. 'Orc (1)' & 'Orc (2)').
When it comes to variants such as Gnomeworks (aka Clockworks ), Ghosts (aka Spirits), Zombies and / or Skeletons, it is sometimes difficult to discern what their original race (when alive) may have been. Due that, a generic 'overall' category has been included for Gnomeworks, Ghosts, Skeletons and Zombies... unless they have are of a variant that is clear and obvious enough to merit it's own category (i.e. Dracolich).
In many cases, the 'name' given to a Model is based on one it's in-game incarnations. In other cases it is 100% a name that I assigned to it based on it's appearance (it's actual; in-game name may be completely different... if it is, let me know). Additionally, some of the alternative names listed are either based on other incarnations of the Model (in-game), or purely based on their appearance (not from the game).
Due to so many name / reference variances, if you can't find the creature you are looking for, by the name that you call it... try using CONTROL-F on your keyboard, and then type in a keyword to search this page (the 'name' you are looking for may be listed as an 'AKA').
NOTE: Some of the images below may be linked to a You Tube video (of the familiar, illusion or mount). If there are any images you might want to see a video for, click the image and if there is a linked video, it should open.
Anything in red, below, are things that need verifications, more information, an image and / or similar.
M. E. G. | This is a stationary gnomework creature, that looks like a large metallic databank, with a human-like face on it. | Seen only in Meldrath's Magnificent Mansion. M. E. G. stands for 'Mechamagical Exoframe Ghost.' |
This is a flying enchanted carpet, with tassels in each of it's four corners. It an vary in it's color and pattern. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 720 | Name: Flying Carpet | File: MCP |
Seen only as a mount. |
MALARIAN | A mosquito, distinguished by it's bulbous red eyes, long sharp-looking proboscis, drooping abdomen, feathery antennae and shield like collar behind his head. | No to be confused with a Mosquito. |
The predecessor to an Elephant, known for its body being covered in long thick fur and tusks. AKA: Mastodon. |
Not to be confused with an Elephant. |
MANAETIC BEHEMOTH | A gnomework creature with one hand that is a mace hanging from a chain and the other hand is a large wooden-like hammer. It has two smaller arms that extend from it's chest. It has a circular scope-like lens mounted on the top of it's chest, in front of it's head. It's kneecaps are spiked. | N / A |
MANATEE | A large fat bodied seal-like creature that has a finned tail and two fins for arms. | Not to be confused with a Sea Elephant. |
A lion-like creature than has a scorpion tail, humanoid-like face and glowing red eyes. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 172 | Name: Manticore | File: MTC |
N / A |
A plant that has a toothy flower for a head and moves about using its roots, which extend in multiple directions from the bottom of it's stalk-like body. They can vary in color. AKA: Lotus, Bloom, Flower. |
Nor to be confused with a Gloompetal. |
MARACAS | A pair of floating, colorful maracas. | Seen only as a familiar. |
MARIONETTE | A puppet-like creature, hanging from strings attached to a wooden controller. | N / A |
A humanoid-like creature, that sports a bushy white ponytail on the back of it's head, has a toothy grin and body tattoos / markings. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 402 | Name: Mastruq | File: ISE |
N / A |
Mayong Mistmoore is a humanoid vampire that has large elven-like ears, a goatee and slicked back hair. AKA: Mayong Mistmoore the Darkness, Mayong Mistmoore the Empowered, Mayong Mistmoore the Night. |
A demi-god, Mayong Mistmoore rules over Dreadspire Keep. (Need variant looks.) |
(Solteris) |
A floating demon-like creature that has an evil toothy grin, large ears, a short pointed tail, clawed feet and horns on either side of it's head. It also has wings that can either be insect-like wings or bat-like wings. AKA: Imp. |
N / A Separate bat-wing and insect wing Mephits? |
These is a large sailing vessel, complete with a large boat steering wheel, masts and may even have a lower deck or inner chamber. It also...... AKA: Boat. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 550 | Name: Merchant Ship | File: B04 |
Ships are all named, which you can see if you target them, but you can not attack or kill them. Ships are used for travel, by sea, from one shore (zone) to another shore (zone), but you have to stay on the ship! Don't fall off! There is no combat, fishing, etc. on allowed. | <NEED IMAGE> |
MERMAID | A fish-like humanoid whose lower half is that of a fish, complete a tail fin, while it's upper half is that of a nude humanoid with long green hair. | Not to me confused with a Siren or a Potameid. | <NEED IMAGE> |
A creature that looks like a chest. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 52 | Name: Mimic | File: MIM |
Not to be confused with a Chest. |
This is a worm-like creature, that has an armored segmented body and four large triangular teeth, that spread open to reveal a toothy mouth. AKA: Burrower, Larva. |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
MINOTAUR | A bull-like humanoid, that has horns on either side of it's head, hooved feet, a hairy chest and red eyes. | N / A |
A squat rodent-like creature that has two large upper incisors. AKA: Molerat In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 745 | Name: Molerat | File: MOL |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
MOLKOR | A manatee-like humanoid creature. | N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
A monkey with a long prehensile tail and covered in fur except for it's hands, feet and face. AKA: Monkey, a lustrous scout. |
N / A |
A large muscular creature that has oversized feathery ears that sweep backwards, very wide shoulders, a large mouth full of spiked teeth and claws for hands. AKA: The Perforator, Terrible Monster. |
An oversized grotesque creature, that has two bone-like legs that have four toes, that face four different directions. It's head and body and head all most seem to be merged together. AKA: Nightmare Devourer, Stitched Monstrosity. |
N / A |
Morell Thule has an oversized white minotaur appearance; has and elven-like face with a small horn protruding from his forehead; and long hair... albeit his hair is often covered up by full plate armor. AKA: God of Dreams. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 658 | Name: Morell-Thule | File: LTH |
Created by Quellious and Cazic-Thule, and is brother to Terris Thule. He can be seen / encountered in Sanctum Somnium, Erillion and Sepulcher. |
An giant mosquito, with long dangly legs and two wings. AKA: Giant Mosquito. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 134 | Name: Mosquito | File: MOS |
Not to be confused with a Malarian. |
An undead creature wrapped in cloth bandaging. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 368 | Name: Mummy | File: MMY |
N / A |
A jellyfish-like creature, that hovers above the ground, or swims underwater. It can vary in coloring. AKA: Splorgath. |
N / A |
MUSHROOM MAN | A generally featureless humanoid like mushroom, that has a toadstool (mushroom cap) for a head. | N / A |
NAEYA | A coyote-like canine, with clawed feet, spotted pelt and a spikey mane on the back of it's neck. | N / A |
NAGA | A colorful but emaciated mermaid-like serpent, with a humanoid head and arms. | N / A |
A winged demon-like creature, with forward pointing horns on it's either side of it's head and hooves for feet. They can vary in color. AKA: Demon, The Daevan. |
N / A |
NETHERBIAN | An undead humanoid creature that has a bulbous head and whose large eyes appear to be covered over by skin. It seems to have no lips, revealing a lot of teeth; and it's rib cage appears to be external. | N / A |
NETTLING WRAITH | A dark, but colorful butterfly-like creature, with no feet, a spiky head and long beard-like tentacle. | N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
Elven-like humanoids that are notable for their body tattoos and anime-type hairstyle. AKA: Yunjo. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 385 | Name: Nihil | File: TNM & TNF |
N / A |
NIGHTMARE | A horse with bat-like wings and often, glowing or fiery hooves. | See only as a mount. |
A large skull with eyes, that has creatures crawling over and inside of it. AKA: Floating Skull, Terribly Tired Skull, Totem of Decay. |
N / A |
A small, winged, flying snake-like dragonesque creature, that has no legs and a feathered tail. AKA: Hawk |
N / A |
A Nilborien distinguished by it's more elaborate wings, tail feathers and more rounded head. AKA: Hawk |
N / A |
A humanoid creature that had large point ears, fangs that protrude from it's upper teeth, ad well as tusk-like teeth that extend to either side of it's head, from the lower jaw. It had hooved goat-like legs and feet and slanted eyes. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 397 | Name: Noc | File: ISB |
N / A |
An octopus, known for it's bulbous head and tentacles. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 789 | Name: Octopus | File: OCT |
Not to be confused with a squid. | NEED IMAGE |
A large chubby humanoid creature, created by Rallos Zek, who are not known for their intelligence. The have the innate racial skills of Slam, Infravision and not being melee stunnable from the front. They also have a tendency to consume food and drink at a higher rate than other races. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 10 | Name: Ogre | File: OGF & OGM |
This is a race that Players can create characters with. |
A blobby creature that looks like a pool of jelly that has the remnants of their latest meal inside them (armor, weapons). AKA: Goo, Blob. |
N / A |
A floating stone-like eyeball, with a large toothy mouth. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 735 | Name: Orafik | File: ORA |
N / A |
ORC (1) | A generally muscular humanoid creature that may or may not have a short erect ponytail on it's head and may or may not have a toothy mouth with fangs protruding from the lower jaw. | N / A |
ORC (2) |
A generally muscular humanoid creature, that is bald, square jawed and may or may not have lower jaw fangs. AKA: Snow Orc, Deathfist Orc. |
N / A |
OTHMIR (1) |
An otter-like humanoid creature. |
N / A |
OTHMIR (2) |
An othmir that has a shorter neck and more rounded face. |
N / A |
A bear-like creature with a head and beak similar to that of an owl. |
N / A |
A owlbear distinguished by it flattened face. |
N / A |
A ghostly owlbear spirit. |
N / A |
PANDA | A bear-like creature that walks on two-legs; has long sharp claws on it's oversized hands; that is distinguished by white fur on it's head and belly; while black fur covers the rest of it's body, to include it's ears and around it's eyes. | N / A |
A large feline known for it's solid coloring. AKA: Puma. |
N / A |
A colorful bird with a rounded beak. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 792 | Name: Parrot | File: PAR |
N / A |
PEGASUS | A feathery-winged flying horse, that can be of variant coloring. | N / A |
PHLARG (1) |
A lizard-like humanoid, that has a small tail, bony plates on it's back and shoulders and a gaping toothy mouth. AKA: Fungal Fiend, Fiend. |
N / A |
PHLARG (2) |
A Phlarg that is distinguished by it's more skeletal like head and emaciated-like appearance. AKA: Fungal Fiend, Fiend. |
N / A |
PHOENIX | A brightly colored large feathery bird, that can vary in coloring. | N / A |
A plump toothy fish with a large toothy mouth. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 74 | Name: Piranha | File: PIR |
N / A |
These is a large sailing vessel, complete with a large boat steering wheel, masts and may even have a lower deck or inner chamber. It also flys the Joly Roger Pirate Flag. AKA: Boat, The Broken Wing. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 551 | Name: Pirate Ship | File: B05 |
Ships are all named, which you can see if you target them, but you can not attack or kill them. Ships are used for travel, by sea, from one shore (zone) to another shore (zone), but you have to stay on the ship! Don't fall off! There is no combat, fishing, etc. on allowed. |
PORTAL (1) |
This is a stationary circular object, that can be of variant color. It has a shimmering portal in the center. AKA: Portal Lens. |
N / A |
PORTAL (2) |
This is a stationary circular object, with a shimmering portal in the center, distinguished by it's more elegant design. |
N / A |
A two-legged bluish-skinned siren-like humanoid, with long blonde-reddish hair, that has markings on it's arms, legs and chest. AKA: Potamide. |
Not to be confused with a Siren or a Mermaid. | <NEED IMAGE> |
PRESENCE | A fully invisible creature. | Seen only in the Plane of Sky. |
One of the EverQuest deities, that is known for its oversized water elemental appearance. AKA: The Ocean Lord. |
Prexus can be seen / encountered in a raid instance, in Sarith, City of Tides. | <NEED IMAGE> |
A flying lion with large wings. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 835 | Name: Pridewing Mount | File: WIM |
Seen only as a mount. |
A glob-like structure secured to the floor and sealing by columns. AKA: Zebuxoruk's Cage In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 328 | Name: Zebuxoruk's Cage | File: ZBC |
Only seen in the Plane of Time and is where Zebuxoruk is / was imprisoned. |
A large feline creature that is a bit of a combination between a Tiger and a Panther. Separate Onyx Tiger? |
N / A |
PURSE | A satchel-like item that can be opened to reveal what is inside. | N / A |
A emaciated vile looking humanoid, that has large human-like ears, a pot belly and skull-like head covered in a thin layer of skin. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 270 | Name: Pusling | File: PUS |
N / A |
A demon-like humanoid, that had a long thing tail, large bat-like wings, flaming hair, to large horns that protrude backwards on it's head and long pointed ears. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 411 | Name: Pyrilen | File: SCU |
Female version of a Gelidran. |
QUARM | A four-headed dragon. | Only seen in the Plane of Time. |
One of the EverQuest deities. Known for her human-like appearance, wearing a full dress. AKA: The Tranquil. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 827 | Name: Quellious | File: QUE |
She can be seen in the Plane of Tranquility. | <NEED IMAGE> |
RABBIT (1) |
A four-legged long-eared creature that generally moves about by hopping. AKA: Bunny. |
N / A |
RABBIT (2) |
A patchwork rabbit of varying colors. AKA: Bunny. |
N / A |
RABBIT (3) |
A rabbit distinguished by it large eyes and longer snout. AKA: Bunny. |
N / A |
A rabbit distinguished by it's large erect ears and overbite. AKA: Bunny. |
N / A |
RA'TUK | A tall slender muscular demon-like humanoid, that has a toothy mouth, point ears and is normally garbed in only a belt and loincloth. | N / A |
One of the EverQuest Deities, who is known for his fully armored appearance, with only his glowing eyes visible and wielding a large flaming axe. AKA: The Warlord In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 66 | Name: Rallos Zek | File: RAL & ID: 288 | Name: Rallos Zek | File: RAZ & ID: 866 | Name: Rallos Zek | File: RZ3 |
He is father to Talon and Vallon Zek. Creator of Ogres and Giants. He can be seen / encountered in his realm, Drunder, Fortress of Zek. He can also bee seen / encountered in the Plane of Time, the Valley of Lunalyn and instanced events in Kael Drakkel, Sepulcher and the Rathe Council Chambers. |
RALLOS ZEK PUPPET | A yellowish puppet that is supposed to resemble Rallos Zek. | Seen only as a familiar. |
RAPTOR | A small dinosaur-like creature, with fins (scales) that run from the back of it's head and down it's neck. | N / A |
RAT (1) |
A rodent with two-large front teeth, a long furless tail and furless feet. AKA: Rodent. |
N / A |
RAT (2) |
A rat that has a pronounced snarl and elongates snout. AKA: Rodent. |
N / A |
RAT (Undead) |
A zombie-like rat. AKA: Rodent. |
N / A |
A rodent-like humanoid creature, with a rotund body, large incisors, large rat-like ears and a goat tee. It is normally clad only in a hooded cape. AKA: Assassin Kakoo, Witchdoctor Orxkra, Mayor Soltiman Wex. |
N / A |
These are wooden totem-like creatures, normally attired in a green robe and carrying a staff. Their wooden head / face looks carved, with the top of their head being overly tall, as if to represent a a tall hat. AKA: Rathe Council, Council of Twelve. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 298 | Name: The Rathe | File: RTH |
A black-feathered red-eyed bird. AKA: Crow In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 279 | Name: Blood Raven | File: BRV |
N / A |
REGRUA | A humanoid-like crab creature, with hard-shelled armor and two large claw-arms, and toothy mouth. | N / A |
A reindeer, complete with horns. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 757 | Name: Reindeer Mount | File: MRE |
Seen only as a familiar and a mount. |
REISHI | A sporali-like creature, whose head and eyes are part of is mushroom cap head. It does not have arms or legs (just a stalk body it uses to move about). | N / A |
RELIFED SKELETON | A humanoid skeleton, wearing bright colorful attire and adorned with decorations. | Seen only as a familiar and a mount. |
A humanoid creature that wears a hood half-cloak, and a face mask over it's nose and mouth. AKA: Sun Revenant. |
N / A |
An thick-skinned four-legged creature, with elephant-like feet, that has a large elongated head. It has a large horn in front towards it's mouth and a smaller horn behind the larger horn, between it's eyes. AKA: Rhino. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 135 | Name: Rhinoceros | File: RHI |
Old and new? Clockwork Rhino |
A hard-shelled beetle, distinctive for it rhinoceros-like horns that extend from the front of it's shell, and one that rises from it's snout. AKA: Cht'Thk. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 207 | Name: Rhino Beetle | File: RNB |
N / A |
A hard-shelled beetle, distinctive for a curved shield-like neck collar, that curves and narrows into a single horn that projects forward. AKA: Beetle. |
N / A |
ROBOBOAR | A metallic pig-like gnomework (clockwork) , with metal tusks, ears that tilt back and forth, a spinning curly-q tail and a saddle on it's back. | N / A |
This is a rotating windstorm-like creature, that has rocks and dust swirling inside it. AKA: Rock Storm, Stone Dervish. |
N / A |
A pyramid-like stack of boulders, rocks or other materials. AKA: Molerat Mess, Pile of Refuse, Pile of Rocks, Rubble Pile, Ancient Rocks, Pile of Dusty Rocks. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 428 | Name: Rock Pile | File: RKP |
N / A |
A dinosaur-like creature, reminiscent of a small-sized Tyrannosaurus. AKA: Saurek. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 200 | Name: Rockhopper | File: RHP |
N / A |
This is a snoutless, short-tailed undead dog-like creature, that has the appearance of having been tortures, as parts of its muscles and bones can be seen through open wounds, and it's mouth is spread-wide with wiring, revealing is gums and teeth. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 662 | Name: Rotdog | File: RDG & ID: 672 | Name: Rot Dog Mount | File: MRD |
N / A |
RUISHI | A stone, statue, worg-like creature. | N / A |
A large feline with large fangs, furry mane and spots. AKA: Saber-toothed. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 119 | Name: Saber-toothed Cat | File: STC |
N / A |
A colorful scarecrow with a pumpkin head and a distinctive straw hat. AKA: Scarecrow. |
Not to be confused with a Scarecrow. |
A larger humanoid creature, with long hair, whose lower body is a swirl of sand. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 664 | Name: Sandman | File: SND |
N / A |
SARNAK (1) |
This is a lizard-like humanoid that had a long snout with a small beak on the end of it. It has three toes with sharp claws; three spiral horns on that grow backwards from the back of it's head; and spikes on the back of it's arms, back and tail. AKA: Di'Zok, Shai'din In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 131 | Name: Sarnak | File: SRW |
N / A |
SARNAK (2) |
This sarnak is varies from other sarnak in that it has a seven (7) horns that it grow backwards from around the back of it's head and face. It also has larger / more stout legs and clawed feet. AKA: Di'Zok, Shai'din In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 610 | Name: Sarnak | File: SRK |
N / A |
SARNAK (3) |
This sarnak is varies from other sarnak in that the seven (7) horns that it grow from backwards from around the top of it's head and face are longer and more prominent than that of it cousin Sarnaks. AKA: Di'Zok, Shai'din, Syldon. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 846 | Name: Sarnak | File: SRA |
N / A |
This is the undead reanimated Skeleton of a Sarnak (1). In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 155 | Name: Sarnak Skeleton | File: SSK |
N / A |
In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 146 | Name: Sarnak Spirit | File: SSN |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
A demi-goddess easily recognizable for her oversized humanoid appearance, long braided hair and the facemask she wears over her face. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 283 | Name: Saryrn | File: SAR |
A truly woman-scorned, rose to the status of a demi-goddess by way of a pact with Innoruuk, Cazic-Thule and Bertoxxulous. She can be seen / encountered in her domain, the Plane of Torment, as well as the Plane of Time. | <NEED IMAGE> |
This is a blue-skinned giant with a bald head and muscular v-shaped abdomen and chest. It is normally clad in an armored skirt, headband, wrist guards, shin guards and a large shoulderpad on one shoulder. it also has an arm guard on one arm. AKA: Irmin. |
N / A |
A slender humanoid creature that has small goat-like horns, goat-like legs and feet, and pointy ears. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 529 | Name: Satyr | File: SAT |
Not to be confused with a Sylvan. |
SCARECROW | A pumpkin-headed dull colored scarecrow. | Not to be confused with a Samhain. |
SCAVENGER NEST | A structure made of weaved wood, used as nests by rats. | Seen only in Dead Hills Heroic Adventures. |
A scorpion-like creature with a humanoid-like torso. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 814 | Name: Scorpikis | File: SCP |
N / A |
A hard-shelled arachnid, with two-large claws and a long curved tail with stinger on the end. It can vary in coloring. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 129 | Name: Scorpion | File: SCR |
N / A |
A malformed humanoid that has three-fingered hand; overly long thin arms; feet that are more like a trunk with several growths that serve as toes (in all directions); two eyes unevenly placed on it's face; an oddly slanted mouth with snaggled teeth. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 495 | Name: Scrykin | File: SRN |
Surely related to the Headless Scrykin. |
SEA ELEPHANT | A large fat bodied seal-like creature that has a finned tail; two fins for arms; and has a small elephant-like snout. | Not to be confused with a Manatee. | <NEED IMAGE> |
A tortoise-like creature, with a hard shell and fins for feet. AKA: Turtle. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 194 | Name: Sea Turtle | File: STU |
N / A |
An aquatic creature that has a prehensile tail, rather than a tail fin; with a horse-like head, a rounded dorsal fin on the center of it's back; and fins for ears. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 116 | Name: Seahorse | File: SEA |
N / A |
A large golem-like creature, notable for the design carved into it's chest and arms. AKA: Mist Golem, Haze Golem |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
A floating gnomework creature, that has glowing eyes, a fat rounded body reminiscent of a forge, four dangly legs and a steam vent on it's back. AKA: Master Mechanic. |
N / A |
SECURITY CONSOLE | An anchored device with a curved rounded look. | These may not be in the game any longer, as they were part of the Veil of Alaris pre-launch events. |
This four-legged creature is easily recognizable by it's long neck that looks all most layered, as it feathers out near it's body. The long neck leads down to it's head, which it keeps at ground level, as if sniffing for prey. The head, in fact, seems to be more of a snout (nose), than a head. It has a very thin body with it's front feet having four toes forward and one toe backward, while the back feet have just three toes forward. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 674 | Name: Selyrah Mount | File: MSL & ID: 686 | Name: Selyrah | File: SEY |
N / A |
SERAPH | This a humanoid angel-like creature, with large feathered wings on it's back. It is normally adorned in [late armor | N / A |
A snake-like creature, with frilled ear-like gills and a frilled tail that can be seen in bot land and water environments. It can vary in coloring. AKA: Faernoc, Slatescale. |
N / A |
A hard-shelled scaled bug that has spikes on it's back and it's head seem to be nothing more than a proboscis. AKA: Stoneshell, Clickshell, Pest, Skittering In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 657 | Name: Sessiloid Mount | File: MSD |
N / A |
A dark figure that appears to be an animated floating hooded robe, as no face or head can be seen inside the hood, nor are there any hands at the end of the arms, or feet below the robes. AKA: Shadow. |
N / A |
SHADOWMAN | An invisible creature, only visible because of the variant (and visible) weapons it carries. | N / A |
A large fat bodied fish, easily recognizable for it tall large toothy mouth; whitish underbelly; and large triangular dorsal fin. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 61 | Name: Shark | File: SHA |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
SHEEP | A four-legged animal known for it's thick woolen fur. | N / A |
This is an octopus-like humanoid, where it's head looks much like an octopus on it's shoulders, complete with some forward hanging tentacles, one of which serves as it's nose. It has finned elbows, and it's legs are have a forward bend and a backward bend (opposite bending knees), above the ankle. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 467 | Name: Shiliskin | File: SHL |
N / A |
In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 702 | Name: Ship in a Bottle | File: I25 |
SHISSAR | This is a large erect cobra-like creature, that has arms and shoulders. | N / A |
SIREN | An attractive two-legged humanoid that appears nude and had fish-like scales. It has stylish hair and fin-like ears. | Not to be confused with a Potameid or a mermaid. |
In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 282 | Name: Skeletal Horse | File: HSS |
The skeletal (bones) remains of a once living creature. Skeletal Cat |
Skeletons can be of a myriad of races, even though, at times, it may be difficult to discern their actual race (what they were when they were alive). |
SKIRTH | <Describe> |
This is a pile of stacked bones with a skull placed on top. AKA: Pile of Bones. Eerily Familiar Plant. |
These are much like a chest, and can be opened to reveal the items inside. |
This is a small four-legged rodent, with black fur and a white stripe that runs downs it back and large bushy tail. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 83 | Name: Skunk | File: SKU |
N / A |
SLUG | A slimy worm-like snail creature, but has no shell. | Not to be confused with a Snail. |
A slimy worm-like slug creature, that carries a spiraling shell on it's back. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 861 | Name: Snail Mount | File: SNM & ID: 864 | Name: Snail | File: SNL |
Not to be confused with a slug. |
A snake. They can vary in size and color. AKA: Snake, Viper, Mamba, Binaesa. |
N / A |
This is a rotating windstorm-like creature, that ..... AKA: Snow Storm. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 170 | Name: Snow Dervish | File: SDE |
A lizard that has a spiked tail; clawed feet; spikes on it's head; sharp spike-like teeth; and can fly using two large leathery wings that have a number of holes in them. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 618 | Name: Sokokar | File: SOK & ID: 625 | Name: Sokokar Mount | File: MSO & ID: 627 | Name: Sokokar (w saddle) | File: MSO |
N / A |
One of the EverQuest deities and son of Fennin Ro, known for his red & black garb, crown of floating flaming embers and fiery weapons. AKA: Lord of Flame, The Burning Prince. |
He can be seen in his domain, Solusek Ro's Tower, as well as the Valley of Lunalyn and raid instances in Sepulcher & the Rathe Council Chambers. |
SOLUSEK RO PUPPET | A blue puppet that is supposed to resemble Solusek Ro. | Seen only as a familiar. |
This is a slender wolf-like creature that has very large (all most elephant-like) ears, large slits for a nose, no eyes, clawed feet and a toothy overbite. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 232 | Name: Sonic Wolf | File: SOW |
N / A |
This is .... In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 910 | Name: Sonic Wolf | File: SO2 & ID: 911 | Name: Sonic Wolf Mount | File: SOM |
N / A |
A floating, robed, undead skeletal creature, that normally carries a scythe. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 85 | Name: Spectre | File: SPE |
N / A |
A floating, robed, undead skeletal creature, that normally carries a scythe. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 485 | Name: Spectre | File: SPT |
N / A |
SPIDER (1) |
An arachnid... eight legs and fangs. They can vary in size and coloring. AKA: Arachnid, Tarantula, Widow, Parylyx, Recluse. |
N / A |
SPIDER (2) |
An arachnid with two rows of spikes on the back of it's large bulbous abdomen. AKA: Assassin Spider Queen. |
N / A |
SPIDER (3) |
An spider that is differentiated by it's pronounced fangs. They can vary in size and coloring. AKA: Assassin Spider Queen. |
N / A Clockwork Spider |
A tall golem-type creature, notable for the spikes on it's head, shoulders, back and arms. AKA: Crystal Golem, Ice Golem, Firecore Golem, Builder Golem. |
N / A |
SPIROC | A humanoid-like parrot creature. | N / A |
A mushroom-like creature known for it's large cap-like head, large hands and root-like feet. They can vary in size and color. AKA: Truffle. |
N / A Separate out new? |
A growth / patch / colony of colorful mushrooms. AKA: Grove, Patch, Colony, Root, Mindspore, Quickspore, Sap Root, Retch Spore, Manasheen. |
Killing these can provide a beneficial food-type item. |
SPORELING | A small colorful humanoid-like fungi. It has arms and legs, with a rounded mushroom cap head, but no actual face. | N / A |
SPRITE | Floating ball(s) that leave a temporary wispy trail as they move and swirl about. | N / A |
SPROUT | A Reishi type fungi, that can be of variant colors, that has toothy mouths on the back and both sides of it's mushroom cap head, as well as on the top of it's head. A snake-like appendage rises out of the mouth on top of it's head. | N / A |
This is a long slender jelly-like creature, that is all most torpedo like with long tentacles. AKA: Kraken. |
Not to be confused with an Octopus. |
STEAMSUIT | A large robot (clockwork) with a gnome pilot on top (in it's head). | N / A |
STEAM ESCALATOR | This is a gnomework device made to be worn on the back, that runs off visible steam and allows the wearer to fly about. | Only seen as a mount. |
A gnomework (clockwork) that has a propeller on top that keeps it afloat. AKA: Helicopter, Whirlygig. |
N / A |
STICK FIGURE | This is a featureless red-line figure. | This illusion was once used for a April Fool's Day illusion prank by Dev's. |
This is an Imp-like creature, except it is made of stone. AKA: Gargoyle, Granite Gargoyle, Imp. |
Not to be confused with an actual Imp or Gargoyle. |
This is a golem-like creature made up of loose boulders. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 220 | Name: Stonegrabber | File: SGR |
N / A |
This is a golem-like creature made up of loose boulders, but is a bit more stout and colorful than other Stonegrabbers. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 901 | Name: Stonegrabber | File: SG2 |
N / A |
This is a small flat ground-crawling crab-like creature, that has two antennae on it's head and a segmented body. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 391 | Name: Stonemite | File: TTB |
N / A |
A golem-like creature, notable for the tattoo like lines and that it is clad in what resembles a sumo's mawashi. AKA: Stoneservant, Laborer, Colossus of War, Construct of War, Stoneshifter. |
N / A |
STONETALON | A gargoyle-like creature that can easily be mistaken for a statue. It has two large bat-like wings on it's back, long erect pointy ears, three long clawed fingers and toes and a tail. | N / A |
STORM GIANT | These giants are oversized human-like creatures. | N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
A bee-like creature, that has a beak, beetle-like wings and long droopy ears. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 272 | Name: Stormrider | File: STR |
N / A |
A dragon-like reptilian humanoid, that has a short tail and fin-like scales on it's back and head. AKA: Veksar |
N / A |
A plump pig-like humanoid with hooved feet, a pig-snout nose and pig-like ears. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 696 | Name: Swinetor | File: SWI |
N / A |
A large fish that has a large dorsal fin and long pointed nose, much like a rapier (sword). In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 105 | Name: Swordfish | File: SWO |
N / A |
SYLVAN | A somewhat squat humanoid creature, with pointed ears, small horns on it's forehead and the legs / hooves of a goat. | Not to be confused with a Satyr. |
In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 363 | Name: Synarcana | File: SYN |
Need Image |
These are giant humanoids, dirty brown in color, that have horns on either side of their head and spikey growths on their shoulders, elbows, knees, feet, hands, chin and the top of their head. AKA: Jotna, Jord. |
N / A | |
A wooden four-legged item of furniture. AKA: Frozen Table. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 380 | Name: Table | File: TBL |
N / A |
An eel-like creature, with a frog-like head and two-small appendages just behind it's head. AKA: Tad. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 102 | Name: Tadpole | File: FRT |
N / A |
<Describe> In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 290 | Name: Tallon Zek | File: TAZ |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: ID: 246 | Name: Tarew Marr | File: TMR |
A short humanoid that has two fingers, one thumb, and only two toes. The top of it's head looks like it's brain is exposed, due to the texture of the top of their head. AKA: Centi, Bogling, Shak Dratha. (I have heard them called 'Squishy Brains.') In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 215 | Name: Tegi | File: TEG & ID: 891 | Name: Tegi | File: TG2 |
N / A |
This is an oversized floating thin shadowy figure, that has spikes on it's head, back and arms. Instead of legs, it has a long tail that splits in two, at the end. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 890 | Name: Tekuel | File: TKL |
N / A |
<Describe> In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 653 | Name: Telmira | File: TEL |
N / A |
<Describe> In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 653 | Name: Telmira | File: TEL |
N / A |
TENT | This is a cloth draped tightly over four poles, to provide overhead shelter. | Not to be confused with a Lean To. |
A rounded pyramidal creature, with spindly appendages and a jagged mouth, that can vary in color. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 68 | Name: Tentacle Terror | File: TEN & ID: 578 | Name: Tentacle Terror | File: TNT |
N / A |
An oversized humanoid, with two horns on her forehead that curl around her face. She has long spike-like fingers, and a pale vampire-like complexion. She has long hair and wears a strapped dress that billows out at the bottom. AKA: The Dream Scorcher. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 257 | Name: Terris-Thule | File: TRT |
Created by Quellious and Cazic-Thule, and is sister to Morell Thule. |
<Describe> AKA: Brell's First Creation In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 639 | Name: Brell's First Creation | File: BFC |
<DESCRIBE> In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 888 | Name: Primal Vampire | File: PVP |
The Third is a vampire, notable for it's goblin-like faced and ears, along with larger than normal fangs. AKA Mayong? |
They can be seen in the Plane of Justice. |
The Tribunal are EverQuest deities, who are actually six beings that are dark, giant robed figures wielding oversized gavels (hammers). AKA: The Six Hammers. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 151 | Name: Tribunal | File: TRI & ID: 256 | Name: The Tribunal | File: TBU |
They can be seen in the Plane of Justice. | <NEED IMAGE> |
An pale oversized alaran-like creature that has six arms and large bat-like wings. It wears a golden crown and has four small tentacle like appendages that protrude from either side of it's face. |
N / A |
A ghostly green humanoid creature with two long tentacles that hang from with either side of it's head and with a toothy piranha-like mouth. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 214 | Name: Thought Horror | File: THO |
N / A |
TIGER | A feline differentiated by it's black stripes on it's orange fur. | N / A |
A floating muscular creature, whose body tapers off below the waist, meaning it has no legs. It has large arms and hands, and a rounded head with visible sharp teeth in it's mouth. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 734 | Name: Tirun | File: TIR |
N / A |
TIZMAK | A bovine-like humanoid, that has horns that splay out sideways on the top of it's head. It has hooves for feet and has fur everywhere except it arms and mid-section. | N / A |
<Describe> AKA: Garden Sentinel, Hedgerow Lion. ID: 661 | Name: Topiary Lion | File: TPL & ID: 671 | Name: Topiary Lion Mount | File: MTL |
N / A |
<Describe> AKA: Ancient Totem |
In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 19 | Name: Trakanon | File: TRK |
An animated tree, that has leafy branches that project out from the top of it's head. It has long arms with over-sized hands. Smaller branches also grow from it's arms. It's feet are trunk-like. AKA: Izon. |
N / A |
TREANT (2) | An animated tree that is void of leaves and appears to be in a state of desiccation. | N / A |
TREE | A large tall plant, known for it's wooden trunk and many leaf covered limbs. | Seen only as an Illusion (other than as Zone Decor). |
TRICERATOPS | <Describe> | N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
A tall pointy-eared race not known for their looks, created by Cazic-Thule, not known for their pleasant smell (phew!). Innate racial abilities are Infravision, Slam and -20 Fire Resist. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 9 | Name: Troll | File: TRF & TRM |
This is a race that Players can create characters with. |
<Describe> In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 876 | Name: Tserrina Syl`Tor | File: TSR & ID: 877 | Name: Tserrina Syl`Tor | File: TSF |
A fly-like humanoid, that may or may not have wings on it's back. It has two disproportionate insect-like legs, and thin insect-like arms. AKA: Tsetse, Fly, Malarian. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 612 | Name: Tsetsian | File: TSE |
N / A |
A balled-up weed with no roots and is free to roll about. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 694 | Name: Tumbleweed | File: I24 |
N / A |
One of the EverQuest deities, know for her oversized human-like appearance, wearing a green dress, wielding a staff and wearing a crown. AKA: Goddess of Growth, Mother of All. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 62 | Name: Tunare | File: TUN |
Creator of the Elven races. She can be seen in the Plane of Growth. | <NEED IMAGE> |
TUNARIAN TREANT | A treant that has has no leaves and the only branches it has serve as ears on either side of it's head. It had red eyes and what looks like a white mustache on it's face. | N / A |
TUNAT'MURAM | <Describe> | N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
A hard-shelled reptile, with four legs. AKA: Terrapin, Tortoise. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 389 | Name: Turepta | File: TAC |
Not to be confused with a Sea Turtle. |
AKA: Pain Devourer, Skinless Creature, Sorrow Seeker (I call them upset stomachs.) |
<Describe> In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 771 | Name: Tyrannosaur | File: TRX |
N / A |
<Describe> In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 392 | Name: Ukun | File: IWH |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
A walrus-like humanoid, that sports a mustache; has tusks; and has clawed feet and has large clawed hands. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 191 | Name: Ulthork | File: WLM |
N / A |
A frozen and undead Ulthork. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 871 | Name: Ulthork | File: SMN |
N / A |
A fat-looking beetle, that has a tall rounded shell. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 201 | Name: Underbulk | File: UNB |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
This is an rounded (plump) beetle-like creature. It has a short thick tail, six legs, two large crab-like claws, and a partial shell (half-shell) on it's back. AKA: Tunneler. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 909 | Name: Underbulk | File: UN2 |
N / A |
A horse with a single large, pointed horn emanating from it's forehead. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 124 | Name: Unicorn | File: UNI |
N / A |
UNSTABLE EXPERIMENT | A floating wedge-like gnomework (clockwork) with a smokestack nose. | N / A |
A spider-like creature, whose six back legs end in pointed spikes, while it's two from legs serve as arms with hands on the end. it appears somewhat furry, but with scorpion-like plate on it's legs, and arms. It's head and face are bear-like, with two large fangs on either side of it's mouth. AKA: Spider Bear. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 743 | Name: Ursarachnid | File: SBR |
N / A |
A cat-like humanoid race, evolved from Kerrans, whose innate racial abilities include Safe Fall and Infravision. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 130 | Name: Vah Shir | File: KEM & KEF |
This is a race that Players can create characters with. |
In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 234 | Name: Vah Shir Skeleton | File: KES |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
<Describe> In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 289 | Name: Vallon Zek | File: VAZ |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
While they can vary in general appearance and often elaborate attire, these are pale undead humanoids, known for their fang-like incisors for which they use to drink the blood of living creatures. AKA: Coterie. |
N / A |
Describe... AKA: Coterie. |
N / A |
Describe... AKA: Coterie. |
N / A |
A clay-based container, that can be of variant sizes. AKA: Jar, Vase, Clay Vase. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 379 | Name: Vase | File: VAS |
N / A |
<Describe> In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 258 | Name: Vegerog | File: VEG |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 20 | Name: Venril Sathir | File: VST & ID: 848 | Name: Venril Sathir | File: VS2 |
This is a large plant that has a fat bulbous body and is able to move about using roots that it uses as feet, which extend in all directions. It has a large toothy mouth in it's center mass, as well as two smaller toothy mouth on either of it's biceps. It's arms end in points, rather than hands. It has large petal-like growths above the top lip of it's mouth (on it's chest). It also has a few small vines with flowers on them, that are growing from it's body. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 717 | Name: Vine Maw | File: VNM |
N / A |
VITRIK | A buzzard-like creature, that while it has wings, prefers to walk on two legs. | N / A |
This is a giant that has white hair, to include it's eyebrows and full beard. It is normally clad in a white toga and wearing sandals. AKA: Hleyta, Hyletis, Vind. |
N / A |
VORTEX OF THE DEEP | A floating (no legs) water elemental-like creature, that has webbed hands, large fin-like ears and an amphibian-like face. | N / A |
This is stacked rocks, blocks, crates or similar, that form... well, a wall! AKA: Bandit Wall. |
N / A |
A fat bodied seal-like creature that has two large tusks, a finned tail and fins for arms. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 177 | Name: Walrus | File: WAL |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
A humanoid that flys (floats) using large bat-like wings, which have horns at the upper elbow of the wings, as well as the lower end of the wings. It has a tail; spiky horns on it's head and shoulders; and it's black hair hangs down over it's face like a veil. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 313 | Name: War Wraith | File: WRW |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
WASP | An insect known for it's striped abdomen and notable stinger for a tail. | N / A |
A floating skeleton that has no legs or hips, with it's spine dangling free. It has a glowing energy that can be seen in it's eyes, torso and segments of it's spine. AKA: Terror Sentinel. |
N / A |
WATER ELEMENTAL | A legless floating water elemental that has fin-like ears and is kept afloat by a jet of water emitted from it's waist. | N / A |
An Orc, that has turned into a werewolf-like version of itself, with unkempt hair on it's head, shoulders, arms, knees and ankles. It's snout is elongated, it's ears pointed and it's mouth is toothier. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 579 | Name: Wereorc | File: WOK |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
WEREWOLF | A toothy, pointy-eared, canine-like humanoid creature, with claws on it's feet and hands. It also has a notable mane on it's head, neck and upper shoulders. | N / A |
A fish, that looks like it has dried out with the skin tightly adhering to it's bones. AKA: Murkwater Minnow; Twilight Sea Minnow, Grimfang Minnow. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 213 | Name: Wetfang Minnow | File: WET |
N / A |
WEAPONS RACK | <Describe> | N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
A tornado-like entity, often with debris swirling around it. AKA: Sirocco, Tornado, Vortex. |
N / A |
WINTER AVIAK | An owl-like humanoid. | Seen as a mercenary type and as a familiar. |
A floating, flittering spark. AKA: Will-O-Wisp, Spark. |
N / A |
An large aquatic eel-like serpent, with a fin on it's back near it's head, on it's underbelly halfway down it's body. AKA: Korlach the Deep Leviathan. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 465 | Name: Witheran | File: KOR & ID: 474 | Name: Witheran | File: KRB |
N / A |
WOEFUL | <Describe> | N / A |
WOLF (1) |
A wild canine, discernable by it's full snout. AKA: Dire Wolf. |
N / A |
WOLF (2) |
Describe AKA: Dire Wolf. |
N / A |
Describe AKA: Dire Wolf. |
N / A |
An pointy-eared elven race known for their tendency to follow good deities, whose innate racial skills include Infravision and skill with Hide & Forage. AKA: Feir'Dal In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 4 | Name: Wood Elf | File: ELF & ELM |
This is a race that Players can create characters with. |
WORG (1) | A large stout dog-like creature, with muscular shoulders, a toothy snout and furry lion-like mane. | N / A |
WORG (2) | Describe | N / A |
WORMSPORE | Remove? | N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
WRULON (1) | This is an cat-like creature whose ears look like horns. It's tail has an arrow-shaped fin on the end. | N / A |
WRULON (2) | This is an cat-like creature whose ears look like horns. It's tail has an arrow-shaped fin on the end. | N / A |
WRULON (3) | This is an cat-like creature whose ears look like horns. It's tail has an arrow-shaped fin on the end. | N / A |
WRULON (4) | This is an cat-like creature whose ears look like horns. It's tail has an arrow-shaped fin on the end. | N / A |
A dinosaur like creature that walks on four legs and has a very long neck. They can vary in color. AKA: Wyrm. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 158 | Name: Wurm | File: WUR & ID: 613 | Name: Wurm | File: WRM & ID: 679 | Name: Wurm Mount | File: MWM |
N / A |
A dragon-like creature, that has wings that are connected to it's arms, but seems to prefer to walk about on it's two legs, even though it can fly. It has a long snout and two horn-like ears that start at it's brow above it's eyes, before projecting backwards from it's head. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 157 | Name: Wyvern | File: WYV & ID: 581 | Name: Wyvern | File: WYR |
N / A |
In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 136 | Name: Xalgoz | File: XAL |
<Describe> In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 299 | Name: Xegony | File: XEG |
N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
A humanoid creature with large bull-like horns on either side of it's head, exposed teeth and normally adorned in spiked armor. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 737 | Name: Xulous | File: XUL |
N / A |
A large erect ape-like creature, that has overly long arms and is covered in fur except for it's cheat and belly. AKA: Frontier Brute. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 842 | Name: Yeti | File: YTI |
Not to be confused with Gorillas. |
A tall then, all most emaciated, humanoid, with matted hair and beard, waist wrapped in chains and chains entangled on his arms and legs. AKA: The Forsaken One The Disgraced, the Ungod. In-game ID reference seems to be: ID: 295 | Name: Zebuxoruk | File: ZEB |
He can be seen in The Void and the Plane of Time. |
A rotting undead animated corpse, of one race or another. AKA: Ghoul. Split to types? |
Zombies can be of different races, even though it may be difficult to discern their actual race, at times. |
ZUN-MURAM | <Describe> | N / A | <NEED IMAGE> |
Emperor Ganak
Doomscale (hooded humanoid)
Outcast Mutant
ANTLION (Elephant Beetle? Boll Weevil?)
ethereal banshee / lady of elks / vexed banshee
tyrant of nightmare
thulian nightstalker
servant of mujaki
mind burrower (ToL)
Icepaw Kobold
Emperor Ganak Familiar
Herald Telcha Familiar
Hunting Kobold
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated June 19, 2024
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.