An instant cast teleport (Level 75 Required).
When the situation is dire, best use your Gyrospire! - Bonzz
The Gyrospire Relocation Device is one of the best items to have in EverQuest.
It is an instant click, instant gate escape portal to a relatively safe spot in either Gyrospire Beza (when facing south-ish) or Gyrospire Zeka (when facing north-ish), that you can use every thirty (30) minutes.
Just add it to a Hot button on your screen and for quick easy access to escape any dire situation.
What's better, it is acquired with just a single task.
Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.
1) FORTRESS MECHANOTUS: You are here looking for Researcher Stripcog. She is in one of the gnome tents near where you zone in (/waypoint 190, -1520).
Hail and follow along, or just try saying 'Take,' to get this task.
Now for a lot of running about!
NOTE: You do not have do the ground spawn collect steps in order. The below steps do not follow the task order, they are just a suggested order to try and hasten the process.
2) STEAM FACTORY: You are here looking for a Gyrospire Beza Gyroscope 058'142'064'.
Head to the center area of the zone where the conveyor belt is located (area of /waypoint 530, 75, 100). Kill a steamsuit until you get one.
3) DRAGONSCALE HILLS: You are here to loot a Gyrospire Zeka Gyroscope 104'333'209'.
Head to the brownie camp in the southwest part of the zone (area of /waypoint -2630, 1900) and kill a darkvine thistle until one drops. This can take a little time.
4) LOPING PLAINS: You are here looking for a ground spawn.
The Gyrospire Zeka Gyroscope 203'186'022' is located in the center area, just northwest of the 'Oracle Tree,' in the area of /waypoint 125, 45, -195. It looks like a small round rock.
5) HILLS OF SHADE: You are here looking for a ground spawn.
The Gyrospire Beza Gyroscope 217'030'283' is located to the east, near the Erollisi statue, in the area of /waypoint 455, 2000. It looks like a small round rock.
6) STEAMFONT MOUNTAINS: You are here looking for a ground spawn.
The Gyrospire Zeka Gyroscope 331'051'233' is located to the east, at the skeletal remains of a dragon, in the area of /waypoint -890, -465. It looks like a small green fruit.
7) CASTLE MISTMOORE: You are here looking for a ground spawn.
The Gyrospire Beza Gyroscope 123'178'015' is located to the far northeast, by a tree at the bridge that leads into the castle, in the area of /waypoint 125, 45, -195. It looks like a small round rock.
8) BUTCHERBLOCK MOUNTAINS: You are here looking for a ground spawn.
The Gyrospire Beza Gyroscope 269'231'225' is located in the area of /waypoint 1210, -1555, which is behind the 'crazed goblin' camp, not far from the Plane of Knowledge portal. It looks like a small round rock.
9) KEDGE KEEP: You are here looking for a ground spawn.
The Gyrospire Zeka Gyroscope 268'119'204' is located in the area of /waypoint 55, 35, which is just inside the zone. It looks like a dead fish.
10) ESTATE OF UNREST: You are here looking for a ground spawn.
The Gyrospire Beza Gyroscope 187'219'267' is located in the east side hedge maze, in the area of /waypoint 340, -1555. It looks like a small round yellow fruit.
11) OCEAN OF TEARS: You are here looking for a ground spawn.
If you have access to an Islander Hammock (portal), it can expedite getting here.
The Gyrospire Zeka Gyroscope 197'015'102' is located underwater in the mid-west part of the zone, between two rock spire outcropping populated by goblins and sirens, in the area of /waypoint 340, -1555. It looks like a small round yellow fruit.
12) FORTRESS MECHANOTUS: Head back Researcher Stripcog (/waypoint 190, -1520).
Hail her and follow along if needed, and you should get a ten-slot combine device, Broken Gyrospire Relocation Device.
Combine the ten 'Gyroscope' items you acquired (see above) inside it, to make a Gyrospire Relocation Device.
Next you need to 'activate' the Gyrospire Relocation Device in several key locations before it will actually work.
13) GYROSPIRE BEZA: You are here to activate (click) the Gyrospire Relocation Device in threes different places.
These locations are:
13) GYROSPIRE ZEKA: You are here to activate (click) the Gyrospire Relocation Device in threes different places.
These locations are:
15) FORTRESS MECHANOTUS: Head back Researcher Stripcog (/waypoint 190, -1520).
Give her the Gyrospire Relocation Device to finish up, and she will give you a now-functional Gyrospire Relocation Device!
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last updated March 16, 2024
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.