Some cool things to work towards, are the Vaniki rewards. -- Bonzz


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Vaniki is a Ratman found in Dragon Necropolis.

The Vaniki Server was released in May 25, 2022, as a special 'Level Locked Progression' server. What this meant was that Players started at Level 40 and all expansions were unlocked to Gates of Discord.

These Special Vaniki-Only Achievements do have a unique feature... the rewards are granted as 'Account Feature' claim items. This means the rewards could be claimed on any toon, on any server on the same account.

This server also had special Server-Only 'Challenge' achievements, for accomplishing certain things by certain Levels.  These special Achievements are located under the General --> Progression. The special server-only achievements do not and will not appear on any other servers. Most of these 'Challenge' Achievements are Raid based. When any raid / group completes a 'Challenge' related event (or other raid events), a Serverwide Message, that notes the name of the Player with the killing blow. Oddly, however, the target defeated depends on if there is a Chest involved that must be opened to finish the event. If so, the server wide message will announce the name of the chest, rather than the actual target.

Most, if not all of the rewards are also Heirloom. If you complete the Challenge Achievements on more than one (1) Character from the same account, you can get the same awards a second (third, fourth, etc.) time.

Normal progression... and all other 'standard' Achievements... are in place, as well.





(Click the links for Video)

Metamorph Wand - Trakaraptor

Metamorph Wand - Emperor Ssraeshza

Visage of Vaniki

Primitive Hammer Ornament

Primitive Wand Ornament

Primitive Dagger Ornament

Primitive Axe Ornament

Primitive Fist Ornament

Primitive Longbow Ornament

Primitive Short Spear Ornament

Primitive Shield Ornament

Primitive Fishing Spear Ornament

Primitive Hooked Spear Ornament

Primitive Staff Ornament

Primitive War Sword Ornament

White Skystrider Whistle

Token of the Magus

Metamorph Wand - Lava Spider

Visage of the Gigyn

Bridle of the Tranquil Shriekpaw

Visage of the Gnomework


Achievements listed in the below sections are not necessarily listed in alphabetical order. They are generally listed in the order seen in the game (at the time they were added to the lists below). Use Control-F to "Find" a specific achievement you may be looking for.

All of the the below achievements should apply to all classes (they are not class specific).

General: Progression 46 460
TOTALS 46 460

EXPANSION LORE                    RAID INFO & STRATS                    ZONES LIST


NOTE: Any rewards highlighted in YELLOW might be worth pursuing, due the fun factor, benefit or usefulness of the reward (you decide).

NOTE: Some miscellaneous “hints” may also be included in PURPLE. These hints are intended to enhance / clarify the "how to" for accomplishing the achievement.

NOTE: Anything in RED text is either an informational comment, or data / details that is not fully verified. If you can verify or provide correct information, please do (see end of page)!

NOTE: Items noted as a "REWARD" are items granted from the achievement, itself. Items listed as "ACQUIRED" are unique item's that can be / are / should be acquired along the way, towards completing the related achievement, but are not actually a reward granted from the achievement itself. In fact, the achievement may even be for acquiring said item. Additionally, only the more "unique" Achievement awards are noted below... "common" or "generic" Achievement Rewards like Alternate Advancement points, Character Experience & Coin, are not noted in the Reward options below.





Challenge: Defeat the Classic Three



Defeat Phinigel Autropos, Lady Vox and Lord Nagafen by Level 40.

(Original EverQuest.)

The Agent of Change for Phinigel Autropos is on the island in the middle of the lake in Dagnor's Cauldron (event info here).

The Agent of Change for Lady Vox is in Everfrost Peaks near the tunnel that leads to Permafrost Keep (event info here).

The Agent of Change for Lord Nagafen is in Lavastorm Mountains, near the cave that leads to Nagafen's Lair (event info here).

Title: the Valiant

A suffix. You get 999 of them in Claims.

Challenge: Defeat Cazic-Thule



Defeat Cazic-Thule by Level 40.

(Original EverQuest.)

The Agent of Change for Cazic-Thule is in The Feerrott, near the entrance (in the hidden caves) to the Plane of Fear (event info here).

Frightening Food Flask

A click item that casts up stat Food (Frightening Flatbread stat food, that scale to level... below image is max stats).

Challenge: Defeat Dragons of Kunark



Defeat Severilous, Gorenaire, Talendor & Trakanon by Level 50.

(Ruins of Kunark)

The Agent of Change for Severilous is in the Field of Bone near the zone line to the Emerald Jungle (event info here).

The Agent of Change for Gorenaire is in the tunnels of Firiona Vie, near the Dreadlands zone line (event info here). 

The Agent of Change for Talendor is in The Overthere, at the entrance tunnel to Skyfire Mountains (event info here).

The Agent of Change for Trakanon is in Trakanon's Teeth, near the Old Sebilis zone line (event info here).

Metamorph Wand - Trakaraptor

This is a familiar / pet illusion.

Challenge: Defeat Lord Yelinak



Defeat Lord Yelinak by Level 50.

(Scars of Velious)

The Agent of Change for Lord Yelniak is in The Wakening Land, near the Skyshrine zone line (event info here).

Trinket of the Far Frozen Wastes

A Teleport click to Western Wastes (SoV).

Challenge: Defeat Emperor Ssraeshza



Defeat Emperor Ssraeshza by Level 55.

(Shadows of Luclin)

The Agent of Change for Emperor Ssraeshza is in The Grey, just east of the tunnel that leads to Mons Letalis (event info here).

Metamorph Wand - Emperor Ssraeshza

This is a familiar / pet illusion.

Challenge: Defeat Solusek Ro



Defeat Solusek Ro by Level 55.

(Planes of Power)

The Agent of Change for Solusek Ro is in The Plane of Tranquility (cave), (event info here).

Title: the Penultimate Element

A suffix. You get 999 of them in Claims.

Challenge: Defeat Deepest Guk: The Curse Reborn



Defeat Deepest Guk: the Curse Reborn by Level 55.

(Lost Dungeons of Norrath)

An Agent of Change does not apply. This is all ready an instanced event (acquired in South Ro from Ruwakka).

One strat is for a tank to drop DS and weapons, train / aggro MoB's and then face the wall as they beat on him / her. This is becuase MoB's do respawn on a relatively short timer and this way, they are all controlled.

Token of the Magus

Summons a Magus that will teleport you to one of the Magus related zone (all except the Guild Lobby and Nedaria).

World: Challenge: Defeat Cragbeast Queen



Defeat Cragbeast Queen by Level 55.

(Gates of Discord)

The Agent of Change for the Cragbeast Queen is in Natimbi, the Broken Shores, near the Kod'Taz / Qvic zone lines.

Bag of Currency

This item can be clicked for your choice of varying amounts of alternative currency.

Challenge: Defeat Queen Pyrilonis or King Gelaqua



Defeat Queen Pyrilonis or King Gelaqua by Level 60.

(Omens of War, unlocked August 2022)

An Agent of Change does not apply to this one. Kill them in the open world (static Riftseeker's Sanctum, non-instance zone). Level 59 required to enter the zone.

Visage of Vaniki

(A Ratman Illusion, the same one you can get at Level 60.)

World: Challenge: Defeat Vishimtar the Fallen 10

Defeat Vishimtar the Fallen by Level 60.

(Dragons of Norrath, unlocked August 2022)

This is all ready an instanced event, so an Agent of Change does not apply. The Norrath's Keepers (from Captain Areha Burina) version and the Dark Reign (from General Lereh Dirr) (both in Lavastorm Mountains) version should both work for this achievement.

Bag of Currency

This item can be clicked for your choice of varying amounts of alternative currency.

Challenge: Defeat Sendaii, the Hive Queen



Defeat Sendaii, the hive Queen by Level 60.

(Depths of Darkhollow, unlocked August 2022)

An Agent of Change does not apply. This is all ready an instanced event (acquired in Undershore from Boss Harrowman).

Metamorph Wand - Lava Spider

This is a familiar / pet illusion.

Challenge: Defeat The Tolling of Distant Bells



Defeat The Tolling of Distant Bells by Level 60.

(Prophecy of Ro, unlocked August 2022)

An Agent of Change does not apply. This is all ready an instanced event (acquired in The Theater of Blood, by clicking the door for Deathknell). This achievement only applies to the first event of the Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance.

White Skystrider Whistle

This is a mount.

Reach Level 60


10 Reach Level 60.

Visage of Vaniki

(A Ratman Illusion, the same one you can get for Challenge: Defeat Queen Pyrilonis or King Gelaqua.)

Challenge: Defeat Lethar



Defeat Lethar by Level 65.

(The Serpent's Spine)

An Agent of Change does not apply. This is all ready an instanced event (acquired from Master Drizzlorn Urn in Direwind Cliffs). This is a two part event (Lethar the Black & Lethar's Final Stand), two of several events in the Ashengate North raid. You will have to defeat other events along the way to doing this one.

Ashen Ampule

A click item that casts up stat Drink (Ashen Apple Juice).

Challenge: Defeat Mayong's Mistresses 10

Defeat Mayong's Mistresses by Level 65.

(The Buried Sea)

An Agent of Change does not apply. This is all ready an instanced event (acquired by clicking the sun globe in top of the pyramid in Katta Castrum). This is the first event of the Solteris, the Throne of Ro. raid.

Bright Bag of Collection

A 100% weight reduction 40-slot Collect Items-Only Bag.

Reach Level 65 10 Reach Level 65.

Primitive Hammer Ornament

This ornament can be converted into any of the other Primitive Ornaments, by way of a button in the item window.

Challenge: Defeat Meldrath the Malignant 10

Defeat Meldrath the Malignant by Level 70.

(Secrets of Faydwer)

An Agent of Change does not apply. This is all ready an instanced event (acquired by questing the Clockwork key and then clicking the door to Meldrath's Magnificent Mansion.

Trinket of the Mechanical Mansion

This is a click teleport to Fortress Mechanotus.

Reach Level 70 10 Reach Level 70

Primitive Hammer Ornament

The Primitive Hammer Ornament  can be converted into any of the other Primitive Ornaments, by way of a button in the item window... such as the Primitive Axe Ornament shown in the image below.

World: Challenge: Defeat Pallorax the Soul Slayer 10

Defeat Pallorax the Soul Slayer by Level 75.

(Seeds of Destruction)

An Agent of Change does not apply. This is all ready an instanced event (acquired from Herald of Druzzil Ro in Korafax, Home of the Riders).

Bag of Currency

This item can be clicked for your choice of varying amounts of alternative currency.

Challenge: Defeat Fippy's Revenge 10

Defeat Fippy's Revenge by Level 75.


An Agent of Change does not apply. This is all ready an instanced event (acquired (Algera Chindlebolt in Brell's Rest).

Title: the Relentless

A suffix. You get 999 of them in Claims.

Reach Level 75 10 Reach Level 75

Primitive Hammer Ornament

The Primitive Hammer Ornament  can be converted into any of the other Primitive Ornaments, by way of a button in the item window... such as the Primitive Dagger Ornament shown in the image below.

Challenge: Defeat Cazic-Thule 10

Defeat Cazic-Thule by Level 80.

(House of Thule)

An Agent of Change does not apply. This is all ready an instanced event (acquired from Gallentin the Adventurer in Fear, Itself).

Visage of the Gigyn

This is an illusion.

Reach Level 80 10 Reach Level 80

Primitive Hammer Ornament

The Primitive Hammer Ornament  can be converted into any of the other Primitive Ornaments, by way of a button in the item window... such as the Primitive Fishing Spear Ornament shown in the image below.

Challenge: Defeat Two Sides of the Stone 10

Defeat Two Sides of the Stone by Level 85.

(Veil of Alaris)


Pliant Purity Peridot

<need image>

A removable 35 Purity Augment.

Reach Level 85 10 Reach Level 85

Primitive Hammer Ornament

The Primitive Hammer Ornament  can be converted into any of the other Primitive Ornaments, by way of a button in the item window... such as the Primitive Fist Ornament shown in the image below.

Challenge: Defeat High Priest Syltetzalvek 10

Defeat High Priest Syltetzalvek by level 90.

(Rain of Fear)


Trinket of the Center

<need image>

This is a click teleport to Heart of Fear: The Epicenter.

Challenge: Defeat the Doomscale Horde 10

Defeat the Doomscale Horde by Level 90.


Contract of the Nihil

<need image>

This is a mercenary type.

Reach Level 90 10 Reach Level 90

Primitive Hammer Ornament

The Primitive Hammer Ornament  can be converted into any of the other Primitive Ornaments, by way of a button in the item window... such as the Primitive Longbow Ornament shown in the image below.

Challenge: Defeat Defense of the City 10

Defeat Defense of the City by Level 95.


Bridle of the Tranquil Shriekpaw

<need image>

This is a mount.

World: Challenge: Defeat Innoruuk, the Prince of Hate 10

Defeat Innoruuk, the Prince of Hate by Level 95.


Bag of Currency

This item can be clicked for your choice of varying amounts of alternative currency.

Challenge: Defeat Doorstep of War 10

Defeat Doorstep of War by Level 95.


Trinket of the Frontier Mountains

<need image>

This is a click teleport to the Frontier Mountains (EoK).

Reach Level 95 10 Reach Level 95

Primitive Hammer Ornament

The Primitive Hammer Ornament  can be converted into any of the other Primitive Ornaments, by way of a button in the item window... such as the Primitive Shield Ornament shown in the image below.

Challenge: Defeat Balance of Power 10

Defeat Balance of Power by Level 100.


Visage of the Gnomework

<need image>

This is an illusion.

Challenge: Defeat Fight Fire 10

Defeat Fight Fire by Level 100.


Contract of the Phoenix

<need image>

This is a mercenary type.

Reach Level 100. 10 Reach Level 100.

Primitive Hammer Ornament

The Primitive Hammer Ornament  can be converted into any of the other Primitive Ornaments, by way of a button in the item window... such as the Primitive Short Spear Ornament shown in the image below.

Challenge: Defeat Griklor the Relentless 10

Defeat Griklor the Relentless by Level 105.


Shadow Step Scepter

<need image>

A shadow step click item.

World: Challenge: Defeat Tantor 10

Defeat Tantor by Level 105.


Bag of Currency

This item can be clicked for your choice of varying amounts of alternative currency.

Reach Level 105. 10 Reach Level 105.

Primitive Hammer Ornament

The Primitive Hammer Ornament  can be converted into any of the other Primitive Ornaments, by way of a button in the item window... such as the Primitive Staff Ornament shown in the image below.

Challenge: Defeat Doomshade 10

Defeat Doomshade by Level 110.


Trinket of the Eye

<need image>

This is a click teleport to Maiden's Eye (ToL).

Challenge: Defeat Insatiable An Appetite 10 Defeat Insatiable An Appetite by Level 110

Visage of the Fungal Warrior

<need image>


Reach Level 110. 10 Reach Level 110.

Primitive Hammer Ornament

The Primitive Hammer Ornament  can be converted into any of the other Primitive Ornaments, by way of a button in the item window... such as the Primitive Wand Ornament shown in the image below.

Challenge: Defeat Hand of the King 10 Defeat Hand of the King by Level 115.

Grey Squirrel Saddle

<need image>


Challenge: Defeat Herald of the Outer Brood 10 Defeat Herald of the Outer Brood by Level 115.

Contract of the Scalewrought Soldier

<need image>


Reach Level 115 10

Primitive Hammer Ornament

The Primitive Hammer Ornament  can be converted into any of the other Primitive Ornaments, by way of a button in the item window... such as the Primitive War Sword Ornament shown in the image below.

Reach Level 120 10 Reach Level 120.

Primitive Hammer Ornament

The Primitive Hammer Ornament  can be converted into any of the other Primitive Ornaments, by way of a button in the item window... such as the Primitive Hooked Spear Ornament shown in the image below.

Reach Level 125 10 Reach Level 125.

Primitive Hammer Ornament

The Primitive Hammer Ornament  can be converted into any of the other Primitive Ornaments, by way of a button in the item window... such as the Primitive ??? Ornament shown in the image below.



If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last Updated November 15, 2024

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.