How To and More!
New adventures to pursue and test... so get there first and do it with zest! -- Bonzz
The EverQuest Test Sever should not be confused with the Beta Server, as they are two (2) entirely different things.
One is a temporary server to 'Beta Test' for a new expansion before it comes out, while the other (Test) is a year round (permanent) server, where you can 'test' things (explained more, below) for at least one week before they go live.
However, with that said, the Test server was, originally, like a Beta Server. Example, it was used to 'test' the Firiona Vie server before it was released (see here). In fact, the Test Server may have been the original Beta server in 1998. However, in February 2002, the Test server weas changed to be more like we know it today (see here).
Players can use the Test Server can be used to 'experiment' with things. Example, /testcopy a Character over to the Test Server and then freely experiment with making Persona's with no worry of harm to your Live Character.
If you want to, you can actually play full time on the Test Server. In fact, many Players do just this. The idea, at least from Daybreak's point of view, is that when things are released in advance of them being released on live servers, that Players on Test Server will 'test' and / report issues and concerns before the changes go Live.
The Test Server is not a TLP server. The Test server is a special 'Live' server.
NOTE: Normally, you CAN play on Live & Test at the same time, under certain conditions (see #2, below).
NOTE: It does not appear that cross server tells are allowed to / from Test.
NOTE: You can send in-game e-mails.
NOTE: You can join serverwide channels.
NOTE: You can send / post item links serverwide channels, but those on the Live Servers may not be able to click and see the item details, if the item has not yet been patched into Live servers.
NOTE: There do not seem to be any Test-Server Only Achievements. They are the same as from the Live Server.
Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.
NOTE: DID I MISS ANYTHING? ANY ERRORS / TYPOS? If you know of anything I missed, please send me an in-game message to let me know, so I can add it! Additionally, also let me know about typos, spelling errors, missing information and any other errors.
!!!!!QUICK LINKS!!!!
1) LOGGING INTO EQ TEST: All you need to do, to play on the Test Server, is log in using the current install / version of EverQuest that you use all ready.
You can create a new Character if you want, or /testcopy a Live Character over (see below).
However, I strongly recommended you use a separate install of EverQuest, instead (jump to #3 for details).
Here's how to log into Test:
- Launch EverQuest (Launch Pad).
- In the Launch Pad window, in the top left corner, it tells you which version of EverQuest you are running. At this point, it should say, 'Version: Live" (see image below).
- Next, in the lower right of that same window, is a button called 'Advanced Tools' (#1 in below image). Click that button and some options will pop up.
- One of those options is 'Select Game Version' (#2 in below image). Click that and a new option will appear to the right.
- One is to 'Select Game Version,' along with a drop down select menu (#3 in below image).
- Select 'Test' and then click the 'Apply' button (#4 in below image).
- Once done, a file check will run and it will update you EQ files to ones that are unique to, and needed for, the Test Server (see below image, 'UPDATED FILE LIST').
- In the top left corner, it should now say 'Version: Test' (see below image).
- If it does, you are set! Just hit the 'Play' button to log into the Test Server!
- Because files have been added and / or modified, your EQ Install is now, technically, a 'Test' install. When you run the Launch Pad, it will now take you to the Test server.
2) GETTING BACK TO LIVE SERVERS: To get back to Live EverQuest...
- You will have to log out of Test.
- Once done repeat the process noted above (see #1), and select 'Live,' instead of 'Test.'
- Once done, a file check will run again to remove files related to the Test Server and / or add back files needed for the Live server.
- Afterwards, when you run the Launchpad, it will take you to the Live Servers.
- If you want to play on both the Test Server and the Live server at the same time, see Step 3, below.
3) OPTIONAL TEST SERVER INSTALL (RECOMMENDED): Rather than have to go through the above processes to swap back and forth between Test and Live servers (see #1 & #2 above), I recommend having another installation of EverQuest.
!!! WARNING !!! First off, ALWAYS back up your EQ Files... just in case... BEFORE making any changes to your EQ Directory and / or files! If you are not confident in your ability to do the below, then don't!
To do this, you can do it in one of two ways.
Method #1:
- Install a brand new copy of EverQuest from the Daybreak web site.
- When it askes where to install, select / add a new Sub-Directory in your EQ Directory, and name it 'EverQuest Test.'
- The first time you run this install, follow the steps outlined in Step #1, above, to set up establish this install for the Test server.
Method #2:
- Manually create a new Sub-Directory in your EQ Directory, and name it 'EverQuest Test.'
- Copy (not move) all the files in your actual (Live) EverQuest Sub-Directory and paste them in the new EverQuest Test Sub-Directory.
- Run the 'Launch Pad' from EverQuest Test Sub-Directory and follow the steps outlined in Step #1, above, to set up establish this as for the Test server.
- This method automatically transfers (copied) everything to (as in UI settings, Maps, etc.).
- Rename INI files that are named for your Character & Sever (example change 'Bonzz_Bertox' to 'Bonzz_Test').
- This process does not create a Short Cut Icon on your desktop, like a regular install does, so you will have to create one!
Now, you should have two (2) icons on your Desktop click and Play either on EQ Live (or TLP), or EQ Test... or both at the same time!
4) HOW TO COPY YOUR LIVE SERVER CHARACTER(S) TO THE TEST SERVER: You can either copy over any of your existing Character(s) (from other servers), or create a brand new Character on the Test Server.
To Play on Test sever with a brand new Character, simply create one as normal (See Step 5, below)!
If you want to 'copy' an existing Character over to the Test server, you can. You can copy any character on your account, from any Live Server! Just keep in mind, there is a Character slot limit on the Test Server, just like there is on the Live Server. All Characters copied over from the same Account, despite the server they are on, will appear together (same account) on the Test Server.
However, if you have more than one account, you can copy over Characters from both accounts and play both accounts on Test, just like you can on Live Servers.
NOTE! Before you copy a Character to Test, make sure any items you want to take with your character, to the Test Server, are either in the Characters inventory or in the Characters primary bank (explained below). This includes Coin! I suggest you take ALL of your coin!
To copy a Character to the Test Server:
- Log on that Character (on the Live server);
- Use the /testcopy command.
- You can use this Command for up to (14) Characters on the same account, from any server (14 is the Character Limit on Test)
- When you use the /testcopy command, a 'warning' window will pop up (see below image), for which you need to click 'Yes' or 'No.'
- What this warning is telling you, basically, is that if you have used /testcopy on the same character before, choosing 'Yes' will overwrite (replace) the current test version of that Character.
- On a side note, if your Character gets better gear on the Live server, this allows you to update the Test Server version of that Character to have that same gear as the one on Live.
- The message you should see in your chat window, after click yes on the 'warning' (see above) typing the command, is 'Test Copy: Copy Success.'
- You will not be allowed to /testcopy that same Character again, for 8 Hours.
- Within about a day, the Character(s) should show up on the Test server. Be patient.
- !!!ALERT!!!: Do not be surprised if the Character you copied over has a variant name spelling, such as a letter added to the end of the name. You may not be the first Player to use that Character name!
5) CREATING A BRAND NEW CHARACTERS ON THE TEST SERVER: Making a brand new Character on the Test server is no different than making a brand new Character on the Live server.
Just be aware, there is a fourteen (14) Character limit on the Test Server, and this 'new' Character will take one of those spots.
Simply Log in to the Test Server and create a brand new Character from the Character Screen, just as you would on the Live server.
6) SETTING UP YOUR TEST CHARACTER(S): Now, you need to set up your Characters to your liking.
New Characters are built from scratch, as any new Character on a Live server is built from scratch. However, certain things can be borrowed or used from other existing things (see below, for ideas).
As for any Characters you copied over to the Test Server, you will find that they are generally intact, but not 100% so. Don't freak out... everything is still there for your real Character on the Live Server, but not so much here on the Test Server!
Here is a quick run down of what 'should' have copied over ('Yes') and what 'should not' have copied over ('No'):
-> YES <- |
-> NO <- |
AA's |
Audio Triggers* |
Active Quests |
Advanced Looting* |
Achievements |
Bandolier Set-Up* |
Alternate Advancement
(Character & Mercenary)
Bind Point(s) |
Alternative Coin
Fellowship Membership |
Character Achievements |
Guild Hall
(and anything you had in it)
Character Inventory
(Bags, items in the Bags & Coin)
Guild Membership |
Character Levels |
Guild Tribute & Guild Trophy Tribute |
Character Skills
(Combat, Tradeskills, Etc.)
Hot Bar Set-Up* |
Claim Items |
Hot Key Set-Up* |
Faction |
(and all you had in it)
(Slot Count & Items)
Shared Bank / Shared Coin
(Items & Coin)
Marketplace Funds |
(You start over with Overseer.)
Mercs (Types, Names, AA's) |
Spell Bar Set-Up |
Owned Expansions |
Tradeskill Depot
(Everything you had in it.)
Parcels |
User Interface
(On-Screen Window Set-Up)*
Personal Tribute & Personal Trophy Tribute
(However, items in your House do not transfer, so you will have no Trophy's for Trophy Tribute.)
Quest Rewards (Unclaimed) |
Shroud Progression |
Spells / Discs (Scribed) |
Tradeskill Depot Slots
(Slots, not items.)
Worn Gear / Weapons / Augs |
The items in the 'No' column that have an asterisk (*), can be set-up ('restored') as follows:
- NOTE: If you created a new EverQuest Test Directory by copying the Live EverQuest Directory, everything should be in place to access / utilize, for the most part. Otherwise you will need to copy over certain things to access / use them. In either case, renaming certain files will also be needed. See below.
- Use the 'Load UI Skin' button in your Options Window (Alt O).
- In the window that pops up, select the UI Skin you want to use;
- Click the 'Load Skin' button to finish.
- NOTE: You will often have to 'fix' and adjust things after doing this.
- NOTE: If you don't see any 'UI Skin' options, then you need to manually copy them from Live to Test (see below).
- Use 'Copy Lay Out.'
- Alt O -> 'Copy Layout' Button;
- In the Window that pops up, select a Layout you want to use;
- You can also select any of the check boxes if you additionally want to copy over Hot Buttons, Socials (Actions Window --> Social Tab) and / or Loadouts (saved spells sets / discs);
- Click the 'Copy' button to finish;
- NOTE: You will often have to 'fix' and adjust things after doing this.
- MAPS: Copy (not cut, not move) the 'maps' Sub-Directory from your Live EverQuest Directory to your EverQuest Test Directory, to have access to the same Maps that you do on Live.
- UI SKIN: Copy (not cut, not move) the 'uifiles' Sub-Directory from your Live EverQuest Directory to your EverQuest Test Directory, to have access to the same 'UI Skins' that you do on Live.
- AUDIO TRIGGERS: Copy (not cut, not move) the 'AudioTriggers' Sub-Directory from your Live EverQuest Directory to your EverQuest Test Directory, to have access to the same Audio Triggers that you do on Live.
- ADVANCED LOOT: Copy (not cut, not move) the 'userdata' Sub-Directory from your Live EverQuest Directory to your EverQuest Test Directory, to have access to the same Advanced Loot selections that you have on Live.
- Once this copy is completed, you will need to go into this Directory and rename the files related to the Character copied to the Test Server. Example, 'GN_Bonzz_bertox.txt' will need to be renamed 'GN_Bonzz_test.txt.' If your Character name was modified on test server, such as Bonzz became Bonzze, the files will need to be renamed accordingly. Example, 'GN_Bonzz_bertox.txt' will need to be renamed 'GN_Bonzze_test.txt.'
- SETTINGS: To use the same settings that you have on Live Server:
- Copying over any and all 'INI' files (i.e. 'Bonzz_bertox.ini');
- Copy (not cut, not move) these files from the Live EQ Directory and place them in the same place in your EverQuest Test Directory;
- If the INI file includes a Server name, you need rename it for the Test Server ('Bonzz_bertox.ini' renamed to 'Bonzz_test.ini').
- If your Character name was modified on the Test Server, the INI file will also need to be renamed for your Character name, accordingly ('Bonzz_bertox.ini' renamed to 'Bonzze_test.ini').
7) PLAYING ON THE TEST SERVER: The Test Server is essentially exactly like the Live server, with some exceptions.
- The Test Server will have new EverQuest features / events at least one (1) to two (2) weeks before the Live servers get them. This is so Players on the Test Server can pursue them and report any issues, to allow for corrections before they 'go Live.'
- The Test Server will normally see down time at least twice a month, with the Monthly Patch (a week before the Live Server gets patched) and also about two weeks later (to 'match' the Live Servers).
- You should NOT see any Marketplace Funds on the Test Server. If you do, do NOT spend them! Save them for the Live Server!
- You will see your Loyalty Tokens (Crowns) on the Test Server. I strongly recommend that you do NOT spend them on the Test Server, as this will spend Loyalty Tokens on the Test Server that you may otherwise prefer to spend on Live Servers (they are all from the same account-wide pool).
- While there are Players who Play on the Test Server full time (just like on a Live Server), most Players utilize the Test Server as just that... for 'testing' and / or experimenting.
- There is an item tag on the Test server that you will not see on live servers... "Copied" (see below image). According to a 2008 EverQuest post, this tag means:
- They apply to items on Characters that are copied over from another server (verified).
- They only useable by the same Copied Over Characters (not verified).
- They can not be sold or give to any other Players.
- UPDATE: This seems to have been changed. I tested this on Test Server... you can trade these items between Players, so long as they are not No Trade. They can also be listed and offered in Bazaar (verified).
- They can be sold to vendors (verified).
- If they are stackable, they will not stack with the same items that are not marked as 'Copied' (verified).
- If they are a tradeskill items, anything made using a 'Copied' item will also carry the 'Copied' tag (not verified).
- The Arena zone is different on the Test Server, is one of the primary interests for the Test Server. There are NPC's there that you can talk to and 'test' certain things with (i.e. testing DPS).
- If you want a Fellowship on the Test Server, you will need to join an existing Fellowship one or create one. See below warning.
- If you want to be in a Guild on the Test Server, you will need to join an existing Guild or create one. See below warning.
- If you want a House or Guild Hall on the Test Server, you will have to start them up from scratch. See below warning.
- -- WARNING -- if you do not intend to maintain, play and progress your Character on the Test Server... the need for a Fellowship, Guild, House and / or Guild Hall is moot. Or, if you plan on re-copying that same Character (such as to upgrade gear, etc. to match the Live Server version), any Fellowship, Guild, Guild Hall or House you set up will go poof!
- To maintain a Guild, Guild Hall, Housing and / or Fellowship, use an alternative method! Create them using a Test-Only Character, perhaps even on a different account! This way, if you re-copy Characters, the Test-Only Character can re-invite them Guilds & Fellowships and re-grant them access to Halls and Houses.
- If you are popping on the Test Server just to experiment, then you can treat your Character as if it is a Temporary Character. Deleting items is not a big concern.
- In fact, you can Delete your Character on the Test Server, if you want to, with no real concerns.
- You can update and / or add your Character back to the Test Server, by simply using the /testcopy command again (see #4, above).
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated August 27, 2024
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.