It's time to go full throttle and put the Djinn back in the bottle! -- Bonzz

The Burning Lands was the 25th expansion, released December 2018.

This expansion added:

Gnome Memorial Mountain (GMM) was released in March 2019 during the 20th Anniversary, but is not technically an Anniversary event (it was a permanent addition). The GMM Achievements were first included in the Secrets of Faydwer Achievement section since the zone is located in the zone areas of that expansion, as well as having a similar them feel to that expansion. However, they were later moved (August 2021) to this expansion, probably because they were released during this expansion and their difficulty level was similar to this expansion as well. I think they were in the right place to start with!


The expansion was sold in three versions: Premium ($139.99); Collector's ($89.99); and Standard ($34.99).

PRE-ORDER: If you Pre-Ordered any version of the expansion, you received (1) Mearatas Rock Garden (placeable) and immediate access to Beta testing.

STANDARD: This version did not include any Bonus Items.

COLLECTOR'S: This version included (999) Stratos Air Platform (a personal Portal to Stratos: Zephyr's Wind); (999), Contract of the Jann (Mercenary type); (1) Muhbis of the Expansive Void (40-Slot Bag); (1) Guise of the Crystalline Construct (Illusion); (1) Carpet of Stratos (Stat Mount); (1) Painting: The Burning Lands; (1) Fire Slug Familiar (Familiar); and (1) Goblet of Adventure II (4-Hours of +25% XP).

PREMIUM: This version additionally included (999) Stratos Fire Platform (a Guild Portal to Stratos: Zephyr's Wind); (1) Crystalline Construct Familiar (Familiar); Saddle of the Lava Snail (Stat Mount); and a Shared Goblet of Adventure II (4 Hours of 25% for your entire Group).

BETA: Players who participated in Beta, and earned enough 'Beta Tokens,' were awarded a 'Royal Djinn Headwear Ornament.'


Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.




General 10 410
Exploration 8 80
Progression 13 130
Quests 12 120
Missions 9 90
Raids 52 520
Conquest 54 810
Hunter 10 100
Collections 37 370
TOTALS 205 2,630

ARMOR SETS                    ALTERNATIVE CURRENCY                    CHASE LOOT                   GAME CREDITS                    LORE

MERC GEAR                    ORNAMENT SETS                    PROGRESSIVE ITEM(S)                    RAID INFO & STRATS

STAT FOOD & DRINK                    SPECIAL ITEM(S)                    SPELLS, SONGS & DISCIPLINES                    ZONES LIST




Mearatas Rock Garden (Video)

Guise of the Crystalline Construct (Video)

Carpet of Stratos (Video)

Fire Slug Familiar (Video)

Royal Djinn Headwear Ornament (Beta Award) (Video)

Saddle of the Lava Snail (Video)

Female Djinn Emissary Mercenary Variant (Video)

Female Ondine Wavefront Mercenary Variant (Video)

Male Djinn Soldier (Video)

Male Efreeti Amir Mercenary Variant (Video)

Duende Ornaments

Chain / Cloth / Leather / Plate

Painting: The Burning Lands

Efreeti Blade Ornamentation (Video)

Draconic Lava Ornaments

Chain / Cloth / Leather / Plate

Efreeti Kite Shield Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Staff Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Janbiya Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Great Shield Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Gladius Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Greatsword Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Knuckle Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Stiletto Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Hammer Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Spear Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Greatmace Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Great Scimitar Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Crescent Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Greataxe Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Aegis Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Longbow Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Overseer's Rod Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Axe Ornamentation (Video)

Efreeti Vizier's Rod Ornamentation (Video)



One thing that was included in this expansion were (4) Evolving / Progressive Items (rare drops from the 'Fight Fire' mission), tied to Achievements. Once evolved, they were the best items in their slots. In fact, some Players continued to wear them three-plus expansions later, due the special (slot 18 / Slot 19) augs that go into them only made them that much better.

The items were for your Hands (Tattered White Satin Gloves), Fingers (Djarn's Tarnished Amethyst Ring), Shoulders (Threadbare Weighted Tabard) and Feet (Torn Efreeti Boots).

Progression Naming Variations (they vary by Class and Level of Progression):


  • 1) Torn Efreeti Boots (looted)
  • 2) Silver
  • 3) Golden
  • 4) Platinum
  • 5) Platinum Gem Studded
  • 6) Diamond


  • 1) White Satin Gloves (looted)
  • 2) Patched
  • 3) White Chain / Leather / Plate / Satin
  • 4) White Platinum Etched Chain / Etched Plate / Embossed Leather / Threaded Satin
  • 5) Gem Studded
  • 6) Rhodium


  • 1) Djarn's Tarnished Amethyst Ring (looted)
  • 2) Silver
  • 3) Gold
  • 4) Platinum
  • 5) Platinum Gem Studded
  • 6) Rhodium


  • 1) Threadbare Weighted Tabard (looted)
  • 2) Combatant's / Supplicant's
  • 3) Formulaic / Fused / Harasser's / Mystic
  • 4) Assaulter's / Composite / Convoker's / Mendicant's / Protector's
  • 5) Gem Studded
  • 6) Tabard of the Deft / Gods / Guardian / Mindful / Striker

Progression process:

The Achievements required are:



Fettered Ifrit Coin was added to the game. It is earned via Group Missions and can be spent with Clouded Jade in Stratos: Zephyr's Flight.

Entwined Djinn Coin was added to the game. It is earned via Raids and can be spent with Brilliant Jade in Stratos: Zephyr's Flight.

Crystallized Luck was added to the game. Crystallized Luck is acquired by purchasing them from Parcel Vendors, Loyalty Vendors and / or the Marketplace. It is not technically a coin type, but it is included on the Alternative Currency tab. This item is required to 'fuse' two same items together, to increase Luck by +1. See here for details.

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The armor sets are, and the materials needed are:

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The crafted Stat Food & Drink was the Primordial Plasma Smoothie & the Primordial Noodles with Indigenous Primordial Meat.

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'Vigilant' Mercenary gear is was added with this expansion.

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'Chase' loot for this expansion is the 'Descending' gear:

Athletic Descending Moon Belt
Athletic Descending Moon Earring
Athletic Descending Moon Ring
Descending Moon Amice of Adroitness
Descending Moon Amice of Brilliance
Descending Moon Amice of Vigor
Descending Moon Charm of Brilliance
Descending Moon Charm of Vigor
Descending Moon Cloak of Security
Descending Moon Idol of Adroitness
Descending Moon Idol of Vigor

Descending Moon Mask of Brilliance
Descending Moon Mask of Vigor
Descending Moon Necklace of Adroitness
Descending Moon Necklace of Vigor
Fleet Descending Moon Belt
Fleet Descending Moon Earring
Fleet Descending Moon Ring
Guardian's Descending Moon Mask
Ingenious Descending Moon Belt
Ingenious Descending Moon Earring

Ingenious Descending Moon Ring
Quick Descending Moon Belt
Quick Descending Moon Earring
Quick Descending Moon Ring
Savvy Descending Moon Belt
Savvy Descending Moon Ring
Secure Descending Moon Ring
Summoner's Descending Moon Earring
Vital Descending Moon Belt
Vital Descending Moon Earring
Vital Descending Moon Ring

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The Hero's Forge ornament sets for this expansion are Draconic Lava (raid content) and Duende (group content). (See above.)

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Aalishai, Palace of Embers

Chamber of Tears

Empyr: Realms of Ash

Doomfire, the Burning Lands

Esianti: Palace of Winds

Gnome Memorial Mountain
(Added with this expansion, but was originally placed in Secrets of Faydwer content, where it should have stayed, imo).

Mearatas: The Stone Demesne

Plane of Smoke

Stratos: Zephyr's Flight




This Achievement section is for the achievements related to The Burning Lands expansion.

NOTE: The Achievements for Gnome Memorial Mountain added with the March 2019 Patch (under the Secrets of Faydwer expansion), were moved to this expansion with the August 2021 Patch.

Achievements listed in the below sections are not necessarily listed in alphabetical order. They are generally listed in the order seen in the game (at the time they were added to the lists below). Use Control-F to "Find" a specific achievement you may be looking for.

All of the the below achievements should apply to all classes (they are not class specific).

NOTE: Any rewards highlighted in YELLOW might be worth pursuing, due the fun factor, benefit or usefulness of the reward (you decide).

NOTE: Some miscellaneous “hints” may also be included in PURPLE. These hints are intended to enhance / clarify the "how to" for accomplishing the achievement.

NOTE: Anything in RED text is either an informational comment, or data / details that is not fully verified. If you can verify or provide correct information, please do (see end of page)!

NOTE: Items noted as a "REWARD" are items granted from the achievement, itself. Items listed as "ACQUIRED" are unique item's that can be / are / should be acquired along the way, towards completing the related achievement, but are not actually a reward granted from the achievement itself. In fact, the achievement may even be for acquiring said item. Additionally, only the more "unique" Achievement awards are noted below... "common" or "generic" Achievement Rewards like Alternate Advancement points, Character Experience & Coin, are not noted in the Reward options below.




Master of The Burning Lands 100 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. N / A



50 Complete the two (2) listed Achievements.

Efreeti Carpet (Stat Mount)

(See above.)

Champion of The Burning Lands


30 Complete the eleven (11) and / or one (1) optional listed Achievements. N / A

Paragon of The Burning Lands


40 Complete the eight (8) and / or one (1) optional listed Achievements.

Jann's Veil (Stat Illusion)

(See above.)

Challenger of the Burning Lands


60 Complete the forty-two (42) and / or three (3) optional listed Achievements. Allows you to upgrade (by way of a button in the item window) the Mortal Corporeal Light Zephyr, Mortal Corporeal Gusting Zephyr, Glowing Gem of Stone and / or the Curio of Ondine Force (damage augmentations).



60 Complete the three (3) and / or one (1) optional listed Achievements.

Efreeti Trunk (44 Slot 100% bag)

Title 'Burnslayer,' & Suffix 'the Burnslayer'

Conqueror of The Burning Lands 40 Complete the seven (7) and / or one (1) optional listed Achievements. N / A

Vanquisher of The Burning Lands

10 Complete the eight (8) and / or three (3) optional listed Achievements.

Efreeti Blade Ornamentation (x2)

Efreeti Kite Shield Ornamentation

Efreeti Longbow Ornamentation

These can be converted, in a rotation, into the other 'Efreeti' Ornamentations (See above.)

Burning Lands Master Scavenger


10 Complete the two (2) and / or one (1) optional listed Achievements. Mortal's Ethereal Wonder (Tribute Trophy)

Explorer of the Burning Lands


10 Complete the seven (7) and / or one (1) optional listed Achievements. If you don't have one all ready, you should get a Journeyman's Compass. Click the Journeyman's Compass to gain another Level of the Journeyman's Speed Alternative Advancement (if it isn't all ready maxed out).






Stratos: Zephyr's Flight Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Plane of Smoke Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Empyr: Realms of Ash Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Aalishai: Palace of Embers


10 Go to the noted zone.

Esianti: Palace of the Winds Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Mearatas: The Stone Demesne Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Chamber of Tears Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Gnome Memorial Mountain Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.






Trials of Smoke (Group)


10 Complete the seven (7) listed Missions / Tasks. N / A

Adventurer of The Burning Lands (Group)


10 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements. Smoke-Filled Lamp (click to progress your TBL Dichotomic spell).

Hero of The Burning Lands (Group)


10 Complete the listed Achievement and two (2) listed Missions / Tasks. N / A

Vindicator of The Burning Lands (Group)


10 Complete the listed Achievement and two (2) listed Missions / Tasks. Smoke-Filled Lamp (click to progress your TBL Dichotomic spell).

Legend of The Burning Lands (Group)


10 Complete the listed Achievement and six (6) listed Missions / Tasks. N / A

Strategic Entry (Group)


10 Complete the two (2) listed Missions / Tasks. N / A

Trailblazer (Group)


10 Complete the listed Achievement and the listed Mission / Task. N / A

Heatseeker (Group)


10 Complete the listed Achievement and eight (8) listed Missions / Tasks. Smoke-Filled Lamp (click to progress your TBL Dichotomic spell).

Winds of Ash (Raid)


10 Complete the two (2) listed Achievements and eight (8) listed Missions / Tasks. Smoke-Filled Lamp (click to progress your TBL Dichotomic spell).
Flameward (Raid) 10 Complete the listed Raid and the listed Achievement. Smoke-Filled Lamp (click to progress your TBL Dichotomic spell).

Battle Writ of the Jann (Raid)


10 Acquire and click (collect) twenty-one (21) 'Battle Writ of the Jann' (from the 'Fight Fire,' 'General Reparm' & 'The Rise of Smoke' Tier One Raid events). Flags you for Tier Two Raids.
Greater Battle Writ of the Jann (Raid) 10 Acquire and click (collect) twenty-one (21) 'Greater Battle Writ of the Jann' (from the 'Contract of War,' 'Prince Ralaifin' & 'The Conflagration Generals' Tier Two Raid events). Flags you for Tier Three Raids.
Writ of the Jann General (Raid) 10 Acquire and click (collect) fourteen (14) 'Writ of the Jann General' (from the 'Palace Gates' & 'Unfettered Emerald Excellence' Tier Three Raid events). 240 Entwined Djinn Coin (Raid Currency)






Mercenary of Stratos: Zephyr's Flight


10 Complete the two (2) required and / or one (1) optional Tasks.

Partisan of Stratos: Zephyr's Flight


10 Complete the three (3) listed tasks.

Mercenary of The Plane of Smoke


10 Complete the six (6) listed tasks.

Mercenary of Empyr: Realms of Ash


10 Complete the three (3) listed tasks.

Partisan of Empyr: Realms of Ash


10 Complete the three (3) listed tasks.

Mercenary of Aalishai: Palace of Embers


10 Complete the three (3) listed tasks.

Partisan of Aalishai: Palace of Embers


10 Complete the three (3) listed tasks.

Mercenary of Esianti: Palace of the Winds


10 Complete the four (4) listed tasks.

Partisan of Esianti: Palace of the Winds


10 Complete the three (3) listed tasks.

Mercenary of Mearatas: The Stone Demesne


10 Complete the three (3) listed tasks.

Partisan of Mearatas: The Stone Demesne


10 Complete the three (3) listed tasks.

Partisan of Gnome Memorial Mountain


10 Complete the (11) listed quests.





Hero of Stratos: Zephyr's Flight


10 Complete the listed mission.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

Hero of The Plane of Smoke


10 Complete the listed mission.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

Hero of Empyr: Realms of Ash


10 Complete the listed mission. +1 AA: Hero's Resolution

Hero of Doomfire, the Burning Lands


10 Complete the listed mission. +1 AA: Hero's Resolution

Hero of Esianti: Palace of the Winds

10 Complete the listed mission. +1 AA: Hero's Resolution

Hero of Mearatas: The Stone Demesne


10 Complete the listed mission. +1 AA: Hero's Resolution

Hero of Aalishai: Palace of Embers


10 Complete the listed mission. +1 AA: Hero's Resolution

Hero of The Chamber of Tears


10 Complete the listed mission.

Wishing Lamp: Zephyr's Flight (can be converted, via a button in the item window, back and forth to Wishing Lamp: Palace of Embers and Wishing Lamp: Stone of Demesne).

Hero of Gnome Memorial Mountain


10 Complete the (3) listed missions. N / A







Conqueror of Stratos: Zephyr's Flight


10 Defeat the 'Fight Fire' raid event.

Vanquisher of Fight Fire

10 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

Crowd Control


10 During the 'Fight Fire' raid, the Achievement is pretty clear... don't kill thirty (30) of the adds! The key here might be having enough mezzers and charmers, along with some durable tanks and talented healers. Adds spawn thought the event... 'an inferno flare (can be mezzed), a flameling (can be charmed) and 'a jopal soldier' (likely needs off tanked and / or killed).

Leading a Charmed Life


10 During the 'Fight Fire' raid, the Achievement is pretty clear... charm twenty (20) of the adds! The only adds that can be charmed seem to be 'an inferno flare.' It is not currently known if charming the same add more than once will count towards this Achievement (I suspect it will not).

Fire Free


10 During the 'Fight Fire' raid, the Achievement, this is an individual Achievement. One of the Mini-Bosses in this event, is 'Interminable Lightness of Being,' that uses a spell called 'On Fire.' This appears to be a 'luck of the draw' Achievement for the most part, as up to three Players are targeted about every 40-seconds ('Refracted Fire?'). These Players need to run away from the raid, and if they don't, then you run away from them (1,000 range). Burning down 'Interminable Lightness of Being,' may also be a good idea (to reduce how many times the DoT is cast).

Conqueror of The Plane of Smoke


10 Defeat the 'Rise of Smoke' raid event.
Vanquisher of Rise of Smoke 10 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

Rescue Rangers



During the 'Rise of Smoke' raid event, there are two 'prisoners' behind the north gate from the zone in... 'Languid Flames Wander' & 'Daring Glances Slight.' They both must survive the raid, for this Achievement. 

(What kills / attacks them? And what do you do about it?)



10 During the 'Rise of Smoke' raid event,
Called to Task 10

During the 'Rise of Smoke' raid event, 'a phoenix supernova' flys around laying 'an egg,' which can then emote on a player and explode a 150-range AoE on that Player. Kill 'a phoenix supernova' ASAP, before it can lay an 'an egg' -- and if 'a phoenix supernova' does lay an 'an egg', kill 'an egg,' ASAP.

Conqueror of Doomfire, the Burning Lands


10 Defeat the 'General Reparm' raid event.

Vanquisher of General Reparm


10 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.



10 During the 'General Reparm' raid event, there are two (2) 'a throne guardian' that spawn at 50% of General Reparm's health. Keep the two (2) 'a throne guardian' separated, but kill both of them within 30-seconds of each other. Otherwise, you get more adds ('a fire slugs'). 



10 During the 'General Reparm' raid event, General Reparm will emote and target a Player for 'Expanding Embers.' That Players needs to run away from the raid (80 range) to avoid the AoE hitting others, and thus, preventing the 'Flames to spread.'

Reign of Frogs


10 During the 'General Reparm' raid event, 'a pyroniling' will spawn about every 60-seconds, with little exception (they can be mezzed). Defeat the raid without ever having more than six (6) 'a pyroniling' up at one time (if get to five (5), go ahead and kill one or two... or, just keep them dead all along).
Conqueror of Empyr: Realms of Ash 10 Defeat the 'Prince Ralaifin' & 'The Conflagration Generals' raid events.
Vanquisher of Ralaifin 10 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.
All in Its Place


During the 'Prince Ralaifin' raid event, there are four (4) 'Ralaifin' MoB's besides Prince Ralaifin. Kill a 'Ralaifin Ecclesiastic, Ralaifin Theologist, Ralaifin Oblate' & 'Ralaifin Sacerdot' where they stand (don't move them of their auras).
All at Once 10 During the 'Prince Ralaifin' raid event, Kill a 'Ralaifin Ecclesiastic, Ralaifin Theologist, Ralaifin Oblate' & 'Ralaifin Sacerdot' within one minute of each other. This requires balanced DPS on all four (4) of them at the same time.
All Their Own 10 During the 'Prince Ralaifin' raid event, Kill a 'Ralaifin Ecclesiastic, Ralaifin Theologist, Ralaifin Oblate' & 'Ralaifin Sacerdot' one at a time, while the others are all above at least 25% Health. In short, focus DPS and kill them one at a time, so that none of the other ones, that are still alive, do NOT go below 25% until it's their turn to die.
Vanquisher of The Conflagration Generals 10 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.
Stunning Performance 10 During the 'The Conflagration Generals' raid event, 'a whorling wildfire' will spawn at the location of a targeted player ('A whorling wildfire erupts into being on top of Bonzz!')Use stuns on 'a whorling wildfire' (stuns do massive damage on them) to kill them ASAP, so that none (zero) of them survive more than 25-seconds.
Masters of the Dance 10

During the 'The Conflagration Generals' raid event, there will be emotes related to moving the 'Smiting Relentless Shard' & 'Glorious Battleworn Monolith' (the 'Generals'), which the primary tanks will have to manage. The emotes happen two (2) at a time.

The first emote is always one of two possibilities, and is easy to follow:

  • (Bring the two 'Generals' together.) The Generals must be moved near each other!
  • The Generals must be moved far from each other! (Move the two 'Generals' apart.)

The second emote is a bit harder to follow, as the tanks may not be able to drag their 'General' to the same place, which is why the advance coordination / planning is needed (which tank will drag their 'General' to which spot).

  • The Generals must be moved near the towers! (Near the North and / or South Tower.)
  • The Generals must be moved to the bridge! (On the nearby Bridge.)
  • The Generals must be moved to different heights! (Move into the 'valley' -- or 'trench,' -- or -- get out of same.)
  • The Generals must be moved near the door to Aalishai! (Move near the door that is the Aalishai zone connector.)
  • The Generals must be moved into the flames! (Move to one of the visible 'flames' that you can see.)
Bring Them Down Together 10 During the 'The Conflagration Generals' raid event, balance DPS on 'Smiting Relentless Shard' & 'Glorious Battleworn Monolith' (the 'Generals') so that they are never more than 2% out of balance with each other.
Conqueror of Esianti: Palace of the Winds 10 Defeat the 'Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens' raid event.
Vanquisher of Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens 10 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.
Snake Charmer 10 During the 'Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens' raid event, there are 'a nilborien hawk' adds that spawn to the south (at 'Feather Silver Sheen,' one of the boss MoB's), and they can be charmed. Charm and keep charming 'a nilborien hawk' adds, then send them to attack all three 'boss MoB's ('Feather Silver Sheen,' 'Sunshine Sensible Warmth' & 'Radiant Fog Evening'), so they might use their 'Planar Venom' on each 'boss' to get this Achievement.
Easy Breezy 10 During the 'Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens' raid event, one of the bosses, 'Radiant Fog Evening,' will target a Player (there is an emote) for 'Suffocating Breeze' & 'Binding Breeze.' These are Aura attacks (you can see the Aura's), so if you get the emote, run away from the raid, or if someone else gets the emote, move away from them (the aura), ASAP. It may not be a good idea to simply take out 'Radiant Fog Evening,' to stop the Auras, as the bosses should be kept in balance (2%), or else the raid suffers big AoE damage ('Pain and Suffering').
Unbalanced Force 10 During the 'Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens' raid event, the three bosses are supposed to be kept in balance (2%). This Achievement is for letting them get 'drastically' out of Balance. Due the AoE Damage the raid suffers for doing this, the best way to do this is right at the start, take one (1) of them down (??%) and then immediately work on the other two (2) to get them all back in balance. Or, perhaps this might be best right at the end, when they are all at (??%) and then just take one (1) out, then quickly take the other two (2) out.
Conqueror of Aalishai: Palace of Embers 10 Defeat 'The Palace Gates' raid event.
Vanquisher of The Palace Gates 10 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.
Legend of the Phoenix 10 During 'The Palace Gates' raid event, there is 'a wildfire phoenix' that uses a PB AoE (30 range) 'Flames of Destruction' spell / attack. This spell can hit Players for 200K, but if it can also hit 'Seneschal Radiant Propensity' for 145M! Have a good kiter(s) aggro and kite 'a wildfire phoenix' in a tight 30-range area of 'Seneschal Radiant Propensity,' (while every one else stays at leas 40-range away). If 'Seneschal Radiant Propensity' is successfully hit five (5) times by 'Flames of Destruction,' you complete this Achievement.
No Repercussions 10 During 'The Palace Gates' raid event, 'Seneschal Radiant Propensity' will use a PB AoE (200 Range) 'Repercussions,' This spell will, or can, kill 'phoenix' and 'armor' adds. This spell also gets stronger (Levels II, III & IV), each time it kills one of the 'Armor' adds. To get this Achievement, have Kiters take the 'armor' adds away from 'Seneschal Radiant Propensity' (more than 200 Range) and kite them in circles.
Quadruple Amnesty 10 During 'The Palace Gates' raid event, 'Seneschal Radiant Propensity' will use a 200 Range PB AoE called 'Repercussions.' This spell will, or can, kill 'phoenix' and 'armor' adds. This spell also gets stronger (Levels II, Level III & then Level IV), each time it kills one of the ('Armor') adds. To get this Achievement, purposely allow ('Armor') adds to die to this PB AoE.
Conqueror pf Mearatas: The Stone Demesne 10 Defeat the 'Unfettered Emerald Excellence' raid event.
Vanquisher of Unfettered Emerald Excellence 10 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.
Poison Unproliferated 10 During the 'Unfettered Emerald Excellence' raid event, Players can be hit with 'Poison Proliferation.' Don't cure it! If you do, an AoE will hit the entire raid.
Color Coordinated 10 During the 'Unfettered Emerald Excellence' raid event, Players will get a 'Protective Mark'  (at ~70%). To get this Achievement, all Players, without fail, need to immediately run to the correct hallway, that is associated with the 'Protective Mark' they got. If they don't, they die. 
Impenetrable Defenses 10 During the 'Unfettered Emerald Excellence' raid event, at about 68%, some ('animated armor') spawn in the hall way and path towards the boss (Unfettered Emerald Excellence). To get this Achievement, kill them ASAP before they reach the boss, or they AoE the raid.

Conqueror of Gnome Memorial Mountain


10 Defeat the (3) listed raids / events.

Vanquisher of Dragon in the Works


10 Complete the (3) listed achievements.

Cling Free


10 Prevent Rustbottom, Grinder of Gears from entering the aura (keep him where he is, don't let him exit the circle area, ever).

None to the Dome


10 Do not allow an adventurer enter the static aura (stay inside the ring, where Rustbottom, Grinder of Gears is located, for the entire raid).



10 Do not allow 'a dilapidated mechanic' to restore more than 5% of Rustbottom, Grinder of Gears health (kill them ASAP, as soon as they spawn).
Vanquisher of Night at the Museum 10 Complete the (3) listed achievements.
We Never Get Boared 10 During the Night at the Museum raid event, do not allow any player to get knocked down by the boar, 'a rattling roboboar.' For the entire raid, 'a rattling roboboar' will (emote) that it is after a certain Player. That Player needs to immediately run away from 'a rattling roboboar' until they see another (emote) that 'a rattling roboboar' gave up.
Break it Down 10

During the Night at the Museum raid event, destroy the ('broken down bot') before destroying its healer allies.

(Need names of healer MoB's, etc.)

Look out, Bellow! 10 During the Night at the Museum raid event, do not allow anyone but the initial target to be hit by the beetles bellow. There is 'a beetlework, Model LXXX' that spawns during this event, that will target (there is an emote) a certain Player for it's ('Bellow') attack. That Player needs to move away from the raid, so no one else is hit by the attack. It also helps if the raid takes out 'a beetlework, Model LXXX,' ASAP.
Vanquisher of Mechagnomic Whirlrender 10 Complete the (3) listed achievements.

Failure Is Not an Option


10 This achievement is plain and simple, defeat Mechagnomic Whirlrender on the first try (no resets).
Precious Metal 10 During the Mechagnomic Whirlrender raid event, trash MoB's can drop various types of 'scrap metal.' This includes 'Exceptional-Quality Scrap Metal,' which is a Temporary item (so you can't retain them for a later try). To get this Achievement, you will have to control DPS on the boss and focus on killing adds, to get enough 'Exceptional-Quality Scrap Metal,' to give to one of the (gnome) to repair a ('catapult') with. It takes (how many?) to repair a ('catapult'). 
No Time to Spare 10 This achievement is pretty straight forward and DPS intensive... kill Mechagnomic Whirlrender in less than (10) minutes.






Savior of Stratos: Zephyr's Flight


40 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

Fire Free Zone


10 During the 'Fight Fire' mission, two (2) 'pyroclasm armor' and two (2) 'an efreeti warlord,' will spawn. Mez both 'pyroclasm armor,' and then mez and kill (keep mezzing them as you kill them, to interrupt their spells) both 'an efreeti warlord,' ASAP.  N / A



10 During the 'Fight Fire' mission, two (2) 'pyroclasm armor' and two (2) 'an efreeti warlord,' will spawn. This achievement requires that you prevent 'an efreeti warlord,' from 'inhabiting' a 'pyroclasm armor.' To do this, snare, root and mezz 'an efreeti warlord,' away from the group, while taking out both of the 'pyroclasm armor' as fast as possible (they can be mezzed, as well). N / A



10 During the 'Fight Fire' mission, two (2) 'pyroclasm armor' and two (2) an efreeti warlord, will spawn. This achievement requires that you allow 'an efreeti warlord,' to 'inhabit' a 'pyroclasm armor.' To do this, snare, and root them near the group, slow DPS and allow it to happen, then kill them. N / A
Savior of The Plane of Smoke 40 Complete the fifteen (15) listed Achievements.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

Keep Them Separated


10 During the 'Trial of the Eternal Cyclone,' 'a blasting breeze,' 'a freezing wind,' and a gritty blast,' will spawn, periodically (on the island, not up top where the boss is). To get this achievement, aggro and keep the adds apart from each other as you kill them, so they do not merge into 'an ashen terror.' Put a Ranger up top with the boss and everyone else stay below to deal with the adds. If DPS is too good on the boss, this achievement can fail. Pace the DPS and let the MoB's spawn. N / A

Mix and Match


10 During the 'Trial of the Eternal Cyclone,' 'a blasting breeze,' 'a freezing wind,' and a gritty blast,' will spawn, periodically, as adds (on the island, not up top where the boss is). N / A

No Eggsplanations


10 During the 'Trial of the Eternal Cyclone,' 'a phoenix supernova,' will spawn, periodically. To get this achievement, aggro and kill 'a phoenix supernova' ASAP, before it can lay 'an egg.' And if 'a phoenix supernova' does lay 'an egg,' kill 'an egg' ASAP before it explodes on someone. N / A

Stirring the Dust


10 During the 'Trial of the Ashes of Rusted Cliff's Glory,' twice during the event, five (5) 'a swirl of disturbed crust' will spawn, and then you have to kill the correct one to reactivate the Boss. To get this achievement, you must kill only the correct 'a swirl of disturbed crust.' To do this a targeting hot key (/tar a_swirl_of_disturbed_crust05), and kill only that one. N / A



10 During the 'Trial of the Ashes of Rusted Cliff's Glory,' there are (phoenix) MoB's that fly about and place a target ring / aura on the ground (that you can see) and then cast Fire DD in that area (with a big red target ring. Move back and forth out of that aura ASAP. This will happen non-stop, the entire event. N / A

All Alone


10 During the 'Trial of the Ashes of Rusted Cliff's Glory,' before you finish off 'Whispers of Indomitable Onyx' (the boss), make sure all 'an ashen elemental' are dead first! When I did this, 'an ashen elemental' spawned just as we killed 'Whispers of Indomitable Onyx.' So we killed 'an ashen elemental' before we opened the chest (we did get the Achievement). N / A

A Matter of Timing


10 During the 'Trail of the Speaker's Amphitheater,' two 'mini-boss' MoB's appear on the platforms above, once adds are killed below. Kill the mini-bosses within 60-seconds of each other. this will require balanced DPS and divided tanking. N / A

Following Orders


10 During the 'Trail of the Speaker's Amphitheater,' kill the mini-bosses in alphabetical order... 'Alabaster Moonbreeze,' Diamond Earthshaker,' 'Grinning Monsoon,' and then 'Sunbird of the Dawn.' N / A
Tumble Dry 10 During the 'Trail of the Speaker's Amphitheatre, 'Rumbling Rock Spirit' roams around the lower area. You can't miss it, it is a huge swirl of rocks. It will appear twice during the event. It will spawn with the second mini-boss and then despawn when it dies. This happens again with the fourth mini-boss. All Players need to avoid it, so as to not be hit by it's aura. It can hit Players even up on the platforms. The best way to do this one is to balance down the 1st & 2nd mini-boss and the same time... so that they die a short time apart. This is because the the Rumbling Rock Spirit needs to spawn, even if momentarily, before the 2nd boss dies. Do this again with the 3rd & 4th mini-boss. N / A

Read the Signs


10 During the 'Trail of Three,' there is a proper sequence to kill 'Dark Waters Sing,' 'Shadows of Stone,' & 'Warm Heart Flickers,' which can vary Mission to Mission. This sequence is revealed by a 'riddle' emote, given to you t the very start... and you need to solve it very quickly (at least for the first one you need to kill). This clues have to do with each MOB's size (actual height), proximity to the doorway (close, mid-way or way back from the door) of their area (water, fire...) and similar.  N / A

No Smoking


10 During the 'Trail of Three,' there is an AoE effect in the middle area between rooms, that you only have a short time to traverse into one of the side platforms. No one can be caught in this middle area when the effect activates. N / A

Three at Once


10 During the 'Trail of Three,' this Achievement is for killing all three (3) bosses within 60-seconds of each other... which means attacking all three (3) at the same time, balancing their Hit Points and killing them in the right order based on the clues given by the NPC you start the event with (if you don't kill them in the right order, the event resets). N / A

Appointments Required


10 During the Trial of the Wending Ways,' there is a proper sequence to locating and killing each boss. To get this Achievement, you can only enter each bosses area (their actual room) in the correct order. This is based on the particle effects you can see on the portals that teleport you about. I found that, from a good vantage point, look around for which particle effects are most prevalent on the portals, and then go kill that boss (earth effects = 'Obsidian Undefeated Shield;' fire effects = 'Blazing Triumphant Bulwark,' water effects = 'Flowing Unconquered Guard' & wind / lightning effects ='Blustering Stalwart Screen.'

N / A

Left to Right... Fire, Water, Air & Earth portal effects.

Don't Trip


10 During the Trial of the Wending Ways,' this achievement is straight forward, but hard to do, it seems. No one can fall off the ramps and platforms, at all. Drop levitation (it doesn't  work anyway). Line up behind each portal and face the opposite side of the event area, then take one step (onto the portal) and don't move... at all.. until you land. Once you land, be careful not to back up or step off the walk way. Do this one (1) Player at a time, and the next Player up should not portal across until the previous Player has moved a step or two away from the landing spot! N / A

Just Passing Through


10 During the Trial of the Wending Ways,' there is 'a nilborien ember' that flys around the center of the event area. When using the portals, that toss you to across to the ramps / walkways across from where you are, everyone must be sure to use them when 'a nilborien ember' is not flying through the area so they they do not cross flight paths with it (just wait for it to fly past).

N / A

Savior of Empyr: Realms of Ash


40 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

All in Its Place


10 During the 'Prince Ralaifin' mission, , there are four (4) 'Ralaifin' MoB's. Kill a 'Ralaifin Ecclesiastic,' 'Ralaifin Theologist,' Ralaifin Oblate' & 'Ralaifin Sacerdot' where they stand on their hill tops (don't move them of their auras). You can kill them any any sequence, one at a time. N / A

Prince Ralaifin - Time Trial


10 Compete the 'Prince Ralaifin' mission within 15-minutes (DPS). N / A

All Safe from the Fire


10 During the 'Prince Ralaifin' mission, avoid being hit by a billow. There will be an emote ('The prayers to Prince Ralaifin are reaching rapture.'). When that happens you have 15 seconds to drop down in a valley, below the auras the MoBs are in. One strategy is to max DPS one target and kill it, drop down in the valley (off the hill), wait for the emote, then wait for the spiders to spawn (they signal when it's OK to move about again) and then repeat the process three (3) more times. N / A

Savior of Aalishai: Palace of Embers


40 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

Don't Get Burned


10 During the 'Brass Palace' mission, there are MoB's called 'a mindless flame' that are non-aggro. Avoid being hit by 'a mindless flame' aura by getting too close to them (they do roam about). They are non aggro and you can't kill them.  N / A

Don't Get Bursted


10 During the 'Brass Palace' mission, there is a MoB called 'Ash Wrathful' that uses 'Sol Burst' (this 3-tic  single target Blind with a 195K DoT) (emote: 'Ash Wrathful begins to glow with internal fire."). It appears when you see the emote, simply move to a different spot. A high level of DPS may kill him as well, before he can use the spell. (Need verification, if anyone can.) N / A

Don't Let the Heat Spread


10 During the 'Brass Palace' mission, there is a MoB called 'Discipline of Flame.' While he does cast a spell called 'Spreading Heat,' that one appears to be a single target DoT. He also casts 'Homing Fireball' that does appear to be an AoE. So, move away from your group members when you get targeted for either one. (Need verification, if anyone can.) N / A

Savior of Esianti: Palace of the Winds


40 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude



10 During the 'Contract of War' mission, you will encounter a mephit guardian at the final location. Do not 'face' more than two (2) of them (finish the mission before a third spawns). N / A



10 During the 'Contract of War' mission, you will encounter a mephit guardian at the final location. Purposely 'face' at least seven (7) of them before finishing the mission (you will have to wait on respawns). N / A



10 Defeat the 'Contract of War' mission, with none of your group members dying. N / A

Savior of Doomfire, the Burning Lands


40 Complete the nine (9) listed Achievements.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

No Escape


10 During the 'Tyrant of Fire' mission, defeat 100% of the 'invaders' (which is not necessary to defeat the mission) -- six (6) groups of three (3) to four (4) 'named' NPC's. N / A



10 Defeat the 'Tyrant of Fire' mission, with none of your group members dying. N / A

Swift Murder


10 During the 'Tyrant of Fire' mission, defeat the 'invaders' -- six (6) groups of three (3) to four (4) 'named' NPC's. DPS! N / A



10 During the 'Delivery' mission, keep the two (2) 'a throne guardian' separated, but kill both of them within 30-seconds of each other. Otherwise, you get more adds ('a fire slugs').  N / A

Don't Stand in the Fire


10 During the 'Delivery' mission, there is a visible trail of fire ('Lava Trail') left by 'a throne guardian.' No more than one (1) Player can stand in that fire trail, to get this Achievement. So, let the tank tank both of the 'a throne guardian,' while everyone else range attacks. N / A


('Delivery' Mission)



During the 'Delivery' mission, you purposely want at spawn at least ten (10) 'a fireling'  while fighting the Guardian of Doomfire. These are spawned on a timer. They all need to up at the SAME time! Have the tank on Guardian of Doomfire, using no weapons / damage shields, while everyone else roots / kites all of the 'a fireling, until ten (10) have spawned. Then max DPS Guardian of Doomfire (all of the 'a fireling' will despawn upon the death of the Guardian of Doomfire).

N / A

Unslug Hero


10 During the 'Remodeling' mission, keep the two (2) 'a throne guardian' separated, but kill both of them within 30-seconds of each other. Otherwise, you get more adds ('a fire slugs').  N / A




During the 'Remodeling' mission, do not allow ('Expanding Flames') to spread. Any Player hit with 'Expanding Embers' needs to run out of the event area to the bridges, so that it does not spread to other Players.

N / A


('Remodeling' Mission)



During the 'Remodeling' mission, you purposely want at spawn at least ten (10) 'a fireling'  while fighting the Guardian of Doomfire. These are spawned on a timer. They all need to up at the SAME time! Have the tank on Guardian of Doomfire, using no weapons / damage shields, while everyone else roots / kites all of the 'a fireling, until ten (10) have spawned. Then max DPS Guardian of Doomfire (all of the 'a fireling' will despawn upon the death of the Guardian of Doomfire).

N / A

Savior of Mearatas: The Stone Demesne


40 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

Rock Steady



During the 'Relic Raider' mission, there are three (3) 'an elemental deep earth,' that will do emotes, directed at Players, they need to follow. If you succeed, you will get this Achievement. The emotes are:

  • An elemental deep earth shouts, Bonzz offends! You are too high above the earth! (This may be a pet-only emote, but move your pet to center of the room, or just don't use pets at all.)
  • An elemental deep earth shouts, Bonzz offends! You are too low upon the earth! -- or -- An elemental deep earth shouts, Bonzz remains too low to the earth!' (Run to higher ground... to the sides of the room.)
N / A

Perfect Timing



During the 'Relic Raider' mission, there are two (2) 'relic guardian' (1st wave). Balance them down and kill them at 'the same time' (you have about a one or two grace, it seems, to do this). Do the same thing for the three (3) 'a vekerchiki soldier' (2nd wave).

N / A

Keep on Rollin'


10 During the 'Relic Raider' mission, the final boss, 'Iron Heart', uses 'Specific Gravity.' An emote ('The boulder begins to roll, seeking Bonzz.'). The emoted player needs to run and avoid 'a boulder' (it is a big round rock, easily seen rolling about the room towards the emoted Player). N / A

Savior of The Chamber of Tears


40 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

+1 AA: Hero's Vitality

+1 AA: Hero's Fortitude

Static Free


10 During the 'Strange Magic' mission, 'a hex golem' will cast 'Static Hex' on two (2) different Players at the same time (emote: 'Bonzz' and 'Player' are hexed. Static gathers around them, reaching tendrils of electricity towards each other.'). Those two Players need to immediately move away from each other (opposite sides of the room), to avoid an AoE ('Static Explosion') on the group. N / A

Life and Death


10 During the 'Strange Magic' mission, 'a lifebane golem' will cast 'Spark of Life' on two (2) different Players at the same time ('Bonzz' is cursed with life, 'Player' is cursed by death.'). Those two emoted Players need to immediately move close each other, to counter the effects. N / A

Gathering Forces


10 During the 'Strange Magic' mission, adds will spawn (tiny golems). Kill them ASAP. N / A

Savior of Gnome Memorial Mountain


40 Complete the (2) listed Achievements. Hovering Ball Familiar

Failure is Not an Option


10 Beat the 'Danger Zone' mission on your first try (no reset / wipe). N / A

Precious Metal


10 During the 'Danger Zone' mission, trash MoB's can drop various types of 'scrap metal.' This includes 'Exceptional-Quality Scrap Metal,' which is a Temporary item (so you can't retain them for a later try). To get this Achievement, you will have to control DPS on the boss and focus on killing adds, to get enough 'Exceptional-Quality Scrap Metal,' to give to one of the (gnome) to repair a ('catapult') with. It takes (how many?) to repair a ('catapult').  N / A

No Time to Spare


10 Beat the 'Danger Zone' Mission in less than 10 minutes. This one is just a matter DPS! N / A








Novice Hunter of The Burning Lands


10 Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. Duende Chest (38 Slot 100% Bag)

Hunter of Stratos: Zephyr's Flight


10 Defeat the twelve (12) listed targets. N / A

Hunter of The Plane of Smoke


10 Defeat the six (6) listed targets. N / A

Adept Hunter of The Burning Lands


10 Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. Ondine Case (40 Slot 100% Bag)

Hunter of Empyr: Realms of Ash


10 Defeat the twelve (12) listed targets. N / A

Hunter of Aalishai: Palace of Embers


10 Defeat the twelve (12) listed targets. N / A

Veteran Hunter of The Burning Lands


10 Complete the two (2) listed Achievements. Djinn Crate (42 Slot 100% Bag)

Hunter of Esianti: Palace of the Winds


10 Defeat the twelve (12) listed targets. N / A

Hunter of Mearatas: The Stone Demesne


10 Defeat the twelve (12) listed targets. N / A

Hunter of Gnome Memorial Mountain


10 Defeat the fourteen (14) listed targets, two of which are in the missions, 'Ironing Out the Legion,' & 'The Darkness Howls.' N / A







Relics of Wind


10 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

Relics of Fire


10 Complete the three (3) listed Achievements.

Islands in the Sky


10 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements.

Remnants of Air (Stratos)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are drops primarily from 'MoB's with the 'Brass Phoenix Brigade' tag under their name.

Insects of Air (Stratos)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are drop primarily from 'armor,' djinn,' 'gust,' and 'phoenix' MoB's.

Gemstones of Air (Stratos)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns.

Seeds of Air (Stratos)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns.

Trials by Fire


10 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements.

Tried and Failed (Plane of Smoke)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These drop primarily from 'lord,' 'jopal,' steed' and 'flashfire' MoB's.

Feeling Rocks (Plane of Smoke)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns.

Dulled Hues (Plane of Smoke)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These drop primarily from 'pegasus,' 'stormdrifter,' 'wind' and 'breezewing' MoB's.

Fading Embers (Plane of Smoke)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns.

Pyre Place


10 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements.

Fire Forever (Empyr: Realms of Ash)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are primarily drops from 'armor,' 'spider' and 'flame' MoB's.

Puzzling Plantlife (Empyr: Realms of Ash)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These primarily drop from MoB's in the north / east part of the zone.

Lost in Place (Empyr: Realms of Ash)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns.

The Life of Fire (Empyr: Realms of Ash)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns.

Houses of Fire


10 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements.

No Stone Unturned (Aalishai: Palace of Embers)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These drop in the Mission, 'Brass Palace.'

Those Who Extinguish (Aalishai: Palace of Embers)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns.

The Ruby Tear (Aalishai: Palace of Embers)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns.

Memories of Fire (Aalishai: Palace of Embers)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are primarily dropped by 'vekerchiki' and 'elemental' MoB's.

Houses of Air


10 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements.

Guests, Gusts, Gifts (Esianti: Palace of Winds)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are primarily dropped by 'efreeti,' 'triloun,' and 'ondine' MoB's.

Natural Wonder (Esianti: Palace of Winds)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns.

Palace Aides (Esianti: Palace of Winds)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns (mostly near water and bushes).

Elementary Accommodation (Esianti: Palace of Winds)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These drop in the mission, 'Contract of War.'

Houses of Stone


10 Complete the four (4) listed Achievements.

Earthen Order (Mearatas: The Stone Demesne)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These primarily drop from 'warden,' type MoB's.

Fire Without Fury (Mearatas: The Stone Demesne)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns.

Air-Tight Case (Mearatas: The Stone Demesne)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are dropped primarily by 'duende' and 'envoy' MoB's.

Maritime Law (Mearatas: The Stone Demesne)



Acquire and collect (click) the eight (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns.

Small Hills


10 Complete the (4) listed achievements.

Small Memories



Collect the (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns in Gnome Memorial Mountain (inside and around the mountain).

Small Documents



Collect the (8) listed items.

These are MOB drops in Gnome Memorial Mountain.

Small Parts



Collect the (8) listed items.

These are MOB drops in Gnome Memorial Mountain (instance).

Small Feuds



Collect the (8) listed items.

These are ground spawns in Gnome Memorial Mountain (in the Orc area).




The generic strats / info below are from Dec Beta Posts, successful raids that I was part of, from research and / or from what I recall. The below info should be adapted, as seen fit, by your Raid Leader. Key emotes may also be noted below. Raid make-up (classes, levels, Player skill levels, etc.) can and do make a difference on raid strategy options and winning or losing. In any situation, Players fulfilling their roles, using assist, and following emotes is always essential. There is always more than one variant strategy that can successfully defeat a raid. As Levels increase, defeating old raids can prove much easier and more forgiving (even as a group or solo / molo, depending on how old the raid event is). However, sometimes, certain mechanics still have to be honored. It has been known that in some events, due raid mechanics, too much DPS; killing MoB X before MOB Y; and similar, can bug the raid and cause it to fail. The below info does not include details on how to complete raid-related achievements. Those are noted elsewhere on this page, if any. Some of these targets may require 'zerging' into the zone get to them (killing stuff along the way). They may also have 'adds' which are often more like trash MoB's that in the general area. The original / older targets / encounters were pre-raid window events. Raids were more of a collective effort, or better, an extremely challenging group event. Any effects noted below  often 'scale to level,' so the effects can be lesser or greater than stated, depending on raid force levels. On Progression servers, targets can use 'Mitigation of the Mighty' (mitigates Spell Damage, Melee Damage and absorbs DoT damage), at least until such time as certain later expansions (typically, expansions that are at least seven-plus expansions after the expansion of the related target). While older targets are static open world (non-instance) events, there are now an Agent of Change in various locations that will provide instanced version of the same event (which are noted below, if any).

If I missed anything or got something wrong, let me know!


Fight Fire

Phase 1:

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4:

Rise of Smoke

Phase 1:

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4:

General Reparm

Phase 1:

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4:

Prince Ralaifin

Phase 1:

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4:

The Conflagration Generals

Phase 1:

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4:

Moon Serf of Harmonious Heavens

Phase 1:

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4:

The Palace Gates

Phase 1:

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4:

Unfettered Emerald Excellence

Phase 1:

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4:

Dragon in the Works

Phase 1:

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4:

Night at the Museum

Phase 1:

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4:

Mechagnomic Whirlrender

Phase 1:

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4:




Lore is from / based on Daybreak, Expansion release information and / or Dev / Beta Forum Info.

The Burning Lands
Hail, brave heroes of Norrath, and brace yourselves!
The longstanding peace between the jann is over, and war has broken out between the djinn from the Plane of Air and the efreeti from the Plane of Fire!

What has sparked this dispute and who will emerge victorious? Will you survive the Trials of Smoke and help end this conflict? It is finally time to head back to the Planes and unravel the mysteries that await you there! 

Stratos is on the outer edge of the realm of air given to the djinn. Here is where they built portals to the other elemental realms and Norrath. It sits upon a massive everlasting tornado. Floating islands connected by magical bridges can be followed all the way up to Esianti, though you will have to earn the right to enter the djinn capital, or any other of the elemental realms.

Sitting atop a floating island is the city of Esianti, the center of the djinn realm where the diplomats of all jann come to make deals and argue rules with the djinn. Air elementals prefer open spaces, and only use solid materials to build for the convenience of guests, and to frame vistas of open air. At first look, tall, ephemeral towers will draw your eyes towards the skies, appearing to anchor the clouds to the city.

The solid land is lush and teeming with life, but you'll never see a tree blocking the view of the sky. At Esianti's center is Glimpse of Eternal Blue, a castle of sorts, where the king of the djinn will sometimes hold court. This impressive structure includes a number of floating gazebos, which must be reached by climbing stairs into the sky. Though it may seem intimidating, Glimpse of Eternal Blue is also beautiful - truly a sight to behold.
Throughout Esianti, you can find housing that has been built out to accommodate all sorts of visitors. To the southwest is Boldness of Great Substantiveness, a mansion built by the djinn to house their duende visitors and their servants. To the southeast lies Fastness of Transient Light, built for the efreeti, and Isle of Radiant Mist in the northeast for the ondine. Confluence of Gracious Incandescence lies in the northwest for the rare mortal visitor.

What will you discover among the whispers of the winds when you pay a visit to Esianti?

Aalishai is the glowing center of the efreeti realm, where the ambassadors of the other jann come to meet with the queen, Heart of Flawless Brass, and her minions. Aalishai is meant to serve as a place for negotiations, but in recent times these "negotiations" tend to feel more like altercations.

All around the area, you can find structures built by the efreeti that are intended to be comfortable and welcoming to their guests. Beautiful sulfur pools are scattered around the land for the ondine, and some simple holes in the ground serve as caves for the duende. Buildings of various sizes stand for the mortal visitors, which are uncomplicated living spaces with obsidian furniture.

You're unlikely to spot any djinn here, as it's no secret the two races hate each other. When they do visit they reside above the land in floating clouds of ash. Some have even suggested that these dwellings were secretly intentionally created to be slightly uncomfortable for their guests, but the efreeti deny any such accusations.

A grand palace that lies in the center of the expanse serves as the main palace for the efreeti. It is elaborate, with great towers and heavy doors, inlaid with bronze, onyx, and even lava, meant to both impress and intimidate visitors. The palace is home to several conference rooms, and of course, a striking throne room.
Will you find your place among the fiery-hot conflicts taking place in Aalishai?

Mearatas is the capital of the duende realm, tucked away in the mountains on the Plane of Earth and locked behind a heavy stone gate. The duende have purposefully closed themselves off to all but the most persistent jann.

They are clearly displeased with the intrusion of mortals, though they will unwillingly admit that they do have the right to earn the privilege of entry. 
Structures in Mearatas are built of rock and gemstone, with no windows. The capital's layout mimics that of an attractive crystal - symmetrical, with most activity radiating from a central hub in the middle of the city and five separate quadrants surrounding this. However, no matter where you are in the capital, things have a tendency to feel enclosed and often uncomfortable. This suits the duende just fine, as getting rid of unwanted visitors is usually their primary political goal.

The duende refuse to budge the gates to Mearatas, so you'll have to get creative with your entry. The efreeti have opened a hidden gate to Aalishai in one of their visitor's rooms, which will have to be your in.

Few mortal Norrathians have gained proper entry to Mearatas, and it is unlikely that you will - don't expect a friendly reception.

Trials of Smoke
Where the Planes of Fire and Air have clashed, the Trials of Smoke now exists. Where you might hope there would be a bit more air, smoke swirls, dark and dense. Unfortunate victims of previous battles that have become trapped in this plane of conflict have slowly become permanent part of the realm of Smoke.

Everything that exists in the Plane of Smoke is the result of the fighting and clashing that merged Air and Fire into one. Unlike the other Planes you'll visit, nothing here has been made with accommodation in mind. Those that have become residents of the Plane have to make do in order to survive the surrounding environment. If you wander off too far, you'll find that the thick smoke is uninhabitable - lethal, even.

If war between the elements were to resume full scale, the Plane of Smoke might be one of the last realms that remain of the Planes of Power. The djinn and efreeti use this horrid place as a "proving grounds" for those accused of crimes to fight for their worth, but being sent here is generally considered a death sentence.

Hero, are you strong enough to withstand the Trials of Smoke?




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They can also be found in your EverQuest Directory (credits_current.txt & credits_previous.txt).

A huge thank you to all involved!

If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last Updated December 28, 2024

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