Achievements & Everything Else!

No matter how you say it... grab your sword and slay it! -- Bonzz

The Shadows of Luclin was the 3rd expansion, released December 4, 2001.

Shadows of Luclin added:

It also introduced a laundry list of new NPC races like Shissar, Sonic Wolves, Grimlings, Coterie, Shik'Nar, Centi, Mind Worms, Thought Horrors, Shriekers, Zelniaks and many more.

This expansion sold for $29.99. It came with a printed Shadows of Luclin map.


Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.



General 3 80
Progression 7 70
Exploration 28 280
Quests 1 10
Raids 11 110
Hunter 21 630
TOTALS 71 1,180

ARMOR SETS                    GAME CREDITS                    LORE                    RAID INFO & STRATS                    ZONES LIST


There was no Alternative Currency, Chase Loot, Ornament Sets, Merc Gear or Progressive & Special Items.


Achievements for this expansion were added after the fact, when Achievements were first introduced with the Underfoot expansion. They have been added to and / or modified since then, as well.

Achievements listed in the below sections are not necessarily listed in alphabetical order. They are generally listed in the order seen in the game (at the time they were added to the lists below). Use Control-F to "Find" a specific achievement you may be looking for. All of the the below achievements should apply to all classes (they are not class specific).

NOTE: Any rewards highlighted in YELLOW might be worth pursuing, due the fun factor, benefit or usefulness of the reward (you decide).

NOTE: Some miscellaneous “hints” may also be included in PURPLE. These hints are intended to enhance / clarify the "how to" for accomplishing the achievement.

NOTE: Anything in RED text is either an informational comment, or data / details that is not fully verified. If you can verify or provide correct information, please do (see end of page)!

NOTE: Items noted as a "REWARD" are items granted from the achievement, itself. Items listed as "ACQUIRED" are unique item's that can be / are / should be acquired along the way, towards completing the related achievement, but are not actually a reward granted from the achievement itself. In fact, the achievement may even be for acquiring said item. Additionally, only the more "unique" Achievement awards are noted below... "common" or "generic" Achievement Rewards like Alternate Advancement points, Character Experience & Coin, are not noted in the Reward options below.

NOTE: Hunter Achievements were added with the June 2017 Patch, and were modified / updated for errors in at least three subsequent Patches. Progression Achievements were added with the Terror of Luclin Expansion.









30 Complete the (41) listed achievements. N/A

Conqueror of the Shadows of Luclin


40 Complete the (11) listed achievements. N/A

Shadows of Luclin Explorer


10 Complete the (28) listed achievements. If you don't have one all ready, you should get a Journeyman's Compass. Click the Journeyman's Compass to gain another Level of the Journeyman's Speed Alternative Advancement (if it isn't all ready maxed out).







Zherozsh's Key



Acquire and / or use Zherozsh's Key.

Zazuzh's Key



Acquire and / or use Zazuzh's Key.

Ring of the Shissar


10 Acquire and / or use the Ring of the Shissar.

The Sceptre of Shadows


10 Acquire and / or use the The Scepter of Shadows.

Vex Thal Palace Key



Acquire and / or use the Palace Key.

It drops from Va Dyn Khar, who roams just inside Vex Thal, near the fountain / pool.

Vex Thal North Wing Key



Acquire and / or use the North Wing Key.

It drops from Va Xakra, who spawns in the first area of the Palace (ground floor).

Vex Thal North Tower Key



Acquire and / or use the North Tower Key.

It drops from Va Xakra (upper floor on far west part of Palace, on the north side, in the same area where Diabo Xi Va spawns, if it's marked on your map).







The Nexus Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Bazaar Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Shadow Haven Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The City of Shar Vahl Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Shadeweaver's Thicket Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Paludal Caverns Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Netherbian Lair Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Echo Caverns Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Hollowshade Moor Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Dawnshroud Peaks Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Marus Seru Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Grimling Forest Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Mons Letalis Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Scarlet Desert Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Tenebrous Mountains Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Twilight Sea Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Fungus Grove Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Grey Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Greig's End Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Katta Castrum Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Sanctus Seru Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Maiden's Eye Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Deep Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Acrylia Caverns Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Akheva Ruins Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Umbral Plains Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Ssraeshza Temple Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Vex Thal Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.







Earring of the Solstice


10 Quest, Craft and / or Possess a Xanthe's Earring of Nature or an Earring of Solstice.







Conqueror of The Acrylia Caverns


10 Defeat the (2) listed raid targets / events.

Conqueror of The Akheva Ruins


10 Defeat the (5) listed raid targets / events.

Conqueror of The Deep


10 Defeat the (2) listed raid targets / events.

Conqueror of The Echo Caverns


10 Defeat the listed raid target / event.

Conqueror of Grieg's End


10 Defeat the (3) listed raid targets / events.

Conqueror of Katta Castrum


10 Defeat the (2) listed raid targets / events.

Conqueror of Sanctus Seru


10 Defeat the (5) listed raid targets / events.

Conqueror of Ssraeshza Temple


10 Defeat the (5) listed raid targets / events.

Conqueror of The Tenebrous Mountains


10 Defeat the listed raid target / event.

Conqueror of The Umbral Plains


10 Defeat the (6) listed raid targets / events.

Conqueror of Vex Thal


10 Defeat the (14) listed raid targets / events.







Hunter of The Acrylia Caverns


30 Defeat the (9) listed targets.

Hunter of the Akheva Ruins


30 Defeat the (11) listed targets.

Hunter of The Dawnshroud Peaks


30 Defeat the (9) listed targets.

Hunter of The Deep


30 Defeat the (19) listed targets.

Hunter of The Echo Caverns


30 Defeat the (7) listed targets.

Hunter of The Fungus Grove


30 Defeat the (6) listed targets and / or (1) listed optional target.

Hunter of The Grey


30 Defeat the (8) listed targets.

Hunter of Grieg's End


30 Defeat the (6) listed targets.

Hunter of Grimling Forest


30 Defeat the (8) listed targets.

Hunter of Hollowshade Moor


30 Defeat the (16) listed targets.

Hunter of Maiden's Eye


30 Defeat the (9) listed targets.

Hunter of Marus Seru


30 Defeat the (2) listed targets.

Hunter of Netherbian Lair


30 Defeat the (6) listed targets.

Hunter of The Paludal Caverns


30 Defeat the (3) listed targets.

Hunter of The Scarlet Desert


30 Defeat the (52) listed targets.

Hunter of Shadeweaver's Thicket


30 Defeat the (2) listed targets.

Hunter of Ssraeshza Temple


30 Defeat the (21) listed targets.

Hunter of Tenebrous Mountains


30 Defeat the (7) listed targets.

Hunter of The Twilight Sea


30 Defeat the (42) listed targets.

Hunter of The Umbral Plains


30 Defeat the (9) listed targets.

Hunter of Vex Thal


30 Defeat the (18) listed targets.




Acrylia Caverns

Barter Hall
(aka Barter Zone) (Added in February 2005 and later merged into The Bazaar in March 2005, both during Dragons of Norrath.)

Dawnshroud Peaks

Echo Caverns

Grieg's End

Grimling Forest

Hollowshade Moor

Jaggedpine Forest
(This zone was added with / during this expansion, but it is listed under EverQuest, in-game.)

Katta Castellum

Kerafyrm's lair
(aka The Sleeper's Tomb, revamped and re-named September 2002, listed under Scars of Velious in-game.)

Marus Seru

Misty Thicket
(Modified April 2002, listed under EverQuest)

Mons Letalis

Netherbian Lair

Paludal Caverns

Sanctus Seru

Shadeweaver's Thicket

Shadow Haven

Shar Vahl

Ssraeshza Temple

The Akheva Ruins

The Bazaar
(Revamped March 2005, during Dragons of Norrath.)

The Deep

The Fungus Grove

The Grey

The Maiden's Eye

The Nexus

The Scarlet Desert

The Tenebrous Mountains

The Twilight Sea

The Umbral Plains

Vex Thal




Known (visible) full armor sets. Did I miss any? Let me know!

Acrylia Reinforced
Acrylia Studded
Blessed Knight's
Blood Weave
Bronze Brigandine
Cured Shade
Dark Assassin 
Dark Master
Darkened Knight's
Dream Weaver
Earth Blessed

Fungal Fiend Membrane
Greyhopper Hide
Holpa Mak Gor
Large Acrylia
Large Bronze Brigandine
Large Rough Hide
Loda Kai 
of Concealment
of Detonation
of Enrapturement
of Matter
of the Darkpriest
of the Holy Rite
Padded Leather

Reinforced Hopperhide
Rotting Flesh
Rough Hide
Shade Silk
Shaded Hide
Shaded Hopperhide
Small Acrylia
Small Bronze Brigandine
Spore Covered
Shaded Hopperhide
Steel Threaded
Studded Hopperhide
Tattered Hopperhide
Wind Spirits



The generic strats / info below are from successful raids that I was part of, from research and / or from what I recall. The below info should be adapted, as seen fit, by your Raid Leader. Key emotes may also be noted below. Raid make-up (classes, levels, Player skill levels, etc.) can and do make a difference on raid strategy options and winning or losing. In any situation, Players fulfilling their roles, using assist, and following emotes is always essential. There is always more than one variant strategy that can successfully defeat a raid. As Levels increase, defeating old raids can prove much easier and more forgiving (even as a group or solo / molo, depending on how old the raid event is). However, sometimes, certain mechanics still have to be honored. It has been known that in some events, due raid mechanics, too much DPS; killing MoB X before MOB Y; and similar, can bug the raid and cause it to fail. The below info does not include details on how to complete raid-related achievements. Those are noted elsewhere on this page, if any. Some of these targets may require 'zerging' into the zone get to them (killing stuff along the way). They may also have 'adds' which are often more like trash MoB's that in the general area. The original / older targets / encounters were pre-raid window events. Raids were more of a collective effort, or better, an extremely challenging group event. Any effects noted below  often 'scale to level,' so the effects can be lesser or greater than stated, depending on raid force levels. On Progression servers, targets can use 'Mitigation of the Mighty' (mitigates Spell Damage, Melee Damage and absorbs DoT damage), at least until such time as certain later expansions (typically, expansions that are at least seven-plus expansions after the expansion of the related target). While older targets are static open world (non-instance) events, there are now an Agent of Change in various locations that will provide instanced version of the same event (which are noted below, if any).

Some of these targets were 'beefed' up in 2008 as "Fabled" targets, with enhanced loot drops They can still be found during the Legacy Anniversary events.

Some of the respawn timers below are 'guesstimated' based on the respawn timers of other targets in the same zone / expansion. If any of them are wrong, let me know!

If I missed anything or got something wrong, let me know!

an ancient necromantic shade
(Level 80)

Grieg's End

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Scarlet Desert)

Uses Devouring Darkness (85% Snare & 123 HP DoT); Root; Grip of Mori (-70 STR, -39 AC & -207 HP DoT); Infectious Cloud (5 HP DoT, -20 HP DD); Insidious Retrogression (-1.1K HP DD, 70% Snare, -25 STR & -25 Attack); & Pyrocruor (-166 HP DoT). Related to the Berserker Epic.

an evolved burrower
(Level 63)

Acrylia Caverns

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Grimling Forest)

No known special abilities.

'Hatches' from a mutated chrysalis, once it grows to full size (which takes 7 Days).

Aten Ha Ra
(Level 66)

The Fabled Aten Ha Ra
(Level 85)

Vex Thal

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Umbral Plains)

Rampages. 'Destroy' (PB AoE 100K DD), 'Fling' (Toss Back), Target AoE Silence and a PB AoE Stun with 250 HP DD.

All of the other raid MoB's in the zone should be killed before taking on Aten Ha Ra, to prevent her using her 500K HP PB AoE Death Touch ('Destroy II').

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

Diabo Xi Va
(Level 66)

The Fabled Diabo Xi Va Temariel
(Level 80)

Vex Thal

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Umbral Plains)

Uses a 1K DD. The Fabled can Snare (95%), Root, Stun, has a 622 HP DD, has a 602 HP DD with Root, a 1.1K HP DD, a 3K HP DD and a 3.5K HP DD.

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

Diabo Xi Va Temariel
(Level 66)

The Fabled Diabo Xi Va Temariel
(Level 80)

Vex Thal

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Umbral Plains)

Immune to Stun. Uses 'Black Winds' (Targeted AoE 1.5K HP DD). The Fabled version can Snare (95%), Root, Stun, has a 622 HP DD, a 602 HP DD with Root, a 1.1K HP DD, a 3K HP DD and a 3.5K HP DD.

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

Diabo Xi Xin
(Level 66)

The Fabled Diabo Xi Xin
(Level 80)

Vex Thal

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Umbral Plains)


The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

Diabo Xi Xin Thall
(Level 66)

The Fabled Diabo Xi Xin Thall
(Level 80)

Vex Thal

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Umbral Plains)

Rampages. Uses Destroy (PB AoE 100K HP DD), Destroy II (PB AoE 500K HP DD), 200 DS and can Silence.

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

(Level 66)

The Fabled Doomshade
(Level 80)

Umbral Plains Kill the four (4) 'a Dark Master' to spawn Doomshade (if the timer has recycled).

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

Elemental Essence of Earth
(Level 66)
Mons Letalis Uses 'Avatar of Power' (Dispel with 100 HP DD), 'Bury' (6K DD with Feign Death), and can Stun with a 600 HP DD. Part of the Magician Epic.

Emperor Ssraeshza
(Level 66)

The Fabled Emperor Ssraeshza
(Level 85)

Ssraeshza Temple

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (The Grey)

Kill Blood of Ssraeshza to spawn Ssraehzian Blood Golem. Then kill the Ssraehzian Blood Golem to activate Emperor Ssraeshza.

Has a Spin Stun and uses 'Rage of Ssraeshza' (90% Slow, 4K HP DD, -300 AC).

You will need at least one (1) Player that can Lockpick with about a 210 Skill. Shissar Bane Weapons can help with this event. However Procs and Pets are also effective. Once you enter the Emperor's outer Chamber there is no going back (no Call of the Hero or teleporting in). When you go through the door to the main chamber, you can't go back to the outer chamber, either. The MoB's in the room ('mini-bosses') will all aggro with each other. They will also respawn after about a minute, when they are killed. Several of the adds are mezzable, so mez and keep them mezzed to reduce how many you have to deal with. Once Emperor Ssraeshza is active, DPS!

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Blood of Ssraeshza (Level 63) 
Ssraeshzian Blood Golem (Level 63)
Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

Emperor Ssraeshza
Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

To make Corrupted Shissar weapons (Smithing Trivial 15) you need a class related 'Shissar' weapon drop from the 'Elite' Shissar on the 2nd Floor (kill trash to spawn them) and a 'Strange Green Metal' from the named Skeletons in the basement mines.

General Jared Blaystich
(Level 65)

The Fabled General Jared Blaystich
(Level 70)

Echo Caverns

Immune to slow, snare and root. Has two helpers (an assassin protector) and has a knockback.

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 24 hours.

Grieg Veneficus
(Level 65)

The Fabled Grieg Veneficus
(Level 80)

Grieg's End

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Scarlet Desert)

You need a 'Grieg's Key' (temporary) to get into this locked area, which can drop from 'named' trash MoB's in the zone. Kill the other MoB's in the room to activate Grieg Veneficus.

Uses 'Gravel Rain' (PB AoE 250 HP DD and 95% Snare), can Mez, Can Blind (with a 1.2K HP DD) and can Stun (with a 600 HP DD).

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

High Priest of Ssraeshza
(Level 66)

The Fabled High Priest of Ssraeshza
(Level 80)

Ssraeshza Temple

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (The Grey)

Uses 'Sermon of Ssraeshza' (-150 AC, 300 HP DD with Stun) & 'Ssraeshza's Command' (100 HP DD with Stun). The Fabled version uses 'Fabled Sermon of Ssraeshza' (-150 AC, 700 HP DD with Stun), 'Fabled Ssraeshza's Command' (2K HP DD with Stun) and can Complete Heal (10K Heal).

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek
(Level 66)

The Fabled Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek
(Level 80)

Vex Thal

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Umbral Plains)

Has a 200 DS and Toss Back.

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra
(Level 66)
(AKA Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra Dat or Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra Set, one is to north and one is to south,)

The Fabled Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra
(Level 80)

Vex Thal

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Umbral Plains)

Has a Toss Back.

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

Khati Sha the Twisted
(Level 68)

The Fabled Khati Sha the Twisted
(Level 80)

Acrylia Caverns

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Grimling Forest)

This event starts in the jail area with Spiritist Kama Resan. Basically, protect Spiritist Kama Resan from being interrupted (or killed) while he is casting his spell. The attackers will be about six (6) 'grimling' adds, the Warder of Life (or The Fabled Warder of Life) and the Warder of Death (or the The Fabled Warder of Death). The 'Warders' must be killed within ten (10) minutes of going active or the event fails. Once done, the floor gate will open (in another part of the zone) to allow you into the area where Khati Sha the Twisted is located.

The Warder of Death has a 60% Spell Slow and Melee Silence and summons 'a sacrifice' (Level 55) adds.

Khati Sha the Twisted uses 'Blood Claw' (-20 HP DD with a 15 HP DoT); a 30% Spell & Melee Slow; a 400 HP DD; and a 200 HP DD. The Fabled version uses 'Fabled Blood Claw' (-2K HP DD with a 1K HP DoT).

The 'Fabled' versions can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

The Fabled Warder of Death (Level 80)
The Fabled Warder of Life (Level 80)
Warder of Life (Level 65)
Warder of Death (Level 65)

Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

Lcea Katta
(Level 60)

The Fabled Lcea Katta
(Level 75)

Katta Castellum

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Twilight Sea)

Can Charm.

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

Lord Inquisitor Seru
(Level 66)

The Fabled Lord Inquisitor Seru
(Level 80)

Sanctus Seru

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Sanctus Seru)

Can Stun (with 200 HP DD) and has a 300 HP DoT.

Seru Bane Weapons can be significant for this event (aka Yttrium weapons, which are player crafted using a number of drops). However Pets are also effective. You might also need an Arx Key.

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

Nathyn Illuminious
(Level 64)

Katta Castellum

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Twilight Sea)

Has  2K Lifetap. Respawn Timer: Unknown.
Netherbian Swarmlord
(Level 60)
Umbral Plains Killing the Netherbian Swarmcaller (Level 58) should activate about six waves of four (4) 'netherbians.' Kill them (this will take about two minutes, be patient) and the Netherbian Swarmlord should appear afterwards. Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

(Level 66)

The Fabled Rumblecrush
(Level 80)

Umbral Plains No known special abilities.

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

Servitor of Luclin
(Level 65)

The Fabled Servitor of Luclin
(Level 75)

Grieg's End

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Scarlet Desert)

You need a 'Grieg's Key' (temporary) to get into this locked area, which can drop from 'named' trash MoB's in the zone.

Can use 'Shadow Creep' (-15 AC). The Fabled version can use a PB AoE 900 HP DoT.

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

Shei Vinitras
(Level 64)

The Fabled Shei Vinitras
(Level 80)

Akheva Ruins

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Maiden's Eye)

Has four (4) adds, that will respawn if killed (off tank them).

Effects include 'Chromatic Disruption' (-120 Resists, -50 HP DoT) & Touch of Vinitras (20K DD).

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

Sheleric Vis

Akheva Ruins

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Maiden's Eye)

Uses 'Aura of Fatigue' (-500 Mana & Endurance DoT, -1K HP DoT, -1K Attack). Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

Thall Va Kelun
(Level 66)

The Fabled Thall Va Kelun
(Level 80)

Vex Thal

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Umbral Plains)

Can use 'Greater Shadow Poison' (50% Snare, 67 HP DoT, 25% Slow). The Fabled version can use 'Fabled Greater Shadow Poison' (50% Snare, 150 HP DoT, 40% Slow).

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

Thall Va Xakra
(Level 60)
(AKA Thall Va Xakra Dat or Thall Va Xakra Set, one is to north and one is to south.)

The Fabled Thall Va Xakra
(Level 80)

Vex Thal

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Umbral Plains)

Can Silence and Stun (with a 4K HP DD).

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

Thall Xundraux Diabo
(Level 66)

The Fabled Thall Xundraux Diabo
(Level 80)

Vex Thal

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Umbral Plains)

No known special abilities.

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

The Burrower Beast Event
(A burrower parasite)
(Level 63)

The Fabled Burrower Beast Event
(The Fabled Burrower Parasite)
(Level 75)

The Deep

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Echo Caverns)

This is a circle event, involving increasingly difficult waves of adds, that spawn about three (3) minutes apart, even if you have not completed the previous wave. The 8th wave happens six (6) minutes after the 7th wave.

Wave 1 to Wave 3: Kill twelve (12) adds (A rock burrower (Level 49), A stone carver (Level 50) and / or A spined rock burrower (Level 53)).

Wave 4 to Wave 6: Kill six (6) A core burrower (Level 61).

Wave 7: Kill two A parasite larva (Level 62).

Wave 8: Kill A burrower parasite (Level 63).

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

You do not actually kill  / fight The Burrower Beast. Just go near it and it will spawn a series of waves of adds. Defeat all eight (8) waves to defeat the event.

Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

The Insanity Crawler
(Level 63)

The Fabled Insanity Crawler
(Level 80)

Akheva Ruins

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Maiden's Eye)

Uses 'Frenzy Nova' (1K HP DD & -60 AC), has a -350 Mana Drain & a -200 Mana Drain. The Fabled version has a Has a 2K Mana Drain.

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

The Itraer Vius
(Level 63)

The Fabled Itraer Vius
(Level 75)

Akheva Ruins

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Maiden's Eye)

Uses 'Itraer Vius Touch' (Lure, Blind) & 'Touch of the Mistress' (-100 HP DoT, -500 HP DD, -100 STR). The Fabled version uses 'Fabled Touch of the Mistress' (-200 HP DoT, -1.5K HP DD, -200 STR).

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

Thought Horror Overfiend
(Level 63)

The Fabled Thought Horror Overfiend
(Level 80)

The Deep

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Echo Caverns)

Uses 'Feeblemind' (Mitigates 20% of Spell, Melee & DoT Damage); 'Overfiend's Fury (5% Slow, 100 HP DD & 20 HP DoT); & 'Thought Drain' (-20 Mana DoT). The Fabled version uses 'Fabled Feeblemind' (Lure, 100 HP DoT, -2K Mana); 'Fabled Overfiend's Fury (30% Slow, 700 HP DD & 300 HP DoT); & 'Fabled Thought Drain' (-600 Mana DoT).

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.

Va Xi Aten Ha Ra
(Level 66)

The Fabled Va Xi Aten Ha Ra
(Level 80)

Vex Thal

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (Umbral Plains)

Uses 'Black Winds' (1.5K DD) and Fling (Toss Back). The Fabled uses 'Fabled Fling' (Toss Back).

The 'Fabled' version can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

Vyzh'dra the Cursed
(Level 66)

The Fabled Vyzh'dra the Cursed
(Level 80)

(aka 'The Cursed Cycle')

Ssraeshza Temple

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (The Grey)

This is a 'circle' event.

Phase 1: Kill  Rhozth Ssrakezh (or The Fabled Rhozth Ssrakezh); Rhozth Ssravizh (or The Fabled the Fabled Rhozth Ssravizh); Taskmaster Kavamezh (or The Fabled Taskmaster Kavamezh); Taskmaster Keozozh (or The Fabled Taskmaster Keozozh); Taskmaster Mikazha (or The Fabled Taskmaster Mikazha); Taskmaster Revan`Kezh (or The Fabled Taskmaster Revan`Kezh); Taskmaster Vezhkah (or The Fabled Taskmaster Vezhkah); Taskmaster Zerumaz (or The Fabled Taskmaster Zerumaz); Taskmaster Zhe`Vozh (or The Fabled Taskmaster Zhe`Vozh); Warden Mekuzh (or The Fabled Warden Mekuzh).

Phase 2: Kill a glyph covered serpent (or a rune covered serpent) & Vyzh'dra the Exiled (or Vyzh'dra the Banished).

Phase 3: Kill Vyzh'dra the Cursed (or The Fabled Vyzh'dra the Cursed).

The a glyph covered serpent can use a Spin Stun (with a 50 HP DoT), and a 500 DD (with Stun and Feign Death). Fabled Taskmaster Keozozh can use a targeted AoE 1.8K HP DD. The Fabled Taskmaster Mikazha can use a 3K HP DD. The Fabled Warden Mekuzh can use a 2.5K HP Lifetap. Vyzh'dra the Exiled can use Blind (with a 700 HP DD & 700 HP DoT), Fear (with a 140 HP DoT) and a 20K HP DD. Vyzh'dra the Cursed can use a PB AoE DoT (500 HP DoT) and can Charm. The Fabled Vyzh'dra the Cursed has a PB AoE 900 HP DoT

The 'Fabled' versions can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Rhozth Ssravizh (Level 60)
The Fabled Rhozth Ssravizh (Level 75)
Taskmaster Kavamezh (Level 60)
The Fabled Taskmaster Kavamezh (Level 75)
Taskmaster Keozozh (Level 60)
The Fabled Taskmaster Keozozh (Level 75)
Taskmaster Mikazha (Level 60)
The Fabled Taskmaster Mikazha (Level 75)
Taskmaster Revan`Kezh (Level 60)
The Fabled Taskmaster Revan`Kezh (Level 75)
Taskmaster Vezhkah (Level 60)
The Fabled Taskmaster Vezhkah (Level 75)
Taskmaster Zerumaz (Level 60)
The Fabled Taskmaster Zerumaz (Level 75)
Taskmaster Zhe`Vozh (Level 60)
The Fabled Taskmaster Zhe`Vozh (Level 75)
Warden Mekuzh (Level 60)
The Fabled Warden Mekuzh (Level 75)

Respawn Timer (all of the above): 2 hours.

Rhozth Ssrakezh (Level 60)
The Fabled Rhozth Ssrakezh (Level 75)

Respawn Timer: 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

Vyzh'dra the Banished (Level 63)
a glyph covered serpent (Level 63)
a rune covered serpent (Level 63)
Vyzh'dra the Exiled (Level 63)
Vyzh'dra the Cursed (Level 66)
The Fabled Vyzh'dra the Cursed (Level 80)

Respawn Timer (for the above, applies to allow being triggered or not): 7 Days + / - 12 hours.

Xerkizh the Creator
(Level 66)

The Fabled Xerkizh the Creator
(Level 80)

Ssraeshza Temple

Agent of Change
(Instance NPC) (The Grey)

Uses 'Balance of Zebuxoruk' (-75% to Heals) & 'Weakening Spray' (-50 HP DoT, -300 Attack & -120 AC). The Fabled version can use 'Fabled Weakening Spray' (-200 HP DoT, -300 Attack & -195 AC).

The 'Fabled' versions can only spawn during 'Legacy' (5th to 13th) Anniversary events. It is essentially the same is the non-Fabled version, but beefed up a few levels with some of it's drops upgraded to 'fabled' versions of the same items.

Respawn Timer: 3 Days + / - 12 hours.




There were no Rank II or Rank II Spells.

While Spells, Songs & Disciplines can drop as loot, you can buy all of the Spells, Songs & Disciplines in the Plane of Knowledge, up in the Library.



Lore is from / based on Daybreak, Expansion release information and / or Dev / Beta Forum Info.

EverQuest: The Shadows of Luclin

The Shadows of Luclin contains many new features which have yet to stand up to the scrutiny of 400,000 experienced players. Without doubt there will be some situations where we need to reevaluate the gameplay-impact of some of those features and adjust them accordingly to maintain game integrity. As an example, we think that they might accelerate and decelerate too quickly, but will have to wait until we see them used by a broad spectrum of players before we can make a final determination. We thank you for your patience in these matters. As we approached our launch date we found that several features which are planned are also not yet ready for prime-time. We're currently working on the following items, many of which will be implemented in the very near future: Extra flora in outdoor zones. Sprigs of grass, small bushes, flowers, etc.; A robust mercantile system in the bazaar that lets you flag yourself as a merchant, set prices, and conduct business without having to conduct business manually with each buyer and seller. We will be polishing up issues regarding tinted items in game. In other words, things that shouldn't tint with a tinted item (e.g. your skin) won't tint when the feature is complete. Light beards on high elves, dark elves, half elves, and dwarf females will be tintable along with the hair color. We are going to leave in the ability for you to change your appearance until after we've added more customization options. We thank you for your patience and patronage as we implement these features. Good luck with your adventures on Luclin! 

The Vah Shir

The Vah Shir are a race of noble feline people who have resided on Luclin for several hundred years. When the Erudites of Odus went to war, a devastating explosion launched a chunk of the continent into space, taking with it a majority of the Kerran population. Trapped on the moon, the survivors adapted to their new environment and grew stronger, forced to make themselves a new home on Luclin in Shar Vahl. Over time, their people evolved into the Vah Shir, and are now differentiated from their Kerran ancestors.


Beastlords are masters of raw nature with the unique ability to channel this energy into themselves and their pets. They are always found fighting alongside their loyal companion animals, and can enhance their creature’s natural abilities with special spells.

A beastlord is versatile in battle, and can fight and hand-to-hand combat using blunt weapons or their bare hands, or can hang back to de-buff enemies and help allies with health or mana regeneration using a variety of spells. Beastlords are valuable individuals to have in a group, but can also hold their own on solo adventures.


Luclin is one of two moons that circle around the world of Norrath. Due to the way that it is locked to the world, one side of Luclin is constantly ablaze with direct sunlight while the other half is stuck in a never-ending darkness. Both sides are inhabited by different creatures, and each half has unique experiences to offer.

Katta Castellum

Katta Castellum can be found on the dark side of the moon on the cliffs of the Tenebrous Mountains overlooking the Twilight Sea. Katta Castellum was the first real city established on Luclin by those who were loyal followers of the Combine Empire. Despite its darkened appearance, the city is full of good-aligned individuals who believe in respecting all people. Pay a visit to Katta Castellum and you’ll find a mass of goods and services, including some exotic items unique to the city.

Sanctus Seru

Sanctus Seru, on the other hand, is Katta Castellum’s perfect mirror. Located on the light side of the moon, the city was built by followers of the Inquisition following their transportation to Luclin.  Here, the Praesertum Inquisitors maintain power, and citizens are subject torturous means of control. This has heightened unease within the city, making it an unsafe place full of thieves, spies, and even assassins. If you for some reason decide to pass through the city, you’ll at least be in close range of the Dawnshroud Peaks.

Paludal Caverns

The Paludal Caverns are a system of dense, boggy caves that lie beneath Hollowshade Moor. The caverns are filled with funguses and mosses that thrive in the moist environment, and a number of unconventional creatures can be found dwelling within the tunnels. Though the Paludal Caverns are less than glamorous, they can be a great place to explore for newer adventurers who are trying to gain some experience.

The arrangement of the natural tunnels can be somewhat confusing at first, but does provide useful underground paths to Shadow Haven and Shadeweaver’s Thicket. Occasionally, traders can be found utilizing the caverns for quicker travel between these areas of Luclin. If you find yourself lost within the tunnels, they may be able to help you find a way out.

The Deep

Amidst the Echo Caverns is a series of dangerous and complex caverns known as The Deep. These tunnels are teeming with dangerous creatures, and lead all the way down to the very heart of Luclin. If you decide to venture into the Deep, beware of the large abyss you come across – crossing it is not nearly as simple as it appears, and even successfully doing so will only lead to facing even deadlier threats.

Ssraeshza Temple

If you manage to survive long enough to make it to the deepest depths of the caverns, you may find a hidden entrance to Ssraeshza Temple. This temple belongs to the Shissar and may be one of the most threatening places on all of Luclin. With nearly every risk comes the possibility of great rewards, so it shouldn’t be surprising that many powerful adventurers attempt to brave the temple. Many fail to make it back.

Vex Thal

A trip to Vex Thal is not for the faint of heart. To even enter the edifice, you must manage to gather an impressive number of lucid shards held by some of the rarest and most powerful creatures on Luclin. If you eventually manage to make your way inside, you’ll face even stronger enemies: the Akheva. High Priestess Aten Ha Ra and her followers certainly will not appreciate your presence in their home.

Those who have visited Vex Thal (and made it out alive) have remarked on its grandeur. The inside of the structure is gorgeous and massive, but it is incredibly easy to find yourself trapped on the inside of its marvelous walls. It could take a massive group of adventurers countless hours to fight their way through the entirety of Vex Thal, but those who succeed will be find themselves inundated with the most handsome of rewards.

The Bazaar

The Bazaar was specifically built to facilitate trade with the masses of Norrathian adventurers who began to frequent Luclin after convenient travel became available, and has become one of the busiest areas on the entire moon. The area is full of trader’s stalls, vendors, and countless other kiosks including banks on either end to add ease to shopping. It’s a great place to practice tradeskilling, and adventurers are welcome to come to trade their own goods in the Bazaar as well.

The Nexus

Just outside of the Bazaar you can find the Nexus, which is the primary hub for travel between Norrath and Luclin. Though the Nexus may seem physically small, the arcane energy that emanates from the area and through the spires is powerful. From this area you can find several tunnels leading out to various parts of Luclin, which makes this area the useful for travel.

*** Welcome to Luclin ***  (Patch Introduction Notes) (December 4, 2001)

"As you know, youngster, we of the League of Antonican Bards have made it our primary goal to travel to places before others. It is our duty to see what hasn't yet been seen and to make song of it when we return. We carry news, song and spirit to all of Norrath. We have also taken it upon ourselves to carry personal news in the form of letters wherever possible. And that's what I've called you here to talk about. 

No, I am not assigning you the duty of establishing a mail route into Grobb. We've lost far too many young bards trying to do that. Recruitment of smart young lads and lasses is nearly impossible when they all think that we plan to send them out to become bard fillet. We've only been able to recruit youngsters that no other guild wanted because they were so... 

No, of course I don't mean you. Now stop interrupting. I have a job for you. You know, don't you, that Al'Kabor has once again  been clomping about using his powerful magics without much regard for consequences, don't you? 

/em sighs. 

Ok, your FIRST task is to read up on current events! () 

Your second task is to find out if the rumors about his recent experiments are true. They say (and "they" are pretty reliable) that things such as noble-looking Kerrans calling themselves the Vah Shir, strange beasts of burden and new spells and songs have started showing up on Antonica. They also say that this is all due to the experiments of that Erudite Wizard Al'Kabor. You are to head out to one of the great wizard spires and investigate. If you can, interview one of these cat people and bring us back one of these horses they talk about... 

Maybe you should talk to my assistant about things like directions out of the city and where you can find some shoes more appropriate for 

All this you overhear as you wait outside for your turn to talk to the loremasters of the League of Antonican Bards. 

The door opens and you see a dejected and confused looking young bard step out. Following him out the door you hear a bellow, 

"I also expect you to let everyone know that we are NO LONGER trying to establish mail routes to Grobb! Trolls can't read very well anyway." 

Shadows of Luclin opens up new adventures and new challenges, as well as new rewards for those with a spirit of adventure. 

Are you up to the challenge? 

Face Pick (December 4, 2001)

/facepick - this new command will allow those of you with Shadows of Luclin to change your characters face. It will only work for characters using the new models. If you've turned off Gnomes and your character is a Gnome, you will not be able to use this command on that character. And it will, obviously, only work for those with Shadows of Luclin installed. 

Soulbinders (December 20, 2001)

A new group has appeared in Norrath (and on Luclin as well). Rumor has it that these 'Soulbinders' have dedicated themselves to research on the power and essence of our inner being. Some call them fanatics, as they claim that knowledge of the spirit that dwells within will lead them to an understanding of the whole of existence. Citizens often treat them with the same respect and distance that they treat the Priests of Discord. However, these Soulbinders have dedicated themselves to public service, and for them that service falls along their lines of specialty... The next time you find yourself far away from home, you might seek the services of a Soulbinder. /ooc: We've added these "Soulbinder" NPCs to all cities that player characters can start in, as well as Firiona Vie, The Overthere, Shadowhaven and Iceclad at the request of players. It is our hope that these new NPCs will help players by reducing the time it takes to find a bind from another player character.

Alarm (October 16, 2002)

New Alarm feature added. When you first log in you will see a pop up asking if you wish to set an alarm and if so for how long. There is also an option to choose to never see that pop up again. If you choose this option you will need to set ShowAlarmWindow=TRUE in your eqclient.ini file in order to see the pop up again. The alarm will trigger after the time you set has elapsed, no matter what character you are playing on whatever server, up until the moment you log out.

Considering Corpses (February 13, 2002)

NPC and PC corpses can now be /considered to find out how long until they decay, and PC corpses additionally tell you how long you have to resurrect them. The timer for corpses is now seven days for any corpse over level five, whether the player is on-line or off-line or any combination of the two.

Characters Level 10 & Under (March 19, 2002)

Characters no longer lose experience for death below level 11. Characters now begin first level with a stack of 20 food and drink. Items no longer appear on a corpse if you are below level 10, they reappear with the character.  When a character "dings" level 10 you will be informed that your items will now be on your corpse. Characters will no longer appear with a Tome of Discord. They must get one from the Priest of Discord.

** EverQuest Pricing Increase ** (April 9, 2002)

Due to the increased costs of running the EverQuest game service, we will be increasing our subscription rates in April. Effective April 25, the new monthly subscription rate will be $12.95/month. We will continue to offer discounts from the new rate plan on multi-month subscriptions. The new price for a 3-month subscription will be $35.85 and a 6-month subscription will now be $65.70. You don't have to do a thing; you will automatically be migrated to the new billing structure under your current subscription plan when your current subscription plan expires. HOWEVER, for a limited time only (from April 10 through April 24, 2002), you may extend your current subscription for an additional 12 or 24 months by signing up for the new EQ 12 or 24 month plan - and reap great savings off of the new rates: Extend for 12 months for $109 US - and get a 30% discount off of the new monthly rates! Extend for 24 months for $190 US - and get a 39% discount off of the new monthly rates! Now is the time to lock in these rates, so don't miss out.

Misty Thicket (April 9, 2002)

Clan Death Fist has long had a minor presence in the Misty Thicket, preying on the Halfling farmers and tradesmen. Recently the Death Fist Clans numbers in the thicket have increased and the Orcs are cutting down trees and mining the rock of the nearby mountains. Reports have come in to Rivervale that the Orcs are shipping the lumber and ore to the Commonlands and stockpiling it for an unknown purpose. Whatever the Deathfists agenda, their increased presence has made the thicket a more dangerous place beyond the protective wall. Not far from the tunnel that leads from the Misty Thicket to Rivervale lie mysterious cursed ruins. All that remains of what once stood at these sites are fragments of walls that are presumed to have been constructed around the same time as the nearby ruined tower. An ancient magical scarecrow stands at the center of one of these ruins and warns passers by that the place is cursed. It is a popular belief among the halflings of Rivervale that the crumbled walls once surrounded beautiful and fruitful gardens that were cursed when their owner and caretaker offended the Gods. Whether or not this story is true, the scarecrows warning is true as the gardens are host to diseased vermin and the animated corpses of fallen halflings who were brought to the there and buried after their death by an unknown evil. With the Goblin Clan Pickclaws now occupying a portion of Runnyeye Citadel the number of Goblins now residing in the Misty Thicket has grown. These somewhat exiled Runnyeye Goblins have been mining Crude Iron Ore from the nearby mountains and are most likely attempting to forge weapons and armor to use in a goblin revolt to reclaim all of Runnyeye Citadel from the Pickclaws. With enemies to all sides these semi-exiled goblins are being far less troublesome than they have the potential to be.

*** New Interface Available *** (July 24, 2002)

The new EverQuest user interface is now available for use on Live servers. Many of you will find that it runs faster than the old interface. It is extremely customizable, and offers all sorts of features including resizable windows, fading windows, a pet control window, and flexibility through the XML files. We decided to offer it for optional use as a sort of Beta II for folks on the Live servers that haven't had the chance to try it out on the Test server. To activate the new interface: * Log into the game. * Type /newui into the chat bar and hit enter. * Log out and exit to your desktop and then log back in. or * Before you log in: * Open the EQclient.ini file in your EverQuest folder with a text editor (notepad works fine) * Find the [Defaults] section of the file * Add a line that reads: NewUI=TRUE * Log in. We want to thank all the folks that have helped us test the interface and have offered a wide variety of useful ideas. Enjoy the interface! 

** ViewPort ** (July 24, 2002)

One of the new commands available only with the new interface is /viewport. You can use this command to change the size of the gameplay area. /viewport [distance from left, distance from top, width, height] All of the distances and numbers for the viewport command are in the same measure as your screen resolution numbers. For Example: Let's say you are running in 800 x 600 video mode and you want to create view the game only in the top half of your screen (not that you would). You would type: /viewport 0 0 800 300 The top left of your screen is 0 and 0. 800 is the width of your screen, and the 300 is one half of the height of the screen. /viewport reset - will reset the viewport to the default setting.

** New Vah Shir Models ** (July 24, 2002)

We have developed new models for the Vah Shir for use with the old world. You may now choose to turn off the Luclin version of the Vah Shir models and use these new models if you wish. These new Vah Shir models require less memory and you may want to use them in place of the Luclin models to improve system performance.

** Grouping ** (July 24, 2002)

We have revamped the grouping system. This is a major rewrite of the system that should have little effect on gameplay, with the exception of removing the bugs with the old system. Players should no longer have issues with their group due to the link-death of any member (including the leader), zoning and other such issues. There is also a new command available. /makeleader - The leader of the group can now reassign who the leader of the group is by use of this command. 

Jaggedpine Forest (July 24, 2002)

*** Call to Arms *** Tarlain moved along through the tunnel at a brisk pace, a wistful smile painting his weathered features. His arm reached out from under his travel stained great cloak so that his hand could traced the side wall of granite while his mind recalled the many times he had passed through this tunnel in his youth. It had been many years since and the memories of his training in the woodland ways within the environs of Surefall glade filled him with a peaceful nostalgia. This nostalgia all but vanished as Tarlain rounded the final curve and broke into the tree filtered sunlight of Surefall Glade and beheld a most unexpected sight - a line of Qeynos foot soldiers marching past the Ranger hall and on toward the far end of the Glade. What could bring the forces of Qeynos here? Knowing this could not bode well, Tarlain strode quickly to the Ranger hall, his eyes on the receding backs of the footmen. Reaching the main hall entrance, Tarlain's sight latched on to a proclamation inked in the flowing hand of a Qeynos scribe and bearing the seal of Antonius IV. It outlined the rising threat of Blackburrow Gnolls invading and despoiling the previously sequestered Jaggedpine Forest. Because of this danger Antonius has lifted his father's ruling to protect those forests and now calls for able-bodied men and militia to join in quelling the expansion of the vile Gnolls. Gritting his teeth at the thought of Gnolls invading the pristine woodlands, Tarlain turned and with a hand on his longsword, set off to catch up with the guardsmen and throw in his lot against the dogs of Blackburrow. (Note: Jaggedpine Forest is only available by using the optional files download option in the advanced section of the EverQuest patcher. Be aware that the download required for this new zone is relatively large.)

*** News from Faydwer *** (July 24, 2002)

It is rumored that the major cities of Faydwer have announced a call to arms for all young adventurers. News of mysterious bloodthirsty goblins to the west setting up encampments has prompted all residents of Kaladim, Kelethin and Felwithe to all begin preparing themselves for what they think may be a momentous battle. Intelligence originating from the Scouts of Kaladim and Kelethin has informed their respective leaders of a possible alliance between a mysterious aqua goblin tribe and the Orcs of Clan Crushbone. Due to the possibility of an attack by either or both of these powerful tribes, guildmasters of all cities have begun the training of young soldiers brave enough to heed the call to defend their homeland against all unknown creatures and new inhabitants.

(Anyone have any idea what this was about?)

** An Ancient Arises ** (September 26, 2002)

Deep within the recesses of a cave yet unknown to the world at large, a dark, menacing figure parts with the slumber that has kept him silent for ages. The eyes of a magnificently ominous beast pierce through the darkness, his memories flowing freely once more. In the depths of this beast's mind sparks the knowledge that his prophetic savior has been released from the ancient magiks of time, let loose upon an unsuspecting world where the kin shall once again reign supreme. "My master's shackles have been trounced, and so it is written that in this world that has been so deftly overrun by pitiful mortals, he shall bring power back to those of the scale." The deep rumbling voice of the beast lingers throughout the cavernous hideaway, the barely distinguishable figure of a mighty lizard moves through the stone and dirt and dust as if to leave the gloomy surroundings and find his place once again upon Norrath proper. "For far too long have I been a prisoner to the overwhelming might that kept me in a state of secluded sleep; for far too long have I been victim to the ancestral elemental forces keeping my master at bay. Now I awaken and bring life back to the disciples; now shall the lifeblood of the Four once again spread the word of prophecy!" The footsteps of this great beast are slow but sure, moving through the depths of the gaping mountain retreat towards the surface. Along the walls, pebbles and stones that have remained dormant for years crumble and crack, falling to the ground as the immense beast walks past. A maze of dead ends and broken paths twists and turns in the expanse beyond the figure's resting place. The skeletons of those who had tried - and failed - to make their way to him in the years he spent in forced slumber remain, tumbled landmarks of heroes long lost. Slowly he moves, his reptilian eyes darting back and forth looking for any meager meals that may still be available. As he proceeds, he steps atop a mighty echelon, overlooking the bodies that could not defy the magical properties of the cave; fools of mortal thought, incapable of fathoming the power that lay beyond them. "Time has been good to you, my faithful warren... let us both pray that I no longer need you. The time for the revival is at hand."

(NOTE: Sleeper's Tomb revamped and renamed Kerafyrm's Lair.)

** Odd New Objects in the Land ** (October 16, 2002)

Folks across Norrath and on Luclin have reported seeing odd new objects in various locations. They appear to be some sort of magical portal, though local spell casters have yet to discover how they arrived or exactly what their purpose is. They have determined, however, that these objects are slowly building in power. Attempting to use these portals at this time can have unexpected results. Experts recommend that adventurers avoid these objects until they know more. For more information on these odd devices, visit (obsolete link).

(NOTE: This was about the Plane of Knowledge Book Pedestal portals being added to zones in preparation for the Planes of Power.)

Alarm Feature (October 16, 2002)

New Alarm feature added. When you first log in you will see a pop up asking if you wish to set an alarm and if so for how long. There is also an option to choose to never see that pop up again. If you choose this option you will need to set ShowAlarmWindow=TRUE in your eqclient.ini file in order to see the pop up again. The alarm will trigger after the time you set has elapsed, no matter what character you are playing on whatever server, up until the moment you log out.




Recognitions and credits for all involved with developing and creating EverQuest, for the current and past expansions, can be seen by clicking the 'Credits' button at the bottom of the Server Select Screen and then viewing the 'Current Expansion' or the 'Previous Expansions' tab.

They can also be found in your EverQuest Directory (credits_current.txt & credits_previous.txt).

A huge thank you to all involved!


If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last Updated October 27, 2024

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.