It's not the illusional norm... you literally do transform! -- Bonzz

Spirit Shrouds were introduced with the Depths of Darkhollow expansion.

Essentially, they are like Monster Mission transformations... you just don't need the Monster Mission.

Spirit Shrouds are NOT illusions... you literally transform into another character, race and / or class... not to mention having a selection of what level that you want to be (5 to 70).

NOTE: You cannot play Overseer while Shrouded (you have to be Level 85 to play Overseer, and shrouds only go to Level 70)

NOTE: You do not have access to the shared bank while Shrouded (see image, below).

NOTE: You can not do tradeskills while Shrouded.

NOTE: You can not access the Faction window while Shrouded.

NOTE: You can not equip gear / weapons while Shrouded, other than what the Shroud comes with by default (they might drop into a slot, but they will 'yellow out' -- meaning you do not get any stat benefits or other uses from said items).

When shrouded, you have no access to the shared bank (#1 in image, above).


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The shroud window will allow you to select a shroud and then transform into it.

Spirit Shrouds are accessed via three (30 different NPC's, all of which are located in the Plane of Knowledge (use Find to locate them).

They are Shroudkeeper Hyush, Shroudkeeper Learu and Shroudkeeper Nisua.

Simply hail one of them and the Shroud selection window will appear (see above image), that shows all of the options you currently have available to you.

Using this window, you can selects a shroud category (#1 in above image). This will then allow you to select from the available "Monster Class" options for your selected category (#2 in above image), which then will allow you to select what level you want to be when in shroud form (every 5th Level from Level 5 to level 70) (#3 in above image).

Some base statistics are shown for your selection in the middle section (#4 in above image), while their abilities (#5 in above image) and equipment (#6 in above image) are shown in the windows on the right side.

Once you have made your selections, simply click the "Select Monster" button (#7 in above image) and you will be transformed accordingly (see image below).

NOTE: Before you take on a shroud, if you keep all of your coin in the Shared Bank Coin Slot and / or on your character, you may want to actually parcel yourself some coin, or make sure you have coin in the coin slots of your characters bank (not shared bank). You will understand why as you read on.

NOTE: You can "shroud down" to a lower level than your character actually is. However, you can NOT "shroud up" to a higher level than your character actually is.

Bonzz shrouded as a Level 45 Imp Wizard.




When shrouded, you only have basic things, to start with.

When you take on a Spirit Shroud (transform), you will be more like an NPC (Non-Player Character) than a PC (Player Character).




On the surface, there may not seem any actual use or reason to even bother with shrouds.

However, there are some considerations...




Once you take on a shroud, you will start out with basic supplies... a backpack, 20 food, 20 water and 20 bandages.

Depending on the shroud type, you might also get a weapon (see below image).

Level 45 Wizard Shroud weapon.

Any skills, abilities, spells, disciplines and the like, that may be available with the shroud you select, are all via "Monster Points" (see below image) in your Alternate Advancement window.

"Monster Points" Alternate Advancement Window.

Don't worry, your "real" Alternate Advancement Window will reappear after you unshroud.

The first thing to do is to spend / allocate any "Monster Points" you may have available (#4 in the above image), in order to buy and / or increase abilities listed in the top left section of the window (#1 in the above image).

Like real Alternate Advancement Abilities, you can highlight any category and see what they do in the bottom section (#2 in the above image).

Once you have expended your Monster Points, you will need to make Hot Keys (aka Hot Buttons) (#5 in the above image) for the abilities that can be activated, and then put them on a Hot Bar. Do not use Hot Bar slots that all ready contain a Hot Button (explained below).

These abilities, or actions, can only be activated from Hot Buttons on a Hot Bar, so you have no choice but to set them up.

The good news is, however, that once you are done with the set-up... you can save that set-up by clicking the "SAVE" button in the top right of the window. Next time you use this exact same shroud, you can simply click the "LOAD" button and instantly complete the set-up, process (#3 in above image).

CAUTION: The Shroud set-up does utilize and reserve Hot Bar slots. When you are not shrouded, the buttons you used will still be there, but say "Not Usable." Saving the set-up will require that you do not delete the Hot Bar slots you have just used / created for the shroud. Thus, you need to save shroud(s) that you do, or plan to use, regularly. otherwise, your Hot bars can quickly fill up with saved Hot Buttons from various shrouds.

Next, you have options to "beef" up your shroud.

You can use mercenaries, utilize certain items and also receive level-related buffs while in shroud form.

With that in mind, you may want to also acquire:

TIP: You may want to maintain a supply of such things in your main bank, for when you are shrouded.

Now you are ready to head out and adventure in your shrouded form!




Right away, you have the first level of shrouds available to you in eight (8) different categories.

Each category offers different selections when it comes to the type of shroud (what type of creature) and what class type (Wizard, Rogue, etc.), all of which have varying abilities.

These options and abilities expand as you progress each shroud type (see next section, below).

The (8) different categories include:




Each shroud category can be progressed to unlock higher levels of those same shrouds, which can provide more options to you.

To do this, you have to earn experience while in shrouded form. The experience will only apply to the category of the shroud that you are using. In short, you have to progress all eight (8) shroud categories separately.

Using mercenaries, buffs, potions and so forth, you can somewhat power your way through this process, along with strategically choosing a zone (relevant to your Shroud level), where the MOB's give the best experience, are somewhat fast / easy kills and are not a huge threat to killing you (when you kill one or two at a time).

Even better, grouping with others to get shroud experience is the best way of all. You can also get help from a higher level player to "power level" you (they can remain ungrouped, heal / buff you, protect you from trains and then one-shot MOB's dead after you get them below 50%).

TIP: There is an expedition (instanced zone) given by Eldros Danmor in Nedaria's Landing that you can get with just one player. There are a lot of MOB's, they are scaled to your shroud level, they respawn at a good rate and you have them all to yourself! (On a side note, the lay-out of this zone is the same as Ngreth's Den in Beta.)

NOTE: While you can claim unclaimed from you Quest Rewards Window, while in Shroud form, such rewards are often severely reduced. The loss of experience in an effort to boost shroud progression is not be worth it, in my opinion!




There are two (2) "specialty" Shroudkeepers in the Plane of Knowledge, that each offer access to a special shroud.

1) Kalon Corsan gives access to the Runed Gargoyle Spirit Shroud.

This shroud was a claim item with the Depths of Darkhollow expansion (check your claims). The claimed item was a Runed Gargoyle Tooth, which you gave to Kalon to unlock the shroud.

This shroud cannot be progressed and is maxed out from the start.


2) Yaldu Bwor gives access to Gnoll Spirit Shrouds, related to Anniversary Events.

Specifically, you need to loot a Bloodmetal Gnollish Inlaid Totem from the chest at the end of the 15th Anniversary Mission "War Games" in the Plane of War. Once you have it, go to Yaldu, hail him, follow along and give him the Totem (you get it back).

This item is also an Illusion.

This will unlock Gnoll shroud access and an Alternate Advancement called "Gnoll Reaver Fortitude."

At first you only have access to the first Level of the Gnoll Shrouds (and the AA). You can progress them to Level 5, as noted above (shroud up, go get experience).




One you are done adventuring in shroud form, you need to remove the shroud to get back to normal.

To do this, you need to return to the Shroudkeeper you started with, in the Plane of Knowledge.

You can either get there on your own (run, portal items / potions..) or just use the Monster Alternate Advancement Ability called 'Spirit Sending' -- which will teleport you right back to the Shroudkeeper.

Hail them and say "Remove," and you will be reverted back to normal.

You may notice a message about gaining experience (from when you were in shroud form).

A Shroud Bank window might also pop up when you unshroud. The Shroud Bank (see above image) window will contain all of the items you acquired after you shrouded, be it looted, purchased, taken from your Main Bank, Parcels or any other sources. This does not include the bag, food, drink, water and / or weapon that was given to you as part of the shroud form (see above).

The items in your Shroud Bank will stay there for a maximum of 48 Hours (2 days) before they disappear. There is a timer at the top of the Shroud Bank window (see above image). Take them out of the Shroud Bank as soon as possible, so you don't forget and lose all of the items!

Any coin you had in Shroud form will be automatically be added to the existing coin, on your character.

You can access your shroud bank from any banker, at any time (see #1 in the above image). To get items out of your Shroud Bank, simply highlight an item (see #2 in the above image) and then click the "GET" button (see #3 in the above image).

NOTE: Items on your character are transferred to your Shroud Bank with you unshroud. You can not intentionally put items in your Shroud Bank, you can only remove them (shroud form or not).


If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last Updated October 1, 2023

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.