Achievements & Everything Else!

Best hold on to your socks! There's danger at the docks! -- Bonzz


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Legacy of Ykesha was the 5th expansion, released February 25, 2003. It was met with criticism for being very small, as compared to previous expansions, with only five (5) new zones. 

However, Legacy of Ykesha added some significant things to the game

Part of the Lore Events saw the Trolls evicted from Grobb (they fled to Neriak) and the Frogloks then called the city, 'New Guk.' Years later, the Trolls took back Grobb and the Frogloks fled to the Rathe Mountains.

The digital version of this expansion sold for $21.99, with limited retail sales for 'select retailers' (price not cited, just that it would 'vary'). It does not appear that there were any bonus items. While the boxed edition was offered, Legacy of Ykesha was the first expansion that was primarily sold via digital download.

The Caverns of Exile zone was added during this expansion. It is not actually a LoY zone, as it location on Norrath would better place it as an EverQuest (original expansion) zone. However, the 'Hunter' Achievement was added to this Expansion. On Progression Servers it gets added when the Planes of Power expansion unlocks. Oddly enough, the 'Traveler' & Raid Achievements were placed in the EverQuest (original expansion) Achievements.


General 3 80
Exploration 5 50
Raids 2 20
Hunter 6 180
TOTALS 16 330

ARMOR SETS                    LORE                    RAID INFO & STRATS                    ZONE LISTINGS                    GAME CREDITS


There was no chase loot, alternative currency or mercenaries.



Achievements listed in the below sections are not necessarily listed in alphabetical order. They are generally listed in the order seen in the game (at the time they were added to the lists below). Use Control-F to "Find" a specific achievement that you may be looking for. All of the the below achievements should apply to all classes (they are not class specific).

NOTE: Any rewards highlighted in YELLOW might be worth pursuing, due the fun factor, benefit or usefulness of the reward (you decide).

NOTE: Some miscellaneous “hints” may also be included in PURPLE. These hints are intended to enhance / clarify the "how to" for accomplishing the achievement.

NOTE: Anything in RED text is either an informational comment, or data / details that is not fully verified. If you can verify or provide correct information, please do (see end of page)!

NOTE: Items noted as a "REWARD" are items granted from the achievement, itself. Items listed as "ACQUIRED" are unique item's that can be / are / should be acquired along the way, towards completing the related achievement, but are not actually a reward granted from the achievement itself. In fact, the achievement may even be for acquiring said item. Additionally, only the more "unique" Achievement awards are noted below... "common" or "generic" Achievement Rewards like Alternate Advancement points, Character Experience & Coin, are not noted in the Reward options below.







Pirate Slayer


30 Complete the (6) listed achievements. N / A

Conqueror of the Legacy of Ykesha


40 Complete the (2) listed achievements. N / A

Legacy of Ykesha Explorer


10 Complete the (5) listed achievements. If you don't have one all ready, you should get a Journeyman's Compass. Click the Journeyman's Compass to gain another Level of the Journeyman's Speed Alternative Advancement (if it isn't all ready maxed out).







The Gulf of Gunthak Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Dulak's Harbor Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Torgiran Mines Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

The Crypt of Nadox Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.

Hate's Fury Traveler


10 Go to the noted zone.







Conqueror of the Crypt of Nadox


10 Defeat the (2) listed targets / events.

Conqueror of Hate's Fury


10 Defeat the listed target / event.







Hunter of the Caverns of Exile


30 Defeat the (11) listed targets.

Hunter of the Crypt of Nadox


30 Defeat the (16) listed targets.

Hunter of Dulak's Harbor


30 Defeat the (18) listed targets.

Hunter of The Gulf of Gunthak


30 Defeat the (20) listed targets.

Hunter of Hate's Fury


30 Defeat the (11) listed targets.

Hunter of the Torgiran Mines


30 Defeat the (21) listed targets.




Did I miss any? Let me know!

Abattoir Initiate
Da Basher
Kor Initiate
Moss Toe
of Darkness
of Pestilence
of Protection
of the Craft Keeper
of the Dar Initiate
of the Northern Wolf
of the Pestilence Priest
of the Rainkeeper
of the Scale
of the Scourge Knight
of the Scourge Sorcerer
of the Scourge Warrior
of the Shin Initiate
of the Spurned Initiate
of the Jin Initiate
of the Yun Initiate
of War
Pine Scout
Rage Sorcerer
Ruined Gnoll Chain
Steel Warriors
Sylvan Initiate
Unholy Silk



While Spells, Disciplines and Songs can drop as loot, all the Spells, Disciplines and Songs can be purchased in the Plane of Knowledge, up in the Library.

There were no Rank II or Rank III Spells, Disciplines or Songs.



The Intricate Wooden Figurine, technically, was added to be part of the Planes of Power expansion, to help with and reward progression.

However, charms were not added to the game until this expansion and, thus, the Intricate Wooden Figurine was actually added as part of this expansion.

The Intricate Wooden Figurine is progressed via Planes of Power progression and interactions with NPC's. See here.



Any special instanced zones are not included, unless they involve a traveler achievement.

Acrylia Caverns
Content revamp April 2003. Listed under Shadows of Luclin  for Achievements.)

Caverns of Exile
AKA Sol C or Solusek C. This zone was added during this expansion, but was listed and Planes of Power and is now listed in-game under EverQuest.)

Chardok: The Halls of Betrayal
(AKA Chardok B. Added via Patch July 2003, but is listed in-game under with EverQuest.)

Crypt of Nadox

Dulak's Harbor

Grimling Forest
Content revamp April 2003. Listed under Shadows of Luclin  for Achievements.)

Gulf of Gunthak

Hollowshade Moor
Content revamp April 2003. Listed under Shadows of Luclin  for Achievements.)

Hate's Fury, the Scorned Maiden

Mines of Nurga 2.0
(Revamped to Live in July 2003, listed under Ruins of Kunark for Achievements.)

The Plane of Hate 2.0
(Previously revamped during the Scars of Velious, it was revamped again during this expansion in May 2003. It is listed under EverQuest for Achievements).

Temple of Droga 2.0
(Revamped to Live in July 2003, listed under Ruins of Kunark for Achievements.)

Torgiran Mines




Lore is from / based on Daybreak, Expansion release information and / or Dev / Beta Forum Info.


The Frogloks are an amicable, neutrally-aligned race of amphibious frog-like men who originally only populated the swamps of Norrath. They are intelligent creatures with vastly improved night vision over other races and innate swimming talents.

Frogloks were previously trapped in an eternal war with the Trolls until their deity, Mithaniel Marr, blessed them with the ability to turn the tides of the conflict. The remaining Trolls fled to Neriak, and the Frogloks seized their stronghold, naming it "New Guk."

Years later, the Trolls would return to reclaim their land during "The War," pushing the Frogloks into the Rathe Mountains. In hopes of taking back their former home, the Frogloks took to learning dark magic. 

Exploring Broken Skull Rock

The island of Broken Skull Rock can be found a ways south of the Antonica marshlands. Travel to the island is difficult, as adventurers must make their way there from the coast of the Stonebrunt Mountains in Odus.

Broken Skull Rock is home to a band of trolls known as the Broken Skull Clan. When passing through you may decide whether or not you want to have them on your side, which probably depends on how you feel about the Frogloks as a whole.

The Gulf of Gunthak

The Gulf of Gunthak is where most adventurers arrive when journeying to Broken Skull Rock. It serves as the entry point to the home of the Broken Skull Clan, and is used as the home for new clan recruits and those that have gained the Trolls' favor.

Although there isn't much to see, the large lighthouse and the lean-tos scattered throughout the Gulf sell a variety of unique supplies that may prove to helpful to adventurers.

With a knack for exploration and a bit of luck, you may be able to find passages that connect the Gulf to deeper parts of the island. But beware - those who travel past the gulf without the express permission of the Broken Skull Clan may be putting themselves in an unfavorable situation.

Dulak's Harbor

Dulak's Harbor lies in a wide cavern tucked away conveniently beneath the surface at the edge of the island. The town is rough and ominous in both look and feel, and is inhabited by Troll marauders that preside closely over the arrival and departure of any ships.

Allies of the Broken Skull Clan will find the Harbor to be a welcome pit stop, with a number of taverns, stores, docks, and shipyards filling the city. The Harbor makes for a great place to buy and sell goods in between adventures.

Railway tracks can also be found in various parts of the city, and following them will lead adventurers to the nearby mines.

A large and disturbing temple sits nearby, closely guarded by Innoruuk's Luggald minions. It is advised you stay away from this place, lest you want to be consumed by the intense hate that Innoruuk is best known for.

The Torgiran Mines

Despite its rough exterior, Broken Skull Rock is resource-rich deep below the surface. The Torgiran Mines can be found far within the island, and hold many precious metals and gemstones. These goods are the Broken Skull Clan's primary exports, which are mined by captured slaves and transported out to Dulak Harbor through the railway system.

Distinct etchings can be seen on the rock walls, which are rumored to prevent the mines from flooding with a bit of Innoruuk's power. Though they won't flood, the tides occasionally recede, revealing lava pools within the cavern.

Hate's Fury, the Scorned Maiden

Hate's Fury is a legendary pirate ship that is infamous in tales told by sailors and seamen throughout Norrath. Rumors swirl that it is captained by a violent band of Troll pirates, and filled to the brim with stolen treasures, though many believe that its existence is but a tavern-made story.

This ship does exist, however, and is kept docked in a hidden lagoon underneath the island at the Crypt of Nadox, where many of the crew members reside. Even if you're in the best of standing with the Broken Skull Clan, it is recommended that you stay far, far away from Hate's Fury.

The Crypt of Nadox

The Crypt of Nadox is the final resting place of a legendary Troll shaman who bared the place's namesake. The Crypt is hidden within the deepest and most secluded part of the island, and with good reason.

The Crypt is filled with shrines to honor Innoruuk, the deity that the Broken Skull Clan bows to. Only the most powerful and highest-ranking members of the clan are allowed to enter the Crypt, and they guard the area so fiercely it is said that anyone who disturbs them may face the wrath of Innoruuk himself.

Lore Chapter 1 - Prophecy of Grozmok

In the Elder Age the trolls followed one god: Cazic Thule, their creator. They grew and evolved under his guidance, and the blood of Fear beat strong through their hearts. The unity of the trolls was broken when Innoruuk, the Prince of Hate, touched a young troll mystic named Zraxth.

Zraxth's deviation from the followers of Cazic Thule was small at first. He would gather small groups of other mystics in secluded camps far away from the troll cities. There they would perform ceremonies to channel their hatred, and through it give power to the trolls who were being oppressed by the dominant forces of the Rallosian armies. Hatred drove the trolls, making them more bloodthirsty and savage, but their might was still not enough to confront the will of the Ogre Empire that dominated Southern Tunaria. Zraxth saw that his efforts were futile, and asked his new lord, Innoruuk, when the trolls would see the power they were promised. The knowledge he sought came with a price; Innoruuk demanded a blood tithe in exchange for a vision. Zraxth was instructed to slay the high priests of Cazic Thule so their blood could be used to grant him foresight.

Zraxth and his followers did as the Prince of Hate demanded. Cloaked by the night, he and his disciples crept into the camps of their brethren and killed every elder priest to yield the blood to be used in the rite. The blood of their kin on their hands, Zraxth and his disciples set about performing the rituals described in Innoruuk's instructions. A great stone tablet was brought before Zraxth, and the ceremony began. Zraxth meditated for days without sleep or food, trying to transcend his mortal mind and see what Innoruuk had promised him.

On the eighth day, Zraxth spoke. The disciples tried in vain to record his words but found that no ink would hold them; the words ran like quicksilver off their parchments.. Zraxth, still in a deep trance, took the stone and began to record his words with the elder's blood and a chisel made from their bones. As he laid each symbol into the stone, it blazed with dark flames and then settled. As the stone cooled, the disciples saw that the words appeared as though they had always been a part of the stone, rather than carved and painted into it.

Zraxth's visions foretold the coming of the Grozmok. The Grozmok would be the greatest of all trolls and would unite the troll clans through Fear and Hate. Through his knowledge of war and magic he would topple the empires in Tunaria. The stone would be the symbol of his power. No true Grozmok would rise without the stone, but many false Grozmoks would die because of it. This was the prophecy, the curse and the legacy of Grozmok.

The ceremony killed Zraxth. His body was burned, and his ashes were scattered. His disciples returned to their tribes, each assuming their old positions among the mystics, teaching their people of the prophecy of Grozmok. Zraxth's first disciple was given the stone, as his tribe was the strongest and most likely to give rise to the Grozmok. They protected the stone and its secrets for many generations, until whispers of the prophecy spread to the Rallosian Empire.

The ogres did not fear the trolls; however, they did fear the power that the stone might grant them. To stifle any hope that the stone may have provided, they raided the home of the tribe that held the stone. After slaughtering all who lived there, they returned the stone to their vaults, attempting to end the prophecy and any power that may have been drawn from it.

The stone remained in the fortified strongholds of the Ogre Empire until the curse of the Pantheon struck the minions of Zek down for their hubris. The fall of the empire created a void of power in Southern Tunaria. The two largest troll factions, Clan Broken Skull and Clan Ykesha, began to battle for rule over the once conquered lands. As their war raged, knowledge of the stone faded from the trolls' minds. It lay forgotten, until marauders from Clan Ykesha found the stone hidden in the vaults of a decimated ogre fortress. The lore and memory of the stone's true meaning had been long lost to the trolls; still they recognized the stone as an artifact from their ancient history, and presented it as a tribute to their clan leader, Warlord Ykesha.

The ancients of Clan Ykesha eventually managed to translate the writing on the stone; this revealed the lost prophecy of the Grozmok to them. Warlord Ykesha took his capturing of the stone to mean that he was destined to be the Grozmok. Rumors of the stone spread throughout the Clans. Meanwhile, the power of Clan Ykesha grew as other tribes joined them to fight for the Grozmok.

Innoruuk, seeing the hate among his children fade as more and more joined Ykesha, planted seeds of doubt in the Warlord's mind. Ykesha grew reclusive, moving deep within his compound to protect himself from attempts to usurp his power. This growing insanity weakened him. As dissention grew within Clan Ykesha, other clans grew bold and struck the might of the Ykesha. It was Clan Broken Skull that managed to finally overthrow Ykesha and lay claim to the stone.

The remnants of the Ykeshan clan regrouped slowly, rising under the might of Warlord Jurgash, and formed Clan Grobb. The new clan grew under the direction of Ykesha's descendent, while the stone remained hidden on Broken Skull Rock. Innoruuk, again seeing the hate among the trolls settling, granted one of Grobb's mystics a vision that revealed the location of the Grozmok stone. Clan Grobb invaded Broken Skull Rock and recovered the stone. The victorious clan returned the stone to Southern Tunaria.

Today, the Grozmok stone rests hidden and well protected deep within Grobb. Knowledge of the stone and the prophecy it contains has once again begun to fade as new generations pursue their own dreams of power. The young consider the old stories of the stone and the first great warlord, who rests in his fortress now swallowed by the swamp, to be campfire myths. Yet, many of the clan elders wait with the hopes that one day the Grozmok will rise from their ranks and fulfill the legacy of Ykesha.

Lore Chapter 2 - The Stone is Stolen

An unnatural fog fills the small cove. It brings with it a numbing quiet, which is only broken by the rhythmic sound of waves washing against the shore and slapping the hulls of several small wooden skiffs. The cove is devoid of life, since most of its typical residents have moved aside to make room for the chilling fog. The morning sun will eventually rise, and the cove's residents will return to their swampy homes. Yet, these things will all wait until the fog has receded to the ocean, carrying its dark cargo with it.

For now, the fog continues to creep up the shore and into the marshlands that lay beyond. The small cove fills with dozens of wooden skiffs. The small boats seem to cut through the water in almost perfect silence, relying only on magic to propel them ashore. A single figure in each rises and pulls its dark hood over its smooth, finned head. One motions toward the dense swamplands to the east. The strange figures seem even more out of place silhouetted against their bulkier, less agile troll allies; yet their authority is unquestioned.

The trolls push quickly through the low tangles of the swamp, their savage strength easily clearing a path. It has been some time since they moved through terrain such as this. Their clan has long avoided this place, but today's activities should remove those old fears. Once they have acquired the stone, the tides will quickly bring a new era with them from Broken Skull Rock.

As the groups reach a clearing near the city of Grobb, they are brought to a sudden halt by the figures that lead them. The robed creatures gather near a small pool. A grotesque webbed hand draws back the robe's hood, revealing the amphibian's face.

"Prepare your soldiers," the strange amphibian says softly, addressing the trolls in their guttural native language. "The doorway we create will not last long and we must have time to follow you in... unless you wish for us to leave you inside with them." The creature pauses, a slight smirk appearing on its face. "This is not your desire, correct?" A defiant grunt is its only answer.

The largest of the trolls turns to face his soldiers as the robed luggalds begin their incantation. All around them, the ankle-deep water comes alive with energy. A small growl surges from within the ranks of the luggalds to become a cacophony of battle cries. The water before the sorcerers rises in a tall, thin sheet. Through the portal can be seen a large wooden bridge, the surprised faces of several guards and, just behind them, a sign that reads: Night Keep. As the last of the invaders climb out of the moat, which acted as their entrance into Grobb's fortified walls, the raid's leader shouts, "We only leave when we have the stone! Once you have it, burn everything else!" This command echoes through Night Keep's halls, barely audible over the crushing sounds of combat and the surprised cries of unsuspecting guards.

The trolls' cruel nature is apparent as both sides of the battle paint the scene in the savage reds of death and flames. The trolls of Grobb, now fully aware that the unthinkable is in progress, drive the invading clan back to the moat. The clan from Broken Skull Rock, however, has what it came for, and its members fight their way into a position surrounding the crimson moat. From within the cramped formation the murmurs of despicable incantations begin again.

"Your lives, for the fulfillment of prophecy," a voice shouts from within the dense circle of raiders. A shimmering red portal rises from the moat below, engulfing the Trolls and their foul mentors. Those Broken Skull trolls left behind perform their task well and thwart any disruption to the clan's escape. Even as the portal collapses back into the moat, the thieves are well on their way back into the fog that surrounds the cove.

The morning sun is now rising, finding the wind pushing a strange fog and several large ships to the west. This same wind carries a cargo of smoke and confusion through the swamplands of Innothule. The fires in Grobb are extinguished, and the descendants of Ykesha prepare for war.

Lore Chapter 3 - Mithaniel Marr's Blessing

The trolls are clumsier than usual, their hurried movements carrying them between Grobb and the seashore. They pour forth from their city's walls, distractedly searching, almost as if it were all in vain. Knowing that what they seek is beyond their immediate grasp, they continue to act out the role in an effort to pass the time. The curious frogloks are uncertain about the nature of the trolls' loss, but they understand that they are certainly no longer a priority.

Deep within the damp walls that lie beneath the swamp, a mail-clad amphibian stands within the semicircular gaze of the council. He speaks in the tongue of his people, confident and proud, yet devoid of emotion. "We watched them as you requested. It is confirmed. They have sent their soldiers to the sea. The crusaders have left their home. Only a small force remains to defend it. All that you have sent us to observe has occurred. We have nothing else to report."

The elder frogloks nod and the scout quietly leaves the chamber. Silence lingers in the room as they all think about the inevitable future they share. Their wait is coming to an end. Again they will stand before their champion in prayer. Only this time it will be to confirm their destiny as a people. The elders move in silent preparation and in unison they begin their prayer, "Lord Ralthazor, Champion of Marr, Herald of Prophecy, hear us as we are prepared...."

The soft echoes of activity fill the halls with an energy that agitates the stagnant air. There is movement in every corridor, as bodies pour towards the epicenter of their fate. Tonight is like no other they can remember. An assembly of all of the castes is unheard of in their society, and perhaps the elders had this in mind when they announced it. There may be some logic in shaking things up prior to an even greater upheaval.

As the room falls into silence, the elders from each caste rise before the crowd. The room seems to dim as they begin to tell the story of their people. Their history spreads out before them. The story and the visions it conjures dance above the crowd. The elders speak for hours as the decades move across the walls of the great hall. The massive gathering begins to understand; this must be what it is like for a stone to watch life travel by. The understanding that stems from the elders' words begins to speak to the crowd and the elders move aside, as the pale flames of purity rise and begin to illuminate the room.

The white and blue flames dance along the walls A voice fills the minds of the individuals that make up the crowd.

"Do not fear these flames, for they are the sanctuary that will protect you from the darkness. Your task will be to wait on the edge of destiny, peering into the darkness in search of a light. This light, the light of destiny, already shines within this room. It radiates from within your ranks."

While the bulk of the crowd stares, mesmerized by the movement of the flames, several of the listeners begin to make out an image. It steps out of the flames and speaks only to them.

"There are some among you that see my true form. You see me for you are the chosen. I speak to you, because you have found true understanding of yourselves. It is only through that understanding that you may march forward and dispel the dark grasp of fate. You shall carry with you the destiny of your people and act as beacons for those who will wait, safe from the hate and fear that surround you. You will be the lance of valor that pierces the heart of those seeking to oppress your people. You are the seeds of a new age."

These words follow the chosen frogloks as they make their way to their quarters. Unable to sleep, they find themselves thinking of Grobb and the trolls that reside there. Images of battle begin to fill their minds. Feeling drawn by the night, many of the witnesses to tonight's activities leave their quarters and begin to filter towards the cool comfort of the swamp. Perhaps they will find peace there or at least some sign of what they should do next.

Lore Chapter 4 - The Fall of Grobb

Only days before, they had walked from the murky comfort of Innothule, bringing with them a message from their god. The elders waited for them in the glow of Guk's stony mouth, anxious yet unaware of the dramatic change they were about to discover. The firepots' aura met the first of Mithaniel's chosen as they stepped out of the water's dark grasp and made their way ashore.

The elders were mesmerized. Their eyes were transfixed on the glory that their lord had bestowed upon their fellow citizens. Still, the fully transformed frogloks seemed natural, though the evidence of their blessings was far from subtle. They were, after all, merely an evolution; a reminder of the power that the heavens hold over the mortal realm.

Within hours of their return to Guk, the chosen of Mithaniel moved frantically to prepare. Several days of prayer, fasting and planning allowed them to convey the urgency of their visions to the elders and citizens of Guk. They had emerged from the swamp with not only a new form, but also a plan for what would become a new age in the annals of froglok lore. They had been given a clear vision of conquest: Grobb would fall beneath them.

Weakened by the loss of their relic and the disappearance of their greatest heroes, the citizens of Grobb sat unaware in the morning gloom. Their minds were on the ocean and the black waters that were swallowing their kin, a crucial distraction for the interlopers' plans. The trolls of Grobb were wading through the quicksand of despair, blind to the final blow that was gathering in the shadows just outside their city's gates.

Not unlike the froglok elders, the Bashers were mesmerized when their eyes first caught sight of the faces that emerged from Innothule's waters. However, the enthralling sight was not glorious to them, but rather a horrific vision. The first thoughts that came to them were of their god. An epiphany occurred simultaneously among the small crowds of trolls. As they stood on the familiar shores of Innothule, each one began to understand... they must have somehow angered their god... and the assault that was coming towards them must be his final act of retribution.

The battle lasted only hours. From the first call of alarm, to the moment the last of the terrified trolls scurried into the Feerrott and the sands of Ro, the frogloks were clearly blessed. The trolls were reduced to an almost primal state. Those that stood and fought were quickly reduced to a smoldering and broken mass, evidence of the true power of what would be called the Guktan army. The Lance of Mithaniel could only triumph in their mission. Grobb stood decimated before them.

Gukta, the outpost of Marr... The visions that awaited them in the waters of Innothule that first night were not wrong. As the first light of morning broke through the haze and smoke of battle, the frogloks worked quickly to erect proof of their victory. Before the noon sun reached its pinnacle, the city was transformed. Grobb was no more.

Lore Chapter 5 - The Exodus to Neriak

Moving under the concealment of night, the trolls made their way towards the sanctuary of the dark forest. Elder masters, long settled in as trainers and city leaders, found themselves leading the weary droves north along almost forgotten routes. Many had not seen the lands beyond the Serpent's Spine in decades. The events that transpired during the morning's battles served as a reminder to the trolls: defeat lies ever in wait for the unwary. Those same events offered many of the younger trolls a first glimpse at the raw savagery and unbending will shared by their race in battle. These scenes filled their minds and fueled their hatred, a burning focus for the days ahead. For the trolls, their primal need for revenge smoldered, uncontainable. Every step they took to the north magnified their hate.

Only as the travelers approached Neriak's dimly lit mouth did the realization of what had transpired begin to solidify for many of them. No conflict so tumultuous and savage had occurred within the memory of the young trolls. Stories of loss are rare in troll lore, and thus their culture lacks a true point of reference. Weaned on the fruits of cruelty and spiteful savagery, these refugees left more than their homes behind as they fled the swamp's shelter. Taking refuge in their dark allies' city left a brutal hole in the trolls' pride... and Neriak is a poor haven for the weak and wounded.

To further their own goals, the elves refrained from showing their complete disdain for the vanquished swamp-dwellers. Allowing the trolls to settle in the already crowded district of the Foreign Quarter provided many opportunities for monitoring this strange series of events. A mild tolerance would be the most hospitality they would offer, as weakness had little place in their damp, hate-filled halls. Only the innately malicious intelligence of the Teir`Dal restrained their cruel nature... and anyone could see that something strange and new was afoot. The trolls and their predicament needed to be studied.

As the trolls settled in, they found themselves to be a curiosity amongst Neriak's dark citizenry. Rumors of the events in Innothule had circulated long before the displaced trolls arrived. Many agents of the shaded paths had witnessed the events in the south. Even before the first of the refugees had settled into their small piece of Neriak's Foreign Quarter, shadowy agents were sent to prod them for information. Neriak is not a hostel to be entered for free.

Stories of trolls intelligent enough to sail out of the gulf and enter Grobb through the use of magic earned the royal house's curiosity. The theft of the artifact and the transformation of the frogloks were minor details to the dark elves. Their main priority was to determine the nature of this lost tribe of trolls and their cloaked companions. If the rumors held true, this new brood from the sea might possess something more significant than the troll stone. Perhaps Broken Skull Rock contained secrets that could help the Teir`Dal to increase their power? It was hard for the strategists to keep their minds from drifting towards the nearest harbor town and the tactical advantage they would have in taking it, should they seize control of the ocean to the east. If something within Broken Skull Rock gave trolls the ability to command the seas, what power could it offer a more intelligent race?

Lore Chapter 6 - In Pursuit of the Stone

An icy breeze whistled across the hills, parting the fog around a worn dock. The ship creaked and groaned with with the efforts of the salty crew to bring her to shore. A slight elf quickly nodded to an Erudite captain before disembarking the ship. He nimbly slipped past a Kejekan fisherman, completely unnoticed, before disappearing into the mountains.

The midnight journey through the black waters had been nerve-wracking for the elf. Throughout the voyage, the crew had muttered charms of warding as they worked, their eyes searching the darkness for signs of marauding ships. The cargo hold of the old ship had been cramped, and the food bad, but he had made it. The trip was well worth it, as he had made a marvelous discovery and needed to bring word to Kelethin at once. He had found a way to the island.

As the Teir`Dal turned their thoughts to the sea, so did many keen minds across Norrath. News of Grobb's fall, along with rumors of piracy and great powers, spread to the far reaches of the realms. Councils were held amongst city leaders and factions, debating what should be done in this changing time. It had been so long since an event of this magnitude surfaced that the oldest sages were called forth to address this development.

The once peaceful seas had become places of danger and robbery, and the power emanating from the Gulf of Gunthak could conceivably pose a threat to all of Norrath. Trade lines that crossed the sea were severed and packages were not reaching their intended destinations. Communication between the continents would have been lost without the powers of magic. Many factions sent scouts to the Gunthak region, with orders to bring back information on the prophecy, the Grozmok stone, and the mysterious Broken Skull Clan.

Travelers quickly realized that passage to Broken Skull Rock would prove most hazardous, as the pirates now ruled the seas. The increasing power of this renegade band had spread through the Gulf of Gunthak and the Buried Sea, making travel all but impossible.

One particularly astute scout of Tunare sought a safe route to Broken Skull Rock. In his travels, he happened upon a smuggler transferring goods to the island, departing from a remote dock in the Stonebrunt Mountains. This was far from the normal routes the pirate ships patrolled. After a bit of bargaining the elf procured passage on his ship. This proved to be a reliable method for reaching Broken Skull Rock, though the journey was dangerous and there was no guarantee of safety upon arrival.

When the scout returned to Kelethin with the news, messengers were sent at once to other key figures across Norrath. To aid the cause, the Academy of Arcane Sciences and the Druids of Surefall devised new magics for swift travel to the Stonebrunt Mountains. As copies of these spells made their ways into the hands of some of the shadier merchants in the Commonlands, adventurers of all sorts began heading to Broken Skull Rock. A variety of motivations drove these aspiring heroes to Odus: Some sought treasure, some looked to exact revenge upon the clan that had wronged them, and some felt the call of a higher cause.

In Faydwer, many feared that the Dark Elves might gain possession of the stone and warp its power for their own, twisting and bending the world to do their bidding. This must not be allowed to happen, the elves of Faydwer swore. If the hand of Innoruuk had reached this island and empowered such foul creatures, what other horrors could be in store for the civilized realms? What new tragedies would befall the ever-changing world of Norrath in the years to come?

Target Toggle (March 13, 2003)

** Interface ** Added a command to allow you to toggle your target between your two last targets (unlike Tab which toggles between your character and your last target). To set the key that activates this feature, just open your options window and select the Keyboard Tab. If you select all categories, the entry will be the last one on the list, called Toggle last two targets. This was actually added with our last patch.

** Windowed Mode for the EverQuest front end ** (April 11, 2003)

This patch introduces the ability for players to enter windowed mode at the EverQuest front end (from the time you log in until you get into the game). With this addition, players will be able to run EverQuest in a window from the moment they click on the EverQuest icon to the moment they log out. In order to switch to windowed mode on the front end, just hit Alt-Enter. Note that there are no settings in the eqclint.ini file for this, you just have to hit Alt-Enter. Use Alt-R to release the mouse from the EverQuest window (note that once in the game, you need to use Alt-Shift-R to release the mouse). And, obviously, Alt-Tab will switch between open programs. We have also added a Tech button that will take you to our Tech Chat. This only works in windowed mode, as it opens up a new window to display the chat.

Acrylia Caverns, Hollowshade Moor and Grimling Forest have been revamped. (April 23, 2003)

We have updated the content in these zones to more accurately represent their design intentions and to address concerns voiced by players. 

Context Tips (May 14, 2003)

In order to provide helpful information at the time a player needs it, we have added several context tips. These tips will pop up when a player uses a certain feature or a specific event occurs. We hope this will help our new players to more easily understand the gameplay and controls for EverQuest. These tips may even be useful to long time players.  However, if you wish, you can choose to turn off any specific tip, or turn off all of the tips using the check boxes in the Context Tips window.

Plane of Hate (May 14, 2003)

** Hate Plane ** The new Plane of Hate is now available on all servers! The Plane of Hate is an old favorite of many players, and we were careful to retain as much of its old charm as possible (and all of its old quests).  At the same time we created all new geometry for the zone using our newer tools and newer design ideas.  Old and new players should find this zone to be a lot of fun and a fair challenge.  Remember, the price for the Fuligan Soulstone of Innoruuk has been cut in half.

+2 Shared Bank Slots (June 11, 2003)

Shared Bank Vault - We've added two shared bank slots to the interface. These extra bank slots can be accessed by any character on the same account and server. No-Drop and No Rent items can't be placed in these bank slots, and only one of any specific Lore item can exist in the shared bank at any time. NOTE: In order to see the new Shared Bank slots, you will need to use the default bank window, or modify your custom bank window to include the new slots.

Spell Context Menus - (June 11, 2003)

This is a new interface menu that will make memorizing spells less tedious. To access the spell menu, just right-click an empty spell gem. This will open a list of spell categories. Point your mouse at a category and a list of spells will be displayed. Select a spell from that list to memorize it in that slot. Your character will sit down, memorize the spell and stand back up.

Spell Favorites (June 11, 2003)

Spell favorites are an easy way to memorize a full set of eight spells without the tedious book searching. Right-clicking on the spellbook icon in your spell window will open up the spell favorites menu. You will be able to save your current spell lineup as a favorite, delete a favorite or memorize all the spells in one of your already saved spell sets. You can save as many as ten sets of spell favorites. As with the new spell context menus mentioned above, this will not replace the spellbook, it is meant to make memorizing large numbers of spells more convenient.

Spell Descriptions - (June 11, 2003)

We have expanded the spell description window. Along with the information that has always been available, we have added an explanation about what the spell does in general that includes damage and duration when appropriate. You can see these new descriptions by right-clicking and holding on the spell scroll, the spell gem in your Spells window, or the spell icon in your spellbook.

NPC Names - (June 11, 2003)

 Many NPCs will be displaying additional titles to make it clearer what their job is. For example, an NPC that sells tailoring supplies may have the title [Tailor Supplies] under their name. This will help folks find the proper merchant. It's analogous to them hanging out their shingle.

Veksar (June 11, 2003)

Since the rediscovery of the lands of Kunark, there have been rumors springing from the ancient lore of the Iksar. Most of those rumors remain unfounded, as gaining access to the lore of the insular Iksar is no easy task. One of the most persistent legends is about a city that lies buried under the Lake of Ill Omen. That city was called Veksar, and it is up to you to discover the tale of its fate.

Gram Dunnar and the Intricate Wooden Figurine (June 11, 2003)

Planes of Power access - Planes of Power has provided us with valuable insight into the group and guild dynamics that are involved in large scale games. The way that we had expected guilds to advance through the story of Planes of Power has become a problem for some guilds as some members have fallen behind and found it difficult to catch up. Obviously this was not our intention. We want people to play with their friends and guild mates. To correct this issue, we will be allowing characters to enter the following Planes of Power zones by meeting a simple level requirement: Level 55 and over: Plane of Storms; Plane of Torment; Plane of Valor; Crypt of Decay. Level 62 and over: Bastion of Thunder; Halls of Honor. Characters that don't meet the level requirement may still enter these zones using the existing flags, and raids may still bring additional unflagged or lower level characters with them. All other planes with flag or story requirements for entry will still require those flags, and those flags can still be obtained as they always have. This will make the majority of Planes of Power zones available to characters over the minimum level, and will allow their guilds to travel and adventure together in the planes. We understand that those that have already earned the entry flags for these zones have put some effort into that accomplishment. We will be giving a reward to those that have done so, though you'll have to wait to see what that reward is. Noted Later: The reward for planar progression has been added. If you have completed the requirements for flags for the newly opened Planes of Power zones, you may wish to visit Gram Dunnar in the Plane of Knowledge. If you have completed the requirements for flags for these zones, you may wish to visit Gram Dunnar. Part of the reward for gaining entry flags is in the form of experience. +++ Before speaking to Gram Dunnar, be sure you have your experience distribution set as you'd like it between standard and alternate advancement experience. +++

Droga and Nurga moving to Live servers - (July 10, 2003)

These zones were revamped and sent to Legends, and now they are moving to the Live servers. This is a great chance to revisit these zones.

Chardok - (July 10, 2003)

Treachery and lies are not uncommon in the court of the Overking. But there are some unusual rumors being told by some unusual adventurers. Some say that there is strife within the council of the Overking, and that heroes may find adventure there while that strife lasts. OOC: We're introducing a new zone and a new zone type. The Halls of Betrayal is a "pocket zone", and new type of zone for EverQuest. It will exist for a short time to be part of the storyline, and then will be gone. So if you're going to see it, now is the time. 

Caverns of Exile (aka Solusek C)  - (August 6, 2003)

** New Adventure in Lavastorm! ** In the depths of the Lavastorm Mountains there is only one ruler. But even his burning breath and power have their limits. Rumor has it that there is wealth and danger in locations even further below the boiling lands than Lord Nagafen can reach. These tales have been spreading like ripples on a calm lake, and their point of origin appears to be an upstart barbarian named Morden. Some say that he's already delved these fabled caverns and taken what there was of value. Other say that he couldn't have carried it all off by himself. But most say that he's a rogue, a teller of tales, and not to be trusted. Will you discover the truth and brave the heat, or will you sit beside your cozy campfire and listen to stories? This new adventure zone will only be around for a while, so you may want to visit soon.

'Find' Feature (August 26, 2003)

Find Feature added. This will create a mystical indication of the path to take to find certain people. This feature works in the Bazaar and in newbie zones and cities. In the Bazaar you just click on the merchant you seek in the Bazaar window and click the Find Trader button. For all other uses, just hit CTRL+F to open the window, select someone on the list and click the Find button. This will locate any Bazaar trader or any NPC with an alternate name, such as (Spell Vendor). The exception is that it will not locate NPCs in the Wayfarer's Camps.




The generic strats / info below are from successful raids that I was part of, from research and / or from what I recall. The below info should be adapted, as seen fit, by your Raid Leader. Key emotes may also be noted below. Raid make-up (classes, levels, Player skill levels, etc.) can and do make a difference on raid strategy options and winning or losing. In any situation, Players fulfilling their roles, using assist, and following emotes is always essential. There is always more than one variant strategy that can successfully defeat a raid. As Levels increase, defeating old raids can prove much easier and more forgiving (even as a group or solo / molo, depending on how old the raid event is). However, sometimes, certain mechanics still have to be honored. It has been known that in some events, due raid mechanics, too much DPS; killing MoB X before MOB Y; and similar, can bug the raid and cause it to fail. The below info does not include details on how to complete raid-related achievements. Those are noted elsewhere on this page, if any. Some of these targets may require 'zerging' into the zone get to them (killing stuff along the way). They may also have 'adds' which are often more like trash MoB's that in the general area. The original / older targets / encounters were pre-raid window events. Raids were more of a collective effort, or better, an extremely challenging group event. Any effects noted below  often 'scale to level,' so the effects can be lesser or greater than stated, depending on raid force levels. On Progression servers, targets can use 'Mitigation of the Mighty' (mitigates Spell Damage, Melee Damage and absorbs DoT damage), at least until such time as certain later expansions (typically, expansions that are at least seven-plus expansions after the expansion of the related target). While older targets are static open world (non-instance) events, there are now an Agent of Change in various locations that will provide instanced version of the same event (which are noted below, if any).

If I missed anything or got something wrong, let me know!


Captain Krasnok

(Level 65)

Captain Krasnok is the end Boss for Legacy of Ykesha. Area effects include PB Mana Drain DoT (-50 Mana per tic); a Slow DoT (15% Slow, -100 HP per tic); Stun with a Dispell and DD (-100 HP); and Spell Slow (-50% Spell Haste). Captain Krasnok is undead.

This event takes place in the static zone.


(Level 70)


Luggald Broodmother

(Level 59)

Crypt of Nadox Innoruuk is spawned by killing The Luggald Broodmother and the 'chosen' trash MoB's in the area. Innoruuk has a knock back and dispels. This event takes place in the static zone. If the trigger (Luggald Broodmother) is not up, you can not activate this event.

Spiritseeker Nadox

(Level 60)

Crypt of Nadox Uses a 100 HP DoT with a 100 HP DD. Spiritseeker Nadox is part of the Shaman Epic 1.5.




Recognitions and credits for all involved with developing and creating EverQuest, for the current and past expansions, can be seen by clicking the 'Credits' button at the bottom of the Server Select Screen and then viewing the 'Current Expansion' or the 'Previous Expansions' tab.

They can also be found in your EverQuest Directory (credits_current.txt & credits_previous.txt).

A huge thank you to all involved!


If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last Updated October 27, 2024

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.