Here be where thirteen met their fates... right here through these gates! -- Bonzz
Gates of Discord was the 7th expansion, released in February 2004.
Gates of Discord added:
It was during this expansion that EverQuest upgraded to DirectX 9.
In my opinion, the Gates of Discord expansion added positive changes to the game had the best intertwined progression EQ has ever seen... despite the controversies that surrounded it (primarily related to the content being tuned for Level 70 Players, but Player Levels were left at Level 65).
This expansion was priced at $29.99. It included an Taelosian Morphemic Staff as a bonus in-game item (a click buff for +700 Faction with the Nihil and Yunjo). The boxed version had a printed Gates of Discord map, as well as a key chain replica of the Taelosian Morphemic Staff.
Gates of Discord Taelosian Morphemic Staff key chain (in-box item). |
General | 2 | 70 |
Progression | 4 | 40 |
Exploration | 21 | 210 |
Hunter | 13 | 200 |
TOTALS | 40 | 520 |
There was not any new Specialty Coin introduced with this expansion.
The Assistant Researcher's Symbol is related to progression, somewhat. Outlined here.
The Tome of New Beginnings is related acquiring items from the end-raid zone, Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver. Outlined here.
While Spells, Disciplines and Songs can drop as loot, all Spells, Disciplines and Songs can be purchased in the Plane of Knowledge, up in the Library.
There were no Rank II or Rank III Spells, Disciplines or Songs.
'Muramite' (aka 'Abysmal') armor was the new gear, that had variant names for each Class related to the NPC that the Armor was 'quested' with (i.e. 'Trimdet's' for Paladin's...).
Did I miss any? Let me know!
Dakkamor's Gaelin's Harlad's Jennu's Jymall's Kanleku's |
Kizash's |
Nolaen's Nunkin's Pressl's Rayin's Trimdet's Vadd's |
Any special instanced zones are not included, unless they involve a traveler achievement.
Abysmal Sea Barindu, the Hanging Gardens Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia Forgotten Halls Ikkinz, Chambers of Destruction Inktu'Ta, the Unmasked Chapel Kod'Taz, Broken Trail Grounds |
Natimbi, the Broken Shores Nedaria's Landing Qinimi, Court of Nihilia Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling Riwwi, Coliseum of Games Sewers of Nihilia, Emanating Crematory Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of the Trapped Ones Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludge |
Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Plant Tacvi, the Broken Temple Tipt, Treacherous Crags Txevu, Lair of the Elite Uqua, the Ocean God Pantry Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles |
The Black Gemstone of Suffering (name can vary by class) was a Progressive Augmentation for this expansion. It is also known as the 'BiC' (Breakdown in Communications) Aug.
Outlined here.
Search Bonzz's Site by typing a keyword(s) in the box below.
Achievements listed in the below sections are not necessarily listed in alphabetical order. They are generally listed in the order seen in the game (at the time they were added to the lists below). Use Control-F to "Find" a specific achievement that you may be looking for. All of the the below achievements should apply to all classes (they are not class specific).
Achievements for this expansion were added after the fact, when Achievements were first introduced with the Underfoot expansion. They have been added to and / or modified since then, as well.
NOTE: Any rewards highlighted in YELLOW might be worth pursuing, due the fun factor, benefit or usefulness of the reward (you decide).
NOTE: Some miscellaneous “hints” may also be included in PURPLE. These hints are intended to enhance / clarify the "how to" for accomplishing the achievement.
NOTE: Anything in RED text is either an informational comment, or data / details that is not fully verified. If you can verify or provide correct information, please do (see end of page)!
NOTE: Items noted as a "REWARD" are items granted from the achievement, itself. Items listed as "ACQUIRED" are unique item's that can be / are / should be acquired along the way, towards completing the related achievement, but are not actually a reward granted from the achievement itself. In fact, the achievement may even be for acquiring said item. Additionally, only the more "unique" Achievement awards are noted below... "common" or "generic" Achievement Rewards like Alternate Advancement points, Character Experience & Coin, are not noted in the Reward options below.
NOTE: Hunter Achievements were added for a number of expansions (Gates of Discord to Underfoot) with the May 2021 Patch, and were modified / updated for errors in at least three subsequent Patches. Progression Achievements were added with the Terror of Luclin Expansion.
Gates of Discord Traveler 021514 |
10 | Complete the (10) listed achievements and / or the (11) listed optional achievements. | If you don't have one all ready, you should get a Journeyman's Compass. Click the Journeyman's Compass to gain another Level of the Journeyman's Speed Alternative Advancement (if it isn't all ready maxed out). |
Gatebreaker 052521 |
60 | Complete the (3) listed achievements. | Gatebreaker's Chest (20-slot, 100% bag); Title: "Gatebreaker" & Suffix: "the Gatebreaker." |
Riftbreaker's Ornaments 120721 |
10 |
Acquire alternative access to Qvic (there is no actual key item). You will need Warmly-plus Faction with the Yunjo Slave Resistance and / or the Nihil. Talk to Tulma Erandi in Riwwi, the Coliseum of Games, to get a Carved Stone Statuette. Head to Barindu, the Hanging Gardens and give it to Harvester Dramudi, hail and follow along to get a Sharpened Stone Blade. Equip it and go attack Overseer Oltix (area of -175, -35) with it (it will disappear) and kill him. Loot Oltix's Weekly Reports and the Riftbreaker's Belt. Head to Kod'Taz, Broken Trial Grounds and give Oltix's Weekly Reports to Pixtt Nemis (area of -475, -925) and kill the MOB's that attack you (Pixtt Nemis & his two Guards, as well as Pixtt Sem`Tach). Loot a Riftbreaker's Right Bracelet. Now head over to a malicious trusik (near the Yxtta, the Pulpit of Exiles zone), hail, follow along to get a Reinforced Poison Satchel. Head into Yxtta to loot (3) Crag Beetle Spittle (from a crag beetle), (3) Cavern Spider Venom Sacs (from a dark cavern spider) & (3) Globules of Cragbeast Bile (from a ravenous cragbeast). This is behind the locked area, so you may need to unlock it (outlined here). Combine them inside the Reinforced Poison Satchel to make a Full Reinforced Poison Satchel, go back to Kod'Taz and give it to a malicious trusik, to get a Vial of Foul Toxins. Head to the pool (area of 20, 30), click the Vial of Foul Toxins in the water and kill all attackers, to include Pixtt Quyes. Loot the Riftbreaker's Left Bracelet. Lastly, you need Riftbreaker's Binding, which can drop from the Cynosure Kvanjji and / or Iqthinxa Karnkvi raid events in Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling. Once all (4) Riftseeker items are in hand, to finish up, zone into Kod'Taz from Natimbi, the Broken Shores, by way of the Stone in the northwest corner area! |
Cipher of Txevu 120721 |
10 |
Acquire and / or use the Cipher of Txevu. |
Polished Stone Key 120721 |
10 | Acquire and / or use the Polished Stone Key. |
Jade inlaid Key 120721 |
10 |
Acquire and / or use the Jade Inlaid Key. |
The Abysmal Sea Traveler 121514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
The Forgotten Halls Traveler 121514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Natimbi, the Broken Shores Traveler 121414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Qinimi, Court of Nihilia Traveler 121414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Riwwi, Coliseum of Games Traveler 121414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia Traveler 121414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Barindu, Hanging Gardens Traveler 121414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludge Traveler 121414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapped Ones Traveler 121514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Plant Traveler 121514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Sewers of Nihilia, Emanating Crematory Traveler 121514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Tipt, Treacherous Crags Traveler 121514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns Traveler 121514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Kod'Taz, Broken Trial Grounds Traveler 121414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Ikkinz, Chambers of Destruction Traveler 121514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Yxtta, Pulpit of the Exiles Traveler 121414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry Traveler 031514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling Traveler 021414 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Inktu'Ta, the Unmasked Chapel Traveler 031514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Txevu, Lair of the Elite Traveler 121514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Tacvi, the Broken Temple Traveler 031514 |
10 | Go to the noted zone. |
Novice Hunter of Gates of Discord 052221 |
30 | Complete the (4) listed achievements. | Gatebreaker's Satchel (12-slot, 100% bag). |
Hunter of Natimbi, the Broken Shores 052021 |
10 | Defeat the (6) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Qinimi, Court of Nihilia 052221 |
10 | Defeat the (5) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Riwwi, Coliseum of Games 052221 |
10 | Defeat the (11) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia 052121 |
10 | Defeat the (9) listed targets. | N / A |
Adept Hunter of Gates of Discord 052421 |
30 | Complete the (3) listed achievements. | Gatebreaker's Rucksack (14-slot, 100% bag). |
Hunter of Sewers of Nihilia 052421 |
10 |
Defeat the (12) listed targets. NOTE: You will have to hunt in all (4) instances / versions of the Sewers to fins all the targets. The instances are given by Gamesh, in Barindu, the Hanging Gardens (Keywords: Plant, Crematory, Lair or Pool... depending on which version you want) . |
N / A |
Hunter of Barindu, the Hanging Gardens 052421 |
10 |
Defeat the (5) listed targets. NOTE: Colossus of War can only be attacked and killed during the BiC event. This means that Ikaav Ixvet Pox has to be up (a 24-hour +/- 6 hours spawn). If Ikaav Ixvet Pox is up, you must not kill her before you kill Colossus of War (or else he can't be killed). Also, you need to kill, one, not both, Aneuk Controller, to activate the Colossus of War. |
N / A |
Hunter of Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns 052221 |
10 |
Defeat the (6) listed targets. NOTE: This is an instance given by Udranda in Barindu, in Barindu, the Hanging Gardens (Keyword: Vxed). |
N / A |
Veteran Hunter of Gates of Discord 052521 |
40 | Complete the (3) listed achievements. | Gatebreaker's Backpack (16-slot, 100% bag). |
Hunter of Kod'Taz, Broken Trial Grounds 082121 |
10 | Defeat the (24) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles 052321 |
10 | Defeat the (5) listed targets. | N / A |
Hunter of Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling 052321 |
10 | Defeat the (8) listed targets. | N / A |
The generic strats / info below are from successful raids that I was part of, from research and / or from what I recall. The below info should be adapted, as seen fit, by your Raid Leader. Key emotes may also be noted below. Raid make-up (classes, levels, Player skill levels, etc.) can and do make a difference on raid strategy options and winning or losing. In any situation, Players fulfilling their roles, using assist, and following emotes is always essential. There is always more than one variant strategy that can successfully defeat a raid. As Levels increase, defeating old raids can prove much easier and more forgiving (even as a group or solo / molo, depending on how old the raid event is). However, sometimes, certain mechanics still have to be honored. It has been known that in some events, due raid mechanics, too much DPS; killing MoB X before MOB Y; and similar, can bug the raid and cause it to fail. The below info does not include details on how to complete raid-related achievements. Those are noted elsewhere on this page, if any. Some of these targets may require 'zerging' into the zone get to them (killing stuff along the way). They may also have 'adds' which are often more like trash MoB's that in the general area. The original / older targets / encounters were pre-raid window events. Raids were more of a collective effort, or better, an extremely challenging group event. Any effects noted below often 'scale to level,' so the effects can be lesser or greater than stated, depending on raid force levels. On Progression servers, targets can use 'Mitigation of the Mighty' (mitigates Spell Damage, Melee Damage and absorbs DoT damage), at least until such time as certain later expansions (typically, expansions that are at least seven-plus expansions after the expansion of the related target). While older targets are static open world (non-instance) events, there are now an Agent of Change in various locations that will provide instanced version of the same event (which are noted below, if any).
NOTE: In some situations, flagging and / or keying is needed to access certain events, which is not outlined below.
If I missed anything or got something wrong, let me know!
a fury behemoth a rage behemoth |
Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry |
This zone, itself, presents challenges of it's own:
This event, the third area you get to, starts by talking to a spirit guardian, upon which a fury behemoth & a rage behemoth will attack. They hit for 3K and AoE Rampage. They drop an Orb of Fury and an Orb of Rage that you will need for a later event. This starts the 90-minute timer for the raid, in relation to the zone wide effect. |
Ageless Relic Protector |
Kod'Taz, Broken Trail Grounds - or - Agent of Change (Natimbi the Broken Shores) |
See here. |
Altar Construct | Ikkinz, Chambers of Destruction | Has a 3.5K PB AoE; a 60% Slow with a 300 HP DD and 200 HP DoT; and a 300 HP DD PB AoE. Quads and Rampages. Spawns adds that can hit upwards of 1.8K. Kill adds ASAP. |
Ancient Cragbeast Matriarch |
Txevu, Lair of the Elite - or - Agent of Change (Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling) |
The Ancient Cragbeast Matriarch can hits about 2.5K, summons and has abilities based on the active 'Bearer' MOB's (noted next). Kill Ancient Cragbeast Matriarch to win the event. There are also two (2) Mastruq Beast Warden (hit for about 2K, Rampage, summons, immune to stun and mez and can respawn). There can be up to six (6) of the following (can respawn after 5 minutes) that can give Ancient Cragbeast Matriarch the noted abilities...
Aneuk Nyrt Ymosa |
Txevu, Lair of the Elite - or - Agent of Change (Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling) |
Uses a PB AoE 100% Spell Slow with -500 Attack, -250 Stats and 1K HP DoT. Hits about 1K. |
Aneuk Rilst Uskst |
Txevu, Lair of the Elite - or - Agent of Change (Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling) |
Can Charm. Flurries. May have adds (?). |
Cragbeast Queen |
Natimbi, the Broken Shores - or - Agent of Change (Natimbi the Broken Shores) |
Spawns at midnight and despawns at 2AM. You have about six (6) minutes to engage and kill her. If killed, she has a 4.5 to 5 Day respawn timer. Has a PB AoE 50% Spell Slow with -200 Attack and 200 HP DoT; an 80% snare; a 65% Snare with 200 HP DoT; and a self buff spell reflect. |
Cynosure Kvanjji |
Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling - or - Agent of Change (Kod'Taz, Broken Trail Grounds) |
See here. |
Devastating Construct | Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry |
This zone, itself, presents challenges of it's own:
This event is started by giving Orb of Rage to the Spectre of Rage, the Orb of Fury to the Spectre of Fury (items acquired from previous event sin the zone). Once done, seven (7) a spirit guardian will attack (hit for 1.8K). Once defeated, the next area is where you will encounter Devastating Construct and some trash MoB's. Kill the trash MoB's and then Devastating Construct, who can hot for about 3.7K & AoE Rampages. |
Dvoin M`sha |
Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling - or - Agent of Change (Kod'Taz, Broken Trail Grounds) |
Has a pet; has an 800 HP DD; a 35% Snare with 20 HP DoT; a Stun; and a Stun with 75 HP DD. |
High Priest Nkosi Bakari |
Txevu, Lair of the Elite - or - Agent of Change (Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling) |
You need to kill all fie (5) of the 'Vrex Invoker' MoB's to activate this event. High Priest Nkosi Bakari Hits 2.9K. Has a -50% Spell Haste with 3K HP DD, 40% Melee Slow, 500 HP DoT and 55% Snare. The 'Shades' of the five (5) of the 'Vrex Invoker' will also attack. They can charm and hit for about 500 HP. When High Priest Nkosi Bakari reaches 50%, he can 'absorb' a 'Shade' (if any are still alive) to regain health to 100%. |
Ikaav Nysf Lleiv |
Txevu, Lair of the Elite - or - Agent of Change (Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling) |
Ikaav Nysf Lleiv uses a pet; has a self-buff 50% Mitigation of damage; can Charm; has a 1K Hp DoT with a 5K DD; and uses a 1K DD with -250 Attack, 100 Stats, 50% Snare. At 75%, 50% & 25% one of the the Vrex Stonemaster will activate. |
Iqthinxa Karnkvi Rav Gernkki Rav Karnkki Rav Marnkki |
Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling - or - Agent of Change (Kod'Taz, Broken Trail Grounds) |
Iqthinxa Karnkvi hits for 3K, uses swarm pets (x2) and a 20 HP DoT with 35% Snare. At 75% X will de-aggro and summon Rav Gernkki, Rav Karnkki & Rav Marnkki. They need to be kept within 10% of each other as you kill them. Once dead, you can finish off Iqthinxa Karnkvi. |
Ixt Hsek Syat Mastruq Champion The Runt |
Txevu, Lair of the Elite - or - Agent of Change (Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling) |
This event is known as the 'Gladiator Pit.' It can only eb activated is X is up. If so, simply wander into the area to activate it. When you do, The Runt will appear. Have one (1)... and only one (1) Player... with no pets... should attack and kill The Runt. Once done, Mastruq Champion and Ixt Hsek Syat will become active. Mastruq Champion should be killed first (hits 3k; single target Rampages; AoE Rampages; Immunes to Slow, Stun and Snare). Ixt Hsek Syat (hits 4K; Flurries; single target Rampages; uses a 175 HP DD with Stun; and a 3K DD with Knockback), at 90%, will call for the trash in the area to attack (a mastruq gladiator, a noc brawler and a ra'tuk bruiser). Kill the adds. At 15% Ixt Hsek Syat will call for Mastruq Champion to help, if Mastruq Champion is still alive and not on aggro. Kill them all to win the event. |
Ixt Kial Ivesi |
Txevu, Lair of the Elite - or - Agent of Change (Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling) |
Ixt Kial Ivesi hits for 4.5K; Flurries; AOE Rampages; is immune to slow; and uses a 175 HP DD with Stun. |
Ixt Quall Nalnn |
Txevu, Lair of the Elite - or - Agent of Change (Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling) |
Ixt Quall Nalnn hits for 4.5K; Flurries; AOE Rampages; is immune to slow; and uses a 175 HP DD with Stun. |
Keeper of the Altar | Ikkinz, Chambers of Destruction | Keeper of the Altar hits for 3K; is immunes to slow; summons; AoE Rampages; has a 6K DD Feign Death; has a 600 HP DD Stun; has a 500 HP DD; has a 2.2K HP DD Snare with a 2.4K Endurance drain; and has a 3K DD. |
Kelekdrix, Herald of Trushar | Inktu'Ta, the Unmasked Chapel | This event is activated by talking to Servant of Kelekdrix, which will spawn Kelekdrix, Herald of Trushar at the throne. Attack Kelekdrix, Herald of Trushar. Adds (Usher of Kelekdrix & Watcher of Kelekdrix) will spawn / aggro. The adds hit for 600 HP and use spells (2K HP DD with 300 HP DoT; Root; 30% Spell Slow with 1.5K Hp DD and 30% Melee Slow; PB AoE 4k HP DD). Kill the adds and Kelekdrix, Herald of Trushar activates. If you take to long to kill Kelekdrix, Herald of Trushar, the adds can respawn. |
Mastruq Commander Gorlakt |
Qinimi, Court of Nihilia |
Mastruq Commander Gorlakt is related to the Druid Epic. Mastruq Commander Gorlakt has a 500 HPD DD and a -50% Spell Haste with dispell. |
Mnat M`sha |
Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling - or - Agent of Change (Kod'Taz, Broken Trail Grounds) |
Has a pet; has an 800 HP DD; a 35% Snare with 20 HP DoT; a Stun; and a Stun with 75 HP DD. |
Noc Juggernaut |
Natimbi, the Broken Shores - or - Agent of Change (Natimbi the Broken Shores) |
Noc Juggernaut is related to the Druid Epic. Noc Juggernaut uses a major dispel and a 150 Manan Drain DD. |
Noqufiel |
Inktu'Ta, the Unmasked Chapel |
This event is also known as the 'Cursecaller' event (I call it the 'Death Race' event). To begin this event, talk to Noqufiel. Once done Cursecaller Fhqwhgads, Cursecaller Kiamquz, Cursecaller Qibaiz, Cursecaller Requarak, Cursecaller Towzaqu & Cursecaller Xavonique will activate around the room, but are anchored in place. They need to be aggroed (otherwise the event will reset after 60-seconds). They can Root; 75% Snare; have a 300 Mana / 300 Endurance DoT; and a 50% Melee Slow. They need to be killed ASAP. As long as they are alive, five (5) various 'cursebearer' adds will also spawn and attack, that will emote on (EMOTE: "The thoughts of a cursed trusik invade your mind, ..." random Players. They can hit for 100K and the Player that they emote on, they will give chase to. That Player needs to kite them around the room, because if the cursebearer catches them, it's a death touch. The Players need to keep on kiting until another emote indicates they have decided to pursue another Player (EMOTE: "The cursebearer advances with incredible speed. Nothing natural could possibly move that fast."). Kill the six (6) 'Cursecallers' (you can also kill the 'cursebearers, but melee attacks will be tricky). Once the 'Cursecallers' are dead, the door to the next area unlocks, where you will encounter Mirror Image of Noqufiel & True Image of Noqufiel (aka Noqufiel) that can hit for 3K. Remove any an all Damage Shields, because any damage to the wrong Noqufiel can trigger a 4.5K PB AoE. You want to DPS True Image of Noqufiel, not Mirror Image of Noqufiel. Along the way Mirror Image of Noqufiel and True Image of Noqufiel will swap places (morph), so DPS needs to be very attentive. As this process is happening, the 'Cursecallers' can and will respawn in the previous room. Have ranged / casters take them out ASAP. Additionally, Players can get banished outside the locked door. The door can only be opened by the Player that first unlocked it (otherwise a DD happens). Kill True Image of Noqufiel (aka Noqufiel) to win the event. |
Pixtt Grand Summoner (aka Summoners Ring) Hexxt Chaos Provoker |
Kod'Taz, Broken Trail Grounds - or - Agent of Change (Natimbi the Broken Shores) |
See Here. |
Pixtt Kretv Krakxt | Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver |
Pixtt Kretv Krakxt hits for 4.8K. Pixtt Kretv Krakxt will Feign Death at intervals. At 90%, Krakxt will Feign Death and four (4) an ikaav hatchling will spawn and attack (they hit for 1.5K; single target rampage; can be mezzed). At the same time, a non-aggro Reflection of Pixxt Kretv Krakxt will spawn and roam around the the room, casting AoE's (7K HP DD with Feign Death) on random Players. After the adds (ikaav) are dead, Pixtt Kretv Krakxt will re-engage. At 50%, Pixtt Kretv Krakxt will Feign Death and six (6) an ikaav hatchling will spawn along with three (3) Reflection of Pixxt Kretv Krakxt. After the adds (ikaav) are dead, Pixtt Kretv Krakxt will re-engage. At 30%, Pixtt Kretv Krakxt will Feign Death and seven (7) an ikaav hatchling will spawn along with four (4) Reflection of Pixxt Kretv Krakxt. After the adds (ikaav) are dead, Pixtt Kretv Krakxt will re-engage. Lastly, at 10%, Pixtt Kretv Krakxt will start AoE Rampage for full damage and spawn three (3) more an ikaav hatchling. Kill them all to win the event. |
Pixtt Riel Tavas a corrupted construct an unstable construct |
Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver | Pixtt Riel Tavas has two (2) helpers, a corrupted construct and an unstable construct. uses a 4K HP DD that can make you drunk (need Alcohol Tolerance of 50-plus); and a 7K HP DD Stun with Feign Death. At 50% Pixtt Riel Tavas gets stronger (faster and hits harder). At 30% the two (2) constructs activate (they have a 3K HP PB AoE and a 50% Melee Slow with 4K HP DD). Kill them. At 10% Pixtt Riel Tavas gets faster and starts to Flurry. Finish her off. |
Pixtt Suir Mindrider |
Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles - or - Agent of Change (Kod'Taz, Broken Trail Grounds) |
Pixtt Suir Mindrider can dispel; can Charm; has a self-buff mitigation / rune; has another Charm that includes a Stun with a 500 HP / Mana / Endurance DoT; has a -95% Spell Range curse; a -50% Spell Damage curse; a 50% Spell Slow; and a 50% Melee Slow. |
Pixtt Xictic Krvne |
Qinimi, Court of Nihilia | See Here. |
Pixtt Xxeric Kex an ukun juxtapincer an ukun lifebleeder an ukun manasipper an ukun ragehound |
Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver |
Pixtt Xxeric Kex can hit for 5.7K; Flurries; AoE Rampages; has a 175 HP DD with Stun; is rooted in place until 90%; can summon; uses a -500 Attack, -350 Stats with a 1.2K HP, -400 Mana, -400 Endurance DoT; and has a 4K HP DD with 500 HP DoT and -400 Wisdom / Intelligence curse. At 50% four (4) helpers spawn.. an ukun juxtapincer, an ukun lifebleeder, an ukun manasipper, an ukun ragehound... that can hot for 3K. They will respawn three (3) more times each. Kill them all. At 30% Pixtt Xxeric Kex gains strength. At 10% Pixtt Xxeric Kex will regen back to 40%, at which point you can finish her off. |
Primal Arachnid |
Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles - or - Agent of Change (Kod'Taz, Broken Trail Grounds) |
Uses a -500 Endurance / Manan DoT with -1K Attack and 1K HP; and a 4K HP DD with a 500 HP DoT with -400 Intelligence and Wisdom. See Here. |
Primal Insect |
Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles - or - Agent of Change (Kod'Taz, Broken Trail Grounds) |
Uses a 3K HP DD. See Here. |
Primal Reptile |
Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles - or - Agent of Change (Kod'Taz, Broken Trail Grounds) |
Has a 95% Snare with 50% Melee Slow; a 50% Spell Slow with a -15 Intelligence & Wisdom; and a -50% Spell Damage with -300 Attack. See Here. |
Ptav M`sha |
Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling - or - Agent of Change (Kod'Taz, Broken Trail Grounds) |
Has a pet; has an 800 HP DD; a 35% Snare with 20 HP DoT; a Stun; and a Stun with 75 HP DD. |
Smith Rondo Weapon Master Vtiink Vzaan Masters Apprentice (x4) |
Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia - or - Agent of Change (Qinimi, Court of Nihilia) |
See Here. |
Spiritlord Body | Qinimi, Court of Nihilia | Spiritlord Body is part of the Druid Epic. Uses a 500 HP DD. |
Spiritlord Mind | Qinimi, Court of Nihilia | Spiritlord Body is part of the Druid Epic. Uses a 50% Spell Slow with Dispel. |
Spiritbinder Trenzar |
Natimbi, the Broken Shores - or - Agent of Change (Natimbi the Broken Shores) |
Spiritbinder Trenzar is part of the Ranger Epic. Uses a 1.5K HP DD. |
Taskmistress Krisz |
Riwwi, Coliseum of Games - or - Agent of Change (Qinimi, Court of Nihilia) |
Uses a 35% Snare with 20 HP DoT. |
Tqiv Araxt the Enraged Tqiv Qukret the Furious |
Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry |
This zone, itself, presents challenges of it's own:
When you get to this area, clear the east and west wings simultaneously (split the raid). This sill activate / spawn four (4) construct of rage (hit 3K, AoE Rampage) & four (4) construct of fury (hit 3K, flurries). Kill them. Once done, if the event is not defeated in 30-minutes, the adds will respawn. Tqiv Araxt the Enraged uses a PB AoE 20% Spell Slow, 2K DD and 40% Snare; a PB AoE +40% Spell Mana Cost, 2K HP DD, 400 Mana Drain DoT; and a Stun with 5K HP DD. Tqiv Qukret the Furious uses a Spin Stun with 1.8K HP DD and a 2K HP DD, 300 HP DoT with a 300 Mana / Endurance Drain DoT. |
Tunat`Muram Cuu Vauax | Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver | See here. |
Ukun Bloodfeaster |
Txevu, Lair of the Elite - or - Agent of Change (Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling) |
This event activates upon entering the room. Along with Ukun Bloodfeaster (hits for 2.2K; Flurries; immune to Stun / Mez; and uses a 1K HP DD with 350 HP DoT and 25% Mele Slow); three (3) an ukun mauler (hits for 1.3K; Flurries; immune to Stun; and uses a 60% Snare with 50 HP DoT); and twelve (12) a stonemite corpseburrower (hits for 1.2K; and uses a 520 HP DD with a 160 HP DoT) will attack. Kill Ukun Bloodfeaster ASAP, as twelve more a stonemite corpseburrower will soon rush in from the next room, followed by twelve (12) more about 60 Seconds later. This will continue for the duration of the event. All MoB's are leashed to the two rooms. |
Vrex Barxt Qura Guardian of Destruction |
Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry |
This zone, itself, presents challenges of it's own:
This event is started by talking to Preshna the Lost, whereupon the Guardian of Destruction will attack (Stun with Feign Death, 1.5K DD; and a 2K HP DD with 300 HP / Mana / Endurance DoT). Vrex Barxt Qura (hits 3K, AOE Rampages, Flurries, Immune to Slow) will join the fray once Guardian of Destruction hits 70%. Off tank Vrex Barxt Qura and kill Guardian of Destruction first. Then turn to Vrex Barxt Qura, but don't DPS, so as not to kill him. At 40% two adds will become active (kill them away from the main raid). After a 3 minutes timer, Vrex Barxt Qura will go off aggro and twelve (12) adds will spawn (hit 1.4K). Mez one of the adds and you kill the other eleven (11), each of which will drop the HP of Vrex Barxt Qura by 1%. When ready, kill the last add and Vrex Barxt Qura will attack again. Kill Vrex Barxt Qura ASAP to prevent another twelve (12) adds. |
Zun`Muram Kvxe Pirik Balance of Defense Balance of Fury Balance of Rage Balance of Speed |
Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver |
Zun`Muram Kvxe Pirik is accompanied by helpers Balance of Defense, Balance of Fury, Balance of Rage, Balance of Speed, positioned (and anchored) around the room. At 80%, 70%, 60%, 50% & 40% Zun`Muram Kvxe Pirik will drop off aggro. At these points, Balance of Defense, Balance of Fury, Balance of Rage, Balance of Speed should all be DPS'ed down to match the health of Zun`Muram Kvxe Pirik, to negate any boosts to Zun`Muram Kvxe Pirik. Otherwise, Zun`Muram Kvxe Pirik will gain attack speed (from Balance of Speed); boosted mitigation and avoidance (from Balance of Defense); the ability to Flurry (from Balance of Fury); and / or the ability to Rampage (from Balance of Rage). At 20% will gain attack speed anyway. Kill him to win the event. |
Zun`Muram Mordl Delt | Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver |
Zun`Muram Mordl Delt hits for 4.8K. At 90% Zun`Muram Mordl Delt will Feign Death and two (2) fake versions of himself will spawn and attack. They it for 3.7K. Kill them or kite them until they despawn. At 70% Zun`Muram Mordl Delt will Feign Death and three (3) fake versions of himself will spawn and attack. They it for 3.7K. Kill them or kite them until they despawn. At 50% Zun`Muram Mordl Delt will Feign Death and four (4) fake versions of himself will spawn and attack. They it for 3.7K. Kill them or kite them until they despawn. At 30% Zun`Muram Mordl Delt will spawn two (2) fake versions of himself, but this time he will not Feign Death. They it for 3.7K. Kill them or kite them until they despawn. Kill Zun`Muram Mordl Delt to win the event. |
Zun`Muram Shaldn Boc | Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver | Zun`Muram Shaldn Boc hits for 4.8K; single target Rampages; and, at points in the battle, can go into a 'blind rage' for about 20-seconds at a time (hits up to 5.4K). |
Zun`Muram Tkarish Zyk |
Txevu, Lair of the Elite - or - Agent of Change (Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling) |
See here. |
Zun`Muram Votal |
Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia - or - Agent of Change (Qinimi, Court of Nihilia) |
See here. |
Zun`Muram Yihst Vor | Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver | Zun`Muram Yihst Vor is anchored in place; summons; hits for 4.5K; single target Rampages; Flurries; uses a Charm that includes -100 Attack, +50 DS, 250 Spell DS and +25% Melee Haste. He emotes at 90%, 75% and 50%, but they just seem to be 'flavor' text. At 20% he starts to AoE Rampage. Kill him to win the event. |
The Gates of Discord continued the Wayfarer's Brotherhood story with their discovery of the Taelosian (Taelosia) continent. This was because they noticed that the Globe in Skyfire Mountains clearly showed land on the other side of the Norrath. Morden Rasp led the Wayfarers to find it and once they got there, were faced with all sorts of varied and grotesque 'Muramite' creatures. They also discovered the civilized race of the Nihil. The Wayfarer Brotherhood determined that the Muramites had invaded this land and had nearly exterminated the Nihil. The Wayfarer Brotherhood then returned to set up camp in Nedaria's Landing and got to work encouraging others to venture to Taelosia to prevent Muramite forces from invading other areas of Norrath. Travel to Taelosia was possible by way of ship and / or Magus teleportation from Nedaria's Landing.
Recognitions and credits for all involved with developing and creating EverQuest, for the current and past expansions, can be seen by clicking the 'Credits' button at the bottom of the Server Select Screen and then viewing the 'Current Expansion' or the 'Previous Expansions' tab.
They can also be found in your EverQuest Directory (credits_current.txt & credits_previous.txt).
A huge thank you to all involved!
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last Updated October 27, 2024, 2024
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous. Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form. Any pages that play sounds / music, are intentionally set at low volume. Most of them are under two (2) minutes or less, and should play once and then stop. If any sound / music continues to loop (play over and over), let me know! EverQuest is copyright / trademark / owned / operated by Darkpaw Games, which is owned / operated by Daybreak Games, which is owned / operated by Enad Global 7.