Notes about defensive abilities.
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Not all Offensive skills / abilities are available to all classes. In fact, many of them are restricted only to certain classes and / or races.
Many offensive skills are automatic. This means you do not have to initiate them or act on them with any sort of command. This means you do not have to initiate them or act on them with any sort of command. They simply happen, by way of game mechanics. Which one happen by game mechanics can also be determined by what gear (weapons) you have equipped.
Certain abilities do not come into play until you reach a certain level. Once you attain that level -- you need to spend no more than 1 (one) training point on that skill. This is because the skill increases as it is used (via game mechanics) against light blue and higher MOB's. The higher the MOB to you, the better the chance of an increase. That single training point -- the first one you use to "learn" that skill -- is by far the most beneficial. That single point will gain you a skill level equal to the level in which you gain the defensive ability. That is -- if you gain the a skill at Level 17 and spend the 1 training point to learn that skill -- you should immediately have a skill of 17 -- not 1. To spend more than one (1) training point on a skill, therefore, would be a waste.
Most Skill Levels are controlled / limited by your current level, game maximums (caps) and / or your Class / Race. Generally, Skills can be increased by 5 for every Character Level you have attained -- plus 5 more. If you are level 20, you can increase to 105 (20 times 5 equals 100; 100 plus 5 equals 105). Thus, when new Character Levels are added to the game, Levels are also added to most skills.
Many skills can also be improved, advanced or expanded on via Alternative Advancement.
Outside that, you are also limited by game maximum levels based on race, character type and over all game limits. Example -- certain abilities are only available to certain classes or races, and maximum levels that you can achieve are often limited by those same factors.
Maximum skill levels can also affected by your current level, at times. Example -- the skill may be limited to a maximum of 120 when you are under Level 50. After level 51 -- you might then be allowed to go all the way up to 260 (51 x 5 + 5).
Some Defense Abilities / Skills require a Hot Key to use. These Hot Keys can be created from your Actions window (Alt M) from either the the Abilities Tab (Control A) (see below image, #1) and / or the Combat Page Tab (Control C) (see below image, #2), by right clicking one of the (6) boxes and clicking one of the options you see in the window that pops up.
EQ SECRET: In April 2017, a Patch added the ability for Players (Level 61 and higher), to "auto activate" certain offensive skills, rather than having to click a Hot Button all the time. Later on, the Level restriction was removed. Simply type the command /autoskill and you should get a list of Skills / Abilities that you can use this command with, on your character (class). Once you know which Skills / Abilities your character can use, simply type the command followed by the Skill / Ability name (example: /autoskill Bash) to turn it on. If you decide you do not want to "auto skill" with one of your Skills / Abilities, simply type the same command again to turn it off. You can also do this by right clicking the Hot Key for one of these Skills / Abilities (once you copy a Hot Key from your Actions Window to a Hot Bar... click and hold the Button in the Actions Window until it pops onto your cursor, and then click in in an empty slot of a Hot Bar) (see below image).
NOTE: If you have more than one skill you can use /autoskill with, you can only use it with one of them at a time. That is, unless you are a class like a Monk or a Beastlord, where you have both Punch and Kick attack skills... in those cases you use /autoskill with two skills at the same time.
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, these skills are random (chance activation) and automatic (you do not have to purposely activate them).
NOTE: This listing does not include "Skills" or "Abilities" that are only acquired by way of Alternative Advancement and are not skilled up (they do not appear in your Skills Window).
NOTE: This listing does not include all of the assorted Disciplines (Discs) from the classes that get them. However, the general topic of Disciplines is discussed below.
NOTE: Some Abilities / Skills may share a timer with other Abilities / Skills, so using one locks out both of them until the cool down / refresh timer runs it's course.
NOTE: To avoid confusion, Hot Button & Hot Key are often confused with one another. The terms are, for the most part, interchangeable... but there are (2) types of Hot Keys / Hot Buttons. One is an icon on your screen, while the other is an actual key on your physical keyboard, that can be used to activate on-screen Hot Keys. When Hot Button or Hot Key is used below, unless otherwise specified, it means an icon on your EQ Screen, not a key on your keyboard.
BE AWARE: Some "All / All" items include Skill Modifications that your class / race may, or may not, have or be able to use. Thus, it is possible you can have a modification to some skills you don't actually have (you are not a class / race that can use such skills).
1H Blunt (One-Handed) 1H Piercing (One-Handed) 1H Slashing (One-Handed) 2H Blunt (Two-Handed)
2H Piercing (Two-Handed) 2H Slashing (Two-Handed) Apply Poison Archery Backstab Bash
Disciplines (Tomes) (aka Discs / Combat Skill) Double Attack Dragon Punch Dual Wield Eagle Strike
Flying Kick Frenzy Hand to Hand (H2H) Kick Offense Piercing Round Kick
Slam Tail Rake Taunt Throwing Tiger Claw Triple Attack
Many of the above skills can be activated automatically using the /autoskill command, but only of your class / race has and can use such skills. See above.
Other Skills / Abilities
Abilities Attributes Bonuses Defenses Magic
Disciplines are different from Abilities, as they do have be learned and activated to use them.
You have to go buy, quest or otherwise obtain a "tome" (specific to the discipline).
Not all Disciplines are Offensive... some are Defensive.
Simply "right click" the book (tome) from inventory to "learn" the discipline (you no longer have to turn the book in to a Guild Master to learn the discipline, as you once did in the past).
Like spells, not all classes get Disciplines and after a certain level, there can be Rank I, Rank II & Rank III versions of disciplines.
Combat Skills Window (Paladin version) with Combat Abilities Window on top (inset, bottom right corner).
Disciplines ("Discs") are activated via a Hot Key, that you can set up in the "Combat Abilities" window" (Alt C) (see inset #1, in above image).
You can (with some exception) only use one (1) discipline at a time (once a disc runs its course, you can then use another if you have the endurance).
To open the "Combat Skill" window (#3 in the image above), where all of your discs are listed (think of it like a Spell Book, but for Disciplines), click the "S" button on the Combat Abilities window (see #2 in the above image).
In the Combat Skill Window, there are 8 columns (see #4 to #11 in the above image). Disciplines can be sorted by any of those columns (just click the column header / name).
The first column (#4 in the above image) is a list of the names of your Discs (the ones you have "learned" or "scribed").
The second column (#5 in the above image) is the Character Level requirement to use / scribe each known Disc. Like Spells, many Discs are upgraded at higher levels, but with a different name. For this reason, I prefer to sort my Discs by Level (as shown), so I see the highest Discs at the top. After all, you want to use the highest Level Discs you have, not the lower level versions.
The third column (#6 in the above image) is the Cost of your Disciplines. Like Spells that use Mana, Discs use Endurance and the noted cost is the initial (activation) cost in Endurance. If you don't have enough Endurance, the Disc will not activate (it's just like being out of Mana).
The fourth column (#7 in the above image) is the "upkeep" cost for your Disciplines. This "upkeep" costs is, of course, the cost in Endurance, per tick, to keep the Disc going. If you run out of Endurance before the duration of the disc expires (noted below), the Disc will expire (stop) immediately.
The fifth column (#8 in the above image) is the "target" of your Disciplines, and that can be misleading on the surface. You can not use Discs to "buff" other players, as you can with some spells. There are basically (2) types of targets... "Self" (meaning your character) and "Other" -- which really means it is directed against your opponent (a MOB) in some way.
The sixth column (#9 in the above image) is a duration of your Disciplines (the maximum amount of time the Disc can last). If it is a Disc that requires upkeep (see above), then as long as you have the Endurance, the Disc will keep running until for the full duration noted. If you run out of Endurance before the noted Duration time is up, the Disc will stop / end immediately. If a Disc shows no Duration time (all zero's), then it is an instant effect.
The seventh column (#10 in the above image) is a list the "Reuse" timer for your Disciplines. Like Spells, Discs require a span of time before they "refresh" and you can use them again.
The eighth column (#11 in the above image) is the "timer" that your Disciplines are on. Like buffs, some are on the same timer category and, as a result, can not be used in conjunction with Discs that are also on that same timer. For example, if you use a Disc that is on timer "14" -- after it runs it's course the reuse timer still applies before you can use that Disc again. However, that doesn't mean you can't use other Discs, unless the other Disc that is on that same timer (14). You will notice that the other ALL of the Discs on timer 14 are affected by the reuse timer (see above) and none of the Discs on timer 14 can be used until the timer has run it's course.
In the middle section of the Combat Skills window (see #12 in the above image), there is a description of whatever Discs you have highlighted in the section (list) above it.
In the bottom left of the Combat Skills window (see #13 in the above image), there is a "Make Hotkey" Button. Clicking this button will pop a "Hotkey" button on your cursor to place on a Hot Bar or Combat Abilities window.
The Combat Abilities window can accommodate up to (8) Disc Hotkeys (see #14, in above image).
Some Combat Abilities can also be added to your Actions window (Alt M), to the Abilities Tab (Control A) (see below image, #1) or the Combat Page Tab (Control C) (see below image, #2). . These Hot Keys can be created from your the Abilities Tab, by right clicking one of the (6) boxes and clicking on a selection in the window that pops up.
To add a Hot Key to either tab, go the that Tab, right click any of the (6) boxes and a "Choose a skill" window will pop up that shows you what you can add (options) to the box you right clicked (not all options are Combat related). Simply click on which option you want, and the box you right-clicked will be populated with that selection. Now you can now use it just like any other Hot Key.
Actions Window: (1) Abilities Tab (right) and Hot Key Options (left); (2) Combat Page Tab (right) and Hot Key options (left).
Apply Poison is a Rogue Skill (Level 18), but it is antiquated.
Originally, Apply Poison served to allow Rogues to inflict even more damage to their foes after the initial strike. Now, it appears that it enhances the effect of Poisons used by a Rogue.
Originally, to Apply Poison, you needed an empty inventory slot to put a poison (potion) into, then right click the poison. If you were not all ready sitting down, this would force you to sit down, while the poison was being applied. Seemingly, this was also limited to piercing weapons, which you could reportedly save for later (the weapon was poisoned, as opposed to a "proc" buff). Poison applied in this manner would then last until you zoned or camped.
However, game mechanics have changed and these days, to Apply Poison, is simply a matter of clicking a Poison Potion, with any weapon type... and for any class (there are Rogue-only Poisons, however). This "new" way is actually a process ("proc") buff, complete with a timer and a counter. This means it will last a certain amount of time, or a certain number of procs, before it goes away. Usually, the counter will expire before the timer does, when you are actively fighting MOB's.
It is not currently clear how this Skill is leveled up, due game changes. It is suspected that it is either outright granted to Rogues, or it is skilled up by simply using Poison Potions.
NOTE: If anyone can provide better information on this skill, please do.
Archery is a skill for classes that can use a Bow & Arrow.
Archery is your skill at using Bows and Arrows. The better your skill the more likely you are to hit the target and the better the possible damage.
To use this skill, you will need to equip some type of Bow in your Range slot and Arrows in your Ammo slot.
Fired arrows are not recoverable.
To Level up this skill, simply use your bow. An easy and generally safe way to do this is to take a stock of arrows somewhere, find a group that is actively killing MOB's and shoot their MOB's (after you speak with them to let them know what you want to do and they are okay with it).
Archery is a range attack activated using a pre-made Hot Key found in you Actions Window on the Combat tab (Control C).
When using a Bow & Arrow, you can also use /autofire to shoot arrows for as long as you have arrows to fire and an active target to fire them at. If you are too close to an enemy, you can not shoot arrows at them. The distance at which you can shoot and arrow is primarily limited by the "Range" noted on the Bow and / or Arrows.
Backstab is a Rogue Skill.
This skill allows Rogues to do significant damage when striking an opponent from behind, when using a piercing weapon as their primary weapon (this is why Rogues prefer to engage MOB's from the rear).
At higher levels, Rogues can also Backstab from the front (AA Skill), but with lesser effect.
There is also a skill modifier for this ability, in your Inventory Window (Stats tab). This modification will add to the damage for this skill (a direct direct 1 for 1 correlation). The level of Modification you have is directly from the items / gear you have equipped.
Weapons (and Augmentations) can also have a 'Backstab Dmg.' stat. This Skill Modifier modifies the damage a Rogue can do with Backstab, and is based on the weapon in their primary hand. This modifier reportedly used the formula of 2 + (Backstab Skill * .02).
To use this skill, you need to create a Hot Key (see top of page).
NOTE: If anyone can provide better information on this skill, please do.
Bash is mostly a Plate Class Skill (Clerics, Paladins, Shadowknights & Warriors).
Bash allows you to use an equipped Shield to "Bash" an opponent. The effect is to cause some damage to the opponent perhaps even stun them and / or interrupt their spell casting.
With Alternative Advancement, some Classes can Bash without a Shield (while using a two-hand weapon).
To Bash, you will need a Hot Key. This Hot Key can be created from your the Abilities Tab of your Actions Window (Control A), by right clicking one of the (6) boxes and clicking on a selection in the window that pops up.
To Level up Bash, simply use it regular during combat.
There is also a skill modifier for this ability, in your Inventory Window (Stats tab). This modification will add to the damage for this skill (a direct direct 1 for 1 correlation). The level of Modification you have is directly from the items / gear you have equipped.
To use this skill, you need to create a Hot Key (see top of page).
Double Attack is primarily a melee Class Skill.
Double Attack is the ability to sometimes land two blows on an opponent, instead of just one. As a result, you do extra damage.
Dragon Punch is a special attack Skill for Human & Drakkin Monks (and an alternative version of Tail Rake).
It is also given to Beastlords.
It can knock back an opponent.
It is reportedly an upgrade to Eagle Strike (see below).
There is also a skill modifier for this ability, in your Inventory Window (Stats tab). This modification will add to the damage for this skill (a direct direct 1 for 1 correlation). The level of Modification you have is directly from the items / gear you have equipped.
To use this skill, you need to create a Hot Key (see top of page).
To Level up this skill, use it during combat.
NOTE: If anyone can provide better information on this skill, please do.
Dual Wield is the Skill / Ability to wield two one-hand weapons at the same time and potentially increase the amount of damage they inflict on enemies (Bards, Beastlords, Monks, Rangers, Rogues & Warriors).
It is said that Dual Wield is more effective if you put the fastest weapon in your primary slot.
To use this skill, simply equip (2) one-handed weapons.
Eagle Strike is a Monk special attack Skill.
Eagle Strike is reportedly an upgrade to Tiger Claw (see below).
There is also a skill modifier for this ability, in your Inventory Window (Stats tab). This modification will add to the damage for this skill (a direct direct 1 for 1 correlation). The level of Modification you have is directly from the items / gear you have equipped.
To use this skill, you need to create a Hot Key (see top of page).
To Level up this skill, use it during combat.
NOTE: If anyone can provide better information on this skill, please do.
Flying Kick is a Monk Skill.
This appears to be a Monk version of the Kick skill, that does more damage due the airborne weight of the Monk's Body and extended legs.
There is also a skill modifier for this ability, in your Inventory Window (Stats tab). This modification will add to the damage for this skill (a direct direct 1 for 1 correlation). The level of Modification you have is directly from the items / gear you have equipped.
To use this skill, you need to create a Hot Key (see top of page).
To Level up this skill, use it during combat.
NOTE: If anyone can provide better information on this skill, please do.
Frenzy is a Berserker Skill (not to be confused with the Beastlord / Shaman spell).
Frenzy is basically a skill that gives Berserkers 3-extra swings, and thus do more DPS (Damage Per Second).
There is also a skill modifier for this ability, in your Inventory Window (Stats tab). This modification will add to the damage for this skill (a direct direct 1 for 1 correlation). The level of Modification you have is directly from the items / gear you have equipped.
This is your ability to fight bare-handed (no weapons equipped).
The better your skill, the better your chances for hitting your opponent and the more damage you may cause.
To use this skill, you need to create a Hot Key (see top of page).
To use this skill, simply unequip any weapons.
Kick is a Monk, Ranger & Warrior Skill that allows them to damage opponents by Kicking them.
To damage "magic" creatures, you need to be wearing "magic footwear" (it will say "Magic Item" in the Item Window).
There is also a skill modifier for this ability, in your Inventory Window (Stats tab). This modification will add to the damage for this skill (a direct direct 1 for 1 correlation). The level of Modification you have is directly from the items / gear you have equipped.
To use this skill, you need to create a Hot Key (see top of page).
To Level up this skill, use it during combat.
Offense is your general / overall Offensive ability.
Offense is your ability to successfully hit an opponent and perhaps how much damage you will do when you hit them.
Raising your Offense Skill can also raise your Attack.
This is your ability to use one-handed weapons that are "blunt" weapons (like a hammer).
The better your skill, the better your chances for hitting your opponent and the more damage you may cause with this type of weapon.
To use this skill, simply equip and use a one-handed blunt weapon during combat.
This is your ability to use one-handed weapons that are "pierce" weapons (like a dagger).
The better your skill, the better your chances for hitting your opponent and the more damage you may cause with this type of weapon.
To use this skill, simply equip and use a one-handed piercing weapon during combat.
This is your ability to use one-handed weapons that are "slash" weapons (like a sword).
The better your skill, the better your chances for hitting your opponent and the more damage you may cause with this type of weapon.
To use this skill, simply equip and use a one-handed slashing weapon during combat.
At one time there was only this single Piercing Skill, even though there were one-handed and two-handed piercing weapons.
This skill, as far as I know, does not exist anymore. It was replaced for all classes with "1H Piercing" (see above) and "2H Piercing" (see below).
Round Kick is a special Beastlord & Monk attack Skill.
Reportedly, for Monks, Round Kick is an upgrade to Kick (see above).
As a Beastlord, Kick is better than Round Kick until you invest in the Feral Swipe Alternative Advancement (AA). Once you acquire that AA, Round Kick will then be better than kick, because it can trigger Feral Swipe.
There is also a skill modifier for this ability, in your Inventory Window (Stats tab). This modification will add to the damage for this skill (a direct direct 1 for 1 correlation). The level of Modification you have is directly from the items / gear you have equipped.
To use this skill, you need to create a Hot Key (see top of page).
Slam is a skill of large races (Barbarians, Ogres & Trolls), that can do damage, potentially stun and possibly interrupt the spell casting of enemies.
Slam does not have it's own Skill Level category. Instead, it functions off of your Bash Skill (see above) and does not require an equipped Shield to use. In fact, when using the Slam Skill, it can Skill Up your Bash Skill.
If your class does not get the Bash Skill, Slam will only inflict 1 point of damage and will never improve.
It is said that if you use an illusion, the Slam skill is not be available to you. At the same time, Players who use a Barbarian, Ogre or Troll illusions, do not gain the ability to use Slam, either.
To use this skill, you need to create a Hot Key (see top of page).
To Level up this skill, use it during combat.
Tail Rake is an special Iksar Monk attack Skill (and an alternative to Dragon Punch).
It can knock back an opponent.
It is reportedly an upgrade to Eagle Strike (see above).
To use this skill, you need to create a Hot Key (see top of page).
To Level up this skill, use it during combat.
NOTE: If anyone can provide better information on this skill, please do.
Taunt is your ability to anger MOB's so that they aggro you (slang for being “aggressive” towards you).
You might be be insulting their mother, challenging their bravery, or whatever... to taunt them an d divert their attention to you.
If it works, they will turn and focus their attack you, rather than someone else.
For instance, the MOB could be assaulting your healer and interrupting them from casting heals, so you want to taunt them off the healer so that they will live and/or be able to cast those heals!
There are also other methods to increase / gain aggro and it sometimes appears, these days, that Taunt is the least effective (as in fastest) method to gain and / or maintain aggro.
The better your skill, the better your chances to successfully Taunt (bigger aggro hits).
To use this skill, you need to create a Hot Key (see top of page).
To increase this skill, you simply have to use it while in combat.
To Level up this skill, use it during combat.
This is your Ability / Skill in using throwing weapons (they have to be throwing weapons, you can't throw just anything).
Throwing is a range attack that is activated using a pre-made Hot Key found in you Actions Window on the Combat tab (Control C).
You will need some throwing weapons in your Ammo slot and your Ranged Slot, to use this Skill.
Thrown Weapons are not recoverable.
The better your skill, the better your chances for hitting your opponent and the more damage you may cause.
To Level up this skill, simply throw weapons at MOB's. An easy and generally safe way to do this is to take a stock of throwing items somewhere, find a group that is actively killing MOB's and throw at their MOB's (after you speak with them to let them know what you want to do and they are okay with it).
When Throwing weapons, you can use /autofire to throw them automatically, for as long as you have weapons to throw and an active target to throw them at. If you are too close to an enemy, you can not Throw weapons at them. The distance at which you can Throw is primarily limited by the "Range" noted on the weapon.
Tiger Claw is a Monk special attack Skill.
Tiger Claw, reportedly, is an upgrade to Round Kick (see above).
There is also a skill modifier for this ability, in your Inventory Window (Stats tab). This modification will add to the damage for this skill (a direct direct 1 for 1 correlation). The level of Modification you have is directly from the items / gear you have equipped.
To use this skill, you need to create a Hot Key (see top of page).
To Level up this skill, use it during combat.
NOTE: If anyone can provide better information on this skill, please do.
Triple Attack is basically a Melee class skill.
Triple Attack is your ability to land three blows instead of just one or two blows, in a single attack.
This is your ability to use two-handed weapons that are "blunt" weapons (like a mallet).
The better your skill, the better your chances for hitting your opponent and the more damage you may cause with this type of weapon.
To use this skill, simply equip and use a two-handed blunt weapon during combat.
This is your ability to use two-handed weapons that are "pierce" weapons (like a spear).
The better your skill, the better your chances for hitting your opponent and the more damage you may cause with this type of weapon.
To use this skill, simply equip and use a two-handed piercing weapon during combat.
This is your ability to use two-handed weapons that are "slash" weapons (like a scimitar).
The better your skill, the better your chances for hitting your opponent and the more damage you may cause with this type of weapon.
To use this skill, simply equip and use a two-handed slashing weapon during combat.
If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!
This Page Last updated February 20, 2023
This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous.
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