Notes about character skill modifications / bonuses.

It's your onus, to seek the bonus! -- Bonzz


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These are added/increased benefits, even if some are limited or are obtained via items (armor, weapons, augmentations...).

There may be limits ("caps") on some of these "bonuses" -- but it doesn't hurt to get them as high as possible to insure you get the maximum benefits. 



Accuracy          Avoidance          Clairvoyance          Combat Effects          Combat Endurance Regen

Combat HP Regen          Combat Mana Regen          Damage Shielding          Damage Shield Mitigation          DoT Shielding

Haste          Heal Amount          Luck (and Fusing)          Melee Shielding         Spell Damage          Spell Shield

Strike Through          Stun Resist          Velocity

Other Skills / Abilities

Abilities          Attributes          Defenses          Magic         Offense 



Accuracy is your increased ability to land blows on your opponent, to include the use of projectiles (arrows and thrown items).

Dexterity plays a role in increasing this skill.




Avoidance is is your ability to avoid incoming melee attacks... completely.

Agility plays a role in increasing this skill.




Clairvoyance is mana recovery.

It has a chance to return 1 Mana, per Level, after you cast a spell, dependent on if the spell succeeded.

To be clear, if your have 25 Clairvoyance and successfully cast a spell, after the spell is cast, you should immediately regain 25 Mana, if Clairvoyance kicks in.

This is similar to a reduction in the costs to cast spells, but in this case rather than reducing the spell cost by a percentage, you get a set-amount of mana returned to you.



Combat Effects

Combat effects are your weapon processes ("procs").

This increases the chance that they will activate.

Dexterity plays a role in increasing this skill.



Combat End Regen

Combat End (Endurance) Regen (Regeneration) is how much Endurance, per tic, you regenerate while in combat.

This is a direct 1 for 1 correlation.

It should not be confused with non-combat (out of combat) Endurance Regeneration (per tic), which can vary based on if you are sitting, standing still, moving, what buffs you have on you, et cetera. This non-combat type of Endurance Regeneration is not included on the stats tab of your character.



Combat HP Regen

Combat HP (Hit Point) Regen (also known as just Regen or Regeneration) is how many HP, per tic, you regenerate while in combat.

This is a direct 1 for 1 correlation.

It should not be confused with non-combat (out of combat) HP Regeneration (per tic), which can vary based on if you are sitting, standing still, moving, what buffs you have on you, et cetera. This non-combat type of HP Regeneration is not included on the stats tab of your character.



Combat Mana Regen

Combat Mana Regen (Regeneration) is how much Mana you will regenerate (per tic), while in Combat.

This is a direct 1 for 1 correlation.

It should not be confused with non-combat (out of combat) Mana Regeneration (per tic), which can vary based on if you are sitting, standing still, moving, what buffs you have on you, et cetera. This non-combat type of Mana Regeneration is not included on the stats tab of your character.



Damage Shielding

Damage Shield (DS) is a bonus to any existing Damage Shields, adding 1 more Hit Point of Damage per Level.

To be clear, it will not cause damage by itself, but it will add to the damage of any Damage Shields (buffs / effects) you have active.

Strength plays a role in increasing this skill.



Damage Shield Mitigation

Damage Shield Mitigation was added via a patch in May 2007.

It simply mitigates the damage you take from MOB's, that have a Damage Shield (buff / effect) on them.

It lowers the damage you take by 1 per level.

To be clear, if your opponent has a 50 DS on them (buff / effect)... you will take 50 damage every time you strike them. However, if your your DS Mitigation is 35, that damage is reduced from 50, to 15.

It doesn't sound like much, but other mitigation factors can also play a role in reducing the overall damage you take.

Strength plays a role in increasing this skill.



DoT Shielding

DoT (Damage over Time) Shielding reduces the damage you take from DoT's. by 1 per level.

To be clear, if there is a DoT on you doing 500-damage per tic (every 6-seconds), and you have a DoT Shielding of 40, that 500 Damage is reduced to 460 per tic.

It doesn't sound like much, but other mitigation factors can also play a role in reducing the overall damage you take.

Wisdom plays a role in increasing this skill.




Haste is the speed in which you attack.

Your base Haste is 100%. The higher this number (percentage), the faster you attack. The faster you attack, the more damage you do (commonly referred to as DPS for Damage Per Second).

There are, basically, (3) types of haste that can modify each other: Worn Haste (Haste from something you have equipped); Buff Haste (Haste from a Buff cast on you); & "Over Haste" (such as from a Bard Song).

While you may have more than one Haste item equipped, or more than one Buff that modifies Haste and so forth, only (1) of them (the highest one) affects your actual Haste.

The most your Haste can be (currently), is 225%.

This stat is directly from the items / gear / buffs (it is not added to or modified by other stats).



Heal Amount

Heal Amount increases the effectiveness of your healing spells.

It appears to add +1 base healing, per level.

It doesn't sound like much, but other factors can also play a role in increasing heals, and this simply adds to that.

This stat is directly from the items / gear you have equipped (it is not added to or modified by other stats).




The Luck stat was added with The Burning Lands expansion.

Luck adds a small (percentage) chance to increase the chance / damage amount of critical attacks, success of tradeskill combines, how much coin drops form a defeated MOB and more.

Essentially, it can increase the chances of success, or boost the results of things (i.e. damage), for pretty much anything that has an element of randomness to it. The higher your Luck, the better your chances you will experience some good luck!

This stat is directly from the items / gear you have equipped (it is not added to or modified by other stats).

Items that have the Luck Stat, also have a maximum amount of Luck (shown as a percentage... so an Item with 7 Luck that is at 25%, means that item will max out luck at 28 Luck (see image below).

Items with the Luck Stat are normally "Lore Equipped" as well (see image below). What this means is that you can possess as many of them as you want to, but you can only equip (1) of them.

The reason these items are Lore Equipped is because you can take (2) of them and merge them ("fuse" them) together, into a single item, to create a new item that is +1 Luck better than the one that had the highest Luck before you combined them. So, if you have two of the same items that are at 5 Luck and 7 Luck, you can merge them to create a new 8 Luck item (=1 more than the previous 7 Luck item).

The increase is always just +1 (they don't add together).

Here is the process....

(A) You will need two (2) of the exact same item, that has Luck on it, even if they both have the same amount of luck (see image below).

NOTE: If an item is all ready at Maximum Luck (100%), there is no need to do this process (you can't).

(B) Remove any augs (augmentations) that you may have in either item.

(C) Acquire (1) Crystallized Luck (200K from Parcel / Noble vendors, 1K from the Loyalty Vendor or 200 DB Cash in Marketplace) and drop it into you Alternate Currency tab. It will not work if you drop it in your bags!

(D) Open up the item window for your equipped item. You will notice a button that says "FUSE ITEM" -- click the button and a new window will pop up (see image, below).

(E) In this "Fuse" window you will see two slots, with the slot on the left all ready populated by the item you clicked the Fuse button on. Drop the 2nd item into the slot on the right. On the right you will see data, to include "Result" -- which tells you what the luck will be after you fuse the two items together (see image above).

(F) Click the "FUSE" button (in the bottom left of the Fuse window, see image above). This will fuse the (2) items into (1) item and increase the luck by +1. To be clear, you will be left with just (1) item that has increased luck by only (1) over what the highest Luck was (on the two items you fused), before (see image below). The Crystallized Luck will be also be consumed in the process.

(G) Put your augs back in, equip it, and you are done. You can repeat this process until you maximize the luck on the item (100%).

There are Luck augmentations that primarily fit into Charms. Luck Augs can also be increased to 100% with the same process noted above.



Melee Shielding

Melee Shielding mitigates (reduces) the base damage of incoming melee damage.

It appears to be a direct 1 for 1 correlation.

To be clear, if you are struck for 5,000 HP, and your Melee Shielding is at 40, the damage you take will be reduced to 4,960.

It doesn't sound like much, but other mitigation factors can also play a role in reducing the overall damage you take.

Stamina plays a role in increasing this skill.



Spell Damage

Spell Damage adds to the effectiveness of your damage spells.

It appears to be a direct 1 for 1 correlation. So, if you cast a damaging spell, and your Spell Damage is 3,000, it adds 3,000 damage to your spell damage.

While it is believed this applies to proc's (processes), is is not clear if it also adds to DoT's (Damage Over Time) spells.

This stat is directly from the items / gear you have equipped (it is not added to or modified by other stats).



Spell Shielding

Spell Shielding reduces the base damage you take from incoming spell attacks.

It appears to be a direct 1 for 1 correlation. So, if you hit by a direct damage spell for 3,000 Damage,  and your Spell Shielding is 40, it reduces the damage you take to 2,960.

It doesn't sound like much, but other mitigation factors can also play a role in reducing the overall damage you take.

Wisdom plays a role in increasing this skill.



Strike Through

Strikethrough (aka Strikethrough) allows a chance you will by-passing your opponents active defensives, such as dodge, block, parry, and riposte.

It is a percentage chance. If you succeed with a Strike Through, the standard damage calculations still apply (you don't get bonus damage, unless other combat factor calculations call for it).

Basically, what this means is that if your opponent parries your attack (avoids your strike), this skill can counter that parry and allow your blow to land anyway, for what ever damage other combat calculations dictate.

Agility plays a role in increasing this skill.



Stun Resist

Stun Resist is your ability resist stun effects.

It is a percentage chance.

Stamina plays a role in increasing this skill.




Velocity is not really a stat, but it is listed on your Characters Stat Tab.

Velocity is actually more like a speedometer... how fast you are moving.

If you open this window and watch that stat, you will see it is at (0) (standing still or sitting). As you move around, it will go up as you move about.

How fast you can move varies based on if you are walking, running, on a mount and or what movement speed AA's / Buffs you may have.

You can move at a speed of 83-plus, depending on what Mount you have (while strafing).



If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulous server), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last updated December 31, 2022

This fan site is created and provided free (uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous.

Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originate from Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form.

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